. " - ii i.r 'i - I - iJ ...... saw;. Jnvrffotie' day,. ..$ 75 .., 1 25 A?vo days,,. ; Colly r- . - . -t j I 75 four dajC v. five days,... .v one week,. .2 25 . V 75 i . ; ft I 1 . J ,o .... Tea lines. In closelv set emajlype, tt fifty words, t to constitute a ! "T . f . "t Contract Advertisements UVen at proportion-v ;;. ately low rates. .:-'''A ... 4, PA AFTERNOON, MARCH' 4, '1868.' J PRICE 1 FIVIS CENTS. ' AH letters connectea wl'" ku ""ss or tne Office mnat iw iirtrese w " " M Raleigh, N. - - r ' , rTrrrr xiRTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. f 1,003 ; i .' '''V''- ' ... . . r " - T'" " " - THE 3EST, :slve of l.C'JO V v CV.::. ' -:-- ,";;..-, -....,,.1,800 ' OVr " --- - . t Iton Jrn of ,'Wrrts: Jetw G. land ; CiJa IIc!s 6( Caswell; JcV.a A- Ciller, jr., Aljutiat General, ; SDO -; fTIi3 Sapresie Cort cf ITcrti Carolina It held t 1! . 'L Eczil-tanr.- j, ca the secoad Konfia la Jan- rrj D1! iBecond Holiday la Juae. - 1 -i . ;. . orncrr.s , . .. : . . . ... H i utju jncte o usiice t 9KflO ,500 i., u. . j s, t . J -, . ,t ... ; Slon XL Sogers, Attorney General. 3. F. PhiUipa, Ke porter, eiclualTe of fee S. B. Freeman Clerk,-. - , J amee litchford; Marehial. . , ' ' t . 600 600 U. 8. CIRCUIT COURT FOR N, C At Jadge-j-Geo, r; Brooks, of Pasquotank; District Attorat D.Hi 'StarWckvfealem,. C.i JlerW-N.1 J. Riddick, Raleigbv Marshal DanielR: Goodloe, Ral ejgh. , - - : 1 -u The United District Courts are held as follows : , f : Sdenton, 2d Monday in" April and October. Sam'l T. Bond, Clerk, JNewbern, 4th Monday U April at I October.' Caas. Hibbard, , Cle'rkl ' Wilmington, ,.lst Monday after. . . Wml Larklns, Clerk. ' ' . '-"J COXJIhTx COURT. . ' r; . , Special Court J. B.-Root, Chairman ; Henderson Hodge, Reuben Fleming,-nd Robert Wynn. ' . .: r Sheriff R K; Ferrell; DepntyV J. Sid. Bryant. Clerk-JrJ.FewelljDopaty, Junius FetrelL , Atfcrner Chas-MiBuabee,. , ,.. . Register G. Washj Taylor. . ' Trustee Noel .Sarpv'n : ' 8urreyor--Fetidal Beres. t - - " - ;. Coroner-Wm. BT. Crawford.' f Masters of Weight and Measures Loogee & Bro ther.' ; ' - Finance1 Committee M. B.Royste, K. J. Whlt akeraad 'Geo. W. Norwood. Clerk to Committee, George Whitaker.1 - , . Wardens of the Poor Wm, R. PeoU Chairman; J or dan Womble, Sr., Treasurer; HHoed' Allem Adams, I. H, Collins, C. J. Rogers and Fendal BeTea. -Superintendant d tl Foo-tB.;Ferry Clerk tf, the Wardens R. P. Finch. J JaUQr-A:iELGffl.".V V- V ;v- ' Crierof the Court G.King. . ' Times of Holding the Court Third Mondays in February, May, August and NoTember. ; , " "XTlJITKBvjSTATS OFFICIALS. ; 14 r . TT B If .M..1-TUnLa1 T fWvrllrt on "Edenton StTOet at the "office of 7 the late Bia.'Ge6rsreB. Badger. Deputy Marshal Ma. S. H. Foote, same office as aboTe. r r.'v( ' ' l's f Y Ulerx or tne reaerai uoun . . t i Seziater, 1a Baakroptey and UJComffiW0116'-1 Harrett street. Trvnhm vamhai 6. "L. Harris, same office. r -, AaeessoraJno. R..Banison : and J ; :G Brommett, eorner I of Hargett and Fayettevffle streets, up stairs. -Deputy CoUector-Wt B. . Williams, same office. HeadquaHerite Tucker 3anwn South tide Gen Nelson 'AJ Miles; Assistant Commissioner, station. Head uartersi tt. CoU Jacob, P.nrr AA. GenersX0ou,eaa;:QTiaMersf ,CoL Thomas P. JobnsonChief !M4 , and plabnrsins of ficer tor North Carolina, station headquarters; ... o .t.ffrm TTeadanar- Cpt.W.F.miuCDeiuBiuw-, -" ' V5 ters: DrJ V9geH Agent Sul .District, staon Headquarters ; Bar. E. A. Fisw, pu Uon for N; C, -siatlon, Sjf. KT VtfT- Ground Hospital, station, city government; Mayor W. fi. Haywood. ' ".- iboxjossioxans. ,. ; Western Ward -etts, Parker Ovcrby, J.D- RMiddle WardR. .B ttle, B. F. Cheatham, and A. N. McKimmon. . . Eastern WsrdD. L.. Royster, J, J- Overby and J. A. Moore. ......... - " fr Clerk J. J. Christophers. ' " Chief of. Police-E. Harris ;; Assistant, Peyton WUliasW ' ''if i' n .. . Ji " w. Hoell Moss, Captain; Wash Over by, Josian Giibertii-Stanlbrd Cooper, Tom -Dancy, Marion Br-cmI'"ir- " " , Keeper or the City Pumps J . B. 8ugKS.- - City Collector Jas. Litchford. Weigh Master-r-Lenj. H. Adams. , , r , -Sexton-A.BTolt'j: ' "' J - Chtef EnglneerpT.Backalan. . . - Fire Coopaay No 1 C. M. McKimmon, Foreman, n HeartCAselstarit Foreman, i , jlre Company NO.VHJnON;J. MeGalre, Foreman, R. T.Bosher, Assietant Foreman, .-.. v Hook and Ladd.--H.T. Clawson, .Foreman, CbaS. . Keaater Assistant Foreman. -: " -' If-s BwetCo it et Company.--w. C. Stronach, foreman, cam i : Assistant Fomnanv'-- " ' : ' ' - , - ! NORTH C.lROITNA SAU. ROAD, Mail Train (going East) leaves Cbarlottej afe:40 V W. Arrives at Raleigh 9:50 A M- and . GoMs- boroatl3:43- T JTr nt.. vasti leaves Charlotte? at tinMitK'IIOP.H. ' v.iiTnirt 1.? W) leaves Goldsboro t 1:00 P. M, Arrivesr at Ralegh at $5F. M., and at Char- FelghtTrain feolmx West) leaves GolaSboroatfcOO A. M. Arrivea at Raleigh at wu r ;iot'atp:M.;-. T -t?? :,",;. ':U?7 ttixilGH AND dASTON BA1LROADA u-.it rr... .--Raietirh at 0:4tf A.' M. : Arrives JUU .-w. 0 - .t wM it ioP.'M .' .i "...'-' 1 v4f Train mt Raleieh at 8:00 a. M. Ar? iat Weldonat5:40P.M.' :i-rJ"- ' tr.x Tvin lMfM Weldon at 10:3&A. M. Arrives at Raleigh at 8:45 A. M. '" Freight 'Train leaves Walion 6:4r P. M at Raleigh at T;88 P.M. ' -.7 Arrives MAILS. ' ' Northern and Easternf maU arrives daily Sundays rented 4 P. M. Ana doees ir.io a. . " -- arriyns dally $nnday excepted. 9:30 A. M. And closes 3:15 pTT. FsyetteTlIIe do, Boxboro arrives every ll.,..,. M And closes IP. M. Lechburg do. : .iiJ'.'1 Office hours from f AM tO- P M. ' . - ' . banks: r- . . ? Raleigh National Bink-rW. Bi '.Gfilck, Cashier, Fayetteville Btree't V." , .' . John G.' Williams, $ Co., ;: Banker and pro Fayetteville Street. "...) f-'i. " .' ,. t. , tax ; 1 A.- Jcaes, of CaldweH. . ; 5 O. tl. Terr?, a to librarian.-. isao J " T. rarr'-rap'i JI Ceaeral' 6fief Ki 18, from Che iesaqauieri me Lecoma unitary ZTietrtct,1 C&tea Apr3 U, lCCt.lamofiieA ai toKowf : " -: : ' -A .r.. . ..XTTa.TQ.ppT8ir,.,....f,;,fi.; ; ."Juile-ts or decreet lot the payment of money ,on cass-a cf rttioo ar'.-a In North Carolina petween the cfr-r, ludth JOiU daj.ol r Aprils 3La;;and la Zzz"Jh. C:rHnattveett the JCtH da j, of December, 1ZZ tzi Cfsjcadsrf April l.anaUnot be ;en-; fares i, ty crtrztiau, tinat th person orjroperty cf the dercIz-t. Proceedlcja for juch;acae yO jaoo aow (!Ubetsye2 &d,na tnlt pr.proceflt . ia&Ilt3 !--titled or coait&cnoedlio&. eQdi.jcaaaea of t-tica t ..U tr.sr thecira crmeitcf tie r9?pect4Te tcf ! ' ' c ' . .l ica; with the EhenflVr coroners and constables, are hereby direct ed to suspead the sale of all property upoa. execution, or process under any judgment or decrte of a court of the soxalled Confederate States, or of the 8tate of J?orth Carolina, rendered bfetweon tie l(tth day of May. USl, and the organization of the proalonall gOTenurfent of said State, under the President's proctamatkaof the 29tb day of April, 1865, or the Stat or South Carolina, rendered between the 19th day of DcmberT 1S00, lad the oiganizatlon of (her provlalonal goTernmentof the said'stat 'under the Presldent'i1iianatioWorTqie 80th; da -ol'tjanKttDleaa th.frllW-'tift&ft W th defendant be entered on record, and except In cases where the plaintiff or his attorney nppn oath, supported by corroboratiTe testimony,1 shall allege that tbJdlfen dant if disposing. oA removing, or about toremove, his property' beyond the jtMsdictioB' the oourt, with intent to defraad liia jtreditors:, J4ipriI that no ch Judgment, eo rendered, within; the period afore said, shall be ai bar to the eomnwncement in a , SUte court," of a hew suit upon the same cans of action in any ease in which, by law, fadofetidapt may remove or appeal the same to a court of the United States. " ':.f; 'ifflttcuwcA ; . The sale of real or prso; property, foreclosure of 'mortgage, Uilltkewjhi 'euseBdecT"In ' the. cases embraced in paragraphs II ' and jUt, f said order No. 10 as above amended, except in cases Vhere Interest money accrulnk bsequent W the' 39h of April, 18o5, shall not have been paid before th? day 6f sa3,e2' and all previous restrictions on such sales are, revbkedV Paragraph IV of the same, order s modlfled by 'sub stituting this jth day of Aprif, 15, W the lth day of May 1865. 'v? f'fJftiW nit otu0 : ' , Paragraph Vof the Same order is modified as follows: . V . . fTTiTs.oir ?t6BODBs, . " . m AU proceedlnjei for the reovery jofmpnej oikcon tracte, whetbe Under seal Of jarothe cojoildera- tionof whiehwal Umptehaa :f alayep made, subee OBflBXta the7 1st day of January, 18 are euspn4ed.- Jodgment or decrees entered for e erh causet jtft action .shall net boeafl3reodv4 v. Paraera&hATIofth same order is mddlfled as fol lows:, ' ? " '''',' :.: .'i r tt - ;.... BflMtasTaADS," ,i s. , ; ; . 1 ' In all sales of property wader execution or by order of any court, there shall be reserved oat of the property of any defendant who has a family dependent upon. w " m and lf tntha eooniry)lwenty a his or hex labor, aaweumgnoase ana appurtenances. acres of land, or so much thereof that the WhOo Snail not exceed tar value tho ' iiiiib I r i " ""V" TT"T rtfT. th.e, tomedIatelot upos which such dwelling house Is situated; and necessary articlee of furniture, apparel,' subsistence and implements of' husbandry, trade, or other employment, to the value of Ave hundred dol lars. The homestead exemption Bhall inure only to the benefit ot families. In other cases the exemp tion ffbn extend only to clothing and .implements of trade or employment usually followed by the defen dant, of the value of two hundred dollars. The ex emptions hereby made shall not be waived or defeat ed by the act of any deiettdant,?who has a family de pendent upon him or her support, and the exempted property elta'jbfiajcET defined by the; sheriff or other officer enforcing the execution, who shall eaU to his lid two Impartial clttEens to make the necessary appTalsement andshaU make report thereof w mw evM ,p - -,,.r i ., Paragraph X is hereby modified so as to anthorize arrest In ril actions. fkJPSaT1!et?i S W caes where the demand is pasVduei: and' the defenant.haa been guUty of fraud in contracting the debt sued lor or, has removod dMpXinsproBerty, or lsaooui to do so, with intenty to, defraud his creditors, or is about to leate tne Diaxe witu sucu wwuu ... 1 ' 'noctrrpBs ah Tugsnrs. , , . PaMirraoh'llVls aihendedbyr adding theret:'. All nroceedinss ln an court ot North Carolina; or pf 8out Carolina, recognizing or eancuenui-twe tcucii w the funds of minor heira, or. of femalea, or pi insane persons, :in'tne securitfes ofihe late; rebel goyemment or tie securities br the SUfes of iforth Carolina or South 3arolina, created, for a .wurposo of carrying on the wsr.asaBir.wf wyf..: .y---States; will suspended until the question of the valid r nMtmitA haS -have been determined by the courier tne tJnlted IStatesor by national le- rf-wwi, "And -nbtmnff tn tne ptotwoiw oi nu or- ji-. WA.lflfabove cited, shall beheld to barW nWdeTifcsveTy, by suit, f the estate of any n,twr hiefr. femmWlnBSUeperlio Aether irth haidiK,or;extor, ;a&ulnlstraters; trkstees, gwYrdiarxS, niaaterSOT'clertt oreqYUty Courts, and '6theTfiducufjrraeents; or Invested: by theta in k . . ... n, i -i i - . . ,r ;jiaTXT.i.xnixsv. . H. General Orders No. 15, Of May 0, 1867. is revoked; and onaxjdafter;therfr4ay of January, 1863, the da tiluticnt of splrjaaou liquors In this Military District wIS bo subject to such restrictions onl as are Imposed by the laws of the United States, and of the States of North ami Snath frun jespct ely. v UL fcagraphs Viand YU of Genera! Orders No. 32, dated May SJ, 16$3, are revoked, and the power to grant licenses for tiis sale of splritoua or Intoxicating nquors is remitted, to the proper local authorities, to take ef- tect on audi fier. the erst day e! Jantry$sa63vand to feo ubjeet td tbefoIlosingindUhw s . 5 1; The fft?11 Hlhariaeai ipanamf the. license ahalf be answirallifthat the parties to whom such licehse'ar granka, together with. f.thitS' soreUea, b vesnonslble oeTSona. and of good mora! stand inr in thO'otinantty, 1ml ffia"boaplil4Ipl and sureties shall be able to qualify individually in double fa?m&CmmU$Mtf& hallbe bond shall be a lien upon tl personal property lof both prinA rant the summary seizure and sale of so much or the property-elteKl8nWy necessary to aatiafr thelofWturE unanflosfetjrrrt S. DtTinkenBess and 6!teMaerryCeo4aia4he:prem ises shall work the forfeiim ot theJicencgand- of the nenaltrof thhoan.f .tm-wis' iim! ' 8Theownrorkeeperfanybarroom,sa place atirbick;ltoxatangHquoiaw other peraonf lnterstcr cc sha1 be re garded iwprinpeiste jngofaS pocurrisg on, :th prenues, or directlj twwahl 4. All bar room, aaloons or other places t which oxleaVW;:' etoad,iithe day ofdsysoanienerii? .J.epps4sr the twelve hour next jpreceedins Ae peningi an4 next .nndinjrtha clostM of fcs poHa at such election : and : the aheriC ot the ceunttea aaddiatrictaandthS chief O pwtw v "- . orlcit: 1 tha fc3 ''..i i -vJ iot!ieco?"-!r.:-.icr.ov:,...J v; c3:.p'ocr , district, county, city or town In rMca they -.axe and the"coamlloners or orereeers will at tie ei each month report iolfla praroitS&ihsl Qe of the ristrict, the. amount received .by.them da. Jthe month, specifying the names of the parties f. wnom It was rccelrei !:.:. . a -...f.ThepcaftHie,iinpesedJbyttliIs order or by the I cal pc'.icexplatiana-' may t -enforced b,any clril mUIUry'tctlrf, land p6n cottlctloa the c.zrt : award 9 the jlplormer a aum'iot exceedlrj fJtyi ceBt.bf the'feirfelture or fine. And It Is maia tl.3 d . of all sheriff contables and coroners of c .r.i difMctaprathjqerfelttf-t"-- s ' lantfaHve-eEf!T',-.;f.t of yolice x. ' "TJW-' : The provisions of thl paragraph will be : held to ap ply to snchllcenses grantedfuhderGonerai Orders No. S2, to innke(ers, las zettla23iYl2explred. after the 1st of January, 186$.. j;J j, I M8TBICT. C9JTBIS. t IY To promote the "speedy trla,! of. prisoners con nne&'fW tblnor" 'offences,1 anct diminish" th cost of their maintenance, alliff magistrates will on judge of their countyii4i0tciopiualiooii iat'made1tf?them' half nwnspedfying'the date of commitments, the lames of theprisoners and the offences for which they ; were committed, to the end that the judges may wheireter in thei.eplnion th number 'of tprisonera or otHercon sideralonsof public let f seat call for it, hold special termi of their courts for-the purpose of disposing of fcrieftieaseirp Theiddftloal'epleprh such special terma jsjdlj bemaxged upon ttie State" Treasury; aad theaoooonts therefor will be audited and paid, as accounts of a similar character are now audited and paid, end If lheahrleVnc4i'd'ne fudges 'efiould be Inadequate, n rfer prthe addWona) labor p?orm- w "j lucui, a resBunsuie aaaiaon upon ine proper repreBentatlona throngtrthe Goreidr of the State, will be allowed. X1 1 V1TMI ? i. at x i u ti t, t :i , ;aox. V. The pilotage regulations now ex'stlnc in in StatsNorth aiidSoiith CaroliiUi'lTi so far niodifled hat on. ttL$Ui tit archf.188 ::aH .pas senger steam vessels, regulated by the laws of the United 8 taies, and carrying a pilot commissioned by th 5nlf3UNtiilpiiefaa alalg bo exernnt from the compulsory payment of pilotage. - ' - C i v fulfil Y;r-rr . VI. So much of the act of the Oeneral ' Assemblv of t? North Carolina,ontltle4 , " An 4act to raise modes, M ratified oa the4 Sflth' ttay- Of February, 186 a aqaxss u.-ini aaty or au person and corporations taUat and pay the (poll) tax of juch .persons liable to " - floorers, -, -:ts rescinded, and hereafter ill Individual taxes will be asseas'ed directlv upon and collected directly from the individuals fromf whom they are due ; provided, that the provisions of tnttord shallnot apply to; the taxes levied; for the current y ear exoept, that double poll tax shall not be 'enforced if the original tax be paid on or before the 1st day of March. 1868.. .' I j,r, , , j n ; ( By command of Brevet-Major. General Ed. -R. A. Cunsr: .f- f LOTTTfl Y. VX7H w; Aidant Actg. Asst. Au. Exti act from general orders No. 10, referred to in the above order of Gen. Canbv : ? - 4 ; Second. ,l Judgment or decrees far the payment of money on causes of action ar.slng between the 19th or December, i860, and the 15th of May, 1865, shall not be enforced by execution against the property, or the person or the defendant. Proceedings In such causes of action noW pending shall be stayed, and no suit or process stall be hereafter ; instituted or commenced 'foVany BacnseflV'icfion.,,'. 'ilA' : TMr- . u Sheriffs, coroners, and constables are hereby directed to Suspend for Jwelye Calendar months uiejMun ua propertj upon execution of process on liabilities 'Contracted prior to the, 19th of December, i860, unless upon "the written "consent of the defan danta, except, in eases (where , the plaintiff, or in his absence his agent ,p'jatiocney, shall upon bath, with corroDorauve testimony , allege or prove that the de fendant is moving or intends Iraudulently to remove MS property beyond the territorial fnrturi Courts The aleo 'teal- peTSonal property by fcrecHure of mortage Is likewise1 suspended for twelve icafesmar months, except In r cases where the paymentof Interest money accruing since the 15th dav i wj, tooo, uau no, nave oeen made before the dav oi . -rvuria. -vuagments or decrees entered or enrolled en causes of action arising subsequent to the ism oay or may, 1865, maybe endorsed by execution, against the property f the deiendanr, 1 ahof In the applkation of the money arising under such execu tions, regard shall be had to ; the priority of Hens un lees in cases where the good talth of any Hen shall be drawn rin guesti. In such cases ttie usual mode of psolnff adopted m NortS and South Carolina respectively to determine that question, shall be adopt- ? "Fifth's AnHproceedlngs tor' the recovery of mone7 uhdereontrarts,' whether under1 seal or by parohjjthe cbnsidexatlon for which was Hbepufchase of negroes, are suspended,' Judgments of jdecrees entered or en roled rdr such causes of action shall not be enforced. " 'Sevma. In all sales of property under, execution by order of toyicourt, there shall be reserved' out of the lperiyc4ahydefenotnt hohat a famflvdeneHdent upon bis or httflabor; a dwell tng house' and appurte nances ana twenty acres of land for the use and occupa tion of the families of the defendant, and necesearjjJ articles of mraltuiy,'IapparelV UuWBUm imple uuouiuhuj m vvuer employment OI m (!,m IWTf? hemisteaexemptibn'Bhall inure only to the benefit of families that is to say parentot. parents and child or ch ldren in other cas-s the exemption shall extend only to clothing, imple ments of trade of tfether ehTpldyMent usually followed by the defendant, of the value of $100. The exemption hereby de:sb4t l,no4 berwaived 'oi defeated by the ac;ofle1l6ndani-.The exempted ,'pronertv of the defendant shall be ascertained by the SfierUTor other officer enforcing the execution, who shall SDccificallv describe the same, and make a report thereof m each 'ease'to ffieJ8fri?'' 3"U -. -... 'TentiSjtfi 'mntonghr to recover debts known ' atfrma Shall not be ,ftemnded by the snitor nor taken by the sheriff, or other officer serving the Iprocees if in . suits tor 'trespass,, libel-rrongftd conversion' of property and other cases, known as actions ex ddicto bail, as heretofore authorised, may be demanded and taken, The prohibition of bail in cases ex contractu shall not extend to persons about to leave the State, but the fact of intention must be cleariy established by proof . Fourteenth. TbA punishment of death inTcet tain cases of burglary and larceny Imposed by the existing laws of the provisional jgovernmenta in this military district. Is abolished. Any person convicted of burg lary or of larcency, when the property stolen is of the value of CrfasBaalt aiUtteirywiu' uteat'te) kill, or W aWuli with a deadly -weapon, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall be punished by lmpr sonment at hard labor lor, a eim not exceeding ten years nor less than' two. yea m the discreti of the court having jurisdiction thereof. Larceny, when the value thereof Is less (hu 125, shall be punished by imprison jnent at hard labor for a term not exceeding one year in the discretion of the court. " 1 'U'Ail ill vLSpeelal Correspondence of he, Register. "XTaaMngon Corerondencer ' v-7. . March, 2nd, 1868.' ' . :rjtnug is 'quiet in" WaahingtonV; Ai e President has not tried lo use 'force' ejection oi Mr. Stanton," "but; ttie im , :ent comhiitteea report,' aji W aa persuade ttenerai Emory comm'an he forces stationed in 'the District' If. Stanton from the, War Office by did not succeed. General Thomas 1 suit against.' Secretary Stanton prisonment,' laying the damages 7 7l.t.7Jr:he.rTill be bc-cltt?d 1 , trausellr." Stanton some . tzutv Cv f f? ,Gen Thnmasu imnloved72wbol the 17 best lo1! JTT. f.TTJ J ' ' oeT lavyers in the country ta prosecute the ca Jilr Herrick VaWr'S. fjoxllthc former figurVda'aiefUuisel 'tn Jthe triaf of John H. SuKatt. h is stated tfiat'den? Thomas has entered jgW against , Stanton at the request of his counsel. f T The President care a State dinner at the ttti -rr : w wuite uouse on mriciav eveniner it was vv m viua F'a iui au v u i Democratic politicians. Ilr. Johnson .ap pear 8 not acf all uepressedqut retains, his usuany ijuiei unu easy manner at an limes. 'inere io a cueiai ueressioa in pusiness !sew'nerQfalrtiiebre5 cipa' Tn'elwMdas usual here as elsewhere two princ: thing inWp'aaterrc auuicucea mg uuy, present rery rnm nouses now. : The unsettled state of 'tiublin-aiTairs na's produced asad chaiig'e aiiiOng thTinahy interested in iu ine prospenty hiry'fiitee and welfare oT coun number of private n'aitiea?'iSaltB?V& reeeoi tibnere'arenieetinMf tj6T ere are meeungs oi a political na-1 tureahd priVa'feaerlnW m&m 'a 'bile many speak of Chaife al' theaYorite. e M J tfiA 4;wAl4fA-f Mr. Johnsons name'ls riot usaVi f.ir j . ' a f f". - i. K i..I? u iJ . - mm a a vvsa v ei7 A-Tbf ,t:;P iJLi';uJ?i.-L''Jis r ne mignt desire it in' this' 'connection. The issue undoubtedly is" between himandTeri dleton. An election- of Johnson1 this tifne would ' of course' be receited by the country ' at 1 large as'an-'endortenient' Jdf his AdrninystraUonirt fo'but this is hardlypro- r. leader.1 nV!- A. H. D., Jr. Til E STATE CONDENSED. . Sargent is in Charlotte iUusidning .rinters.tJ'':! -w-o.iM.iv The Cliarlotte Democrat of yesterday. comes down on all gift enterprise ahdJ de nounces them as swindles." m ' I - . . . J K. i'i r EF The building a of-the WadesT)oro'4 Baink was sold, iff !Wadeibdr6 ' 6nThnrsds.v ast, for thesum of one thousand; fife?,huh- drted and fifty dollars iff currency: ifr , Under a( writ of sequestratation "frpni he Clerk : and ' AlaVter in Equity ' for New: HabOTer county, Sheriff Buntingestirday, saieu luu m niuiugiuu uuu aiauciiester rau road and placed U? iff Ihe' Band's pFM'fi fieo G. Hull." the'duly' apipoMedReceiverl ; The latter has how assumed possession of the road, including its real and frersohal proper L iy, iigiii. kuvi iittiiuuisea. Agcuis auu OIU- ers acting in this capacity fare; notified that all balances which may accrue in their hands; lnuu uie sum ui.liukols ur otuerwise, on anc,t aner aiarcu isi, must ihj paiuto tne rteceiy " . .'I,, .l.i.l.-.! Jl?,- .:lui: er, This change does not interfere with the regular operations 'of Hx6 R6ad:-I-'Wti. Jour; iST N6wB?rdIl, neninth, J of ytHe riyer. ii ii inif 'in iTirfnnrin' i n nr ii mt ssasiinssiiifciiri! lui" wi sb t" mim mn. m below, report the pryalence of a storin yes terday, ine wina was very nigu anq diow ing a perfect gale,o..f' s?rt. -1. 's,-.i:3y The ' brig. S.,P.! Brown,. from 'Cardenas, was aeenJ, pit, Tew j(ja!eB'uVQii was blowing so etrong that Jt. waa , impossi ¬ ble for the' tug to get puto tor be in.ib. "Information was receired in this city by telegraph' that the dwelling? iff Magnolia; occupied, byqapt -.ggeScon- sumcd .bymre iyesterday. It , was a large two-story' building, owned by MesarixThoa. Branch & Sons, of Pet ersburg. Only a small portion lof CJaptLn.Ifur nif lire W! saved. Til. Aba BnMnnV. U- ' i- AUC UIC 13 BUJSpT?DCU t,U UATC tSUUl 1IUU1 sparks from -the phioiuey-tS. . fH?T i !1 wina blew, witU such jorce : on Sunday night, and shook the bouses in the city to so great' an extent, that some persona are led to believe? that we , were visited with a slight earthquake However this may be, the manner in whichWmernsea were shaken was truly alarming. By the force ot the wind 'A another poftiPrS of thS1wp let standing by the late fire were Mown down. Thev are becoming dan'cefous and should be removed. ib. -' - .;4(t, r T t "-7 A Connecticut paper publishes the follow ing among its notices of births: 4In Con wall, Pebi o. "a" tori '.tbjoliri" Trcfctieraenn, esq., uemocranc gai t j, A Company of burglars in Oh,io tied up family while they ransacked the house and secured the amount 6f eighteen' aqllars and ilimoant'eUiiteen1' .... A .'.' . -t'l k ,,'-ii'J i - J s as plunder, f.Jjrheykjndll syen cents lef the change. li j- wiU be the final fasrie'tMdiniyWsiJ? -5co gained' ther fatoof WmajoHty th mt.i:;: girt auWUK.4 AlrCLTUUllVittUS 111 thel i- BXiQiOD I', PURIKIER i V; iN'TH!JE:W6RLI) ; a DR iAVJ R EU CE'C r ... - . ROSADAL IS . -.-1 . f..l ' :-'S:. 'c " READ THE FOLLOWING i::::: c:rji?E0ATE3 Fnor.i fiiygi ' e ..... .. .. We hereby certify ihat the Kosadalis is pre- fored by a I r- ti-t r res in tiij vUiniiy. v ' .-,-. . i 'if' 7 JF-fc-BUGGAN ' D? v :: flal.j J KING, iMJD.7fit - ytfir.fQH 1866. .. . , ; l'W e hereby : certify that-we ' regard Dri Law ce';einpxraiia Rosadalia as a able AJteratiYe,, , r , T . - - . - ;fi ?T astith;m.:d; i;Wiisont,N."C.llay IO;i86T.-n ,; i Edeecombe County. N. C- Mav Sd. iw?7 Dr.'J. J.LaWBESTCE Deaf Sir !.Pliiu unit rites immediately per . Eipi' tO' Tsjboro'i' two dpen more, bottles your RMffldalia. ?. I have carefully, Examined its Formula, and have used it initny practice m' a numbef 'of cases: I am well talcjased rwith it. )I think ItL berand doubt, the best Alterative ' I . ever used. , I have tried it in SjBveral pases ' of Scrof dla' 'and Scrofulous afiTec tioy, 8c:t with mnch: satasfaction to myself and . patients I have ;ahfO; used it- in- Secondary and tertiary. Syphilis one a terrible case of eight years' standing, in which ft acted with surprising and satisfactory eifec4naliilg a quick and tho-Wogh- cure., L i have, thereforo, i0; hesitation in recommending it to Physicians and others, as the most reliable AJttivetto'Imdwh'. v' . 'in Respectfully yours, &d : . ,;. ! , f . , .. -. - A. B, NOBLES, M. D. A Wmderfid Our'eqf 'Strofulou '"White 'StceU ') tl!vA 1i- n,i.: .ing,' r. - : I J: : iv, i homis Jemificatt1. -; I hereby' certify that? last September T was at packed With. White, Swellinirox thus left knee L and .Talsorwitan..enlaiment glands of T tne neca Lone tumor reached a large size. The I swelling 6f the - knee was' cnorraousi and was ' at I jj : it. ai i .. ' . ,civuai wwi uus 4 uiusi, excr aqaang pains, t i was so reduced that I, was confined .to my room over three months. 1 "Mr leg1 Was so completely drawn ip that I could, not bend! it all..' I tried various remedies, and they failed , to , give me any relief. I v-as in this condition when I commenced takinr KDrIiawrence's RosadalLS. The SweUinsr in the a4nd.nf begah.to subside before I took all of cthe first bottle r , By he time I took the second bottle, the swelling of the' neck entirely, disapr. peared, and Tthar of the knee nearly 'so." 'After, talcing three bottles i round myseit completely well able to walk as well as ever, &c, WUsonTMay 12,1867 - Rosadalis vrill cure the very worse cases of Ch.ro- . r. . ic Rheumatism. - ' f H03IE 5 CKRTITTCATE. " Wilson, N. C, May 6, )8G7. I hereby certify that I was cured of long stand ing Chronic Rheumatism, by taking four bottles of Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalisw , ; ; JAMES WILLIS. Rosadalu Cures Carlmndegt :BoU, Pimples, dec. z- v..,f... -V ."t'rf !; Ii'. f -.V i" CERTIFICATE FROM AN OLD AND ' MUCH nrs- PECTKD CITIZEN OrGBKENE ObXTNTT, NOW A RESIDENT DF WTIiSONjN. C. " I hereby feeHifr that, during the summer and all of 1866; I was severely afflicted with Carbun cleshaving; had as many aa fourteen large Car buncles, and twelve ordinary Boils. 'I suffered so much from them that I could not fret out .of the house; half the lime for several months, r Being induced' to try 'Dr. Lawrence's Bosadalis, I was entirely Cured by the use of one bottle of that fnly valuable medicine. ;ifT f !, fj . 4 . , , . ... -. t W, A. BABDEN, Sn. Wilson, May 11th, 1867. ' ComimpUon, in it Early Stapes can, be cured. Baltimore, MdMarchth, 1867. been curediof fa deeply seated disease of the lungs by J ytnn". HosadaKs, I 'feel' it my duty to make the factkiioita yon for the benefit of others. She -suffered nearly two years .with a hard couch. which troubled, her day and "night; at last the emaciated formi!glassy eye, night sweats, together witn tne cougn, coin 'too plamJy that it vas Con sumption, beyond question, eating at her vitals. Our Physician's remedies brought no relief. She was advised to try ytmir HosadaKs.2 as a tonic which she did--imagities my surprise and gratifi- caoon, wnen x zonna ; ner , appetite , return ine:. Slowly she regained her 'strength, her couch and night sweats gradually ceased, and she is now, after taking; five bottles of your medicine, appa rently as well as ever. , - ' 'Yonrs, respectf nlly, f r. . .. ..Mrs. E. ANN SMITH. Rosadalu V Cures all Shin Diseases. SALT RHETJM CUBED 1 REMARKABLE CUBE ! ! Dr. Lawrence, Wilson, N. C: j ? :' My Dear Sir-: For the last ten years, until recently, I suffered with an inveterate eruption of the- sn-calied by nryBicians .-.Salt .jsheam," with' which I suffered terribly; the pain and itch ing was' almost intolerable. I tried several of the best Physicians in Europe and this conn try have visited several celebrated springs spent thousands of dollars, and, failed to get any better. In De cember, 1666, being' in iJharleston S. I was told by a gentleman at the hotel that he had been cured of a bad tetter by a medicine called " Bosa daliS.T. I resolved to try it, without any hope ! though of Its -doing me any good. -1 procured a bottle or Messrs. King' A Uassideyv and com menced taking it., Ponding, to my surprise, that I was improving, 1 bought four ether bottles ; but before commencing on the last two, I found I was completely well the disease having entirely dis appeared. . . .-,, , . , ,-y- : . jmciobea nna jne iiunarea jjouars, wnicn please 4ecept as a token of "my gratitude. Why dq yon not. make your invaluable Bosadalis widely known?. . , Your sincere friend. .. " friend, W. T. SELTZER. : ; Beware of " Oonnterfeits. o CrF? See that J. LAWRENCE & Co., !. 1.1 it- V. J A a . At - uhmvu uu vuo ouuie nau suunpeu en me corjt. . . XSraent anywhtr by Express on receipt of -. jroraaie y WILLXA1I3 . & HAY WOOD j . ; , Druggists, Raleigh, N. C. EVERY YOUNG MAN desirous to obtain a thor ongh Jhracticai Business Education, should attend the old established . . r . . .; . . PRA CTICAL L USI. COLLEGE . ti AXD NATIONAL "nELEGRAPHICINSTITU. I E, jCorcerJaltimore asd "r''5; i trccts EALxnic-.r,'- . I'OUXT IS 18o2. - i THE OTJLT; INCORPARATED" INSTITUTION 1 kind in State of 31andL ' 'THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE rj-.i. , -; v ' , . . . , j ; -v . .- OP BAXTIMOEB. ; THE eOLLEGEIN MARYLAND : ' - - Which has introduced the system ' , ' ,v . of actual business practice : . ,; ; .to any extent. SPLENDID BANKsT ;- :. ,' BUSINESS HOUSES . . , i AND OFFICES in successful operatiou. . ' Every Student become a Merchant, Book keeper and Banker, and goes through with the whole business routine of j Buying and Selling bhipping, Importing, etc., etc '- ' ' ' ' -r ' TA Most Extensive and Most Elegantly FurnisJied Establishment :y ' of the Und in Hie - ' ' United States. . Every Young Man should write immediatelv for our large Illustrated College Journal, contain ing Terms of Tuition, and full particulars, which will be sent by return mail free of charge, with samples of Money, Commercial and Business Papers and Beautiful Specimens of Spenceriay Penmanship Address EL K. HOSIER, Principal. v, jol 19-ly. Baltimore, Md. OTICE TO SHIPPERS OF SPIRITS TURPENTINE THE SEABOARD INLAND AIR LINE Via Portsmouth, Va., Is now. prepared to slnp" rv. V y -'- -'. :-Tm ' To Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, its Steamers having been arranged for that purpose. ' This Air line Route, from the fact of its avoid ing trans-shipment from one steamer to another, to which other lines are subject, and being the direct line between the Carolines and the North ern cities, with daily communication to Baltimore, Philadelphia and rfew York, and to Boston a steamer every five days, offers great facilities for shipping,' and is in advance of all other routes from three to five days and at as low rates. ' - In shipping from tho Northern cities, or from Carolina, be careful to ship via Portsmouth by the steamship lines connecting with and forming part of this route. From Boston, Merchants' and Miners' Line, E. Sampson, agent, end Central Wharf. From New: York, Old Dominion Steamship Company, Pier 37, North river, M. L. McCrcndy, President, office 187 Greenwich street. From Philadelphia, Clyde etcatoers, 14 South Delaware Avenue, W. P. Clyde, agent. ' Annamessic Line, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore pepot, J. L. Wilson, agent. ' tFrom Baltimore, Bay Line Steamers, foot of Union Dock, R. L, Poor, agent. ' All claims for loss, damage or overcharge, promptly settled by applying to v ' 1 JAS. McCABRICK, ; Trace Agent, : Seaboard Inland Air Line. Portsmouth, Va. THE SEABOARD & ROANOKE R.R AND. A Y L1 N Having been consolidated under one manage ment from Weldon to Baltimore, offer greater ta cilities to shippers of freight to and from Baltimore than any other line, and guarantee safety or freight and prompt settlement of all claims. KG. GHIO, Superintendent Transportation S. and Li. 1L W. C. SMITH, Superintendent Hay JLiue Steamers. ianl7-2m CHEAP AND PERMANENT PEKTIL- IZERSWe are prepared to fill cash orders or any quantity of SHELL LIME, At $2.50 per ton of two thousand pounds. T . . .- f Fresh Ground Plaster, at $14 rer ton of 2(KK) lLs4 ' No extra charge made for bags or drayage. J. 13. liLNTEK & UU.,' General Commiion Merchants, jaul7-lnr ' Portsmouth, Vu rpHE YOUNG LADY'S FRIEND, Specimen Copy M) cU. THE LADIES'. HOME MAGAZ1N K, Specimen Copy 15 cite. ' These are favorite monthly Periodicals. Beau- f ul premiums offered to getters up of club lintf . bend for Specimens to . W.T.HORNER, . Nov 2 tf . Buffalo, N. Y. ' T7LOUR! FLOUR !! Locust Point Familv A. Flour. Hour in sacks and barrels, on hand and arriving daily. W II JONES & CO BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 1000 lbs. No. 1 N. C. Buckwheat Flour, lust received. jan28tf W II JONES & CO ; ,' j : 1"! Zs - . a H ! f ,:i. .I t,. t5 AS