9 i I 1t w '1 1 rii it: 1 111 ; t i f ii i . t -. . 51 I : y 1 -4. .V':2lil-iAi?:JJlilrt L- "i a Sit - - f-- I- V - ' . . -.:! ! . ; ...! I ,, -Ci ne uouri or iouumi,, luioiim-v. that Denmark js;cltryinki:tli with 'viiitti: Hritifh cmp!rcSili, tn it cannot better ; :, fill tldutiel fwlii fiance brercntesvlhan bvad4rcn"itig jtlelf duefcUy tu.thc Msmller ot his DaniPA Maleftvi to demand from hirh a ?rihk and falisfaBory x'pla-; - - " J . . r ; i ' 'j.T. nation j . . !r 4 -1 In alt the Court s of Europe they fpeak4 openly of a", confederacy be tween f Denmark and Tome other powers, to -oppoTe by Tdrce the ex ercile 'rf thalc principie'of Marir- tifne.lay.on which the naval power thejitiilij empire in agren ine lure, reits; ana vvnicn hi all wars have bfeen followed by the maritime forces, a:id a'tk'nOwicdgbd by their tribunals. " , - . ;"j' Hssjj Britajinic Msjefly, . .relying with jcbnhdence upon the ioyalty f his Danijll Ma-jefly-, and .tipoii , thd faith' of the epgagemenVs VftCent-' ly contrived between the -two Courtis, has not demanded irom . him any explanation on this head. It was his- wifh to wait for the momen t when the Court of Den-' tnark -(hould think it its duty to tontradicl thofc reports, fo injuiieus . to its good faith, and fojlittle Com patible with the maintenance cif the good iinder (landing which has been re-eiUbhihed betweenj-'ths two ' CoUI'tSk : .- V Vt!prefent tne. condiicl and the publiii' declaration of one of the powei s, which it is preteided have 'entered into this confederacy, do not ; permit his Majclty to picferve aayi4nger towards the ted the fame lilcnce ; which he ha, hiiherto ob- rerved; fe - :- The vender figned therefore finds himlejt .bound to den?ind fronihis UatttrS hiinlelf that-thd Englilh-Co-EceUeuey jCoUn de Ber6llor 4 ve;nmentj artcr having received piainii open, aha latrstattorv an 1 lvyer oh the. nature, obi eel and ex tent of the obligations which his : Danilh-Maisfty may ha ye contraQ.- ed, or the negbejations which he is ' carrying on with refpeft to a matter Which io nearly concerns the dig- iitiyipf his Britanriic Majeftyj and the mterefU of his people - II ii Britannic Maiefty, always ready; to return ail the marks of his friend Ihip whith'he may receive on the part : jo - his Dan i fli Maj e ft y hopes t 'find in the anfvver of the Court of Copenhagen to his requeft only a new pecauon of manifefting theft 'diipoutions. In! tranfmittins this note to . the Secretary of State, the u.nder fiened avails himfelf 1 with pleafure, of this ooDortunitv to affure him of the high conTiderafipn with which he has the honof to be. his very humble and very obedient fervant, I - W. DiUMMOND. To hh Excellency the Count ' ue Bernttorfi; Secretary of Sute of his Daailh Mfty, &c. &c. i . JSOiC in An wen TK' rinderhVned SecretarV of - State 'for Foreign AffairSj having triveh! an account to the Kinz.. his' mailer of the contents of the note which Mr Drummond had done him the honor to tranlmit to him , on the.27th inftant, is authorifed 16 return the an fwer-which follow : The! Court of London mull have received very incorrect information, to hae been abte'.for a moment to prefume that Denmark had Co n- ceived projecls hollite againft ir or incompatible with the maintenance of the good uhderlla riding which - fubfifts between :the two crowns'; and the King is' veryi much obliged to hii Britannic Majcfty, for havirig furuiflied him -with Ithe ppportu liityipf contradifting, iti the moifl pos htive . manner, reports as iii- founded, .as contrary to his 'inoft decided' fentiments Trie negociation which is carry- 5ng 0u at St. reteriburg, Between Ruflia, PnaHiaj Sweden and Deh- marji, 'has no other objel than the rreriewalpf the engagements,! which j -i 1 ft I ' . I jti the years 1700 ana 01, were ;ontracled by the fame powers for thejfafety of their navigation, and of which a comraunicatiou was at that time made to all the Courts of V J. e. r - . His Maiefty the Etnperor cf RuBi4 . having prodofed to the powers of the North to re-eft'ablifh thcie engagements in their original form, Denmaik has fo much the icis nciuaica to conicni 10 it, as far from having ever abandoned the principles profelfed in iBo fhe has thought it her duty to maintain them) and claim them upon all oc cafions, fnd not allow hcrfclf to adnjit'in refpeel of them, any other modifications than thofe which re fultj from her treaties with the bclli- jerett powers ' ! iVci y far from within? to1 inter powers in the exefcife of r m , . war giye fbVamark-lrt! r od utcY inlp tWpegt I c ia t ion wi t ft he rail ies norie i ty: t ortvocjtton to any. one. w-The t" 1 . 'rtf the duties of neutral it rJ ajnd of the obligations which riejr ttetpes impofe upon her ; and if the w)lhes to (helter her innoenV niJgatiph frm -tkeKmanifefl abutesfanA vt- lehec which the Trtatitime -war pro duces but to eafilv" Ihe thinks hr paysrefpeft tthebell gcj-ent powers by fuppofingj that, far, from wtlh- mr to anthnrile or tolerate inuic abufes, they wouldj'on ihcir fvcfe, adnnt meilures belt calculated . to prevent or reprefs them. N Denmark has not made a my fiery tojihy df the objeft of her nqgocia tiiJm upon the nature of which loaic iulpiCmn has been znfuica in- to the Cout t ot Lonaon , but jne from the ufua.l forms, m Wl(htng to wait the definitive ic(uit of-.it, In oraer .to corjimunicatc ai. oniia accoaht of it to. the ppw4ia4$r the underfigned, not kpauug that anV of the powers jnsaceq in his ricsociatioii have made, a ecla- ration, oradopttd mcaluics relative -to jts ohiett, at which Ureat-iitiUin hiiglft take oJTence or umbrage, can- not Without ulterior explanation reply. to this point of IVfr. lrum mond s.nQte. - , ", "- Much leiS'Tdots-he conceive in m. at m - Z i 7 what refpect the en casement taken by. the pjcVidiis convention of (the sqthpf Auult llc can be conudered as contrary to thoie-wmch Denmark is about to enief into with the ncu traland unilcd powersof the North ; and m all ciles' in which he ihall find himfelf rcalled upori to combat or remove the "doubts that fh a 11 have been conceived with refpeft to the iod-faith cf the Ring he ihall confidc.r his tafk to be eaiy, as Icng as his good faith Avail be introduced into the reproaches or ihe luipicious the requiied explanations, will have the frauknels to allow that the pro vmonai and momentary, abandon ment, not of a principle, the tjueO tion with refpeit 10 which remain ed undecided but df a meaiure, whofe right has never been, or ever can Be contefted, cannot be found at all in oppofition to the general and permanent principle, reiativeJ to which the powers of the North are. upon the paint of eftablilhing a cotapeTatipn) which fo ' far from being calculated to comprpmife their neutrality, is deftined only to llrengthcu if i j The underfighed would fairii be lieve that thel'e expla4iations ' will Appear fatisfaflory to the Court of LondPn ; and that the laUer will do juflice to the intentions and feni ments or the Kihg ahd particularly to his Majeily's invariable .'defire to maintain and cement, . by all the means in his poWerj the friendlhip and good underftanding which fub filts . bei ween Denmark and GYe.at Btitaiut . . ; i He has-the hortor to o Her to Mr. Drummond the afiurance of hisf mbA. "didanguiihcd conhueration. ' .BEINSTORFF4 IntzllicrLCtJirom-EuiQpii FRANCE. ' V 13. FEB. 1 it ": rs from Copenhagen j of the 24th January 4 ftate, that-NIr. Olfen; the, JDanilh. Ambairadori had fet out-Tor Bordeaux, there to embark for North-America.' The objecl ot nis nuiuoa, is.:iam to be a new commercial arrangement between the tvo countriesi ; v; 1 tit. ii i ' Mrjfagc of the ConfulsiQ ikt Legij' lativc Body and the Xriki&natel The peae'e of the continent ha! been' fiimed at Lunevillc -It is fuch as the French Deoole deftred ! - - l "I T' i neir nrit Willi was the boundary of the Rhine. TJjeir jerrfe did alter their -inclination ; their . victo ries dicTriot .'enlarge their jretcn(ions Alter reitdrinir the ancient hniits ot Gaul, it belongs to thcni to.reftore to liDerty, nations winch were uni ted to them by a-comrhon origin, and the ties of in.teieft and man ners; The freedom of the Cifal pine and Ligurian Republicsis fe- curea. iext to this. autv. there was another which iuftice and ore- nero.fity Drefcrihed to them. The King of 6pain has beenfaithful to our caufe, and has fullered for iu Neither our reverfes, nor tbemer-t ndious mlinuat:oas ot our enemies. have been able, to detach turn frontl our intereft. He Ihalj receive juft return, A Prince bf his blood is to be placed on the throne of i.ulcanv. He will remember that he owes k t the fidelity of f Spsin, !roajs 'artdf:biiiuort's will b-ihtit ,affain(l; our! tieniicsV ind betpme tnejatyiuffii ot oc ciimrotfrce ana biirvcifcls ? i An rtria aritl ill this ronuits :uic lure; pie(jge or peaccrf- A u una. aen pe to rt n leparteafirom EranceT by xtenMKilcfl-ionJl'iwiil; ana uiore icatimems ivnttrrnavp iot io many; ages, occn4HC tqrmeni ut thofe icslbtlifrjcri'i ind p rodu ced the caiamhte b f Eurpp e:- - By tlil treaty tvFyHhinvi&wrtcfuaed "as m ranee.1 one win nave no ongcr iq conteriulfwiih t)ie"f0riaiities and inti ieues pjja. Convicts A ?Ti&Gf vernment owes a leairnony .01 ia tislaaibnift ithe Mmiikr .Plenip'o intiarv vvhu hs r.onducied this ne- goctaticm h fo foTtunite an iflue There teluauis no njterpretatioii to be dreaded. Ho Jrpianation fto be dsnfanded nor any ot tlipie equi vocal dlfbofittons: in whicli the art of diplpmacy tiepodts Q germ of a new war. Why is .it t ha this treaty is not a treitV of general Jia- ! v . , - Yi ...rfL r cincatton r .-, mis was tuc wa u France ! This, was the connant ob- iea of the effoits f its Govern- menu but air its eiioits nave,necn vain. Europe knows all that the Britilh Mimltfyihave done itijjfe2 vent.theliuccefs of the tiejjociation 4t X.unevuie. ia vain an. cm, authorifed by he Governrnentj de clared to them on thegth 0l. i 800, tlrat vrabce ias ready to enter into a feparate' negotiation! with them His decittration was tlnfwered only by.a ret'uial, under the pretext that England 'could Hot abandon Ker ally, bmce that ptrtod, and alter that utrtod. and aft I that ally ,had' Confcnted to treat without England, thil Goverilment feeks for Other means o f poll poning a peace Which is fp neccifary to the whole world. It violates a ton-- venticn cbnlecrated.-by huraanityj atid declares Wur dgainfl filheimen. Id advatttes prctenlions contrary to the dignity and rights of all ha tions. All tne commerce of Alia, and immenfe .colonies, - are no longer fuHicient to tatrefy its ambi tion. It arms again ft Ruth a, Den. mark and Sweden, beCaufe Ruihaj .Denmark and Swedeii have, by treaties, iinuiually guaranteed tlieif J favereignty, theif Independence, and their flag. The powers of the Norths unjuitly attacked, have a right to rely on1 therein ft art ce of France :Thc French Govefhrqtnt will then avenge ah injury corn mon to -all nations, without at any time forgetting .thatfit ought to contend only for peace, and the happincf$ ot the wor)d ' The Fir ft CoilfuU l BUONAPARTE, BytheTifil Confil, ' ' 1 H ii. MarlT, of State. crs from BaVonnei of the T6th Feb announce the ceitanl ln telltgence of the declaration of war by Spaiij againft Portugal ; I :-M; de Kaletfchew the RutTian Amballddorj arrived this day at Pansj "Hv ; ; . Letters from Vienna lijfte, that Count Cbbentzel is appointed Am Panadof on the part ot the ritnpe- tor to the French Republic 1 here is no doubt but thit the new iitvguiii Minuter win imme diately make overtures tiT peace b'itt it is falfe that he has done Co already, as reported at London and Pans, I ! I A fivate:ietti frotii Sdrliiu of he 12th Feb. fays; that the Entrlifh Government has Tent a'n apent:to RtiHra, oftenfib to fiirntth Juc- c)our to itis -prjlo tiers, but realty wit h intdht to pfppofe. terms of ac- .modatipn. ;,'but jbat Jie was ohliaetl to return, to n.naianu.; - " M fb. 25 jyt deiGalloiis-arHved heW ih quality i of -Ambalfador from his Sicilian Majefty " - . " : " . Admiral Ganthcaume sfquadrbn s b. . T - "as iaK.e.n an iLnguin tngate; fhe Brrtifh' Government; as lla been already annpuuted, continues to ifiake warajafnft jhiierable fifti ermen. The orders Which had hecn friven t refnecl- thpm: hav? been revoked; and this violent de- termipation whiclri wounds 1 the rights of the pebplei has been Wan tonly aggravated by riot cpihfrtuhi- catmg u- to Citizen Otto till ten days after, merely to have the odi ous and barbarous J ability to fall unawares on , poor fifherman, and to capture -them 'in contempt of tne practice ot eiVilited tiatioris. Ehis cendua has decided that of '-. T- me r.rencn. JUrpVernment, and the Mimiter ol Eereign Affairs accord inely vrpte on the i6th to Citizen Mtto, the tollowmtr letter : Citizen; ine ririL i'nntiil havmirpntiJ note Qt ithe loth rlu- ' T-. .. "rf , r yod tHatyo rte.t1d; auit ; London and f etarh tiiycancc. , - f. " Oa"Yeturnmir"VoU will addrels lb the BnufGovernmeat a rfote taineiroiiowig twwot.;. , vl V - , .... us-- . w ' v:iiT . 1 "THE Wcrtjgned ftayipc rtlunicated tpi ms uroveruiucu,, . ' . -t : . i- ' -JJ-. thai decUraubii bf thB 15fiuitriviiriuiiry? that THWng bbats will be eaptureri as well & a liothet Amencin ve (elf j; a declaration which has af readyieen Uponj the: fr Confbl cohflleredi that if, ort the one hand thi(aa of thcBritilli Gp vernnSenti contrary totheinvariable ufage bf civilized nations, and .jjp .1 ' . i 1 L Li'i-T'i.1 . .t.rV svii trick' tne common. ; t iin. vutii uww thcml everl in time of war, Inould ffWe tb the.btfe how wagijig, i chi-j ratter or ODitinacy anu iury, wuicn wouh deftrby the very relatiprti ot Giiitorn im a uyai war ; . on tne other;! it is impoflible not to per ceive (that;t!i$ conduct of iheEn lllh Governrpent only tends further tp eajfperaieithe two natiofls, arid to retard the Deriod bf nnace: that in eonfeqbence tho underfighed can no longer remain in a country where not only every difpowtion to is aoturcu, our wiicre ine laws and ume of war arei not under-l ; flood land thsreby A46Iaiedkc :.'' i j ' JThe underiigod has thefefpre received orders to .quit England where his llav is in every refbe& tifel'efs; and s he is at the fame time Charged to declare, that the French Government ha vingal ways had for its firft deliie the cotttributiaV to f the pacifi cat ipnf. andi'ibr its maxim the alleviating as mu.ch as poihble .1. ...!f . I.J.J. . 1- . . .'. i1 tne misiortuncs ot - war, wnuoi, on itsifidei think of rendering rrii ferable filhermen viHms -of the pr'olonffation of hoftilitici; that it will abftai ili from reprifals ; and that it has ordered, that the French lhips (hall continue to leave fi filing vellels unttibleftedM ! ! " CH. M. TALLEVUANDI ENGLAND LC NDON, tLS. ni A Very curious and intereftine fcene pa!fedon the 23d Jan. daft, jafc a fitting of the London Rpyal Sov ciety. Some v aluable booksj riS" nificehtly bound, were pre fented to. the fociety from -the Mationaf Inftitute of ! France, A. letter ' of compliment accompanied thi pre. lent, flgned IBuohapafte, Prefiaent of the National Inftitute, 'and Firil Conftil of j'rancfe j and pn theietter was a finely executed vignette re prefenting Liberty failing 6n the open ocean in a fcollop fhciij .with the following mottp-ifrtcie Aflir Sir Jofeph- Banks rend the letter, and put the! queftion that a letter of thanks I be returned to Buona parte, which was unanjmoufty car ned. -I J " : j It is evident that the French ha ve no t been iuccelsful in teaching the principles - or equality to the people particularly in regard; tp of ilgyptj the enumeration 'of titles The Egyptian allies of France cannot htlp i peaking their old language of cpmplimerit, in addreffihg the Chief Confuh The Cheiks and Ulemas of Cairo begin their addrefs, 44 (Tb. 1 the illluflr ious. in on High, Moll Pottdt Emir, General Buonaparte, firft among the Chiefs of the Go vernors cf the Republic of the French. j One paflac runs thus. " We have returnedjihanks to the Mod High - for !your"uiccei, ;-ad nave; gjyen you theapuellaupdm FEB. IO . . Od'r Poirtfmoutn letterUUtes failing of thflproieiytf i ncqi or tranipons on a 4ecret CX Deditianv sMr.1 Adding tort 'it -was eft peeled. vVpuljd thi.s,evfchingvacatctheEbairdf tHp Houfetf Commons, artd that life to the eled,, SDWeB . ..n ' r . J - Kat in alii dwbabUitv. hr -fiW,; -IB' - m- m.m m fyfterh upon which ve liaVe hr merto gone is to be .purlued j! A made to negotiate with Buonaparte Jl " ".f!11 ncoen, wu and k pafloort is to be afkefor U!2 Lord St. Helen's to tm tn rac. Tlc Herpditary 'Prince of Weirnar , . -r .r!1"- to a aaugnter or the Emperor of Ruffia He only; 18 vears of agej arid ihe is but fourteen jj;i. " The Emperor f Ruffia has iffped VI u ' f r ?crm,ittinS e impoTUtiort df books ipto his dbminiW, which arCAiRH in thc.Pruftian ftatcsJ A Pgr at ConftafJti. nopi, they are placed between tlhe hammer anji the anvil; The i I I " 1 f carf y ame at Stockholm, where . ii' ; It naa a""iVfcd. the - "JJ"cnlnZ m with . Ipme II -; Mi w r ,s voyag. : i - ; , i. i Lprd St i Vincerit is iftUally api! rft Lord of the Admiralty. poiritedFi and of Lo Sr? 7-.?W? . the - ' T7 vu A i dute order bf AdrrijTarPrinclc Lords Arden and TemnlJ A,L:' . iviiiw ana AamiraL Young, retir.lt t 1 undersecretary, likewkfa refigt Mr. C. Wright, agreeable to the,(; tablilhed routine.of tfreofBce Ihoulj fucceed. or,; as in the cafe bf Sir H Parker, be allowed tb retire The Treafury Board, with the ex. cebtion pf Mr Pitt snd Lord Lcv;, fon Gowerj rclmaini iindi fluvbed Lord Eld on is to be 'Lord ChancH. lor ; the Earl of Chatham Prefi(jCnt of the Council j Duke of Portland Secretary ofi Stlsite for" the 'home de, partrrfent ; Lord Haxykfbury, Secrc. tiry of tate fdr tlie jforei&adertart. f ment ; ijord lioha1 - ttcreiarv 0f State for the War departrhenr j Eif( of VVcftmoreland, Privy Seal ; Katltt of Livwpooh. Pixehdent f the Board C J ol Trade ; - Rt. Hori - T. jPelha f'U . rrenaent or triCrijoara or, control; Lord Charles Spepcer joint p0(l. ma fter-general, inthb room of Lord' Gower : Lord Arden, Mafter of the ' Mi'nf : tord Glenbeirvie,;aridahe NichpUsan5ttart ahdh. Brg Efb rs'i,rfeec,reta'riei of the Teaftity! fury, m -the rbom of Lord rev"cn land Parid 'the Maftrfhiprof Board "or" Ordnance j ftill ttm open.-Lrd;LoughtorPtigh it to I reti rb. from p ubl i c anajirsv'ith a pen. j fion- Th are remain,! however, fc. veral gentlemen of whofe fervitts he tibw xriiniftry ptoppfe,to avail trfTilelveS) pnproyiaca tor; imonj the?&umber are Sir Cl. Stuart, Mr, W. Bturidas, Mr. Abbot, &c :,We received this ;rporniri Paris baibers." cntahcinff Very impprtam intclligenceNndeedi vfc the Treaty of Peace ;betveen Frajrice Auftrij, and the GernSanic Empire ffor which the Empehpr anfwrsf); The principal articles ate, The ceHion of the Netherlands td'rance, and the country of Falkertftein and the Brickthal, litna, .Jjahnatia, the Venetian Iftapds in the Adriatic and Venice, . arc conftrroed to ttte I Emperor. The Brilgau is given fa to the Duke4 of Mc dena . 'lji Grandj Duke of Tulc iny is to gie p:p Tufcany to the Ipfant Dukecf Farmi, and is to receive an indep- mty in Lrermany. ine cmpeep eonfents for that ' France the German Em nrf, (hall ppflefsJ allthe I the left! bank ofthe II countries , on Rhine J Which formed part of the I Germah Empire. "France g yd up Dufteldorlf, Ehfrenbreitftein, Vyv lipfburg, Caflel, Kehl and'Oldftr. fac. The Gcrman Princes Who hite beeA difpofteffed of lerritories o the left bankj -are to be inderhhifici on the risht. Holland, Switzer land, Liguria and the! Cifalpine, are included ih the treaty. The treaty is to be ratified in ooj days from the oth of Febrdary. All the infint Republics are to be declared i ride pendent and; to be "under the pro telion of the parent ftate. ' ine iignmg or tne treaty, pro duccjdjUas might bejexpefted, jthc greatcft joy at Paris. The funds role to 05. . J .... Iti is now uhderflbod that Mft Iphrp left Peterfba.rg. in conic quericeof an intimatpdn tht his Iffi' penal Majefty would , not "permit any berfou to refidel in his dorhini onsjjwhp held any civil eommiflioa from the King.pf GUat-Britain. MiAiftersarei faid p ftav received veryj dnpleafant accounts from the fouth bf Ireland, on thedifap point j ment of their hopes df catholic eraaE. rv,rdVTuN t Hi is; maieity .vvasattacRedi the d3v before, yefterdayj with ai leVcre fit pf fick nets, which ftill CPntinues. . Acodn.ts, from FalmoJuth Rate, thit four Spanim'ihips of- the line had fai(edtput orEerfplyftP join tho F r e n crl f d'u id r o a tt ri de r G i h t h e i m ta c K u,""?6 'V' J .'i?. -.r ' aron ?. Wtu f I my wnoi it is nor ddPbted, is ecne h; $; Mitemneftft SomeUi- ut(. inn ic jCjuaiiin iQuattw was ieit. ip ighA ol,, the Frenth. it is iaia, that the Pruifian ccrp and Hambureu to 'be the hetter abl to protect the liti of defence w ith which hii;Mkieftv is charged. """S oaiieriei are ConUructina at Hellrforanrl : &yA A1 tnk .hfrtd bcr of Jlmall arjnetiLvellcfs ate fitting out .intending to cruife againft tfa emgiiih at the triohth of the Elbe -Prince! AdrslnWni ri nf thi Britifli KinTobsy ;is appoiii yuuirpanoant ot Mahover4 . ' i. Ik is faid that M r. ?itt had a Idnj audterjcc.rjf tjie Prince of Walei; m eonfequence df a jre'queft tranf rutev tp tjarleiori-houfe In iW rooming: The objecl. of the viGi was to Veprefent ka the! Kihce i own j peculiar 15 : nation , todhci with (haftbfLhc Country, in cdnfc quencc dt the King's Tuddcri ana unexpected I mdiibfifliloni v v 5 it J "1 it- Hi, I 4 1 f I a.- i I if 1 it I. . ; ii ' j t