Z iMft ; ! zZiz i zzzz r zz-iZz . rviv- -r - , !.n vf ; . :zmmz-- - f ' ."$1 , - i : . AN ACT MaVintJ impropriation ff thjephiiljury eftab- .UiLi.r iVi IT r,;(tl States, in the'vear r one thoufand eightlwtndrdLan4 to. ; f IbS it tnafted tty the Senate and Haufi of Rtprtfentativcs of the Omted State cf America,, in Congres afem 6ledJ Xht for defraying the feveral exigences of the military cltablilh meat of the United States, for the far one thou fa nd eight hundred two, for the Indian depart nientj for arfenah and armouries, and for the ereftion of fortifications, the folloving litms be and the lafoe herebyare refpeaively appropriated, that is to (ay: ; 1 'f' For the pay of the army of tbe United States, the fum of 292,972 dollars, including therein1 the fum of 60V000 dollars appropriated by an aft if the prefent fefTion . , ' for, the fubfiftence of the army, tht fun of 201,027 dollars and forty cents. ' -j Fbr foroge, 3.804 dollars. I I i. v-r r . J 111 ' For the medical and hofpital de partment, id,ooo dollars, for bounties and premiums, 2000 dollars. ' i . For all ex pen ces of tranfporta tion, tents, tools, nd the contirt gent expences of the war depart-, menitj 64,000 dollarsk 4 For the pay, fubftflence, and eleathing of the corps of engineers 7,010 Hollars and 80 cents. For the Indian department 71,750 dollars. I ; ' .. ' For the expences incident to the arfenals, magizines and armouries of thi United States, 66,766 dollars a!id8p cents. . .. ' .trl. For erefting and completing for tifications and barracks 70,500 iol- For rurmint; certain boundary lines betwee:.1 lnc Indians and wiiite inhabitants the United States, and I for afc-ria'ning the lines of fundry rcfcr;ei tracls of land in the Indiana north-weftern ter ritories, r 0c50 dollars. Sec. And be it further cr.attcd Thit or defraying all expences W1tl arife in confequence of difchargi n? tne officers, non-com-r.:ffionL officers and privates, who areJinrT'- 3 DC fupernumerary, by thi i&Vof the prefent felTion, enti Tied "an acl fixing the military twee eftablifhment of the Unit&d 'f and for carrying the fai;att funics jbej 2nd they hereby are rtlpctcivety ft?1iatedA that to uv j ' - : V ..7';'.-): - For the pay of the officers, hon co'mmiflioned officers and privates, to be difchafged, (9,500 dollars : For fubfi Hence, 18,000 dollars?! Fbr clothing, 12,000 dollars : For fpraee; i.cobndollars; or the medical department, aooo dollars :' ' . ; - '. " i ! For quartermalier's department, ASWo aollars:. ;v Jf'f For fbovinties and pfemiums, 1500 dollars i " . r I '; For allowance to officers and fol iers who are to be dilcharged, 36,000 devtiars : 1 :. For contingencies, 9poo dollars. Seer. 3. And It it further ena&ed That I z " firm not exceeding 46 j 000 pilars, including any unexpended balance of the fum of 15,000 dollars, a?propri2tcdby the at approved on the 13th, day of Tay, 1800, entitled atl aft to appropriate va certain fum of money to defray the expences holding a treaty or treaties with tllc Indians' be. and the fame is appropfqr defraying 1 pence 01 any; treaty or treaties jrHxch m be held wHK the Indians Jouthof the river tfhior Provided, I hat tjU compenfation to be at l0;ycd io any i6rmiu1bnerfepoih& CJ r ho may be appointed, for n R ,,.T,n cn , treaty or tre.vtn inaii ndjt exceed, excluiive of t lng expences, therate of 8 per day, - during heiaclual y fuchoramiffibnerj 'J 1 Sec. a. And be it tftir'ther that: ylihef"' "eVeial- appfop ncrcin . pelore made Ihalt Jd dchaTged, ftrit, out HI 1 f l 1 n j c I rirma in i n g) unexpjerded V w $ forrner appropriauftp for (he famV .0 ecu' It eaJvelanindl v'5 out of anv monies in the? treafury not otherwife appropriated. j k 1 NATHU. MAtUN, ; Speaker of4 the Houfe. of . Reprefentatives. ABRAHAM BALDWIN, Prefidentof the Senate prOjtempore. Approved, M5' t, t8a. ;! 1' ' , Prefident of the Uottd States. ! , j ' AN ACT U in t MalInj; appropriations for the fupport of go- vernment, for the year one thoufand eight huvdred tni two. i j ' Bit it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of geprifentatives of the Unit ed States ef America, in Congrefs af ftmbUk, That for the expenditure of the! civil lift, including the con tirjgent expences of the feveral de partments and officers ; for the com penfation of clerks in? the feveral loan offices, and for books and Ita tionary tor the lame ; , tor tne pav- ment or annuities ana grants, Tor the fupport of the mint eftablifh- ment, j tor the expences or mter courfe with foreign nations, for the fupport of light-houles,, beacons. buoysj and public piers, and forfa- tisfyirig certain mifcellaneousclaims, and expences, the following fums, including therein the lum of one hunlired thoufand dollars already ap propriated by an aft, entitled ap aft making a partial appropriation or the fupport of government dur- ng the year one thoufand eight hundred and two," be, and arc hereby! appropriated, that. is to fayp For compentations grantea oy law to the members of th Senate and Houle bf Repreientatives,1 their of ficers and attendants, ettimated for feflion of fi ve months continuance, one hundred and fixty-four thou fand, five hundred and twenty-fix dollars and fixty-fix cents. For the ex pence of fire Wood, fli- tionary, prjnting, and all ther cop- vr'jerit expences of the two, houfes of CohtfTS icventecn 1 mouiand dollars : ' ?:&$!t-. For extraordinary contingent ex pences of the houfe of Reprefenta- tives, by refolutions of the houfe during the prefent feffion, includ ing alio the expences of the library of the two houfes of Congrefs, and for printing one thoufand co pies of the cenfus of the United States, feven thoufand dollars : j Ftfr defraying theexpenceof new fuYnituftff provided for the houfe of j reprefentative, one thoufand two eighty-five cents: For the compenlation to the prefi dent and vice-prefident of the nited States, thirty thoufand doU lars : ' ; j ; i. . j ' For eompehfation to the Secre tary of State, clerks, and perfons employed in that department, ele ven thoufand three hundred and fixty dollars: ! . For the incidental and; contingent expemces iri the faid department, twelfe thoufand eight hundred and fiftvdpllars ; ; ,; ; 1 j l ; ! For compenfation to the fecfetary of thfc treifury, clerks', and perfons e'mpjtoyed in his office,' eleven thou faridii two hundred and forty-nine dollars and eighth-one cents : j ! For slx pen cei of tfan fla tin 1. t . anoyance 10 inyyerion cMpioyed in reteivinff acnrtransmit tini paportWnd jjanetters, flatio- nar y -qd prng, eight handled cprrj. ejofation to the treafury clerks and ployed I; in his office, land nine .hu ndfed and ven dorurs and eight fts pence of ftatlonary r and prihtnnff in thexpmptroller's ofHce, j Fur comniinfa'tion to the auditor ofuie treajqry, clerks andperfpris ewnploycdifV his.office twelve t hou- and two; hundred and twenty dol- iars ana ninety tnree cents : ; ' For expenfe 6f ftationary and pnrltirfgln the' office of the tudUor, fiveilitrndrecldoUas (? V' For cotnpenfat ion . to "thei tt eafu rer J-clerks? and perfons ;jern ployed i rv. (5ce, fi r tribuTand rtwo hun- area anutwenty levenr aottars ana forjy-five centsr- , , , rtv.: enceior -;ttationary anq priming ;m tne t treatuten$;-omce; - " Forcompen fatlmv to. the totmni fJ 1 . c-i Goner - of helVevequ-Cletkinii v: 1 1 perfons eWployed in; his office,- (jn ffi " ,ni'-i.v'l - . . i. s 1 ,i . eluding thewaespt' tVfO peribns,ero ployed iri cou'nterflamping vpier in the faic office) fix thou&nd hundreiahdifift-three pilars and, fix cents : '! " - 1 ' ;y; , ; .- -. For expepce . of Hationary, dhd printing in the office of the "com miffioner of the revenue, four hun dred dollars : - J" For cowipenfatlon to the regifter of the treahirv, clerks and perlons employed in his office, fixteen thou fand and fifty-two dollars and one cent;-. . :' :j , ' - For expence of ationary and printing,; (including books for the public flocks, and for the arrange ment of the; manne papers) in the regi der's office. tW thoufand eight hundred dollars : j j For compenfation to the fuperin tendant of damps, clerks and per fons. employed in his office-, one tbpfand fix hundred jand fix teem dollar$and fixty-feyen cents : For expence of ftationary and printing in the office of ifuperinten dant of llamps, two hUpdicd dol lars: I Fbr compenfation to tihe Secreta ry of the com miffi oners p f the fink ing fund, two hundreji and fifty dollars : j For compenfation of clerks to be employee! ir the treafurv, in addi tion to thofe authorifed? byj the afcl of the fecon'd of March, pne thou fand feven hundreda"hd ninety nine, rorthe purpofe of making draft ef 'he feveral ftjrveys of UnHs in the territorv of the United Spates, north-' wefl of the river Ohio, and for keep ing the books erf the tresifury, in re lation to the fales of lands pr the fe veral land offices, two thoufand dollais: l ! For fuel, and other contingent expences of the treafiry depart ment, including theren the fum of one thoufand dollars already ap propriated, four thoufand dollars : 1 For dcfrayine the expence inci-i dent to the dating arid prifrting the ! n ubl iC--3 c eoli n"t i' f b r the 'year one thoufand eight hundrvd and two, one thoufand two hundred dollars : For defraying the expence of printing two large tablesloiP imports; for one year (ending the thirtieth of September, ono thoufand feveri hundred and ninety-nine,) ih Amei fitan and foreign vcfTels including paper furnifiicalrof thejme, brie hundred and fixty-four dollars i For compenfation to a lupcrin tehdant employed to jfecure, the buildings and records, in the trea fury department, during the present year, and fpr nine months feryice in the ytar one thou!f3nd eight hundred and one, not ! heretofore a p p r b p r i a t ed ? i n c 1 d d i rl g the e x p e u c e of t wo watchmen, and ; 'the repair of fire engines, buckets &c. one thoufand four hundred dbllars : - For com jjen fa!t on to trie fceretary of War, clerks, and perfons employ ed in his office, eleven 'thoufand two hondred and fifty dollars ; . LiFpr e?tpenCes of fuel ftatipnary. printing, and other contingent ex pjences in the, office of t he leci etary at war, one fhbuTandofol.fars i .. .. For compenfatiorf to the account- 5nt1o7 t h e wi f detla r f mVn 1 1 clerks; and perfons emD?ovSd IrV iftis orHce ten thoufaad m'ne" KuV3tett; dbiian ":J;:' j. - f-K - Z Fbrflconfrjent,, expencii'-fa' the oince of tne accountant ot j the war tjepatment; olne thoufand dollars: brbmperjfation: bf , dler ks. em plr d; in tne payors Itcr-generiirs rci ee;orie thoufand cil U nundred uuiurs: i . , . , ' For fuel in the faid bffice,' ninety dollars ; . f , '. ' ? . ' -r .' ., ;. - For cortperifation tb the purvey or of piibtic fuppliesV clerksand oer- Ifons emplbyectm his'o ins a fpm" of feyei5 hundred dollars-" ' for cornpenfVtion tn his Jderks; in addition to the fuffl allowed, b- the aft ofthe feconcT ayof . March one. thotjriartd teyeri nunareo ana ninety nine arid far expence of fiitivtietX F thAiifand ej?ht hundred dollars ,. ; ffV. 3Torompen TaVionV i&e&ircfaty. 1 or iJe navy, vea uu ;wvtwiijcui ployed in -niS;omcefnine,tnounci one hurTdred and'icp: ddllar f 'f orieiebie irtting amci 'otUti ,con tingent oences m thtf6ceofithefecretary of ihCiavy 'twd thoufand feveri .v For cbmpenfatian to the account- employed in Jhis office,, including if the fum of; orie Ihpuland one, Hun dred dollars for compenlation- to 44 'li-Ic 1irlf Wddirion to the lum al iowea py tne act pr inc 01 179 t$ -Ipolifitid ihrel Kllndrer and fifty cioliajrs I -- Zf-k0 -.-for pt tiri gen' pettciiiK9" ; office ot Jthea2cbihant of thjnayy, i feven h tin d red and fifty dollars . .4 Fcr Jcompenfition,. t6;, ihij pbft i .1 1 n r . 1 1 n a .... hi ' 1 mafter-enej'a!'J,alti ftarit poft-rrta der?t general,; clerks an perfons employ ed in the, poltmaltergenerars onice,; and, for making. good i deficiency. in tne apprppriauan ior,;cicrK. iJirc i n the faid office . in the year one thoufand eight hundred ndl.oiie including a fum f,of two thonfndl three hujndred dollars fbr epmpen fat ion toj his lerk, in additibii ;to; the fum allow ed hy the a off the ! d of Match, 1793, eleven thoufand feven hundrecp and five.dollars ; For expence of i fuel, candles, lla tionary, furniture,, chefls . &c. ex clufiveof thefexpenceb of ftiits, pro fecuiions, maif jbeks, Iceye, port manteaus, ' faddle-hags, blanks for pod-offices, advert ifements relative to the mail, and other expences in cident to the depart ment at large, thefe being paid for by the poft-maf- ter-generai, Lt f lfic funds of the office, Jwa thou!fand dollars: For compenfation to the feveral loan officers, thirteen thoufand two hundred and fifty dollars : For comperlfation to the clerk to the commijlioners of loans and an allowance to certain loan officers in lieu of cletkhire, and to defray the authorized! expences of the jTeve ral loan offices, thirteen thoufand dollars : j J j .. For defraying the expence of clerk hire in the office of the commifli-" oner of loans, for the date of Penn fylvania, in addition to the perma nent protifion made by law in con -feauenceof the removal of the4 offi- I of the Treafurv denartmenf - in I . T . r-- - n the year tTne thouiand eigh nun? 5 dredi to the permanent leat of go vernment, tw thoufand dollars : T For compenfaiiri tc7the (uryfcyor general; and tpe cleiVnmployed 6y him, and . "' ' " f ' VT" " For expence or fta tionary and 9 ther contingent expences in the fur-veyor-generalls omce, three thou fand two hundred dollars: : , Fordefraying the expence of pub lilhihg, in the Scioto gazette, the ft providing for.the fale of lands in the territory nortrj-weft of- the, ri ver Ohio,' and of paper for printing twelve huiidrd copies of the aft providing fori, the fale of weftern lands f the United. States,' eighty four dollars. .!..'. ' i-. . ; For completing certain furveysau thorjfediby afts of Congrela ipafTed the tenth day elf May,' ojbe thoufand eight hundi ed :! the eigheehth or-February and third of March; onethou- fand eight hundred and one, and-for furveymg and laying; orT accordiftg to law, tne lands around -Vncennes, on the WabafhJ inthe jndiana ier- ritorv, thuty-nirfe. thoufand k twoj hundredand ninny.hx dollars, and -ninety center . t 1 Fof comofnt tiorr to the follow- I inoffifA Jejmint; 4 r Vl rHeT direftorji two triou fand dol lars : ' t ' h- ' t, -The tfeafurer,, one thoufand tvio hundred dollars1: '-" The aflayer, 1 orie thoufand. five hundred dollars ty.,. , - P j The chief coiner, oe thonnd five hundred dpllarjj The melter and refinerne thoU- fan five hundredlpjlars ' ; The eogra ycr, lone houfand vtt o hundred dollars: I ' -Vr- "-''.. . One clerk, at feven hurndred ctol- I Tarsi - "? 1 V ;i And t,wo4f f)ve nVndredd6lfars ; For the i wrges ofv . pcrXirisemV pToved.-atthefdifFer'eotranebesoF dollar? per annum, allowed to an af J atfo overfees-hexeciitjoin nT tli irojn orkt Jevcn; thotrtanUSloU Rollers and fcrfcrbaf;?irbn;vle ff eelofSce Trhitnreand for all 4 therVcniingcnsies Uthe flablifjii wetrjtne fflmrfthrce: UiouUnd mnc,unurpo iawiary-2). v ror compehfauon-tbthe eovetnor anaS?udccs,attd feCretarv F tWb-Vi 'f;i...'-j. it five thoufand one hundred and fifty dollars;; tV ; . V; -VU .y.-l lorfecc.pfluttonaryiirinif' ingpitentsC fprian!:and3ther"r con tinmen t ex pen iczi f or, la p o$tf ti 1 h ? f iid territ dry, three htinor ed an d o$iial.v,- rirH'r :frbr icompen fa t ion to .the isrover fnor fudges,, and fecretary rbf 'he j iiiinmppi irterriipry, - jirvc inouizna . one huau X " t j: Forewesfatikary, ffictt,.---rent,irjd"mhWcin expen- ces in he faid territory, three hun 1 4red arid fifty dollars ; V " I ,J:or compenfation. io the; govern " nor, judges, and fecretary -bf the . Indiana territory, :fivj thoulanc onb hundredand fifty dollars riieW f-' -.. ; T xpencea of iSationar jofficq , ;reri and ;o ther 'onlingen tg: V ''ex ; peaces jthe .''ia-d trtcyjjthireo -hundred "and fifty doliarsM ', ':k i .. For additional coropenfa$ion' ;fo thft clerKJ or h.eleve:ralvdepai:t-r m'ents 'hi rftate treafury arvand naw, and of the general pbft-office, rot Exceeding for . eack department -refp'eftijvely, fifteen per i centum in , : addition . to the lpms $1 lowed irhif aft entitled iVan afti to; regulate Snd BXithe ceinpeit-iQnlbcler: eleven thoufand eight hundred and : eighty-$ye dollars ?. . x. : For the difcharge:bftucfi demands againfl jthe 0njite4 Sta op acr axJunt of the civil department?' not " other w tfe provided for, as fhail? have been admitted in a. due courfe of fettlement at the treafury, r and which are of a nature, accbrlin to the ufage thereof, to requir pay ment in fpecie; - two thoufand 4dql- tor the compenfation o ranted bv" law to ihe chief juftid ai,fjai juagrs circuit judges,! ana cUItrjtt judges of the United SateSju' d in g the ..chief ju fti ce! and t wo a lTo4t clae; judges' of ; trie 1 rj.gpp Juhioia,an;d'tb theJlt '4tgcxu' ralaxty-eigkt tbufii jKfixuri-" dredhftvoiin " Fbr-the iike cqn'eri fctippiktiq, ted to tae diftrift attpr si(e$ and foir del f rgy i ng tht. jexpen tea -pf .thea "fu&v pfeme, jcircuitandidria of the Unifd StatesOpHuo court.for the diftrift 6f fcoiurnbia turots. ahd.witnelTes, inidfof the fu nds , Anfi ng J rotn fi nesr fbr fei ted Stitend:ropeCm8 pruoners, nttyinxpulawli'Vw hundred dpllari:,;-; Fji ror compen.iatipn4Qkhe,ffiarlri of the diftrift. dfMarneW -f0 Eaft, and a-Tewnelecfofve fand t Wo ; hund red dolla r la tor the,-payment,-bf fundry neh, fipns gVanted -by- Wgo&rrf ww.., tv Ufct'UI UWiifS J " iTr-T-- "b.7Mtv frjuc,wact of Congxefsof jheihifdDf fepjur, ary, onethoufanciiht; hundred and two, relative to oftSceis W crewpfj theUntdtfsfifchofirrer iEnterpme, pne -tKotlnd i feven.' fhundre4'andaineW For ; payment pf Iheainuitgrari. ted tothecrwtdUnpAhelateTl John Hrdm, QqnajpAlexap ler Trumjo, Jy anftjqf Conmfs dted dollars j t' ' Ll t iV i;r Eor'pafeAent "of'tKerTnuaCV&lJV and ejtht urnJ re4 itathra,'nin4fo . ana rc. i j; ob cerit iVl f ciifcharge 61 tucVMU f,ebu5dernandsWamiirth Mates, :ottherwiJevfirbvrUc anCwh)c0fA y 91 - to the UfaW thereof. tbiVbO iuiw jiju" yyunjki ic j. ano r MKCWllc fot deffayiniexpetifes opt-ofe"-' cutidn fbr offenceHnftThelJni Cbmm,irio an nail per cenfi - fortv:frA,..t.-iLvi v i (:.) . .T.-1 M i 9 -43 , . ;j r '-A 4 V t 1T if