1 by r,-.- , MLonSon and . Mvug.inpart of Denmark? vP fauurance given! by . WCH troops in kiY Jheyl ndtoleftjthe veffeis fee- hnijheicilel of remding the&p. HE&P?.JOi: inducing xhenStc prcceed Arit,at ylih lhe:fornr& V vucir.VQn-ntutldtt; :- 4T V-incon orTSChAvitz, antf the Diet xine Canton has pubLIhed its nro . .-teiUtjdhs.j The Ca-iitnf ;W;.i - V1 aHer 0 lerrs. mutually coWraur i fe their proiefU . dr:d the inftigatpr&of thqfe proceedings.! i.iy now Knownv that thecom phincff Citizen' Bacher lo theGer man . Diet, Xcn f the- fuhjea of, the EnJifii levying tr6ops inM the Em-. pnt vv? s ?ceafoned by the chaC ieixra of Lowenftein, who are in nrIifli pay, beating up fpr recruits at Newbach,. ; . The ;. military efhblifhment of the lidure of Xuftria, con fills at pre fent of 360 b o men, who becannn an expenditure much beyond its actual means, particularly at a time when it is burdened with a heavy debt. On the other hand, the dei ;tt nation of fo many per ions from the cinplovraents of .isrVirult ,-. commerce, after a period of about ! jcarsor a molt a-itructive ,war, iS fcrcrely felr, particuljiJv jo. Hungary, Bohemia and. M-ra-via.. It is therefore become nectf fary to d,nahd a part.of them ; ai d, la coufrquence of the advice of the rc.hviukc Charles, it is-iiid thir.. redaibn of 6dloco vvi!I tatp iace before thb end of .the .year. A'.otwuhftand!n. all the renrefen Utir.s of the Hanoverian Regency to the PrulEan "Mi 1:: Iter, Baron de f ns?. and (general Kieift, in or. der .to procure for the inhabitants of tiie Eleftorate famed if! tvebnn ci Hie burden of maintaining the Pru! lian troops, it has been a feconr time intimated to them, on the pan r Lr? 'CoUrt of rlin,' "ihat tin jubultence muft be continued a, -long as they will retain poifrffion of it unt l the final adjuftment of the indemnities. sept, g,, Citizen 'Lugan, the Captain of 2 frigate havine under his rAmrr-, the . i?!:oDolis. fai!-M fK . ..t hiTy from lexandrion board janiO-XViaaona-Uidra J with t wen iv coed FrcnrK He efcaned : fr- toiched at CenK.1 fed at Tarentum Citier chvered t( General Soul es fromsGcreral Menm, a ve been' f znfmi t ted to Pa nl -xtraordinaiy courier. In ee Or lh? rwri.l-t. 1 had been iuft rerrJv xahdfci Generals Menou. amponv Jnaut, Soheis. Sarrfor Uitain.v'- Z irirrt.fr IT otnrr erucers, had em braced the refolunon of buryino hemfclvcs under the ruins of that Vljcey: rather than accede to a cani. lulauon :wKich?: they' confidered lhameful, becauff they did notthink U neceffary. Alexandr a wH for i:hd with upwards of 06 pieces of cannr" and vnild ,lf, aL,ni;n cf provifions, particulriy a conh-! derabl? quantity of rite. There ,3vusnof Drcadand bifcuitfor the sgrrtion for the winter, and of jiccrleveral years; The Ibldiers laboured withr ut interruption, arid varMrxtraordinary aaivjtv, to aug cptUhe fortifications. .The num. rcW;Irench fhlhe pltce, inctud- !, fr,rfnen.and th5 members of the miniiiratipns, who had tfken arms,, was etcimated at Jt:Ge,erd eii0u,bcf. v -W-lt IVgn encomiums on the r, the: cdlumn of xprr,ad acq uiredby the ex iraotdtnary woks carried on fdr lour month k. r.. n . . on!.V nefortsconftruaed on the tdifferent iflands, and the whichhad bee conveyed om:the porti of Alexandriahad m h r? fchedxamho. 1 ae4 the ap n rcai-k- i r r i Z1 ff'y difplayedibv Cap- Acting hc L) feKts' c6f wHVWftacl' the ' JiuE, szPT; 9 nftin0u f-gdnlboatdri v Vlnd and r,.. r.. ; W4 vorable round four leiuM: fmm iiee, at the mouth of : I.a r.rrr IpiTpirib.thatTb Tvith dbftacleft wh fr4rvj-r U U J U- from geftirig farmer, for a Ilrong Weft wind prevailed, and the. fea was extrembdirdusro& Avere jmffieBiarclVf dfealc Iotn pieces' ttf auinery Vjli'be1 pianteqto pres ent fhe Englifh from getting pdfifeffio ciftttfoxQid is ott 'i'hus all bur divlfian nt 'l iWii .Wr r, - r h m m.I.IU. 'J r . r -1 aiicrs. if tnere are circumitapceof fuch a nature as to render it imppliibte for the Englifh to prevent a hiimerous jdiviA veiTels From ntocetil i V 1 -. i. i,. & Mvui VliCI-, ourgn to pauogner how will they of five hours ? And if the F.n,!;fk Oovernmjit anhr.r nBf'.1., affembling pf olir tjoops, norapni" iiuaxc tnem as hcm threatened at he point of. -unioni paffigc, how will thev enf.rr th people agaihft the panicterrors of an iavauonl 1 1 ; HOLLAND. It ! s a lie j ted, t h:. t A J tTT ' . , iff V14""' " XJC w iiuer receitred orders, three daw ago, to embrace the fiffr ppport n iy w en tne iinbfhf fleet, whih blocks the mouthy of 7ihe Scheie, Oiall be difperfed by the cquincftul gals, to form a jundion with the naval rorce under i he command of inc r rencn Admiral Latouche. GERMANY. VIENNA, A27C . 22. Count Von dcr Pahlen, the great favourite of P.ul I. lics fo 5Verv dangcrfKifly- ill on h is e dates in Li', von,,, that his death was 4iouilv expecied. J On the .r:h ij0ra Mint re ceived a courier from Lord Elgin Conftantinople; who, when their difpatches -Were lent off, on the 3h of Augtift, had received no urther advices from Egypt, except 'hat .the combined Tutk,fn ,ano tngljfti army had advanced to A ixandna to lav AW? to tlt Cxeneral Menou had ;efu(ed to a- cde to the convention of Ca'ro, as he Lill expeded fuccoursifrom the lquadron of Ganthesujrce. v Further Englifh Accounts. . A report has been brefemr)-n W- cnfuls of the French Republic, by the ulinsfter of the, Interior, on the -...puiumn-or the rich colleftiop of patntmgs, antique fhtues, &c. which they have colleaed during .r h -foreign fchcols, 270 of the ancient French fchool, and more 'ban 1 coo of the modern fchool; o 2C.coo deugns pf differen ithools, 40-0 copperplate ensrav ngs, and 30,00 prftjts. befides 1 cA arirlqUe fta ues; and the moll valua-1 a.e aitirles Ef rufcan - vales,, tables or por,phyryi &c. Without riouhrl fit it (1.,aJ -IV' " ' , - 1 1 1 , -s ought .to ccicrvci uieonrfs d daw? rT ,,1. r. ris' ought to poiuifs in ns collection the moft . Ilrntiilir f UMU"S LlJ ie.. niiLory ol the arts, which mark its progrefs,charaaefifb us Qualities, and enable the artift to rcid, on its piciuresail.therevoiu. tions and periods of. painting., r Pa ns merits, on ev ryt account v this honorable diftihaioo but the in habitantscf the departments have Mo a lacred right toa'lliarc in' the fruit- ixt !30urA Con a uefls. ,nr,??,cfeteiWJts .of French ?r u lb; ' It bascMijtcl , there-i of Piaures Viz, ai InBdr deau x,- Strafburgh, Brulleb,' ar Ipu fe, UeneVa. Caeni Lifie J S:Nay-'and;acorT is charged to 1 pioire-for earhtffti A piuu ve cniestnevcotieaion beft dapted fori hem. t i L Pofgi Wreti, Fhyficiari to je Kn, waslkdaeflry uked illon aTunond Wells, Vt?irep fefs thahianhdiir; A "nufarrcumftance in hisilf tory is,.)thittafte a feparation de xreed in the .cclefiaftical Court be WMady, in confV quenceVipf diiareemehtr merelv the vr'lyw tempersjthey againme together and lived with each other untii dejth pronounced a isprei duraole divorce' ThV in H4;A Ieter from kfiuthVf thp zom or Auguft,! aHerts thttthe Courts of Yicnna a hd Berlin ?bave ng? nrKrerftan4ina ipcciingtneeitabrilhmentn Ger many 6f.the Grand" Duke of Tuf cnd of Prince: .Orange, re firft is to receive as a compeV fationthe;country oSalibpS PaflVa and' Berchtolfgbde -whicl, would round the SbuthWd rl jot-he Hqufe pf M jtrla. The otactthoider -;; .t.''.Tr. ;fCAi, - L'.jr.-li? 4V Efe. iil-' f ' : it11! 'c ?;- courier ia pe, jccwj ruffiaj beisff iimnifie ifdrjne IDuehV of ! CleVes and his: htner ulahiiftri bank of ibi JKhmby the Diichy of Muriftcr. tuitu anar iaitpomtL on- hicn andemi ties 1 : hr-f imlivo;nn thall be :tegulatet3j by $KDict; of Ratilbon It is bardl;neccffary to obfeyei thatIliheie arrangements of I itic Suabian i ifciVrnalitt S --i. : ... - , 7 . Cpnfirmiwoni;;; 1 ' The uVIiijifter or pruia, at thr Dici o f Rat !Ho ri j fjas 01 n tkd -ou t t he f ol low i n g : leats,; ii. jthciprbpei , 9 con 11 djra ti oil jpi I neterminatldh ofttie States bf moire. v are tobc indem- Dellgriatiorifcrf tKef pdrmonv that at are to be cnWnr M .in V,- -w iv i-vinoriica in them Gemmties.. v I I ; : - - . 1 Fixing thejKeclqua'ftital States tbatjare .to Cfejcdlaj-ize. ' t Mod tatibiJidf tje Tec.Ulari iations and cord itions upon which they are 'ttakej plate. ' V. ' W,heJn lhc (ounpoiht rnall be decide, .t will; be fcr the princes to snae. propofuions to the Diei upon the mft j iurabid manner of indemnifying them for tlie loffes W llvrcJ?epccdi The Ivl i nifterof Pruffia. is charged to de mand that thofe'aueflionit h- f.j at the Diet, and to propofe for that porpote a committee, compofed of Mimaers from Bohemia, Auftria iirardenbursh. Ravari r.,. borg, Hcffe Caffel and Baden. wt,u u.$? intervention of Ecclefiafti- caij Minilters. : He has cnmW"..,; cared his inftrufttons tothe Auttrian Alitu iters, and hasaoreirl ,tU u- tnar he will not oivpnv ,,- rhey nave received orders from their Courts. We ate the more impatient to kno w the inflruaionsbf Auftri. foccauic they muft naturally thro "Hp" '-1 negociatioas tJat are known to be entered into between the Courts of Vienna and Berlin, ou the fubjed of the indem nities. Ejl-hdia Intelligence. 4 ciLer Horn Decca, (3enRal,); iovw a urtics ine 2d or Miv i?v againft the peacepf that government y ipmc or tiie dtlH fretted Chiefs whom Shemfud Dowb t ,V ' o the head, he immedntely ilfued fee ret oiaer to rhe c.vil and mdii ooWer t r- 1.- ... ' , v, r . exertion to iracc tne bUhncRto.,he bottcm vncn, atter a lona 9 anil ifHiimo Vcftsrion'ira-ppea rs that the con fpWors had ljngfkept .w a com mpntcation withfomeof the motf refraaory tribes in the various prot vmtes or ;ieneaf. nswim!!., ,u . .w ' r -y iw ucpieaators on the EafterT, , langrsi many C:' whori wercto have been draw wards that city under various pre- C,KC Scr.witha number of acquie;Cs-o;had engaged to cej ; - puoiic reljgIOus fettival m 'oroer to throw themilitaryand civil powers off their guard onf'th occujion, when ; advaYifa .have en taken of the popular tu. mult and confufidn, in which they were to have fcleaed the v,aims foV their revengey A-, depot of fmali arms (moQly matchlock.) have been uln-ifie jungle, and ma ny of the ringleaders have been 1m priloned. ...f j , A detachment from Col. Vigors' battalion, m Knn.ru the l 3r:ks of a branch of the Arree river :u. s.-it - . M i l i s - "i tuu nciun- ;;?'."-hsY"ypoweifui , ra tia xar in t i i ,vcc iam thave takedl-e. lugen , ,-rude buralmdft ineffible ion m the mountains. Some of he twm s native troons ak. e dchrnt within twr cols of thcnliff i t . . . r i t - Mcy uiviaed- their 1 Jiving orders to march nder cover of the night to the ordy dh e y. which theedemv H. JcapeanAhere A t!V'With ed bayonets a diece- whfle therd! "lis cdtHe opponte: prt of th If rh5?t-- -t. , i 7 rr. ro4jgn7i .,-lt v:r MViuy Jan- P7 fl-i T wiviaxics. f . f - ... I ' ... . . rwnicn tnev itad w4 tbem moreiibahh J n order that-the viSft":rT vfa r jiiiL:-i --wnne mflfiarat, one, and the ' H! pfbrttately, Sv -fe Ihey had JO Wmount. eailatlv ; f!4 u v - tnents of and ro ffpriti the ht, and . , Gn!clvtdW r ncfWQjivpo&arttiaiici tahave iys, tha information havin been ycn to Mr. Garack, that a dange rous conipiraiyjexifled in embryo it7 -yWWWottely did entennstfce forr6;thei rcaqxpjrl tnrilHi fore the arrival f 1 menti , the fugitive left value . behind jhom, but are faiK; r:P?ParatjohsremaRic2 't&m he National IIUerj -1 vjjai nt Louvcrturt to thelMem. f the Central AJfimbty 6J Cijiie'ns tegiflatorf I hive read with intereaha -Jl L hXT0 II , . ''"ca to me. In a 11 v your tellow-citiiens iney would be the develope- Oave :aivetiiJite(mive riot rf. fved ;thhpjpeisi Nothing cad be nre Ccdncifc or perfpicuous y j " m tns Collection of 'if wst j w"en in mdeLble charac 'ers, their tjhtir duties, thir happinefsJ public prolperity: theX' law5 f Direftory f the public vill mafflVatfe 'and tft ri 3:7" it'tl the fiinrrkrr r r-LJ. ' rt ,;f , , t r ogiiiiii. me en terp riles of the powerful; the w CUJC ag;JInu lhe tcjuge or rnfiocencej and the aven: ,er of vice. Penetrated with admiration bv this immortal monument of your uctaiiinacnt to your country; I can ifui. iyo ioon teititv to voulall tK JstisfiSion which its perufal has im id 1 red. ftor tnn ci K ,r .L , (, . -.. omuic you, on the part of the people of St. tint rningo, of fhe ledtiments of rrfrA and gratitude they will ever pre: V vt; lur you,, ior this benefit which they have receivedfrom yoiirhands, hifch lecms to convince them that tjhey j,re not deceived in fhe choice tfiey had, made of their Iegjilators. You fiave fulfilled the hopel of the cjolony ; as its chief, I declare that yjou have deferved well of your country; and if after this authentic tettirony of the public gratit :uaei rtiy lentiments are efiefmed or any eftecd vlues accept thole of my and confideration. lOUSSAINT LoUViRTURl"; ; . k Reply of tkz Central AJfembly to tnc auovc. (pitizen Governor, vr . 1 . r ,x our letter of the loth of this :ui coptain expreffiotis highly gfatifymg to ourfeciings. i In this teilimonv nf f.:-r 'in. !i u iw uic recomoehce of our U. as? it is the prelage of thr proYperity of this colony. Ve doubt not. Mvcrnor, tnat a happy fu. tdritv yet awaits St. Domi.vgp. ' (Under vour aiifmV - . -L' V.tc pianrer ,norc cneertulJy feftjme feel allured that it ; w, tlI i A ; in yam hn hfe will moiften th. rrt;r; r . . wt. wiiii iweatot his brow. ' ! . t he i foldier. alivi m J..1- . wfll leek only to defend the poftof fulnefs" id courage will be the vir. M 1 tues by wnierr he is diftinguifhedr i native 1 pie rid or :, f,rVt- j admimftration w,U teftore vlia uaconridence. In the heart ofeverymagiilrneanobleemulation " vAtuc and preierve the moft ".u.o.cnnments every one will j TpIeof h:m who Sm termr- 'd or mi(erieS. For ever will Wfie be dr to the pJJJ fllV!6- v T" WonoincS thai .he onftttutioV and the Uws i 6 Cltner yduf phyGcat or nwral powers. Weimavrfiy with confidence, that it i iiu,:irifcj " and that r youcin rAlu. Sr; - , :cauico us are known your "nmrndn virtues. : ;.. . rhe.5overnm-r.t df the mother Country Will add r. J L already decreed vA.. t, ...in-;-' coi eel tfkt irowes to you th bre. feryation and iri- w-n.L. n 4 vif h.'- v . j r--?iiaiJinment f,ian abandoned -r'klw..- : enemies and torn bv inn nmM, taqton$; it Win ft3m' - ;tli t. j-tt ijuftice, the conftitution which rnnas ; it will an- it m V .WU aion it, fince ftetQ a -rcftoration pf ibcial order; iMapprove it, fince it knoWs eiprolpejity this iaan mmjTrT. to be prU. PttZ&f WYt ihould be igri Culture! lrA . . &,4J rcprelentatrv of i R?PC of Whom Vo V Tti an . ,c ice nope r---" WE Villi I n n. L'T Vf,Vi 'ri, i Vr v " "ou i a ti u ri rrg yo, -v Litzen Governor lrw r -il nnq. leconcj your benifi .f: i i Tr fc guarantee guarantee : public gratitude vh c attiorts have merited a frayyou, tHeliexp.fli "c?f ir hearts, together wkh. r$ of of tnts of dor reroeci: Cnji- ! Bo RC ELIA, PrCj Raimcnd, ColUtl Gatff' Lacour Roxas?, Mun ?r. to UNIVERSITY. v vdi tnn u ir i feqiience f ihe Uk.0,jS$yJ,''.i" Con. H of "E,IMt u Mat OfM'UtbifNnnit, rfxt ' tfOR tots in the laid Citv ftf d ' , No.. SJ 7, .f f G?i M'D' deceaftd. J"'" 1. II -.! 1 crms cf the S41 will , t. he nowa ttthe 'J iroe of Sale. MARQ, M'DOWELl Ft. . ntNRy HELANn f txecut ors. "Hi I j TAKEN UP, C"J, Vb ef Cachet I, . A NEGRO FELLOW, aboutV r-YearsofAre. c ruA aXJomea Ne?ro, and has the Mark oft Country upqn his Tace s ra.. k;. v, r"1 : iThe fa id ; ,ake Countyat Raleigh . ,nd lhe 0 of hira hereby informed thereof, thrb ' may come forward and rroe hiS P.' and, atter complrinff with .V. ;'. HF.NCV rniivp ; Was committed to Gaol, Abntgrntrj County ; Nrti.Ca, ! Tuejdty the Dav W M i,n ' M NEGRO FELLOW "by the ! T f jE.afccutthe Aeoft Year, foe- Fet tcn Incfc h, J ; Complexion; hasteea mirlr.j u'. by being wrnppedV and h f f i.- Teeth deleave He had ca-when comiu d homefpun Woollen Jacket, and Tow ()ver. , bmlh Williams, iieiai' 4Sav,,u a 1 Georgia. , . Application raay be made to the Gaoler. ' -k' ravedfrom.LondQWt A NEW EDftlON, - With Addition. anIinpryeftents, THE Complete CON VEYAf. v,onveancmr. in all m Krn,l... ti.- - . 7 Mlk Ul fV2 or ine Ihtorv inH P;.- .f I n. n ''. w , - i. 1 ut rrattieal Part coortinr W '. r....-... .r every .nd that the 1'raaiiers of the Law of ... T wvuttu Ul vcrj AJenominafon can poffibly have Oca. Hon to contuft tn! the Courfe of Buficds. rarticuiarly under the follcwinj Heads, yit. AeknowJedgneots, : Exceptions, Acquittances, ; Etchange, A6ts of Parliament Feofmenu, relating to Convey- Fine?, atncinj , Gift (Deeds of) Affidavits, Grants, srceinenti of all Icde emnrty, Indorfements, Inrolmsbtof Deed Jointures, LczftSf of all Kind;, Leafe and Releafe, Letters of AttorntT, Letters of Licence, Limitation of TJes, Licence, : Livery of Seiilf . Memorials, Mortgages, Annuides, Appointmeiits, Articles, Affignmenu of all Kinds, Awards, ' Bargain and Sale, ' Bills, Bonds of all Kinds, Certificates, Charter Parties, Collateral Securities. Orders, Compofitions of Cre- Partition, .irs, Petitions, t-ondrtions. -, Vrefr.tt;n. Confir mations, Provisoes, Corlideration, : Kecjuls, Cpprtnerftiip, Reconveyances, Copyhold Proceedings Recoveries, Cbvensnts, Releafe, Pecla:ation$, beafeafaocec, Demife. 1 . Deputations . pilcLa)mer, D.llrihution, piftrelsii UnlxahchifemeRt, Resignations, ReTocatisns. Separation (Decdiof v Settlement!, TJfej. Warrants o ' Attorcej. WanaDts, Wills, &c. THEORETICAL PART I jj confifts of the "- LAW OF CONVEYANCING, the xariuus MetbtJt of acquiring and cut- g ;Bt'WM. NEW NAM, ESQ. . r-.' 9.? Inaer'empleiijia otheu, . rWbcT$ylf be bad, ix title yhffi 'A'completeBodvoi Convcyancip& Ut a Theory" anl Praicc. A ne 41tion, reVifed and corrected, the Ad dition of original Precedents, ttKeferinces, &c- : - i , . ' By Jqhn Tofie4h Powell, Ef4. Of Middle Temple, Barriter at l4- v..; JREPORTS OF CASES, . kigut&jLad deterred neff in tie His Ii Prf i: Chancery, beginning in'he Si;tin f Jary Tetm. r29 Cio. Ill: 17 9. aaic' II Wd 11 . rm if a hi 1 1 ; :r i Tt ; . jng witn rinuy 1 erm, J9 ycp.iu. o orthreeof tlierEV who? j J5Y PtASCiS vsIev, jt?K. JS; on 'A T -

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