i : -,i - '" - ' ,' v ! i'.'n' 'liMl ti,n.i imIII "II I ijn'i.il 'I i i-i. ! Srt wlf irSipancc from :M6Sk vdf; Niw.Yo, &MWt: the. ftrmig, :titaify W8!fi ihere coiiU lit ;a.lth6 cKer the iubjea or the rje,H?futiofi rHIVXhatthe jiidKtarlaw palicd I it i,, ihri inmiifi a law. wuicn u had been theerlett ot a ihjx ot pair fiun fceepealed Ay reflux of Wn intrrifincrd at theoeriod'of an igyaarninuirauon. i r ;Bttei-iy. the republican: fide Senate ; and, he trufted that fcedn refill flf4he Seriate ; anH, he uufted that novri r the return bl' reafoni U would le repealed; t . . v An allu ton had been made - to the legiilaiire of Maryland, which fod repealea Jaw refuting the jtitiat3f.;Mr.;AV. here quoted th0 cbniUtution ofitHat-State, -whbfe proviHons; fo far refpecied the; tenurejote;o1fi:eei)f aaecbr? rfoonded with thofe-of -theconi tutiori of thelfnited States; Thele giflature of that State had been of opinion, and cbrreQly. too, ;tjat. they did poffefs the power to repeal a ldWbrmeii"byitheirpredeceHor. And the Legifl aure of vt he United iiaies pofleiTed the fame poVcr. This they had already determined by the p very aft of laft1 rVffioii, Avhicli'vhilet: crated M prflbrr of new judged abpliined the oices pi feveralBifiricl judges , J . o . , It was clear that ..the cb"n dilution toeaht to guar dihtf officer a"fjd ribi the ofEce? WiU faia;-tHit; VliatiBe LeHlatdjf nHtofef ithcyjotanpihU ven ,asTo the fudges of the picme; coiirt, had 'not'the law fir ft conftituted ftx - and was it hot now feduced by-law o five i Ancf if Congrcfs has power to reduce the number of the Superior, have thev not the Fame power to reduce ihenumber of theiIhtcrior fudires ?, Are wto be eternally bound ,by the: principles of a law which Oujht never to have been pa fled rv Why the expreffionn the tbn' ilitution, " The judicial power $U be vefted in fach infeiior court as Gongrefs may, from time to time, Qrdain and eUablilh," if it had been intended, as is. now contended, that the office beingbnee be (lowed, no cHance can be made. if.the cafe of thofe; yho 4iave accepled thefe offices be confidered as a lurd dne, may it not be faid4 thai : t they, kriew the conilitution; and the tenure by which their offices wrr e to be held. In our regard for in.lividiul intereft, . we pught not to TdcTifice the great latefeftsof odr co u n't r y ; and was i( ttbt dent on ft rati blej that if a t Judges Were foffiei cnt when 1 200 fuits estt tfieV Were equally fd w hen there wrtiri no more than 700. V f j ': The gent lematifrom ryland was the only State that haa repealed a law sreitjhg jtidicj winces, v rrginia. it ne was xxp mifinformed, had done the .fame thing But we wanted not thefe : precedents.f Ouff oifttafchives furnHhed m with abiihdarit precii dents. We had reduced tM judges 01 tne duptetne court trom jix to five, we had annihifated 'twbidif triQs. The very gentlemertxippp- iea now to the reppt bttfielaw had voedjfor theieeafuf e it appeared, that thoughhe con ftii tution juftified the tueaiure tkitil It prohibited it new I A ; ' ''K! ! ! Believing the judiciary lagbf wft feflion hd arifen irotn ardtfob uon 10 provwe jonjtnevwarm "lends of the cxifting admimftrati on; believing that great nicdtivcni ences had anfonljitdir it V belie v ingits expence to be oppreflive; jHbelievtng that if onefcgiilature M a righ to Daft it. another le- ; giffature had the fame: rirhrhb rT- ial w trufted iKat howeVer a mt iMimn tiiirtrHarv na . UUliat we have a right to repeal 1 arU ought to xercife that rigjj j perfecv novel, anfl common ts my j htrrbute M admirationf This the j 11 firll'timi I ever heardfthe utihtv bt firft!tim? l ever heard the utihty bt courts oJtiftice etUmated by the hutnberof fuits tarried foefbie them. I have reiVth a celebrated mor narch of HiUn i tne gicat Alfred, had ena&ea fuch laws, eftablithed fuch tribunals, arid organized fuch a fyffem oi police, .that a purfe of gold might Ve hung up on' tie-high wayv witholt arty daiiger pf being taken. 4 Hai Jhie Hon . gent leman frbio Keptutky -exi (led , in thole day s, he .woild perhaps have atf tetripted to convince old, Alfied. that what he cii fide red as the glory of his rdgh js its griaieft evil f or tafctng j-tns untrequency of crimes as a plbbf that: tribuqah were unneceuary.iana tnus botaiy fubft ituting' eff& for caufe, the gcht lerriati tHightaemonftrate thes in utiiitybjLany inlitutibhi at tern dt rearonindthe riiyfl fallacu ous. - BuCjf eith lft bodr meafire ui mutiny Hiapteaiiea My? 10 2ive me, I martn on tbit nrouin WhtcliJI B v!bcek:accuftametl v to deemfblidrimiitd io iar as inc xerrcror, our juliciai iriftitutions preveited thepefnetra- tion 01 dimes, irynai tame degree are thpfe infticutidna dietiil. This would be my mo4e of reafoning, But. fctr the wonderful dtfcbverV of the Hob. movWi of the refo'i tution. u We have beii tbM of the reat e;pence bl the JadikUry- that u amounts to t 7,000 Idollars. And thus attributing the whole eperice 01 niecuaojiin mem tounis panic u. lar law, 11 nas oeen auumea m ar gu merit j ihat lo repVal the law, rouia pe 10 lave 137JOOO oonars. f f the biher arith metiVai .calcula tions of the geutlemah arei equally lacorrecxi nis inrerenees ; wm oe entitled tdf but iiufe aUeAtibnl 1 O f ftr i Turn it appear! from ire- pdtt of thelSeetrV bj the ffrea. fury, that il&dof iajfiire forthj confirisent expences of itiries; miX ! ncnesi xc. j wnicn lervcs in tome meature to ine w that it lsjeipetf d -much bufinefs will aatfallv bl llfliiri - . - 1 i. ; , The eicfeiiS iijflfcffii jaw' i w is prupoieu torrtDeaja mounts 10 90,009 aous. -crciaiive i .-jr '-. t.: 1' .- -,f i 'i - Tri1.1-?. tV" j - oitten.ujattdd topoJ dbllaftMJKufefeli flinlhiran IthodiMtdl diotla iibn thii'fii trie Unite4i itate,?aecbminif tb the cenfui Uiayft eri1- t 1 win nna inat eacn wmviauai wih jinugnmcant favmg pf i cent a man; we afe called oTOyeWa1l that fijabl 5 ' ' One pf the creit purpbfiM I of a goyernmehr, m tol feturt thi lpe uic nun? iwiviui iuyuvur , w reaay. tdi repet ittcn invattonre- bflcer brecbtrie rceflarylp)yiejet iti-Vf-Bucn aniriyalorti iiowevcrv may or mayj rJbC u j judge froratceTUtrt oieU pefore ; qs, thqlc who l adininifier puraffairt haVe but iutlpaerien fiori of that event, If then there .be; ittiejo:;iucn Jf t:ic peopije pc luincieniiyiiccuref ag ; oft it J & hat clfc havei tlfey ?v turn ; thtr lworo agamitiQur ou iomi. - mcv raav cjevaic a cu pi iv ctfiipotic owcr. AOtff. wri4i ganger hto be apprchendeid' from an army ctcw iy ncm, vy nis lyiciy j Sixy: jiidg 'pf the Supreme CoMri to ritUC the circuiu of America to ride; the circuity of America twice a j ear4 and fit;twice a. year at the feat of govemmeit). ;Wih out enquiring inifi the accuracy of the ftatemeht tnadet) 'jtBe-Jgent?e? man refpeeting the courts ot jJbng. I imd, in which I apprehend he Mfill fin 1 himfelf deceived i let tWte'afk waat would be the effect ofthe bid G ftenthere ? Caftan eye oVeribe extent of our country, and a mo ment's confideratton will . fhew, that the firft magifra-e, infeletting a character for -the bench i mult fcek lefs the learning of the judge, than the agility ol the pojt-boy. Can it bejpoflible, that rnen ad. vanced, in years, for fqch, alone canhavejthe maturity jot' judg ment Suing for the office, that men who frxm their habits of life;muft have more ftreitgth of mmd than of body ; is it, I Uy, poflibie that fuch ien . can be.runmng from one end f the continent tb. the other ? or if-they cou 1 d, (. cai theVyft rid t)iplo hear anjptie ipatifes ? , I hi veeeri 6lifvn1efl' of eminen ce on the 'bench, that they: couil ncr h old their bffi cei tinner the old r rangernent,; .. ! ; v . What isthe prefentfvftem? You have added to the id ju.djjes teyen I diftrict, and Uxteen circuit judges, j What will be the effect of the re peal 'firid ? Will it -not be ade cJaratibn to th reliiaining judges, that theiy hold their offices, f ubject to yotlr will and pleafure.?;. And what will be the refult'of this ?jklt will be that the check cftabiHhed by tUe eonftitution, t fb e 7 1 oJ By the peoejrid neceflary iri eyery contemolation of -common lenfe; is deftrbyed- It hid been fatd; and jrulv tdo,f -Vjhat gbyernmhts "are ma4tb pxMnii it, follies ancf vice of mitn? Folia fuppofe that govern memi reuujpqjijifon. vil-ja pitiful fplffm it' in an Kind were realpnate, thwoUld want pb goyernmerif Hinice checks $credmreH inhrftiriMib'h of powr nmong thpfe who aretoexer cife jt for thte benefit of the people 0ietthePtfbneTA 44 ney vtiadfveuca in- itne'-tuiget' a MictK ui iuu uru nccnuty, 10 pre- idciiun irom .innmiaann or; an jfitfajfrnilp SPwrV! I -aiciorjrneanaiea W&&UU;i6iiiM: rirance? sTve:the trrourid; &Mko have: I? for thef i3md fugfebjette ftoopthaf fiifmrb!. iK6 tthtroitMrierl; r'firll jp;fikeijiii lion lcone&4naiyr 't H- fJus-tfcerf tietrtef ' we fie oCoriflitritiori-ll povepi ::thit falHeA mr. mojtis uuuica iiie.i'ia anicic meature;, nor ot. 4hofeawno now- cpuns ictaitJ dc twMiDen. L out when .eiubhMve,, the Abrd aie irh'.erative-r a tpiW bftneniltl dowj fhtfii veil in therrt. And the jiil l$JJiii hld their offices dut ing dobelivjour.y'! r.eteive a4mp.enfati.oni. whjchi Tribf diThtnilhed duiine their 4oh- unuance p :otnc .. i noerore. Whether t he rernir be afpik to theS3umtuin of compfnfatjpnJ or tne tenure lOi otnce, tne conuttu tiork is edualiv imoeTative. l Alter jthrs expohtion yenilenu-if are we). come to anV'anvange ; waicli may be derived! froiii the critictlm on butj fpr its -'letibuW effects, h Wjji't'd call plea fa ht, has been made, J the amount of which is,, that vou lhall not take the xtianrtrom thr bce, hut ypu nfay take the onHce frcm thej man ; 1 011 fhau nt drtVwn, hinii but you may fink,lis boat from up der him ; . joiii ftif not purjiim to death, btitj yop- rhfiy.- take, away5 ftis life?.; ; The conmutton feci1to! hi judge tfi' offrcei , iWs'heffKall iioid; it, trial is, it inatl not pe eri from himdujinggobd benaviouf rake awav?, as is the deftiVfWrifof the office kvouidjnot a effejCjtualy deprive linn bf it! as theicranftaia notner perfon., It is adnjit'eg'.no j)ower derived frpin the cpnmtution can (icprive ; hrnr .'of - his,"' Office, and ye! it is conf ended, that byvre-r peai ot tne law jtnatj otnee rnay. De deft roved.. Isjrjot this abfurd ?Jf was laid, plhat iftatevet ohcLegif- lit urc cariHdbj, bribi He r Ca n ItfhdbJ; becaufe nyledtariire can" bind it iucceuribflljtereh we make wcipari deflirpy: f , l his 1 p&ihebuiid pf reifbriartd opane ground or tne. conititation. What: cah.a niah deftiov own clii ldrcnrl Can jy o u!an n u I y $ur wri cpm pac is? r; vM v P 1 Pm atet-ne public debf j When yoif have by law, created .a political 4exiftenc; can ypu,by repealin diffolve the cbrboration vbu had macle? hep by fourjawyofii give, tp, fan jinaiyinuai ,:anyifignt whatcyei:; can you by a fubfequem law rjihtfuiryitak:it'w f what ;fpfs yniwjh&joi; the Mdbf cntrwilflrikea uppn iat- a peri ofl rpbherf fceyery liorie ftiiyirt rc; Who will t f ;VpUi vr hf n y b u re riie;, bet icompVfea Mi IwMJinlcbnltit ifatjtVf lawSkv'v ; -i-ff : rtu4) Genilemehf (ay the fyftffi of U orargu imentfaie it IMall be'grah leldi j and without I euechon meets pui td un iiurprudeptii itdecentil eveni, tne i-eciuature maL not .dirrumw, though thiiir bounty may.iri create viftes per rectiy itbr t.heinsiJaili,ty of his.teridtej''tf4'i.w rrov the ofhee ? wtu c h W e ea n ria me nni to viqute ypur own ,co.n tisJtf tfcwt tticleg&rumto repealevery f, rrfaHe by i bjrecd trig legiMlnmefiebj jronisurrufj? UeiAWWCri IUI VUIC. lUUt IU tUUI.lUW15: ill i70 fHH" i rtnwlyitJii JfeM- rbui 1 thaf!;tfcytrrtji. rfa(e. nd rcl yjng, on hrprcpri ciplr)i)ns that1 theintrjiat lein.Wrepale tnejeieHc: ; law on k'htUn,pf'et raxe$, Tnufctaln thepn-exiflnce of a laW that yet v infe,iftorn.:1tiirdeftr tibh, lirtdi :tfije :,c;cijb (p41latt:; of jph'undei: it;.the inutiiiry bf 'thfi " judjefary eibiilrimepvii nas,camea i point, narne dpw n,thei j 1 1 cHt tit J:;y ft cpt 11 yit" rrrKtheint.eiViptp vpcMci Jnisrieafi3re ntmMvL aMe4an io have rhbte bower: Wfc are that! tjiy arethe legirtmateW iiiiiijwocnvine cpizen isj nroteiopiI Jiaru &P;tpffe bnpiibieL w wrcicrtf k v.w noviats 1 n tne nave Jiajuimci1 iafcniurceiinc . i ; - 'f lions irora omj:e f i jimpfiaenrnot' y conftilutipri., T appeal tb heir?ie ; " t anothccoriyemiOnrbe.atfe time Was there a rribnierit oiprpBi ui as. that , in ffeicfnei LVejum aflbI4 I , been convinced bypieJapcIJbJy- f p;erienc howitiad were , tp 1 he hianaaement . of our national cpneerm. ,,Jfie pallibris of ;pcpleiw:frlWle Suter prpe flun3ib!erea-tlie;;-'cptf : tutip'rtywai; prbmuliatedan3jp3 I . pbfition was formed v but it" was jzf yiriu lie people tof merjca; r bound thejStates down bytfiis corn f; ype great.proyificm of thwxomw ,, actt ia pro vi fibit that ex rubned thter twiyofibiibtif yepues arcio -pefreprwayyo1i ;t ; fole f eliance:muff he- on'mmerL-i J;ii rj r :tb::.XLfc" n; .iin(Lp.iyoiitrwii:.a fa ipq icingx atia;CpRicience$pt t i rttpMutlTefeem luuiucin iiin uaiun is oiuoivea,Twe, slls of biilbrvc fe,k Int iheSecprdtbf thf wfeatjhasieeji; ' larityPWliry !are weere'''iiy3rV . : a!pecmf;theiMeat tp favtHcmlrpip erhe;:whai .i; $ OlecpflR$mie;:?dAnia . wflcbvlfllm ' io jincsTOjce- pi ,peacu Wf5"f?-" -1 1 it- .. B -.r t.-r. li