We UricK PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERffOOJTBY fTHE RALEIGH REGISTER A50CIATI0N, - ?' - J . . ' : A 2' THE FOLL WIN O VER Y LOW RA TES: Dalljr Paper, 1 Year...... 6 Itfonth,. 3 Months' $6 DO ( ( 3 SO 1 month. ....... 60 Weekly Paper, 1 Year, ... 6 months, ...... 3 OO ...... 1 50 Daily Papkb to Clubs 50 cents per month. W XKKLT t'APJTR, lO -tUabB Of five Of QtOn at the rae a.5U per year, to uraoa or tea or more 22.00. STATE AND OITY G0VEEK1IE2TT. STATB GOVERNMENT. ; Jonathan Worth, Governor, salary, $4,000 wm. ii. cagief, rnviie oecrsmry, exclusive oi , R. W. Best, Secretary of State, (exclusive - fee?,) ; -. ; ' ;" : . K.' P. Battle, Treasurer,'" , r .. D. W. Bain, Chief Clerk to Treasurer, Si. W. Burgin, Comptroller, of i 150 1,50U 1,600 .. - Ooverxob's CduNCHi Win. A.Wright, of NewHan- ovcr. President ; Wm. Eaton, Jr.,: of Warren; Jesse O. Shepherd, of Cumberland ; Giles Mefcane, of Caswell; Thos. S. Ashe, of Anson ; Dr. Henry Joyner, of Hall- l lax ; and E. J.. Jones of Caldwell. W. O. Kerr, State Geologist, W. B. Pell, Stat Printer, O. H. Perry, State librarian, . ' Dixon Cohn,Snp. Pab. Buildings, John A. Gilmer, Jr., Adjutant General, $3,500 600 500 900 SUPREME COURT. The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh, semi-annually, on the second Vonda in Jan nary and second Monday fa June. - omciM. ' - JU h: Tearson, Chief J ustice, salary.. . . $2500 Hie.As-piate Justice, - Sinn H. Rosreral AllortiZLfeiieraL S. F. Phillips, Reporter, (exclusive or fees) E. B. Freeman, Clerk, " " James Li tchford. Marshal. 6U0 600 1 U. S. CIRCUIT COURT FOR N. C. Judge Geo. W. Brooks, of Pasquotank; District Attorney D. H. Starbuck, fcalem, N. C; Clerk N. J. Riddick, Raleigh ; Marshal DanielR. Goodloe, Ral- eigh. '" ' The United District Courts are held as follows 1 Edenton, 21 Monday in April and October. Saml T. Bond, Clerk. Newbern, 4th Monday In April at 1 October. Chas. Hibbard, Clerk. -Wilmington, ' 1st Monday after. Wm. Larkins, aerk. COUliTY COURT. S pecial Court J. B. Root, Chairman ; Henderson Hodge, Reuben Fleming, and Robert Wynn. Sheriff R. K. Ferrell; Deputy, J . Sid. Bryant. Clerk J. J. Ferrell ; Deputy, Junius Ferrell. Attorney Chas. M. Busbee. Register G- Wash. Taylor. Trustee Noel S. Harp. . Jurveyor Fendal Beves. Coroner Wm. H. Crawford. Masters of Weights and Measures Lougee & Bro ther. " Finance Committee M. B. Royster, N. J. Whit 'akerand Geo. W. Norwood. Clerk to Committee, George Whitaker. Wardens of the Poor Wm. R. Pool, Chairman; Jor dan Womble, Sr., Treasurer; W. H. Hood, Allen Adams, I. H. Collins, C. J. Rogers and Fendal Beves. Superlntendant of the Poor B. Perry, aerk of the Wardens R. P. Finch. i .. Jailor S. P. Gill. . Crier of the Court F- G. Xing. Times of Holding the Court Third Mondays in February, May, August and November. UNITED STATE OFFICIALS. U. S. Marshal Daniel R. Goodloe, on Edenton street at the ofic: of the late Hon. George E. Badger. Deputy- Marshal Maj. J. H. Foote, same office as above. . ... - , Clerk of the Feaeral Court N.J. Riddick. r Register in Banki nptcyand U. S. Commissioner twrT" Siandard" ofnce, on Hargett street. - ll,t ' ' - "Deputy Marshal C. L. Hams, same office. Assessors Jno. R. Harrison and J. G. Brommell, corner of Hargett and Fayetteville streets, np stairs. Deputy Collector W. B. Williams, same office. Headquarters, the Tucker Mansion, South side - of Nash Squared Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Assistant Commissioner, station, Head Quarters; Lt. Col. Jacob F. Churr, A. A. A. General, station, Head Quarters; Lt. Col. Thomas P. Johnson, Chief Q. M-, and Disbursing of ficer for North Carolina, station Headquarters; Capt.W.F. Smith, Post Surgeon, station, Headquar ters ; Dr. H. C. Vogell, Agent Sub District, station Headquarters ; Rev. E. A. Fiske, Supt. of Educa tion for N. C, station, Headquarters ; Dr. A. B. Chapln, Surgeon of Fair Ground Hospital, station. Hospital. . CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor W. D. Haywood. COXXISBIOirEBS. Western Ward J. Roy9ter. x - Middle Ward R. M. Betts, Parker Ovcrby, J. D. II. Battle, B, F. Cheatham, and A. N. McKimmon. Eastern Ward D. L. Royster, J. A. Moore. Clerk J. J. Christophers. J. J. Overby and Chief of Police E. E. Harris ; Assistant, Peyton Williams, , . ' Night Watch Howell Moss, -Captain ; Wash Over by, 'josiah Gilbert, Stanford Coeper, Tom Dancy, Marion Bryant and Calvin Luter. - Keeper or the City Pumps J . B. Suggs. City Collector Jas. Litchford. Weigh Master Len. H. Adams. Sexton A. Holt. FERB DEPABTMBHT. Chief Engineer. Jos. T. Backalan. Fire Company No. 1. C M. McKimmon, Foreman, C. D. Heartt, Assistant Foreman. " Fire Company No. 2. Jno. J. McGuire, Foreman, R. T. Bosher, Assistant Foreman. Hook and Ladder. H. T. Clawson, Foreman, Chas. Kcnster, Assistant Foreman. Bucket Company. W. C. Stronach, Foreman, Sam'l C. White, Assistant Foreman. . NORTH C R0LJNA RAIL ROAD. Mail Train (going East) leaves Charlotte RAleiffh 9:50 A. M., and at 9:40 Golds- A . JJ. . - " - .. boroatl2:43. , I . Freight Train (going East) leaves Charlotte at 4:11 . xt "i.riv0a ntRfliio-h at 12:00 M.. and at Golds- A. i'X-. " ' P . boro at 5;00 P. M. i . Mail Train (going West) leaves Goldsboro at i:uu P. M. Arrives at Raleigh at 3:50 P. M., and at Char lottelat 2:54 A.M. - ?' t Freight Train (going West) leaves Goldsboro at 6:00 A, M. " Arrives at Raleigh at 9:30 P. M., and at Char lotte at 7:00 Pi M. RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD, Mail Train leaves !,Raleigh at 9:40 A. M. Arrives at Weldonat 3:10 P.I. -, Freight Train' leaves Raleigh at 8:00 "a. M. Ar ives at Weldon at 5i40 P. M. Mail Train leaves 'Weldon' at 10:35 A.M. Arrives at Raleigh at 3:45 A. M. . Freight Train leaves Weldon 5:40 P. M. Arrive at Raleigh at 7;36 P. M. - - ; ',; Northern and Eastern mail arrives dally Sunday. . . . . . a ir -arnaa MADLS. exceptea 4 tr. jm. Ana cioses a. . n.- And closes 3:15 P. M. Fay ette vUle do. Roxboro', arrives every Wednesday 11 A. M. And closes 1 P. M. Leachburg do. . ' "Office hours from 7 A. M.,to 6 P. M. : .. BANKS. Bank W. B. Raleigh National Gulick, Cashier, . , FayetteTille Street-. John G. Williams, & " Fayetteville Street. Co , Bankers and Brokers, WMWMSMk .VOL. OFHOliL OEDEES- Importaut Order front Gen. Can by. HEADERS to MILITARY, DISTRICT, : CBaBLXSTOir, S. C, Dec 81, 1867. GurrBAL Okdxbs, I - I. Paragraphllof General Orders No. 10, from the Headquarters of the. Second Military District, dated April 11. 1867, Is moded as follows: ; - strrrs roB dbbts. . t " Judgments or decrees for the payment of money on causes of action arising In North Carolina between the 20th of May, 1861, and the 20th day of April, 1865, and in South Carolina between the 19th day of December, I860, and tho 89th day of April, 1866, shall not be en forced, by execution, against the person or property cf the defendant. Proceedings for such causes of action now pending shall be stayed, and no suit or process shall be Instituted or commenced on such causes of action until after the Civil government of the respective 8tatea shall be established, in accordance with the laws of the United Siates. Paragraph HI of the same order is modified as fol lows:- ... . or process under any judgment or decree of s court of lUg. so-called Confederate States, or . of the State of North Carolina, rendered between the 20th day of May, 1861, and the organization of the provisional government of said State, under the President's proclamation of the 29th day of April, 1865, or the State of South Carolina, rendered between the 19th day of December, 1860, and the organization of the - provisional government of the said State, under the President's proclamation of the SOth day Of June, 1865, unless the written consent of the defendant be entered on record, and except in cases where the plaintiff or his attorney upon oath, supported by corroborative testimony, shall allege that the defen dant is disposing of, removing, or about to remove, his property beyond the Jurisdiction of the court, with intent to defraud his creditors : - Jrovidea, that no such judgment, so rendered, within the periods afore said, shall be a bar to the commencement, in a State court, of a new suit upon the same cause of action in any case In which, by law, the defendant may remove or appeal the same to a court of the United States. . roBXcxosusx or KOUTsiexs. , " The sale of real or personal property, by foreclosure of 'mortgage, is likewise suspended in the cases embraced in paragraphs II and III, of said order No. 10 as above amended, -except in cases where interest money 'accruing subsequent to the 29th 61 April, 1865, shall not have been paid before the day of sale, and all previous restrictions on such sales are revoked. Paragraph IV" of the same order is modified by sub stituting the 29th day of April, 1865, for the 19th day ofMaylS85. - : ; ' ' Paragraph V of the same order is modified as follows: ' SUITS OX KXOBO DKBTS, All proceedings for the recovery of money on con tracts, whether under seal or by parol, the considera tion of which waslhe purchase of slaves made , subse quent to the 1st day of January, 1868, are suspended. Judgment or decrees entered for such causes oi action shall not be enforced. Paragraph VDI of the same order is modified as lol lows : HOXSBTZAIM. In all sales of property under execution or by order of any court, there shall be reserved out of the property of any defendant who has a family dependent upon his or her labor, a dwelling house and appurtenances, and (if in the country) twenty acres of land, or so much thereof that the whole shall not exceed in value the sum or two thoasaas dollars ; sad in a town o city, the immediate,lot upon which such dwelling house Is situated ; and necessary articles of furniture, apparel, subsistence and Implements of husbandry, trade, or other employment, to the value of live hundred dol lars. The homestead exemption shall inure only to the benefit ot families. In other cases the exemp tion shall extend only to clothing and implements of trade or employment usually followed by the defen dant, of the value of two hundred dollars.- The ex emptions hereby made shall not be waived or defeat ed by the act of any defendant,!ho has a family de pendent upon him or her support, and the exempted property, shall be ascertained , and defined by the sheriff or other officer enforcing the execution, who shall call to his aid two impartial citizens to make the necessary appraisement, andshall make report thereof to the court.' " . . - j ABBEST rOB rRACDUlJCNT DEBTS. Paragraph X is hereby , modified so as to authorize arrest in civil actions ex contractu only in cases where the demand is past due, and the defendant has been guilty of fraud in contracting the debt sued for, or has removed or disposed of his property, or is about to do so, with intent to defraud his creditors, or is about to leave the State with such Intent. XXXCUTOBS AND TBTTSTXBS. ' ' . ParasTanh XIV Is amended by adding thereto: All proceedings In any court of North Carolina, or of South Carolina, recognizing or sanctioning the investment of the funds of minor heirs, or of females, or of Insane persons, in the securities of the late rebel government or the securities of the States of North Carolina or South Carolina, created for the nurpose of carrying on the war against the government . of. the United States, will be suspended until the question of the valid ity of such investments shall have been determined by the courts of the United Slates, or by national le gislation. ' And nothing in the provisions ot this or der, or of the order No. 10 above cited, shall be held to bar or hinder the recovery, by suit, of the estate of any minor heir, female, or Insane person, cestuique trust) whether in the hands of executors, administrators, trustees, guardians, masters or clerks of equity courts, and other fiduciary agents, or Invested by them In their fiduciary character. v t DISTrLLBBIES. n. General Orders JNO. as, or may xu, lao t, ib revoxea; and on and after the first day of January, 1863, the dis tillation of spiritnous liquors in this Military District will be subject to such restrictions only as are imposed by the laws of the United States and of the States of North and South Carolina, respectively. BAB BOOHS. HL Paragraphs VI and VII of General Orders No. 82, dated May 30, 1866, are revoked, and the power to grant licenses for the sale of splritous or intoxicating liquors Is remitted to the proper local authorities, to take ef lect on and after the first day ol January, 1868, and to be subject to the foUowing conditions : 1. The municipal authorities granting the license .v.ii answerable that the parties to whomsuch S3Aaewaa . . licenses are granted, together with their sureties, shall be responsible persons, and ef good mora! stand ing in the community, and that both principal and sureties shall be able to qualify individually in double the amount of the bond required, and that the bond shall be a Hen upon the personal propertyof both prin cipal and sureties, and upon proof of default shall war. rant the summary seizure ana saieoi so mntn w we property of either or both as may be necessary to satisfy the forfeiture ev fine and cost. ' - i 8. Drunkenness and disorderly eonauct on ine prem ises shall work the forfeiture ot the license and of the penalty of thebond. ; ; - . rh owner or keeper of any bar room,saloon or other ipl.ee at which I . T,prtd or connected therewith, shall be re- pewu..- r , .. occurring on the premises, or directly traceable there- insr out OI any " '4. An bar rooms, saloons or other places at which intexicating Hquo" are sold, shaU be closed on the day or days of any general or local election, and for the twelve hours next preceeding the opening and next succeeding the dosing of the polls at such election : and the sheriffs of the counties and districts and the chief of police of cities and towns, shall hayepower to dl- i BhenSi, coroner and constables arehjgfeby direct- HLUf!r exS5C RALEIGH; N. C, FRIDAY ArEtl OON FEBnUABY rect the closing of bar rooms and other places for the sale of intoxicating liquors wherever it maybe neces sary in their judgement to preserve ; order and quiet. " ' 6. The proceeds of all license, forfeitures and fines, under the local regulations, or under; .the' provisions of military orders, will be devoted to the sopport of the poor, and as soon as realized will be turned over to the commissioners or overseers of the poor of the district, county, city or town In which they accured, and the commissioners or Overseers win at the end of each month report to the Provost Marshal General of the District, the amount received by them during the month, specifying the names of the parties from whom It was received. '- ' : 6. The penalties Imposed by this order or brthe 1- cal police regulations may be enforced in any civil or military court, anjjyrpon conviction the court may award to the informer a sunt not exceeding fifty per cent, of the forfeiture or fine.- And It Is made the duty of all sheriffs, constables andjporonerg of counties and districts, and the police of cities and to wns to be vigi lant in the enforcement of the police regulations and the provisions of this order In relation to the sale of intoxicating liquors. I . " The provisions of this, paragraph win be held to ap ply to such Hcensert granted under General Orders No. j V)SfifcFxr as jRrmaln unexpired aftertbelst vitfjinuary, 1868. DISTRICT COtmTS. i . TV. To promote the speedy trial of prisoners con-' fined for minor offences, and diminish the cost of their maintenance, all committing magistrates will on the 15th and last days of each month, report to the Judge of their county or district court aU commit ments made by them during the preceeding half month, specifying the date of commitments, the names of the prisoners and the offences for which they were committed, to the end that the judges may whenever in their pinion the number of (prisoners or other con siderations of Dublle interest call for it. hold snecial terms of their courts for the purpose of disposing of such cases. The additional expense of holding such special terms will be charged upon tne State Treasury, and the accounts therefor will be audited and paid, as accounts of a similar character are now audited and paid, and if the salaries now paid the judges should be Inadequate in view .of the additional labor perform ed by them, a reasonable addition upon the proper representations through the Governor of the State, will be allowed. - PILOTAGE. . V. The pilotage regulations now ex sting in tne State of North and South Carolina are so far modified that on and after the first day of March, 1868, all pas senger steam vessels, regulated by the laws of the United Stales, and carrying a pilot commissioned by the United States Commissioners, shall be exempt from the compulsory payment of pilotage. HOBTH CAROLINA POLL TAX. VI. So much of the act of the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, entitled " An act to raise monies, " ratified on the 26th day of February, 1867, as makes it' the duty of all persons and corporations to list and pay the (poll) tax of such persons liable to the same, as are in their employment, on ihe first' day of April of each year, as laborers," Is rescinded, and hereafter all individual taxes will be assessed directly upon and collected directly from the individuals from whom they are due ; provided, that the provisions of this order shall not apply to the taxes, levied for the current year, except that double poll tax shall not be enforced if the original tax be paid on or before the 1st day of March, 1868. By command of Brevet Major General Ed. R. S. Cabxti . , LOUIS V. CAZIARC, ' - ; Aide-deCamp, Actg. Asst. Ad, Genl. Extract from general orders No. 10, referred to in the above order of Gen. Canby : -Second." "Judgment or decrees ferthe payment of money on causes of action ar sing between the 19th of December, I860, and the 15th of May, 1865, shall not be enforced by execution against the property or the person of the defendant. Proceedings in such causes of action now pending shall be stayed, and no suit or process stall be hereafter instituted or commenced for any such causes of action." Third. " Sheriffs,' coroners and constables are hereby directed to suspend for twelve calendar months the sale of all property upon execution of process on liabilities, contracted prior to the 19th of December, I860, unless upon the written -consent of the delan dants, except in cases where the plaintiff, or in his absence his agent or attorney, shall upon oath, with corroborative testimony allege or prove that the de fendant Is moving or intends fraudulently to remove his property beyond the territorial jurisdiction ef the Court. The sale of real or personal property by foreclosure of mortgage is likewise suspended for twelve calendar months, except in cases where the payment of Interest money accruing since the 15th day of May, 1865, shall not have been made before the day of sale." Fowtk. ."Judgments or decrees entered or enrolled on causes of action arising subsequent to the 15th day of May, 1865, may be endorsed by execution, against the property of the defendant, and In the application of the money arising under such executions,-regard shall be had to the priority of liens, un less -4n cases where the good lalth of any lien shall be drawn in question. In such cases the usual mode of proceeding adopted In North and South Carolina respectively to determine that question, shall be adopt- "Flfthi All proceedings if or the recovery of money under contracts, whether under seal or by parolejthe consideration for which was thepurchase of negroes, are suspended. Judgments or decrees entered or en roled for such causes of action shall not be enforced. Seventh. In vall sales of property under execution by order ofany courts there shafl be reserved out of the property of any defendant who has a family dependent upon his or her labor, a dwell Ing house and appurte nances and twenty acres of land for the use and occupa- , tion of the families of the-defendant, and necessary. J articles of furniture, apparel, subsistence, Imple ments oi iraue, uusuauixry ur uiucr employment OI the value of $500. The homestead exemption shall Inure only to the benefit of families that is to say, parent or parents and child or ch Idren in other cass the exemption shall extend only to clothing, imple ments of trade or other employment -usually followed by the defendant, of the value of $100.' The exemption hereby made sha.1 not be waived or: defeated by the act of the defendant. The exempted property of the deiendant shall be ascertained by the Sheriff or other officer enforcing the execution, who shall specifically describe the same, and make a report thereof in each, case to the Court." ' ' v, . " Tenth. In suits brought to recover debts known sb actions ex contractu, bail, as heretofore authorized, shall not be demanded by the' suitor nor taken by the sheriff or other officer serving the (process : in suits for trespass, Ubel, wrongful conversion of property and other cases, known as actions ex delicto bail, , as heretofore authorized, may be demanded and taken, The prohibition of baU In cases ex contractu shall not extend to persons about to leave the State, but the fact of intention must be clearly established by proof." " Fourteenth. The punishment of death in certain cases of burglary and larceny imposed by the exlstinS laws of the provisional governments In this' military district. Is abolished. Any person convicted of burg lary or of lareency, when the property stolen is of the value of $25, of assault and battery witn intent ta am, or of assault with a deadly weapon, shall be deemed guUty of felony , and shall be punished by imprisonment at hard labor tor a term not exceeding ten years nor less than two years. In the discretion of the court having jurisdiction thereof. Larceny, when the value thereof is less than $25, shall be punished by Imprison ment at hard labor for a term not exceeding one year in th AlMrstion of the court." , r - - ' - - -.: ill. , 4 ; V. ;jtuxs statu c i :;i:r;cn3 " -V - " t iv'ft xrf 'irw -' i - - V'' '' . AJLLM . A. If, v. v4 i..3 isaea a . a. : enwuusfc rwau is, oemg jnaae in .Wiiuiirgton, N. C. "This 13 being" cfonedri accoctof the sand. Saw dust roads sbould bjfifde in Raleigh Ipn'account ol the mud, -The oloredboj arrested ia Fayettentl' uponyf. suspicion . of incendiarism, has-been discharged, there being no positiYe evidence Unt, him. ,. . . ; , -. , .. "T The Wilmington! ana are raising sub scriptions to purchase a steam fire engine. The htar does noi like the plan, and wants thkjQnumrissloners to purchase it. "The Wilmington Journal thus speaks of jSntton troupe now in that citj:aWe4 weroTpresent tor a fe vamnettts'tkl tndj entertainment given at Tbalian HallUs last evenipg by Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, sassist edby Mr. Howland; The audience was discouragingly slim in fact, the seats 'were very nearly all empty. What we saw oFthe performance left the impression upon our mind that the acting was far better than the house. : j . 3pn Sargent is still in New Berne. The Journal of Commerce,oi that city, is quite en thusiastic about it. isteu : Sargent the. gaeat illusionist hating dropped the drama will appear in his proper sphere as a magi cian on Thursday and Friday night, Febru ary 27th and 28th. Our citizens having seen him before are well assured that he is the very best magician that has ever visited the city, and we learn that he will-perform some of the most difficult illusions in his pro fession on these occasions. Let faif go and see him. . dF" The Weldon News is complaining of the bad weather, and says : "We awoke on Monday morning to find the ground covered with snow, and throughout the day hail, rain and snow continued to fall in mixed doses, rendering out dooring anything but pleasant and agreeable. The wise-acres say this is the breaking up of winter we trust it is, as we are out of wood and nearly out of money." We have several families in Ra leigh in the same fix, neighbor. - On Tuesday night last one or more darkies went to the plantation of Jno. H. Richardson, Esq., about six miles distant from this city, and killed -one ot his finest oxen. Mr. B. discovering the theft earlv in the morning followed the tracks to the city, and7acceeded in getting his beef (already slaughtered) and the best oi all, got the scoundrels, (three in number) and they are now in Craven jail ruminating over their felly, j We only hope that all our citizens will display the energy Mr. Richardson has in this case and our word for it, there will be less stealing in ,the county. Newoern J. of Commerce. Shooting Affray In St. Louis. In 6t. Louis recently, John C. Heron was so shockingly stabbed that a fatal result, it is feared, will ensue from the injuries he has received. On Sunday afternoon, Heron and a man named ! John Kinnefi and two other men whose names are unknown, were playing at the upigeon" game at the Branch saloon, when a quarrell arose between the two former, which led to a feeling of deadly hatred in the mind of Kinneff against Heron. The latter left the saloon about half past 6 o'clock, accompanied by a man named Den nis O'Brien. They were followed at a dis tance by Kinneff and a man named Patrick O'Brien They went to a stable near Mrs. Kate O'Brien's boarding' house, where He ron boarded, . and afterwards went into a neighboring house. When they came out, Dennis O'Brien stood on the sidewalk and Heron went into Mrs. O'Brien's. After a time, O'Brien heard a noise, and on going to see what was the matter, found Kinneff and Patrick O'Brien quarrellnig with,He '' ms ' a . '; " . 1 - ' , ton. ine latter enaeavorea to get away from them, and Tan into the kitchen, but they pursued him and the assault began. Heron 'was knocked on a bed in the room, and, although nearly all the stabbing ook place there, the parties present cannot say whether any wounds were inflicted -upon him while on the bed. - It is probable, how ever, that he was stabbed while in this help less position. He was thrown from the bed into the -corner of , the room, where he was stabbed many times. By some means he managed to get into the next room; or was dragged in by his assailants who did not cease to attack him. In addition to Dennis O'Brien, Mrs. O'Brien and a daughter were present, and endeavored to sa.ve Heron. An effort was made by them to push hira out of the window, but they could not succeed Kinneff and Pat O'Brien made off, leaving the victim of their assault lying in an ex hausted and fainting condition on the floor from the numerous wounds he had received. One of the members of the firm of the Piedmont Land agency is now preparing lec .tares on the Agricultural and Mineral re sources of the Piedmont region of Virginia, and intends very soon to make a canvass through New. York, Pennsylvania, New Jer sey, and other States of the North and West, with the view of inducing settlement in Vir .2&;i - . BLOOD i PUIt IFIER -. 'x IN THE .rorii . -! BXAD TU2 FOLLOWING : j We hereby certify that the Itosadalia is pre pared by a Physician who is an experienced Phar maceutist and Chemist, and that his remedy ia an emcient and reliable one la bCBOFOXa, Syphi lis &c., it having perfonned some remarkable cures In this vicinity. T 1 r - vv 11 lson, N. C, Febrnafy 4tfi,lfc6e. We" hereby certify that we regard Dr. Law rences uorapouna Kxtract of Kosadalis is a reli able Alterative A. D. MOORE, M. D. L. A. STITH, M. D. Wilson, N. C. May 10, 1867. Edgecombe Comity, N. C, May 3d, 1867. Dr. J. J. Lawrence Dear Sir : Please send meIrnmediately per Express to 'Tarboro', two dozen more bottles of your Bosadalis. I have carefully examined its Formula, and have used it in my practice in a number of cases. I am well pleased with it. I think it, beyond doubt, the best Alterative I ever nsed. . I have tried it in several cases of Scrofula and Scrofulous affec tions, &c, with much satisfaction to myself and patients. I have also used it in Secondary and Tertiary Syphilis,' one a terrible case of eight years' standing, in which it acted with surprising and satisfactory effect making a quick and tho rough cure.v " 1 have, therefore, no hesitation in recommending it' to Physicians and others, as the most reliable Alterative now known. ' . Respectfully yours, &c, A. B. NOBLES, M. D. A Wonderful Cure of Scrofulous White SweU- HOME. CKRTiyiCATK. I hereby certify. that last September I was at tacked with White Swelling of the left knee and also with an enlargement of the glands of the neck one tumor reached a large size. The swelling of the knee was enormous, and was at tended with the most excruciating pains. I was so reduced that I was confined to my room over three months. My leg was so completely drawn up that I could not bend it all. I tried various remedies, and they failed to give me any relief. I was in this condition when I commenced taking Dr. Lawrence's Bosadalis. The swelling in the knee and neck began to subside before I took all of. the first bottle. By the time I took the second bottle, the swelling of the neck entirely disap peared, and that of the knee nearly so. After taking three bottles I found myself completely well able to walk as well as 'ever, &c - LATIMER WHXIAMS.; Wilson, May 12, 1867. Jfosodalis mil cure the very worse ease of Chro ic Bheumatism. home cebtificate. i Wilson, N. C, May 6, )867. I hereby-certify that I was cured of long stand ing Chronic Rheumatism, by taking four bottles of Dr. Lawrence's Kosadaus. " ? . " . JAMES WILLIS. Bosadalis Cures Carbuncles, Boils, Pimples, &c. CERTIFICATE FB0J4 VAN OLD AND MUCH RES PECTED CITIZEN OF GREENE COUNTY, NOW A RESIDENT OF WILSON, N. C. I hereby certify that, during the summer and fall of 1866 I was severely afflicted with Carbun cles having had as many as fourteen large Car buncles, and twelve ordinary Boils. I suffered so much from them that I could not get out of the house half the time for several months. Being induced to try Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis, I was entirely cured by the use of one bottle of - that truly valuable medicine. ; W. A. HARDEN, SR.- Wilson, May 11th, 1867. . . , Consumption, in its Early Stages can be cured. Baltimore, Md March 4th, 1867. Dear Dr. Lawrence : Mr daughter having been cured of a deeply seated disease of the lungs by your Rosadalis, I feel it my duty to make the fact known to yon for the benefit of others. She suffered nearly two years with a hard cough, which troubled her day and night; at last the emaciated form, glassy eye, night sweats, together with the cough, told too plainly that it was Con sumption, beyond question, eating at her vitals. Our Physician's remedies brought no relief, bhe was advised to try your Rosadalis; as a tonic which she did imagine my surprise and gratifi cation, when I found her appetite returning. Slowly she regained her strength, her cough and night sweats gradually ceased, and she is now; . . '1 ' r , . .1 - 1 r . alter taxing nve uotues 01 your meaicine, appa rently as well as ever. , , Yours, respectfully, Mrs. E. ANN SMITH. Bosadalis' Cures all Shin Diseases. SALT RHEUM CURED 1 . REMARKABLE CURE ! I Dr. Lawrence, Wilson, N. C: My Dear Sir For the last ten years, until recently, I suffered with an inveterate eruption of the skin called by Physicians Salt Rheum," with which I suffered terribly; the pain and itch ing was almost intolerable. I tried several of the best Physicians, in Europe and this country have visited several celebrated springs spent thousands of dollars, and failed to get any better. In De cember, 1866, being in Charleston, b. C, I was told by a gentleman at the hotel that neiad been cured of a bad tetter by a medicine called "Rosa dalis.'' I resolved to "try it, without any hope though of its doing me any good. I procured a bottle of Messrs. King & Cassidey, and com menced taking it. Finding, to my surprise, that I was improving, I bought four other bottles ; bnt before commencing on the last two, I found I was completely well the disease having entirely dis appeared- Enclosed find One Hundred Dollars, which please accept as a token of my gratitude. Why do you not make your invaluable Rosadalis widely known? : - Your sincere friend, .: ,, : W. T. SELTZER. EST" Beware of Conhterf eits. J 7 tW See that J. J. LAWRENCE & Co., is blown on the bottle and stamped on the cork. rgrSent anywhere Try Express on receipt of Price. - For sale oy WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD, : - Druggists, Raleigh, N. C. eta-am, - ; ' ."..lv .;' 1:1 A -c- a- OM8iaw.oiKday;;;V Hi three days.. . four ears. M one week... .Ten lines, in closely set aia t to constitute a square. -"-r t ' fSyCohtract Advertisements V" ately low rates. "'. r"-"' AH letters' connected Jt jff aaust be addressed to tbci TXK, Ealeigh, N. 1IIS0ELLA TJtlPORTAN -a. EVERY IDUKG u) ough Practical Bosini: the old established PRACTICAL I Fom, V Of the d inW THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE OF BALTIMORE. t .. THE COLLEGE IN MARYLAND Which has introduced the system of actual business practice , to any extent '' SPLENDID BANKS, " BUSINESS HOUSES AND OFFICES in successful operation. Every 'Student becomes a Merchant, Book keeper and Banker, and goes; through with- the whole business routine of Buying and Selling, Shipping, Importing, etc., etc. The Most Exteneite , and Most Elegantly FurnisJted Establishment ' of the hind in the United States. Every Young Man should write immediately or pur-large Illustrated College Journal, con taili ng Terms of Tuition and full particulars, which', will be sent by return mail free of charge, with samples of Money, Commercial and Business Papers and Beautiful Specimens of Spencerian Penmanship Address E. K. LOSIER, Principal, jul 19-ly. Baltimore, Md. "TV1 OTICE TO SHIPPERS OF IN . SPIRITS TUBPENTINE THE SEABOARD INLAND AIR LINE Via Portsmouth, Vav,. - ': . is now prepareu to ssiup - SPIRITS TUBPENTINE - . ' - . T I To Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, its Steamer having been arranged for that purpose. - This Air line Route, from the fact of its avoid ing trans-shipment from one steamer to another, to which other lines are subject, andlbein the direct line between the arolinas and the North ern cities, with daily communication to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, and to Boston a steamer every five, days, offers great facilities for mm 1 ( 11 il . shipping, ana is in advance 01 au ocner routes from three to five days and at as low rates. In shipping from the- Northern cities, or from fJarnTina. h carflf 11I to shin via Portsmouth bv - the steamship lines connecting with and forming part of thisroute. FronBoston, Merchants' and Miijers' Line, E. -" Sampson, agent, end Central Wharf. From New York, Old Dominion Steamship Company, Pier 32lNorth river, M. L. McCready, President, office 187 Greenwich street. From Philadelphia, Clyde steamers, 14 South LDelaware Avenue, W. P. Clyde, agent. Annamessic Line, .Philadelphia, Wilmington . j and Baltimore Depot, "J. L. Wilson, agent . From . Baltimore, Bay Line bteaniers, toot of Union Dock, R. L. Poor, agent. " All claims for loss, damage or overcharge, promptly settled by applying to JAS. McCARRICK, Trace A-er.t, Seaboard Inland Air Line. Portsmouth. Va. THE SEABOARD & ROANOKE R. R- AND A Y l I N Having been consolidated under one manager ment from Weldon to Baltimore, offer greater fa cilities to shippers of freight to and from Baltimore than any other line, and guarantee safety of freight and prompt settlement of all claims. E. G. GIIIO, ' , Superintendent Transjxrtation S.'ftnd.K. R. W. C. SMITH, Snirihtendent Bay Line Steamew. janl7-2m rpHE YOUNG LADY'S lit! END, 1 . Specimen Copy 10 cfx.. THE LADIES HOME MAGAZINE, " Specimen Copy 1" ctx. These are favorite montWy Per'uMtu iilv. lit n fnl Dremiums offerel.'to tetters otof --1n! lisi-.. Send for Specimens' to - W. T.-IIORNER, NoV2 tf -; . Buffalo, N. V. rjlAYLOIt, MARTIN & CO., . IMPORTERS. AND hEALKllS IS " - - y Hardware, Cutlery, Bar Iron and Htwl, Wnpt Material, House Funiisluirg Gh1, Puriis ers' and Mechanics' Tools, every I)?s cription of Hardware for 3Iillin - lTUposes, Ami xjanus, Iiwji and Hemp Packui, &c, &c, &c, tjorner iain orreei anfi iarKei rnjunrr, jan28-2m Norfolk, Va. JOHN, THE BARBER, resctfully announ ces to his old frieh!;4 and customers that he has removed from ntar. tlie Court House to Fay etteville street, in the lasenient of the building occupied by Mr. A. D. Royster, confectioner. lit invites them acd strangers visiting Raleigh t call and see him, promising to erve them artist'.- cally in all the branches ot ins business, - Jano-tf. OF ABVEI 7 ....... .Tr. . - 1 - s .,fi.vV. 'v