' . - A' : 5 .V;- $3 ieigir iiei DANIEL & GOODLOE, Editor. MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1868. 3f- OFFICE In the House. , " Cty 77atf the Market lr To Mail Subscribers. n remitting mon ey tend postal order in oil case where they can be-procured; if not, have letttr containing money registered by the noktm aster. ' - , .; s .( lT" 2t6 attention vill be paid o communication nles accompanied by the name of the writer. lT1 TT cannot vndeiiaJt to return rejected commu - n (cation. : TRE RECONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE The Reconstruction Committee is com posed of Messrs. Stevens, of Pennsyl vania (chairman); Boutwell, of Massachu-setts;-Bingham, of Ohio ; Farnsworth, of Illinois; Hulburd, of New York; Beaman, of Michigan; Paine, of Wisconsin, republicans; Brooks of New York, and Beck, of . Ken tuckv democrats seven to two. THE CONSTITUTION ARTICLE SE COND. . "We publish to-day the greater portion of Article second of the new Constitution. It introduces some important changes into our system of Government. The basis of sena torial representation is no longer to be pro 1 porty, but after the next national census, the l-.tate is to be divided into fifty Senatorial Districts, of equal population. For the pre sent, and until after the publication of the , census, which will be perhaps in 1871 or 1372. the Districts are laid cut arbitrarily, Avith a view to the interests of the domo nant part-. Of course we can have no sym pathy with a dishonest and tricky policy of , gerrymandering. We omitted to notice, in the first place. , ttmt Article bc-cona sets put wnn an innova tion which, while it has no earthly practical vsiliu. will grate harshly upon the minds of all true North Carolinians. We allude to the stvle of the lovf r branch of the General Assembly. The venerable name of House of Commons, which is embalmed in the hearts of therpeople, is to be changed to House of Representatives. This "reform" originates in a brainless love of innovation, as well as if heartless indifference to the cherished memories of the past; we are sure it could not have been brought forward by any na tive-born North Carolinian. Its only effect will be to add to the unpopularity of the Constitution, and to raise another obstacle o ratification; and any .man who would make a creditable figure in a debating club w mid have known as muj-h. The change in the style of the Acts of the General Assembly, from the time-honored Be it enacted, v &c., to 'f The General As sembly of North Carolina klo enact, r is an other silly impertinence, and w worthy of the author of the twin innovation in regard to the House of Commons. The authorization of a decennial State cen sus, beginning in 1875 is a good reform, and will rxet with general approbation. pQe sixteenth section, of the second article quires that every law to raise money on S the credit of the State,' shall be read three several times, in each house, and pass three several readings, on three several days. The yeas and nays are to be called on the second and third readings, This is a wise precau tion against running the State in debt, and will meet with general favor. There are other innovations in the second article, of less consequence, which will be approved. It will be seen, that in our running com- mentary on the Constitution, we express jiist what we think of its several parts. But with all its faults, we urge the people to adopt it, because it secures universal suf frage, and will thus enable them to put off the galling yoke of military rule. The faults and blemishes can be repaired, in a very short time after the people are restored to the right of self government, j POSITION OF JUDGE CHASE. In revolutienary times, the man who stands fast by principle, and refuses to sanc tion the latest extravagance of the tyrant leaders of faction, is sure to be denounced -false and faithless. Such at length, is the fate of Chief Justice Chase. No man stood higher, six months ago, in the estimation of the Republican party than be did ; and we believe that he still enjoys the confidence of all sober-minded Republicans. But his de ' termination to stand by the laws and Consti tution, and to do nothing inconsistent with Lis duty, as a Judge, and presiding officer of the Senate, sitting as a Court of impeach ment, have wonderfully cooled the ardent admiration of such bold revolutionary lead ers as Wendell Phillips, nis paper, the Anti-Slavery Standard, charges the Chief Justice with haying formed a secret coali tion with the " democracy," and with as piring to be the candidate of that party for the Presidency. Various circumstances are ' put together, in order to give probability to this charge. His wealthy son-in-law, Sena- : tor Spague, we are told,, has toned down Republicanism in Rhode Island to an extent that it can scarcely be distinguished " from "Democracy ;". while several "Democtatic" newspapers and politicians have avowed a readiness to take Mr.:. Chase for. their Presi- , dential candidate. If it be "true that the so-called Democracy have abandoned their errors so far as to be willing to support Judge Chase for the Presidency, the fact is rather creditable to them, than disparaging to him. For no man can point to a word Ue has uttered, or a line ; he lias written, which is inconsistent with his career as a friend of universal liberty. - - But what right has Wendell Phillips tc read anybody out of the Republican party ? - He boasts that for nineteen years of his life 1 Tra a Disunionist, and lias never lost an opportunity to express his contempt for that party even since lie professes., to have re newed his allegiance. ;Mr. lhiUips is a bold and eloquent man, and we cannot deny to him the merit of havm acted, throughout life with singular disinterestedness: 1 To his I Jveriastmg honor, he spurns' all basecom- in of office: Indeed, ty :e, ancT has refused he has neversousrht office to hftT nfflfA !rtmot'nnn .Ti. ri1i these crreat and rrft virtue if. which is imperial and. his tendency to ex- pieYintends tsurprise the jeny by sud travagant and impracticable conclusions re denly marching upon MagdalaK and thus der him an unsafe leader of: the people finnli ition Hft-c-n twnoo. jj" rrti : . ; , , .J :! lueJ are 1IKe genres aeep aownnnthe nuu of the ship, which are necessary to eenerate the steam, and set the machinery in motion ; but they must be hield firmly in their place, or the- most fearful consequences will follow, The powerful agitator has no ideas of i.4. - v.- tT i. x ' i I statesmanship. It is lus.nature to overturn uu uwhuj tubius auu auuscs vi ouuictj i , .wt-m Ui l" v 'vll C . - -) " . than a Conservative, by his long time disci M 1 A- 1 I . J - . " T I pie, and follower, Phillips. ; The Trenton, Tenn., Gazette, a Democratic paper has the following appreciation of a class of Northern papers which fatten by pandering to the passions and prejudices of the Southern people : W rnn onlr rpcrrrl veith - nnmitifrated lnnt.hinw nnrl pnntpmnt: fhesfl knaves and I char aTana who bor,T To Jrow rich off the Southern people by pandering to their pre- - - - - i inencis to rue Doumern peoiwe nave uuuo i more to brimr odium uuon the name than uuniapa any oilier uiiubc. uiiu. yo um i 1 4.1. . -mr fi 1 I ri aro take occasion to warn the South against the insidious approaches of that class of men. They are cancerous excrescences upon the body politic a pestilential fungus upon the State. They would degrade the South! ,n, n nnpAra with filthy lucre. And we may mention that we have but little more respect for iijw.uh arxo..wv.w. Ti10xr i,r ti r nl.jtion TsT.li nrirl fttin I S ilf ti UT thev continually seek to keep alive by abu- sins: the people among whom they live. We know best how to take care of the reputation of our friends, and look with suspicion upon Yankees who would be more Southern than ourserves' This is what every thoughtful Southern man thinks of the class of Northern news This trade in 1 Southern preiudiccs, and animosities has long flourished in New York city, and has made fortunes for a number of mercenary wretches At lenoth it was taken ud in the ivw htkI the notorious Bnck Pomerov - a " ' boasts of having built a ..magnificent edifice of marble by pandering to the raorbJd ap- petite of the Southern people, for vitupera tion and'calumny against those of the North, We now have the counterpart of . these .liter- ray lepers, in the class of.-: onw:Wliedi.Kebel radicals among us .wno pander to northern judices and hatreds. Such vile papers uu DV "ao "' .ijvwty v lv onruioMn rioiv f 7r Uld make mockcryof t woesand mis- he will remember in :time-tl,.t Hle ifee, SSSJ&TL enes of the South, if thereby they could en- which deteated his " Mexican scbejrae will jt stimulates the nerve fluid, and defeats these rich themselves. Unprincipled, pretended 4,,i. k Veiif ii'tAASil ;0.nCp Annt.hprarieahaveit. : Princinal 'denot passions by maligning, and attempting to the advice and accepted the invitation, say proscribe their former associates in rebellion inS that they were to be married the follow- for the two-fold purpose of getting rid of the pains and penalties of treason, and of gettinsr office. V Til K STATE CONDENSED. B3p The Greensboro 1 imes says that the Rev. Mr. Fountaine entered complaint last week, that one Mrs. Pratt had forcibly taken possession of the Baptist cnurch in this place, and was using the same ., as a residence. A writ of ejectment was granted, and we sup- pose the old lady is "out of the church" by this time. ' : i " " fsr-Tlifiwimp. nanpr savs that Bnr Mod- 11 j - tr i . , , rand the other "Mother Susan," and the nt erwell and Eh Mebane were arrested and t . ri:Ji " ... "" v" j """'"o .1. ojUnl,U; store. Most of the stolen property was re covered. These freedmen are mere boys in age, but perfect adepts in stealing. Give us a chain gang. KW The Wilmington Journal learns from a member of the police force, that the wife of one of the citizens of that city, Mr. C. H. N. Cornehlsen, was assaulted at the residence of her husband, on Market, between 2nd and Srrl Rrt: Frirlav iiifrhf hv some nnknWn , j o'j .-. . colored ruffian. It appears that Mrs. Cor nehbon was in a room in the residence, when the scoundrel suddenly appeared, and sei incr hpr inflicted several.- bruises' nnon her arm. Her cries frightened the ruffian, who turned and fled.. He is'not known, but it is hoped that he may be found out and due punishment awarded him. Such an outrage upon the wife of a respectable citizen should meet with prompt and speedy punishment. No doubt the presence of the ruffian in this house was connected with a desire to com mif iVto-Ff nrViT in oil lit. n.Avi.l-T " Miiivu 4u ail puuauilHJ, nvuiu have been perpetrated but for the presence of Mrs. Cornehelsen. . . ,.' '. .. - ' His Honor, Charles P. Collier, Mayor of Petersburg, has been elected President of the Petersburg and Weldon Railroad, de feating Mr. C. O. Sanford, the old incum bent, by a few hundred votes wrnaZ. . r The Tarboro Southemor says that on Friday while the chain-gang were at work on the river near the town, under the super vision of Messrs. H. B. ; Bryan and David Dixon, two of the prisoners managed to ef ¬ fect their escape. " v r ; " ,1 -T. Dicken's Dolby; got . beaten in ja' walking match last Saturday by a Bostonian. Dick en: and his friend Fields were th umpires, Dolby and Osgood the principals. "The dis tance to be walked was twelve miles.. All four of the men walked out together. Os good won by seven minutes, making his twelve miles in two hours and forty-eight minutes. . ." . . . " The Chicago Journal is undergoing a suit for damages,' instituted by Prof. - Fowler, .' of nillsdale CollegeVMich. ;j : i . The ground for the.Lincoln monument, in front of the City Ilall at Washington, was broken on Saturday. : . " . - ,-.V t . -A : N i While the English Government ; hasr.:u-. journed to the next Parliament iHplaija rof church, land. and. educational fei i:i id Irc land, the Secretary . for Ireland yesterday brought in a bill for reform of Irireprfen-5 tatioit. : The bill "reduces housebote salvage cities from 10 to 5, but leavMtfPn franchise unaltered. 2T. Y. lttn4i ; , --S-- ' ' urriDSf new a is suoruv expectetu iu; ug- land frm he Abyssinian expedition nDeraung tne captives, wninfu not show himselt a lormiaapie (opponeni ; hnt. urhplhpr t.hp cllmftf.ft will be eottiallv DOW T .7 T t:s - y; - .. to "mart ine oojec oi pue epiuu - remains w u aucu. , During the consideration of the .ppropri- ation bill in the "House of Representatives yesterdav Mr Hulburd pushetV thsough an ' .J, . , w -i .- amendment abolishing the Revenue Service pleasure DOatS. It QireClS tHo CW-Icirj J ireasury t0 lay P anu wnuaw njumuuasiyu cvwj icituu wnn w, i t lantic coast not actually needed, oticopstant . ma " 1 r . A. 1 user, unit sjJov.oiijf luaiaa vuy i .1 .oVo nnu in t VA Kit Dt I New York for victim?. Ib, Louis Napoleon seems' to hafe forgotten J - the lesson which Mexico tangh6.!hjtt?5l?d to be desirous to embark Kmm intervention. This time jt is Haytrfwliich ri PTr.ited his ambition, on the Tiretcxt'thftt I n( nU hnr ln)tf r "Cm"i 'iTtT-.,; !UC , . V" c at rii roa vinnn m i ri f i ul' i r ri : n vra i - , - . - sTgn 1 may have against Hayu.y i l. " . 1 - I . . An Epuoae in ei ire. , r Not farfrom Bradford, a flounshingillage,. in Northern Iowa, there lived, with his wjie. a Weil-to-do-farmer, - by the i common name . " m, a ist,i -'n" l l of Smith. They had lived happily together i or years, aim wur uauusoiue wnieui- gent children blessed their union. vBjoVthey were not conlenl ana eventually; agretxi to i . . - 6 - Part' no reason ling.given except, t fiat tney were urea oi living logeuier. oo, cue bright winter morning, .the husband aid 1 father bade a kind good-bye to his family, . , n u tQ w; n-fn ; , '. . engaged, in the mercantile business, there, occasionally writing to his wife andf;xlui- ren, sending them money, etc. After an ali- sence of seven or eight months, -Sirs. Sin ruita receivea a letter irom ner aosenr iora, in forming her that he had met; an old mooU mate and intimate friend ot hers, whom he -r "Kea S mucn. anat " ane (.uie . wire; thought best, he would marry her: return to i - " - - - I . i 1 . 1: ' . Jil 1 ' . this viuage, ana res ue near .nem xnc oetter to iooK alter ner weirare anu mat ot tueir children. , . Us ..L - . n:m .ao 80 i ana c oray invwing wiem w I comemrucny xa per- fa(u3ngy iV"o -f ,u mS onuay, auci wouia scarx immpxjiateiy, and reach hon Wednesday .evening J The it v AJiimj,j u vivv d - awwa ouw lulllwUUUS to all her friends in the neigh borhoocl, and when the happy couple arrived theyi found a splendid entertainment and a goodly compa ny awaiting them, and were warmly wel comed and congratulated by all. They fur nished a house across the street, and live as ha Dpy as bugs in a rug. 'V Every morning the father goes overt builds a fire, sweeps the floor, and puts on the ket- tie for Mrs. Smith No. 1. and furci$ies 'her with money for the support of herself, and faniily. The children call one 'Mother Jane" uiusv umui.mjr nuu guuu icciiug . pT iS OH i au siues. ou Jjvuia J. ernes. Jjyr jm. SIOBRISS & CO., V" i No. 3, Fayetleville Street, RALEIGH v N. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS All Kind of Furniture. I Von8i6tiDein Part p - BEADSTEADS, walnat and mabOMttT, ' J v -:rr. , COTTAGE " from $5 to tio each : : ' T TV, - . - ... it.ty.s.y' Jr ;..,:. .Kir -. .- MARBLE AND WGOD : - TOP BUREAUS. - ' 1: -. Vv-l: .,:: -MARBLE ANT) WOOD TUf i WASnS'f aNu9. J SOP AS j , LOUNGES, TETE-A-TETES . EASY CHA IRS! PARLOR CHAIRS, ROCKING CHAIRS. MARBLE TOP ; . - . .. ... CENTRE TA1BLE3, FULL SUITS OP. PARLOR FURNITi and a great variety of other articles too n jrous to " ALSO- SIIUCK, COTTON& HAIR aTA-TlJ ASSES on hand and made to order, L v : :j ; : also dealers in r VALL PAPER; C A.-y- WINDOW 8HADES, FLOOR VND ' . ' TABIOIll CLOTH, ..-ALSO- Jfi i A gents or the Bale of s'W: y.:A-Ar - r?- .r :' AA.y ; WOIICESTJEII'S PIANOr ' All We fiBK 18 S mil fmm tka ruAnl. r r I lih ''..n liiis, as we are determined to sell vwut . J Wthtn they can be bought in any market at retail j I Freieht and Express added, North of this. Onr mo" lo is ' i V: "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PRO! .i . I 1 ri i it n i at-raw r r a b t ukav iauauui t-.m 111. . i w & ilil7vmvu . r w x a. : I 2TS." w. a. OLOUllISS t SPECIAL HOTKEY A FEW; WORDS TO THEJLADIES. ; . Many ladies, particularly mothers nursing, complain of a tired, listless, "feelinsr. or complete exhaustion, on arbmg in the morning. On the wife and mother .devolves. 4he responsibuity 01 resrulatinsr the duties of the household. Her cares are numerous, and the mental as well as physicial powers' are frequently called into requi sition. She often finds her slightest occupatifm a weary task and existence a burden, while at tihe same time she has no regular diseased -HOSTETr- TEE'S STOMACH BITTERS, if resorted to' at this period, will, prove an unfailing remedy for this annoying lassitude. The effects of this po tent agent, are soon seen in the rosy cheek and tn nf the head of the familv. as with re- - . accustomed;place in the fanifly circle. ; If this friend in need be regularly used, -those depressing symptoms will never be .complained of , and not only : would , lassitude; not' be erienced.'. but many diseases followmff its advent be avoided. Ag aJ MEDKJAL AGENT it has no equal, while Its , piewsmg uaiui uju uvtuuuui cuecuf uavc - rtieg "eajctedto impair the systemf and its operations are as once mua, soouung ana em- cient. AH who hav used the. Bitters ATTEST 1 .All 1 1 HO !-. wy. mot,. NEW MARRIAGE GUIDE An Essay for -. Young .Men, on Physiological Errors. Abuses and Diseases, incident Tto Youth and Early Manhood, which create impediments tXTctA Dr. j SKJLLIN HOUGHTON, Philadelphia, Pa." Let not your mind be troubled, or your body 120 Tremont St, Boston, Mass. Price, $1 per package ; by mail, two postage stamps extra. ,. feb 19 . - ': . A SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE. . . A Scholarship, in the. Old Established Practi cal Business College and National Telegraphic Institute of Baltimore, for sale . on reasonable terms. : An excellent ; opportunity is here pre- gented for a, young mau of limited means to acquire a .practical knowledge of Book-keeping, - i,, ' 7 to learn the principles of Mercantile Law. &c Apply ftt Register Office., -jul28tt . INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to prodnce a luxuriant pwth of hair npon a bald head or beardless face, also a receipt for. the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same, soft, clear, and beautiful, can be Stained without charge by addressiner THUS. F. CHAPMAN. Chemist . aug 191 v. 383 Broadway, New York. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Eev. Edwabd A. "Wilson will send (free I u n - j ..: i ... - . . . - . n f -r 1 MUHifc uv ouu ple remedy by which he Was cured of a lunff affec- i 4--it An1 fttA-il Alts rmrsi TT! 3 every Bufferer try his prescription, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. x lease aauress ag 161JJ-- aEV, EDWARD A. WILSON . No.. .WJ?cond ; St, Wffliamsbarg,' N: Y. o- . A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple rem edy f or the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the wnol9tram of disorders brought ber is beautifully printed and elegantly illus on by lanef ul and vicious habits. Great numbers trated with several original engravings, "repre have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted senting new inventions, novelties in Mechanics, v " " " "v oivx uiuwi iimaw. ..u ... jvui4 usu uua meuicine, in a seaiea envelope, to any one wno neeus it, xrce or vaarge. Address, i -- - JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station B, Bible HOuse, -jan 14-ly - - New York City. 1 TTt XV T a m ERRORS OF Y OUTH. LflL Gentleman who suffered for years fromNer- us Debility. Premature Decav.aThf 3- ec : v j r ,, , : - . vuv onmw rr 1 . , . .. it, the receipe and directions for making the aim- pie remedy which he was cured. Sufferers m Buuauig uiuuauiy, bcuu in w au WHO UeOd wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience ran do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, f - - JOHN B. OGD22N, v: aog lCly. - : ' 42 Cedan St., N.Y.. JECVES AltlllltOSIA w - . " ; 7 P O R T H E H A I R . , ' .' ;'. , . . Improredl . - . . , It is an elegant Dressing for the Hair. It canaea the Hair to Curl beantHnUy. : . It keeps th Scalp Clean and Healthy. It invigorates the Roots of the Hair. : It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxuriantly. - It Immediately stops Hair Falling Out. "It keeps the Hair from Changing Color from Age. ' It restores Grey Hair to its Original Color. It brings out Hair on heads that have been bald for tV " : years, It is cpmpbeed entirely of simpla and purely veget I able Babetances. It has received over six thousand voluntary teBtimo- nials of its excellence, many of which are from phy- eiclans ia high standing. - It 1s gold in half-pound bottles (the name blown in the glass), by Druggists and Dealers in Fancy Goods everywhere, at One Dollar per Bottle, Wholesale by Demas Barnes & Co. ; F. C. Wells A Co. Schieffelin & Co-, New York. feb24-ly. ' - V ALENTINE ' THE BARBER. HAIR CUTTING, t rr - SHAMPOONING . ; - ' and SHAVING in the tatest and neatest style. ' i : ' Every appliance used to make every oneratlon both Beneficial and azreeable. He is satisaedif the een tie- men will give him a call, there will be no lack of ap- Dircations rromine laaies. ana incur cnuaren. ; . .( trl&Cv OI xnuieB8 uia cuj mru Daioon, feblttf . . Wilmington and Hargctt Streets. H. SEYMOUR SCH ELL & CO., UNITED STATES & CANADIAN NEWSPAPER ' Adyertiainff Agency, ... ;,- . Jio 43 Pnnt ; Siit, Nw Yokk. (K S T 1B L 18 H E D 1 8 5 4 ,)., Advertisements solicited ' for : all . Newspapers throughout the Uaited States and British N. A. Pro vinces, and inserted at the Publisher's lowest rates. . feb24-tf ' ?- f BARGAINS X BARGAINS X f - - .. - - - -The rreat sale of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Pianos, Silver Ware, Watches and Jewelry, amounting to Two Millions of Dollars, by the firm of ARRANDALB & CO., New York, willl bs continued throughout the year. Certificates may be obtained of the iiadersign t mt fh follnwinfT rates : Siuele 25 cents, six for fl fifteen lor tiUftv for f 5 all choice Certificates, and i lor $2,11fty for f 5 all cnoice vxroncaies, ana of them representing articles in the afcove styles jds, marked from $50 to. $5000. Sent by maU m ered letters. ' .1 ? 8,- qaBE, - manv of gooas. registered nnerat Purchaains AeenL feb24-d&wlm. mo. 196 Bioadwayt Sew York. inSOELLAHTJEOS ADTEBTISElIEilTS. .THE DAIEY RALEIGH REGISTER. 1 -v.. Those readers of the RECORD, vrho desire a - Kve daily newspaper, should at once subscribe to THE " DAILY REGISTER DANIEL R. GOODLOE, Editor. ; H. H. HELPER & CO., Proprietors. As a News Journal the DAILY REGISTER r is unsurpassed, while asan informer of Agricul- tural advice, THE WEEKLY REGISTER, is one of the beat Criterions in the State. TKRITIS t DAILY PAPER, 1 year, " " 6 months,' $6.00 3.50 ,3.00 1.60 WEEKLY PAPER i vpr 1 "Jv Aris-n, i year, 6 months. Those wishing specimen copies of either " THE DAILY OR WEEKLY REGISTER, I are requested to send in their names. We ask all to get up clubs. H. H. HELPER A CO. gCIETIFIC AMERICAN FOR 1868, WE PPffr j i TV iiv tttt Trr r V ' ' ' . Ti 7 ' ' Publishedfor nearly v A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Thin snlendid nmnnuniir' o-wnflw oTilamwwl imnmved. 5a one of th mnf r.Jfr,i interestinar journal ever puplished. Every hudi- i Agncuiiure, cneimsiry i notograpny, jvianuxac i lures, ; .engineering, ocienceana Art, Farmers, Mechanics, Inventors.' Engineers Chemists, Manufacturers, people in every profes sion of life, will find the Scientific American to be of great value in then: respective callings Its counsels and suggestions will . save ' them Hun dreds of Dollars annually, besides affording them a continual source of knowledge, the value of ttFT? t,the claims, pubhshed weekly. wincn is beyond pecuniary estimate. ; All patents 'Ever Public or Private Ubrary should have i mo wui. uuuuu auu pnaserveu tor rererence. 4.T... . 1- 1. 3 J i r r nn, " - O-- - mn w American yolumeof nearly one thousand ordinary book pages. , A New Volume com mences January 1, 1868. Published Weekly, Terms : One Year, $3 ;'IIalf-Year, ?1 50 ; Clubs of Ten Copies for one year, $25 ; Specimen copies gratis. Address ' DUNN & CO., ; 37 Park Row, New York. : Jt"The publishers of the Scientific American, in connection with the publication of the paper, have acted .as Solicitors of Patents for twenty two years. , , Thirty thousand applications for Patents have been made through their Agency. More than one hundred thousand inventors nave sought the counsel of the proprietors of Scien tific American concerning their inventions. Con sultations and advice to inventors, by mail, free. Pamphlets concerning Patent Laws of all coun tries free. ' t3PA handsome bound volume, containing 1 no mechanical engravings, and the United States cen sus by counties, with hints and receipts for me- uuuura,ioHueu onreceipt or zo cents. - - aeczo-tr JJALEIGH NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. BOARD OP DIHECTOXub ' ' R. W. Pulliam, President, ..." . Geo. W. Swepson, W. H. Willard, VT. J. Hawkins, . A. S. Merrimon. . W. B. Gulick, Cashier, C. J Iredell, Teller. r Deals in Exchange, Sight Drafts, Gold and Silver coin, and Government and other Securities. Uncurrent Bank Notes' bought at iheT highest prices. Packages sent by Express will be remit ted for promptly in currency, or in -We ork funds at par. . J Peick CuBBEJfT, March 25, 18C8. 28 -oanic ot uape lear. ; . a -Charlotte.. . ' Clarendon . ....... 30 4 17 10 U 10 "22 55 60 00 26 3 2 27 27 "" Commerce 1 . . . : Fayetteville . . . . , . . . Lexington, (old) . ; .-. : . . . . . . . ' ' (new.v.vJ:. ...- Lexington, payable at Graham North Carolina ....... ; . . . .'. i ' M U , : M M U U Roxboro. . . . . . . ; . Thomas ville. -. ... 4 Wadesboro. . .Washington. Yanceynlle . ' Wflmington Commercial Bank of Wirniincton Farmer's Bank of North Carolina, (old,) . -;; u - , " ; (new,). Greensboro Mutual Insurance Co, Merchant's Bank, Newbern . Miner's and Planter's Bank ; janl7-tf r ..,. T CCKWHEAT. FLOUR-00 lbs. Ko. 1 J. JL CX Buckwheat FlourJ received jan28-tf "M- H JONES & CO f rtOKN AD JtEAL, R. K. FEKEELLS, SaraeUfitwet, 27 i Havine bonp-ht ont Mr. Si M AT?r!FT,S k TOBY stock late Norfolk Agricultural u -iuiuuiug ail ms . . . , FAMOUS MARCH PLOW PATTERN ' is now constantly engaged m manufacturing , PLOWS, CULTIVATORS; SCREW COTTk l'ltKSSKS AND HAND TRUCKS, CARTS WHEELS, WAGONS, BARROWS ... PLOW AND OTHER CASTINGS,' X ' ' &n.,' &c, &c. ' His experience bi tie" business, from hariur been superintendent of the works, makes hn well aequainted with the wants of the farmora-,i. the OLD NORTH STATE, and having an eA tensive Factory in actual operation, he is inrrw during or turning to good effect, the beSt Z" provementsof the day. All orders sent to him for FARM TOOLS of any kind will receive prompt attention, and be filled, with superior articles at the lowest Factorv prices. Address, . . .v. - C. BORUM 7 Southern Agricultural Works, Norfolk, Va Persons wishing to , call will find the' works near the Cemetery gate at .No. 10, is and 20 Nicholson street. ; :, .. ' '. decSl-tf JMPOBTANT TO OWNEBS OF STOCK. ' THE AMEEI0AK STOCK JOUENAL Farmers' and Stock Bbeedebs Advertise! Only One Dollar per Annum, in Advance A first-class Monthly Journal, devoted to Ft ing and Stock BreedingEaeh-4mmljw - cti ; 30 large double-column pages, illustrated v-T numeiroas engravings. Specimen copies free "J stamp, with list of splendid preniiums to Ag" " ' 4 i Horse and Cattle Doctor, Free. , The publishers of the American Stock Journal have established a Veterinary Department in the columns of the Journal, which is placed under the charge of a distinguished Veterinary Professor whose duty it is to receive questions as to the ail ments or injuries of all kinds of stock, and to an swer in print, in connection with the question how they should be treated for a cure. These pre scriptions are given gratis, and thus every subscri ber, to the Journal has always at his command a Veterinary Surgeon, free of charge. Every far mer and Stock Breeder should subscribe for it. Address N. P. BOYER& Co., Publishers, feb 19 , Gum Tree, Chester Co., Pa. jQR. DANIEL BREED, Solicitor of Patents & Consulting Chenrist, Office, 731 F Street, opposite Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C, (Late of the U. S. Patent Office : formerly t)f th ucruum xiuuoraiones oi xaeDig ana jLoewig Translator of the Chemistries of Lcewig - ; ' and Will.) Dr. Breed having devoted his time to patent business, (eitherin. the Government service or as Solicitor,) feels confident in offering his services to .inventors. He -.will promptly at tend to any business before the U. S. Patent Of fice, also obtain Patents in. England and other countries of Europe, and give especial attention , to chemical, rejected and other difficult and im portant cases. Address , Db. DANIEL BREED, dec31-tf. Washington, D. C. rp AYLOR, MARTIN & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS Z2Y Hardware, Cutlery, Bar Iron and Steel, VVt c con Alateriaijonse JLnrnishmg Goods.larm ers' and Mechanics Tfols,"every TJes""' enptron oi iiaraware for Milling ; Purposes,. Mill Bands, Gum and Hemp Packing, &c, &c, &c., Corner Main Street and Market Square, jan28-2m v . Norfolk, V. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WAK1C COUNTY, January 23, 1868. Wm. J. Brown, i v against -f Equity. Weldon N. Edwards, et al. J It duly appearing upon the oath of the plain tiff that Geo. B. Waterhouse and Michael Bowe, two of the defendants in the bill of complaiut filed in the courtoi equity for Wake county and State of North Carolina, by William J. Brown against Weldon N. Edwards et al, are residents of another State, and are absent from this State, so that process cannot be personally served v on them, the said Waterhouse and the said Bcwes are hereby notified to be and appear at the te.:in of the said court to be held for said county, at the court house, in the city of Raleigh, on the l rst Monday after the fourth Monday in March nirxt, i then and there to plead, answer or demur, accord ing to the course of said court, or the bill will be , taken pro conf esso as to them. , , ' WM. S. MASON, jan24-w6w C. and M. in Eqnit.-. XT ANT E D Agents to sell Dr. Wm VV Smith's - - :- - ' DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. ' : It contains over 1000 closely printed, double col umn, octavo pages, from new electrotype pi ites, on good paper, and is appropriately illusfc a ted with more than 200 engravings on steel and cod, and a series of fine, authentic maps. , It comprises the Antiquities, Biography, 5 Natu ral History, Topography, and is a complefcs Cy clopedia of the Scriptures. It is necessary to every Bible reader, indi ;pen- -sable to every Minister and Sunday School 1 each er, and ought to be in every family. It is Tughly commended by all learned an' emi nent men, and by the press "generally in all parts of the country? as the best book of thekind !n the English language. 5 ' -DO NOT BE DECEIVED Zin.uVtaVrentca Popularity cC this form, of about GOo paes, has been reprinted in this country in Larc-er tvo. n,f c 5 Jtea.1" than the oriSinarT-o gf, CiP .l -x i vwu- edition. It baa learn thmw. i.-.! - lHer of our,, and is -MZJSZJS?, reacuxiii -VnTlif.h edition of tne sam higher thanthe Englisb em endeaTOring to in this country. - "Tf or our8. to q S SCRANTON & Co., 5' Book Publishers, 12G Asylam St., Hartford, Conn. feb l-6t Afarbincs. Em- Great ujFSfan. Seeing Machine. It pire mui, - action. Its. motion thus renaereu . of or. being all Wtwfc Sr Machine ! Notice i: is rtcr- It is tne :, , ,,rnew and improveu jmuiuiacmiixjg called to ovr Boot and Shoe Factory. whom a liberal discount will f3 v0 consignments made. EMpSWiKG MACHINE CO. LOUR 1 FLOUR! ! Locust Point Family , Wour. Flour in sacks and barrels, oi hand and arriving daily. - Tnvann' jan28-tf J ODL MHXS.--I wish to p .x. " jt v.vim rvfrm Seed. frfty inousanu uuaucia vf ' .y ryjt decl3-lm - . x - " v' H v EELT.'B. fiajgttt Strtet. r m ILLER. - II-

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