'..1 t-i, . .. , .tl, .:.'...:' : j vfrr-' . y' ,J. .. " 1. ' " "' ' - -j rrr1 ' '"-'"'' - " ; ; ' , r:.4--j" 1,11 . ...'j... T ' '' 1 " , .V"-""l' j - 1 l".r " '" . ' " "' ' 1 1 ' ' ' '.- ! " 1 1 i 1 1 t4VpllCshl I 1 31 m ure. 4 3 b i'H id n"li(h Official Account l f.jd! ISWCOND ATTACK BOULO ONE i t from the London Gazette. v ' Admiralty-office, Auguft iS, v 0f a- If iter from Lord W &d &c ti Evan Nepunt Ejq. . Ofl board the Medufa. off Boulogne, Atitr t o ! StKf . ntftDer to at- i L,;nina oft the enemy , fTrhe enemy's, ftp- i ttiia, moo fl-ie attack to be r,eV 1 r ivifions of boats for under the conjoin of ToJcs and Parker V divuin 01 JuLit,er-boats under Captain Conn. T, c tots put ofF.from ifcc Meduia ir.i?L,n1lvn o'clock laftmght nthe beft poffible order, and be- ... n'r ock thi morning in- fcrJnct began ; and 1. naa, nuui rj 0;C r f j ,nV of the officers, and the V r j -ii.titrvrtf pvervman. thei zeal auu m"; , - , . mod perfect conhoenccui uuuip-t nJ -fv.. tl-.. arknels of the night, with the tide and halt tide, all not arriving at the fatneliappy moment with Ca.pt Parker, is to be attributed the failure of fuccels. But I org to be perfectly unaeritooa that not the f mailed blame attaches itfelf to anv perfon : For although the div-ifions did not arrive together, vefeach (except the fourth divi sion, which dM riot get up, be tore imnn di') m?ue a lucceisiui nfw uww that part ot tne enemy incj iui.w with, and afciuallf took poffe Hon; of feveral brigs , and tits, and cue their cables- but many 6 1 them be ing aground and the motnnt of the battle's ceaung ori boalrd- them,' the vs dels were filled with vollies upon voliies f mufquetryj th'fr'.enemy being perfectly regardleis of thetr; l own mfn, 'wh muCb br-v'i l equally w'rtn us; it was theretore impoiiible to remain on board even to burn them : but allow me to fay, who have feen much fcrvice this war, that more determined, perfe vering courage, I never witneffed ; and that nothing but the i'mpoflj- bility of being fuccefsful, from the. caufes I have mentioned, could haVe prevented me from having to con gratulate their 'Lordfhips. But al though in value the lofs of iuch gallant and good men is incalculable, yet, in point of numbers, it has' fallen fliort of fny expettatrons. I muft alio beg leave to j flat e, that greater zeal and ardent defire to dVf- tinguifli themfelves by an attack en the enemy Was never fhewn more than b)J all the Captains, officers and crevs of all the dcfcriptions of vellels under my commarid. The Commanders of the Hunter and Gteyhoutid reventie cuttefs went in their boats in the mod handforhe and gallant manner to the attack. Amongft the many brave men wounded, I have the deepeft regret to place the name of my gal lant good friend and afliftant,- Cap tain Edward T. Parker, alio my Flag Lieutenant Frederick Langford, who has ferved with me many years ; they were both woundedlin attempt ingto board the French Commodore. To Captain Gore, of the Medufa, i i jeei tne nigncit oDiigition ; and n L i ,; i in " i i : wnen tneir jjoramips iook at tne lofs of the Medufa on this occafion, they Will agree with tne, that the fccmor of my flag, and their King end country, could never have been placed m more gallant hands. Capt Bedford, of the Leyden, with Capt Gore,ivery handfomely voiunteerecj ihcii&r vices to ferve under a Ma iter and Commancler : but I did not 4 tnmk it fair to the latter, and T only mention it to mark the zeal of mute oincers. From the nature of the attack, only a few prisoners Werej made; a jLieutenant, eiaht -eamen and eight foldiers, are tney brought off. Herewith I fend ine reports of the feveral Comman ders of divifions, and a report of billed and wounded. I have the honor to be, &c. 1 v KELSON arid BRONTE. iY Captain nierviUe was the fenior Mafter and Commander employed, i j IV JJORn. In obedience to v.-Tir t n.-AfCz- tionjto ftate the proceedings '5- r tfie the. honor to pe under my omtnand,; tor the purpoie of at- tacKing.tiic enemy s notina m ine Bay of. Boulogne, I beg leave to ac quaint you,, that afterpeaving.the ledula lait nighty i round my lelf; n netting on fhore, carried by the anifitv rf rhf tide to the Eaft. ward -f T .. , jbT the above-mentioned place j and finding that I j was riot likely to reach it in the orgter prefcribed, J gave directiOT? fat the boats to call each other off, By fa doings I was j a little before the dawn of day, arid iin thej be (I order ofTiblc attacked, ! .tC tr fVi niirViii4 -a hrirr urhirh after Hiort conteft, 1 carried; Pre vious to fo doing, her cables were cut; but I was prevented irrkri tovyinjr her but by her being fee u red bv a chain, and in coHfectuence of a very heavy hre of muiketry and grape-mot. that w drrecled at us froori the fhore, three luggers, arid anothtr brig within half piftpl Ihot, andi rot lecing the lealfc prolpel of being able to get her off, I was cb lieri to abandon her, and pulh put nf the Bay, zs it was then com- pletely day light. The undaunted and refolute be Viavioar of the officers, feamen and marines, was unparalleled and I have to lament the lofs of leveral of thofe brave men, a lift of whom 1 enclofe you herewith. J have the honor to be. &c. j ' ' P. SOMERVILLE. McJufax ijf Boulogne Aug. 16. MY I OR D, After the complete arrangement which was made, the perfect "good, undei landing arid regularity with which the boats you did me the ho nor' to put under my command left tnc iMcutiu, i nave an anxious ice irtgto explain to 'your. 12n"diho-the fVitV bwt ai,cpi:i5e, wT hi jUt- iet, promued every fucceis. 3 r - r ; . . ,7 " If! . , Agreeably to your- Lbrdfliip's b- flruclionE, I proceeded with f he fei j cond divifion of the boats under my, directipn the hair ot which were under the direftiori of Lieut Wil- iiiTOi lenior. : r of the Medufa) to at- tsrk the part of the enemy's fiotillff appointed for me, and at hal f pa ft twelve had the good fortune to fid" njylVif clofe to them, when I or dered' Lieut. Williams, with his fub-divihon, to'oufh on to attack tlie veffcls to the Northward of me, vlfiite 1, with the other, run along fide a &rge brig off the mole-head, wearing the Commodore's, pendant. It is at this moment I feel myfclf at l'.ls for words to do juftice to the officers arid crew of th Mednfa whn ! were in? the boat with me. arii :tb Lieut. Langford, the officers! and trew of the fame fhip, who nobly icconded us in the barge, until all hp crew were killed or wounded ; jaic to the Honourable Mr. Catty Scat'', who commanded ihr Miif.'t . w-w Mr jCJtier, and fuftained the attack, with vc grcaieu intrepidity, ur.trl the ydefperate fr.uation J was left in ob- iiged me to call hifn to the afliiance I of i be fufferers in my boat. I he boats were no foorter alono- tfide than we attempted to board: k ' . , ....: Dut very firong netting, traced vrp to her li;wer yards, baffled !all our endeavours, and an inftaritaneous difcharge of her guns and fmallarms from about 2ootoldiers on her eun- wate,-. Knocked myielf, Mr. Kirbv. the mafter of the Medufa- and Mr. Gore, a midshipman, with two- thirds of the crew, upon 'our backs in the boat, all either killed or wounded delperately : the barge and cutter being on the Outhde. iheered off with the tide, but the fiji boat in which I was hung alongfidtf, and as there was not an officer or man left toi govern her, muft have fallen into the hands of the enemy, had "v"."i. luitai t uKcn ncr m tow an4 carried her off. Mrj Williams led his fub-d ivinon sip to the enemy with the mod in- trcpict gallantry, took one luseer. Rd attacked a brig; while his crew, i an concevntd to Uy9 fufiered equauy with ourfelves ; nearly the whole of his boat's crew were killed or wounded; Lieut. Pelley, who comn.fjndjed the Medufa --launch, and .:,- (iTon. Mr. MaitlAnri. 'mid. t-p-n. , rr feveraliv 'wounded : ana ..Jr. u iftow,, tfiader's txie fr;cdiU2;cuttcr5 was! . ,d ''. Vk. 'ill tnV diitr to afTure, , now your Lordfhiii, thatfnothing could i ti ' j i : lurpal tne XCii, couragq auu icaui nefs of everv ciefcriDtion of officers and men utideihrriy cdmmandl, and I am forry that tny words fall ftiort of .their merits. ihouifV we 'could. not accomplifh . the objett .we were or acred to. ; . i I .have the 'honor to be. c. EDWARD T, FARKER. 1 1 f . my ' On the night f the 15th1 ,jnflant, the third diviiflon xf:boats which X had the honor to command aflem- Yorjc agreeably to your Lordfnip's direciions, and at 11 Pi M. by ftg rial made from the Medufa, pro ceeded without lofs of time to attack the enetby V flotilh off oulbgne, as directed by yofcf Lordfhip ; and as l thought it molt advifeable to eri deavour to reduce the largeft velfel firfl, loft no time in rnaling the at'ick ; but in contequenc;e of my leading the divdion, and the enemy operiiiig a heavy fire from! feveral batteries thriiigljif it advifeable to give the ncmy ajs little time as pof jfl'bjel' ciii-thc tow rope, and! did rW wait; the jdher bats, lo that it was tme little . time! beifpre the heavy boats coId et ip, received fo ma by (hot .jtJhrougb the boat's bottom, that I fociri ,oarid her in a finking tlate anp as it Was not pbflible to 1 to p 1 o ma n y mot h olc5, w a s cbi i jed , with the; men, to take, to aether boat ; anjrj I havb the pleafure trjCj quant )jour Ljrd(hip' thai I rck ceiyed particular fupport from trite boafe of ihis; Mfjelly's fhip York, whiih foon came up with the reftl of lie divjnoit I had the honQ'tp c o m rV a n d ) b u t li n di n g n 9 riTpe & of .furcefis, and the nunberbf men k died a nd Wnu nded in I thciferen I ine; uoret or grape, ana imaii arms. tboit! it tor the good of , his Ma- jeu.Mt , ery tct -to .withdraw the boaHet;wieiB('wo .and three in the moinmg,' as we could not board her, although even effort was made. I have the honor to be, &c. ISAAC COTGRAVE. JTTx Majtfty'sjkip jfyfjr, , j ,. Sitrtd ij, Aug. i 6, 1801. ' 1 MV LORD, ! I ' In conlcqucnce of the djirjeliohs received from your Lordfhip, I laft nignt, op the lignal being rwaac on ooara tne; meauta, leit inis imp with the boats of the foirth divi fiotifprcmed vith two ckile; lines, a.rjd( j'ipneciUul joined the other divifipnt utitJerjthe, ftern of t tic Me dufa, and from thence proceeded to put your Lordfhip's ordf r into execution, attacking the Weftern- jnoftpart of the enemy' flbtjib ; but not w 1 1 h tta n d 1 n ge ve ry exertion mad?, owing to the rapjdity of the J tide, we could not, until near day light, get to thb Weft ward: of any part of the enemy's line ; on ap proaching thcEaftein part of which, in order to a lift the fir ft divifion, then engaged, We jnet thenjreiurn ing. y nder thefe circumftances. andthed?)' brea'riing apace, I judged it pruaen 10 aireci tne irncers com manding1 the different boats, to re turn to their respective; fhips. I have f.he honor to be, cc. ; ROBERT JONES. Iifcoviryf tff Bculogne, ith Aug. l8fi iMYIIkIo. j :" . f ' ; 1' i i- I, I i I beg leave ito' makelmy report to your Lbrdfiijip, of Jthe fcjulr howit- r-boats that J' had the honor to command, in tlie attack of the ent- : my hft nigh?. f " j naving lea in? to luapprt i-apt. Parker's diviSon, keeping within his lines until the? enemy opened their &re on iHim, we kceoin on towards the pies' until f waj aground in the headmoft boat, then opened! our hie, and threw about eiight fliellsj into it; but froift the ftrngth of, the tide coming out of the! hcrbour,' was not able to keep our ftation off tjhe pier-head, but continued our fire on the camp, until the enemy's fire had totally fiackened, andCapr. Parker's dtvifiuh had palled with-! but mcr Iipeg Wye to mention, to your LordCftip, ,t(hat vyaTs ably fup-! ported-by if he cnher boats. , Captain Broome zhd tLieutenaht Bearri-of the Royal Artilierjy didj fvjery thjn j in their po Wter. to annoy the nerriYj! The otheofEcers of artiltery were: fAel-Mtl mV dUtV to allure detached in ih lier inurhnw ter 1 j SHKK KKS' SALES, 1 - , VSV detached In the b toat$i i 1 have the bo& to be. ., JIOHN CONN. iTotat flumber of ied and wounded. 4 officers, a ifeimejrt, mannes killed; 14 officer, 84 feamen, 30 marines, wounde Total 12. i SHERIFFS1 SALES. : k Notice is h r toy given 'T'HAT the folldwirigj Lands,! fitu- ate in the Coilfif' of Joesr have not been given In by an ff Lift cjchibite4 in faid tdunty for the Year iioo, agreeably t Law, ahd that fo much tht icof as will fausfy, the Taxes dtje therein' -vfir fajd Yeat,, and: all ChargesJ will be iollatthe jCoitft-Houfe in Trenton, in faid . Clinty, dn Saturday thi 30th. of October nex'tJ! : 640 Acres on Ka'evM'Crcik,tbe Property of John G. Ulourfti i.co Acres on CI Hill, the Property of Ifardy Birya " r f I ! ! 080 Acres the l& oerty of Solorfioo B. Niark and Henr Bilki f PJrilasielphi. 3.f3 Acres theJPrcerty w yvuiiaci wenjns, now in Poffeflioli ofi iMofes VVatfon, feu. on Whittock-Mive mm ilttl'Mj icajah Kramer's jSo Acre ol Xf:tlfte'tli Property of Lemoel Grlm, depllfe, riow in PofieflBon of Lemuel Sirftmoril; :Vi -M -.r f' i-?. 50 Acres the PrcvCtty of VtUiam Foeville, in FofTeffiop of Btcciin Stafcley ..t- . ; 50 Acreon WhHackiRiyjtr, the Property of the Heits of dlte .Abraham Meader, owmpodeiSon of, Thurch plaice. : -r, -i: 2oo Acre on fl&ter's; Crek, formerly I ; . rj . ....... . ' . the Property of Cam?bel Miller, now 10 Pof- lemon or reroa iijtu?ienei. . 7 i joo Acres 00 Whtilock.adioinineMelchor Arnold's Lfoes, the Property of Sarah Miller. Acres on iWrittlock; $?idow?s iDowr-y of Eli Weff, deceifelij Mil) Lands, Cl Weft, i: 1 A.Aio Jicres.ifthePropertv of 1- Dubois TT4 1 I A f f . . . .OAlWKlMjSJvVlLKiNSON, Sheriff fontt Gwn&i'Sitp. 6. 'CiARTJ-RlTi CduNTY PTHirHeijeas the fpll owing Lands in laid Couvy Jjave not been lyen in tciiber finds iMceeCiry to advertife them for Sale, agreeable tb Lfiw ; the Sale to be ajt the Ccurt-Houfe, iif. Beaufort, bn the thud Wed nefdayi inlNoveiabernext, viz, i ,.iro Acres,! in Harlow's wamc, and on .' ("nrm Untc t Mr rp-ilti? Prnnrf v af Samuel Mabfon, bnd HeirsJbf, Arthur MaMotu ; alio Los in the Towri of Befbrju ,r ' 2ooj Acf es, tjhe P'ertyjof jolui :BL Yates. 218 do. the reduced Property of John w.v ui 0, l7;"t ' Tr 7 f ' r Charner.i. , hi. ' ' . 75 Acres, ths Pfoperty of Thos. pudley. 1 25 do j the rrop4rty of Edward Srirkcy. 340 do. j the reputed Property of ihbmas and johh Banks. H : : MATTHEW MORRIS, Sheriff; Sfp. 17. ; ffh Monday the zjifi t)ay of November next , j viii;ptyltmf9 at:t4it,0urt-Houfft itt smith. j .jbeldy fft tkeTitssh of "the Tear iOO, and contingent Cbargk . ; tPHE . 'foilo'wijijj tjoii in tljie faid I Tbwh of Smithlfield, not given in for that YeaT; -j' . ; .; H ! '.' ; '..'.' ,." I Lotj NoJ faitd ttfl belong to Jame SritrV, l.ot No. pi johnlmith; 17V James Ken jion; 60 ind 8S, vlUiaRi Ward; 99, Joe! : 9, John R!k; 93 97, Richard .Cafwell;! 66, Abiier Waih; 95, Wtiliam Slade ; 9 ; T . ; HiaSft i 116, lJcnjarrtin Lx tim ; 1 1 1 , Joel Iinf tcj9, Uavid Najbit; tov John Kici; 86 anhii J- Stevens-;. 107V J . WiHIaais ; 8 2, f parties Kennon ; 03, J ; Lludwortti ; 123, Thomas Owens. ' Alfo the followig Traftsof Land rn the County of Johfiftonf, br fo much ai will dif charge the Taxis lapd contingent Charges," to wjt;--i75 Acjres Sven in, by-Borrell Farp ; 1 i;o Acrei Cf feffe Langfton, not given b, joinrUg Jamts ftfdoms ; 60 Acres of Do bah Artis, joining Joel Nurvins, 1 bo A.cres of Samuel Pf jtining. S;mm Pjr'ice ? a Acres ! lohn &bMu Tbining William Hin- nent; ;i7 Acm ot ine neir ok '.'hiuju Ward, ioinin? .Mm Sterling afed Will ram Hinnentj zbci-fs cf Thomas !Biitchr joining William rlipnent; 100 of JbhnRingl joining Fzekiel sjailicgs 250 Acrjs of Jeffe LUmley, joinind Riehard Whiting; 350 Acres oft benjamin jWoodardlyitg in the; Difti.ct f CaptjlUV 3i7Acrefe of James Khesi! !i:ns iir M Diftrta bt Capt. Bull ; 1075 Acres giVejijin fey Reuben" irter, inj Caf t. tJ'Nejl's Uiftrict f 75 Acres given in by Stephen Speh in Capt. ieil Iif tritTt; 3-00 Acrds! bt William Ingram, in Capt. Steven's diiricl'a2o Acres of Land, given m by Jawsl Wifdery, in Cape A;hens Diftrfd; aj? Ares, given in by Jofeph IJeioach; in Ctt- Eafon's DiftrtcT 200 Acres,' given i pi by heoa Harreis, in Cat. bakitCs Ulflridtj 16a Acres, given in by Joel BaileVf iatotSmusDiftricT:; 10c Aires, given in fcy jofeph Brbwo, ia Capt. II Tucker r iDillrlci ;i -.; 1 75 Acres of Molts Terrtl,j jniriglaifes Ivy; icjo Acres, bf Gieen'HifijoinlilgSbhn Aerton ;, 2cO Acres j of .brah!4fm:Beafraon; -joining Richard Braf- v.eu ; .9i ACresor eiie Lie, joining f'njn Bagget; aopj'or BAilam ohiurcn, jo:nijr Lawr HaJlk. t 1. , The jtibye. T7pw& fots wille folarjd fo mucl)Etof, e; ivfe Land s v. itt dJii'chArge the TaxjiS 'ajid-TdnngeM Charges, if they are noiaifciig'ei furore The Day.bt Sac. s- 1 j. i A M U f t tK (TR V O RT1 1 Y, ' - ff. ; ' 4iitriif pi'Johsfteo Ccuntjv oiJt,riTrpc c at tie'" Wilt be hid, o.n Tuefdayhe lOtb t?ay of N' - . ; lumber next, at Sampjon Csttf tioujej s HPHE following t Lands' inSanip. '.T iqn County, takeil to fatisfy jtbe.-Taxes die for the Year 1 8oq. - - j I L. 4 ' .Si Actfcsonihcfoo'th SiaeStewattJs'CTeelf,. the- Propifxy of WJlldm Colcy, hot returned, the Tax Lift. . . .,, .f .. .r ' IV f '" . 4o Acres near Rtewart Creek the Pro-' perry of James Cook. H'eturh. " , vl 0 " f 100 do- on laid Creek," ttie Property of J-ucretia Coakr No-. return made: ' . . , , OWEN &RHGORYT Sheriff-'- :n M no not. --.f.r'iu OnthezothDayofOaoler, v.L &eJold qt . ". I p nPH following- Lands,.;fbr; the ' ! ' 1 ' j. ' iortne Year t-aco: i. i&p Acres, the Property ot; Medlioi.; f - -" 2o ditto, 'granted to Robert Uaiaey on1 the . Watirs.ofJpnesCreefe..,,' . - 4 30 Acres, he. Property of one Cotton, o , ' . , acto-Acre'f, en,the Waters of. Bficli Jack, on Brawn, Creek,' fdid to be the; lVopertv of' . tooAeres, on the Rocky Fork, ihe' Pro- ' perty of the Heirf ViUiam Lvej rl . ' XQoAercs, therprouerryof rheTaftie, on the Waters cthe Black, jack of Brown Creek. - 300 Acres on the VVatcrs of Tliorofoiv's , t , Creek, the PrSpcrtyol the Heir; of one Wea- ! vefijfi, i ,L . . s- a-', . t. i?r r. ,!;." -I - too Acres, , on. the Head of'on'ovthe Branches of Jones Creek; faid to ljuu,ebeen patented hy one Stokes. ; . t f 100 Acres, the Property of fames Stanfill, on Ioftcj.Creek, , ;.; ; f; - 0o Acres, .the1 Properfy ofTh6mas Bar rett, joining Gale's Uld.Pac6V j .1 $0 Acres, the Property W)J Miller, joih iagohn St, Ctaif. ,,, j 1 50 Acres, jthe Property cf one Srruh, joining the Jafd" M. Clay,. 460 Acres; the Piooet'ivof T- M pars. W- in? on 1 nr. Mvannin k.-uk - . JpHNtgfNGS, fefi'4 Affrt County Axg. 22. i ; yt"fft"vujeijr tittrjuoick bounty, ttf following itands, iymg in jthe laid County, for the Payment of Taies due thereon,. fbt the Year iqo, . farooo Acres, iituate in. the Green Swamps r whereof, wra? rnted, tb Sfephell WtU m arit the Femiarider to W.lham Crtl Part Li bos, now faid t be the Propijtj ojf John Q uuiifoc; an?riocotfAcres. Itcuatr- Sn axL-SA. jnin to the CrtenlSwimp, how or late the" ProMrtrof Daniiel -Wheirn. . . ( JU .... ... tlRArtLlVAi'Sfieiiff. - 0 SatwJa f the ioth JbJf of Ntvitikfor net ! wUUefoUy f r ready Mpmy atrJbe Cdurt tjivjt 1 ft toe 'itf'tpn pj HeciingiAioi, ; npHE following f raas if Land, . 1 or fo mtich theteof as willlfafisfv rh- axes due therebriLt-with!' the .C- t Mag, &.c. for the Year iSobv fnirKe Cmini o Richa.'ond, viz. I - " ! j' One' Hundred and Sity Thoufand Acres, anted unto David Allifon, finije convcred rg by Sharif; John Cole to Tody Rbbtjrfon and H. jW. Harrington, !for Taxes,&c. fince conveyed by the laid Tody RobinTon and H. "VV. j Flarrington, to t certain Le le Parte. being Parts of eighteen different Traces'. . Alfo, Hit Hundred and Forty Acres on" the VVaters of Mounting! Creek, fuppofed to bet tdFropprty of -4 Parme(r; Tikife, Three , FEtrhdred Acres ori the Waters of Hitchcock: Creek,, fuppofed! to be the Property of Jo feph V;,ite. . ' . ; I ; - " . The above Lands were not given, in to the IftVieAtor-TakerS, a by! Law Require j.j, . I . jMlH WALL, ; , H k -Houfe in j lurg County, ik'S Charlotke. in Met .:- " Saturday J the jii) cf De- fEj following Loti in the faid ) lownot Charlottei fheiTaxesoa v.hich for the Years 1 79-9' and 1 8ocj, have not been ajd,,viz 1 ' . j 1 Lot th Property of the Heirs of John Hcrron ; t do. the property of the Heirs of ;RbbertMickreath ; do: jthe Picperty of the Heirs: of Samuel Martin k :i do. the Pro- pertyof the Heirs Bfjoei Brtvard ; 2 bo. the property ot ttie tieirs of M,ry Curreos- - Alfo tta Acres of Land on the WatersJcfL Patr Creeks fuppofed to be; the Proper yS& 111c ui Auwrri iviiunci , ZHUO rrcs v''n- .rn..'.... f.:J. i'j.ii..fW, lyings Eaft of Chariottb,jou1rng Land o dpw, Malon, the Prsperty of Wm ;M J.C Ul . i tCown,. for taxes due the r eon j 1 . James neel, shenfF. - - - 1 i 'J, -' - ' 1' - ' I. ,JH'i ON the 24th; Day o;f Ap&l, i8ot, j theSubfcribef purchafed a certain Trat of Land,- lying, on the North bide of Pifc-ing-Crek, containing, byj Lit. matron, 1 00 Acres, adjoining th 2 Land; ot famais Faroes, from Thomas 1 liter, ff Cdscconjb:CcUity, for tvhicli Land the laid Slater has!fecee;t from me three I Nares W :titid,- Viz,: one cf 2t31Ioi)ars atd a third,- ith fRtereil firbnx tKe'pstca1,-p?yab)e the rft Iay bfjjamiMy, tUoz anoU.r for 40 Dbilars, pzabJeth; ifi bf J?ouarv. iS'o?; with Inteteft :fromth Year itTbz ; another NoW tcr 400 Dollars . payable 1804, no lterertj And it p?Vs - -;J . lithattte faid Swrir does met relicts a iegT ti v m u ... -.1. '1'.. ma.i'a.a.. t .... 1 inrir' t. i ..i ... ifor?! tbrevraril si f erlons tront traatrg or is I am dete-iamcd not W pay any Paitof ih?;;'-;. 1 ibove.-ment;nedo...i . " K I - . - 1 .i; . 1 , 4

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