1 . . Hi' . - ' o'1 v. v.. . J Ytr&iA the jKrTS?? '':. .,;-ttTl','SL. :tn' He . has Ipcrxiion o.f'j',5tX5,oi rubiest a. VIE NKA . if A Y il r , 'J l Offi&ui i 1 jkfa? fet Mt h'ba Ma whaj lends parties as r ;1 ai" Hr-tflfc r art.U 'N'ico pirn's, ; but ;Ji5 S ar y rst rt (i ihoufahci mrn ftratig, of which gooJi ire roianaers ; riis artiticrv Ts nut. mercup, HlCc tKgrea:ter part is unfit for i-iivite. riowevpr ne. lays ntp fr-n . i.s fa nltcrl jegulafj - and alundintly. itn proviuons, por nx pa ft he has confined hira ely to the defenfive. ' tnonf rs fclf ckt HOLLAND. HAGUE, MAY TJ tjrft port ajt vh:ch .Vrral iDc Witjitcr will touch, vr!l i i :"Iag J. T hough 'nolhinW :s ofBciallv publifiiid refpeftin the dcftiT.rtio'n- cr t lie i q ua.d ron under his command, it ?s; however known,, that he v ill n r ifev i !i c t ne is a r Ija x I'art; p r. y e H , v n h whbm the Adta, is in rirufted to rcl 'vf thecomtrjt.Vcial rcla't.fonsKvhih' naye been ne 'by; the war. tea' or interrupted FJU is. may'Vd. , - I;.--- ffVe are allured -tWi. riar. line will be rigtsroufly ohferved of yefTdls comitig from Spanrili-y: Kierica.r It is 'believed that the "Xvant of this ,neceTary precaution, . intiTduced the. ravagina epidemic BTsiIxceUenCy GhalebKfrendi, ;3ijbetal-,o;tht'firtnceia S .otei t;ary and envoy of the Sublime or-V par the government of the k French RephWic; left Vienna the beginning oCprairial about the 125th of May. He is at this mo ment arrived, ki Strafhourg. The ',"Flrft Cpnful hadlcnt, Citizen Du r S, fuperior adjutant of the Palace " ,pf S(?vcrnnrient to ibe frontiers, to mcti that minifiar, and Citizen dJantan hrlt . interpreter of; the French Legation at Cor. flantinonle. Thc pefs! write from all "the epartments tfelt the will of the ci iizens is unanimous for the nomini ion ofthe forft Confui fbflife, 'j . ' 'jrvK x. ;'u. Theconfulsof the French Rejuhr lie, ifo'jthe eports of themir"TVeT cf marine and colonies, decreed on iffe t h a t Jje i fhrn i s . of . ' M a r t i- . func ' man jn iiuiure;: JcieatdeThai ftrates; . Ivi r. a 'i icription . is fet oh foot in to which ths firft conful contributes a a private citizenr ior rendering the : Seine navigable to ?;V,irA'f' '"'.i-'-'.-i ' ' ;' , v : l. t Adrrii f a il. Villatet a rriveci at B re hV jzbthr-Mav:laft . witiii8 fail of :Jjfiyqoakfoa Uilpatcfies' were received from Ge neral LejJerchatin Tou (Taint vitft hav"in:omittcd;anexarhpled cruelties. - j-: I i Commerce appears to be reviving thrcughout France; the fea ports re fuming theif aq'cu domed activity. TJiere have arrived at Havre during the Month Fioreal, from 20th April to ;9tKlVlay, S7 fhips, of which 13 vere. Americaris, - From the 7th of April to the firH: Of May. 24. velTels left: the nort of . . . : . . . i . Dantztc for ,Kayre, wholly laden ..with. grain ; and t) others were tak ing in a cargo of the fame article at 1 Dantztcon the ith. intended- alfo fpi Havre. There is great fcarcity oft grain throtiehout the Republic. infomuch that all exportation of it-has bpen prohibitedi GREAT-BRITAIN. " "l . . LO.N'DOK, MAY 25. ; . Oat he ig h Mr. Otto received a carcr;;o-Fprrri 4n a itiiTflfeob1k5he:rejn It hie Fritieh re- fidinghglantl? are., to write heir v oteV on f he ueft io n , I al I vIaDoIe6)ni Buoriaparte pe confui for An atticIeTroni Brltrt, ) of the t'tth of tvlay.mehtipn tht! the s Kihg ki ' ruha n Uie Jperor;Of Ru f. o 0C BhBitnf4laiiedor r. ik4hWA;Ladra o 4l2uinS4 and ? T fj!'; - :--feVJVj-J?ii:L- C jt--i -'t. Ks wace-nn ine ' - ! 1' '' lun.dsr Sir moixsefctly jfcs petted. a,1v irnvM rim lix d Plan fbrlhc; terdy, k courier Svbo, brought ;thiM to receive fche arrears Of the tribute pavabTe to him by the Americans in ' Hv - if-' . i; jt i.-3- r' .i . K I'll "Si i will comirjertC riejcryear.; ) Difpati:hes haye ; been rrcit'cd. f r6 m-B erfa 1 ,'tann linc in'rh jt - t h e roviritMf i;Q'U(3e"had cbpic 'rider. t he dommion bfjihe'Ea'ft-1 nJiom p tirt a itcfl t hat t"He -b ro t hef Jp f jM a r-: WeJIeney is a-ppomted Deputy Governor, having u rider. nim Mcffrs. Matthew Ivefiie, nd Sen tori. Tihe company, h?v" granted a Vcn'fion; to the '' Nhb'cb. ; . Marquis WJelleiley wastKclepart fctEn;gland on, hrs return from Luck now, re tain irygrj hoyeX-er, his ftttiatibn of Governor Bengal. Orders have been fent! to h'is l.ordfh'p, fer the immediate reduction of hts. guard. Mr. Addinijton, propotlng ye terday in the Hou(e of Commotis, in the comtnitteoiTfapply,-' to vote .he fum bf .'i't-o.cqsI. for thai relief of vert-, . r kjiuj j . . j ( . fFreh.1 Emigrants and Arrncan Roy ah ft s, took that opportunity f arirjouncrng that eve:jy facility vas giren to the" former to return 'o thtir country. , lie actled that be (Tf.bd-will of'tlie French go vernment on the one part, in per milting t iieir return, and the difpo ntion "of Kn gland on the oiier, in concur r in g With the f a m e job j e cl . .vS'ilTS-ntrorifff.ft oroof of the ftefire of the two countties to chenih thoir rentifnenrs which have io l.appi'y oHt . an end to the' War. r "LARGE HAIR TRUNKS, -1 ' Iroo-Vcrtind and Loniori-ir-iade.1 To be bad at tbe Prirt'inp.Ofiier. - SHERIFF'S SALi. ' ' . i .-i:! : NOTICE IS UERBY CnrN, T7H AT j the foTlo w in g; TrnRs o f ;, L2nd wMH be fo!l for 1varis it-jc llnrcon for the Y"car one thoufand eight h-iindrcd a' ! A tne Court-Hpulc, on the 15th and ibil. Daysof Septeriber next, -'unlels tlUy are -pi. (or before the Day of Sale :., ; - " 100 Acres, h? prop:rty of iaft Caf?, on Pine Swarpp, Waters of fomh Foi k, Nev. River., v j: ! . ipo do. of William Crifin, on! North Feik New Kiver,. i, 100 do. cf do. on do. ri too Acres belonging lo James : Fleckcn, or. Cave Creek. ' 300 do. of do. oh do. 3 o jp of do. pa do. i i' 300 do; of ditto on Nathan's Cretk. aoo do. of dp; orrdo. tloo do. of do. on Dog Creek. H - . too Aces of David Waggoner, on Cavr Creek. . I -I ' ' 1 top Acres 4frn nf i'fmirin ilnnt. An F.outh foil;. j.joo do ' of do. cn Hig-Hilton Cfrek. jao do. of do. pn lne Sw nnp,i . 3?odo.ofd. on Beaver Cr'-k. 100 do. of do. on Little I litton Cre'r: . too do. of do. on P:g tiitlon (preek. g7o of WiJlam Miiler, on Me.U .'Jair.p. ioo Acres ot William Lyons, on Souih Fork Water. 200 Acres of Wi.'.liani ' Sturdy, ln . Cbey'i Creek: 320 do. qf.V'illtam Kiltcrry, i (jbey'i Crk 91 do. of William Spincr, i Littie Hitio:j Creek; j .. : j 100 do, of Willjam Wright, pn South Fork. ' Water. ; ! ' ; ( ! 200 do. of Thomas Terry, North' Fork Va- ters New-River. acfo do of do. on do. 200 do. o do. on do'. j zoo do of do. 0:1 do. , too do. of Archibald Mahor, on KlkCreelc 100 do. bf Clofs Thompton, onjisayer Creek. 100 J. of Daniel Whitley, on Lik. Kriilge. too Acres ot do.' on do. ! j j t oo Io. of Charles -Gorior., oh Pine Swamp. 000 do. 01 coon Naked Creefei. . tgo Acres of William M'Cle.vn, ; on North - Fork. Waters, 'f j. . i ' i co do. of Ben. Worgan,'on Cranberry c!reekr too do. of ditto'pn dp.' 90 Acres of Jacob Mbuver, on Beaver creek, tea do. of Abraham Kenner, on itu5"loe AVaters.- !; j ' j - : top do. pf Jjphn Hern,, on do.; ! 50 do. pf JcfiV Kobinet, Uia. Craffy creek. I 6oodo. of Arthur Campbell, Mtncr's Branch'.. ho no. ot JNatnamei lettc, on -j Jfi tier's t;retlc. 200 do. pf jol'eph Cafs, op iVnc SvvJinp. aoo do. of jonathMU .TpBip'on's, ' on i'uje Swamp. ' ! 1 j"oo Acres of Thomas Tra'lawjc, at Deep Ford 03 bouth l oik. 50 do. of Jacob Lav., cn Naked creek, 200P dd$ of Themas Fayn, osi lluton crif k. S o Acres of John iifotvn,i on; Obey '& creek. 5odo. of Samutl Simlon, ori Peak creek. 400 do. Thomas Payn, Peak creek. 50 4o..ol CT0I1 rhmfo)i JBeavr creek, hco do. of Thomas Terry, 0:1 the Ulue Ridge. 400 do. of Bselv Sandy, on Dbcy's creek, io'dq. of Thomas Carr, on the 131ue Ridge. 50'dd. of James Thsmcan's, dn South Fork. 1,50 do. ot Ldwari Lineh onlFhoaix Moon-! tarn; , . tt'" i.y !' ( '!-! 300 do. of William Bri'dteary, on Leaver waters, 1 " "' . -.i -. t ', 10b do.- of Bethel Rtgr 'or. Pine 'Swamp, too do. of do. oh do. !.l . -; . . 115 do. of James lackfas, ri dp. Vicas on Ncrth fork. W iter. $ov'4t of Uamel Vanayi Faver creek. Zoo do.'pf Jarnes Iterndpn, ion Horfe cri fopdo; of David MKeniSe on bog etc lob-tfo: of doV On N. Fork Nkked'cveek too de. ot Thomas Ferry. on: L'eaycr crt- ipj do. of Thomas Payne ojn Obey's creek ??f dHt jeffe ork,Cranbrcreek. VVater- jo i ao or peter Lttle, on " rSotth , Jrorkw-.,--' . ' . .:. $o da'. bf lames Vaawin aVj ' Acrej'on the South Site df .hpoJe SWaWp, i; liitPofcd ttvW tte Fbehj of th -Hoirs dl !ifJv4iia.Cnbourn. Mfc ."'4 ; j j-. fpon ere near ;or joining the Mote-, thc'ro f inir5 of tSe.iliotftVIeirs, :'. ': V Little Marfh an the Ga5burey; the P10- 50 Acres between the (Jrcat and Little Marfh, VheTrroertT oflJaid Alexander ICiTrrie: ! inn! Afrpton the Sbtkh- Siue of! the Great' .Swatop, near orj joining Jon 'fR'4 the' 1 Protver'ty of tlie theirs of Leonard Locke. t AM-c1- wn .the s::fK Side of Amooie,..on the Grais Bay, the'Froptrt of John Man Korfh Skle f the Great Marfh, uearoi -joi'riing "AleTinder Patterion, the Proper ry of Maloi.n M'.jiaiu. Ao;'in tii. tr-saf S warn f. ion or near IB Road from LtimHeiton to iipaocui, . 640 Joining tHe above. iiu , 'Acres! near ' or joini'n? th afoye. The aboetkree Tiacfa were feieiitU by John Will.s. i' ' ' ' ! 6 Acre's on ffieft Side 'of Saddlcee Swap' fifecob Uliodes'S Land, ue 'Property of George Williams, .. j 100 Acres an a Bta'nch ofItockfh' Creekr p ai tcf.ted by MarmaJiikc k-wlcs, 100 Acres! on the bouih 1:JC ot Rpckfiin, lh Owner unknown to me. ! I Acre Lot iif the town ot Luxriberton No. j Stokes.!. Sap Acres on both S?de; of Shoe Heel. So Acres on both Sides of Shoe '.heel, about : half a rnile UcJov. the mouth, of the Black Branch. . , I , . 00 Acres oq both Sides of SJise Heel, joining .'the oldf C4tnty Line. . ' , JIoo Acre! near or joiiiitg the ahovv e ' bsvc foUrSur-yeys pannrei by Gprge Eilett; nf thih Mi?rvevs but been loJJ 300 Acres, and the Taxes -paid which wjll t be referred cut of thit S?e. . y ;, I Alfb the following Leads VMcN were-?iven in,' anJ qo vitiblc perfoi! irrv-pcry lo fatuy j theTaxts dua tlicreon. , . 85,059 Acres on the Se.th i--lf (' Drowning Cfeekj glvea in bv Vfilli'arn K!;ja:i, at A gent for Hsjbois ; ni ,ecr. f .43,78.?' Acres pn the urit hvae of the Road leading fiom Lumbcmn ti t &yctteviUe as the above. . j. " 14,150 Acrcs'on t!ie'!ower fide cf ixdekfifii. s joining ; Cutri&fctlarid County Line, given in an above. zoo A crei 'between Re'aV- :r. p'and .Crowrjng Creek'' iven in lvt;Arcm'CajHbj. ; " ! TfV'iA 1IA.RNLS, ChfrV' fWirr 1 PepaVttncaVtv 24th"- May, iSd, pH A V lecaratc repofas S Wi il' he receive 1 at the OTnct ci t'ne Fecrftary oVhhc De;partmci'.t a" Wa-r .'r.ti! khe Krptra- ioa of the 5' t t Day of .!; vrjrt enfumj.-j oi" the luppiy ot wit Ration', vth'uh rii.iy ce ejuired for the L'" J. x?: jtej .-States-,. 'ron t!ic ill D.iy cf I .iubcr. J0th D' r1' Sejj-enSer, iO" o.i, tiOtir trr tviifiDavs in- . .. i ;.ulivc, a$tr.e to: owv- rprs, v:t. At N i n. r.-, .h Dt'troit, st ichV.i- natHac, si-d at "crt W r:ie. Second '. At Ci c;r.nati and S. N'inrentics; ctXtjh-i., At Fort MHh , ncr S pf the Ohio a:-.d Kafkafiss Fourth At Scfith Wert roirt. 1' ICO, 1 i f tc j Kndxviiie, n.6 on the Poad from lj ihe Line between the Chickalawsiand Choc laws, ami f sy Plice or Pu.es wlibc l jo....s re er rfaj' be H.'.t toned, raa-rchcu rccr-.'ucii i:hiri t!ic StAtc ot T- nncfTcc. Fifth. ; A the CltickaLiwv IV ir hez, f'or'v, .A-?.msi .Mobile, and-on the Hvi'i trMi .uihei. to the Koon-rv Liiv: be!t-A ec-. ti c .Jhocta" s a id Ciickaf.ivvs, and at hir.y i the CCliTtfe'A or Choctaw Cc-hmry, be wtcn l?c.s r Creek and Natchez. I Sej'ir.T.'r Pr ipeffils in: alft ir rfc ta 1 'f.-vejtttdy for the fpj'J A ". Untied S at-s. rt,:n. th ? J'7 -n.uary, 1 0 3. until tvf Cciif cr, if; the Jane Ytrt bric D.ivt cufvc, ivitbirt (he f vcrai States' b fljtc went ened, v. 2. Sixth. At Fort Wilkmlbn, zl :Coek!pu: Iflind, and at v.ny I l ice or Places w ere Troops aire 'or may be ftattwueri, mjuched or Sever?.'. Alt Char.eltPni at Uocky Moi tain, on the Head. Waters of the Santf e, anil .tt any l'lace or nates v.-tcrf lioOws are. ct J may he ftatiofted, rnRrched or recruited with, i in .the States of South and North-' if olio. Eighth. At N'crfo;k, and at.py 1'Kce or Places wjiere 'Frocpsjare or may '.-.a ;;'.atiO:ed, marched or recruited wiring Mate ot Vllti.l.i. ! j ' Ninth. At Fcrt M'llenrr, a'n'd at any Place or Places wiiiere i roo3s arc .r .mat .be itationedf marched ;or recruited vy thin the Stateiof Maryland, i Tcr.tL. 'At.Fort ST.in, ant! at or Pkices vvhere' Trees' are or ma-- t . ""7 1 1 Itat'.on. ed, marcheu or recvuftei 'v thm ihe States- ef i Pcori'yvan:a-, N?:v.'-ertey -and l?e:aa'e. EUJtnh. At -F6rt isy at PiV.nt, ana at any. Place or klace .w here 'iiroops are j- may be ftatio-ied, marched 4r rccru'.tcd wifhir; the Stste of New Yuik, execptug "Jt?-ars. ! ' " 'i'-w fifth ;At F?r Trumbull, at Fort A. co;tf and at any Pice or Places where Troopt are of may be itatrmjeo,' marched or reciuiuu "within tiie bt.ite: of' ConueCticuti iCnodc' UfltJ and A'errroit. " 'i r 'iuirtefNib. At Fort Jndpendeneea (Brf ton -harbour: and at atjsy "P face or ''Flaces "where 1 rooyt.'are or may be ' lUtto:ld,'marcfhed or rt-crH'ittd wiihiivthe isttc of! Maiidchuleits, the Uiltfrcl of Mairre txepted. K 1 : i J'tiurteema. At Portl'mooth, at-Portland,- and atany Place ut Pljace where T-roop&afre or' may be rlatiipnea ,rnafched brlrecruited with n the State of Nj'w.rlami,Ih;te. and Ositr'icl of Maine.- i- - L; i ... . , .: ' A Ration to confift of eighteen Ounces of Bread or Flour,, or When wither can be ob- tained,ot one uart ct Rice, or diss and an half Pound of- iiued or bolte4 Indian Meal.! one Pound and a Quarter c( Beef, ortHtce quarters or a -round ot Jfork, one Gifl 6t Kum, VV htiK.ey or 1 two tour half; if CUindte, . tpiseTeryT huiidrcd j laxions 1 he rfcef fie eMLtcfnpoJneat rfartsi Ratitiar.we1li?b of the rranrriv iui 'tuaLkxiai - i. pi. randyt aid at the rateiof 'SHart? otltftounQwfai U Vinegar; Pounds of Soac. and one Pound aadaA rnaei; ASj&.'J -! " nonti eproability of 'he Tubfcribers Q-a-ititleas that rfiere malt aU Timet. durr1Pl ?eicli,ttiiifeef anapr as it would 'beimpoi-. iHfiretmot the pr'o)Te4.WtrVf H.ir OFfen, aiiv i'iatii.a iv 1 Months i-h. adva Pbfts'on the VVefteiniWaterzj for at leaft three Months in advanCetpirf epTCn.-v)ileiomei Prof ffiow, if tM rSe il :be rfpredl heJpJa-s"pC fortifjflaces.or to call fp! at eaf'on i whenlhiamecan e", h-anfpbrted, or jit any vJUrne i in" the Cafe of Jrgencyj fuch upplies of LiWe'oiS H naVance ias in (the 3iifcretjon 1 "of thedrfiu Wandant fhall b deemed proper Jt isob.e lunderrtood, tb jit the Contractor VXto be it ihe Lxpeflce and Hifi;T5f iirjgljhe SoppKtf to the -Troops. , nd that alt lloflesi fu'ttatned fey th e X)epredation3 bi'"anwtenemyt1pr by tne rvians 01 tne (-i roops 01 tne .'nitea. aat,es, jfhali e piaid for by the 'United States, at the - S : tf t a f a I " ' ! 1' i I " i. 1'rice ot tne Article capiarea or oeitroyea, on tHe Iep6itti0tis of tjwp of more creditabjle : Characters, ana1 the Certificate of a Cornmff- fioncd Officer,' jrfcmatnti the GirctfiBtlrrji ccs of the Los, an the Amount of the Ar-. tic 1 z : s f or w h rch C omptt n f a tji 0 n fh a II be Via i m ed, The Priviledge is to be u?d erftood-io-be H Served to tlie tjuited States of reuiifing that none of the Supplies ;whieh may be ftarnifhed r.nder any of the pripofea.Contfacts,fihali be, tlfued u:HiVthe SuppSieV WHc have been or may he 'Tarpi.fhed ur.Ser Contracts now in. rorce, navcoccn coniuroqu, auu mai a ouppiy m idvauce may be 'always required at any of the fixed Pofts on the Seaboard or Indiaa Frontiers, not exceeding ithree Mcoth;s. II ENRY DEAIIIIOR-, . Secretary if War. :' A Ilo'ufe 'an d 500 Dollars. A Houfc fituate iri Raleigh, on the wcftSikfe cf Fayetijeville Street within twenty Steps of the Cpprt-Hmife ; , iT epn sains thirteen Ro:ns, Jniae of w"hjch have Fire-places is "in eyeryTlelpect we'rf calcu, jated for a Tavern.' There is on the. Lot a Kitchen, SWioke-howfeJand one of f heiargeft and moll convenient Stables ivi the State. The Lot is entirelr feparated from other Lott by Streets of cpriidefafi'e width, which will greatly proiecVthe' jBuftldings frem Fire. I .willeitner. leJts tne ,rrerrjues at aeaionawe Price. and'convtni!en Time of. Credit? cr leafs the- farnc for or.e or- m're Vears with a Stock of five Hundred Dollars, in Cfh, or Liquor's, ond with good Sccurrtyj Wlll be Vcqun-ed Mr. JoHin fior?, of Raleih, i authorilcd to enter into atvr Contract, for me, concern i r-5 the Propeny, he may think W. NORWOOD. proper in. t a , NOTICE, .': T7OR the laft Timf.'that the Snb fcriber bein abjfciut'to leave the $tate, in-' furms thofe indebteaj to him: by t5ondor open Account, to come n immediately, acd d 1 f cbyirge their HonJs and thpl'e, who havelcpeh .A ccounts, to dilchale the'F Accounts of-.-git;e an Obligation with; appro-ed ' Security 4 Np f .,..1 II! .1 ''.'r' tqmicr inoiiigenceineea oe txpectcd tram I JOrIN POkl kR. July), iSoa. .-i'r ! was coMiTTiT), ; ;,. 1 . . . nO the Goal of II jlfhnrDugh; Diitricl and C4btyOnce eh the iid of June, l.oJ.LJa Negro Man uv Ice: t h re Jn ch e s j n d tli! j:V Qu a'i s h i H , 2 1 2ZarH of Ayf, Wpto fa. he be!u: rb to M i,orj'.:err,m-n, ot warrjp. Uountv, fr. i LVa rol ui j, near the Granville Line, on An derfon'4 -Swamp. "The Li '' Negro, hi s, C'K-imitrnent,'!cav aivery.ifTircnt .cccnr ot his (Kvner;' he then f.id he" Keioftcvt to Doctor i John Fid!,' i'livin.; or. the ftierr 5 ho re of. M.iryian'J, r.caj .Snow.J iili j. I a:n ijiduced tottijuk the.Iaft Account to ijcttue, iiiii he be lor. gs to.Cebrge Flernmon, f:c- The Owner is feqdeited to make the prc ptr Arpiicntron, anuitake hjrriegn'avr;i.' S. TUilRENTiNK, Sh'rirT- -7 1 h Jvne,' i b'c2.. Healthy c;nd Fertile JLaiids . "FOR SAl.K. ' . lilt I iui uivju,. : a l ul.' N' amber cf healthy af?d fertile Traits pt uh improved .Land, i:i f.2Cs to l ult Fttmm and" i.'jfr Pnrci'afe t, in the heaUhv Coanty. of j .Rutherford, M. C. cn land rear thc,W?ferfcbf nro?.u, Vneeri,. t .icoiite Kiycrs, ar.nj yar.e una White 'nk Creeks, c. J-'oiue of whjch join or are near to Mt.t!!eriGf dran. There rc t'j any Meeting Houies, I bn U'mks : law, V,t, and Cotton Mil!, LifU;Icnes. Taverns and Shors near. Ouea; Roads and the N'S av.ga- tiori of liroad and;Pacopie R.ive'rsTt.o C riel- t-.m by the Jji.t-e Cin'at. The le Lands iare on the Fait Side1 c I- the Liue Ridc. " he jCou ty has much Iron Ore 'in it, arid .above i'o,os white Inhabitants. Tlhe tei nts are C, raits' "io ff.it j be Pieshifiys, Pr 'Ct-'. The jLatids produce Cotton, ail kinds cf Cu;!i and ,G.r;it Is, .'Tobacco, jfec." D i rc t ions 'm had byn'quiiing ot Mr. jl Caies, Raie-U Cc!.' W; VV j'Erwin o W. Acry, Efj. or Mi v W Tate, Mbigiuor.,;,for j i Pi: FPR ITSf It R. TO TIL EF j. JL JJ Lit. THE Proprietors o t!je Charter ferlb; : . i ' it. :l : 1 . i- - t . 1 Occn- j ing uic r.avitno.u ot tf.e v.uawua anu Waree Rivers, tj.iv hi- at length lecd wifh much latisIaClionihe ritnipletion of the.tec. Canal, .m opcife tit recommence thpcp"a tions foropen!lg Of thilCa:iUvbfnd Watere Rivers diir:ng 1 l.-j prelentyearas loon the Rate f the 1-nJ Rivfrs wiil permit. In the mean v. iiile,' they h -vc determined to double ihe' ;iunibci of their litres, for the pjurpofe of adriuttig fuch pei i'on. as iTiay ciu-F; to become lubiciibjers. 1 he expences which liave been already incurred bythe Company, aiiiown't to one hundred dollars on each lharc 61 the prefent numjber, which, when. jdoifoieo" according to the preient determiuaticri, wiii reduce it to hity dollars a to are. The "charter of Sjoiitti-Carjjlina i: in perpe tuity and thelc Shares are for ever exempted from any rate, tajc, jdnt.V, afiefFmentor impofi tion whatever. ;The- Ac of -'North-Carbli'n j iuthorffts the Company- to fix and eftabhih a toll on all Goods and! Merchaadile, for 99 years, and exempt their Clares from any rate, tal' duty, affttTmelnt or impofitiqn whaltevcrj fpj; the iame period of time. V : ...) Theprel'ent Proprietors think it a diityin enteoenton them to intorm the public; tliat a Very confidetable lum is ex peeled to be raifed from the faje of vacant lands (which extend :tuo miles on each fide the Cata'Sa River, the luhote len&tb thereof fi am the ' Nirth-'Carviirta tine dfon 7a CmdefifTrr&';dyidnc pf left than 120 miex, md.itt tJsici) is fufpofed aH, referred to .the,otxpavy.;nctieji tb m S?;boo kf' 6o,oopjt-ry ) and leftthey fniuhl be ae,terrea trom eng.igiug.4tv tne piflcnt jiav;a-, tiott; by a reference tot the 'enWrnPus expence bf the jSahVee 6a.olrM$teWert ih'nk . it-Vit! utt-' xhtk -thekfliaiUd tieUare tiJeir bpi - onloirfr than. rr-'Ti- owwiii in ifie scar. iWlCW 1 "tWHIU vine uy en T-.Ce " It further ibe remarked, ti,attj! tawba River is looked upon as th Pe it? tor rne eitaoj ifhmeiu of a M agaiirJ dry ana Aiienal, tarrieihri)...i j'-vur,. fis;bran3! that fatveyi'hae1eta made. ana . ; thereof flAfo hbjea f0mt ago, ro tae.jrecretarj 01 war ; ibatth i of 06th:Cardiina'.Wffed arift .....e it:' ot' 06th:CardHna."paffed ariafl ....l ufChtfeby the jtlnjleti States, 0f A Uhl't iytemnfr of land itbtn this State . T a atawba Company have ofrerei to rele r the Wiuted States,' any of their lands J 5 ,3 Kjver,' for f"u The tvour. nov eemsto approach fcr f etlabliflirilent ;! hot only becajfe ii 11 of almoft jprofoiiDd peace throughovt ihc but that tpe idiaij revived by the l'reiiaj' '1 the United States, in his roeffagc cf th. j0'" Ml..JL.hLli:,mrJU wherein ki lays, Deuces tne permanent magaiir-s f biifhed?at Springfield, WeR-Foint and p"3" pCs Ferry, :t is.hought one fhcuidbe blifiied aulome point convenient for the S !" of North-Car ?i:ina, South-Careiina and Gto-S gia,"! iuch a ployit will be found neac the bo" 4rs of the Catolina; and lome fmall prQvj" fisrt by the le!giflat,ure preparatory to thetf tablunrnent, will, be neceffaty fot the pri! " year.'! And Nature" indeed has botup l:. d ' J .1..- il . le-c mis ivivcr sii uic iuuu fiopci piac; rcr Magazine, rrora Ine vatt .Quanntie which htvsfbeen 43ifc3vered on tlx C cf ore and its twof branches, and there can h r doubt but that fuch an abundance oi metj', Ku;i attrafl the jattention of the Li g;neer, may be authortled to examine a :ii deteria';,e on a proper! fite fr r.ais citablifhment, oani. cularly as th-re are already feyerai fur'rltfj and forges n the afeve mtntiohed RiYtr;, at fome of which fix pound gUs have been caft and bored, f ilial to any ever imported orr.nie to the northward; l- ! The Company intend, fer the f refentfea fpn, to conpne their operatjens !to the reracvj; of the obitru.ftions tri m Rocky Mount to Cnj! den FerryJ fo the opening of a Road for a ci:. rying pla'cjr, and .the traufporLikn of lg0 from aboyje the Falis at Rocky Mount, dona to th,0;d Ferry Lauding ; ip the erection of a priagc Wcrcls the Rocky Creek, and to the buildtna bot, and tftabi(fnirg the iein which isr alipwed theinr-by law. At. a 'mettikg cf the Catawia CintaTf, tl, l ojmarcV iGoz, .iivv-uiiras oj lb em tint On Mcrtioiij Refo ved, That the fix hundred fhart? in t?ie Company xA the Catawba and WtereeKi. ver?, be fubdywed into jLweive hundred. ! Tliat the.p'refent Propristors be entitled t& I 'fold double tluc Climber of ihe,r preJcnt i"hare?- and ihajt Iney have' beltdes i preference to ex.. ter.-d tlVetianiaer ot their ft;ires to one torevery X?Tr to -which they Iliad be enutiea au:r iuc, iSibdivUen; .. j j;1 V- j,'.T ve.T3r.n;?rCttbfcribei w,ho fiall p3y 5 4biiats! ftuil jbertntUd not only to the aavm. 6ge$,tb be,deriVeuVir6m the opening cf the' faid Riiver ,'bat a jfo to aJprpportiofiate ime. reit ia the Lands ..veltea in tue Contpary if j .effcWeJpaipo'tliaj-es be rcferved to be orterej to th'c istate of South Carolina, and that sr.-eqzt' number: or ihaus be reJervedtobe teaueif etf to the State jF Nerth -Carolina. aattiverfary Meeting fjlc Catania. CuMpavy, on " wlday it -iuw irjrar:, ike '." ' .JiiliiKii'ing i ffa. i ts Xuert en. brd into : ' '""1 hat anaaVettiieTitint be"pub?iled, in ytnrg iPerions to co!ur?.ft tot tiff 'opening of G.faye'f frd.-a:vd Love's irra, j eeep and Wide jS i f atf . i.ri t . ' rr.u.: rv i fet 9 inch- -s wiier, end iz y.-?ue ; a' lo, tor ojjenirj a joad fend '.carry'! g place, ,tr-.- ?.ibc Rocky .Vto'uTjifl to! the - Ffry Lahdirif isw, fcr canlthiftinf a bridge -aqrofs Reeky Cretkr a'iA. I'for .buikii:vs a Fery lie?: -to yly acrh thcrfve?, aj.-oj-nc.ar the pjitci:i anuii:g at llocky .Mpurft ; a.fo tor iurv-;.y;n the vi:a5.t lands, wriich have beep ajlreadv planted (hen ty: trie legfllature. Such unuertakeis ;o g;vs approved lecurity!fcr the'iaith'oi !ulft;ir.e?itof t their rclpe6live .contracts, -anJ dired thdr applications .to teT'reiiier.t, Jucige Ln.T.kc, dyriiVg the littin-ct" ;'hs.ioi.titJtionali.coatt;aj .Cblurablj.-irpmr. the t ytjh tbthr 2,tb cf A prii Ificxt, -Sr- to" ChiiUsj 1 ew. the; fecretary 'in OjharHefthi":'n or before the i'd-ay Jayt rvtxt enfuingv 'h"har t..e President u-ejtaj); :Cfi a Cf rrcf- pocdcnt.wi: Jon-c mere 1' A USiC l:0l:i'C in CalH- bridge,- aft.! -endeav jur t j obtain per:fii to -lodge with tbem the mi li'es'ot the Coapaay, and that-. they would fiijluirle the laweac Lorainjj jtp the dtrecliensjof the Corrpaay. .-rThat onehundo?d (Uares be 'offered to the crMzeni'i cf North. Carina, ai'd that mey iiare!.to"jfhe' tint day cf J lj inihtciribe for fuch fh jil lia e bjc saiahoi-ifeti ::iuary next cnlum;. res ; i. d that Ger.e to ai ioirt lome per- 1 r f i.-i.pr ;pcrt3t:;.ir ihatifate to reteite Rch ir" - ci iptioiia uiMhe ait oil tne Compary, p- ;jc as in, 1:1c . iuirwv'iTi fcioiuu .-n r'Oe I. ScSVf'Coi.- II.il. and J- I Sfmlo I'Ai. clerk o'f.; Lancafter court, d? au4hnl'e;i to receive tubfc-t'Oi;? he.n perfons ps aici ic!ip?cd to bejeen1.: proprietor?, .i'ij ll..'.r. r.fi t llilKin limi- 1 1 .' ihlSi'-l .if : : ?. b 1 1 to the Pre- HV-J l.yits, j fident ad tJireitjn cf (or tr! e openfng the 'i:a Vigatibiv j Waie'rce kivtrs, on the! iftoji. and t'ney he authbiiled w d'-liverre ceibti for the fame, inthnaure q; lcrlPl ' iuch form as the' PreuJertCanJ. pireors lbi.i appoipt. ' km That!thefe .refolatifcns, with the '' rtiMication in the uarer tot" this city, aslr' j.thc P-e.fident and i)mco!ii m. ! 1 try and proper, be i-.ilcr -td in C . T -------- r i , oee'.i. the o"s pa re's gazette ol this c; which is printed in Uahh, Nortn-uji--"-eph G.ties. once a inonib, uiitn te ' J:' . . . ....'In. b7 Jo ot October -next. . i ! ;:ilhat the Solicitor df, tke Coaif oe in;truritcd to adopt tne moiL -fures for the recovery cf IJr.h a.: pi,i((. B-; iia. i..v .wv... r. r (!j pardijTloise ot the requiluidns tor tne fHCufhL'and that the lecrc ary colurn;n.' wah 4litt pf the names of inch uc ;.; "Thk the !c!towir.'rMe h. 3'eJt the un form rule ol tr-nsfdiring the :ght,t6 Jn.re Nir. ierty. c ;--" If vn lfct$cf?, and not ni.erals m A AValetd risers; unto C i. jar w.-v G ed: '': Signed A. D. Wit.-.ejncd. oy M. J" nut Tfcat thS furn of; o one uifiti pence b.e.'paid on each mare on mc rti third which Itaail become out, u. Ju(r, i - il-. t.i IIIC rfr ' of Sen ember next eniu.. on tae ti.ira. ; uc-im.jt -t- 6' iarba and Watcree nvcrs afu:i .k;(, u.)n naid. will eot" ., .- , r . . v 1 r.;,i rnn1'.anT. tne . r ? m-' !"?:te - wi. i