'i Hi i( : k. ft-- 1" tfjimwfs.inm Ji.gjaaa,Dii,6'.Bfif'w y CLO', Jf 1 Ml MILAN, JULY', 20. Yhclfoitowirts: are the particulars ( jv i place, atrurikon be lath of this !V 'montlfrJSctittUieri who-- weri' 1 .ordcrcci to march for Tufcany refii - :V-;fci.toivfetViutltiil the ar rears of their .,if.v J " O--, f 1 , pay Wfcre ifchareed. General t)e: 'I jvK;,.ttaatjipere4.Wong.theni, i li k K '-V,;dcav6urecl t appearfe the tuibult; hattj.the", light ot o fold :er who rfDbkftj louder! thkn the Veli, and who threaded hidi .With $ mufquet, ' Ie'v-vunaWc1ongcr ta re Puain his indi;jA'nq. It rs ihowyh it that oti . this occffiion. he empli yeli loo rnuth - rigour. . i n muiineers. ,intimma- t-V'..! " . ! I 1 . -. ' hii .. ' .If .1. ' " - v - tea tnisiJOTior inerr oencrai, r icv uu,L .juh i in? ludtuu. augium.iu leturn to your duty. Swear, fideli ty and obedience ;tb , your com Theie ileets wi thahi i8p fail, and iTi Htii certain that: Scot! , I . , ' ,i warrtS.' . ' ; ,f I This proclamation is to be printed and read at the headfor! every ;;'co.ni- pahyV "X JOURDAN, noi lefs it Bubnapirteoas. at length tcught'j pofed, that uiijjer the reftcp merle; 4 it appears almofl: proper toendVakijid cf cq iiid is the point eeclaratipn to tpi; Ruffian C?( ickwiU bedi- j apv4f P the rib;ie gerauAv Yefterday morpinjnja courier Jlt- , LECHpTfcij, July 24. rivecllhere fiom LordnSs at Con Everv thinz is atipreicnt m mo-II rtantinonle.i th-Sne Brltifh Ambaf tipn here for the .purpofc' of. rein-Jl tidor i Lord MjntoJl af)d in the ;af forcinff the.troops employed in thelj ternoon the latter macTc known the fiege of Porto Fetrajo, fo as to com- official account that i he town and pel that place to furrendeiv Eight fprts 0f Cairo, and all the French priyeleerj are "fittedj out to; lervje. as t0pS jt lay there pi rtly in garrii Vranfportt, j and to aft orTenfively fon partly in eptreri :hments, had againft the; enemy,! Trje befiegefs givcri thcmlelvesiua 01 capitulation have been luppljed with provmons,i t0 tjjC combined Tutk lib and Bntiih 1 1 . 'iUw v however, tlcy returned to the ji-.'.i .'t6wnj apd joined feveral other fol .' v diers.Txvho likew;fe demanded their 1,., mm jrav, ou wi,tnouti commuting any s othsT-actVf inlabordihation. and Continuinio do duty-. The rlrft rVVol iters p'r:icedcd ro 1 hjs 'citadel, la'owh'ch the'k willed to enter; ammunition and fome rreav.y artil iery. t ii the diviiion of Vatrin that carries on thti ttege of Porto Ferrajo. General jVatrift'. fet off yetle'rdav to fupsrinfend the opera tions. It is not triic that ah ;;Eng- lifli fVjnadron hts appeared orT loito Ferrajov . The only Englifh vcfiel leen there was the: Rpfe cujtter the commander of Vhich after fomc communication "with the chiefs of the city, proceeded, on his delti "here Iwas FRANCE forces . The Frenctt troops , are maflejprifoncrs of warJ and will be transported to FrattteJ The joy of tne inhabitants on thejiigning or the capitulation! cannot pe defcribed ; and had it not been fV the prcfence of the BritiQi , the prdple had com- mitted the molt barbarous outrages tipon the French rjfifofters of V7ar. Since the middle of June, already the u rand v izier, j wit m tne a tint anpe of General ; Hutcainfon, bad .fiir.counded Cairo, and the regaining parts of the combined force had ap preached thefbtt artji thrpatetmd thcrh .with: ftormj The Fiench. Vr ; nere ; was a ncw icume. in wnicn 1 r .- : rce oun," muurpra s was Kiiicti. anil 1 1 -- r 11.2 j-v.-j-i dl.;. i..i., itiii 11 the cfe fiid tre fed& Article, stbWlfatjU cv '6riH U Pionty I' ipIdft his life in j thes t umiiTt. ' After I . iUace latl?cn(titdti vhb . Zmv&L .11 or rprce againit trem ioo conciuaea I A;ths:ltewhdie 'ifcn ioined tliel clii VUirit ;PAr?M!-H uUtly to lay ddWn their arms llRK'K :' review-, bjjt he; wa ;l,:tH. fol-Jieis with; lou 1 t'7 ?;-:-t-ewed r the demands general ueimas wnhv to have a I forOid to retire ; Ihouts re- oF their pay. glgCnslou rda nj; a n d Coll ic on d u ft.ed : ,,thcmlelvc1srT.witii j'tuch'; V'rudcnce, ; ;tf;at thev at leneth tucceedtd in re- florin e t ra u 1 1 j ty and to pay the " irooDS that are undei the command ; f the latter.; , Genecal Tourdan has r tven' orders for:, a cbntnbution of three h levied undred thoufaad hvres to be on the Imcrqhant?, be fides another (umlon joeHopsjof property, f "for the pamentir-, :4f jthe troopSV j I: 'I Already we ari informed that thofe' y we are irpr in this; place have received a part of tneir - p;y. : in;s ;uniprrunate civ il urn fl a n c e li3S ; prey eh ted the Count aria .Counters of; ?Lghurri frotri en- ioy mg: the fetes: which! were pre pa- - red for them it Turin. It ha3 been i founa necellar Valfbi to defer the Celebration; of. the feflival of the 14th of July. I' to Spain all the country this fide of trie nver uiiaaiana, ano.tnis. river; HFor the future is to be the limits of the two kingdoms. : 2. PortiikaJ cblices hertelf to in- Hpmriifv 5n:nn for all the lexDences incurred fincc the declaration cf war. 9. All the fortificationsand flrong places which the Spaniards have! tsken, other than thofe tfrded, fhallj 0" aemoi'incu: mac is, an ixioiq that, are beyond the limits! 4. Portugal thai pay ro rranc our" millions, of dollars, as an in4 j ' ui .: ; t k. She cedes to France an eftab lilhment in the Brazils. 6. The fleet of Portugal fhall be placed at the difoofition, of Spain and France, who make ufc of it in i the proie&ed expedition. 7. Ail the ports of Portugal. thai be guarded until a general peace with Erifflarid, and at the expencft of Portugal, hv: .2;OC0 Spaniards T i 1 - - ' - The following proclamation has and io.coo French JKnuriHrfflfl m thr Frnrh tronns We do hot know whether there iiere iin ganiiott: ; ' You demanded your pay, and you have received iti Your grie ryances ate at an!! end; and any far ther I figniEcation" bfli difcontenti . would be a crime which would draw; j i' mnn fln rin tfh mnf Vv t hr. French H , U V JVM . w. y . government. Agitators with guil ty in dentions 3re how digging the mine in .which they hope 10 over ; whelm you. . Hear your leaders ; tliear !the voicelof- ho'hour ! hear f Buoriapane! who through us, thus ' vddreHes ybii-f Soldiers! he fays,; whole courage has fixed the admira-. v t ion of all Europe, who ha v e a c - tl quirftdTightis to the gratitude of yovir 4 CQuntiy---SbldierS !'yu have erred vBevvare I ;bm'one iten farther- and you aret rebels .enemies to the Republic. The army the nation ; liave: their eyes upon you. One ftep farther andyoUare d Ihonou ed t Your Uurejs arc tarniflied. YcuJ zrbnp longer; the! 'children1 of: you 4 country.0 ' jj . V .;r;; Sbldiers lj we wcvjl d gladly :bopl that this language wotd a wake . id your; breads thejile fentints.o lio hour) which have e;ver diftihgufiriecl the defenders! of your country that -vou wilier? je by future hibi mifun to yourjehiefs l- the remer brancc of th?evens which are pa fed - 1 but had trie; foirit Sf inf ubor di nation'prlcieeea lengthi r iff rt fl& we eolka R.epubl 'i taee pf the difbrders of btlt retreiti ; and t he-fi el ds pf Italy were deluged - with the blppdo your Ocmirades iii! ''-..arms; -.1 he r rench 1 eovernment pparcloned tbc leaders of that ipfufi irecVion. , Its generofity,V hovyever -.'could not command their Ptratitudei l hey ftillcheriOi;a fpirit of hatred anapjreyenge i againit ; the, r ren'Chj "They ;.are.even .ripW almoft ready to carry into. ettett their euiltv oiirJ Sold lefil: while vou are ready td if in tiimiilK , a an 1 n ff v HlHtrlanders,-- they! are. on . the othwl fefefran d1,: ; w at che's-tor' yo Ur-rood . ' The 8rcaeit aangerjjj now lurround youj h A great cohfpi racy is formed aainft are any fecret .articles 6tnti mber 6f prifon tp be $6o9vmong(i whom arc many Greeks Armepians, . occ. i Ih confequence of this ca pi tula-, tion, all Dpper ard Lower Egvpt have fallen into the hands of the Turks and Engl ifh. The Frenxh retain nothing1 rnjre of Egyptiiouf the -town of Alexandria, ;- " Aftertthe! chjtranc$ off the CtinA Vizier into CalrO that General, logetuer witn tne cngutn, naa ac ui vocal 4purt, in - - m M c in wnicn ivi. KkliticlheflF communicated to him the convchtion of t!hexi6th of June --It i,slto the following purport : L- u. The Firft Cbrifbl of the French ReDublic acknowledges the recemt of the 'convenUorQf Peterfburgh of Mt jbth or une4 ahcTtajces this OP- pbrtliNity aadfure his Impefial Kfa- qf the lalting good difpohtion and fintifhents of ;the French Go- vbrnment. towards hiH Maje fly's perlon and goyernrJilht and affures hinif that I he ny ill Ida every th?ug that may, be plea fin g and agreeable to the Court of' RufHa iTand this end i4puid have beefr ahfwered fobri- er, ifkjthsj negotiations ; wth fing- ,1tjheintUati6ri 6f affairs in Italy arid Bftypt.and:the wars with Porr tiigal had v not thrown oertaiq m- Vnqiblejdbnaclea in the vay of the uuuuvtii i. 1 Ot r-4 I I tj , isiunder ftood 'that. Lbrd Nel foil will cjvjiickl.jr.takc ; the command in the I Mjederraneanj in ithq roorhHSf jUord I keVihV Who ' jcturpl to Epgi Upd I OlbMld affairs orji ioun cqafts aMmitMof I Lord Nfelfonls abfence; At all eyeits Lod Reith lis expected ripme , J-. '. '-, i '...!' 1 - ii By iletters from Copenhaeeni of tli-e 4th inft. it appearsj tKat many :$3ngjeis3lre about to take place in the l naval arid tnilitrry depart ;The Danifn fleet, nowefti it twenty fail of the line and tdb frhfciteX fit for fcrvice, is to be ed.to3oiail cf the line and 16 i the additional ; fhips to be built at Copenhagen. Gluckltadt and Frederick ivar. cutnftances tpe intelligence pf the furrinder iro it confirmed. Two mf- k arrived xeflerAair with dif- p t A,1 ' patches from Conftantinone and Vienrtq to the Eaft-ilndia Comoanv. -L ...... 1, 14, thru II l ne all patches to Government are r,ii,t fn, twWrri, AiA9nr)rn . II from ILord . MintoJ who continues and- it ws expeaed that General Oftgratulate his Myelty's Mi- Aiehou would fodn follow the ex-J on he falTf Calr0i Thc ample of his., comrades at Cairo, and 1 1M:. endeavour tulatioh. to obtain a decent capi f ! CREATIUTAIX. m oircnderjbermeahis nccefiary 'ftjbtilctiwwdSl it jua t til 7pvjrer iPC? 1 jlic, the enemy took advanll ro?t the Moniteur of Aiiptjl 7. - At day brealt on the kth inrlahi Admiral Lord Nel fpn,: with go fhip of war of different fizes, appeared before Bolopne. A divifion of our light- fl.jtilla was, at anchor at the mouth of the harbour. Its three fub-divifions WeHpx-crtl gether,- without Jajjnyj '"ln?eaj:)be tween either the 1 ft and the 2d of the 2d and the 55 i; ' A! fi rink commenced from .the Brit ifh bom veffels, and brifkly rcturr-ed by ours. But the feney kepata difii tance of iC;OC fathom? JrbrVp'ar.line The Britifh fleets 'made . feveril atl tempts .to advancer, pur foldiers then afked leave tc.;gd on board the three fub-divifions. The other JiU vmons or ,ie ji'tuta were airp readirIVviTupbrt the van divi lion, f The; flollaj kept up.fi RriCl and uninterrudtedt fire : fo that by noon, the e n 9m y , w e r e b 1 i g ed 1 0 ! retire to their-tttll pofition,- beyond the range 'fpvir :;guns!.1?Bit0hey c on t inuedi difc barge 0 ;f j borri J i the couriplthe above nine; hundred. , ';ot aih oerfo riwes eithe r lied br rw6u n d ea onrour tide. x wo ot; our gun boats-werejdamagecJ j biit fo flighilj that they :w ere ;fe rict-TOomcnt compMety repaired. In thdmorriq mg - 01 inc 171 n, ine ;nturn.ile5t cu- v . xa a a 1 1 9 wca tuer 4een 1 im, j;. .:Ke.ar-Adrr4nl:itaucnr ight have dbnev IhemKrnPre im$ ;oh: ;OTe Britifh Admiral's ;in tenton wks to,fWce our van divi ,nd tp pnter the harbour. He scried pf it. This !ena3i?emeni ce withrn fiht:of both the French Vnd Britith lhPres.i It ii ine nnt ovtnis nature that has haoi pexted. ItK cpnfepuence mav ren der it more important than arryiirJ cumttahces wij;h whicli it wasiiml mcaiavciy iijieea,' in ;ine eituna tion or polterity. r ; ;at itiaia j ; LONDON, AUGUST 13. I Yeitcrday the public were grati fied with a demji-official notice of pleaftng intelligence having been received from Egypt. 1 Mr. Htigdeni'fadomeflic of Lord Mihto, hrputhmVecounts pf a mef fengcr having palled through Vi elnja!, who was the bearer of difc patches from Canftantinople, con taining an ac roc nt of the furrender of Cairo. Go ernment gave full c dtt to the report, having receiv er htnilai intellicelricethc preceding r'ay from a ii 1 (one out wit t with I Sr Sydney Smith, called badk tothis country Pamifiy concerns." He flatcd ti JFrptte, who had and was by forne f that 'news ot the fall of Cairo had Scabbed :CpnftaptrnoplberoreJi:s rleparture, - In confequence thefol f Qvjring:notic2 -was.iflutd, in the af 'rppn'. ' f; -A Mm:ri$fc f, ai rived this morn' in from llird bto, at Lord Minr to' othce, by whom we are inform ed that the Grt?nd Seignior had ie lcd diipattHs from the Grand Vtfer, . contairijrig'7 aiv account of the All of Cairo, with 6coo p n dhes, however to the Eaft- ICompany, place the intelli gence peyond all doubt. They are in fu fieri f- n Otto in this capital might cure, is noticed with proDer V ,Ci rity in the Moniteur. whi;- merited tribute to thc virtues Mafefly, land aitichin 1? to . . dington tbe title of refpeQablet a nenrr ifhaf h . , ' :-v - - I w was difpleafed with the article alQ Tbe fkeleton of three rw;J arrived in London la ft week f foreign fervice-i-The fcythe 0F ? and di(eafe ha4 thinned them about one-fourth. Ore re;L ,0 has loft 606 out of 700! ! ThexEmperotiof Germany has pointed committee of fome r mofl ikilful bhvScians .. . , e vhofe infpeftipn 'and care ti,;.!r children are to b the, cow-pox 41 SI. . . thffir manner f nrni.. J, The t- ; . manner of rirftp?inr .1 t r ir. uuici vdiionsj auu inerciuitot th Audus-r if). Inourlafl number we ftaterl ti.. the-negociations for peace ha ,r fumed more than ufual aclivitv oecuion. vvo near with pleafuT- that many or the molt impoiin i. eajments to a general adjultment ave been removed ; and the prof. ct of peace! becomes each day hat every thine in. dicates a fpecdy termination to th war; . . s A letter from Brun, dated z-th tance as follows : tuly ' ftates lou's retieat to to induce his f That Paffwan 0 EiWt of a letter from Peter "todki, tfq. Vv. Kmiay, tljq, dated Uonftaftui ile, July 1), I sol. jhad the honfjr to addrefs yoii 17th inft. hot receivedj by on the; an eipbrefs courierl in order to in- you; pf the reduction of the jmd city of Cairo by his Mi 1st and the Cttoman armies. fome fevere actions wherein fort? atteif t.he epemy had loft fcodo mcn in kill ed a.q wounded; and that the re mainder, con fi fling of four thou- lar e, h3d iurrendered. I have only learjnt.fince, that the enemy capi tulated on honorable terms, and Werb to be marched to Rofetta, to be etibarked, for France, under the efcort of Britifh fhips of war." j Then fall of Cairo enables us to concentrate our whole force, arfdi to direit it agamft Alexandria, the 1 ft ppuVffion whici the enemy have upon, the Egyptian territory, prey ed by jfuch an army on the land fide; and pjlpckadcd up by fea ; in want of prqvifions and of water, if is not probable that Alexandria will long OUU Perhaps it is not now of Chiciprucquence whet er Gan- 1 j-'-Si mu ; A letter !frAmiBrufieIs, of the ad linftii ftates, thafill'ihe armaments in the ports of Picardy and Flan- oers laret jeatty to thetutirfe landed his troops or; whe ther Neflanded any. If, While he pn- j was !at anchor on the Eevctian 1 r the furren'der of ikely that feeing cpaft notice ; and put to iea at the t ha t i'e vera 1 n a'va 1 it v pd m con feci uence ftom Bleftiand Toul I ibfrlcers have a hejbeard of it is not un ,-f you, j The conpiratorJcnoy that in union with vourcHtaltVpu are uv ijiMmi., ! Aiicy excue you to m 1 u 1 re ftion f a hd Wt ch thV moment tel airaiBnatc yourlofftceis, with all the agents .n d the fHends of the French government; They will then ati lack y.m ; whcn without Jeidrri orfe,: you muft .-i.4y f.n ocrore mem. WtSvfcwirl this ftatcment is dif vV c:5 Vu4f your lmracdiad Cairdj of hpw little ufe luch a reinforce menrmuii: ne arter iuch. an event. he reUrned with ; the;: irono to r ran ce. ; 1 1, -ji'owetvcr -he, didaclu. al;ly ynu ther, thiy will ndmohly rae P'ditipn. Wien urn&til Hptifoe 'i'farry. kjv " v'n iwauy.i jjjftnf uic jo; me enemv. on- to aid in a l, c BRUSSELS, TULY 2S. learn from Dunkirk that mcafures have been taken there place the veiTels which are in Uiat port beyond the reach pf an'attacl from the enemy, who have received cohfiderable , rein fpr cements, with fire-fhip and botnb-veffels. i General ; Angercau is expefted here to-da or to-morrow from Pai ris, and attcr ;a fhort ftay he will continue his route; to j the Hague!; As loch as i Junction fhajl be formed betwixt, the Ifrench arid Ba fquadrons, ll this - General!: Willi iV 4' on him the chief command Of Iboth miuus, wnicn will be embarked 1 heir number is ' flatd f h-il U lefs-;tharr.oocacn.fVj andvDutik ii k are faidao "exceed i en :jM:oh:..bhzth Vol which 5,000 4 mops :illtakd - their ; dfarture init Gr;15iitam' ?-tfi firf it :-:-Qf thisiaDdiht PtttrPonsbvrGart livlirity'it is-;"fa.id;' nean6rratiw; tThe'bv.erlifetc from Btil- ?fo riW1iSftcapWreoF. fe ye b"t tFr tilrAigSiad fvtxanpjiijornn: om Doaret iW'ijw'thelpHlpr nheaunle lji'truipitrb ''ndedtikiS JFfHrinfortiii even: -it-t'Jicrrjcrr.iX'.trj-:'.' : ' ir ac noaTKcautigypt wxu lea hecly ;ow"cpan nefit tb: tH4-rctei f theiac coun t jpf Ithe furrfcrid oT Cairo arid Cut 41,- ? TheEleclor of Cologne 7 is dead. k -1- : - - - ; . . V i-l , l w J:ie, was. urcle tO(the reignxnc Em peror of perni-by,v and f bibther to two lalt .Lmneiofs. as well as to o Mihe .. untdrtunate Antoinette. late Ouecn of France. His Court jwas bnce;yAtfr;i;jfdlendid by the af-J icmuiagc or ine. rrench immigrant Princes aiitllblityi were overrun by i the.'enemvatjan jeaVly period of j the; Warjillii'fi ief ver fince'recoed poflelEbn'lof ;jt beni . . ' -ifthif. deat!h:of -thisifenetaE fuchja -conjinre::may.;pe 'cilitaie the project of fccuralizitiini iu-Avia:txi liisinauencew a greaiimpcdicixt Lqrjd'-Neiji, i o r n iibg f rom 1 ea; ailed vefterdav in the Meduia 11 - asooniiatr- v. ill 11 ( frigate vjtb federal giin-brigs,; Cut ters aind I bombfi: tflet ween i eleven and tiive-P'dioTcik Rxe'feen frprn Doy r.: iland.in KbsatKeC'E re nc h coaftw nf ict-mtnT m under a nreJssnof Oail ' - Ekch f - hti j lielHliVliatw- bpttpmed - bQatsbtvlbdaf is lqpppieai tnat-anotner,; atuekiii m m'4 t ely b matte-UDbri SoIbn -t; lei lte:nemY apnea preheMfrria nrght tho prteygtttc dcreii-atir IHqre, i jft ariel etf4K?nairbbur. f 7000 troops is lfo. ifaidMo haver arrived within thefej few days from the interior! ; , A cbnyentiof Has been concluded Frenehqibev opet upon watte s telafinio; tM Gallrcan .Cbutch. i 'Tbe'tefi:lta'-not- Keen. pWipecH utl?ep Moniteur fay$j i:;.l.he o overprnen t has ? good reAfon hope, that ) in a . few ."PWf Ve pnett w3ho call them- Jeiyes ;conIitutiobal i thpfe V.vrho have iaken the prbmife of fideliiv I-J 2l!MVt- l 1 t . 'J"".; 1 v'H inc otncTs united , in chent larid' onfniori.. . wil 1 upyjtnemfcivei with the'careaOf WY: f Pce, cbncod arxo-u won.' - j . rV-V;r' An article contained in a Icridor paper lome time Widden was a feint opponents to block him rip in thst fortrefs. lie has now, fought the great battle which forrned part of his plan. The bloc, kadeis railed, and the troops of the Qrand Seignior has been either cut to pieces or difperfed. In execu tion of this plan, Paffwan Oglou fent Over to the enemy a large num ber of his mcift devoted adherents. Soon after thts, he made a fally witH the reft of the garrifon, and while the Grand Seignior's troops ad vanced againft him, the adherents of Paffwan Oglou took them in the rear, ard placed them between two firesj in fucb a manner that the greateft part were killed on thc fpot the reft were compelled to betake thcmlelves to a diforderlv flbt.;j j , . ' We! icafn from Hungary, th?t t "wo-thirds of the town of Gyula h.s been educed to afhes. The three churches, Catholic, Greek and Prdteihnt the buildings def tined for the Afiemblies of the State, theMcaftle. (the fuperb mills, the great town brewery, in. a wr4 ill the principal edihees were en velowi in flames. In the beginning of tiift.. nre, very perton enocavourea ta fave a portion of -their; etretts ; the ; Greets, ttrde'nsk aaoen: the ccl-1 lars wefe" trt.Aant.ly.-Bl'tt ';fuch r was the & length and Rapidity of the J James, that fcarce a Angle article efcaped. : . :, h j' t The Ruffian Coirrt Kas lent a cjV ; cular letter to alt MS Diplomatic Minifters and Agents, apprizing them that the Emperor is willing to rentw the ufual courfe of connec tion with thi French Government ; and that jit is no longer proper the AmbaflaciorS flioulcf continue toob- ; ferve any diftance towards the Aa baffadorsof tlie Republic, ; Frsm tke BHtiJh Army in In Hit Head. quarters of the Mjfore AraVf ' . ';f ' . Dec 15. SW expected that the defeat d Donleafi would have terminated Our toils and that we fliould hav been allowed leifure to recover frost the extraordinary fatigue to which that bold adventurer had fubje&cd us phut it feerhs that we are doomed to a Hjerpetuity of warfare, and that the fupprefTrdn of one enemy is but the-rignal for fome new opponent i ftari.into the Uifts. ... We are under orders to inarch againft the Cojiote Rajah . I do not knowthentireeccahon ot no1"" . ' . . . . r i- -. , " ! t .... liticst but from theiextraorctin2!v ttaiBfiiand artificial defences of th coqnlry, and (the ex ten five ptep tkjPVj tbeenemy we are to loo fp more' than Common hard mips. rColOnet SiiVenlbn fucceeded to the xdt5lnet m-My fore on the 20th n'if?- 'yiT xrih (lev. ovf htAfKrlailknt leader, '4epied lbr":lhiiiatic oxi his reute w This armvis tb be at SeringF2- tam On the 20th inft. and after halt three davi proceeds to t0' Hote ; a idetachment from Bo -trvii'1prtinmfa-e with us. anO W1" toetairi extent influence I- SfjSK e7iSy'cbntry is excellent. A ,VH.nT... nirirfarr. - bWnding m faflneiEe, and covered r..t !.:'k:'l-"t-C-1:J.--i- that iriyading army is fubjecilo ince-iri are aimoit without knowing - countryi but ot which fup-l healthy. .. T V known to have been long pfJPal 5 fpr the war he has provoked. Since the monfoon?. 'the ?(V is ftated to have occ'anor.rd tn-J-ficVrieis in difrerent s:.: ' . : . Y i- a I .UisiS n