vi1 reftft teerdaVclfeHrnte -KtMmwMmWm hc -.Wfrt oftSthl upwards hours, d .,f ; bor.U.iwagbtW 4M5. rr A truce which cat at eve-ry-titiif tnan-nQeujyTOv aiembi. j S iSTd UI isiot Dafceaaifuccerf ! 1 ' rmneT ?The mraen f the ol' ftding;the pe,mfaue WMUiftr,tefKimfld to brfiig Wdt of the town, .twos flowed ,0 r i v - i W I i"ta. t IM Sw ss'a ctste.: i ! 271 MWrm IS'Sliil riife bcrefaIllaentoB.upon ,.v ..-v . .filriLaiSK;& waue..fiieveral muanet-fevana.-irouiea mi it aronc '.im bic, wry n rrctea i , cruIfe, and rendered, thetefa of,G?m J i. more v "Willi reiucti iuwiic ui ivv. 1 1 uuiuv.iat t --"r-.i. 11 of infurance,4 would -have had .a 41 & -A, Further inercafe feas. and : it waMhat mttell: of v vAt the advantages atn ng.frara . vrjtj: y - cruizinc: areJrt iavour otvfancc.H iWwcaataa c:toiee,-bMibefaei4Jf.ffia, I; -.vrfBWHl ACCOUNT.. -" ,v -."r . - -e T-v..w.r- . .1. Ik knit m-ui Hr1orl tinpll : L ArL'XVJ II A . i v ; which thei:hngIMhV!WWiHwoA I have juR'aiiudcil'to Uhe fmall degree oP fecu ty which uch van Let us refume more eenetat ton tKaCEnglandTequired to bad muted to the negotiation of Lb ne yille merejr ta aubarrafa ahd j'ro-apg- itr and not 'to accefeate'the pactficatioii of '.Etirdpej tCwas thefeforean orwiwom and po- " ?r, r - V , li :nfO0by ... v vy wnueKisauipcnaeojorrine conu- fyftein of politics, tb ientertaiaxfuf- jictonsof the-eafy ;and well lLnowtt mearis which; IheikttOws fo well Jiow to eroptoykforjvthe purpofe of prolonging a neociation, when Ihe has no jntereft sirs bringing it to z conclufion. Each incident tnight have brought on a difttiulteacri new propofition wpurairove, lur ched an occafion f or dilp Wchln a courier ; each difTerence-of "op5 nion, between th,e Miniilcrs;aeven of the allied Courts; wolHfha neceflarily caufed new inftruQions to be lent for. Nothing, edud ) De lent ior. loimng, cou avi'nrevenied the Cone&frbfi .ftrnrral vlrfwS rrrCnJ;!;.V ,MiSS h 1 arjn lice would Mtatr rnTdfVoifiaYtlipWemv.Ukiie " vT ' V" iT . iT Seoeril, Pupont. , v in , V.fiil7M Jn VfiUA ftAm one 'hF the ' tur,v ."!?"'r, moment when. lhey.we? aboutytp 3F . t . ffi0?SeS?!S JW" 5 e. refume the. ojFeilve. Were theffil- g4 bfle fterdy topk (lace . M -KM??SS .hffenbaiAK4.Ct felr attacked. LmeDtrooDsSof' r1'U "iS? DV IDC ILnPilUl. ui4Viucxxuuiuit;uiii tt:ft sirinVA.rilii Hw at Miir 7" j. . . .. ' lltnrtunatein Ihr Kretirh afmv. 1 ncu the Commanded, of the fquadXon fVAr4 Komeri wh(Vfuddenlv at whiciiwerc.atnact, wer.e marceq ..ifipn r;fr:!' that importntt;poft . -L4Kr ! KnfiT"hvM.l Ttavitritin(Tii vrw ' -r" V: nr- r 'L.II -csiuu ivi. utttsuUl, aT& iiiieiio; ana tnen to turn iac pnur 1 ,..4! fa;th ftf tharmt ftieeV'minhr 1 K-"t 7 ? ! tepuUed thele at ii appear before artitffhfh Ration,! It - .r ;t .h- hrt ? 1 the Commodore would beaMihcrty rV epeinyKw, n, difp-te of diplomatic Tbfl:d5Saf th;dvisii u k,,.. .Im r manahana ot tne greatew auyntage 1 Z" our colonies and our commerce renewed-the forces and the courage of Auftria given rife to freGS in trigues, and prolonged the trou bles of Europe and the misfortunes " C'- fart'-. ' ot the peopie. , a?;Vvih many calamities wCOmct oeu prevented by one mea alo and that was a Naval Armtniceill What tmferab e xalcttjatjonsof I commerce could be oppotea to toll wany motives of burrtyh called earneftly for thatirneaur But the cauies are - townd,; m .tne experience of the timej$--no gene roftty can be.exeHef "from cantile fyftern ;of poUtics. : ' The intereft of hnmanitis ho jbtiger, with refbel to the Englilh, m one of ithofenerateavVhich they, KWM have confined tii their books, inw all periods, the intereft of their aU lies has been facririced to that of their commercial men. They are prpdigal of their gold, in arming the people of the continerTt; but they know that this gold will foon teturn to them by the innumerable channels of exclufive commerce which they have acquired by their avaricious indultrv, and whic they are defirous to conlohdate by their intolerable defpotifm. Xn the fpeech delivered by the King of England on the opening of Parliament, he dated, that the ne gotiations for peace had failed, becaiifefrance would only conlent to a iepirate peace. It is aHonim ing thatjMinifters thould put into the mouth of the King an alfertion fo contrary to the truth ; it iscon 1 radioed throughout the whole ex- i -Pv'i tent dfithe negociation; it was re vSfome journals: the anfwer rwas aly, but it was improper to roakie it. r z- Jhall conclude with a fin- :ge refleclionV; Lord Grenville, after, having agreed that the ErencV Government jhad:ac quired a fufficient degreed FVonl fi ftency artd folidity to treat f for :A FiiW d;to:Ee ace;' ReobrtTo Gert 'Duhefme, to AncfeireaU. Xoramahder' in Khe eftf ,th;cncinr having on - v- ! , AffilM,f U- $ trimsirt Jt ' VV. :gorou:;chanres :madcpotms body. andwith luch iuccets:as .10 take them prilonefs. ojfte wards feconded by 30a ttawanl .qhafleuri. wiio iflued tVdtolthcua F cantonments, he attacked llhemi wh .lfS: them - ioKv he, groulhejhid "edKa?-. 5Slte nr, tnat were a ev they will evacuate morrowr, and tbat Ubla find them j unds ib. .n,a wr driven from it. He u. xc i Mtulin b,- crril nraife as ZTttLS huifars, who on the occafiori gayei new proofs ol their bravery. -DUHESME.. Moreaur General in Chiet, to the Mini Iter at War. ' - 1'rlntairt, Dec. j. .... I have5 the 'pleafure of giving an amount mv dtar Genrral Sr, ? 0 "Tf v' -'fefef "W which I com- Tirniv Trir tiim irniv w 1111 11 if-rriii to tne;nepuouc. y my mpatcn oj yewcru-y, in giving you uu ac : r iv j -. .i 11 count oi fthe battle of the. 10th, I announced the concentrating of the army, and of my plans to com-! menee offenuve operations. Ycf- terday the corps under General f'i tirZuv u-.i3u'-- u:;i.rv. the m6l Hohenlihdes. 4 and ,1,. j:,,:f' i.-r o:v.,r. .'s-.t r. pcaing to' be aiutted hrth Gnet fto- hen) inden , 1 X gave orders to' Gene, rais uicnpanie and Deeaen to ad vance by St. Chri ftopherupbh Matenpoet, and to fall upon the rear or. the' enemy. This move- U..4. i-..i.J , ...l. t- -fl "S I :.rrrrr r commenced 4his attack upon Ho- aav.a..a.w4.a.i u. i.ic morning. It was at this moment I tAA r Vaa;- aU. .ai. J ft- fc Iv.uh,ih itiAb vaa an.vwiV fhouJd p,e commenced'by General r;rc. t .j j r-. i Grenier toommcnce his , General Ney marched with vigour into the defilei and met General Kiclvpanle half way, on the road to Maten. nnal All.'lA ...... t... . 1 11. w-.a. u wtiu wcic ucuiiuca m tne wood, which was a league and a nan m extent nave Been killed, taken or difperfed. The attack of general wey was fultamed by the divifion of General Grouchv. who luuicsa rcierve or tne enemy a l r of the enemy's grenadiers, that had attempted to out. flank his right. His rat tacks were directed by Generals Grand- lean and Boyer. The movement General Richepanfe exneriehcd the greateli. obftacles. Obliged to! marcn ry narrow roads, and en tirely furrodnded hv th- rGeneralRichepanfe found iimfelf separated ;;irom the othertroops with iye orfix batulioni and a re giment ,ofr chafTeurs ; but without !???b5Mdr him marched into the rmd a of the enemys army, lYithouUr feeling anVneafinefs at the -rraaltnefc of his-force; and 4- A t)'acean! tbtcHansi his front to; trie rieht in ordei;f to Jlop them. ( We repoUed and ttirew tnem mio uc oeared comnleail decided at thiee fi'c.opk, when another corps march- lncf tforrrtheLowcT Inn, attemptea to acnic Dy uKrain 10 noucnnii den. Aianeitori;wasex on ..11... .f ff.if ri.nvi renieraa ie iu pu pu Vmmihif JUrti hv tKfe Lieutenaai: tacksil and after res attacked tfie ffreat vigour, routed 11 ": ; ith'trw.loi or part . Gcherat BiHoiit lundedin this1 attack; and - m rAMA ha&r Rf,nn. r, mrSXhVr V ii EtZ'hMnr ..ulu ifl. kn f,bccafe!;?be palrt of the Auftrian maC;he; fnow felt in reat ; We hay e ,ak2fl;r L piece of art 200 waggons, io.oqo pri: - L . i& Weal number of officers. II i v f , -v .11 11 men, in .ineq. .wounueu uu-th IK : i .tiiViii r. ?lr w. -rrrr h,rtnrt wNnm -i hr nra : iiMarcariai more active. thc. PC fthe; durfuit lafted ttiU nieht. I trians;had added to' theie recau- !h.alIiJ M Ittimate Quri lols at one tliound mf ftuugem not (very honora . Citizen Catu I In the hope ofjiur. t - Toners ;; th9.r of the enemy is incaj il tl f1 Ali avte done their duty, AC ti jlnor can l leftow, any particular lit ' :.. r A - II !u 1 . K cu ogiwmsir x ' WW "y .cavalryU de- Jerve the hiGLelt braiie. the ofh-1 cers of the General Staff particu-1 larly diltinguilkedihemfelves. inc which was, the Auflnans were de I corps of Genei all Lecourbe, which featodj with the lofs of two hun had taken notfett on of Rofenheim dred killed or woundedthreehun- on the ioih (Dc. 1) were com- ruilhoncd to cover the Inn, and to defend the defiles of- the Tyrol. The Chttf of the General Staff will give you a detailed ac count of the battle of Hohenlind..n, a place already well known for the 'r " ' T -, ."IT" ' Convention whih 1 leflidn of the thre t Rcptlblic ought I k put us in pof- tortreiic. I he KepOWeogW o know the corpa an(J the 0fficers wi,0 have thus oar- - a .,il!r,,lr,v .lininli,, ,w,mM- He will alfo inform vnu rftmcr 'j . . ' au'U ,ura the detachments which the enemy nave maae Demna our lett, to which we had not paid much at tention. The arjny is proud of its fuccefs, particularly in hopes that 1 it wiIJ contribute td accelerate PeaceJ Health and friendlhip. 1 U;-;' 1 j MOREAU. Extract of a letter from an offi- cer in. tne army ot Lren. Moreau, dated rfftaj. Quarters, at Slxburg, Dec. t j " I haften to inform you that we are in poflcflion of Saltiburg, and that our fucefies anfwer the ex pec- tation ot the Beneral in chief, I the night bf the ibjth, Gen. Decean fTVJ u-. -. jt- t -J n . 1 uducu me ijdiz. near, ianucn, witn L,U u..,v,iU n.:n . . . Uiuuu vutulHitidilU 1MU I 4 tOIUIOI T" ; 'Klt if; r . X." 1 the, right bank, that it wasimpom4 I ble to attack it in front. The Salza JI - ' i. , , ' - . j lu "4f ",c AjCC,n W Her and the Inn. Deeaen de- wr. r!'TO t gdiWUror five thoufa men might be embarked; , He ociu; pietflthe atteWitioti bf tbe enemylih .i J il J . t . i t u. , i inc mean time oy a warm, cannd- nade; I On a fudden, the fmall ' de tacnment which had palled the Sal jl zz aU4ck the enemy with impetiib- I l"y n me r atnRs,; rout themi I CP- the fpofition, and affoirdHus c cft? rrhi r;;,ii. .J? at. n v w a j aa ...wjr...r(wVtr. UC enemy r Sa IxKii rer na . klaLr ... I l,uyP, yc? mcy remain, hrm in their - Ti ' r war A nvlfwl-l General Decean Wis abl frt-,.i, the enenjy on the right ; he drove themlto the vilWn nf Rirk-:i hear Salxhunr. i'kv - apprehenfive of being cut off j by Richtpanle's diifion which Iffi ,yoj wctcaa a tne road ol Nety- wax nnitcfi nen JtfJitrJiir w :. Uiighneis's. corps, .commanded 'bvllWoeripergiitetd of tu k lAU' mh a mtleo V' - f tn, in front of he right in the i&fefeipn of ?Si?P5 i?' ' j -Fj -vWn- Rofenheim. ' henlinden. tdttf, j with pur right w ng under the com- r k.;.i .i.. i.. 1 . 1 t ;.k;. ft. -efffiCbv- t j;. .f t . ...l. . i t f tuvc me nonour to oc. cc.'" - r" inings ii appeal Atfflfi ' ! WICKHAM7 bedivifionirfch Nraat-nWeiiarerionjaftcn of the ardlbiiKdrickWVSalzburg, Cdiuvon five Icak&if roan HHei here ditary ftatcs tteVf Jmtfiis in ojr reari ill the bridged ofthe Sz& ih; our po v iej, and' te36nimu riJca tibn is cftablilhcd; - lhif ! is the re- fult of theattions of the 13th, 14th and 15th. J Tomorrow Vtt are toad '4 Th j ARMiV O F , ITAL-Yf rfj'- Report made to the vGtneral ; in tionof the - troops, which' pofition tht rivrr, to its mouth, andjo ciit off the communication of ithe right wing With Cazat Maggie re, and the corps of flankers which I -had on thel right bank of the Po. TJp cover his defigns. he had collected, at UeioiaJ wood proper lor conftru&ibn of a brmge, and he had united, tor tne iame ODjccr,, boats heat Torre d'Oglip, .where he wiihed to nx our attention; This difpofniou. informed by a faithful report; couia only be regarded as a ' demon ftraitba.; it only refidcred' the right brigade of Monier's divition (commanded bv.' Calvin; and which defended - . t n 1 -ri a i 1 IP inc ui- 11 . , , j 1 r Horifififf us, they had declared a few- days before, by an officer com manding; their advanced polls, that they had Orders not to attach tnem. Try THt letter then ltates, that whili two roae, of Mitcrii, on the road to Mantua,' a very fmart aftion- took place, the refult of Nrcd d fixtr Ptif?ncrs of vj;ar,l nvc omfc?,? aaJn,r RO!l"i Kmea, .,A cmccr or tne 34111 among tne iormer.j (The article then proceeds to praife ;leverai of the' officers who mod diftinguifhed thcmielves; and is (igncd Commanderof the left wing 6f the army." J - DUPONT. ENGLISH ACCOUNTS. f 1- Frpm the London Gazetted - DowingStret, Dec. c. Difpatchcs, of which the follow ine aie extracts ana, copies, .! ave 1 been received from William Wick- v . , nam, iCiq. oy ic ni non. joru Urenvme, nis Majntys principal Secretary of State for the foreign department. . . i -- VHead-QuarUrt Am fin f, Nor. 30. On-;tbe aad.' fter I hid torrHrten my difpatch from Efggenfpridon, the head-iiarters were removed to Map ling OjUthe Rodti ' J;i-.f- ig. i he head-quarters were la D: riJght aeumark, and arrived here this day about loclock; thel roads being fhll in a dtea'dful'ftate, a great 1 1 ,vo r ..L . 1 i l ii' ' -LiJ Part of the army, is ftill behind; II 1 a . -,l hetoiind the Frefeehm force bn the we irvx.r 1 1 dL. U J? " town I Thfe Tete de Pont of WafTerbourg Was attacked ye fterday. and the enc- wv reouncu witn iome mis.: jitti' Having eh .- . a a . r . aa the abbatis in front of the work. K 7 7: - . 4. 7 IJhe.ho jLorSlhlp theoled coriy of a re! port I have this diV received fro-w his Serene Highnefs the Princeot Uonde; containing- an account ' of r." v"r "Wl enemy maae. t ri mm w w m t 11 -a a, h . & tw . i Hveitefdav on a-,rr rlf Ui fiila? 1 1 ...alT" : Tl' 7"""" a.? V..vr 11 ...i . r.t . i J1. . mm rr wmmm mm W m mm m. mM . m w m w r tnc ""ivn ai no enntim II M the hrft of Dtcnthr X Uur advanced polls on the1 left 5 deof1c Inn wre attacie thii7 1 day atno6nV their irieht laiif'n.; 1 ahlolatelv uncovered for hr&.&i;. Paltvand the enemy were; already otl tlc bank on . that fide of the ri. II !4w yuvc puus, coaamaii- column to reireat into, the town imncdiataly. Lienteijant Colonel de Sortjge of the engineers, proteC. ted by the fife ofthe artillcrv, broke dawn the bridgr, but in fur h a manner as that it could i promptly be reTeftabljflicd, if, as it is hope i it would be neceiiary. Our lois 1 ver fmall : that of the enemy ni!t I .4 have been more confitieifeeli An i) artillery man was wounded by .the ,,: fide of the Duke dfAaulfm. IXiJ fco officers :are. knowasctt'i - have been Y woundedi -exct Mr af '4Ti deVafle, Adjutant Uo thej 'Duketotf dArigbuleme, and the' engineer de p yt-1 Ciftre;rf, which the hole army .had firft ta fceh towards Land tndt, r having! drawn a cdh fiderable part of Gen, Mdfu's forctdwrds Aerding, the 'heights betweed Amfing and Haag had been occupied by ore fingfe divifioh under Gen. Key; In the courfe - of laft night, how. eveifiGenMpreadthad reinforcd his divilion vrith ttyd more dii- fions, and had takenthe command pf the whole hiffltelfal fYefterday at day break the heights were attacked. Alter an ODitinaxe reuitance on tne part of the enemy, they were car ried ln fucceiTVon as far as the hills on the fide of Ramfan, where th troops " were obliged to halt, from exceflive fatigue, about fix in the eventing: In the night Gen. Mb reau; abandoned this place, and rr tnrned to his old pofition at Hohen linden and Aerding. The whole ground between Amfing to Ramu : war particuiarly favourable to the enemy, and con fitted of hdgrhts cc iccica oy aeep mariny v ri cj, wherelhft Auftrian rava couia t. . 1 v u ..-.nsui.. -cx t-i A..n.... took Soo prifoners and two .pieces of cannon ; the cannon were! taken with four others, by the hufftrs of Veefey who 'diftinguiflied ithem felves during the whole of the af. fair throwinffitliemfelves into tl". woods, in placos'where it; avu thought imppllible for cavalry t i have penetrated The other four pieces of earinon were retaken by charge of the cncm'vs ercnadicr. - -si'1--' " V 7.' . . i I v TheWrckof . i(i:kiemayer J towards the; Ifer, and the dirrUioa ba rvM there not having been time to fend i fyjU It 1 ff i.nt r- A funnnrl IK.l 1. . I... fars. The lofs of the Auftria ns is computed to be near 1500 men in killed, wounded, and prifoners. I Gen. Moreau is laid by the Ti i!o nets to have received a mufket b In M 1 1 through his cloak. The Archduk : l was on horfeback it hours, ar.a Qf ftcpt in a hovel on the heights, I have the honoUr to be, &c, !'.! "WWICKH AM. 'f Rifit Hon. Lorl GrcnVille, fcc. j 0 DowniQg.Stxeet, Dec. zj. Ajldifpatch, of which the folio ing is an extraft, dated head-quartet: Muhldorf on the Inn, Thuifdc Dec.' 4, 1800, has been recen . from William Vrickham, efq. by i rig ht Honou rabie.JLord Orenvi:. h is majefty s p r incipal Sec reta i y (late for the foreign 'department. The array marcfiedliirV the! nij of jTuefday, and :be!fore iday-bi t yefterday morning, towards HoVh Ijctcen, in threecoIutnns; the ce tretorfgthe great road to Mun: whih paffes through Hbhenlinac. he right and left 7 in the woods cach fideAof the greater lroad.i jrhefcorp of GeneralHKienmayi whicbSvasoxftined totake the ei Hank, marched frpm Borf in the direftion of Soh waben. The columns ought allto have a riv attbeiildeftiriariQn a little t f?f J-ay .reafcf ' x;a$he late ft b leenieight and nine o'clock ; b fjroi a heavy fall of fnow and iW wnicn. continued all night and 1 Sr'faer artrtheV.raprning, . t 1 centre column only y?as at its del napon at, 8 o'clock, whilft be thejeft and rightwere ftill confic rably - behind ; and ithe left! unr General Rich, had.' befides. loll aaiiVl marchedthe ,left rnr upon the great road behind the cen tre, and fell upon Ithe left flank and rear of that, in front, a(d ha Ju gun to attack tjicj energy's p I have not yet been able foobta any accurate account- cif what, T& afterwards ; but it feeins ihi tJ diforder foon became-iifetikvjbl' 4 11 A. is--1 . . 1 a V f 1 i 4 3t I A - f and the retreat towaVdiihcijh' .... 5f A TV:'' 4 ,i7'5' r, 4 -ia

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