' 7-.-f. 1- w4 fa Its"! r. it ei -i."--.. e3- fl" pering aCjbtpaffed in-5qt Whitakcr. bt thTlr:pmnm I Hi f i A Hi -A' Iron. - A mart' whnVlitrM .A- ;n.V tUJ 11 ill ays in Kiipf'ft U a gent fork the- anil that an ?gcnt may ,.ne v.- V to? Vc!Hy might ,m did nmk it rigJ for tne fliWt10 required? tnrm.. y- . vmv jw was proT,,dd hata than 'who did not gift jr. alia of his pro- i pcrtyhdtild a doiible tax-, xvas, that the Stafeji Should not he dc . fraufied- wittqut this provifion, 'Otilm 'ftotilli not" give in their PiWy; d;;the,STateoiild lo(c ; twotthWvfs;tax4 no toribdsthat in every xrounty coh eraB. quanUieS of U nd Were at preFerft unentered," and efcaped tax. TAtoM obTerVed it was erne Hhe 'purporef of this hiUfto make .dn-rcfidents pay their tixes. At lcaHf ont--fixtl of th 'Und in the State, "-had heofqre (taped taxa tionj; but the f ropoled double tax, it i$ expeaedj "would induce the owners of property, xvho live at a diftance from iit to fce that it is du- ' If entered ; . . , Mr. F. WA RE Did, tha at Vptetcot, if lidd ! was uot entered! the faxes' upon, it ' were T.vt loft to the State. ;G;-nilemen fieed only look. into the State gazette, and l!f conttanlty fee a long liftjoT the advettifefnents of She rifF$ for the Tale of unentered lands for the taxes diuej on them. He did notjmean to exonerite any property f rotn ta x, ; what he wiflied, was, that thejtax (houldjbe equal to all. Mr. Alunber believed fuS cient had been jfajd, ap convince the hwife that the jbili was proper as it noy ftotd. If an obieftion tould be tnade to a double tax being laid inany inftance!, it would be in cafes where owners were not resident w.jhin the Stated There might be :. fofne reafon .in exempting from the double tax fuK peribns as refided ; in Unpthef Stte or f n a foreign . country ; but furely it could be no hardlhip oh any pet Ion refiding within the State ; bscatife every cit izen is fuppofed robe acquainted with the laws of the government tinder wh:ch he lives! If theigen.: tlemn from" Rutherford ; would confine his amendment in this way, he (hould notjolbjefi tot it. ' ' - - Mr: E r w t t ob le rved, that it was the intention of j this bill to guard again fl jhat lofs which va at prefent (uftained by the . revenue, owing to perfons living out of the country "where their, property ly. not giving it in. It was well known, that in the . weftern counties, cot one half of the land would be given in, except this double tax was laid. Though the owners of not. live in tne- atateg tney were dbubtfefs acquainted wi h the la ws in force where their property lay. and heSoped- the amendment would . not pals. - j; - ' ' ' :. ! The motion: was put and rieffntiv- f The ! queftiph Was iow! on the bill pa fling its fecond read ng, and ?tjh Vyeis, and -nays era called y Mr F. Walker; to rVBVtf oh worth hoped the1 naya would, be difpenfed wun on tnis reading,. and taken on the final paffage of thejbill. D urine vi part or xne aucuuion on this bill, ft :Jie ;ha;dibeehjneceflaril:jf abfent ; and t therr ,er; iome partj of it which ; be : thou h t'1 needed It . The amendmHts might be introdu- !C5WWM rcadnS and the thn properly falceh btiit if jhe were cajlef tip Y'ony for -h.is vote, in the preient thebill, he f fhould vote: agnnft itthoiigh hlthight be lor it ultimately; rp , :-. ' f U . Mr, TAToii (aio, this bill was before the hpjife three years ago, and , t i-wasjnecePaiyl iir (holdu be 1 1 genilcmen wimed the Hi i venue of thejState f be duly 1 t;ohe&xth part of the reyeuue ?yf at prelen' loft, ior;ahf fome'fuch regulat f tion-aathe ;;pttfe'h'ti In looking I ever the TpCprsJinOnge ..where, i twpjjd 'oejU k howledged f the public buriefs wls "well'mai I v riaged as inapy jother iountyjTrthe Stae,-hewasfcpnddon L part-:of)Hlac erc; and:.::;-the':- ftaroiyiinijh.in co theretwere s.i'fi lacVViotlc 'MyfP a"d he believed onf-rourift part ot t he 1 a nd was not ieptered. fHrfeadldoubt ther I '. - i w.iM-"-.i--.-t.v,'.!'-filial' td iti gH. .i'l XAitnjt was it ' in rt or th t an o w WT Vmr:pm hem. I tr u tted. tv' , .' . r : . Wlvm ujn : .lid V f ryamenament they propoled w eei ved, theV would hot fvoW aiinti he prefent .pelage of ':bilA M pi iutipies or, tne phj were good. every racmwr ought to tupport it : all muft confefs thit there are gtat delinquencies in the prefent collec'- lion pr tne revenue. If nothing? more was obtained bv ther bill that rreefabiihment orah tin i form iime of takng the lifls r wotild be z nraote mtalurej At 'prefent, everyCounty regulates its Own time for,appomting Jufties to take: the uttsot taxable property, &c. By the tfme being uniform throughout he S rate, the attention of the peo- y- "" fiwu.iinyunwn to f, as theennes; can be mad6 at no othei time. The provifion for colleain the taxes of perfons about to rhove away, he alfo thoughta good regu Mtion. Heretofore,! Mr. A. ob- rveq pur Treafury had beei niiea rrom relburtes which were how nearly cxhaiifled : and it was therefore. nrcefTry to introduce greyer ftnQnefs into the Colleton of the; Revenue,; than had hitherto been obferved ; What one man pays, laid he, every man who is equally liable ought to pay. Mr Bloooworth added, all he had required was, the Gentleman who had called the Yeas and Nays, would withdraw his motion, and let them be taken on the laft reading of the bill. He wifted cyety ne reflary regulation to be adopted; but he did not with togivehis vote in the dark. He (a w (omethine in the bill which did not meetjh-s ap. probation, and he thought it would be no diladvan age to it, to luffet it to. pais at preJent in the uftial way. . - .! j. j i Mr. WaLke obferved, (that it was not lefs hisdefire. than that oiher Gentlemen, to have the Re yenue duly collefled. He Was not a friend to the bill, nor fiiould he vote tor it; huf if the Gentleman from New. Hanover wifheft furthei time to tonfider the hill, before he was Called upon for his yea or nay. he fhbuld not obieft it. and with- drew his motion. 1 Mr. Er win hoped, thuh the b:ll might not be complete, tb?t Gentleman would not vote agn ft it'rpalting a fecond reading on th t account. I He trufted the h. II wonM pafs rts third redihg, and that the Yeas and Nays would be now ta ken i . On puttins the oueft ion. nr nK. jaion to the pitting appearinc. Mr. E. withdrew his motion. MINUTES. Mondajr, Nov. G. Wright, from Wil appeared, was aualifisd. Mr. J. mington, ana iook ms teat. A mefldge was lent to the Senate, informing that body, that General .Tie the Governor had ap pointed a Commiflioner toadjuft the conteft refpeft ng the boundary lmc between this State and S. Carol na, being prefent, and wiming to com-' municateiwith a: ffot fidentiij com mittee onfthis fubjea,- a joint com mittee was propoied. . The Senate agreed to theappoint ment of a committee for thrs pur pole ;,but not to its being called a confidential committee, or to its be ing inverted with any poWrr to withhold from either Houfe any in formation that; may be obtain ftn th?s fubjea i Always relying ISe prudenceof the mefmbeisof anyconj jnittee not upneflanly -''dif ulgjne to the public nutters proper only for the mveftigation of the legifla ture, . , i . t ; L- Received from the Senate, a refo lution req u j r i n g t heG o ver n o r t o de mand; from the Execut i ves of the MfffiffippiTerH.for State of TennefTee, the furrender of Wro. Tyrrel and Stokely: Danaldfbn. to the end that they may be brought to trial: For! frauds; " ' '''' Vy- I" e W ere pr&n ted atidTfadyi2.by Mr. Dabney, a tiiH to amend the leyerahas i granting feparafe eleaions in the countv'f Chatham; hy Mr$truork, Mil to amend the iothtftaiQA" of an aa for thebetter careof brphans'and fe- curny ana management of their ef- trcts ; by Mr. Jf Mebane ailtfor the .tfiujaijfeojt bdlauthorifingthetreafureofpubi lie ; buildings-in aVenbuhtV to caii smmmm Iioners-inthe difttiet iif Nh to account; or diflria monies; by Mr,- !. Paitcer. a ! Iwll to!t attpatle m j TMtprevehej ture-importationlindri iir H Cves and, inaenletfe' lour IpttTthis: trrJtS. m,lkey Jokbllcheifxcatf laxes-'due; h rm iVftTuf er tV)f lihe ;ty-oMerf jitapiun tw iepJaTe' elections and jcnerai mutter in ijiaaen coun y, t rvFioivca, tnat no pin or a private hatnre'hetfouced after Saturday! ti ff i ne n-ouiei went into a committee the bill to amendjthe penal laws, tted in the debates. The Senate informed the houfe reieaed the bill to that.;they had amend an aa to prevent frauds in the lalebf property therein mientroned,. puffed m 1704.' j ; , ! The Sena re proprifed that ? bill which they fept to ejlablifh a Supe rior . Court of Law! and Equity at Srnithfield, in Johnson county, 'be referred to a Committee of the mem bers from the diftriflft nf Mrwhn i4Uboroughand Halifax. Agreed. Tuefday. Dec. t. 1 ft V . I 1 The Followpp bHsl were presented apd read, viz, by Mr. M'Len nan; -a l .II . A 1 V J , I . bill to authorife the adminilf r'Of s lat- ftenffef of Malcolm M'Niell Moore county, tocHl& rh taxes dUe; by Mr, B. Smith, a bill to al ter the mK3 of fifing money to de ftjay the ex pence of the jurors from Burke country to the ctvurts, c. The queftion on the (econd. read ing of the divorce bill'Was.taken by vas and nayL and loft, as already ftated. j ; :,v J y Received from tne. Senate! a renort of the fela commiuee appointed to conrer witn Uen. DiVte or, the tub jeft of the boundary line, which was concurred wrth. I Received ai 1 ft left ion of o, a bill to repeal the an aa for appointing comnvflioners to extend the boun dary line of this Stale pafled in '96. J Wedntfday, Dec. (. ? Bills prelented and resd. via. hv Mr. Banner, a b 11 to! eftahlh an in- lpe6lion on Dan Rive-, on the land of Abflom Boftirk, in Stokes county ; by j j Mr. Clarke. 3 bl to! repeal parti of an lalpaficd bft leilioh, to prevent the vrorking two tetnes at the fame placeon the Pee- der, &c. fo faW ?s relate toa Certain flind therein mentioned f by Mr I re.fpecifr.e retihnp Taom, a bij Ipirituous liquors inlthe counties tnetein menuor.ed ; by Mr. Kn-pht bill to fecuriel to Hannah Mai.in (uth efla'e as Ihe maf hereafter ac quire ; Mr. Small, j b 11 to empower the county court of Qhowan to ap point thedutiesof the Infuedor. &c bv Mr. Cairo-j a hilt to alter the placertf holding the feriarate eletbon m the county "f Curi rtuck; by Mr. Kennedy, a b 11 cotifirminf the nth to lands entered m Beaufo rt ann Mastin counties, 3nd to alcertaii, the bout.daties of faid counijes ; anc hy Mr. Fhcrr, a bill! direimp thr mafmt in whch rorififcatld lahd ftill ir. fut arc be cii CrinirA rip The f: dlowihg mefT.ge. Us re- reived rom th Governor -I To the Hon. th General Affably-6 ixortn c arouna. I Gerttlemrni : 1 1 have held a "task with tit uuih inc 1 ujcoiora lsuiinlt, ihf rlult c tthe de I HOuiii wh;ch, perhaps, mij b mrnefeflf: canea ro your i-ionorble Uliy. pnety f anointing f CaihhvllioMf mifiionrs. t. treat With them rL obUa explained in the fetr. f ,I ...'. ipccune U't ofar; "h.chatY dayS:paft I Utheho! norjM layinj before the Ce'ner.l .kmhiv nC"?' ' :i- j! ' fi' ILUAMS. A meflage wai.fent to the lefaU. propofing that a fpcicial joint corrf rniftee be appointed to confer wif thejndian Chief of ! the Tulcoron Tribet on the nature and extent cf neir claim to Jands in this State 1 he ben-te propo fed balloting to morrow for field officer of the ca yairypt the 9th brigade, nomihatin for T.iput Pnl r4',. 1 . J. t -- uv.. x w . Vwui)tJ4inuant uaniej bmith, for hiil Major , Maior Wm 1 ate, iand tor 2d Major And. Baud '',a .M"UiC a,urr" 10 ine nominatiori dw. Jones arid John navidfbn,th former for tl Major, the latter fo 2d; David fori 's name! w a saftcrwa rd withdrawn, i ! i ? f Received from thei Senate, :a bilH : j 'T l,,nc,OT ine annual meet iiib of me general a nnkr. . - u:ni o lamena an fatt to prevent theft J and robberies by flaves arid fr 'T .. ! . ,' ' ... --r.-.. r , i una I groes ,or mulattds, and to amend an surjiQ prevent tne wi ouskiflihgpf flafe ; i.1 . L . ' i 1 fultandmalici- a bill to amend an act tor the mdre reulir 0u"tgfPilictaxe bjifh (an additiohal tleaioh fhf the county or; IN Hanover, ne b'n jv: lamerid an aa to pre' per. jmportation and Pgg Pl-m and indented fer. yanw or cotouinW tliis State being on ,ts read hg, the queftiln'wav -yfpp-H Vs follow : &PreW ChikCUyto; i.Otleo Culiet)Be. CaII f.. .4-. . . iliotOQ. Ilortani jobar J M Carrot Gating Grav. G iVfK i W Hook, Htmteri HuJfnei johnttbtt, VVVV. .''I JViin, jvirrceu M tiler, Wi Mitche'i, G.; MifxhtlU MoftMy Moye, 'Perry fc.erlot,, JiRobmlori Sloch,: R. Jith, fiv Stmthl J. Smith, Tt, j TayWi Wilker, Ward, t Willuou, T. Wrightf aM J jrancey.b;r ; ;j -' 1 fclojntiop from the Senate,' al lowingtoricleksof Siiperior Couits cehain fees. was reined. J . . .huffitay, Dec. 3. '-' Bills orefented hrLl a bjii fa- the relief f pcrfooWning tail tain iu s aiaie; ij Mf. jj U. Wright, a biif to re viH nd aitfend theUavrs new in: force for re he! pilotage ahd TiavigaiieftCap Ftft river, and toi pireirentinv th I'ntroAtAi jeiitBiouc dil'ea(is i Kv Mr 4 i-v:n i -, j Ulli to I rOITtOt tcienc irid Irnll., if r - i in hie vviiilV mlrd the laws heretofore rafted for .rfvuln. I thjratai effrja oil he Murrain dittmper a- I ariena xne 2d lectaop el an aa pafled in 1 768. i O ; f '"j ".I ' Dill TO totaantnd an aft to rjeltrain the keeprng ot i6- gri a Bumor ot;hjoTle and rriarcs,1 and. t'or ame(nding the trejdj; by Mr. Taylor, a kill to ajrrevnj the a tb prevent Uct flive aming $ J Re.eiYtd trom ihe StYiate. a WW rrartin. )-ic tctnoni ana general mutter on the ; j notdh eU fii o t4prirtr in aidoif h ; a! p P'eftr:be thje puhifhmrn Jfor fdrgery iri j certain xaifs; a bHTto div de -he 2d brigade, oi jtfte 6-It aivilKwjiW two t,.it,hdt brgadeS j 4 prevent cer'iaiij aauies theietn mett tiotid j a bill to ajnnd the 3d feaion ot an aajfior appointing ad itional Jtnlgt f the Mip4nor Court ot ihfc dittn K:-orRa! &c ; -a bfijl i0lir.ed an id r thi .ftrng the town of Cjharinit ; a bi;h icercei-uiflg tart WjiU thuai;iic ; fiot)Stf leiecuto.'S. and grM,mxr cleso! reg.Her of iTyfr coutLtyv to' W.d ! tntiorhces'wuhinj (jiid coQnty ; 'jaViH to r 1 ettaWJift ihe feparate eeneral rr-.,ri.- .. 1 .jpf.i..n ot JaS At,nS, i, Caml)1a J uM, acr in t lOt IWM,, ; a pay o, the .lp. ,aw, ot this of cr, to culle6krr.U. i?C S ry'otv If rn body's t irJF'r' C mn itH WSi tinted to! take U tl "ait0lX fi. Uwa which r" exutl, .'I "T'h1 h hands ot fcf tU4!rf3lm,,rat r: the tune , '"'F,f,d by Jw. ;&jc. - ! TjHe s. atw rriebrd k:.t .t.. PM, trom holoing or than oJc&t h,.l W tl,nn!mee! propufiuo s reported a b'U b anex par; CUll ts j : i gte Governor Hid beh-rr the Mu& aCe- ncrai Return f Militia of ihe. Mate ljlspiefnicdaid read, viz by Mr Biood the tn 6e of apprort : bl M ; ? anier'. a: Mil of Srefdfboroush hv - v - vi . 10 a im jhg certain. liM Mr a bill tb revive an . uaffe'j 1iff " jul t. fo far a reiares ti l oran . K Mr crow v-nge, bill tiaUrnrf 1..' fi Vt 4 L .1.1. .1 ; L by M T nuiums ine elect i oil in !. pcii- K - B mnh. a bill io a:iieni an ad to Jrcurithe ,mHartai,t ul tnal by jury, &e r J button. a 6 U confirming the . .iUl WU.S6I lunatics; b:v Mr W I preveht fiauds m th!e ile of leather i by Mr . . w . . rranllfin, :ourt to ktehis offici at the court houie or a Dili 10 ttfmpei the clerk nf Sih-r. 1 It. ! I . ' I HI . C - btteof : hv Kir. ! mir a tnn.n- m the me of VV'ilii U atfun 5 Wriah ii to (prevent thie a bill t! repeal pari of . 1 i everal lei irs ot hunt g tl 'rem tr.? ntionet t a bili io, the lurther Pieu?i:!on ot the tow 4r n ol Etlei tin ; and: by 1 i-otten, a t-iff to emanciDate a net.ir, the name of li liza . . : I te Senate "rtiecleU: nnj it firiii! the bi . ""if 5 vju net ram mucrnpet amotigicattict .:J:;i . i' , . "ti' laws reieectine tr.e Mur Saturdayji iLecember j, nil 3 prelenieu arl read. R. annir, a bill to crtt the couritics of MoUs I v z. ufhvl Vim rnrrf. jh.iiu.i,:... i "rr!f ,an? .'PPOttiitpg a Supirior.Cbi.rt of r -...-iuiWiMnyi(ira irnupiit w jar ine 1 am- ; by Mr. Brow , a bill; snnqpart of Kichnid to Robelon county- kit V9 v:-n L.11!1 it f l"'i oiu inaKn.g compcrilation u juj-or ot Chow.n cuiity, and one to empoive; v. touri to lay, a lax for build rjg atp00r haute kv Kir 1 JJ - lmi?:. : h.( manhtr in which r,h her.tts ol Buncombe and jVVilkes fha i hereafter collefl and pay Vl rLTe taXCS of f1 cjounties; by Mr. Grift. Vi1 " T a ter inc namle ot JudkiM, in fevc rr prions, to that bt Hodge, and a bill cqnitrra tne eraai,cipatiti ofalcertam nesrc tc 6ti panea minis ; by Mr. Harvey, a b Sit "11-' " 1 y fuJ'c' oiLK.anaolfJ to artddyuita eltab1in two f.par.tt Geilal M till W re in Cnr. t 1 : r u ?"Tj- j'r v ocawiii 'a bu V5 1" Pr.. je-nkii9 Uevany and Thorny 7 wVP0 latc heriiti ot FrankJin U& CH ftrcf. of ta"1 y Mr Ri ver:a Ibill wjinrvuu, . to collect arrears liwtV'-11 fa ; Mr Ba.rdl-1 bill tnkr J.L: - r . " Ti? Y"r rcgiaiion or tfte town, et art acA for tatilitating naTipation. a! r,.:., g Pilotage, io far , a. ,ef,he pjrr of VVa-bjpg.ont by Mi, H. Sealall. A,Lr. tTlm Biooawprih . bill . f t1! rabtfetreek ; Mr f- J herder fe1bj Mr 3 f X. M V t relate tbc w n of Nontoat -b)h Parker. V bnYfto Aknf 4 W to ime nd in 5l5il f rf eVeratfficlrre I iti .t.i tJ7 r00':1"? nl a K,it J Ae . Ti,e,pommiee cf projk ,n bficen the cookies I, boUtUrI Mjore. patTed - ii Vli, tfe.M.rvRm, TnrleiJatetherei;toco lh Senate tjta ,he h n ' ihetonmteof probation. Pner, from fo fe4red recognir "Hd h :boUdfortheafp,atanceS;;,'n fort, whitft asxoncurred in. Joni A meffage was feut to ihe S, to balt in Monday morning ft Gee,aiS for the 7h and , lth J'r! nominatiTig for the 7,h, MomI g,d,J Alexander Vorke. and R;a ft for the ,, Geodr?JAhm0nd r,o 7 George Grah am sad t; Intelligence from bnglanU m f , ' nc w it mater lai lnf'rr.. tro't by the H,m'ou;irfge to Holland, x ""If 'rdll: vo,rt .ha- , angeorr,: vernmentN Thp n. u ha b en l J! Jiulcr ert Tl. ' PT. 2fV. 1 tn ft 1 u . ,um ,,ra to 'ne people n th Cat & a ,c"i a imz hft chamber, with cr. lafk ItMution. The direftory did Z -dv,ce of the cbmKor v -.t uena-es took place. Upon a oVihon there was a majority again ft ihr direaory of 28 to 2 A cornrr.rttee was appointed to re iort upon the meffage. Their re. poi t was favourable to the principle I 1 """" "! iuj). rnuied to the people. But when . tne rebort wa tr.V r r t:irT, was negatived by 3? t0 2- was agreed to bT deferred. In this flare of affairs ! thie direaory pubhfhed a proclarra!i tu.n dilToIvirig the legiaative bndyt andrequ tring the people to give their Votes upon the new conftitutionoai me iit t October. The members of the leg-.lliture who oppofe the directoiy were arretted. The new confiitytion confifeof 108 .tt cles. The direaory were ty be abol.fhed and the executive wfr4istr be vefled in a fitte J iu,"Vor jt2 Derfons, one of vhom; ) tg'uTyear 1 y. The legjflatunr 15 o conhlt of 35 members arid Ihe ! tepuhlic is to be divided into eight departments. OCT. 1. It appears that Sir J. B; Vzrtent on th- 141b September, debarked on the illirid of Elba, from dror, a body of 2,r,co men. Sw I5 liement of Wadvile, together with iailoi s ar.d marines. Th'S .de ct aaing in concert withHhft gWrrifnh made a fally, and tock Fireneh battery, which commni- j ed the p rt. ; Our ! frigate, their r floid m and the corps we had lird ed advanced to at tat k the French The Mcniteur fays, that our troops j were completely reptilfed and an-; ifrcppted in their retreat : that'two 1 hilndr d EngMh i were tak n pri- ' (qhiTS, and upwards of one t' onfV d of the f. non troops killed. One fng.ite is fasd tt have been d'lmfted, and fen gun boats taken. This ac-, count is in all .probability cxaggc-, rated, s :' . - I OCTOBER 8. j Much h-s bren laid of the fecrecy obletved during the prrgrefs of the negotirft ;oi a lrrecy fo prrfrund, that , bur t rie day before, nay on the yeryjy Peace was figned, tNrc a .was )a very general expectation that the nfgottation would immediate break c.ff. It his been laid, Jbatj 'Biioht parte would not detemiire tin'ly, until the fate of Egypt was ?. decided ;tatid it is luppoled, thajt U ieceived an account of the furrerider fViiekand 1a, before he difpatched meleriger, notifying the acqep tancrif:i he. ultimatum. ' gJjYtjftrday. Mr. Melvi'z arrive i town fitun Crnflantino'jle, and bmilbht th ar-niirtVf Viftiripnc 1 .-'---. fv VAI1W iwi .j ot Alexandria. On the lfhicj Augitt; Gen. Hutchinton invrflf ? he fortrels with the large force un der 'ri!ifcom'niandir-lMieco.ope.ratn' 'I of S fS dney Smith aiTn'ted him rrf u Jer tally, bv the deftruaion ot t!. .j trench gun tvoats and iome batten hetween Lake Mareotis and ,rf . fhore, whichFtook place on the 2iji i f lft monvh'. Afer t C( j; nl fhment nfthls Ce. Menou J5 . till i C "VTIXI III V w ie tri of mand an armiltice fr; three jwrtch! wasjgrrited ,r.rnyf vroriai nnoirg ' defence deitroved .acceded to tbffj" mtdi' r:;A:" t! . iili Orto 'S fa 4tohave.i?n 1 cihi.h,opGndJ s in the ";iA r i v.uicna an ict to rcfiulate artH of e fu rrenoei -7 Jci!? 5ker,t ParltfrRiW "t'-.i. I t 'V,r.K' if l. IV... 1 1 :k. . i' J -: -re - I drta, !ottuffda.y th. J0