hi 1 Gift of ?; 6i Hedrick EVERY ATTEENOON BY ! ? bates or ;adyeetistkg. V1; , 1 L - 1 I IG1I 'REGISTER ASOCIATIOIf FOLLWING VERT LOW BATES;;; 1 Year,.... ......G 00 A months. .... 3 SO 1 Month. 0 aper, 1 Year, .... f 00 . 6 Montae, 1 50 pee to Clubs 50 cents per month. V 7. pAPRto Clubs of five or more at toe -i, . 4.n mnia a? fin ' ax-i per year, .to uiud ua , 7. jirE AHD CITY GOVERNMENT. STATE GOVERNMENT, Josat .tja Worth, Governor, ealary. - " Bagley, Privite Secretary, (exclusive of ealar $4,000 Wro, fees ,000 R. W. Beet; Secretary of State, (exclusive 01 K. P. Battle, Treasurer, D. W; Bain, Chief Clerk to Treasurer, S. W Ttnrcrin flAinntroller. 1,50b 1,500 GonRsoa'a Couxcrfc-Wni. A. Wright, of 5 ewHan over. President ; Wm. TSaton, jr., of Warren; Jesse 6. Shepherd, of Cumberland ; Giles Mebane, of Caswell; Tho-. sj Ashe; of Anson ; Dr. Henry Joyner, of Hall- fax? and K. A. Jones, of CaldwelK W. C.Krr, State Geologist, W. E. Pjsll, State Printer, 0. 11. Pjirry; State Librarian, ; Dixon (fcohn,8up. Pub. Buildings, John Ai Gilmer, jr.. Adjutant General. $2,500 - 600 500 200 j. SUPREME COTJBT. The feupreme Court of North Carolina is neia ai Ralelgift, semi-annnaBy, on the second Monda in Jaa- R M. Pearson, Chief Justice,' salary: l W. h; Battle, Associate Justtce, , E.G. Reade, -- - - k -' S6n 1L Hogers, Attorney QeneraC . : S.F. Phillips, Reporter, (exclusive of fees) B. Freeman, Clerk, " " James' Lltchford, Marshal. $2,500 2,500 ,2,500 600 500 . IT. S. CIRCUIT COURT FOR N. C. Jodge Geo. W. Brooks, of Pasquotank; District Attorney D. H. Starbuck, fealem, N. C; Clerk N. J. Riddick, Raieign ; .aarsaai iaiucvxw vxwuu, n United District Courts are held as rouows ; Edenton, 2d Monday in April and October. Sam'l ll Bond, Clerk. Newbern, 4th Monday In. April at 1 J October. Chas. Hibbard, Clerk. Wilmington, -1st I rSooday after. Wm. Larkins, Clerk. - . ! COUIiTT COURT. Special Court J. B. Root, Chairman; Henderson Hodge; Reuben Fleming, and Robert Wynn. Sherift-R.K.Ferrell; Deputy, J. Sid. Bryant. 4 Clerk J. J. Ferrell ; Deputy, Junius Ferrell. Attorney Chas. M. Busbee. ' . Register G. Wash. Taylor. -Trustee Noel S. Harp. Surveyor Fcnda! Bevea. Coroner Wm. II. Crawford. tssuT9or Wfighta and Measures Lougee & Bro ther. ; ittv Finance Committee M. B.Royster, N. J.Whit kernd .Geo. W. Norwood. Clerk to Committee, George. Whitaker. ' : Wardens of the Poor Wm. R. Pool, Chairman; Jor dan Womble, Sr., Treasurer; W. H. Hood, Allen Adams, I. H. Collins, C. J. Rogers and Pendal Beves. Superlntendantof the Poor-B. Perry. Clerk ofjhe Wardens R. P. Finch. Jailor S. P. GUI. ' T Crier of the Court F. G. King. Times of Holding the Court-Third Mondays in February, May, August and November. UNITED STATE OFFICIALS. tt si Marshal Daniel , at the oiss. of lthe late Hon. George E. Badger.. Tionnt. nfMHS,Qi"fcr: 3. H. Foote. same. ice Clerk of the Fe&eral Court N. J. Riddick. ' Kes.ater in Bankruptcy and U. S. Commissioner Jno. T. Deweese, at the " Standard " office, on Harnett street. ' puty Marshal C. L. Harris, same office. Ajsessors-Jno. R. Harrison and J. G. Brommell. coraer of Hargett and Fayetteville streets, up Btairs. Deputy Collector W. 'B. " Williams, same office. IleaJymrters, the Tucker Mansion South of Nash Square. side Gen. Nelson A. Miles; Assistant . Commissioner, station, Head Quarters; Lt. Col. , Jacob F. Churr, A. A. A. General, station, Head Quarters; Lt. Col. Thomas P. Johnaen, Chief Q. M- and Disbursing of ficer for North Carolina, statiob Headquarters; Capt. W.F.Smith, Post Surgeon, station, Headquar ters; Dr.H.C. Vogell, Agent Sub District, station Headquarters ; Rev. E. A. Fiske, Supt. of Educa tion for N. C, station, Headquarters ; Dr. A. B. Chapin, Surgeon Of Fair Ground Hospital, station, Hospital. f ' ' . - CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor W. D. Hayvvood. C0M1O88I0SEBS. Western Ward J. M. Betts, Parker Ovcrby, J.D. Royster. Middle Ward R. H. Battle, B. F. Cheatham, and A. N. McKimmon. Eastern Ward D. L. Royster, J. J. Overby, and J. A. Moore. Clerk J. J. Christophers. Chief of Police E- E. Harris; Assistant, Peyton Williams isntrht. Watch Ho weU Moss, Captain; Wa3h Over- hv. Josiah Gilbert, Stanford Cooper, Tom Dancy, T?rvant and M. C. Luter B Keeper of the City Pumps Alsey and Chas. Bcevers. City Collector das. wtcmuru. Weigh Ma?ter Len. H. Adams. Sexton A. Holt. ' FIBS DSFABTMSST. Chief Engineer. Job. T. Backalan. Fire Company No. 1. C. M. McKimmon, Foreman, a D. Heartt. Assistant Foreman w?r Comnanv No. 2. Jno. J. McGnire, Foreman, R T. Bosher, Assistant Foreman, ilook and Ladder:-H. T. Clawson, Foreman, cnas Kpnater Assistant Foreman. r. . , ickeVcoTp.nyW. C-StronForenoan: . C. White, Assistant Foreman. , . - -v:- x :vry NOHTH CVBOITNA KAlti ROAD.; . J juiiwiBW leave.. ClotYjf p. Arrive at Raleigh 9:50 A. and . XioV A.. M. Arrives aiTBateigh t 12:00 M., and at Golda boro at 5)0 P. M . . r Mnll Train (going -.Wesi) leaves Goldsboro at Ll:00 P. M. A rrivea Raleigh at 3:50 P. M., and at Char ottejat 2:54 A. M. . . - Freight Train (going West) leaves Goldsboro at 6:00 A.'M. Arrives at Raleigh at 9:30 P.M., and at Char lotte at 7:00 P. M. RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD. Mail Train leaves Raleigh at 9:40 A. M. Arrives at Weldon at 8:10 P.M. v Freight Train leaves Raleigh at 8:00 a. M. Ar i yes at Weldon at 5:40 P. M. : ': Mail Train leaves Weldon at 10:35 A. M. Arrives at Raleigh at 3:45 A. M. Freight Train leaves Weldon 5:40 P. M. Arrives at Raleigh at 7;36 P.M. ' MAILS. Northern and Eastern mail arrives daily Sundays txt;pti.i 4 p. , M. L And closeB 9:15 A. M. Wtern "rWt;9 daily Sunday excepted, 9:30 A. M. And closv M. Fayetteyille do. Roxboro, arrives every w Jiy 11 A. M. And closes 1 P. M. Leachburg bor;om7 A. M., to 6 P. M. Fa- Itt;", National TJank W. ts. liaiiek, cashier, s-ft ttwii'Mn9'' Co inkers and Brokere, , " tt, ret. I inrj halt i 1 li: l AT TilM I .- Dally Pfper, i ; VOL. NO, 23 0PH0IAL ORDERS- Important Order from Gen. Canby. HEADQ'RS 2d MILITARY DISTRICT, ; ; i . Chablistom, S. C, Dec.ai, 1867, ,4j GSKIBAL ORDER8, 1 " ' No. 154. I. Paragraph Hot General, Orders ; No. 10, from the Headquarters of the Second Military District, dated April 11, 1867, is modified as follows : SUITS TOB DEBTS. . Judgments or decrees for the payment of money on causes of action arising in North Carolina between the 20th of May, 1861, and the 20th day, of April, 1865, and in South Carolina between the 19th day of December, 1S00, and the 29th day of April, 1865, shall not be en forced, by execution, against the person or property fcf the defendant. Proceedings for such causes of, action now pending shall be stayed, and no suit or process shall be instituted or commenced on such causes of action until after the civil government of the respective States shalj be established, in accordance with the w of tha Unite. Slates- : iT. Paragraph III of the Bame order is modified as fol lows' u.-..- bxectitioks. .,..--.- Shenffa, coroners and constables are hereby direct ed to Buspend the sale of all property upon execution, or process under any judgment or decree of a courtof the so-called Confederate States, or of the State of North Carolina, rendered between the 20th day of May 1861, and the organization of the provisional government or said State, under the President's proclamation of the 29th day of April, 1865, or the State of South Carolina, rendered between the 19th day of December, 1860, and the organization of the provisional government of the said State, under the President's proclamation of the 30th day of June, 1865, unless the written consent of the defendant Be entered on record, and except In cases where the plaintiff or his attorney upon oath, supported by corroborative testimony, shall allege that the defen dant is disposing of, removing, or about to remove, his property beyond the jurisdiction or the court, with intent to defraud his creditors : Provided, that no such judgment, so rendered, within the periods afore said, shall be a bar to the commencement, in a State court, of a new suit upon the same cause of action in any case in which, by law, the defendant may remove or appeal the same to a court of the United States. FOBXCLOSTTRK OT XOKTOA.GES. The sale of real or personal property,-by foreclosure -of "mortgage, is likewise suspended in the cases embraced in paragraphs IT and III, of said order No. 10 as above amended, except in cases whero interest monev accruing subsequent to the 29th ol April, 1885, haii not hive taen na.id before the day of sale, and aH previous restrictions on such sales are revoked. ParaeraDh TV of the same order is modified by sub stituting the 29th day of April, 1865, for the 19th day of May 1885. Paragraph V of the same order is modified as follows: SUITS OH KBORO DXBTS, All proceedings for the recovery of money on con tracts, whether under seal of by parol, the considera tion of which was the purchase or slaves maae suDse quent to the 1st day of January, 1863, are suspended. Judgment or decrees entered rorsucn causes oi action shall not be enforced T.rrrr.h VTTof the same order , is modified as iol- lowa: Inallsalcsot propcTTrunaei-ecuiirirT-cj "i,,.-... w .Tn): Tht dnnM stjf? s nf nvrnnrt t.hr fthallbe rewrYwitHttof theproperty of any defendant who has a family dependent npon . .. . .. - 4 his or her labor, a dweUing house and appurtenances, and (if in the country) twenty acres of land, or so much thereof that the whole BhaU not exceed in value the sum of two thousand dollars ; and in a town or. .city, the Immediate lot upon which such dwelling house is situated; and necessary articles of furniture, apparel, subsistence and implements of husbandry, trade, or other employment, to the value of five hundred dol lars. The homestead exemption shau inure only to the benefit ot families. In other cases the exemp tion shall extend only to clothing and implements of trade or employment usually followed by the defen dant, of the value of two hundred dollars. , The ex emptions hereby made BhaU not be waived or defeat ed by the act of any defendant,lwho has a famfly de pendent upon him or her support, and the exempted property shall be ascertained and defined by tne sheriff or other officer enforcing" the execution, who "shaH caU to his aid two impartial citizens to make the necessary appraisement, andshaU make report thereof to the court. " .'"-., ." ABBBST 70B FBAtTDDTJEHT DEBTS. 4 Paragraph X is hereby modified 60 as to authorize arrest In civil actions ex contractu only in cases where the demand is past due, and , the defendant has been guilty of fraud In contracting the debt Bned lor, or has removed or disposed of his property, or is about to do so, with intent to defraud his creditors, or is about to leave the State with such intent. IXECTTTOBS AND TB79TXXS. .T Paragraph XIV 1b amended by adding thereto : ; AU proceedings in any court f North Carolina, or of South Carolina, recognizing or sanctioning the investment of the funds of minor heirs, or of females, or of insane persons, in the securities of the late rebel government or the securities of the States of North Carolina or South Carolina, created for the Trarpose of carrying on the war against the government of the United States, wiU be suspended until the question of the valid ity of such investments shaU have been determined by the courts of the United Slates, or by national le gislation. And nothing in the provisions oi this or der, or of the order No. 10 above cited, shaU be held to bar or hinder the recovery, by suit, of the estate of any minor heir, female, or insane person, cestuique trust) whether in the hands of executors, administrators, trustees, guardians, masters or clerks of equity courts, and other fiduciary agents, or Invested by them in their fiduciary character. . ' -: ' -- II. General Orders No. 25, of May 20, 1867,1s revoked; and on and after t&e first day of January, 1863, the dis tillation of spirituous liquors in this MUitary District will be subject to such restrictions only as are Imposed by the laws of the United States and of the States of North and South Carolina, respectively. " ; . v BAB BOOKS. : '- . ' v IH. Paragraphs VJ and VIJ of General Orders No. 82, dated May 30, 1866, are revoked, and the power to grant licenses for the sale of spIrUoua or intoxicating liquors is remitted to the proper local authorities, to take ef leCt on and after the first day oi January, 1863, and to be subject to the following conditions : . 1. The municipal authorities granting the Jicense shall be answerable that the parties to whom such licenses are granted, gether with their! sureties, shan be responsible persons, and of good moral stand ing in the community, and that both principal and sureties shall be able to qualify individually in double thJmount of the bond'-reqfiired, and that the bond shabe a lien upon the personal property of both prin cipal and eureties, and upon proof of default shall war. rant the summary seizure and sale of so mnch of the property or .either or both as maybe neceseary to satiBfy the forfeiture er fine and cost, -:. 2. Drunkenness and disorderly conduct on the prem ises shall work the forfeiture ot the license and of the penalty of the bond. . .... -: 3. The owner or keeper of any bar room,ealoon or other place at which intoxicating liquors are sold, and other persons interested or connected therewith, shan be re garded as principals in any action or damages "grow-"- out of any assault, riot; aflray or other disorder OCCwTiDOH the premises, or directly traceable there to. . , ' " ' '- - 4. Allba. rooms, saloons or other places at which intoxicating btors are wld, shall be closed on the day or days of any federal or local election, and for the twelve hours next precnrtng the opening and next succeeding the-closing of the iiib at such election : and th Bheriffs of the counties nd Oitricts and the chief 'of policeof citiea and towns, .hall Lav power so di- 'A Vi-Avi"'": RALEIGH; N. C., SATURDAY -AliTEEXO " : J, t ornoiAL ORDERS- rect the closing of bar rooms and other 'places for the sale of Intoxicating liquors ' wherever it may be neces sary in their judgement to preserve rder and quiei. 5. The proceeds of all license torleUnres andAnes, under the local regulations or under the provisions of military orders, wiu be devoted to the support oi the poor, and as soon as realized wlll be turned over to the commissioners or overseers of the poor of the district, county, dry or town In which they secured, and the : commissioners or overseers will at the rend of each month report to the .Provost Marshal General of the District the amount received by them during the month, specifying "the names of the parties from whom it was received. - .-V.iWt ' 6. ; The penalties Imposed by this order or ly the lo cal police regulations may be enforced, in any civil or military court,' and upon conviction ; the court may award to the Informer a sum not exceeding iftyper cent, of the forfeiture or line. Ahd it is made the duty of all sheriffs, constables and coroners of countien and dietiictsi the police of cities and towns fo be vigt lant in the enforcement of the police regulations and the provisions of this order is relation to the sale of intoxicating liquors :- v :n "f: ' :-- t !- ; J -f-'" Tfee provisions of this paragraph ;win be held to ap ply to such licenses granted under General Orders Nor 32, to innkeepers, as remain unexpired after the 1st or January, 1868. ! ' v , . . VV ; . DISTBICT COXHSTS. . .- , - - , IV. To promote the speedy trial of prisoners con fined for minor offences, and diminish the cost of their maintenance, all committing magistrates will on the 15th and last days of each month, report to the judge of their county or district court all commit ments made by them during the proceeding half month, specifying the date of commitments, the names of the prisoners and the offences for which they were committed, to the end that the jndges may whenever in their opinion the number offprieoners or other con siderations or public interest call for it, hold special terms of their courts for the purpose of disposing of such cases. The additional expense of holding such special terms willbe charged upon tne State Treasury, and the accounts therefor will be audited and paid, 88 accounts of a similar character are now audited and paid, and if the salaries now paid the judges should be inadequate in view of the additional labor perform ed by them, a reasonable addition upon the proper representations through the Governor of the State, will be allowed. . . : " ' V. The pilotase regulations now existing in tne State of North and South Carolina are so far modified that on and after the first day of March, 1868, all pas senger steam vessels, regulated by the laws of the United States, and carrying a pilot commissioned by the United States Commissioners, shall be exempt from the compulsory payment of pilotage. KOBTH CABOIXNA POLL TAX. . . So much of the act of the General Assembly of VI. the State of North Carolina, entitled " An act to raiBe monies, ratified on the 26th day of February, 1867, as makes It M the duty of an persons and corporations to list and pay the (poll) tax of such persons liable to the same, as are in their employment, on ihe first day of April of each year, as laborers," , is rescinded, and hereafter all Individual taxes win bo asoMsed-dirMUr upon and collected directly from the Individuals from whom' they are due ; -provided that the roviaions of this order shall not apply to the taxes rTv tTi 7 ; . . T i -'i-t x emuTcea u uie onzniu uz MriAiiitiiiv irMrfhr uy command of Brevet Major General Ed. R. 8. Canbt; . " r LOUIS V. CAZIARC, "" Aide-deCamp, 1 Actg. Asst. Ad. Genl. Extiact from general orders No. 10, referred to in the above order of Gen. Canby ; . Second. "Judgment or decrees for the payment of money on causes of action araing between the 19th or December, 1860, and the 15th or May! 1865, shall not be enforced by execution against the property or the person or the defendant. Proceedings in such canp or action now pending shaU be , stayed, and , no suit or process staU be hereafter instituted or commenced for any Buch causes of action." j Third . " Sheriffs, coronerB ) and constables are hereby directed to suspend for twelve calendar months the sale of all property upon execution of process on liabUitle's contracted prior to the 19th, of December I860,' unless upon the written consent of the defsn danta, except In cases where the plaintiff, or in big absence his agent or attorney, shan upon oath, with corroborative testimony aUege or prove that the de fendant is moving or intends fraudulently to remove his property beyond the erritorial jurisdiction ef the Court. The Bale of real or personal property by ioreclosure of mortgage iB likewise suspended for twelve calendar months, except In casea where the payment of interest money accruing since the 15th day of May, 1865, shall nov have been made before the day of Bile." Fourth. "Judgments or decrees entered or enrolled on causes or action arising subsequent to the 15th day or May, 1865, may be endorsed by execution, against the property ot the defendant, and in the application of the money arising ander such execu tions, regard shall be had to the priority of liens un less in cases where the good faith of any Hen 'shaU be drawn in question. In BuchcaBea tho nm.i of proceeding adopted in North and South Carolina respectively to determine that question, shaU be adopt- "Fifth-. All proceedings for the recovery of money under contracts, whether under seal or by parole the consideration for which .was thepurchaae of newoes: are suspended, J udgraenta or; decreg8 entered or en roled tor such causes of action shall not be enforced Seventh. .In all sales of property nader execution by order of any court, there shall be reserved out or the property Of any defendant who has a family dependent upon his or her labor, a dwell tag hoiue and ,t0 nances and twenty acres of land for the use and occudiu .-x.o w lUo ueienoant, and neceseary articles of furniture, apparel, - subsistence. imiL ments of trade, husbandry or -other employment of vaiue oi f&uu. Tne homestead exemption BhaU inure only to the benefit Of families that is to sar Darent or narontu nurf r-fcna . .. J' . vu in oilier cas?8 the exemption shall extend only to clothing, . jmnle mentsor trade or other employment usually followed by the derendant, of the value of $itiO. The exemption j usuuub waiveaor defeated by the act of the defendant. . The exempted property of the " f"" m Cfiauiea Dy tne Sheriff or other oiucer eniorcing tne execution, who shall specifically describe the same, and make a report thereof in each caBetotheCourt. v ? - ' - u Tenth, la suita , brought, to recover debts known as actions ex contractu,' ball, as heretofore authorized, shall not be demanded by the suitor nor taken by the sheriff or otherf officer serving, the Iprocessi In . suits for trespass,libel, wrongful conversion of property and other cases, known as actions ex delicto bail, as heretofore authorized, may-be demanded and taken, The prohibition of baU in cases'ee contractu shall not extend to persons about to leave , the State, but the fact of intention must be clearly established by proof." : "Fourteenth. The" punishment Of death in certain cases of burglary and larceny imposed by the existinS laws of the provisional -governments In this military district,' is abolished. Any person convicted of burg lary or of larcency, when the property stolen is of the, value of $25, of assault and battery with intent to kin, or of assault with a deadly weapon, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shaUbe punished by impr.sonment at hard labor tor- a term not exceeding ten years nor less than . two years, in the discretion of the court having jurisdiction thereor- Larceny, when the value thereof la learn than $25, shall be punished by imprison ment at hard labor for a term not exceeding one year in the discretion. of the court. " : ' i 1 . 23.. 1868. CONSTITUTION u'.tixV a it a i w a w o t CONTINUEE, t ARTICLE II. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Section X The v Legislative " authority ahalV be vested in two" distinct branches, both' dependent on thepeople, to-wit : a Sen ate and SrgSSs o Representatives. -4,v. ' Sec. 2vThe Senate and House of Bep're scntatives shall ; meet annually on the third Monday jn November and when assembled, shall be denominated the General Assem bly. .Neither House shall proceed sopon public businjess, .unless a majority of ah the members ard actually present. ' Sec. SVe Senate shall be composed of fifty Senators biennially chosen by ballot. . Sec. 4. ntil the first session of the Gen eral Assembly which shall be had after the year 1871,tho Senate shai' be composed of members erected from Districts constituted as follows i: "'" ' - '' v;- "' First t)isrict Perquimans, Chowan," Pas quotank, tyurrituck," Gates and Camden, shall elec0wo Senator?. v : " Seconit pistrict-.Martm, Washington and Tyrrell shall elect' one Senator. Thn h rJistrict---Beaufort! and Hyde shall elect cjhe Senator. " : ' : FoOrth pistrictNortham one' Senator, " ": ' : '-"rv-- -" - Fifth District-TBertie and Hertford shall elect one Senator. Sixth District Halifax shall elect one Senator. : ' : v : "Seventh District Edgecombe ahall elect one Senator. .;. . '; ; " -: EighthDistrict Pitt shall elect one Sena-r tor.' ':. , . " . ' 1 ' Ninth District- Nash an.d Wilson shall elect one' Senator. . 1 f . ' - Tenth District Craven and Carteret shall elect two Senators. V" V " itBTen -3tBdrnea -a3-noIr sliall elect -one Senak r " I ' r:'4J ThirteTwi1 District Brunswick and New Hanover shall elect two" Senators. v ; Fourteenth District Bladen and Colum bus 8hat elect one Senator. Fifteenti District Robeson shall elect one Senator. I . Sixteeatii District Cumberland, Harnett and Samplon shall elect two Senators. Seventeenth District Johnston shall elect I one Senator. Eighteenth District Greene and Wayne shall elett one Senator. . y , v V Ninetfccnth District Franklin and Wake shall elect two Senators. , . TwenuJdi District Warren .shall- elect oneSenaor., . - , , , Twentyfir8t District Granville and Per son shall Meet two Senators. - ' ' ' Twenty-second'' District Orange shall elect one Senator. , t. -...-., ' .. T wentyvfhird j- District Chatham. ; "shall elect one Senator't;.-'-: ' . ' Twenty-fourth District Caswell shall elect bnoSenatorV'0i21:iTrr ' m-'- V Twenty-fifth District Rockingham shall elect one Senator. --iiS:?'! t.-ri-. T Twenty-sixth District Aiamancek and Guilford shall elect two Senators. ; Twenty-seventh District Randolph and Montgomery shall elect one Senator. . ., ; Twenty-eighth District-Moore and Rich- mono snau eiect one cenator. uuu onaix cicv.i uue ucuciiui. . , Thenty-ninth District-Anson and Union shall elect one Senator. . '? '-;. Thirtieth District itecklenburg elect .e'Senator.;,;;.lVi- shall t Thirty-first' DistrictCktjarr ly shall elect one Senator. ' , -' Thirtv-second District Davie and Rowan shalF elect one Senator. ' " ' Thirty-third District Davidson v shall elect oae Senator. ' . , Thiriy-fourth ' District Fotsy the and Stokes Ishall elect one Senator. Thiriy-fifth District Surry and Yadkin shall el ct one Senator. . ' Thirtly-sixth District- Alexander and Ire dell sli41l elect one Senator. , TliirtyKjventb District Catawba, Gaston, and Line! in shall elect one Senator. - .". Thirty Uighth DistrictCleavelfwd, Polk and Rutlaerford shall elect one Senator. Thirty! ninth District Alleghany, Ashe and Willftessiiall elect one SenaorV "T : F Drtietlu.District Buncombe, Henderson and TrarJsylvania shall elect one Senator. - Fortyriflirst District Burke, Caldwell and Wataugal shall elect one Senator. - ;: ocond District Madison, Mitchell' and Yancey 'shaU elect one Sena- iird District Clay, Cherokee, , Jackson ami Macon shall elect or. v , . An enumeration jnf the inhabitants .tehall be Caken under Ibe .direc e General Assembly in the year one i,: t - .i v.i ft eight hundred i and seventy-five, T - . $dd Senate Districts, shall be so al- i the General Assembly, at the ' first J ' PRICE -1 FI VB CENTS. session after the return ol every enumeration taken as. aforesaid, or by order of Congress, that each Senate Distnct shall contain, as pey'mayJbej, an equal number of inhab itants, excluding aliens and Indians not tax ed, and 'shall remain unaltered until the re turn of another enumeration, and shall at all times consist of contiguous territory ; and no county shall be divided in the formation of a Sena te District, unless such county shall be equitably entitled to two or more Sena tors. ' ; V " s- ' - " v : ' !; Sea 6. The House of Representatives shall be composed of one hundred ami twenty Representatives, biennially chosen by ballot, to be elected by the 'counties , respectively, according to their population, and each county shall have at least : one Representa tive in the house . of , Representati ves, al though it may not contain the requisite ra tio of Representatives; this appointment shall be made by the General Assembly at the respective times and periods when the Districts for the Senate are hereinbefore di rected to be laid off. Sec. 7. In making the appointment in the House of Representatives, the ratio of rep resentation shall be ascertained by dividing the amount the population of the State, exclusive of that comprehended within those counties which do not severally contain the one hundred and twentieth part ot the pop ulation of the State, by the number of Rep resentatives, less the number assigned to such counties ; and in ascertaining the number of the population of the State, aliens and In dians not taxed, shall not be included. To each county containing the said ratio and not twice the said ratio, there shall be as signed one representative ; to each county containing twice but not three times the said ratio, there shall be assigned two rep resentatives, and so on progressively, and then the remaining representatives shall be assigned severally to the counties having the largest fractions. . ' Sec. 8. Until the General Assembly shall have made the apportionment as hereinbe fore provided, the House of Representatives shall be composed of members elected from the counties in the following manner, to wit: ' ' ' - The county of Wake shall elect four mem bers, th counties of Craven,. Granville, Halifax and New Hanover shall elect three members, each ; the counties of Caswell, Chatham, Cumberland, Davidson, Duplin, dl-CCrilFranlsl'n, Guilford,Trpdellrtohn stonj Mecklenburg, Northampton,- Orange, Pitl,Randolpb,Robeson,RcK!kingham,Rpwan, Warren and Wayne shall elect two members each ; the counties of Alamance, Alexander, Alleghany, Anson, Ashe, Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Buncombe, Burke, Ca barrus, Caldwell, Camden, Cartsret, Cataw- ba, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, Cleveland, Co- lumbus, Currituck, Davie, Forsyth, Gaston, Gates, Green, Harnett, Henderson, Hay wood, ! Hertford, Hyde, Jackson, Jones, Lenoir, Lin- coin, Macon, Madison, - Marjin, , McDowell, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore, .Nash, On slow. Pasquotank, Perquimans, Person, Polk, Richmond, Rutherford, Sampson, Stanley, Stokes, Surry, Transylvania, Tyrrell, Union, Washington, Watauga, . Wilkes, . Wilson, Yadkin and. Yancey shall elect one member each, i V Sec. 9. Each member of the Senate shall be hot less than twenty-five years of age, shall have resided in the State as a citizen two years, and shall have usually resided In the district for which he is choBen for' one year, immediately preceding his' election. ' Bee 10. Each member of the House of RepresentaUyesjshall be a qualified elector of the' StateV and shall have resided in the county for which he is. chosen, for one year immediately preceding his election. : Sec. Ill In the election of all officers,' whose appointment shall be conferred upon I . . , .. - - j-. ' , - the General Assembly hy thei Constitutibn, the 'vote shall be tic a voce. i Sec. 12. The General Assembly shall have power to pass general laws regulating di vorce and alimony, but shall not have pow er to grant divorce or securealimony in any individual case. f ' 'SetC 13. The General Assembly shall' not have power to pass any private law to alter the. name of any person, or to legitimate any person hot born in lawful wedlckor to re- store io the rights of citizenship any person convicted of any infamous crime,' but shall have power to pass general ; laws regulating the same. -V V :.' t-M- - "Sec. 14. The General' Assembly shall not pass any private law, unless it shall be made to appear, that thirty day a notk e of " appli cation t& pass such law shall have been giv en, under such direction, and in such man - ner 3 shall be provided by law. ; r . Sec: 15. If vacancies shall occur in tlie General Assembly by death, resignation or otherwise, writs of election , shall be issued by the Governor under such regulations as may bo prescribed by. lav. . 'Sec.' 16. No law "shall be passed to raise monev'on the. "credit of the State, or" to pledge the faith of the State directly or In directly for the payment of any debt, or to impose any tax upon the people of the State, or to allow the counties, cities or towns, to do so,' unless the bill for the purpose Shalt have been read three several ' times in each house of the General Assembly and passed three several readings, which readings shall have been on three different days, and agreed - 1 - - 1 to bv each House respectively, and unless m the veaa and navs on the second and third eadings of the bi It shall have been entered or the Journal. $ , . 1 MS . 115 . 2 25 . 2 15 five days. . one week,.,... ' Ten Unes, in closely Bet email type, of fifty word?, to constitute a pquare. -v - . . . - , -, Contract Advertisements taken at proportion ately low rates. . .- v . : . All letters connected with the business or the office must be addressed to.the "Ptxblibhxks ot the Resisi THa, EaleigN. C.'i;; - ' : - . - - A DAILY. AND "TEEKLT Family alid Political Newspaper,- The Proprietors will spare no pains or' exjenst! their efforts to make the Register ."the !eht in NEWSPAPER IN THE STATE. Besides other able writers, we have secured the , services of Rev. Henry Hardie as Traveling Cor- respondent, whose interesting letters, over the signature of " Itinerant" which have appeared , occasioiially during the past year in one of our city cotemporaries attracted such universal at tention throughout the State. The columns of the Register will each week be enriched by one r of his admirable letters, from different parts of ; the State, startling newB, incidents, local matters and reminisences, together with facts and prac tical suggestions concerning the Agriculture arid Mechanical interests of the State, "which will alike very entertaining and instructive. . ' Special attention will be paid to our Xoca l.t . orresponaence rrom every part ot the State. ' ' Its Editorials will be deVoted to the advocacy k sterling Union Republican Principles, .fa v- -ing special attention to Local, State and National affairs, sustaining the plan of reconstroetiim pro posed by Congress, and opposing every form of Proscription, State or National, but will be fear less and outspoken in its advocacy of the rights of all. It will also contain the j LATEST NEWS, - LATEST MARKET REPORTS, ' . POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE, 1 DOMESTIC RECIPES, " HINTS ON AGRICULTURE, " f . - ; - c, ' - HORTICULTURE, x STOCK RAISING. 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