... "r. '(: , ,.: 1 ' ' ' ".:'Mjnjarp'i.b7 ary ge tIivlilie Brother. - - ' ; ' ' V;;, iV r : FOURTH OF jUim V 1 . 1 . - ' - '1,- ! 1 L ? Cbatkawt 7ar,t0, l8oti DM Saturday laft, aflcmbled at Vlr limes Gaines's ort Hocky Ri- yci, about twenty-five citizens Of khe vtcirtiW. ior the parpoic 01 cc- sbraiinghe Aainverfaiy ottAme-w-; r-,nAI n (it-oendence a dytobdear to them to pals unnoticed, VAt 12 o clock, tney repAu"f - , j r -I iv -ti i 1 new houlf, a Duiiamg weu caigu- Jated tur ftieii reception, wncn ine Dcclarauon ol Independence was read by lit. Vui. Kennon; immC' ! . t.tltixd Hint A All rl ly a pln, but repUtaDl: Jld rar nter. tic toilowinff fit Add re fs. At two.ihey fat down, John Mont- goirier Jiiqaire, as,rieuncni ana Colony "Win. GolditdnVjasVice I'reiicieit, and made a fumptuous rrnAt in a neat and plentiful Bar- j3aue which had been pro vided tor the occauon; a uc viuiu ucm-j lirant the fubjoined TrfaU were jiven, betwixt which feveral con- YlVldl SOngS WCIC iuug. amwui four, i number of Ladtea (having been revioully invited) favoured (he Etkertaintuent wiih their pre tence, when a Ball was opened ; and aliout iuh-tef a plerititul and cctiteci Collation was piovided; of . . 1: . r -1: 1 r .1- whicnooin tnc i-diucsuau ucuue- Tllf a purtook. Rural hilarity and counteuance triroughoutthe day. ADDRESS. Trltnis nd Felhiu -CitUeit We have met thii day to cdaime- morate one of the molt important ras that;has taken plac fince the beginning of tiaiej vi2. the 4th of fniv: n76-fcthe day our Indepen dence was declared that memora- bla pero4oti whicHbe brave en-1 rica bwldty proclaimed their natural rieht to rrseaoaiuu i,uujijiy, duu niedsed themteives to eacn otner, in the terms juft now read to yQU, that " they would be free and lqde- pendentj or die in the attempt. " Wherefore, in confeVucnce of this declaration, the arbitrary and tyrannical King of Great-Britain; became ftill more and more deter mined to reduce the then - thirteen United States to thei former obedi ence aud lubmillion to hi$ Governr ment, ient over lea bigs fleets and armies of hired mcrcenants, who, wuh relentlels cruelly and lavage barbarity, commenced a horrid war aU over the Union which continued xcr eight tedious years to the dc ftruttioa of the lives and immenie property of thoufands of our good citizens, who were then iaenhcing thziv all irt defence of ficedom anu their country's caufe J nor did the co'ntinued ravage, and lavage barba tjty of. thole veterans,' deter the brave and refoiute ions of Freedom from perlevering in their ipiiittd xcfiftance againlt the lawlels tyrants FBritiam j until at length, thro' the unceahng bravery ot our army, and the manly fortitude of odr citizens, it pleated Providenca to crown us with a complete victory1, by deli vering into our hands our invaders, by which means the haughty King nd Parliament of Gieat-Britrin were obliged to acknowledge the United States exonerated from their former allegiance and cWpendahce, and that they be free ana indepen dent, with equal right to govern themfelves according to their own jurifprudence. Now, my beloved fellow-cit iiens, when we uke a retrolpel of thole perils and oppreflions we jlepubli an Americans have undergfine,what realba we have to rejoicedyea ex eedingy rejoice, in the commemo ration o f fo happy an event as the firof American Independence an poch than which the pages of hif lory afford Us hone greater. That memorable day ! on which the brave advocates and votaries of freedom, with one accord, threw off the yoke of bondage, broke the chains of flavery, and bid dehdnce to the tools and minions of "the ar oitrary Monarch, who w'as aiming to ulurp tint unjuft power and ju pfeJittien aver our citiaens which Il,s Majefry ani his PrcdecelTorshad -tciicd'dye? our forefathers, in the reftirairit of their natural civil ' and religious Jihertics, -which jpn- auceu tnern 10 icavc mcii umw foil; ' encounter the dangers oF the ocean, and ieefe an afy Turn among the Savages of the then wild 5 of thi country, where they might enjoy,5 uninterrupted j tHofe civil and reli gious privileges; wbichiheyr cbjdfi dered a the natiiralnd equaf ghts of every individual; j! Again, 1 lay, wriat great, reafon we have to rejoice, when we 'con template the rife of a great Empire grown out of a few depeodant Pro vinces, and emanating towards the perfection of human attainment,'; by having eftablilhed a Government, whofe foundation is natural and equal right, whole ftruflure is juf-t tice arfd moderationand- wHofe aim is to promote the , general good of all. With what delight, I .fay, mufl we contemplate the benefits ariling frona fuch a Government J "where every individual, from the higheft. to the loweft, is fee u re in bis l'fe, liberty and property, without dif tinftion of perforis-where every citizen is fafe, under his awn vine, and irv his own coin-field, and no lordly Tyant to make h'm afraid. Therefore, fellow-citizens, as it Has pleafed Providence toj blefs j us with ib Wile and good a Conditution or form of Government, let us be careful and vigilant, left innovation creep in unawares upon us ; as there is (till a large body, of men among us who are not well fbtisfied under our Republican fyftem of Government, and who, ever" fince the Revolu tion; have induflriouiiy flrove to transform it; as near asrrJolIiblc, to that of the Britifti ATiftocracy and Monarchy," and thereby deprive the emancipated Americans' of their dearbought rights and privileges. Therefore, I tnj un it, that it greatly behoves every Republican (efpecially the free, Electors) to watch and guard carefully in. their choice of Reprcfcntativcs j to pre fer men of Heady ana louna Repub lican principles, who will ably and carefully guard againll every intru Ckoa on the lawful r gh'S of their conflituents, for on thole rights de pend the (lability and continuance of our prefent happy ,ftate and nar tional welfare Another great caufe for rejoicing is, our fuccefs in. electing a truly Republican PrelYdeht, in whom' we may lafely truftthe helm of Govern ment, and whole ikill and integrity have been well proved. One more caufe of our rejoicing is, that we are placed in a land or plenty, where neither famine nor want has ever yet been felt. We are in the full enioyment of peace and plenty j and not only fo, but exporting a large furplus of our pro auce to aimoit all parts ol the world, and that in our own Ihi ps, and by our own merchants, who, in return. receive the riches of almoft all parts or tne saltern vvorld Now, fellow-cititenSi after tak ing a View of thofe many blelTings which have redounded to us, chiefly in confequenceof our independence, have we not great reafon to thank Providence for lo largea fhare of its benignity? And ought we not, with the mofl iincere love and gra titude in our hearts and minds, en deavour to; cultivate a ftrift obler vance of all the moral and focial du ties f life thereby to merit a con tinuance of thofe national and ipe-i cial favours 1 which it hath pleafed the Almighty Ruler of all to bellow,, . Therefore, with joy and gratitude in our hearts, let us thank Heaven, and enjoy the good things provided on tnia pecauon, in iocial and bro therly love, and in goodwill and friendfhip with each other, To that this day may conclude to the plea-i fure and fatisfaftion of every one' prefent, and to the honour and cte-' dit of the Republican name. ' TOASTS. ' The day we celebrate j American Independence. The Sovereignty of the People The Federal Conftitution--till 1. 2. 3- 4 a belter can be formed. s i 5. The choice of the People, Tho mas Jerrerfdn, the Rock of Inde pendence, the glory of Republicans, he Prefuicnt of tbe United States. I 6. The ViceiPrefident; c , K 7 Th? Minority in the hfl Con, reisayj their fitrnncil and pairi I otilm be evil remembered by a grate- fu!Pfop;ie.. j:", .-''. ; f 8, fTht" memory f General Geo. , 9. Tho nineteenth Centu ry may the Sunof j kjepqblicaniftnjj which has been almoftiobfcU red during four y ea rr if t he; la 1 f e r end o f tbe i8th, i n g e fTu 1 gen ce w hi c H t he b r g h 1 1 u "mina ry o f tjev en does as' Tib aj; proaches bia mpridian height! '., i i.j The f 1 eedorn of the Prcfs, , 1 2. A well-organiid Mibtia ig.l 'Tiie rnebuii y of j 1 he .Herpes Who fell in deleter of their country. S4.f. ibe Sta'e of North-Carolina. 5- The Farmers and Planters of the United Siajifs. o f; . ;-.:' f -16. femeSfican Fair miytbeir! imues oc cne rewara or xvcouuiid- niim. i ..&;- . r-'T .ii' In addition to the above. excellent " volunteer tbafts were i LOST, . i i t'Jt A BLACK Myv.E, about jeleven Ye4if olJ, Jour lect ten Inchps high, very large ii Propwiti-ii tJ her Hcht ; is a naturarfl'ijoitcr, tioit ihort but tolerably eafy, and clp3 fioth hioa Feet a little ; thejfcnasof both her Kars ar crept wfT, a:;i not as to be "ifiernea without dole C xmina'.ion. VYiiuever wiii-give iniomiatiou of ihe iald Mare, lo that lhe may irtUied to the Sub lenbcr, Wilt'ee well rewarded. ! July i. CULL EN BLACKMAN. j Full SALE, . A Vnbnblc Trad of LAND lying in Montsomeiy County, on the Yadkin River, including the Niirrowi, on the Weft Side pt laid Kiver.; containing 750! Acret, 100 Acres of which is cleared ; youog Apple; and Peach Orchard j a good DweUinHtufe and other Hyuiti iiecsffary thereto.1. The Narrows is an excel. ent Filhery ; the Plan tatien is in good Order for Farming ; and the; Land, which is well watered, is of ai good a Quality as any 10 the Cobuty. Good Property will betaken in Part of Fay ment for laid Landi S JPor Terms appl;r totha Sublcriber, living on the fa id Land, about five Miles above TindeliVille and Heiiderfonl Town. ' . ' j Wu.R, ALLEN. North- Carittt j : Juj 1, i8ci. ' ' . A Plantation, &c. for Sate, yHE SuKfrriber intcrdinry to re- nifiT' fiom Chathm, prepXs difpoiing of his Plantation and Ci ops growing iherecn,' and Part f his Stock, cOr.fiittnr of one good Mare, four Cows aiJ Ca-ves, fome fjieifers and young Steen,' and about tjventy Hogs. . To Gentlemen in the low Country tuch a Plantation would be i eligille as a Summer RetideMce. It contains to Hundred and fix Acres of tillable Land, toirrably good, and well watered, about three Quarters of aj Mile!: from Pittfborough Thtre is on .it kj fnug Log Cabin, in which; he now lives, with a l'mail Dairy, Kitchen, Stable and! Corn Cnbj alio a new Iramed Houfe, only (hingled and weather boarded, about 31 Feet by ti, ten Feet Pttth. Very god Springs! con venient - :.! '!' i j The whole will ho fold by Vendue i the Premifes, to the higheft Bidder, on Tuefday the 12th of Auguft, ."at twelve o' Clock, Terms ofthe Sale : neand two Years Credit for the.Lanrij, and (:x-MbnthsCredttforthe Crops,: Stock and Farming Utcnftli All Pof- Sumsurtder five Pounds, ready Money! leflion will he eiven on-the Day of palel Bonds and approved Security iil he requ ired. VVM. BINGHAM.' 1b P1TTSB0IWUGH ACADEMY IXAMINATIOK. QN Vednefdayt; ftrrt nf.juiy commenced the I xaminationnf the Stu dents of the Pitt (borough Academy, and cn tinued4 three Days. Ojri the I vening of the third Dar, the students performed the isle- brated Dramatic P-ecef called the f UtnrJI Farwr," in which thy acquitVed themfelves wit great Creait. 1 he 1 ruftces, with Plea. Aire, inform the Public, that; tarmighj the whole Klariination they wera perfectly fa. tisiied ;wuh the Improvement made by i thfe brudents finee the Vacation, The tuft Clafp particulariv diftmenifhed themftlvea in del'u venng' Seleft Piecea of Oraiorv. ask to whom a numexjffus and genteel Audieti, fenfibie ojf their Merits, liberally jbeftoVd thair Tril bute of Appiule ; ' -j : j 1 :-. . N. S,.'lbt Academy will refume its Eer cifes 4 Monday the i?kh of futv, u.ider the Direction of Mr. Pa, fecond Teacher ' nit Ujimtiii j) uui xiaTing cceartwia- , nate enough to engage a rriac. j ai Teacher. The Pkbiic may.rcft ajOTVed, no Exrriionson their Part ihalf be granting, jia a fpeedy Maol j ner, to procure a 1 earner ot the tu it Abili ties an4 Characer to fupermten. V'Oj totir Saccefs due-Notice will o gWeri'i " ! -f 1 MjqrtiUrkiSk - i AMKS BA.EK,5ecrery. . PitrJhrHtti, July 8, i8t.' : ! . ; FOR SAU..' -j i, t,; At the Stare of the'tnnter E?rf r i Several lar" t i- A I - GRANB LODGE J J M .Li.. r tit I and LeJfe, and the Rt prtlf ntattve r Lodgei, are Hereby requeued, to tteno the annual Commu cation in theCity pf Ka leifth, on the Evenitff f Thnrfday Oxe third f December next, a fitoClock. j-4 By Otdet of tif MJI Mrjlitful . W:i 11 am Pot, it, Graftd Mr, 'ROJIBRT WLLIAMS, if It9" Thlr!ntert in thii State krid Ten neflee, are reeueftel t ite.thio?tce a PUce in their TSptti fr two Week. . v: i'-'FOR' SALE, . A hot in, tbe Cty of Raleigh, on T , Fayette ville-ftreet, with the toirowwg Improvements thereon, vz. a Tviro-ftorr dwelling Houfe, 3 by iS Feet, wtth two, Rooms helow Stairs nd two above, with a Fire-place. to ach Rbom, and a Cellar Under the whole .Houfe. tne other Houfr. aoy iS Feet, with an S Foot Shd divided, into two Rooms, -with a Fire-place to one of them ; a good i Kitchen t and Work Houle, budt with Log Bodies and . Shingle Roofs a io Fot Ajuare Stable and a good Meat Houfe ; a very good Garden, ani about one-third i the Acre well fet with lUd Clover and Timothy. Alio one Hundred and eighty Acresot Lana, 1 vine on Walnut Creek, about. two Miles and a. Half from Town, with frelh Land opened fufficieat to work fivie or tlx Hands to Ad vantage. .Iti&unrecetry to give any further Defer iption, as I expect thofe who wife to purchafc will view the Premifss firrr.i . , The Terms may be known by applying to the Sublcriber in Raleiph. ; LEWIS GREENE. June r, 'iSer . . TWENTY DOLLARS kiiWARD RAN AWAY, f : ' ,j On the fourth of January IJti A NEGRO FELLOW mamio PR NtTE II A BUU I 17 i ears old, about 5 -Fect or S Itichet'high, thick fet j has a I larpe Lump on ihc Pit of hit Stomachy j and a bald Place on the Crown of hi Had,i Guinea 1 born, and has the Markaof hisCountryjunder his Eyes, fpeaks broken tnglith, tad nutters a little m hjs fpeeeb ; hfe was formerly the 1 Property of Mr. Chriftopher CHriftche cf ! U aleuth. 94?4 ifiVarI that Place. The above Reward will be paid to anv Per- fon who will lodze hini in anv 1 ail ! in this Sftte, and give me Notice thereof, and if brought home, ' j all reafonable bxpencts will be paid. JOHN T. BRYAN. Trenton, Jones Co. March 10, tvor, - tf 1 ! LOST, 1 At tr uenrtbt Vnivnflty in the i$tb? 161L Injtantt ; A Large Red Morocco POCKET . nr it w- .uk it m. r t .... fwiv, niui .i?j. y. AMvna,K, I77M n gill Letters and Figures under the Mrap. It had uine Paper Maney in it, and Notes and judgments, as nearly as can be af- certained, about 150I. axaong which arc the icllowing : Note from A aguflui Benton to John G. Rencher, for '. - 41 10 o Uo. from Augultus Beaton and if. YeaVgan to J. G. Rencher, for .56 001 6. j e o Do. from 1 homas Gwmn to J.G. K 5; Do. Jahn Ryeeraft to Thomas Wil fams, and afTigued to J; G. R. jo- TJo. Joel Mitchell to Martin Locuft, and affigncd toj. G. R. - 7! Do. Stephen For re ft to J. G. R. a IO o ia o uo. uco. ncrnoon 10 urn ,swaras4 7 o ii 1 r u 1 . .1 A figned Account front Geo. Car- " rington to, Hugh Morris - 3 3 A Judgment on Lewis rage, in fa. vour of J. G R. ' - - ' 6 to 6 Do. on John Kingin favour do. 4 15 6 Do; 6n Edw, Gowmin favrurdo. i n 6 Note liar tlett Petti lord to Joel Mit- ! shell - j , . - e bo And a Number of Papers and Accounts, Receipts tec. ot considerable Value that can not at prefent be defcribed. A11 the above Notes and Judgments' have been due feme Time. All Perlons ate hereby forewarned from trading for any of the laid Notes or judg ments, or from paying off any of them ; and any fcrlon finding tne laid Cook, mall be cn titled to the Money ou the Delivery of the Bok and Papers to the Sub fieri be r, or to M r. Thomas Scott, ,at the Univerhty. I V JOHN G4 RENCHER. Wmit ' Ctttnty, July 17. ! !; , ' 1 !" STATE OF. NORTH-CAkOLIA. Smmfit Ctuntj, May Term, iSoi. CiottiTAYiexV . vs. ; ! Original Attach HaxsySixvini.) j' '-:- t Sams : "vi. j Original Attachment. ,l Same. ) '. y ?RX)EREI) by tM i ; Court, t fiat , the Debt due K ' Irfhua Nolron. ai by his GarnilhJf.eot, be condemned, and made lUbjecl to Xe PiaintifTS Recovery 5 andxhat H ifavertifed in Gales's State Gatette ac-' i iajr t A3 of AtTemblr, reqairtng all ierfonto come totwarav aua pcy lUe limitcdTiaieK who feet the.mlelve nte rtfted. ? H. HOLML C,C. r f IOR SALE, My Htufcs and "Lots in the Town 0 1 liiujbptough'. 1; . WILLIAM DUFFY.. The lately imported Horio CHARIOT i , T5RED by John CUftoni Ef. h kept and ttfii hini ontil t)1oier,.i7j. when he was purchafed .by Sir William G rard, Baronet. He was got by the (elebrateti . Horfe Highflyer, Kis Dam .Fr.tofi.by Uj Eclipfe,' 1 Mart of as great fran as any ia' England v !... -;. : .vt'v.U ' CHARIOT isafincdark Bay.fland rafljr 1 Hands high, and for Bone, hirew, Sym- . metrj and Ad tony is fcarccly to re tmaUtd. His Running entitles himto be ranked asoongft the ilrft Hprfes in, this Country., His J Xfel- lence has keen duliflgullied n four Mile He ts and. in no Inltance whce the Lonieft waa great but he proved fuccefsful, having ene rally run, four Heata jto decide the Race. T , CH A R I OT no W eXhibi 1 1 th e greatt ft He alt k ind; Vigour;. j WilUftand this enluing Fail . Seafbn at the Subscribers' Store on Nutbufb, 9 Mites froni Hadiipi's Ferry, 6 Miles from Williatntborougll, and 16 item Warren ton ; and will be let to Mares at Ten Dollars the Leap, paid at the Suble Door ; Twenty Dol lars the Scalbn payable the firft Day of Ja -nuarynext; and Forty Dollars to inlure a Foal, and in every Inftance Haifa DoUar paid to the Grootn at the Stable Door. The Sea. . fon may bedifcharged by the Payment of Six teen Dollars, if paid by the 1 ft Day of No vember next.. The Fall Sea fon will com mshce the 1 (th Day ot Auguft, and will end the 15th Lay of ( cloier. In Cafes of Infu ranee, the Money will bsreturnedif the Mar does not prove with I oat, provided the Pro perty i in no Inftance changed. CHARIOT is a lur FoaLgttter, as ap. pears trom Certificates lent with him. Th .Gentleman who imported him, ptfchafetli .him in Lfigland himfeif, and had an Oppor tunitvof fceine his Colts, they btirif lareei e,aSent anl fl rightly, ws hii Inoucel Good, extendve and well inclofcd Paftui raze, r.ratis. and every Care ai.d Aitcutioh paid t prevent Accidents pi Mcapcs, lutwili 1 not be liable fat av lhat faair hiiutn: j CHARIOT being the lo.c 1 roertv of the it Stibfcribers. they have it in'iheir' Power to 1 bledkc themfelvetfor nOifited. u, to iuch Mares as may be fi-nt to him. - JAMFS& HlNRY LYNE. C&ariti ' rvill Jiaud tbe Srin Smfinat ibe fame reduce. PEDlGREk. Chariot was got by Highflyer, Son of He rod, Son of Tartar, Son, of Paitner,; cut oC Mclioraby Fox; hie Dam. Potofi by i'cjipfe.t Grandam by Blank, Son of Gpdolphrn Ara. bian, Great Great Gracdamiiy GqdoIhiA Arabian, Great Great Great Grandam by Snip9 Aon of Childers, Sire of Suap, out of ihe Wi therington Mare by Partner, Sifiertb Squir rel's Dam by Bloody Buttocks, Greyb;Mnd . Mskeleis, Brimmer, Place's Whiti Turk; Dodfwcrth, Laytou's Batb Mare, , WM. rtEkARp. Rart. Far tvbUb Reference may ie bad the CtHe iai Utted ht-ok, ntlv in tur ftfJiln , pekform.Xncls. j i . Richmond Meeting. September, I 1791, Chariot won, at three Hctts, a Plate fpr tl rco year bid colts, SitorU, hhics 7 i vk 1 libs. " ' two mile heats", beating Mr. Pev trail's bay filly, Butterfly Mr. R. W. Pence's jjieDut fi ., by King Fergus, Mr. Hud;ou'sba fiHy "' ' by King Fergus, and Mr. Keuuv ' ihclat t ' tally Heirels. - . t; ..,.;, Nantwich Meeting. 1 ith Jujyr ; '; alejji lie' I won attwoj heau, a Plate for tou- jeLi old ' lfV. Till- t mil it mile hexis. kifin. Kf W -Al f - . m - - siaccfcus, and M r. Wrdu Playlcl $ -Newtoa Meeting, July i, ijot, hc-wawS at two heats, -a Plate for four year cd f fti' ' ' bibs and five year olds, 8 ft, Sib: four mile Jstt- ,l t I beating Mr. jewiJon's Tarur, 4 y tax id.C fj f H uu mr. TTirt wmor, 5 year 010 W Tt . m Pre Hon Meeting, lulv za. ttaj. k tan c four heats, a Plate, loi-three year olds 7 ltone - ' V J - r - I 7l"1 " v- am. ana tour year olds, t. Jib. allies allowed alb. feur mile heats. beating -Mr. Cromp ton's bav fillv. Drowfw. I.nrrl PrKb'e J -J -J-'. " 9 .m. -i XL r.M con rvioney, oy rotso's, oat of raflliuai 'JJ Lord A Hamilton's biown filiy by Rocking- ham. Sir H. Williainfon bav tiiiv TwrJ Creeper, and Mr. T. Huuhinfoa'i brovtXl 'X Nantwich Meeting, July, 1704, he woa. '? T at four heau, a Plate, for three yeafoLisi car- K V ' rying a feather, five year olds Sit jifcj'aisifi Barry's bay Horfe Burgamot, aged, Lord,Doa- -fc" V MVi, vcHB( , l ngai;$chetnutnorle Wealel,aud MrXroxjk"t , toft's chefnut filiy C i rcalSan . -" , " - ypj- :Sf " Chattericl Meeting, April, !7JfJ be fodtlj at three heats, a Plate, for four er Oldscar- rying 5ft and live yeas olds, oft, lftlbat;R ? feur ttiie heats, bearing Kir. Armftrddg's bay " filly Mufton, Mr. Fowler's .cWf(it,miwV"i-'' Charmer, Mr. Field grey hoi ie Nprthem berland, Mr. C re y Ion Archer, axd bU Cl&rf Turner's Confedtfraf! J , ! ""v1 """".'S' Mv',' w-WBi v "1 M ; ' f " four hts, a Plate, ii year wds,' bO. and aged $. 4I. m mvlJ'X f litas iheatpMtfottrUoh'ariW 'K? X'-; :4" thyagtai:iira'Def' Jf ' f Dttabttid Meetihgi Oaoberit iH Ik wd; J, - j artwVlheatti:JiiMj " -T ' neas, free fosany hotle, partying 4 a -v4 r ' foj snila heitstfeatfng Mu'B&tr'iUt J 1 Jl ton WMj CSRARtt, Sari. m1 r ' f K - 1 . -II ' -it -A . i . -A? nr m v k h vr fc 1 f. uaii - . .. v . ' A1 V . IV V a 8d Cocditita.' , , is X i i ti i. . : - i' f ; -f - , it v r - r-t 1-- iir' -. ; A ' mi - r- It- mi, 1 '.1. : 1 i -" -"A t 1 A f 4 i i