1 . WH. 4 1 'i.l m. "';'v-. 1 1 i". mm- ... -1 I 7T' Ti!' If Thofe - livift arVitalUNew-York; ; ; I , '1 ' l V s ? 7 V YH I 1. J r It is incrcafing aftoniniment "that we jdiityfee; the long articles wjiich H)l the EngliuYjournalrfand thef&eec1ie3t- Members oA "Nik liamentv on? th ie v4 ; (G i A: n-rt . Ar ' ...kit fillet I - v , ; J tv i- j . " r JlrTheir stunts' are to vontinue, a fortnight. -i . i ;iwuiw w"'";4").""" ii firiels talTamaicai : Thele) iiifcourles IJ mi 'iiTvnrri fii table tft rliff alrtiiM 6 th Tartars of ThlBiCtn the .'k.tk.U XiZ frti;kn f akTi 'r'' r -i::..n; j pns rwhlCKftlyJtena; to dilt-oveF - - . 1 . v 'v'.'A ' fil 1 V ' Wtrl rcgarv-rtu itic .njuui u1 "l".:-,"i iniral CornWailis vhich ad been, K : U forced ftfimnf- khef. f t Jl- fewWit tb enter the haiboUr, but alio tOitaKfi no exiraorainary precauii'ii vi r u $ foT that lpwas jheifireattil ' ' 'iuftice that could. rje offered to cwt fi5i5 vidEuropean1s, Ao jft therioi '.being .lveia..catbaote?bf ?-'a l;c'6jfliii tiqns hd'Pcft without ah example. M. de Meu!, ,vhp is appointee; Vtii-nfirlftiiif of ihft Italian Rcntihil .Uj fk-rfJk u rr-AA rtixillUzi. If theie be not afAffictent jnbjeiri.if a. . rvVit-V v J U-n rWil xevs orl Milan to thesFint-Conlui.II Jwhen he entered 'that 4 to-vVn at the ead tHe;French army. i, '..;! ! : . rr .f " - r J ' ?1I . v i Thtfhew regulaUdrvVefpecting then tranipomiion oi sooqs, wqicn tritii -Government prefentedto the Leair- :JW7tjl """vn - row. sii uccisvcs ir)3 2u coramcr. cial articles and merchandise may 'pafs,througn the Dutch TerritoiV. efxlceptf all;'Britifti!iherchaidize9l in the full meaning and extent of that term, is they w.ere fpecjified , i n the ptiblicatoh the Drre&ory '.of the a$a or tjicc 179, renewca f oy ine proclamation 01 jjcc, 1 00 1 , ' ! '-. . 7 w . iv. - -v ENGLAND LOkiiON, FEB. 8t J A lafl we are informed hV tht Vjs JojUrnals of ;he4ayfstny tkorMni oojeaiTwhich !iaveattria- to have been ho other vthari.a vain"- jiloribiis defire liyirtt i cipai part in ;anQcner.tneatncat,re- prcieniatiuu or itjviCii-aoujumcHt: xij a new xonintuiion, . rrewuegiuators nd-new governor. iNo man can aouofdinac ,mc y i?ipinj con uuu MoiaJjNas been ; f(qpi teH3iy fy $Y i-loffBuoia before jtas brought to infhen : wt:hnftl!tHe: Cifalr pmes,frorn t heir ho m e, yhy did h e ia':Jnnytp Tee a worE;pror4ied ,hiitS''-knew-wbutd.:' Desfath tTlyriexecuted' in! his absence, tSh- Jeis... it; were tor the..:pften'tation::oi giving law to foreign nations and liringihg thern tributary to his. feet? i3K-tTeaturesthe Cifaimrie: De2 J 7M I -WMIs! wKo ar'thtsmoment fcoftfefs -vV,the;ri of having French iirBouMii tncir counirv, wouiu save crocycu ins man qa tcs ai. d, .as fell; asL'at Lyons .andfeyipi thomcduld have aQAthejr'ftarv l'tji partePrelidento f tJU at tan rep udii c w un anj n came e J a I to xiiit ii&uciivcj iront jcibi; aye done feecaufei fchrtntrv Vur ; contain-one inaiviaual r tQksi-iTirriojf r. of the ' X TtTtfe .LUJor- the Italian ReDtsMrc-'' IS 1; j,vAriifteVtSCaihQ y 7v,iJfti& foTereisahr reiSdessin: thtAwflt tie v.citiien;s: -mmmijmu epartia4ftt4'J4ttr,icj:sl4 voa v - i- -: y '..'.w--sri or a juaipme rauier, oWii J. AMI; rard'Ihazti'farjxi. tvzy -y--h- y WrfftOjslUs to W s fortoalion of a Civte citittns only, whole names are inferted in thic lift, (hall be eligible to " 1 "tTtB III Oft CVgefc ' , I .cf.the Dot- thai .ie U... '.rciau are the pru mve organs of ihe national fovcreigRty. The next three Articles' reeulate the forms of their. Wetfhgt-.vTI-arfeJ toiSl onctr in two ferfft Jesf 'ivi te invitation of the :t tlrnumher, toau- t . ; Tla of the le-1 antf ar -id the CommrtlSjrtcs of finance. juat by Jecret ballot, aaa a inira or ine mem- 9 14. At every ordinary totting ot ;,t&e.-;e.oi.i ge$ e . 8oT.cri.roci. w jih.-w Jdenuncutionsi give Sltrattotis in ,theycor:mtution.that may be ,earjo'f age iiLtrVlelWginy of the colleges, 1 VMrw",Ji 'wvMfi ?jmwwi ayvF"" n vm Jeniorwc govcrumcni;.i inDy remaining witrfdnt thXState for fix months; after being :&ni& in' m,9. ivery ec!lege on adnmefciil end lo ,he next .ccnfotial flembly U6tv&- natrsor ju utting. 4 . ,i , i .itli rt.6t ti ?enjnu zo. The college of the Pofficieatiis torn pofed of too citiatt, xhofen froits fuch Urid ed propr.etors as poueis a revenue oi'.oooo iw Vrts at leaT' jataie of itsr, meetingy for the ftrft teoarCtof WatUaniH '3 V it. Every eVaf tirtent Ba.lcyi'PSoV (o ihe cottrg m theproportibn;oif-6ne jtoje Mrerv thirtv ihSufand inhabitants1 - ronabitants - in.a department, poiTeffed qfST. , .. , -.. - !- r iilkiviuii MieQ.uanircaiioris requrreof oy:'cncau.iaF"r clei the rnimber ihaibetfrnpVeted 'ffak quadruple' mt or the mitt conkderaDie i pro prietors in the fame department. j 1?. A evety ifeflion thecollege is to-bbn ilete itnumbtrs accordine to theltftttof 1 1 saurea rouenv wnicn it u aurnoruca w re quire of the eovftrnment. - . I 4 l 13 . iuc"i"i! "u i own bo,y h0 are t0 C0Dltuulc thi """l1 I tf : -It is to mike out atrif re lift, according to the Velitive mijorityof votes, f6r the eTeti' tion of the public functionaries, indicated in theTeleVehth articte, and prefeut it t6 the CcnToft. TITLtbf the College oftF D.tfU i6. The College ef the Ddtti is compofed 6f eoo citizens, chofen frojpi" amctig perlons who are celebrated for thesr .'Jtffowl'tdge m the iciences, or the iiberil or mechanical arts, or ffom, among thofe who are dutiri guifeed 'for-thei'r acquaintance with ecclefiaf- tical learnmgor their researches m morality, legiflation, political or adminillra! ive; infor; mation. it fhall refide for the hrft tep years at Bologna; ' . '. .. . " j' ... " j ay At every 'meeting tne feflion tranfmits to the cenfurate a triple lift of thofe citirens dulyi uafifiedlacCoidingr to,whic& it Is to.Sll iritl1 It iiio; ieiecl: frqm Jjis body fix .mjem bers,! who ae cbnilitutef part of. the cei futate.. -j . t , u;. -,--v-,j,.r';. t -r M '29 It is to form a double fs according tOtne mJioriiy 01 !ourag"vimr urc cicwiou f publU(uncliaarlei ,1 ith hrft ten y.rrs. yitis to complete tle It every feflion, according to the ihtatiopt, has Vtghfto demaad oftniWrrimeBt''T iiThe arifclM it-and & aVe tbmMen t'atl tfe Colleges. f. - ' ' ; - " : membelrs, form and proportion exprefled in the 24th & Uth articles. ftXt mail refide tor the htft ten years-atTGrehona.:,..:-; . ..; - - - 34.:it--haI.aiTeintrialwys-'onilh.e:.te iar.fteihe fittint of the three Cllee.: h'5(.; Th (lrttrr (hilt rnmiiVii frv nnlv tn .Ji... ilJ.J 4J-i ..-i?" ii.i.t:-d f- to conKltute a'meeung, It is to nominate from rom the lift tranfmitted bv the ihree coUe ges, r. Lis- ., . ' . , 1 1- .-. t v .v ana ty tnt greateit number Qivoies;v - WiTOf r ordarfor: extraordinary; ; of MvP??!KdM Ccdleget V-- H .T;-4i... a. , The Pieuaent is to exercife!iYi,1.l I44ii.n appotim tne rMtnlftets, the civi "and diplomatic Ateiiriih ' fcii?f ;Uf Wik W W VSU '4 JK..11W tAit l;37v.Iit-.Hto declare the eleaion1oftheSjcri Po'rc recogiuzcs priiiegesir, or Jmpfr tioiiariet noainatcdbyhc, majot.ty of th ;, fl.mt,K ascdm-rrircetoltliirl; three QMiJMh "1:1 13- !cf4 intcnallyluVlhore-fouWded . tlie Coiled ot 0(Hti Tierou1iout iercpu'tex:nV '1.J--it?'-v?;'r' ifoVnUrJtteiit: eaiurei-'toliiui-fci iav abe&S z.v-:;,-.r t nufi aiicoverimW abfeifcc. ukesvhislace ioithe :iiilf ltrtt riV-.V, a! "Pfefident is fixed at ! 500,000 litresf Milaand tnat 01 wc Prefidentat too.oJ'fjiM;' ': ' tA. TheConfultiof tate;cohfifts citiicni of. lortyyeara ox fi fpriife by thetolleeia'djinguilhed.fo emioent fervices done ti thj R'ejpubUe. 't5. The President prifides in theConfolta of Sate, and ne ofHtmnbers is to be ap- pomted farfore?gn aji4l ' ':;J 56 The IConfult ilf rotate, is fpectally charged with the lionfi'derarton of diplomatic treaties, and every ofecoicblates to the foreign affairs ot the! RnffaH. j i'k initrnAinnt rfcliiive to nettocia- tiOns are iti'cufled 4 tkCoif<a, andirea ties ihall bi definitive, ojnly - when fanaioned by the abfolute $cf.if The 58th; 59thft6fh, 61ft, and 6rf fee- tiflnt arc hot ai' II 6?. Threecrufiyelj,poirelseh i i ti at 1 vfe ijjrl I fafrs pr9pofedio the Co iuua,T. ana (n n mjicuuunt . w 64. In cift of tiej!aoneJignatidpi death', oif tj-''Ml State eleflti his fuccfibr by aa?'ajiutjiAj'o- rity of Vote's Whirl tke fpsce pf torty.eight hours: ana it cannot leparaic -utu iuc a. compiiBimeni 01 inai wojc-i.. . 1 ,i r't.;. 6c. 1 he f alary of the. lrnemWipne Cunfolta of State is jfed at; .3 0 oodiiyres " tlTtE X.fOf tfceMinifter. Under this head arc omjprelien,ded agrand national judge 6r roifterf jufticc, a mini fter for the.adminiftration of the, public trea fury, ind fecretary Jo the oationaljudge, who IS oCGaii o r. a 1 ry t DO y-j juuuuuie. 7; The lejf iflatiye council cannot be com Doled of lefs than ten dti'iens of the aec of thirty years at leaft, appointed by the Prefix dept, but who may be difmHTed by him at the end of three years, t 76. 77. 72. Vq. Ttie members of the Ie- gillative couneil nave ceaoerare voices oniaeii ir;cr .u. projefts propofed by the Preiidet, w'lf!ftr.J .T.f pmnAt mTfl nt hv an aKfolute maioTritv 1 1 at "arlS t of votes. They are fpecially charged with the drawing up of f rojedts of law, and ?x-1 Gaining the motives for fanclining ,them. J ?7 6t ccuncinor ftuxca zo,oco iivres. ; i o r-t i -i J i. r , l T . SivvThe. legiflanve-body is compofed oT i ti. fi ri 'Hf( thirt v r r'-.i. at leaftf Chbfen by eath department according to its population, bnhaltof ttem are toll oe uujitiiiuc wuci,'! S X&aFL3 7 cond thirdis to be determined by lot. 83, 'TliVtoVeTmnenc convokes the legifl; ,'c. bodtastd prorofeoes its fittines . TheV tiyc. cannot, hoWever, be fcorter than two mouths piefent, hot includ'wl Uie,oratirsT more tnan one nan. or tne,ramoers muKoeii The regulations which- follewt merely re late to the forms of i appointing the orators, and promolgating or denouncing laws as un coeftitutional. . "' . j- The falarv of the members of the lesifla live body is fixed at 606a 1 tyres of Milan, and that ot the orators at Oeoo , ; - 1 TjITLE XliH-Of tha Trilmnal i , Tnis head embraces the appointment f the different tnbunaIs,Ncivil and military, which are formed a ter the model of the French Republic. The judges are all cannot be deprived of conicuencc 01 imp r op TITLE 11 the v. ,ff pou foMheaclsof the government JSgne '2r for 0C5,CA ;?uting the the rules ; of .. p-jbHc aSmtniitratidi ot the acts of the government figned by thent laws.ind . ptibKc adminiltratibn- 3 1 fii particular orders given' by them ContracV to the conftitutipn, and o the regulations by try;Bg tfce iniftfriccBd, and to tKfe (hare takcn by the Colleges and the teaf urate ito that tranfaiStion. M :.'':S!i -.: ' J. J ' V:v ' VM ''A"- V M . Tl?tE -C.nfal D.fpofitW r. 11 . The cohft-tution acknowledges no b I li4.,ir;w,taC5d th ;re,ipe tp the 1 n l vw";' 'S"' i ;j II t. 1 4 a. fX-ri UiL- i-Jt -3 ' vr If ivaajfieuer: to, rerulate ai9etecM.ot;4Jf.freiretttte8. I Si-JSitii.?,-l fLi j diS:J j . - ,r If Ath.ir.' . . vd. :.- -i. ' . .t-.i: fro m 5ur; The clergy ate relieved from.aH milliary ic vice .! After thlsl law was tciI the Archbrfep of Kagenna eiireffed .TthelaiTef of Ufee ;2':fl "pine clergy,! and invited all the mipifters o worthip to 1 inculcate, obeldlence; fyjiwXt&vti ftitukion- i: H1 :'"'--;- The Firft.'- jL.iaf cenrtiiif d 'thQ4ki Vreffed'-ib klit'ATchbiihop ' -V -. M J -J- lvhe?Jiu of1 all the members of th? colleges sirrn4tlvnK Ar ufit tKU rl '. t I " - "VV-M - uo t.cu J J I he mem hers rf Ihr vniirrntn n . 1 1 I ' - TVTir-. rjUOHAPART Prefideht.:. . llFl.ir.;Vl'ce-Prfident.l;f ipANpCCllI, rand Judge. Me s who f&mflf ! the Cortfulfa ot ;5tate.;-ireferJdii Seibellonii Caprafa Paradito, FCrhardi, voatani, -iDHofi, Moc- atu. ,!' i?V 11 emtaers a dim Biumi Senator Galllle,' IxLVfeSet!ari.tIr .Bernardi.f L Agogne, Gipvio, Louis, Cicognara, Leopold; Veneti, of keggio, - ' I; k8. it. tedLord .High ChgncellofTof Ire landiMrUAbbot is exnefted to take X h e : gfi t uJ t idE o fuS P ea k e r of : t h e, riouie 011 OTimons. . ." , t IN jf";- PreparaMons are mak:inii Parii fly.opJSid whole ol each body is to bexe-eleb: ed. and thofe .will not coarfe bs re-cholen Lwho have; -given offence to the Grand Conful. t wil jbe recollected, that loon preliminaries were lighcd at Paris oetween Great-Britain and 1 France, the Turkifh minifter, whov ptormerly; irehded or T the Ottoman Porte, in! tvhichf he engaged, amping QthtJ. thj- French oublic'fhpuld ertibv Krough otstj States oil the Jultani M if- , ! commerce arrdi navr the rights of and navigation which ine; rorreri-njoyeclg as well as thofe w hichMhe moifl favored Jha- I -lions mayinerearter ethjov. ' ltiwas underdid at the tirhi the Turkilh : J).' jie time tl iat Pais',' IJ ricnippruaryat raris, lignea jtfitS court; and it w?SiahtJCipated that l thef ternis! of itiwlHWvpr life 'Vati I dated the 24tl6f December, which ;-rr-..- ..v,...,Yv...vm...,1.u1v., ttate, that the rorte. has retuied to ratify th tr.aty .ligned at Paris on t h e t h J tf. p ohe:r 1 a rt r a n d VhaV?: Scba'frijc . fa Med 't,h.treaty; ftghedppap! jt-w Opn.ftanf infepM, was tenitjback to Pais With thpr4- jet ot aew treaty J;. J'..hm4:i-. V Indeed of .pla.irjg the Frnpn;cjn Ihe foe ting of the moft favoured na- 1 1 on ,Me; fi n dthit t h e Vo r tjb Ma & ; Rrht ccduhtfrnmGa rthat lltrong bodv, ot Tartars had made an'inciirriOn i n t o C h i ba nie a r 'tSoewi.tn'd..:h the bpfdertof tHei: delarltlalmo ft a s far as tjhe mountaimof oh-NoTi thev ivtere Well appointed p I inept an d: ex c Itied generartcrrf f-1 t he, .nTjcrfe elpecially; as th is-iiaiicr feeml!:Jtol'hay': connee$Witi inter nil commotions. : The Tartars h.ae.'iib. tdnCrquenice fnade a! fetrd- gade pmpvefeentj ithayifewjit'. i.lfatiio'onC force:. wairjBrxeinrqrccmcnisfoe :i s-were z -tne lame .;'mv.4.fi momc Tipmflntin wmsRtne jipperpir's rot itfche infu rget3& one waS tP ii'iiilliuV' HburncArlf iWLorcl ..I t ' i .- CbnfcfeliSi' helwiai alaVmedicurjhg: v r Xtv ' :W t I 1 it -VTU -r. i r ty hf - rV:' the ' sht ; i6tf ' fttf from B6loshe" by; the cr jjes j of j ittii" pw-bovlsp. called bu t to h rm kh 6 re fif fiprjiH'!ftop pi ft op mtviof; ca c hfe w indow,'th iak ing ventejE) by" t he '1 a ckl boots ' wdrq b v P rencifpofj IJip ferzed phe of te Kbffes- by the.nofe' and?JbQ,as appeared ri examina- i, rtHerjeanr ortne 1 tyarosioow: ty- n g .1 n 1 1 ne;u p peuparracx. ss z rii;us, Ke jmfcerdicls him , Barghny OTllBitagoi, G&Kayilani, , FttieiI)a&oL I "yiLL cbtirnence the rl 'r , of Two Hundrid and Fiffv r,.!' aPu jun ior, tnreer NilHe Wet, f 4 Ci Entrance twenty fifbrs 1 A5. ll t5 rnjilia The; winning FfoVfe the firft Dav be permitted to fort the fecond. c Th,ifd Dyf a iweepftakes by three V old Cohs-and FiJies, carrying jjflv. fit Mile Heats: ;E.a-ance rihy U6t!s ' i4 Forfe.t. fThii Su,fcriptioa til be oi.V? the Evening of tfiril Diy's Race ?8 111 ; Moky,foftiV fiJay RWes win le aed at the Gates, f- 1 y March i x, . M. IUKF. IHuvc .i---l" The Th6rotigh.brcd:Imported H3ffe ' BREDby TobCliftonEfa. wuft and rna him until Oaober, 1 796, when fc waspurcfeafeu by. $i'r William-Gerard Ba ' et, was . got, by the celebrate u. Higbayer ; hts Dam Potofi, by Old Eclinf? a Mare of as great Fame as anv in Fn-uL ' j Chariot is a fine bay, lbsdj nearly fixte'fc .Hands high ; nd for 1 one. Smew, Symait try,- ana f ajons Icarcely to be eoualled. His Running entitles him to lie 'amoegtt .he hrft Horfes in this CduntTv m :Mile Heats, and in naoftance wher.u" Go.Hteft wasgreatt bnthpfoved fuccefefuL having generally run faur Heats to decide tht Race. .- , . .. ; " Chariot now exiibit's the greateS Health and Vijjoer, will Hand the enfuing Seafoc .the Sabfcriber's Store on xVuibulh, Granvil't "County, State ef North-Carolifia, nineMiu' frorn,Hakinserry, fix Milejf,,m amfbdrough, in4 frxteen from, Wgrreaton'i and will, bejet.to Mares at tenDollars the Leap, pkidvat the Stable Doer ; twenty DoH. lars theSeafony payable the firft Day of Oc tpber next; and lorty Dollars to rafure i : Foal; and in eyryJMance Half aDoll paid to the Gtoom at the Stable Door iru feW A. Payaetf, of hxteeh Dollars, if aid within the Seaioa, fjp.wilm.jsieoce the 10th Da Mrcb, and, will ecihe 10th Day of Auguft. ;In Cafe,s o'f.lfcfurancethe Money will Be rs turnf'dlf he Mfe dqes act prove nift Foal i fhmci ,Git Property ko htuoto changed. C'-.iiM - .; Chariot h .Vfurie foal.getter, tspt&f from Certificates fentwiih him. the Ga tlenjan who imported him, purchafedhim ifi England himlelt ; and had an Opportunity feeing his; Colls, they being large, gayeit. . gant and fprightlyi was his Induceffiiat to gratii 'dffery'idare a'Attentioa aid to -rritmd;ents.or Eftapes, -but xvilUotVe liable,! ora;f that! may happen. Notes rf 3(-Und f.'ill xpaed'tiwth .every Mire f to f hi$t eit)ir;by; tlheSeafan or hfutirtt-., Charioit being tKeftljie Pfoperty of theab, ;fciribfstheyCjv jn thcif Pdwer W PieJgethefeitWf ted At tentieti fciz (. widko?fdtate a!s majr fentto him.'' C-.ipieeerf-(Wiio wiffl to bits ifarfVfedpu be furaSsel ' 'jfelgbib Servant ,ChaTiora Son o'ffiev p;fSpfJ(artaK.: SonttP artBer, phtitAaViitTat''Vjreastreat Vwm of tn e. w itnenrrgtpn ivi are vyrarincr, W M S3.fi K K A K U. 1V -r eraX5md;Bovr iH our PoffeSkJl J n. -r:L-2if-ii . - -.i.'v rf,; or ihrrt aru)i won if in i ce ir nu. a -a I Stone' twelve, PpuodiifWo Mile Heats, ee- M4W4rPrc4-hWit.Fi!Iy, fcy Jij. ;tteVfonVi;fayy f iHy, JjJ jFetemlM-r? ;eity' .Xhrfaut Fii'7 rwo'HeatsS PI for four Y.tarsU Spie;'PoWdiiwfe?vli r- Wardie?-;;i3irthus. r and Mr. 41 Hatt& a Ria'fof.fcut Years olds J tofendsnd Ye'lrs olds 8 Pbundsi fwMtie Heatj; beatirg M- Je1J Ifon?;. 'Tartrirars old, and Mr. A Mor...3ea.Ko1d;;;r:- v. V-Vb:iHies'liov.-ed FouV&s, four WUf FillSyiKockmgham, ir 5A 'atttan !! bayFlTly Tree-ereepe . . .i Nanrttfciis Meeting', -I aly ;aifd'uiiriesr Plate!; -for.. rfo thrci Yearly eTearolisSStp Pbuqds.. and aged .9 IStoae 4 ou Vr, MliiS Heats bearing W. Barry's BBt rgamoti arged, ;.Lor1)onnegaI's . Har JeWeafel, and Mr, Cronjftpo c r -Ot Fny;Ciricainan; j : 1 -t i 'wTrraP ft. beattiftf Mrrroarongi 1 bay'y p. aerhefaiit; le jCW ef. Tp,jat4jafD lIdola. etej?f j rear taienrs ori. 'wli6liiveli,pHaered dtatey;wwhrefQ(da v. rie ratio of f