cift dt tofcotHodrick ' , . . , i z Is' . I - -!... . . iJ f - -- w mm.- , f r PUBLISHED EVEBY ATTERHOOH BT THE RALEIGH REGISTER ASOCIATION, AT THE FOLLWIXQ YEBT LOW RATES: . Dally Paper, 8 00 .:. 3 50 ... 1 IS ' 6 f lontti,.... 3 Honthi, 1 rionth. ...... 60 ueenirrper.i lean ......i. CO . ...... . AMontl 6 HontlM ........... Daut Pacts to Clubs 60 cents per month, 7t - Wikit Pax xb, to Clubs of Uto ox more at the rite $3.50 per year. To Clubs of ten or mora $100. STATE-AHD f OUT GOVEBHHEHT- " . 8TATB QOVESNMKST. - . - Joxathaw Worth, Governor, salary, " ' : $4,000 Wm. H. Bagteyt Privite Secretary, (exclusive of fees,) " : '-- . 'O r UX4V- -i 100 R. W. Best, Secretary of State (exclusive of v fees,) V f - ' 1,850 K. P. Battle, Treasurer, ' . - : Q D. W. Bain,' Chief Clerk to Treaanrer; ' ;-; "1,50V 8. W. Borgia, Comptroller, " " Nf - v"T " 1,5C0 Governob's CoxrwcrL Wm. A. Wright of NewHan over. President ; Wnu Eaton, Jr., of Warren; Jesse G. , Shepherd, of Cumberland ; Uiles Mebane, of Caswell; Thos.SLAshe,:of Ansonj Dr. Henry Joyner, ot Pali- iax; and,K. A. Jones, of Caldwell W. C. Kerr, State Geologist ' . W.B.Pen, State Printer, v, O-H. Perry, State Librarian!, t $3,500 600 coo 800 Dixon Cohn.Sup. Pab. Buildings, JohnA. Gilmer, Jr. Adjutant General, SUPREME COURT. The Supreme Court of North Carolina la held at W. H. Battle, Associate Jnsuce, ' Sion B. Rogers, Attorney General. S. F. Phillips, Reporter, (exclusive or fees) E. B. Freeman, Clerk, Jsmes IJtchford,KarBhal. ' ; " U. S. CIRCXJIT COURT FOR N. C. jadge Geo. W. Brooks, of Pasquotank; District Attorney D. H. 'Starbuck, Salem, N. C; Clerk N. J. Riddick, Raleigh ; Marshal-DanlelR. Goodloe, Rat- eigh. ' v 4 The United District Courts are held as follows t Bdenton, 2d Monday in April and October. Sam'l T. Bond, Clerk. Newbem, 4th Monday In April at 1 October. Chaa. Hibbard, Clerk. Wilmington, Jst Monday after. Wm. Larking, Clerk. ? :i COUNTY COURT. - ' Special Court J,B. Root, Chairman ; Henderson Hodge, Reuben Plemlngand Robert Wyna. Sheriff R. K. TerreH; Deputy, J. Sid. Bryant. : Clerk J.J. Ferrell ; Deputy, Junius Ferren. Attorney Chas. M. Busbee. ' , ' Register G. Wash. Taylor. t V TruBtee-Noel S. Harp. - , ; Surveyor Fendal Be ves. . f' i- Coroner Wm.H-Crawford. V Masters of Weights and Measures Longee Bro Finance Committee M. B. Royster, N. J. Whlt akerand Geo. W. Norwood. Qerkto OHnmittee, George Whitaker. T . Wardens of the Poor Wm. B- Pool, Chairman; Jer dan Womble. Sr., Treasurer; W. H. Hood, AUea Adams, I. H. Collins, C. J. KOger. ana - w. Superlntendant of the Poor-B. Perry. Clerk of th Wardens R. P- Finch. Jailor S. P. GUI. Crier of the Court-F.G.King. f nrtnnr the Court Third Mondays in February, May, August and November. UNITED STATS OFFICIALS. V. S. Marshal-Daniel R. Goodloe, onEdenton street at the offic of the late no. . M.rhnl Mai-J. H. Foote, Badger. same office aeAof the Federal Conrt-N. J. Riddict Reister in Bankruptcy and U. S. Commls.ioner- Z ?. Deweese, at the ' Standard " office, on Hargett street. Deouty Marshal C. L. Harna, same office. Ss3no..B- Harrison and J. G. BrcmmelL comeSgett andFaTetteville streets, up stairs. corner or uarg : jj. Williams, same office. - : Tucket Mansion South tide T - of Nash Square. . - Gen Nelson A. Mnes, Assistant Commissioner; tation,-Head Quarters; Lt. Col. Jacob F. Churr, A. A. A. General, Btation, Head Quarters; Lt. Col. Thomas" P. Johnaen, Chief Q. M., and Disbursing of ficer for North Carolina, station Headquarters; CaptW. F.Smith, Post Surgeon, station. Headquarters- Dr.H.C. VogeU, Agent Sub District, station Headquarters; Rev. B. A. Fiske, Supt. of Educa tion for N. C, station, Headquarters; Dr. A. B. Chapin, Surgeon of Fair Ground Hospital, station, Hospital -l CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor W. D. Haywood. COMMI88IOJ5ISS. Western Ward-T. M. Betts, Parker Ovcrby. J. D. Royster. - - . - Middle Ward R. H. Battle, B. P. Cheatham, and A. N. McKimmon. Eastern Ward D. L. Royster, J. J. Overby and J. A. Moore. J Clerk J. J. Christophers. J .... Chief of PoUce-E. K. Harris; Assistant, Peyton Williams. - ' - - Night Watch Howen Moss, Captain; Wash Over by, Josiah Gilbert, Stanford Cooper, Tom Dancy, Jiarlon Bryant and M. C. Luter.- 6 Keeper of the City Pumps Alsey and Chas. Beevers. CityCoUector Jas. Litchfbrd. , . . Weigh Master Len. H. Adams., , x . -. , ! Sexton A. Holt. .-h':' - " " ! FIBS DXPABTimtT. ' Chief Engineer. Jos.T. BackaUm.. Fire Company No. 1.--C. M. McKimmon, Foreman; C D.Heartt, Assistant Foreman. Fire Company No, 2. Jno. J. McGulre, Foreman, R. T. Bosher. Assistant Foreman. Hook and Ladder. H. T. Clawson, Foreman, Chas. Keuster, Assistant Foreman. ? ' . Bucket Company. W. C. Stronach, Foreman, Sam 1 C. White, Assistant Foreman. NORTH C 4.R0UNA RAID ROAD. r m.i . v.t - leaves Charlotte at 9:40 I if"" s"-e. ' . . ... P M. Arrives at Raleigh 9:50 A. M., aad Gold! borolt 12:43 , ' Freight Train (going East) leaves Charlotte at 4.U A M. Arrives at Raleigh at 1100 M and atr Golds- t K-nn P. M. -' MaU Train (going West) leaves vjoldsboro atJL-00 j w a rr vp at Raleieh at 3:50 P. M and at Char- " ottet 2:54 A.M. -' - . m' FrS-ht Train (going West) leaves Goldsboro at6.00 A.Arrives at Raleigh at 9:30 P. andat ChaT- lotteat7:00P.M. ; S i- - . V i 'nirvrrvn krfa GASTON RAILROAD. -1 .. 1..... Ti.ipl.rh Tat 9:40 A; M.j. Arrives at Weidonat 3:10 . , Preirfit Train leaves Raleigh at 8.00 a;m-at- lives at Weldon at 6:40 P.M. r w t j! Mall Train leaves Weldon at 10:3a A. M. Arrires at Raleigh at 8i A. M.;. yfy 1, : i -.," ' i Freight Train leave. Weldon 5:40 P. M. Arrives at Raleigh at 76 .R. M. m 'i , v.v-rfl excepted 4, P. M. i And dose - arriyes dally Snda? excepted, 9:30 Ai M K And closes 3:15 P. M. Fayetteville do Roxboro arnv Wednesday 11 A. M. And closes ! P. M. Leachburg do. - Office hours from 7 A. M., to 6 P, pL. . BANKS. Bank W. B. Raleigh National GuUck, 'Cashier, Fayetteville Street. John G. "WUllams, & Fayetteville Street. , Co., Banker and Brokers, I Y A vot. HO. - IS. OrnOlAl 02DEE3- Important Order from Gen. Canby. rf EEABQ'RS to MILITARY DISTRICT, CHajoxsTOat, 8. O, Dec. 81, 1867. GxxxBai OsDxxa, jv-.,No.l8vc.f ; I. Parasrapli n of General Ordert No. 10, fron the Headquarters of the Second 31itary District, dated April 11.186T, is modified as follows :"; ; r ' ' - v V.."".:' r tVTti jfOB DESTa. ''f---.--.',.-; Judgments or decreet for the payment of money on causes of action arising in .North Carolina between the 20th of May, 1SS1, and the 20th day of April, 1S65, and la South CarollnaljetTreen the 13th dayof December, 18S0, and the 20lh day of April, 1S65, shall not be en forced, by execution, against the person or property f tha defeniraL Proceedirss lor auch cause f action I now pendinsahall be stayed,, and'no suit or process shaUbe instituted or, commenced on such causes, of action tmta alter the drtl gOTernment of the respctlTe Stateg .shall be establiahed. In BCdaiic.firltii. .... ; . w. v ..a ara 1 ed to auapeid the sale of all pivjerty upon Execution, or process under any Judgment or decree of a court of the ao-caUed Confederate States, or of the State of North Carolina, rendered between the 10th day of May, 1861, and the organisation of the provisional government of said State, under the President's proclamatioa of the Sth day of April, 1865, or the State of South Carolina, rendered between the 19th day f December, I860, and the organisation of the provirional government of the said State, under the President's pnxiamation of the 80th day of June, 1865, unless the written consent of th defendant be entered on record, and except in cases where the plaintiff or his attorney upon oath, supported by corroborative testimony, shall allege that the defen dant is disposing of, removing, ot about to remove, his property beyond the Jurisdiction of the court, with intent to defraud his creditors : . Frovided. that' no such judgment, so rendered, within the periods afore said, shall be a bar to the commencement, in a State court, of a new suit upon the same cause of action in any case in which, by law, the defendant may remove or appeal the same to a court of the United States. 70B4CL0SITBX Of B"OBT0A0IS. The sale of real or personal property, by foreclosure of 'mortgage likewise suspended ; In the cases embraced in paragraphs II and III, of said order No. 10 as above amended,- except in eases where interest nsoney . accruing subsequent to the 29th of April, 1865, shall aet have been paid beJbre the day of sale, and all previous restrictions on such sales are revoked. -' Paragraph IV of the same order la modified by sub stituting the 29th day of April, 1865, fbO"!91 J Of May 1865. - ' ?-v-. . ? Paragraph V of the same order is modified as follows: t7Jie OB JTX6B0 jntBTB : T ' . "aw yii'mwullnicsfnr-th MMTtri iff UflT. U COSH tracts, whether under seal or by parol, the conBidera tionofwhichwasthe purchase of slaves made subse quent to the 1st day of January, 1868, are suspended. Judgment or decrees entered for auch causes ol action shall not be enforced. ' Paragraph YH of the same order is modified ss fol lows : HOKBBTBA2M. - In all sales or property under execution or by order of any court, there shall be reserved out of the property of any defendant who has a family dependent upon his or her labor, a dwelling house and appurtenances, and (if in the country) twenty acres of land, or so much thereof that the whole shall not exceed in value the sum of two thousand dollars ; and in a town or city, the immediate lot upon which auch dwelling house Is situated ; and necessary articles of . furniture, apparel. eubsisteneeVnd implements of hnsbamdry,, trade, or vther employment, to the value of fire hundred dol lars. The homestead exemption ehaU inure only to the benefit , ot , families.. In other cases the exemp tion shall extend only to clothing and Implements of trade or employment usually followed; by the defen dant, of the value of two hundred dollars. The ex emptions hereby made shall not be waived or defeat ed by the act of any defendahMwho has a family de pendent upon him or her support, and the exempted property shall be ascertained and defined by the sheriff or other officer enforcing the execution, who shaO call to bis aid two impartial citizens to make the necessary appraisement, andshaU make report thereof to the court.;- t. -V:sV'."!' ' ' AKBxsTroB TBAtrDtrxnrr debts. Paragraph X is hereby modified so as to authorize arrest in civil actions e contractu only in cases where the demand is past due, and the- defendant has been guilty of fraud in contracting the debt 'sued lor, or has removed or disposed of his property, or Is about to do so, with intent to defraud his creditors, or is about to leave the State with such intent. ' XXnCTTTOBS AJTD CKUSUaa. S Paragraph XIV is amended by adding thereto t An proceedings in any court of North CarolinarOr of South Carolina, recognizing or sanctioning the investment of the funds of minor heirs, or of females, or of insane, persons, in the securities of the late rebel government or the securities of the States of North Carolina or South Carolina, created for the nurpose of carrying On tue War agautBfc ui- guiuiuucuir i ura v uiwu States, win be suspended until the question of the valid ityof such Investments shan have been determined by the courts of the United States,' or by national le gislation. And nothing in the provisions of this or der, or of the order No. 10 above cited, shall be held to bar or hinder the recovery, by suit, oftiie estate Of any minor heir, female, or Insane person, sestuique trust) whether in the hands of executors,! administrators, trustees, guardians, masters or clerks' of equity courts, and other fiduciary agents, or invested by them In their fiduciary character. r . DI8Tn.T.aRJXS. XL General Orders No. 25, of May 20, 1867, Is revoked; and on and after the first day of January, 1868, the dis tillation of Bpirltuous liquors in this Mmtary District win be subject to such restrictions only as are imposed J A. .1 .rn.l .V. TT-. 4 . n by the laws of the United 8Uta and " of the States of Korth and South Carolina, respectively. UL Paragraphs VI and VQ of General Orders No. 83, dated May 80, 1866, are revoked, and the power to grant licenses for the sale of splritous ot intoxicating liquors is remitted "to the proper local authorities,' to take ef lect on and after the first day ot January, 1868, and to be subject to the foUowing conditions : I -1. The municipal authorities granting the1 license shaU be - answerable that the parties to whom such licenses are granted, together with their sureties, shanite responsible persona, and of good moral stand ing Inthe eomnmaityr d that both principal and sureties .jjaii be able to qualify Indlviduany in double the amount of the bond required, and that the bond ahan be a lien upon the personal propertyof both prin cipal and sureties, and upon proof of default ahan war. tant the summary seizure and, sale of so much of the property - of either or both aa may be necessary to satisfy the forfeiture or fine and cost. r 8. Drunkenness and disorderly conduct on the prem ises shall work the forfeiture ot the license and of the penalty of the bond. ' " - -s - Vwrnr nfuriT hr room.saloon or other t I UBUITUl as Principals in any action of uamages-grow- "ff ' ai80rder iiir vlaVw v ww - occurring on the premisea, or directly traceable there tO. - ' . .'- i, W.1 i 4. Ail bar rooms, saloons or otaer Fia Intoxicating Uqnors are sold, shall be closed on the dav or days of any general or local election, and for the twelve hours next preceeding jthe bpenlng and next tJuTaheria of the countlea and districts and the chief of police of auea aa w w.- r--" iialeigh; n: a, Saturday 5YFT OinOIAL ORDERS. rect the closing of bar rooms and other places for te sale of intoxicating liquora whereYer U may be neces-. S. The proceeds of an license, fbrleltures and j under the local regulations, or. under ."the ptoAehp i of military; orders, wlU be devoted to the suppdVpf : the poor, and as soon aa realized win be turned er to the commissioners or overseers .of . the poor of pe district, county, .city or town in which they accnjd,' and the commissioners or orerseers will at the enoof each month - report to the Prorost aiarshal Geni'al of the pistrict the amouxxt receired by them d&J ojf the month, specifying the names of the parties . im whom It was received. 1 " i . .6: The penalties imposed by this order or by the'jl eal police regutationa maybe anforced in any civil mUllary court, and upon.. conrlction he court award to tbe informer a sum rot exceeding ftfty p cent, oi tne forfeiture or fine. "And It i made the dr- of all sherLTs, constables and coroners of couhtle ltd districts, and the police cfc! ties and towns to tt'f the provisions of this n i n itUtiia m nrij sale of P- r ihe ist 2, to liiiieepers, as yemiia unexpired u. of January, 1883. - : ', - XISTBICT OOCBT8. ' ' IV. To promote the speedy trial f prisonars coni fined for' minor ' offences, and diminish the eosfcpf their maintenance, all committing magistrates will on' the 15th and last dayt of each month, report to the Judge of their county or district court 11 commit ments made by them during the preceeding half month, specifying the date of commitments, the names of the prisoners and the offences for which they . were committed, to the end that the judges may whenever tn their opinion the number of prisoners or other con-f siderations of public interest can for it, hold special terms of their courts for the purpose of disposing 4t such cases. The additional expense of holding suia special terms will be charged Upon the State Treasury, and the accounts therefor wiU be audited and paid, as accounts of a similar character are now audited and paid, and if the salaries now paid the Judges should be inadequate in view of the additional labor perform ed by them, a reasonable addition pan the proper representations through the Governor of the State, wiU bealiowed. J ; V. The pllotajie regulations now ex. sting in. toe State of North and South Carolina are so far modified that on and after the first day of March, 186S, all pasv sengear steam vessels, regulated by the laws of the United Stales, und carrying a pilot commissioned by the United .States Commissioners, shall be exempt nv the compulsory payment of pilotage. aojtTH. caaoi.nrA roxx. tax, 7. TI. 80 much of the act of tho General Assembly of tha State of North Carolina, entitled 44 Aa act to raise nlBa!!JEatiffedon the 26th day of February, 186T, iVMitrtmrnmi'-ii r , j to list and pay tiie (poll) tax of such persons liable to the same, aa are in their employment, on ihe first day Of Aprfl of each year, as laborers," Is rescinded, and hereafter all Individual taxes will be assessed directly upon and collected directly from the individuals from whom they are due ; provided, that the provisions ff this order shall not apply to the taxes levied for Jhe current year, except that double poll tax shaU not be enforced If the original tax be paid On or before thelst day of March, 1868. , ;' By command of Brevet Major General En R. S. CfXBTt - ' ' ' LOUIS Y- CAIARC, Aide-deCamp, ( . . . ;Aclg. Asst-AyiTGenl. Exti act from general orders No. 10, referred' to in the above order T Gen. Canby : - Second. Judgment or decrees fer the payment pf moneyon causes of action araing between the 19th of December, 1860, and the 15th of May, 1865, shall not be enforced by execution against the property or the person of the defendant. Proceedings In such causes of action now pending shall be stayed, and no suit or process shall be hereafter - instituted or commenced for any "such causes of action ." . Third. Sheriffs, coroners and constables are hereby directed to suspend for twelve calendar months the sale of all property upon execution of process on liabilities contracted prior to' the 10th of December, iaw, -uniess upon the written consent pf the defen dants, except In casw where the plaintiff, "or in his absence Jus agent or attorney, shall upon oath, with corroborative testimony allege or prove that the de fendant Is moving or intends fraudulently to remove his property beyond the territorial jurisdiction of the Court.. The sale Of , real or 'personal property by foreclosure f mortgage ; is likewise . suspended ' for twelve calendar months, except In cases where the payment of Interest money accruing since the 15th day of May, 1865, shall not have been made befpre the day or saie," jrourtn. "Judgments or decrees entered or enrolled on causes of action arising subsequent to the 15th day of May, 1865, may be endorsed by execution, against the' property of the defendant, and in the application of the money arising under such execu tions, regard shall be had to the priority of liens, un less In cases where the good laith of any lien shall be drawn in question. In such cases the usual mode of proceeding adopted in North and. South Carolina respectively to dptpjmlpe that question, shall be adopt ed. . t "Fifth : JOl proceedings for the recovery of money under contracts, whether under seal or by parole Jthe consideration for which was thepurchase of negroes, are suspended. Judgments or decrees entered or en roled tor such causes of action shaU not be enforced. Seventh. In all ealesbf property upder execution by praer or any court, taere shall he reserved out of the property of any defendant who has a family dependent upon his or her labor, a dwell ing house and appurte nances and twenty acres of land for the use and occupa tion of the families of the defendant, and necessarv J articles of furniture, apparel, : subslstenco. Imple ments of trade, husbandry or other employment ef the- value of $500. The homestead exemption shall inure only to the benefit of families lhat is to say. parent or parents and child or ch ldren in other cass the exemption shall extend only to plpthing, imple ments of trade or other employment usually followed by the defendant, of the value of $100. The exemption hereby made shal not be. waived or defeated, by the act of the defendant. r. The exempted property of the defendant shall be ascertained by the Sheriff or other officer enforcing .the execution, who shallspecifically describe the same, and make a report - thereof ia - each aae to the Court, , 1 l,,-.. Tenth. In suits brought to recover debts knowp as actions ex contractu, bail, as heretofore authorized. shall not be demanded by the suitor nor taken by the sheriff or other officer serving the process : In suits for trespass, libel, wrongful conversion of property and other cases, known as actions 'ex delicto ball," as heretofore authorised, may be demanded and taken, The prohibition of bail In cases ex contractu shall not extend to persona about to leave the State, but the fact of intention must be clearly established by proof." "Fourteenth. The punishment of death In certain cases of burglary and larceny imposed by the existin? laws of the provisional , governments in this military district, is abolished. Any person convicted of - burg isry or of larcency, wnen me property stolen is or or -of assault with adeadly weapon, shajl be deemed guilty offelony, and shall be puniBhed by imprsonment at hard labor tor a term not exceeduig ten years . . t- . saving juriBaicuoa mereuu r uwvcnjr, wuea wsiua thereof is less than $25, shall b punished by Imprison- men! at hard labor for a term not exceeding one rear lathe discretion of thecourt." , - 7., ' ERNOON, MARCH 7, -PgUp )ieiglutgfeh C SATURDAY, MARCH, 7, 1868. " TUB STATB CONDENSED. James U. Foy, late of Wilson, N. C, has assumed editorial charge of the Walhal la, S. C, Courier. . PSome thiet hna- robbed the study of ReY.J. B. Hardwick of Goldsbpro. of va" rious articles of wearing apparel The reli gious works were undisturbed. A thief waa captured io a rery queer place in Wjlmirjgton, a'few d3ys ago, name ly, under a piano,, in the parlor- oi judge Meares. .si-; v. t . ; . :-' - bem, GoldbrynjBjrtf J rify in cnm At.. gree, and pitched their tenti in Wilming ton. Some half dozen or more houses were entered on Tuesday night Eiyrr Moanoke New sold again I The Brick Pqmeroy Who passed through Weldon, and whom Stone described as six feet high, handsome and fearless, tarns out lo be some one other. Brick. Possibly, Brick bat'!-Star. 13P1 Last evening, while a setvant in the employ of .Mr. H. H, Munson was sitting near the fire with one of his children in her arms, her clothes were ignited in some man ner, and, before they could be extinguished, she was badly burned.! ! The child was also much burned, and Mr. Munson suffered soma injuries in attempting to extinguish the flames. The intelligence reached us at a late hour, and we are not able to learn the full particulars,1 nor the extent of the inju rie.s. WU. Star. v.- : r . We regret to learn that en Saturday last, just before: daybreak, the dwelling of Mrs. Thomas L. Hybert, on the Jklorganton road, four miles from Fayetteville, was fired by an incendiary, and totally destroyed. The family barely had time to make their k escape with their lives, .and lost all their fur- aiture: (including a ' fine' piano,) except a imall quantity of bedd.iflg.- There was no urance ou building or furniture. WU. tStar. .. s ... - - On Tuesday last, as Mr. Thomas D. illiams, an old' gentleman residing in this ty, was passing ; the door of Messrs. E. Murray & Co1s, oflice, he was knocked down T)y a keg of nails which was rolled out by some one inside. It was at first supposed that he was only slightly injured, but the doctor found yesterday that Ms wrist was dislocated, and ene of his ribs broken. These injuries would not be very dangerous to a younger man, but to one of Mr. Wil- liaa's agathcinay prove of seriaba moment The affair is regarded aa only an accident, and no blame is attached to any oue. Wil. Star, - " 1 i v ' - tresteraay morning .a colored man named Forbes, came into the city, and reported to the Sheriff that he had shot an other colored mm named Moore, on the preceding night. Moore, it seems from Forbes' account, had been in the habit of stealing potatoes from him, and seeing him (Moore) engaged in that business fired at hirrtand thinks that he wounded him se verely. ' He immediately came to the city, and the Sheriff sent an officer out with him to see if Moore or his body can be found. Nextbem Journal of Commerce , Catholic la America. The Catholic Almanac for 1868, published in New York, gives some statistics of the Catholic Church, in America. In 1860 the American Cyclopaedia estimated that there were only a little over 8,000,000 Catholics in the United States adhering to their doc trincs. The best Catholic authorities now declare that nearly five millions of persons belong; to : their.. denomination. In 1850 there were in Rhode Island and Connecticut only 16,000 Catholics; there are now 125,900, At the same time Pennsylvania contained 80,501, while there are at present 275,000 in the diocese at Philadelphia alone. In Iili nois, there were 26,100, and the district about Chicago now , alone . counts ? 150,000. The diocese of Albany and Buffalo have 420,000 against 126,288 ia the whole Stato of New York in 1850 ; and there are 60,000 in Michi gan, while in 1850 there .but 16,122 The Catholic population in five New England States excluding Massachusetts. t Dumpers 198,000. In one halt of Pennsylvania ther are 275.000. In New York leaving put New York city and Brooklyn, 430,000, , Michigan has 106,000 ' Indiana, 105,000 : , Wisconsin, 800,000 Iowa ; HO.OOO.J and part of Ohio, ' ' - 90.000. The Catholics in Canada number about 000,000. ix- -rcV, -; There, are 13,50Q public- j ournals in. the world, and America publishes 5,000 of them.; A rat waa recently, shipped from; Erie to Corry, Pa. on whose lifcati accident .insu rance policy of $1,000 had been taken. Seven hundred and eighty tfcree petitona jn bankruptcy have been filed in Old Virgin ia since the law went into effect. . A Resident of Maine has invented and ap - 1 plied for a patent for a contrivance which tne nrnm- n o awn with the common buttonhole m collart,i:uff3, and all articles of outside wear where tbeTbuttonhole is ose(L - - . consis Gf a and - durable I Aa nnnn h BtTifl nr Rlpeve button, ana !,rJw "r" " , , ;.T . ; . :v -I.,.., ry. sernred bv a movable Swivel, which can be I . i ' l s J.i , f001 unuuue 1 i a i r l i rr i 1 i 1868; . 1 FIVE CENTS. MKOELLAffEOtrS : ADYEBTISEMEHT8 JMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. , I EVERY YOUNG MAN deairoua to obtein a thor ough Practical Business Education, should attend the old-established ' ! ; :: - "AND''" NATIONAL TELEGRApHltl INSTTnf i. Corner Baltimoro and Charles Streets! s. -i - ' -Baltimore, md. FouNTEa IN 1852. i Chabtkbjcd in 1854. THE ONLY INCOEPABATED rNSTTTUTION ' the kind in tie State of Afaryland. ' ;Tire LEAJ3ING BUSINESS COLLEGE ' i -ff4 OP BAWmOEfc u 'r C THE COLLEGE MARYLAND . Which has introduced the system T of actual business practice " to any extent. SPLENDID BANKS, ' j HOUSES AND OFFICES m successful operation,, Every Student becomes a keeper and Banker, and goes through with tbe whole business routine of Buying and Selling Shipping, Importing, etc., etc. The'lfost Extenrive and Matt Elegantly i :.i .' - the kind. in ths-' United State. Every Young Man : should7 write immediately for our large Illuatrated College Journal, contain ing Terms of Tuition and full particulars, which wtilbe sent by return mail free of charge; with samples of; Monev, iCcnunercial and Business Papers and , Beautiful Specimens of Spencerias Penmanship Address V , 4 K. IX)SIEB, Principal. - jul 19-ly. v Balthnore,Md. "M OTICE TO SHIPPERS OF 11 SPIRITS T URPENTINE THE SEACOARD lilLAMD AIR UHE . j Via Portsmouth, Va.f , Is now prepared to ship . ; SPiniTS TTO1EICTINE To Baltimore. Philadelphia and New Yorki. lt t Steamers having been arranged for that purpose! .aarxAne isotrte, trom the fact of its aroid tonmment from one steamer to another, to .winch othOT lines are subject, and being the direct hue between the Carolina and tiwNorth era atiM with daily communication to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; and to Boston a sieamer every nve clays, otters great facilities for shipping, and is in advance of all nth mntu from three to five days and at as low rates. in snipping from tho Northern cities, or from Carolina, be careful to ship via Portsmouth by the steamship lines connecting with and forming part of this route. 4 From Boston, Merchants' and Miners' Line. E. Sampson, agent, end Central Wharf. - Jfrom .New York, Old Dominion : Steamship Company, Pier 37, North river, M. L. McCready. T 1 .1 j. jje ion , . xicaiueut, oince xoi ureenwicn street. From Philadelphia, Clyde steamers. 14 South Delaware Avenue, W. P. Clyde, agent. Annamessic line, Philadelphia. Wilmington and Baltimore Depot, J. L. Wilson, agent. rrom xsaitimore, liay lane Steamers, foot of Union Dock, R. L. Poor, agent. All claims for :- loss, damage or overcharge, promptly settled by applying to fo. juwanaita, xrace Agent, Seaboard Inland Air line. Portsmouth. y. THE SEABOARD & ROANOKE R. R AND BAY L.1 N Having been consolidated under one mana. ment from Weldon to Baltimore, offer greater cilities to shippers of freight to and from Baltimore than any other:. line,, and guarantee safety, of freight and prompt settlement of all claims. . r " : ; K. a GHIO, 1 - Superintendent Transportation S. and R. R. W. - a - SMITH, Superintendent Bay Line Steamers. , janl7-2m , ' TOB FAMILY USE. k - Families or Schools desiring to supply them selves with a good article of Dried Fruit for winter use, can have any kind, or an assortment, care fully selected and packed ia half-barrels or barrels, y applying to we.unoeiaignea. ; , , I Amla rtaelayl anI nntWkola1 WaanhAC Faovi Cherries and Plums, now on hand and constantly shipping. ; E. A. VOGLEB, sepld-im. Salem, K CL THE YOUNG LADY'S FRIEND; ' . - , v Specimen Copy 10 ets. . .. ;. THE LADIES' HOME MAGAZINE,' 'J ' Specimen Copy 15 cts. - These are favorite monthly Periodicals. Beau- fnl premiums offered to getters up of elub lists. Send for Specimens to ' . . - ;, , W.T.HORNER, Nov? tf ;' Buffalo, N. Y. MPIRE. SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES Jli are superior to aU others for Family and Manufacturing Purposes. Agents wanted. Address, , v , is I m 616 Broadway, New York. ' v - t At " RUFCS X. FS3tRELLi, . Margtt Street. RATES OF ADVERTISING- Ore Sqaare one -day... " . .. two day...... ,, three davs . '5 f I ST.. l-TO t.:;."2 85 .' . ... .' i 13 ; m 3 to " four days, " " V fiveda',... " "... l one week,..,......,.. Ten lines, in closely set t mall lyie, of fiflr wordn, to constitute a square. ' . tContract Advertisements ttken at proportion ately low rates. . ATI letters connected with the businee? of the office mast be addreseed to the "Pubu&hkrs or tbe Resik." tx, Raleigh, N. C." - MXDIOAJr 'pHE BEST BLpOD PUIl I K I FAX d r . . 1 au k in jut : s z 0 ROS A DvV L I S. ' - 'READ THE: FOLLOWING . HOr.lE CERTIFICATES FROM PHYS5- CIAHS. - t . We hereby certify hat the .RosadaUVis- pt e pared by a Physician who is an exjericnwl Phr macentist and Chemisf,' and that Ms remetly "u an efBcient and reliable one in Scrofcxa, Syjihi lis, &c., it having performeil some reinarkuMe uirea in thia vicinity. W. A. DUGGAN, M. 1). . . - E. BARNES, M. D. R. W. KING, M. I). Wilson, N. C, February 4th, 18G6. r We hereby. certify that we regard Dr. Law rence's Compound Extract of Ros&dalis ia a reli able Alterative " A. D. MOORE, M. D, ' ' . L. A. ST1TH, AI. D. Wilson, N. C. May 10, 1867. . . ' Edgecombe County, N. C, AlaySd, 1867. De. J. J. Lawbekce Dear Sir iPlense 4cnd me immediately per Express to Tarboro', two dozea more bottles of your Rosadalis. .1 have carefully examined its Formula, and have used it in my practice in a number of cases. I am well pleased with, it. I think it beyond doubt, the best Alterative I ever used. I "have tried it in several cases of Scrofula and Scrofulous affec tions, &c, with much satisfaction to myself and patients. I have also used-it in Secondary. and Tertiary' Syphilis, one a terrible case of "eight years' standing, in which it acted with surprising and satisfactory effect making a quick and tho rough cure. I have," therefore, no hesitation in recommending it to Physicians and others, as the most reliable Alterative now known. Respectfully yours, &c, ' , A. B." NOBLES, M.D. A Wonderful Cure of Scrofulous Wliite Sioell : . - ing. . . . .'" (HOME CEKTIFICATE. .. I hereby certify that last September I was at tacked with White Swelling of the left knee and also with an enlargement of the glands of the neck one tumor reached a large size. : The swelling of the knee was enormous, and was at tended with the most excruciating pains. I was so reduced that I was confined to my room over three months. My leg was so completely drawn up that I could not bend it all. I tried various HtnoliM anil 4Yav alw4 m. . 1 I.viuvuiD, auu uitj uucu iiw give me any rciicx. I was in this condition when I commenced taking Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis. The swelling in the 1 1 V. J 1 1 mm T , . tLiiKv huu bwa ucg&u to EUDsiae oexore x cook qji of the first bottle. By the tunej took the second bottle, the swelling "of the neck entirely disap peared, and that of the knee, nearly so. After taking three bottles I found myself completely well able to walk as well as every&C. - ; '-.- -rv .r ; rLATIiSEB i WILLIAMS. Wilson, May 12,1867. , Rosadalis wiU cure the very worse cases ef Chro- V V Wilson, N. C, May 6, )867. " I hereby certify that l was cured of Jpng stand ing Chronic Rheumatism, by taking fonr bottles of Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis. - JAMES "WILLIS. Hosadalis Cures Carbuncles, Bails, Pimples, t-e. CEBTIFICATE FROM AN OLD AND MUCH RES PECTED CITIZEN OF GRKKJJK COUJNTV, SOW A BESrDEKT OF WILSON, N. C. I hereby certify that, during the summer ami fall of 1866 I was severely afflicted with Carbun clesiaving had as many as fourteen large Car buncles, and twelve ordinary Boils. I suffered so much from them that I could not get out of the house half the time for several months. Being induced to try Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis, I was entirely cured by the use of one bottle of that truly valuable medicine.. . W. A. liAKUKri, SR. Wilson, May 11th, 1867. Consumption, in its' Early Stages can be cured. .... Baltimore, Md., March 4 th, 1867. . Hear Dr. Lawrence .V-My daughter having been cured of a deeply seated disease of the 1 ungs by yoax Rosadalis, I feel-it- my ; duty; to; make the fact, known to -yon for the benefit of others. She Buffered nearly two years with a hard eongh, which troubled her - day and night ; at last the emaciated form, glassy eye, night sweats," together with the cough, told too plainly that it was Con-, sumption, beyond question, eating at her vital. Our Physician's remedies brought no relief. - She was advised to try,yonr Rosadalis, as a tonic which ahe did imagine my surprise and gratifi cation, when I found her- appetite returning. Slowly she regained her strength, her cough and night sweats gradually ceased, and; she, is now, after taking five bottles of your medicine, !iih rently as well as ever. . . 3 Yours, respectfully,. v , . Mrs. K.ANN "SMITH. ; Rosadalis Cures aU SIvn Diseases. SALT BHKT7M CURED I REMARKABLE CURE.! Db. Lawrence, Wilson N. C . Mi' Dear Sir For the last ten rears. 'until recently, I suffered with an inveterate eruption of the -skin called by Physicians ".Suit Rheum," with which 1 suffered tembly; the l ti u and iu-ii- ing was almost intolerable. I triereveral of the best Physicians in Europe and this country e visited several celebrated sprmg .-spent thou.iaiid. of dollars, and failed to get any better, ,1a De cember, 1866, being in Charleston, S. C, 1 w iis told by a gentleman at the hotel that he had leeii cured of a bad tetter by a medicine called' Rosa dalis.'' I ' resolved to "try, it, without any hope though of its doing me any good. I procured a bottle of Messrs. King & Cassidey, and com-, menced taking it. ". Finding, to my surprise, tliat I was improving, I bought four other bottles ; but before commencing on the last two, I found I w iis completely well the disease having entirely dis appeared. .t. - "r Enclosed . find One Hundred Dollars, which please aecept as a token of my gratitude. Why do you not make your invaloable Rosadalis widely known? . - Your sincere friend, - . - . ' " '. , W. T. SELTZER. ' Ct?" Beware of Counterfeits. t-; Se that J. J. LAWRENCE & Co., ia blown on the bottle and stamped on the cork. , .f ' . , . ' ; T'8ent anywlure by .Express on receipt of Pricey ' . '. . .. - : - For sale ov : - : '.'- '. iiz,- WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD, Druggists, lialeigh, N. C. r i " ( t I V I !

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