- ...JliiHrfnH I i i YmYY V! -v'-i-.-i-'tii- 13? 1 ' l ,.: -.: . iBlta r.jie-' WMT -"P ---f . . . i f u j a vt t n em mi i kto mor bers might be heififeiNd evif cquH an wiranaa aire bad tf &lgfiedthe frul IiTm xiuuic; no acoaie pcipg aamimuxc on aiiotloiilpaln'.f fff-: ' iv i .ffhe';diioK?Wai :;:6heiJ lt:; and 'camcd?;by: '5JJHE Subfcribtf iakeltii Mctkod JiVe been fo g"od at to fat our himV'tk their Cullom, that he has tknrHy dirpbft&tf hi Stock of Goods 4 n iiotfnowwUkeri (J tt 'VAnotberMemfettva$'fabi6u(to t a jtiinii, and tarnellfy teeftifaH luch ai Open Accounts, with hm, (cem in J and clofc ihc.faraeTeither 4by. giviag Ketei or making Payment id XJafli, or Cottn . Mr, James l homplon, 76r htmlelf, will jwe due mcadancc at hit Store -HoaTe. I OHN PORTER. RIetgt, Dtrt IB, is o i . PETER MITCHELL & Co. HAVE lately opened Shp.in Warredton, and have for .Sale eVery Article in tKe SADDLERY LINE, whicV they ill Ul 4 law as rficy axe foW at Pcte'iftuVg'or Rich mond -I- r,:"'f H ' ; tlfcf 'faff, I :i : t A QiiLur ot beft SOi;-:ah4 rUPlER EATHEkBOOr XG?, &ci and a beautifwl AiTertmcnt of M USL1NS, f every Pefcriptioa, which they will fetl.tery low. 1 lt'rrentnt Dfe.t.- . v J !:'" " v. t jUST PUB: ISHED, h ' ; ; Prict i. W. , '?!! : nPHfi -Dcbltcs on tbe Bill for a-jf-' sending the Penal Lawi of this State, which took pUcesln the Hou'fe of Commons 6 the jdtlTNov. and the 7th and 8th of Dec. trnkeninShurUlUKiby J. Gaits, And to had at his Book-ftorc ia. Raleigh. WIFE ABSCONDED-. TXrttcreas ttiV Wife Kancy Hirt 7 V V ley. haUbfconded frotti Sei and feoard with me, and has taken up with evil Comrau. jaicatioa, and has robbed me of great Part of what little Property 1 poffeffed : I therefore ttxts buDlicW dilcUim her ; and caution all rjcrfdris from giving her Credit, as 1 cannot be aftfwerablefor her Conduct in any Cafe whatfoever. JOSHUA HARTLEY; TO BE RENTED,' For str Yiar eammeneiHX if the firfi Day tf q-HAl tart or trie r latitat top; tq- the SoutK Side efthe 1loa4 leaiihgjfrosA fxid Auy 10 niiuoorougn, :iniauix;qc wicsr, Dwelling and Out-Hoafei: ; IlioraV fatall Field ujott the" Rocky to the Gro wth of India ForjfTcrhlf apply to WILLIAM KmUitht X)c. t St, 1801. 'SHERIFFS' SALES, NOTICE. 0 TiuTfij,tb th yj ' Feiruarj next ,10! J befliy at tbe 47 tirtttHt ihSmtbJitli, HrHE following 'Lind and Tjown liotay or fb much as Will be fufficient to" difcharge.the Taxeslad Contingtnt Charges lor t&e Year 800 1 . "; im '-. -.I ' 'i-ijob Acres lyng,6 the New Road that leaifrom Smithfield to Newbern Lots in the Town of Smithfield, No. 137, S: Smith, fen; and No. 139, J. R6brts. . ' ' 1 Dte x. SAM. NORS WORTHY, V Sheriff of Johcffton County. NdTICE. Euolkftvinir 'Tracts land Lats of LAND. Ilying aad beinj ,a Orange " j ,0 'l, -. 1 1 J I Co mry, and Town of Hilliborough, not be ing eiven in ot returned ia any Lift of Taxa tie rProperty within' laid. Couiity, for the Year ) Soo, will be fold at the Market. Houfe in Hiilfboroogh, oh the aoth of February next; for the Taxes due theron or fo much tnereolFaj i will oiufficienr to pay faid Taxes, together with the Cofts and Charges of adver 'fifing; idmakthg.fai& Salest t'k I j. , . j One.Tradof Land lying on Buffalo Creek, a Branch of Little River, formerly ,the,Pro perty of John Kelt, adjoining! the Lands of S amuel TurVentine Od Jas. Wation, eon -, tainiag: jooeresvt -;; ! Hllnwrohrerly the Property of Mr; Medici, is :vu aniic of HilllMroucJi; fuppofed to contain ya i Lota Ndi4.7:48,iq 58. 67, 85,rto4, 105, t9b,fiZt kUi 14, 1 la and 143. ' iYAM:-Y ;lv I W STURRENTINE; bkartat Dec. .'.:' - A - 1 , -. ; i H ifeKOTICE. yS tht urt'it::iM:RMtftrttn9': URu- ; UberfirJ Cfiutty Friday tbe $tb ef ffy nexti iritis' mu. &uiuf ; : iHE foilowtng L7VNp!s,fbt;t : Taxes due for, the Years 1790 and iSoo, and inHWOUIluy vuiii, ." 100nIW IranehC.wallrada td hoTji .rXotf.nTirI iitheSouth Si of Main Broad Kiyer the II tl.- itnii. mmvJ.w .. . 1 1 jl. i c iifcn j. s buuvhuu mill lcvciiM'.ivrriri , iiminic . " J. v: c.A,a u "th P.. .r v 1 1 liicroretterl anrl nt:rfttrlf. a rnnhHnhl lnMv. r rm-ir r: At lt i r l man oe oreiented tor a!t k- V mriekioo crea on, Hinton'i Creek, Itre. their Right can be fully confirmed. vfliould they even be fd fortunatai Ztti(t?J?ur l n Sii SAcr. aluUitdatelydtftablifhtt. . t t WO UI,lU 1?? f jha thi; tjd.tjtduavc of ths Sums advanced for Buildings, amodntto about Kini Si1 H0" K brc is,,eWd with pippertyif VVjiUm Hundred Pounds annually '.-This Sum exceeds; by-Teveral Hiindrsid ffH?1" Achate f fon lach of 1 il Che-Pjopertydf SuetThomp. Poundage total Amount of annual lntereft rectivedon BwauTc Funded Hrn fuch fortiori SHhiproperryfof perceived that theprefcnt uds of.tht UnivcrfUynnotW fapport i'tyri?' Yi'.m&AW thit Inftitution,., It mayperhaps be proper tike wifertOobfertre; that tht hh tl,e TrVafertr may iffuetfoV te feei iigiitif; ninV Inet h)5Hltkg ahli BKicMitoneiSbf thClitddle aidftTWMtjTfin et ineiut RtwarJ 1 I'M CTANDS at the'SubicriberU Sta trie enluing Seafod. Half svjMile from;mti P oft Road fren PeterfbarsMto Charleftoo, two MilSHilove Mofeley't Ferry on Roanoke,' Iwelve Nartn.tait 01 warrenton, tnirty aoovt Halifax, ahd about ftxty North-K alt ot Ka leighT The Terms fhailt fee : made known in due lime. ' . .. u SOLOMON COTTEN ttb De. 1801. ! !:' iH . Qfi!he Finds of the Univerftty bf Noriti-C&rottndt jhiw i fiohat has faen received on Account the Ibjiitutionfincc its Eftablijkr menC, as xoeK from public and private Donations as f ton the Salt: of f cheated nd Confifc&tcd P Woptrtyy 'including all Monies $et due on every Account; Jhcmin&alfo the Expenditures on Account of the J aid Univerfity, and the whole Amount of the funds pofefed by the Truftccin the jirft Day of December, 1801, in Cam, JSonds, Amount received in Cafr from the State . do. on Accounrof Arrearages or old Debts given by the State. , . do. jfofSalo of Lota in Smtthvillc, :rfX t 1 ' M ! ' Private Donations (a great Park of which is ftill due) , Stock is the Funds of the Uaiited States, j Original Sum, vix. iioi 86 dollarsj at I per cenl. ( I 90! ij, do. at 3 percent. 601 41 d3. deferred. .' ! Total, 1706 41 dollars, eual to keceived for Sale of the Lots at the Univerfity, Sales of Elcheated Property, deducing Expencel, Sales of Contifcated Property, dedufting Exprtcesif Received for Redm Rent, Sale and Hire of, books, and Tuition Money in the Preparatory School, , S Ioterift received on Bonds for Efcheated aid Confifcated Pro ) party, Douatioas, Fuaded Stock, it. Y . Total Amount . Mstpenditurcs, viz. Paid for Build1 gf, i - : J ; ; 14.685 j Salaries of Profefforaj tTUtors, Secretary, and Treafurer, J4 4i901 ' Lknds bought near the Univerfity, 130 Contingent Expeiicet, ' . . I1605 Leaving in the Hands of the Truftees, on the firft Day of December,. 1801, a balance of Eleven Thoufand Sir riiindred and Eighteen Pounds, feven Shillings and ten Pence. Of this Stim, I have in my Hands as follow, viz. In Ca(h, the Sum of . 2663 Add a Donation of Two Hundred Dollars from - th tJnitaa Fratrum, not yet (Uted in my , Account . 1 . t. Bonds for Confifcated Property, fi.IiY .Certificates of Funded Stock, original Sum, or - . :-.'. ... received thereon for Reim- " lUirCtinest of Principal, v i ' ' XeaTCi tnt neat Atnoant of Stock, yjn yje.iupctioT ;y.ourr oi tnc untrict 01 nunoorougn, 'i-il Judg,mentJiave been lately obtained, and remain ftill due,' to the Amount of . ; -' There Is ftill diie from private Donations, the Sum of ;? C77 14 4 which remains to be collected by the fe veral Attorniesof the Board, and which, added to thr different Sums now in the Hands of the CommifBoners r aad other Agenti, vix. 5465 8 8 amounts to Making in the whole as above, the Ylt is perhaps well to obfervej that by Subferiptjon, has been already that it remains atiogether uncertain what Putt of the Sum ftill due can be recovered. The Probability, however is, that of the Amount due, as above ftatedj wit. f ni tt 4i not fnt)re thin twoahirdi will ever be rd- It is atfopfopet- to remark,) that ing full Paiyaaent even for the Judgments which have been obtained, or for the Bonds m the Handt of the different Agents of the Board. t Ano. tker Circumflante worthy of ; Confederation is, the Expences necefiarilv incurred in Colleclions. and alfo the II .,rt.w wif fnr Tifr;Ur; II Commiffionera. as for Lands irhDroDerlv fold i that is. where fuch Lands I A. a M,LVWa -.mm-- w wa ivit wa w bad eithet been fold by the Commlllioncrs or Conhfcatiori under the State. or were claimed by Rights prior to that of the Truftees Several fuch In (lances have already occurfea, fjtill remain to be adjuftedi On duly weighing thelo Circumftances, it will be eaiily feen, that-great Allowances mult be made in calculating on the Funds laf the Univcruty, I There wnoie Amount, coumipt proper ueauciions oe novr aicertainecii Avould tall ihortot "lenahouiand founds; : : 1. , I ..-j? '; 7 ' The Lands belonging to the Truftees .a re as fbllowi vie1 i intheStateofNorCarolika,1,eini: -lntheSUtefTenMflce, ad,ooo Acres of ing omy tne iioerty or renting it annually, Kei petting the izotco ACTes lying within the Indiaai Boundary, it is obvious that: so SalsqUKefei ian be now made tb adyantare. Thus little Hope can btf entertained ofWnfi. Landa yielding any Profits to the University for feveral VeafaV'efpecially vyhen it is confidered, that With Refpeft to thtfe given by Maior Cefafd - ) f ii i "ii rm ii i -. ' wsrh''.fe v',vy feTtffij--T-''f P ' " ! - . I ...... - HMI " i i i If, 'I' THIS DAY WAS PUBLISHED, 1 HORTHCAltpCirrangetfn diftl lilt Heads ftlklpKiVetieal Or. TH E Subfcriber 'gives fNotic to his Friends and the Public at large; That he has commence4;the , HATTlN Or U3I N hSS' in thf Torn of Fayettevillti its, various liranchef' where Hatf ar made in. the aeweft aod nirtateft Fa(hion, : and orji the ftWteft Notice. Thofe. who will pKafe to favour him with their CuftomV fliall be duly attended to and the ;Favourratefully ml. knbwledgcd. ,' JjM r- .. I y ! Wanted, three Bojs as Apprentices t the above Buiinefs. YT ''"' Dee. 12. r TOSEPH WING ATE. or othertoijc tiftojoevcr. .! ; o 9 o it Hi. to 4 18 4 1 q 10 3 6 i,Sc4 Y .. S 1,282 14 jC? 2,341 a 6 ii 6 14 o 8 4 a 10 13 97 21 14 S;j . 11,618 7 10 o 11 100 -2763 dS5 It 1353 4 7 3 4 1281 9 a I 4 Sum of 11,618 7 to a con fiderabJe Part f the Donations loft through Inlolvencies, &c. and there is a great tlnceftainty of reteiv Slims freauentlv refunded bv the in f A ma UtU;r Anrn;.nj m aaw wt; kisvii ivtwi IIJVJ ai vj, and more Claims of the fame Kind is much Re a fon to believe, that the ! AcrJriM, whieh lie within the Indian Boundary; Mg- 7 .4.99 1,066 umrccam torn ladetbkih VVM 7. 6;iJSW in orJs. 6d: iirll ?&mMntQc&YiYWUY i v 1 jl.m AN 1A NNlTi WgdKm Memdriadumiind lei I r'3 Poul S ujoej bankrupt Law. f Duties is import, fetamp Duties,; Duties on, Time of holding; Federal Courkss ferefal fefuliTabls,;&c.-;. V . :h'Y Y$ I A10 rU i,- ;; ThADlE POCKETilibpK, at the famf Price, i' -.s-1; V-p-'i e emVtilifhed: with Iprint o'f de Front View of, the PrefidenVa Houfe.im the Cttyof Wafhington. : ..:.t. 'ilr : To the Inhabitants of Wake 'County. yOU are hereby notified, :that tbe aa wnicn iiia been aliened upon Dwelling-houfes.?tads( and Slaves within thisDiflnft, by Virtue of an Aft of Congrefs pafled jthe' 14th July, ijatt entiUed Ah A& toi lay and cojlleft a Pireft Tax,' has beSn due and payable' for Tome Time ; and that I (hall attend at the Houfe occupied by Willie fones, on FayetteVillefrreet, firft poor above Mr.Parifh'a, in .Raleigh, oh thg m, ti ?d and 4tA Days of next Courti in Order to receive laid Taxes, of which all Ptrfoaf concerned are reueiled to take Notice. , In Conformity to the fix th Seftion of the Act aforefaid, a full and crrec Cnnvof the Tax Lift remains in the Office of the Sur- teyor of the Revenue for the 1 8tk Affeflment mrSAifoptn to thejlhfpeftlea of all Perfona inclined to iafpeft the fame. ' , . h HENRY JONES, 1 - v? j I Collector 38th Diftridl. Lillet Office Dic.i xfiy 1801. Ox tbe ipth oftklt lJant letwrn the $u6- ;K , ftriier't Htufk an4 Wrrtmtl RD POCKET i BOOK, in f which were two Tdbaeco Note in fpected at Old Claadford Warehoufe, ia the Name Of Robert R. (ohnfon. Weiphti 1 ion and it en. the Numbers hot reYe'tle&ed. Alfo a liond given by fanes JoKhfon to Robert Rl Johril fon, for fifty-five Dollars payable on the aoth of December, i$o2 s, a Bond givea Jy Plum- ner Willis, to M. Duke Johofon, for! fifteen Pounds three shUlinM and Sixpence Curren cy; with a -.Numbejr'of Receipts and Ac counts. Any PerlORi dehverinx the laid Book and Papers ii Mr. 1 William A. K. alkneri in Warren tan. or to the SuhferiW. ihall be haadfomely Rewarded. . 1 ! ROBERT R. JOHNSON. H'arren Cgmrty, ft Dec. 1 8or . ; ; FOR S ALE. JY AND and PLANTATION im Franklin Countv. rnnfainin l Eftimatin 015 Acres, good for Corn, Wheat. aad Tobacco lies ctnj tht North Side of Cedar Creek, Half a Mile fro a cehftant Grift Mill, three Millji SoWh'of Louifburg. There is! a good Dwertihg-houfe, with coni venient puthoufes, excellent Orchards, ( reach and Apple Tteei,! nearly sto of ea lcteral good Spnnrs 6a the Lnd. rle.rrd urotiad Unaer good Fences fufficitnt to Work ten Hands. . f Any Petfon withiog to pur chafe I areYumcj would dfelirc an Examination Y:th 2 faanW I he better, aad then the Terms wrll1rCJUt known. AW. 30, i8of. j SAMUEL JON LarCds mnd Negroes f tit Sate. TY Virtue of a deed of Truftexe, cuted by Tohn Peace. Senior, and Ifaac lUttfell, of Craaville County, to fecurc and fatjsfy a Debt due to I'Konias Dent and. Co. will be fold at the Court-houfe in Granville County, on Friday aad Saturday the 8th ajnd 9th Days of January MJjl a Trail of Land, lyiagon Tabb Crecki iW the Coufety afore faid,-containing nice JfuQdred Acrjhcliit; the Land ! whdreon ohn PcaceTnow; lives. Alfo one other.TCtct f LnJ lvlnr on Gibhaia Creek,. fajtaJountyr cantainJog .nuuerca ana nxieOT-vcres, oeing tjM Land.whereon the faidlfiaac Kittreli miw lives. Aad twelve Negro Slaves, eonfiftine i men, uewca ana tiitlMrea. - . i ALEX AiJDHR FALCONER, Trufteei Dec. s, 1801. : f : : i H 1 y - r ' i AN ACT. . Fofpurcfiafingup the Principal of the Certi ; ficaie Debtof Ndrth-Cafoliaa. j - UEit enabled by the General AJftmbly fjb $t't fXitb-Caro;a, nih js hereby eitaQed by the Ahbrityftf the Jam That it fhalland may be lawful for the Public Treafurer for the Timehiogi and hois hereby authiied!to purchale in for the Ufe and Ue nefit of this Ptfople of tKjs State, after the firft Day of April ext, Pthe Prlncioal of alt Certificates heretofore iffued Ads, and Wnder'the Authority of the Legil-' latere J of jNorthCarojinaf which! ffeall be I h W5 t in fiae, all thole leTreafury Ofi reft, fhall pafs at the hrrtafutt IfaymSt of ener, and uiait bi iM all Kefpetaof the .fame VaUa with cates, previous to-the ii cmcereit on, Uettifi- purchafing l.tK4ttt cipalaaaforef.id.. J if the Ceriifir.t; .1 . the DefcriptWibove J 4Y&U 1 'Hi HOUS 4ii. Mr.;Nicho2fon, ch Dc. 18. ind pcrfons efcaped Fro ten, reported i bin ir .1.1 r mmittee appointed tn uIVy the. terations were neceffary to the;Friingbufirlels bftheT?' reDoked that tK-!Li.inc.houf. it expedient to requcft the deDartmenat tn-;..j . . i.T ! am . 1 the printing of fuch docu'; . . rr: im ana a before the houfe 1 1 anrl . 1 iai neceffary a printer (hnu u aj pointed,; who (huld b refp'onfi'lS for the faithful and r.7nriblf tion of all bufmefa confidid r u" by order of the houfe. ' The firft part of the ration .. carried 1 that relating to the apDo;n!! jnent of a pnater was noVk. . kwenty only rifing in favour; of if tht ;whle or the fubicct of l pportionraent-f ReprefcntatiVlii tlr. Nicholfon in tbe chair : anrl .? ' itr fome debate on the nroWr per to,; fendi a reprefentative, (Q Committe; rofe, ' without Ukin ! ! Monday Dec. tt. Mr. Randolph offerad the reri f the committee appointed to ixatir ; reioiuiions relative to the Contref-!ii ltonallibrary.j . , ; 1 f' The hoUfo refolvedltfelf into 1 committee of the whele, on thert.!,1 port of the committee appointed to examine the right efthe MiHifiippi ?j l erritory to fend a delegate; and to I I eiaminethejcredentiala of N; Hua-I ter, and after, confiderahle tdtbtte.4 decided, that the Miffiffifipj Terri-J tory is entitled to fend a dcleitta to i the Houle of Rapfeientatives, withv tht right to debate and not to votes' I and that Naffworthy Hunter is du. i ly eletted laid Delegate. ; I General Smith offered a refolu. ! tio.a to edjourn the Houfe from "r Thurfday, December 24, to January ' 2a; . urdtrcd to lie tn the tabic, w Tuefdar. Dec. 22. i i Ventral S. Smith of the committea ofcommerce and manufafturas. ore- Y ti&t&mWUT&iilv i to i' dutv on 'ifat1cf.:& twica'- oraeroi meaty r) it i ex- empiirt hi pejace tft abli fhmcnt 1 :Utueji, Y'-tY.: , f Spmebhrfiiiori arott on tht pi"OPhetyfif poftpdnine the refolu- tibry untiriht documents were feen t ha t ' accom pa nicd I ih Prefidcnt'i mcflage. -UY- j, . Mf Pregg hoped the r cotntnittes Wuld not rife, ! He offered three io)jiuoi.! iThej firft- jwaa relative t6stbaVpailitiai; a, part of which went to.diyidin the militia into tvodif tinft claffesr .was difagrted tof ;and the main rtfolu tion adopted, tha fecond relative to military ilorrs, tWtrjcarrcdf-HThe third, as to what amendments were neceffary in tha lawj, relative to fortifications, har bours, &Ct was alft Carried. Tha committee then role, : TheHolife ttok up the refolutiom of the committee of the who e. 1 he- fir ft was carried the faebfM and third poftponed till Monday. A'tneliage was received from tha Senate, containing Jfundry dobu menta ; tht docuanenta were rcli tivei to the, Barbary powers,. 1 the ceniusot lenneiiec, a le&ter.irom' int. secretary Ot theNaw to tomoio- 4orebale,ijeuerfrom Commoare paleiirid Lieutenant Sterret to the) STCritarifitae'Navy a letter fron theBcy of Tunis tdx the ; Prtfidenf rrommnu.aton. uoniuiat l unis.oct. ivi: -..V;' r- ... - ' .1 . 1. :'s docu- auiTCiaiiosfjo n i3auiry pp" waareferred to the cov mirtee ap 5bpihte1i?on that fubiea. : Thai pnt relating re) innf iie re i crrca iu i v ; committee o 4he ceufiis. I1 I'The fubjecipf adjournment fron ThurCdaCt till JanJ zy wasagajaj tkeft'Jyp Mr. Vandm. Mr. WniWr'Mott, MrJ . Elmer and Mr. Spriggfpoke againft it. H v not carried a&onhr voting in, favor! Jr !. J ' 1 . r L . . i v !. i , The Speaker fWid he had .received v a Iplotbrmsp of the larlds behppvg 111 .t ii v o.i.i- dp the cretaryJofthlLTrealSrf of the offiDfe MSid-cfrred committed of ways and meanij , iRurJedkVjpn thei ha.ir ftx t fon, 1 a fito in 3.un a fOhid "which was deftgncaf rr f)i : in - in de ot Hi r . J1 tbs ve. In v'th i" w rtb u ; 'It- If en fu If 111 :.v4 i 1 1- V i ll