J4 c : Aid , r j. 4 -rt " , IFHiCAKOLINjA. STATE i Our are he I 11? u of fair delightful Peace, ..." L, Unwarp u by Tar ley Rage toliyelike Brothers." Vo l. II. Tuesday, i i -, --- 4"'- NOR ,V iood lintel the F IOM ifrfj LondoivlVeekly Meffenger i orAugu.l 9, ; f'Vitb a copy of which, aud a JUmUon Courier of A5 J4frottl which Cev6r.il extracts are gtvien) the Edl- iaft rf ivei from London. ' ' ' ' i i ' Tbi p'wee, which jr?eTitjtJed M Perplexities f jthe Firft. ' juent wift to imprefs iipen itsfubjeSs tathe threateaeiflava&dn.s 4 THE rccohcil iatioh of thrf csah try with the Northern Powers', naval triumphs, has given thefinlflij J jng blow t9 the vaeineti totj tens Thuilleries. All Che hoftiirvacltif nations of Buonapattc are in.ow; deV feated, his beft hopes difappointed, J and his refources, as appears from mc "-7 ;9nwairr,r. xhauited. 1 here cannot be a moje n ih-iking proof of the dcratigement j that prevails in the Ooiiilar mea fures thanj the mimic apparatus;; on the coaft lof France. MepaCesin general; are. a weapon placed 4n the hnds of thole againfl Vhirn they are directed; a political truth yhich feems to have efcaped the fa gacitv of the Chief Conful, No lubjed can certainly lookni the inhJious intention of our. foes with iniifftrence; but at, tile famine timef far from feeling any fymptom of ahrm, every true Britifh heart muft; fwell witk joy bn thei 6ccaB6;n'ii being a palpable proof that France is reduced in means; indigent in de vices, and literally at her laft ftirft'; The idea of inyjdin. i5;.i:feuojrky with impuhi'tyi in the cxifting cir cumftances, cannot appeaf lefs fidi--culous to the French people , than it is to ourfel ves. ThbUgh the! fcheme of eroding the watpr in air tUcorts may well luit the genius of ajvplatile nation, we would hot adyife the Chief Conful to ground ife hopes of'his fuccefs on ftich an sen? I bafis. It would be much bstter to borrow X he ring of Gygesij tlutfrcndered object mviUble; or to jjihcl out the plant called Elythrbpia, which is .. ftippofed to have the tame effect ; the invaders woulcl then be fure to force to London without impedi ment. Or Jet the French Covefn- ment provide ten thoufand whales, ; the French grenadiers may lie fnut in their guts concealed, along with the gun-boats apA all the' whole train of artillerv. There is another . plan, perhaps not quite fo romantic as the others: it is, to make the French army walk, at the bottom' of the tea, by means of the fecret of D rebel li us, which enabled men to breathe under Water. Of this area-" num it is laid that Chat-'es the Se cond Was in pcfieffiftn ; but it died with that Monarch, and uplefsj tbe Firft Conful can raffe ChaHcs from the dead, or in fome manner or other recover the famous Iccrst: of the German philofopher, Ke muft drive irom nis mina every ipougnt o vadino; Great-Britain. 1 1 in- We are not t o know that France, by the borhbaftic parade b$ her pre parations, means only tojkeep us in a itate or aiarm; and fwell the na- ! tional eKpenditure : but even iiithis ! particular file Will find herfelf the uupc of her pvrt 'artifice' The in- comparable gallantry of the Hero of Jhe Nile, has already giyenj her art im poh ant Teflon ' at jBpulognei by th; deftruyiion of dKe gun-boat arid lh i p p i n g . ! N.dr 'can t h e l ritlmp h ,0 f our refentment end in that place. Whileihis iflancl is ctefended hy htv brave .Tailors, we may bbaft of a palladium fuperior jjto that of Greece and Rome and wc take .ere an opportunity of fuggefting ;n expedient, which We fhall leave to the conlideration of; the reader : AVc propre to encircle the iftand fvith a certain number of' fmall r 'A'ers, every one of which (hall I contain a gun. to be iired occahon- a'ly for the p u r p bfe o f 't r an 1 rn i 1 1 i n g intcltige jice. It is wc rth ; Remark ing, that! a (ingle Runi by.peated cxplolions, may comtnupicate dif Tindt wcjl ds, lines .andge witliC ut any variety at "all in? the. report t r found. The pvoceXs. hy which tn'-s dc'dcratuni'may be pbtiined is ot abftrufe,' and iay ?be jcariied Jnto execution without ( the leaft 'ifr.culty ; fothat, according to tlii3 pi in, Government, in a fev JiunutejWiU have an opportunity of ieceiv$g diftinft intelligence, of :nyjer3gth. fiom tin ' moftfdiftant artof theiQahd, in any feafon and ;,'all times. It is neediels to ! ob- .iferyice, at night, befidxs Vthe numci rou;yariatjons j in hejUtmofpherei which re rule r I i t a p itt c a riou s and leqpivbeal engvne: Khmefe jiaye irorn time immemorial peen in the practice; of 'trammitting ih tellig;ence bVfignais to Vay part of thcjf ? Ubyernjment t blitheir me-i noa nsi porrchnement ; their , hgj rials d& notixprefs differenbpi pqr can " t Key" form-. any reil--courfej: while the gup rwiifeWe prppoie will dc nt to comriumpare the.onentsofa letter witKbut tnil 6ng oneilnglefword, and even widn the puncluatiorr, notwithflandi that,; as we obferved before, tfip found halU always be the fam Wc havc mother mcafUreto ... . . r ' i i which is, to mine feveral places the fii ore where it is probable tnat the enemy may attempt a landing. This might be adoptecl in Ireland as well as in England, and at a Vf ry. moderate expence. The ihorbe ing thus mined in, Several If Cret directions, it would terrify a French man even more than our great runs, and we fliould never hear anymore of' lovahon. Our idea is tiptall)1 unconnefted with the quondaEi for tifications of his Grace of Rich- mood, ltimolies a fimple operation attended with little trouble. As to Buonaparte, he hajs too much judgment net to be convjinced that this country is abfolutely in vulnerable fromiany French attack ; but imperious ; neceflity compels him to acl: a farce. It is rejiorted he has juft made an alliance j with Auftria. . The Emperor is certainly difguited with usj. imputing the ill fate of the battle of Marengo jand his humiliation to the conmpi with which our late Cabinet trrAted the bfTers of Buonaparte: yet is impollible for the Emperor and I'irfl Conful to hake hands with anyide gree of cordia finceiity. rhe enormous aagrandifement of France and her gigantic pretenfions, in vite the jealoufy of every power in comparably more than what jrisy fpring from her commercial profpe rity the Confular ellabliih r.ent being abfolutely incompatible with j the .dignity as well as the welfare of all the other European Potentates; a circumitance wnicn leaaj us 10 think that Buonaparte will foon fee the neceflity of i'ubferibingi to our own terms. . , 1 he vigorous exertions or the prefent Minifler, his prudent mo deration: his conduct, free front animonty, intemperance and equi vocation,- cannot but dctcrmiie the Firft Conful in favour in this cbUri- ti ry. iNotwithitanding tpe gaico- naaes relative to Menou ana uan theame, .we think that the French re-fiftarite in Eevpt is fat the laft gafp, and Buonaparte muft be fen 1 fible of it. jT SHERIFFS' SALES. On Saturday the oth Day if November next, will he folJy fr ready Money, at the Cturt- liouje in lb JLo'wn 0 Keckingbam, rT21E following Tracts of Land, or fa much thereof a? will fatisfy the Jl axes cue thereon, with; the Loft of adver tiling, &c. for the Year ioo, in tke County of, Richmond vfritjA.Jki Oa nundredana'Slxty Thoilfand Acres, granted unto David Albion, nnce conveyed by Sheriff John Cole to iToy Robinfon and H. W. Harrington, for TaXcs, &c. fince conveyed by the faid Tody Robinfon and H. V. Harrington, tb a certain Dele Parte. being Partof eihteen different Trails. ; Alfo Sjji Hundred and Forty Acresonthe Waters of Mouotirg Creek, fuppofed to be the Property of Parmer ; likeve-ife, Three Hundred Acres on the Waters of Hilfchcock Creek, fupppfed to be the Property of Jo. fVp.h' whke. :p --liV The afcave Lands were ncft;given in to the InventoryTakers, as by I-aw required. I JlHN WALL, Sep, 2?, iSof Sheriff Richmond County A; the ourt-Houfe in Cbirhtte, in llteul LurgCfuntj, un Saturday the itb f Di' cember next,, ' I TPHjB fonowpeylibts inp the faid " Town of CharMtte. ihe Taxes ou which for tlie Years 170a and i8c, tliavei riot been paid, viz.- .---:....i. - j-'.. ' t: j- 1 J Lot the Prooertr of the Heirs cf Toll n Herron 4 1 do. the Property ot the Jeirstot ruo&ert Micklreath V U do. the Property o the Ileirs of Samuel Martin ; 1 do. the Pro perty ot the Heirs ef Joei Brevard a ft do. the Propsrty af ihe lleiris of Mary(CurV)ehs Alio i 1 2 Acres cf- Land on the vatersol Paw Creek, fuppofed to. be the Property of the Heirs of Bobeft Mitchel ;- and 40? Acre? I) irtg Ea'.i of Charlotto, joining Land of Wi dov Miion ' the Propert f Wirr?IM!Gowir TFS' StfLES. is hereby given, THAT the jjollowing :Lands, fitu "r ate a the C ounty, of Jones, have not been given Jn by, 4ny Jfift exhibited in faid Louaty for the Ycar jsob, agreeably to "Law, and that fo mucE thereof as will fatisfy the Taxes due therif oM for faii Year, and all Charges, will e fold at the! Court-Houfe m rieotoii, in laid County, on Saturday the jotn.ot uttober next, j 40 Acres obi Jiuiuer's Creek, the Pro io Acres ciz Clay Hill, the Propertr of Solomon Hatdy-Bryan. a5o Acres tlie rroperty Mirk and Henry Beck, of Philadelphia. Acres the Property of William Dennis, n Poflefiph of Mofes VVatfon, fen. 6n Whjtlock River, adjoining Micajah Fraiier's Line. .. - , 1 180 Acres on Trent, late the Property of Lemuel Crimes, deceafed, jnow in'Pofiefiioa of Lemuel Summons. .1 I- " , 50 Acres the: Property of William Fonville, In Poffellion of. Benjamin Stanley 1 .i . 50 Acres on yhulock River, trie Property of the Heirs cf the late Abraham Meadbr, novf in PoITefllon of Church Blake. '200 Acres on Hunter's Crcckr" formerly the Property of Campbel Miller, now in Pof- feffion of Herod HutcheL i ; . . i : nri ! t . i ' ill. .100 rtcres on wnuioeK, apjoimng rvieicnor Arnold's Lines, the roperyl of Sarah Miller. 109 Acres on Whttbck, -Widow's Ljowry Lands, P. Weft. of Eli Weft, deceafed, Mill 14,430 Acres the Property of Dubois of Philadelphia. v. i o ' DAWKINS WILKtNSON, Sheriff J 9t:et Courtiy , Sep. 6. . . ' . )'' -v': - . . I ! 1 "... Will be told, on Tuefday be iotS Day if No vember next, at Sampfan Cturt- tiottfe, TTHE following Landslip Samp- due for the Year 1S00. .! . , 81 Acres on the fouth Side SteWart's Creek, the Property of WiHiam Coley, hot returned oa the. Tax Liflu : j , . . 100 Acres near Stewart' Creek, I the Pro perty of James Cook. . No Return.; 100 do- on laid Creek, the Property of Lucretia Cook. No letu.tn made.'; ; , OWIiN GREGORY, Sheriff. Sep. 18. - !. . :,v- .. L . ; .. .x CARTERET COUNTlrt ' f XU Hereas the fbUowin Lands m for Taxation, lot the .Year 1800, the S! b- feriber finds it neceffary to advertile' ihem fer Sale, agreeable to Law ; the Sale to be at. he Court- Houfe, in I'ciufort, on thethiid Wi i nefday in "November, nexr, viz.. ' 1 ,130 Aces, in Hariow's Swamp, and on Core Banks the reputed Prcpertjjcf Sirs Mablon, arid Heirs of Arthur Mablon ; alio ?g Lots in the.Town of Beaufort. , i 200 Acre?, tne rroperty of John U. Yates. 228 do. fthe reputed Property of lohn Charnef:' 1 ! 75 Acres, the Property of Thos. Dudley. , IZ5 do. tbe Property of ESward Staikey. '. 340 do. the, reputed Prpurty of Thomas and John Banks. - MATTHEW MORRIS, Sheriff. Sep. 17. - ; : j On Monday the Zd Day of November nex' will be fold, at tbe Court-Houfe, in Sm;lh feld, fr the axes of the Tear 1800, end contingent Charges', "THE following Lots in the faid Town of Smithkeli, not given in for that Year;' . .; . .; I Lot No. i faid to belong to James Smith, Lot No.. 11 John Smith; '17, James i Ken. noc i 60 audi b , William Ward ; 99; Joei Lain : 98,. John Rice; ani 7, -Richard Cafwell ; 96, Abner -NMh; 95, Wiiliam Staie ; 94, T. Hart ; I ij6, Bctijamin) Ex urn; r 11, Joel Lain; Jpcf, David Naftt;; lie," John Rice; So and 130, J: Steve6': - j i 07, J. Wiliianis j 82, Jatncs Kennon ; : 103, J. Clud worth ;! 1123, Thomas Owens. -if rl . A Jfo the j following Tratis of Lan3 ' i.n the County of John ft on, or jo much as will dii charge the Taxes and" contingent Charges, to wit: 175 Acres given 'irt byj BJurrell Earp ; 150 Acres of Jeffc Langtlon, not given ib, joiniog James Odoms'; 60 Acie of Do tah Artis, Joining Jiiel Nurvjns, 1 00 ! Acres of Samuel Price, joining Simon Pjrie; 28 Attes of John Roflcrl iofning Willfani Hin. ;?nt ; 47 Acres or tne xteirs or uvunam VVard, joining Adam Sterling ad William Hinnent; 200 Acre's i'of Thomas' Butchar, ioahins William Hinnehtif 10b of loha Rine It- - t- .-!, L 1 i-- .-.! : t. i. J J.' 1 C t - IT ' joining r zeiciei tailings 250 -cres 01 jcuc Lumley, oihini Richard Whiting; 350 Acres of Beniamin jWooda'rd, lying jia the Diftrid of Capt. Bulls 17 Acres of amet lones: Ivinrf in the Dillria of Caot.. Bulls 11075 cre$ given in eyewucn yTixi, : .in- C apt. O'Heil's DiffcrAcrti,: given In f Stephen Spetlriirtlt.Oeil's Dlf-. by tnl; 306 Acres of Wiftiaja lrlfram, in Csrpt. Suyn's Dirtfia i iidr Acre of Land given in by ja'mes Wilder, in Cjjc. Alleles Diftridj ;i 23-7 Acrps, feiten in y, jofeph Detoachjirt Capt Eafbn's Diftrici ; ftoo Acres, given in by feherrod. Harrefs,' in ; Cap. t.t a Ion's Diftfit 160 Acrei, iven in by Joel Bailey, inC tpt Smith, D ftiitt; 100 Acres, given 111 byjlolei 1 Krowu ia Capi. Tucker's! Diftritt!; 175 Acie of. Mcles retrill. Jjininj! lamest Jvy; ice Acres of Grirf'ri Hli,joiuin John A'utl on( jj-L).-A cres QAahum ''Beaton, joiiilt RicUid Braf Well: ocb Acrcsnf leffe Lee, iulnihe luHaL Racket ;-ti;aob of Bailuin Johnrlferi,- joyiihg Lilbr Haflip. : : ;.,.;, , ;. K-''tfce-pove-Town Lots will be fold, and Tj;niuchof 'the aboTe Larid as Will difharge are lOtHdifcharged lelore the Day ofaSaie. I SAMUEL NO"RS WORTHY, SHER. Notice SHERIFFS' SALES. I ?! I - . i : NOTICE. On tbeibth.X)ayfrQh,bert Ltlllk fold, mi 'jpH E folio w n g ; La n d s, 1 fpil t he . Taxjes due thereon ior the Year ji $00: jb Akesj the operty of McdlinJ : - j too dittos granted to Robert Uaiaey, on the Waters of loiies Cit S ; J 300 Acres,! the ioperty of one Cotton, on the. VV.atcrs of Co34'$ l'Vrk; ; -l, ' TSiooAcres on tlte Waters of Btackilack. on Brown Crtefciii(i ti W the rrwty " iic jicirs qi one lpc. ! . ..-!., !. ; . icb'Aejre. ohitlse ofcky Fork,! the Pro perty of the HeirtHWilliam Love, k 100 AcresJ thePcrtyof the itmel, 'on tnc Waters of the Biacg Uck of Brownldreek. 300 Acres.,' oa tfee Waters of Tlsomfon's j Creek, the Priofierty ol the Heirs of tone; Wea-J vtr- ' I' :V- X : ' -I.-.. ' ; 100 Acres, on the Head of Branches of Jcnes Creek, laid to have been ; land:County, aiified as Exec patented by Siokes. ; ; Wjlfand-Tmebt. 'thcte 100 Acres, the Property of Tame Slant;!!, j Eftate are dMred to mike! ii on i JoitesjCfeck. . oo Acrw, the Prpperty of Thomas Bar rett,; joiivi" BaU'j fid l?iatel . 1 50 AcrvS, the Prbberty of j . Miller, joih ipgJohn SUClatr;. jf. j . - t ( . 1 50 Acres, the P'toptrty' of one Srrath, joining the laid St. Uir. 1,'L 200 Acres, the Property of T: Meirs, ly ing on the i4vannabJrarjch. Li J: JOlLJINNiNGS, Sheriff. Anfen Coukty, Aug. xz. '' ' M ROBERT FLEMING ;'Ct). At the Store on i Fayettevine-ftree r lately occupied y Mr. Win. iCamp, Saddler, A Verjy general AflbrWent of LVr y 1X GOODS, HARDWARE, and fIANCY ARTICLES j alfo Masjeiraand Sherry Wine? Port Wine i Bottles! !iien,&h BranrfyJ,Gin, Weft-lndSa Rum,; Irripjerial and HyjA lei of th lateft ImportaiiOrtj Coffee, Ljiaif and Brown Sugar, Chioa in Sets of colPieces. Queen's and. GlaiV Wire, Sec. all which they . win icii cneap icrraijftior ricauce. . iliaviog eftablifhed CorriponWntsn Peterfciirg, and t n rough them: with all; the Towns on the Con tinent, they will repeie Orders for any Ar tides which cannot be procured in this City r. THOMAS r G L ASS 1 .. WATCH-MAKER, P ' . ": . s i-i " - O Efpe&fully iiprms the : jjublic AV thatbehastoperiedSriop,;in FaWtevilleir ftreet, near the Na'rtiHoufe, ii t( IChf H ,6L!&tgife-5,i1rc4l riet on thel above Yuancis, and nopt Kv'his funttaa Utt and' mention, to! Buunclsj to' deleave Encburage - He has; on Ifand, at pfefnt, a few of tl follow of! Articles:;! Vizj Gold and Silver Watches Stiver Tab and Tea Spooni, Su gar Totig,. Shoe sr$i 'Cnee Buckles, Variety of Goid-RVngs, Lockit;,' bracelets, Buttons, Ear-rings, c. : , " CS" Oraen from pi it Country executed with Cart and DiipaftfcL; .. j ; - T be bir fhi PricegivUfrr old G old i$ Silver. Cajfo's jnnlR&ieigk, A Report having Parts of the Colin tevailed in iom ouripy, that the Sufcicti. ber had declined the Tavern Buiinefs, he begs Leave publicly to contradict the lmie;; and to affurt Kis Friends the Public, thateveiy Auentionj will be paia an, future, as in Time in the betf pcflible II be pleafed to iavcaf "MannciviaH luch as fh his. Houfe! with their d ptnpany. PETER CASSO. Angufi 20, 180 i. CHARLBS A!tfSIliA 1TAKES. this Method to inform ; his Friends,1 and pie Public in general, that he iUkecpup-hii Houfe of Entertiint merit ifl;'taycttevihcwjeet ; and haviihg iuft erededja new BuUdyg;, which he Ibpe8 to j General A trembly h wiilbe able to enter tain thirty-five or fdrjy Members, Ulfidcs, trahfierit CuilomersJ j . lie flitters jinfe'lf, that,, by his Alfiduityiand Attention XaBufu efs, lie ihail give Sftishftion to ilofie Gea tlemen who' may Ve: (pleafed -to favour lm wjih theii Company. Raleigh Sept. 2 1 . t v 4 ti r 1'. 'JAVERN. npHE Subferibtirbgs Leave to Jn . ' form'his FriendfJ a?iid the PHblicfin ge-! neraly thit he ftiil ccsnftinues to keep a! rioufe of hntertaiument id the City of Raleigh, for'Trayejikrs, and all (orher?, who baybe pi.eaieil 10 favour him with their Cultom. w r . . . : -1 He will be provides to take Thirty-five or rorty JJoardcrs at eufuing Affembiy, ex- elufive of tranfieut itom. ' i . " j: James m ears. Sep. 23. ; Notice is hereby given 1 THAT at theilafl Auguft SeRiops 01 wise uovft. tn busier: nuaiK r ,rs . t r . . . 1 1 r 1. 1 n:daa Executor f the laft Will sjid lejta merltl of AM U 1: i'P L IK, de.ceajfed. All Pe'rfojnt. having je mantis 'asiiiit the. faiia Terlator,are reoiieLed to bring tlifcin tctwaid in the Tipae iimstel .by Law, othefwife they vi!i Be brreu, an a ihoie. wno ard liidettcd to make irnmediat iFaynient. MATfKIZW pONEb EARLY TALL GOODS. 'T'HE Subferibers beg Leave to inr t- form their CuftomerSj and the Public in. general, .that their FALL; GOODS are j lately arrived, and. will bd open and t eady nient is extenfive. he whlole of the Woo! lens, and the greater Part oif tke other Arti cles, are imported iireSlyj from "Uie Manft -fadurers.-! Their Auortment of 'i AST and WtST-INbi GOODS, is aifo very com plete, and trwiliolc areoffereiy Wholefa,leil and' Retail, at a moderate Advance. ;!r DPNALtON M A MILJiAN & C. fCTdTlCE is Hereby I given of the . 1 Deceafe of-KOBERT. ADAM, Efq. i; laiie' of Favr4wit;e ant I Wilmint'tisii. r Kr- ckanr, and ot thf Sublcribets having, at July , Term new laft ratt of the Court of Cumber- "f utors pi his lair .JV ir.cr.t; ana rrsic naytrtg ccpiruis oricaia,,uu;;; .i. aaintl the l;:aiejf any Kihd or Denonwiajv ticn, are r?4'J!rcd to exhibit the lame af Liquid atidb ."'and Paymer.ti to the LxecytotS, sgreeaUy, to iLawi and Within thei Ttne brhited y the Ail of General Aifijenvbiyv paiied in efctit'ej An aci f,o amend an ai, entitled jAn act cojncemtng;proviBg ' jV ills and granting Letters 01 Aamimura. tion, and to prevent raucs in the Manage. I mint nf 1 nt(VAt' Fft-fitp ' in F.-.iii:r whereof the fame Will be plead in Bar to t.&. Recovery of any lUch 3cbt or Dernaua. h i J . . LiU NtJAN JM'Jr- KAN, " sam hohnwiNJ. i 1 Executwsi, JOHN ECCLLS, JOHN IKJCG, t ayeiKfuiiie. , f-uiv XT. lA , JVILLIAH DICK, TEGS Leaves to inform the Fublicf ; j that he has removed to the large Houfe in Bowareet, in the TDwii of Fayetteville, lately occupied by Mr.:Moitoni-vvhcrche has opened . , j ; j A Iidttfi of ' Entertainment, For the Accommodation fcf Travellers,! and, turiiilhed the fame with every neceliary Con. enjieni.e. Jfef.anefs Juinifelf that the mo- d crate Rztes of his inp', tti? Plentifulnefs of ,ts 'Stables, in,d his owU Afliauity and Atten- Jjbri to therBuiineis ii vt hich he ha tngTged, jnHill give Satisfaftlon tothorc Gentknicn'wkd (ikaybbe ;pleaftito yifit Jiis Houfs. j . ; , newiit taice. a lew kxenteei toaraers, ja A'difen" to tholV he.c&vvj has; and feleft Parties may hi accdinmcdaxcd v. i;h Supper at a fhort Nctice. Fuyettiville, Sep. 11. Lands in IV -irreli County. FOR SALE, j iri At mrt !! . j pKJU l 4,000 Acre: res. in one iso- i dy, lying on Shocco Creek, ieo Miles South of Peterlburg, 19 Miles Soutof Var rentoR, and; 45 Miles North, of Raliigh f the Soil ' good for Tobacco, Wheat and Corn. ! On the laid Trad are fevpal Plantatlocs ; . one of th6:n highly improfred, and all1 well watered ; with a large Pl-opbrtion of valuable , v Meadow Larid. ' I. ' i .'' ; ": As it is fuppofed no Person will purchafe without viewing the Prcmifes, a further De fcription is unrieceffary. ; rJ!lie Terms will fce made known, and the L,a nl s fhewn, to any . Perfoii; inclinable jt purchafe, by xskicg r . Applicattoa io the Subfcriber. 'v'rH- 'r-T. TTt C 17 . ti T T M ,1 t TIT "i. i ilVlVl."lCI ili. iUHitLni lP'ai'renCiuntySip.;ii 1 86 1 Letters on the abve Suitjeft, Pcftag ....II n. .nnarJ .d UNIVERSITY. 1 HpilE Steyarrhip n the Univer T '.-toty ot NsrlhCaroliuaL will become va-f Jrcant bii the lth dl Wovjemicr.fcexr,-ip Coa- iequence off the Refignawoa of Major Heo deriou, ; tU'ej preleritLieware,: .This Notice js therefore given, "to the End! that fuch-Terions i who wifhta be employed 11 that CTiaater;r may give in iiivir tJCpoiis - on .orBe.'CJC m; WILL, I-OLK. HENRYJ.OT LJOHN ItAYiVpDi Ralelgb, Aug. 24, 1 8 I .' j LJay aioreiia, if ine .uowttBeorio-miiJl? S HI' of therrit who arfcVotnorif i Steward for tlje'pexi-yeak layjfogaija f.. I iupply the Place f Mrl Hskdcrlon retijhci f -If I asaforefiid. .:. : itUO-rMm 1 I -1 1 i : NOTICE. V-!:):ffiyWM T'HOSE .iiaebtcdW ihe $it&fi X SAMUEL THOMPSON; Seaioje yf ;: ceafed, are (eqUeiled to Cojm? forAyard and fr' fettle the fanje; and luch htve fistfizriis V. a gain it the faid" jbeceafed, either by fBouiMT otherwri.'e to bring them forward w'pnmnho - : Time limited by Law, ,or tbey will be bairea. ef Recovery. i ." -jf r . ,:,-lfV REBEdpA TH6P$OK;rASmx. IOHN THOMPSON Admiutfl'r. ANIEL-TYNES ereas Nathaniel " Tykks, removed himlcli froii the County of I Edgecppb, kjenVjjiYouth, and .hi Friends he be ftill livlhilBhIiifcrnatio'd ') oi tbe Plce of ihislRedencet, 'cr'f if dead) of his Dei ReUujin E?.lA$rBOWDE. Hum 1 1 CI f ' - Ml ' at tk t el cgra pbs n ow i n j . - I 7p V Shea County tur I axes eui rton. - I i. 1; ' JAMES KEELj in C'juUy, Sep iniuinc:rm; being or no 1 - 4. .; r-i i r

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