- liL "t- : ' - V V" t ft l iH4 !'.,; ". .1.; . ' :ts t mm rr-. i 'A ' . V- - I 1 s- m u , ' ' . ftl "WO'' ! i i In. I" "J if ' -urar tk Plan Of f4l icllfbtfal Ptutl 4 UawMWr Party slfU H Ilk Jlretk,r 0 Vt;,L. V r i f Fr iki Rainifh liiZi U $M f mCCOUNT OF THE VA THE difcoverv of a nedilea, a!td the Kr$ay ot-Xko-Pox VHich pomifctodi(annilp Smallp t)ox of its terr0rsNandntsdangen!, PY fenaennff ' tnoie. wnomavc iidu , tms mieaic imiuicemioicyoi ic m- iox Has lately "been f n roimil saj ed ; itx f ft&xjMicd States ;.and,beitig convncedin m nfminil of YtEe utUiafS t u ti, rig this ji feaTc f or "tfe Spallpol ii shall endeavour to iive4theay for its ifitf odufclion into thi$ owr I ' Y communicauns cunciic Recount of itlthe pfiblt H -The Cow-Pox was firft. known :Aq the : farmers in thelweft of Eng. andand has riot,- unfil very lately, 9 x relied the at t enti on o t 4 Pjfiy fi c i ans. Trar1nfars on ithe ninpleitf Cows irTpufiuIfs f fWhluish rokAirani nate in eorrofi ve ;ujer?f te, a nir 4'roal. isat fajrnetuwe affecledrith 'fome decree of feverljPerlons em nfoved in mil U n the co w s a re fo on ibit acltrf with '.yefli cations" br; - rululrs .about, the joints of the wriils andifineers, and tumours in , the. anu-pits, which Ste fucceeded ifbv a fever of two -orfthiee day$ du- tVarion. Sores fomctimes appear orv lie Ywi ftoflrils,eyehas, &c. which ire pfeljUcediby incautioufly rub- 1 ing thefe parts with infeted fin- , lers. . . '' ' , jpr, Jenpterf ;0lOfrK.iey m Jjpd, ,to wbole-puplications 4 am 1 pincipally indebted frtliis account ott)e diteaier is otfoptiuoii inai u j not gcnerate4-by any preyioui dfeafe of the cbHv tt that it H cimmunicatcd from the heels of jrfes affected with the Greafe or Scratces. iThi he iluppofes, is done by perfons yvho have handled ' ihofe fores having aftcwards peri I formed the offi ce of milking with ' fome particles of the inleclipus . matter adhering to their fingers. , ' That the difeafe is communicated f fromahe horie to ffje cow, appears probable from this cireumltance, - that perfons who have been inocu lated with the matter iiru ing from the heels of horfes, have had a dif eafe of the fame appearapce and fyrnptotns, as thofe will who have befn inoculated; with the mat ter from the nipples of a cow. "But although it appears probable, from this fact, that th; virus in the two iubieclsis pf a fimilar nature,' ex perience has nevertbelefs shewn it to benectfffary hat it be ccrnmu i nicated from the; heels of a borfe to the nipples .of- a ,cow; ;and paiTed through that medium to. the human fubjeci, inorder iffeftually to shield the conftitution from the Smallpox. The Vaccine Difeafe ufually ap- pears about the, fi xth tfay 6 f theino-, culatiohil A flight shivering, fol lowed by fbme fever, and the ir ruption of a few puftules immedi ately in(thevicfnity of the part af fApd. ronfiittite. n almnft evprv fjdzf&$ie whole of this difeafe. ll nedyantagesor inoculating trie Cow-rox,!innead ot the omallpox, are many and important x. In the Gow -oy," no deformity of (kin follows, ' I '.!'' 2. It caifnot fcejcpmmunicated by effluv-a, or perhaps byfimple contaft, unleft there be fome abrafion of the cuticle. ij. It iV mock more Tttild !n its fymptams than the Smallpoicand is attended with Itttle or Dodasger. It even JUTerttd, that the chfice of life is greater during, the iaoculation than under the ordinaVy circumftanccs to which human tteings anfexpofed. ' 4. It does nor like the Smallpox, roufe into a6iv tty that fatal malady of cold clU jcatei, the crophula. - t. A conftitution which has been afiected with this difeafe, is in perfect fecurity front the infection of the Smallpox. e are facls eftablisHed by the Uniform teftimonv of many names of emihenceiin the medical world The Phyficiansin Europe who have inoculated for jhis difeafe, and who have favoured the world with the refultof their oBfervafions, are Drs. Pearfon, J enner and AVoodville, in England ; Dr. Anderfoh, in Scot land;! Drs. Be Carro, Eerro and ' ilFrank, at Vienna JJPii Dr. Va-; lntih ar MontDellier. in the fouth o :ria.nce Frotn the (uccefs that; f has tinifofmly attended uhe mocu ' latibn in the hands oUUthcfe Phy- Jitians, and from late mccpunts; ;cwui:h ' ft.te that the difcajfe js-mak-; ing ConfiierabIeprogre(s in Portu-J .w Haye reafoni':t-JielVe that n vviii very loon occoroc j gcucat jvtnrougnpui r-iiropc ,,,4.nrunenv, it has not yet made its appearance, but Dr.MitcbeUof NewYork, and Dr. Wfeiterhonfe tof New-Hampshire hive both received the mat ter of the difeaie from England, and propofe! inoculating early in the prefent feafori'v fo that we may ex- pett it.will foon become common mJie AJnitea states viThe public have been taught to expett, iiom my advertilementsof lalt vear. that 1 shall, in the enfu- ingi month, commence inocuUtion tor the bmallpox ; buta am pre vented li;om doinghis, by the con- hderation ot. what is nue irom xvc to thofe who. would have been my patients whofe pafe an4 fafety.my own irtclinatns,. and iheiii()naiii of my protemon bind .nie to con (ult ili is the hope oT,. feeing the Vaccine Difeafe fubltituted tor ibe Smallpox, that alb.ue induces me to decline the inocuktion. ; The evils of the &:aallpox al ways extend further than the imme diate viftiins of its ravarges. It is extremely diflrefling to the poor ol commercial towns, by the fudden Lihterruptibn itoccaflons to the ufual courie ot bufmeis. i he general ihtfojduflion of' the Cow-Pgx, by its"ti$t being.. contagious, will at once ppt a flop to this fburce of cvilisj lThis? with thofe other pe cnliarifies '.in its favour which we Ihayei enumerated clearly evince the propriety- of iubuituting this mihltlifeafe for one that is often vi olent and unmanageable, that de; flroVs beaut v, and puts life in jeo parny ; arid I tnVft, that in an ae which has wittiefled fo many iml portant improvements in thevanous departments of Science, no undue prejudices will intcrpofe jtheir in fluence to prevent its introclucllori. CALVIN JONES. SmitbCeU, A7, C. ' -i- Mtcb is. .. - (jlf Thi AccoiiKt wai received too itXk for kour lall He ittcr. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY 1 1 j On tht fourth of "January Ujl- A.NEGRO FELLOW na'uio PRINCE, A BOUT 27 A'ears old, about - 5 - Fect f or 8 Inche high, thick fet, nas a larpe Lump, on the Pit of his Stomach, and a bald Place on th Crown of his Had Guinea born, and has the Marks of nis Couost-VnndeT k;. jf 1.,. 1 t ?!. ii im i.j6i,p.M uroK.cn cnginn, ana miirevs a little in his fpeeeh he, was formerly the Propertyof Mr. Chrirtopher Chriftophers, ibf Raleigh, and I fuf pole is now lurking about that Place. ' : ' '! ; IThe abore Reward willfi paid to any Per-i fon who wilf lodge him in any Jail j in this St.at, nd give me Notice hereof, j arfd if brought home, all reafonable Ex pence will be paid.- p JOHN T. BRYAN, Trenton, Jones Co. f ; j March 20, 1801. X ' j wtf j - . . RUtt AWAY, ; : 4', PROM tlje Sulsfcribcr, on the at ft f Inftant, a MULATTO MAK, named St x jh en, about fire Feet ten Inthes high. ao Years old. He took with him twoDutch Blankets, and a-Quamiy of good Cloaihing. He is a Carpenter by Trade, and underftands the Millwright Bufinefs. It is expected1 heiis gone to Peterfburg, in Virginiaa Twenty. bve. Uollars Reward will be paid to any Per fon whofhall take kimup in thisState, ahd Fifty Dollars if taken in any other.. . v RODHAM ATKINS,' Raleigh t March 23. ' . T A1XO R VBU S 1 N ES S TpHE Subfcribers beg Lcafe to in- form their Friends and the Public that they have enttred into Partnerfhip, to 'carry M formerly occupied by William Mathews, near Mr. Schenck's Store ; where they intend to tarry on the' Butineft cxtenfively, .and. hope, hy executing it with Neatnefs and i pi f patch, to give general SatisfaeYtomto thofe who 'may rbe plea fed to favout them with, their Cuftom. I heir Frces s uiual rorty; bhtllingS, : Cur rency, pec Suit Vff-'' j ENDS SCARBOROUGH. ! PAUL..KANDOLPH. ,Trhtrwh MrchHh- - - Ml npHE SuhfcriberialisnoWetiled f in: the eityfiitieifri.yahe Htufi forrnerly belnglcs; to jojhtt Jrtajrwood,leap furer ;-; where he has a. fmal! AJTortment of MERCHANDIZE;' whc1 fie? will fell ttheap; for Calh, Tobacto or ork.'yaableT m the hall. . r- i- :Ki j , I : Alfo for fale, in the Town if TarhoroughV four7 wtll-Smprdved LOVSf atid a ftaalH PLANTATION; very convenient to fd Town- 1, . J !:',.'!. ';: :h. jj Apy Perfon wrfhing to pu rchafe, may know the Terms md view thrtaft mentioned Pre mifeS by applyio( to James Southerland, of Tarbitrpygh. -JOHN INGIiES. crty-five ars Reward, A DUN AWAY, i frm fk SuSfc'rr from the Subfc'ribers liirig' in: Feribni IU111V vfi'' ;KW County, TVVvNECRO MEft "one itamed S9 ,the .othtr;ASr4kiiii Sion is a yellow FelL,"ahout five Feet ten Ineheshjgh, h both "his Ears i cropped, and has a f mi I ing Countenance; Abraham is a Imali black Fellow about four Feet feven or eight In ches high ; he'hfcs uncommonly imali .byes, and is not very fenuble. 1 T f j" Thefe Ngro,to3k withjhern a bnghtbay Horfe, nearly rive Feet high, .five Years old this; Spring ; has a lmali Blaze in his Face, neither docked nor brinded, one or bot of Hisjhind Feet white.' v, j j i Sicm having bero falfed in Nartv Cou,nty, it ir tuppoicd tJicy would mak.e tor that Crtunty. " j" : Arty Perfon apprehending either of the laid Negroes, and reltores him to his Owner, ill receive Twitty .Dollars Re ward i or Forty-five Dollars lor both iheiNegiroes and he Hotlcr . WM. MfTCHELU. v WILSON JOtfES. Mao h 25, iS3t- , j j ANNUAL REGISTER. Lately publimed, Price" 7s. id. and now fell -ing by J . Gales, The printer heseof, anJ ,ky all the Book!lJr ; in Virginia, &c. THE ANNUAL REGISTER A - ) VI IjV' 1 kil l D i. onciTrtu v far the Year iSoo. , , , . ' V : I I 4t Hiftory producesthree great advantages, It amutet the fine y it improves tljie un ! derftaridlug---an irrengthen virtue!.'; N. B. Ross & Doc c la of Pfferflisr;, :the f ubltUicrsj hve iaicly receiveii a gieat Variety ot Books from F.neland, Scotland, Ireland, Bottoo, i New-York ami Philade. phia, coniaining a vciy elegant; AfTortmcnt 01 liiltory, Pkilolophy, I. aw, Ceoi aphy, Di- viuity. Clafxioal and School 5 Looks, ,whicl. hey fc.i at the lowefl Price. They ie add ing to their Stotk by almott every Arrival from tie above-mentioned Places. 7 7us Day zuas pubfiffiedt By the Printer hereof THE LAWS and JOURNALS N the lalt Sellion of the General Ademblv of this Jtite. The Price of the Laws is Hal f Doilar: .lthe Journals, one Dollars .js.Uo, THE MILITIA LAH XEPERAfE , Price it. rV. pfctat Meffenzen being feat of to the different Court-Houfes throughout the Mate, with the Laws and. 'ournaK feparauly ad dr-iLcd to theMembers of AfTerably, jluftices ul i'face, Ac arvl the Militia Lw to'all the Omtitrs of and above the Grade of Capt&in it is- hoped iliey will1 be received lia due Time in every Part of the SlateL I AJfortmcnt of Ladirs and Gtntkmcn'4 . Pocket-Books y Almanacks, March 10. '. ?: north- Carolina, ! Secretary t QJJice i-jtb Marcb, 1801. PURSUANT to an Aft' of the lafl Gcrtera! Affembly in fuch Calc mad-e and . t . - . j . ....--..'. provicsea, iNortce w gven, ; t nat the tollowing Keturns of Surveys on Military Warraais, and the Affignmeiits, are made to th.s Office, v4- : -.'' - . ; No 4530, iflurd to Tliompfon Curry, a nn-commiffiond Officer, for 357 Acres of Land, and transferred by him to William Verrill, for, whom the. Land is furveyed. No. 545, ilTued to the Heirs of John Guffy,for ;6o Acres, and transferred by Charlef Aflcue to Robert M'Lcmore,. for whom it i furveyed. j - h,. "; -'li f 1 No. 41881, iflued to John Barco, for 174 Acres of Land,' transferred by Themas Simmene, as Attorney in FacV for John Barce, to Robert I Weakley, and by fa id Weakley to. Mark. Noble,, for whom it is furveyed. f j : 1 ' I No. 3(11, iffued to the Heirs of Kminuel Marfiiall, for 046 A cres, transferred by Tho mas Ethertdge to flee Simmons, froni him to Hardy Muriree, from him to Samuel Barton, and by bim to Jofeph Barton, for whom the Land is lurveyed. M ; No. on iffued-t. John Brooks, for ZlZ I Acres, by him tramterred to John Dairy nip le, and by him to John Dabney, foe whom the ' Land is furveyed. 11 j N. 5U7, ifTuod to James Hicks, for 22S Acre of Land, nd by Molly Hicksj trans ferred f,a Willie Cherry, for'whora the J-and is furveyed. -! : j ti j !! ' No. 3042; iflTued to Captain Tames Pearl, for 3840 Acres, by hijn transferred to Andrew ;Qieert feijieij hy him to Villie Sarrbw, bv ffaid'jBarowj to Robert Weakley; one Half oV 1 Whfch ;fthy ufaVd WeakleV? transteyred !' to Thonwjf edfrd fprjwhpraj,and iaii Weak ley jointly' it iveyed.- i vv trL,; WW TEt eerctary; NOTICE K LL perfons indebted to the Eftate of Major WmirWilli late if the County of Richmond, are irequefted to make Imme- ditte Payment, and U Peifosss who nave ae mands againft the i laid Eftate, Are euefted to brit in their Accaunts, legally .aweftei, to L i , STEPHEN COLE, s idHN WALL, & Ixers., J OHN W A LL, jun, 1 'March iS. 3f i : ft 1 FOR SALE, A Valuable Traft f Land, lying on the North Side of Roanoke River, near General Themis Eaton1 Ferry1, in the County of Warren, containing Six Hundred Acres, well watered undes good Fences i a good Dwelling and other Houfes, fuitable for the Reception of an Overfeer. j The Land is of the firft and fecond QualUtes. Thr is good open Ground fuificieat U work tenor iilteen Hands. . j.; ; . ; if hi - Th SubferiVef will take Three Thoufand Dollars down ; tfr One Thoufand Pounds, Virginia Currency, the Purchafer paying Five Hundred Pounds down,' and the Barance in two annual Payments, giving Bond with approved; Security. ' j Dec. 20. EDWARD CLANTON. That Jdviotts imported high-bred HORSE1 i de Lion 1 . . t- ' VVithout Exception as highlbfed a Horfes . i r-li J ' ever was raucu in; j.ngiano, t XXTAS got by Highflyer; his Darn the famous Dido, hjy old Eclipfe, fulj oiiicr io javetme, wno covers, at rwenry gui neas a Mare : fhe was bred by the Duke of Cumberland, and fold at his Safc to the Prince- of Wales in the beginning of the year 1700, with Cceur de Lion, then ja Colt by her bide, for twelve Hundred and fifty Guineas, and without Doubt was coaiidned the be ft Mare in England at that Time ; fhe afterwards1 fold fmgiyat the; Prince's Sale) for eight Hundred, and ffftv Guineas. Hie hnyer's iJleoi and Performances;! as. a Racer! together with his great : Fane as a covering Horfr, are to well known to the Gentienarn fo the Tuif, that it is unnecefTary to lay any thing further cf mm. ! v-oeur de Lion is. a ni v w . fixten Hands high, bandjfome and powerful, much admired for his toed Temper and fine Hone, with the ftrongetlj; of Conftitutions. He was engaged bv the'pTjnce of Wales (as may be lcen by the Racirk'Catendars of Eng land) in feveral of the heavieft Svveepflakes there, tromi one to two Hundred Guineas each; but being unfortiti aiely hurt in his firfV Perjrtr.a;u-ei )cf? bv hard rwnrjp.g, he being oung .(?llb)faid to have) trod on a Piece of i imter, and Failed in hit right fotfe Leg): was obliged to quit thf Tur although acknow- icdgeii to be a tlovfe ol j torn,' t n. y be IteN in in Pofleftii -.t f the Naibl'c ieat Spte'd and !or- levcral Certificates Caeur Je jj ion Fn.s tinlixrd himfelf as-a rsTrtarkablyj f.re FoaUJQJ:rnei as fcarcely a M3re milled t iat he vvq;teJ laft Stal'onorthe Seafon belore. 1 have feiveral Ceriificates in my Poffell m t prove' ill at hey are equaljro any llorics ort the C)fiN-nt ol America; Thoje who; have lee nj jiiiany of them, pro no'unce that not ore ilum was unlikely. It is ufeiefs; :o fay inijclv ihem, for they fpeak loudfr'for their Sire tha-a I can ex prefs, by their fer!ir'- Sire, high Form, and uncpwiroi go-id (jJloorr and there can be no Doubt of their SMtefson the Ttirf. Ccur de Lion it nji rifn eleven Yers old, in fiiie Perleftiohl amt will Hand the j enfuing StaJwn at thej5i:bl'criber 's Stsbfe, in Meckleiiburglv Csiint. Virginia, 7-cn the South sjdel "f Roanoke rtiver, 8M above t. I amihanv, aATnei Welow -'HalKins's Ferry, "abdut 16 Milw Weft from Warre'ntpr., pbotit 1 9 Miles Ekft from Mecklenbbrgh Court-boife, aboiit -Miles N'orth irom Louifb'urg, FrankliivCou ity, KoMt-iNtile? North-Eaft from GanviMe Cin t- Upufe, and will be let 10 Mares at Ten loil?is the Leap ad twenty Doilaik t!; Serticrt ; the former to be paid at'he lrtine of Servici, and the, latter m4y pc discharges . by the; Payment o! five PoHnds, Virginia Money, by the firf Oay of nextjanusry ; jeight Guineas to infure a Mare, to he with Foal,, the Infurance Money tq be derpandabje.cn the Mare's (how ing with Foal; ai?d two Shilling with each Mare to the Groom".' Goodnnd exteniive PalUtre (Part ofwhich ijlow Groud) three Fields of Wheait and one of Oatsfc weU laid i'i for Mares fent to this) Horfe. 1 will engage ihe moft pointed Attention to every Mwre 'fent to': this Horfe whilfjfc under my Care, 'to prevent.' Accidents or fUpcs, but will not h relV ponfiblej for eithjtn Te Seafon will begin the firft of Marcjh, and end the Hrft of Au guft. I wifh to inform the Public, that Mares fent to this Horle, will be put agreeably to Turn, jfirft come (hall be flrfl covered throughout the Seafon. 'j j JONATHAN TANNKR. MecklctlrihCintjlt&.ztl9i. I . I V ' t Z D 1 G R E E , ! . . ! Taken fr$vt thtitural Stud poofr cf England. Ccetfrde Liopfwas got by Highflyer, hi' Dam. 0ido byf jEclipfe, his' Grandar'j spectator, nis jLrrear yranuamy iianjc, .nis Great jDreat Gandam, Lord liegge's Diana, by Second, his Great Great Oreac GranrW; hy jStakyan's Arabian, hie Great Great Great Great Gfandajmj; by King -'Wf iiiani's , Black I 'Barh, IhisrGjrit Great Great Great Ortit G ran4awrFV M akeia I s, out .of k "Royal -Majrei' . :The celebrated old Horfe, ''"- In high Perfection, X fl LL ftahd it my Stablel irt Peri v v fon County, N. Carolina, in thfeForkr f Hico, near John CampbrelPs,;Efo. and about three Milei hejnw the -Red! Houfe, atd will be let to Mare at Fifteen Dollars the Seafon : which may be discharged wiih the Payment ff Ten Dollar by thc-firfi of September; . Si Dollars' the Leap, which mnft,be paid when the Mares are covered, otherwife thy will beconfidered as Seafon Mares. . Note reejuWi red for M ares before they aVe (taken a Way. Good and extenfive Paftarage well inclefel gratis;,' The greateft Care ?nd Atientlon will , be paid to Mai es, but not liable for Accident or Eftape. : The Seafon will commence the 10th day of March, and end theiothjof Au guft. One Quarter of a. Dollar per Mare! to the Groom. RICHARD UGILBY. , March 4', 180L Of. 4w THE NOTED RUNNING HORSE Bred by john Tayloej f'Ef of Mu fit-Airy; y ' ; i . . ; ; A If EAUTIFUL G R Er, V' ! Fifteen 'Hands and : a Half high, ! -J iP TX71LL ftand thccniiihg"ap5rt,, If at my Stable! n Wjiiiamfhorogli Gf- - ville County, N. Carolina, within co Miles v j of Hillfborough, 5ofrom Halitari 1 frbmWari j renten, 2offomSt.Tammary,i5 fromrfMMn' I Ferry, i2jfron raylqr1s,jasid50jtromalegh' I theSeat of G6eriin.ent,aTdw;ll cover Mares ai - 5, the moderate Price of FOUR GUlNiAS vh:ii; Seafon, which may be difchargedi by ..ther ' , J Payment Of THR E E do IN EAS K paiihf Ji the firft of November and Hilf a DolUrf 1' J the Groom, to b paid) on enteRg ,'thi Maresl!; .-f; ' The Seafon will cornmence on the firft of .1. March, :ad end the Jfirft of lAogUil.. Gocd,jf : and extenfive PaC.urajg, but will not ben jl i werable for accidents or efcapes. ; dl't t t nt JZ v.. .v.-fi!i-fjk Horle Old Medley, imported into America ' by Malcolm Hart; his Dam! Sclima rgot by f Yorick; hi Grandam. -BUtk'Selijma, got by Old Fearnought; 1hiGre4Gfandlan Col. j Taikiit's famous impOrtedjKuRnyig Sare ,&e.-, : 1 : . iL. T 1 pU.I.l;.. a tlitr, .,t- nnio, jc of Snap. MrShaftoe. ChiMerf, Honey. void's Arab4iv oMncrf the , Trueluet. ! Medley was spt by Gimirack ' out of "Arminda got1 by siir' 't-e4f Mif Cleveland, hy Regulus; h Dani Milfte y Bay Boltonj Yorick was, gctf by - Kl or ton's Traveller, ut-of Blareila, got by Blaze in Kngland; bred ly Mr. jThoms Pan thorn), and by the le,vonfhire Chijocfs,: .b-ii f a cnfe derate filly, by Grey Grantham 'Duke of Rutland's Ulack, Barb, out f Chrichton' Roan; Yorick's Grandam was Jenny Came ron i got by Cuddy, by Old Fox, out pf Mil's Belyoir,'the dam of&ald Charlotte,-, by Grey Grantham ; hev Dam by: the Pag TtsJkjj itic f Beiry Percivaij, by: Leed's fabiaov Ibf Spanker, &c. Niifs Bell voir Iwjis jone pfe very beft running Mares, i EnjUud-W: her Years. ! - ' .1, " f'r'l v-) -HELLiAIlV won the jockeyfciub Pjirfes at Annapolis and Rladen'fburgfa", jtn Muryland, in the Years 1799, I79 beatfng I nrnmer, ChefapeaWe, Shakefpear, andljpverarothjrr of theibelt Horfes in Maryland ; he won the j Joc key CfutvPurie in the if pring meeting vt 1702 , heating Mi'.': Burier's famous rjnmiing Mare. Cflaniriij with the three ahcrve ,' Mar-jiawd ' t Horfes ' he won tne Jockey Oluh PyrVe at the Howling Grpen, in the tall of 1791. beai- nng at three heats Mr, Ro'vCt Page's Horle r . ' . : ' . . i r c a"" Lamplighter, Mr. 1 hornton Alexander -s norie Snap, Mr. ohn f hovnroa JHfe Wiftll jacket: he was be Men only three time; rif-tF at amltch in lchmeftj in the year ijrpi, jegihtt i Mr. jiandulpK's RotpjHo e Gtmcrack, when fn extreme bad or'e,'',' af tf havingtravelled tlealitwja huodfed Miiea. prior to the1 race, fd winniig tVo urfeR in Maryland the mirrtheniy bje fore Itbft Match was run ; leconaiyina 5wepttajcesar iees. in ,te year l;i'tl,9jUi aVi' Grey Diomed, ,hen: Called : ntfniej.whlen fhe. horfe I imendedfrtfun felTJjiine, aid I choi'c to llart Bell-Air,; though of, prepared, rathe than have no horfe to run, j ami' Although a .aeaten horfe, he almft di:Vsnced,Mr. Ran dolph's nan horfe Gimcrac, i d Jafly, ft the Bowling-tirsen, in thf FalJ:ftfeeting of f,79J bY Lampfighter at thret'heats, and Dragon (Sifter to Augeiica) bred by cot by Snap Reeuius, Kanttleu, ' then though a beaten lirlejhe jbjeat Mr.MU id ler's mare CamillaVafily jit mart havepeert j 3 evident to all conierfant ith the ttirf, he ;i jji (fi misftihave won thiis purfe had not his rider rV ; red, ;wh had been tick prdvicu t the irace l' his lalt pertorTtjan:e was at reterfrrt, wi New. M v k-ejt, f.'i n,!.the faH of 174, yiheh af-i terruttigtWelye miles at the fJovviing iSreeii" only a fortnight , before, fhe -dlilabcedv Dr. ? lAixpn's uotedi! running lor(i I Nutt cracker Mr. Atne's uimous running rtoric upeiuc (with fome ether good Hores ! ' ! M f The above is lit true Copy el his, le-digree, and Pefformances. ' 7 J; U 'If:.-.'r .:."H.:'!.. ;;!rjAMis'-VjAxiGH-; N. 15. NMet will - WegiwH'.-ih'e Mares: (4 ram turMiined to tnote -waa wan '- "'. it.' -I:' i-FehWoi' ' "' '- : - j - HvM'-'f'r I I lit 11 1 Certain Cure tor the? Itch. - i r, " ' , t- Sovereign 'and'.Jafe. pintviM" for tk$ ; : l i ; itcl, 'ifm;yi0 lM - fiWhich is! warranted fap infamWe; rerdy jaipne epWicj-iioHi and Uayihutcttvl the ;rtf t Ifttift: perVkd'iaietyhy:pegnant pr ck ) I infsoi5 a 'week old." noti contairiVf.s: Ja psrticle.: .ill! f - ...... r i - - i- . i. i ' i-- fw.iiatever is not cco;-pps?! ithj ih-.; tottrventms! Iraart--wti it;ti aettflf- -tlttf exipt tion of icjiher tcmeiiea-lMt tl'd- tl !t -if- j: Pi 70 rf i .-fi ;:: 1 : V 7 .-;', It p-4 J 1 - '. , : . 1 r i Mr l 1,-4;--.: :.-'lr?u ':!:t' ; .y !: i -:- i'i- -i' - ' -: , I r 1 . f ' ' - -:! ; r r-.--- 'M. '1 t' .-.-A '- f :.'4H-StW .. :. !! -,r. "-.--iL .J'v&y i