a i . v-i. -j- . 1.': -tilt .:,i-,r i-. .1 . : - : i if . 1 ;i 1 ,M,.i .-: , i . !.--;. 1 h--iff ; ' . j- ' - ' ' fc ' ' - - i if " ; .. - . 4 - Hi , T . . ! : I i i ., . . : I I - . r - i i - , . 't ' ...... . . ! . NEW CENSUS. The foUow4ng;ftatemcit exhibits the number of Rcpi:cfentativei Whicb cich ftatenow hasinderihc ccn(u$ of i;9 and' thcnumBciir.jof Rjrl fentativcs to which each ftatf ;wili be entitled by ile new ccnlbs, at the ratio of otic 1 Reprefentatiye o ooo inrjabjtants, with j the'l rac S it nonal number of;inhabitants jm cacn ftatc under the prefent cenfijis! ;; j Fradional uum-. ber under cenlus 1795. xSoo. 5 ! . a -' 17, 'J r i 4 i . 18 r 1 !- 7 ! IZ r 8 4 6 of kfcoft ; 970 Jti6i64 7.33 S8.547 a7?5 6,So6 6,8 tS 34 Tenneffee Return not made. Territories of Mi fliffippi, Indiana, and Columbia-- Not entitled to Rcprefentatives. j " j; From the above ftatement, it ap pears that in the next houfe f Repre icntatives, if it (hall be apportioned according to the prefent ratio, vizi one Reprefentalivefor every 33,000. inhabitants, there will be ,134 lie prefentatives, befides thofe; from Tenncffee, whole return is not yet xcceived, and from the Territory jjorth-wefl of" the Ohio, both of vhich diflrifts were not included in the cenfus of ;Exc)ufive f the Reprelentatives frornTenhef fee, the Houfe of Rcprefentatives . jjovv confifts of 105 membfi;rs The advice-, therefore, in th: number f Rcprefentatives will be, as will appear from calculation, about 27 per cent; .. f I Number Gf Rf prefent a fives North and South oj the Potpmac. According to the la ft Cenfus the number of Reprelentatives were north of the Potomac 1 , 66 South of the Potomac 39 Majority northof Potomgc 27 By the prefent Cenfus, there will a 1 I : north ot Potomac M 01 South of Potomac 52 Majority north of Potomac 29 This majority will probably be reduced to 25 by the additional re prefentatives of Tenneffee and the diftrid north of the Ohio, r Had the whole number of Repre fentativeson each fideof the Poto mac advanced according to their pre- yious proportion, therej woula nave keen north of the Potomaj &3 f South of the Potomac j Making a majority of 33 The difference between twenty- mve, the majority under the new cenfus, and of 33, te majority "which .would have exifted had the population north of the Potomac kept pace with that fouth of it, conftitutes the gain of Reprefenta- tivesby the ftates fbuth of the Poto mac, viz. 3 .Representatives. Rdativz Jlr'ength oj the NewEng- land States.' f 1 Thefour ftates of Newf Hampfliire, Rhode-Ifland, Maflachufetts, and Connecticut, commonly called the New-England (tates, had by the cenfus ot 1790, 87 reprefentatives; by that of 1800 they will have 31 reprefentatives. Had the number of their reprefentatives kept, pace Vtth the aggregate numirs oali the fta es they would becpf (tjejii to 34' rcprefentatives. T3ie;!iave;'i therej fore loft four reprefentitives. '; Political Effetls., After this view ot the local in- fiuencc of the new Cenfus, it may not be unimportant toi exhibit its probable political effe&s. ' : ' - . . . L 1.1. Ihe lubjoinedtable'will Ihevv the ftrength of parties in the next houle of Reprefentatives, arid that under tfie new cenlus, taking the exiiting uate ot the public mind a& the cri- erion : i i8r, ltoj. Republ. N"ewHarf.pfhac, o 'Hbodc-lflani a .Matichwit;!3, 5 Fed 4 o 9 ReubL 5 9 it Rhoic-Ifiand, ; a; Maffdchulcitj, 14 Conncfticur, 7 Vermont, a cW.Yovk:f ! ett.ie)r, 5 Tennlylvarvia, T3 ; Delaware, 1 j Maryland,! Virginia, i 19 j, North-Carolina, 10 ' South-Caroiioa, 6 Georgia, 2 Kentucky, j Territory aorth of ! Ohio, o : 105 'AM 7 ; 5 o ii. Vermont' Ncw-IerfeyV Pcn.BfylyanU, Maryland, 's ' Virginia ; ' a 4 'Pi. io ..3! 3'- 3 3 O ST.'-c.i-, m az ; North-Carliaa, 'South-Carolina, Georgia, J a Kentucky, , Ttrritory north 7. 3 2; via. "A 6 of Ohio, .Teaacflee, 67 3- aS 39 97 40 4 57 Repab. mj. In tUi Reput. maj. 101803 The following ftatement fhew the relative numbers of the. respec tive ftates in the" Cenfus 0,1790, and that of 1800, With the. increafe in each ftatc ; ; n 179a. i8oe. lacteiife. Nevr-Htnp(h1re, . M'i885 i38i8 4.9?3 Rhode-Wand, 68,3 69,1a 300 Maldcbufctts; including : ! v Maiic, 475.37 574.564 S9.37 ConncQicut, 837.946 4,ooa ! 13.056 Vermont, ; 5,539 15465 1 68,926 NewtYork, 1 allotment , . wanting, " 340,10 484,063 143-946 New-Jr(cy, i,l31 i49 7? PennfylvanU, 434.37J 602,363 i67,99 Delaware, 59"94 678 : o79 wanting, c 397 1 39i74 Oimi- J iTirginia, 747.6, 78.950 3'34o North-Carolina, S'J375 4783 ' eH-3o South-Carolina, E4973 34J.59' 96i'8 'Georgia, 81,548 , 162,688 801,138 Kentucky, 7377 .953 J477 y"y the above table it appears that in 1790 the ftates according to their refpectivc number's ftood thus : , 1. Virginia, 9. New-Jerfey, 2. MaflDichufetts, 10. Ncw-IIamjp fiiire,- 3. PennfyTvar.ia, ix. Vernaont, . North-Carolina, 12. Georgia, 5. New-York, 13. Kentucky, 6. Maryland, 14. Rhode-lfland 7. South-Carolina, 15. Delaware. 8. Connecticut, It further appears that, accord ing to the Cenfus of 1800, they now in point of numbers ftand thus : 1. Virginia, 9. Kentucky, 2. Pennfylvar.ia, 10. New-Jerlsy. 3. MalTachuletts, 11. New-Himpihire, . 4. NewtYork, 12. Georgia, North-Carolina, 13. Vermont, . 6. South-Carolina, 14. Rhode-Ifiand, 7. Maryland, 15. Delaware. 8. Concedticur, The following table (hews the advanced population of each ftate according to the cenlus or lboo, be yond that of 1790. Increafe. New-Hamplhire, 30 per cent. Rhode-Ifland, noai- fignable increafe, Maii'achufetts, ti ConneQicut, - 5 Vermont, - - 81 New-York, - 4 New-Jerley, - 14 Pennfylvania; - 48 Delaware, , - 8 Maryland, diminu tion of 3 per cent. r 1 Virginia, - - -North-Carolina, South-Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, 6. 14 - -From this ftatement it followsthat the refpecYive ftates hivepropoition ably increafed in the,degrees above ftfated in the following order, viz. a. Kentuckyi 2. Georgia, jgiV 1 , 3. Vermont; 4. NewtYork, 5 and 6.- Pennfylvania and South-Carolina, which have in crefffed in the fame proportion. 7. XMew-iampinire, 8 and 9. Maffachuietts North-Caroling which ! haves creafed in the fame" proportion, . io. Virginia, . 1 1. New-Jerfey, ljs..-Delaware, and in- 13. Conne&icut, 1 14. Rhode-Ifland, . !.;. Maryland, , It is greatly to be regretted that the late Congref$j! which paffed the 3ft fixing; the impde of taking the VsCmus, uiu nor, ; aa reuueucu uy ieveral learned locieties. direct a If defigrtation of -thd various defer ip II tion ot eitizens.tJbuch detig nation I ' would have corrccllv illuftrated the II . . - .. -. y .1 ... -h - v i .. . cxifting ftat of lociety, would I have exhibited with pirecifion the I channels in which indu (try-flowed, Though Maryland appears above to have II decreaied 1 0,024 inhabitants ; yet the fajtt is I p oiuerw ues ior.altowence piuvtvoe . maoe lor the fibtraclioinof 8, 144' inhabitatitsHwiiich forrjijti population ij$ louthera dtltrict of C?,ibi8, arid for the deficient return; which when added to the forroeri will un- doibtedly give a 1'rr.all increafe of numbers to that dmrid in embraced by Maryland, would have ftiewed what were filled and what Wrere unoccupied ; and would hkvjc been ojf eflential fervice to jit he. f eldcra 1 a n d, ft a t? go v ef n rne n t s by facilitating the acquifitlon of juft ideas of the operation of any particular tax )opoleQ. ! : j ; It would have been interefting to the hiftojisn, at forrie future dayj to have traced the regular growth ofagricilture jtracleiand manufac, turcs ; and the inoralift might rio have been unproduRively engaged in:eftimajting thje dsgrees qF jvirtue and prolperityj Which accompanied their feverai ftages ! 1 j , 'But this meafure, though fanci tioned by the Houle of Reprefen-tatives,-was rejected by theSenate j and we can only now regret that it was rejected, ana recommend its adoption at fome future day. The above view , enables us to threw but an imperfeft light upon the relative growth of the agricul tural and commercial interefts. As fuch.it is offered. I If we conlidei-the; ftates of Maffa chufetts, Rhode-I ftand, New-York Pennfylyania 'ajlanu:v.ind SputhCirolina: as'orhiaercialthc amountSf their advanced;; popula- tiou, IS 39 While that of New- Hampfhirc, Connefticut, Vermont, New-Jerfey, De laware, Virginia, North-Ca rolina, Georgia, and Ken tucky, confidering them as agricultural ftates, is 475 Difference 3,36 From which it appears that the agricultural ftates have gained num bers in the above proportion over the commercial ftatesj which is in the proportion of 3 to 1. Such an effecVmuft be considered as highly intcrefting to the happi neis of our citizens, and the dura tion of their republican principles and republican inftitutior.s We will not fay that- overgrown trade leads to perlonal mlery and national corruption, j But we willlay, that the beft fupport of adividual feli city and national prolpeiity, is a rc fpeclable body of men 5 who derive their fubfiftance from the earth, and depend upon the manly labours of the plough jifor their independence f mind and health of body. IN SHERIFFS SALES. At the Cottrt.fTtHfe lit Chmrhtte, irtTAetklrn- burg CfuntJt Saturday tie Jib De cember next. HTHE following Lots in the faid Town of Charlstte, the Taxes on w hich for the Years 1799 an I3 have not been paid. viz. . .. . - - 1 Lot the Property of the Heirs ef John Herron 1 1 do, the Property of the Heirs of Robert Micklreath 5 2 do. the Property of the Heirs of Samuel Martin ; 1 do. the Pro perty of the Heirs of Joel Hrevard ; do. the Propsrty of the Heirs of Mary CurreDs fc Alio 112 Acres of Land on the Waters of Paw Creek, fuppofed to be the Property of the Heirs of Robert Mitchel and 40 Acres lying Haft of Charlotte, joining Land of Wi dow Mafon, the Propei ty of Wm. M 'Gown, tor Taxes due thereon. . . 4- JAMES NEEL, Sheriff. ' Notice is hereby given, 'TlH AT the following Lands, fit'ir ate in the "County of Jones, have cot been given in by any Lilt exhibited inlaid County tor the Year 100, agreeably to Law, randtiut fo much thereof as will fatisfy the Taxes due : thereon for faid Year, and all GbWgeg,r'viM be fold at the Court-Houfe in Trenton," ini faid County, on Saturday the ,joth.of October next, 640 Acres on Hunter's Creek, the Property of John G. lilount. . 150 Acres on Clay Hill, the Property ef Hardy Bryan. ' 980 Acres the Property of Salomon B. Mark and Henry Beck, of Philadelphia. 363 Acres the Property of William DenHis, now in Poffeflion of Mofes VVatfoo, fen. on Whitlock River, adjeiuing Micajah Frazier's Line. ' . ; ii 80 Acres on Trent, late the Property of Lemuel Grimes, deccafea, now.in Poffeffioa orLemuel Simmons. 50 Acres the Property of William Fontille, in l'offelfionof Benjamin Stanley 5-0 Acres on Whitlock River, the Property of the Heirs of the late, Abraham Meader, flow in Poffcflfiori of Church Blake. 4 00 Acres on Hujnfer's Creek, fermerly the Property of Campbei Miller, now in Pof leffion ot lUrod llutchcl. -i ioo Areson Whitlock, adjoining Mekhor Arnold's Lines, the Property of Sarah Miller, r i ioa Acres oar Whitlock, Widow's Dowy of Eli Weftt1deceafedv Mill Lands, C. WeP; : 4,4J Acres, the Property of Duoois of rmlftdelphia, r - DAWKINS VILKlN"SONVrr;- SALES; l TOR 5 ALE, On StturllMy tbc l oVp fifOGtber next, at the Court-Houfe in IWt eern, arret aiy to Atl f tlffimiiiyi for tbVaxs due thtrioh,j6r toe I ear J Se9, T WO tots in the Town of New Will, A.1IUVVI1 1 by Nos 1S8 and ap khe Plan' of faidiTtfwn faid to be the property oi Mealhor Green, ibt itiVen in for; the faid Year. Alfa 100 Acres of L-ind. lyie ia Craven County, on I Swift's ; Creki joining James's Line and Wi y Ifaac M 'Kenneyl tgaiva .Line, given la . sSTEPHjEN HARRIS, Sheriff. Au. 24, iSoi. 4? On Saturday the 109 pay of Ntvemhef next, -Willi effd, fr realty Money, at the Court Houfe in tbe Tutuk l!ff Rockingham, THE following Trads o? Land, A or io inuth thereof as will fatisfy the Taxes due thereon, with the Coft'of adver lifingV &'c. for the Y,ear i8o, in tke Couuty ofRichmond viz. jjr ) One Hundred aod Sixty Thoufand 'Acres, granted unto David Kjlilon, fince conveyed by Sheriff John Cole io Tody Robinfon and H. W. Haninstonj for Taxes. &cj fince J conveyed by the iaid jTody Robinfon and H. w . riarnngton, to a; certain - ue lcil'arte. being Parts of eighteen different Trails.' Alio, Six Hundred and rorty; Acres on th Waters of iMounting Creek, Fuppfed, (o he tke Property of Parmer likewife, Three Hundred Acres on the Waters of Hitchcock Creek, fuppofed to be the Property of o. tph White. f The above Lanis were not given ia to the nveutry-jTdkeisis by Law required. ! ' J Oi l N WALL, Sep. 22, i$of Sheriff Richmond County. Will ie hid, on Tuefdaj tfe ' lot b. Day of iV- vember next, at kampfon Court Houfe, HTHE following Lands in Samp A fon County,? taken to fatiify slbe Taxes due for the Year;i 800. ; r 1 ' : 81 Acres on the fouth Side Stewaft'i Creek, the Property of WpPum Coley, not returned on the 1 ax Lift. J ' . ' I 1 00 Acres near Stewart' Creek, the Pro perty of James Cook. No Return!. 100 do on laid Creek, the Property of Lucretia Cook. ' Ko tveturn made. OWEN GREGORY Sheriff. 5". 18. On Monday the $d Day of November neat, mill be fold, j the Court.Roufk in Smith, field. Jar tie faxes cf (he 2euriZoot and cuniinptKt CbMs.es, ... , THE follow ing Lots in the laidl Year . !- ! ' Lot No a, faid to belong to James Smith, Lot No. ii , John Smith; 17, James Ken- non ; 00 and &: Wiliuir. Ward : uq, eel Lain : 08L lohn Rice: o? and 07. Richard Cafwell ; j 96, Aboer Nafh; 45, William Slajc ; 94, T. Hart; 116, Benjamin Ex- um; r i t, Joel Lain- icq, David 'afhit: 110, John Kice; 3q ,and'i3o, J: btfcvens ; 107 J, Williams ; at, James Kennon ; 103, J bludworth: lit, Thomas Owens. ASfo the following Tracts of j Land In the County of Johlton, or io much; as will dti charge th Ta?t:s and contingent Charges to wit :4-i75S Acres given in by Burrcl Larp; i5pAcresot eile Langlton, not given in, joining James Odoms: 60 Acres ol Do bah A rtis, joining Joel Nurv 1 nS, 1 00 Acres of Samuel Pi ice, juiniug Simon Price; 28 Acres of JohnRoffer, joining William Hint nent ; 7 Acres of the Heir of William Ward, joining Adam Sterling kd WillianS !ineut; 20b i Acres of Thumas Butch, joining Willia Hinnent? 100 jf John Rng joining Fckiil Stallings; 250 Acres of jelle Lumley, joning Richard V luting; 350 Acres of j Benjamin Woodard, lying in the DUtndl of Cipt. Bulls ; 3 17 Acres of James Jones?: lying in the Dulridt ofCapt. Bulls ; 1075 Acres given in by Reuben Carter, iu Capt. 0'NeilSj Diftrit ; 75 AeTes, given in by Stephen $pell, in Capt. O'Neil's Dif tiidt; 300 Acres of William: Ingram in Capt. Steven's Dirtrct ; 2ao Acres of Land, given in by James Wilder in Capt. Alton's Oifirifl; 237 Acres, given in by Jofcph Deloach,i inj Capt. Eafon's Dillridl ; ! 200 Acres, giver I in by Sherrodl Harrefs, -iu Captl talbn'i L)iftrict ) 160 Acres, given in b,y Joel Bai.ley, in Capt. Smith's Diftrid ; ico Acres, given; in by?Jefeph Broiwn, ia Capt. Tucker's Difjrift j 175 Acres of Molts tt'errill, joining James ivyf 1050 Acres of Green iliii, joining John Auitoa ; 2bO Acres of Abraham Bf.amon, joini.ig'Richard : Kraf well i gjo A:res of J efle Lee, joining Jofiah Bagget; I zoq ot Bailum johollon, joining Labor Haflip. y : --Cj ' The above! Town Lots will ( be fold,: arid" fo much of the above Land as will dilchafge the Taxes a'tf contingent Chargesj if they are not dilcharged Before tne Day ot bale. SaMULL; NORSWORTHY, i i W Sheriff of Johullon Count 1 Spt. 7, 1 80(1. " i, CARTFkET COOriiTY lX7Herea? the following Lancts in v . faid County have not been given n tor 1 axationi tor the car itioo, the bud fcriber finds ijt'neceffary to advert'ife them for Sale, atreeable to! Law ; the Sale to. be at the Ccurt- Houfe, in Beaufort, on ih third Wed nefday in Nove in.be r nex-,' vixL 1.110 Acres, in Harfows SWarnD. and bn Cote Banks, the 'reputed Proptrty f Samuel Mabfoni and Heirs of AfthurMibfon ; alio h Lots in the Town of Beaufort. . 200 AcresJ the Property of I ohn B. Yatcs. 228 do. the reputed" Property of John C harrier. S i 75 Alcres, the j Property of Th os; Dudley 2;db, thfc proapKy ot Edward Sisikey, 340 db. the' TStfd Praj erty cf "i homas aad uljn manses. SHERIFF SALES NOTICE. Q the 3 tb Day OEloker . SjfiU, ait -the Court-lUufi ef Anfm Count v fPPadef. ; boroupb I h i h ! TPHE following Lands, for th I uc hereon tor tne year isoo: A Jfto Acres, the Property iof Medlim 1 ' s jaoo dio, granted to Robert Haiuey, on the Waters of Joccs Creek. 1 " --if - ..! 300 Acres, the ProoertV of one Cnttn. i: t the Waters of pld'a Fork. j -,;L 00 Acres, on the Waters of Black taek. i on; Brown Creek, ! faid te fee the Property of t i ico Aetcs, on the Rock Fork, the Pro .'! ttflf of the Heirs f William Love. L -iH ' I io Acres, the Prciperiyof the lameV n the "i W$trs of the Black jackdf Brown Creek, j I 300 jAcres, on th Waders ofiThpmfbn'a f Crecc; the Prppertjr oftheJ Heirs ?ol one We4i r ibtt I Acres,;' bikl the Head of onef of -aha A Branches of Jones Creek, faid to have bee patented by one Stokes. !: " J 'i 4 ' '.X lob Acres, the Property of Tames Stanfill. M on; louts Creek.!?: ; ',"- ' ': - 'i : lido Acres, the ! Property of Thomas Bat- ; rett, joining Bale's Old Place. j j 150 Acre v the Property of J. MiUer, join. iagjohn St. Clair. j : ' ! I r co Acres, the Property of' one Smith. joining the laid St. Claij 1 j , 200 Acres, the Property of T: Mears, ly ing on the Savannah Branch. ; J OH N JINNINCJS, Sheriff. 4rfon County Aug. zij ; , jr MEARS1 s TAVERN. ' THE Subfcriberbegs Leave toin A form his Friends, and the Public in ge neralj that he ftiil continues to keep a Houfe of hntertainraeut in the City of Raleigh, for Travellers, and alii others, who mar be pleafed to favour him yrhh their Cuftom. He will be provided to take Thirty.five or Forty iioarders at the efuing Afftmbly, ex clulive of tranfient Cuttom. v! . j' ' j Til I AMES MEARS. I Sep. . h .1 ;'j : ;; CHARLES PARISH, fpAKES: this Meihodj to iiiforrri: his Friends, 'and tke Public in general, (hat he ftill keipfup his Houfdof Er:tertain"it ment in f ayettevilleftreet ; and having juft ferrctejsi a new jBoildijn, whiclr hi hopes to Have tompleay fiinihcd! by the Meeties of the General AfTembly, he will be; able to enter J tniny-r.ve. r lcriy Members, belides tranfient Cuilomcis.j He flatter himfelf', char, by his Aiiiduity and Attenrjen to Buii-e ;nels, lie fhall give SatiMa&ioir'to' thofc Ge4 t'emen who iay be pjeafed to favour him wr.ii thcir-Company, Raleigh, Sept. it. Cajfo's Inn, Raleigh. A Report having prevailed in iom 5 Parts 6f the Country, that the Suafcii- f ber had declined the Tavern Bufinefs, he begs J,t Leave publicly to contradict,. the fame ami ' toaffure his Friends and the Public, that every Atteutipn yiU be pat in future, ! as in Timet ) paft, to accommodste, in the bed poffible Manner, all luch aslhall be pleaJet4o favor: -. his Houfe with-their Company i ' 'X Artgujl 20? i8ot PETER CASSO. THOMAS GLASS, ' f WATCH-MAKER, ' n .Efpeafully informs 4he Public j; that he has opened Shop, in Fayetteviile . ftreet, near the Market- Houfe, . in iheCity 5 i of Raleigh, where he j:krries on the above T : Bufinefs, and hopes.i by his Punctuality and i Attention to Bufmcfs to deferve Encourage j ment. j '..'':': " He has on Hand, at prefent, a few of the I following Articles, viz Gold atd Silver ; . Watches; Silver Tale andjTea SpoonsVSi j gar TongSj Shoe aadj Knee skickilef, Variei ot 1x0,(1 Rings, Lockets," Bracelets, Buttepffrf 1 Ear-rings, &c. (tS" Orders from the Country execotftiT -.! , with Care and Dilpatch. ; , " ' " The bisheft P rice giitenfer ltd Gld & Silver.0 . Sept 21. j ,r -j ' -,: j' : Jujl optiiti artd for Sail by i t - ROBERT FLEMING & CO. At the , Store on Fayettcville-ftreef, lately occupied by Mr. Wm. Camp, Saddler, "i ' A Very generalLortrhehtof D r y " goods; hardware; and Fancy; ARTICLES; aJioMadeiraand Sfrerry; W irie,' Jort Wme i Bottles, FrerJcKrandy,iGirt w Weft.lndia Rutn, Imperial and. Hyfon ;Tca ef the lateii importation, t!pffse, Loafand Brown Sugar, China in Skof :o Pieces, ( Oust 11 'a and G ra fs Ware; &-c. ail wbich the wiii fell cheapfor Caih or Produce, iiav w elUblirhed Cc t re f poii de nts i n Peterfburg,, airid 4 through them wuH ail the Towns on the Con tinent, .they will receive Order for any Ar tielesvvhjch cannot be procured in lhi City, Raleigh,' Aug. S4i8ot. !f " . Notice is' foerebyX given, rrii AT at the iaft Auguft Se ffions- of Wake Court,! tht Suhfcnber quali fied as Executor of the laft Witt. and Tcfta -ment of SAMUEL ELK.Jdeaud, All Perf iuvi.-rg Demands safritthc faM TciUtor, are reuetU'dto brmfheni Jorwir4 1 ii 1 1. T ; in' IVtn , to A . Ik o 1.3 wJ: otle r w i fe t t v will be barred, and thofe who are idci.te to make iyninediaw Pment. - VttCVj., 2c?.21, ie. v3A'C. if. , . 4 1 I.