be Com- 5, -aJ ellars.l nr.- il i '5 5: AT Ji tents or. jGi'arfIat ap.Vjniiy )see$t , Haafe Jortihat Parpofe, riePpllars Carckf the Adkertifer, may relyttpQeery Aieakio beiag paid tohcif Moral and Be J" ilolr. j NURVDOneRTY. liihjbughy July 2h, 1 ;!, A RACE. 1 U115 ,X lute, f'U tilted It OtllU 1 - day in tuguil ncf, one Miotic before T.n 0?lc1ock?un the Morning, Wkeafort of Aarhber Races in the laucr Tart o(lth jvjy) j;h'e noted Pumpkin Fitly,: the Property .Robert Sttoefieldi Efqj and . the tjotedl jiett, fef. will Tun one Quarter of a Mile, iTttit Hundred DoUanr. ; i' ; - , I i mmm j In the Pj-efs, :. ! " nk will be publHhed by J. GALES on ; Saturday next, ' ; 3 Pikri a Quarter of a Dollar A DISCOURSE j; VERSO AT THt WNfVSSlT-y OF NOMH.C''!A, i i t: the .. ! :' I -i - J .- j - IE 1- CcnimwttmKi? in mli, i so 2, j I Concluding with an -Addrtfs to the Senior Clafs, , : . Whi were Canaidates for tkc Degree of 2a. A i chclor df Arjis. j ; iv J-fv. 7. CALD&'F.LU A. M.' And Profeffof oft'te Matl;ir?atir aftJ Belies LcUrc. rubliAied -kt rhe ParHcular Kequeftof the- Truitees of the un'ivetnty. n ; ;i,lo:ci)AY Etvenixg,; July p6. A irentTeman who caiine p?lfTen rer in. the Tiger, arrived ac ew.j York, from Bourdeaux,i J informs, i that the day before hejfailed, a de- tree of the Confuls- had been, re-i ccived at Bourdeaux which he un-1 (ietliood prohibited all foreigrij vef-j fell, for a limited time, from trading j wih any of therrreneb w ciLIndia The readers which have been opened, iri France,, lor deciding; whether Buonaparte mail be .Con-1 lul I tor life, are' laid to be fil.liri.; very f aft .j. and that the vote will : be almofl unaniiiiu?. It has been j ropofed to . add-the turtaer quel-! tloiU Shall Biisnap arte .kae tkc' yrfrfu of NO M I AT I N G K I S SuC-; l his OR ? , This too, wouidj'pro-' hably tafs irr: tne; affirrriativb,1 and; aiinoit any tning ;-cne,. cmong -pre'neh. ft'temen:..,. Carnot voted again ft Buonaparte; w and ;adrled,- Is have ig,ntu my; cwn f Yftfcrip t.on" He as' erged by t fome friejadV '4- a Bis aefduiori, . but firmly re ufe'd!.. Fearing the cf'nf cuehce, they jopened a new rei iter snd ornitted His name. j ; Accoijiits fiorn St. Domin ;o, as ate as the 5th in ft. received by the Packet fchooer Favorite, Captain l)rumond, Norfolk;- flatc, at General Le Clerc hai foli cited his recai from St. Domingo, and! ihatjioop more, troops : had arrived ihcre from Fiance in feveral. trarlf- orts, under convoy of a frjgatei Captain (Jallendcr, Of the btlgj AmeliaJ from Cadiz, arrived I at PhiUcielpbiaJias furniftledthe fol-i lowing puffcVrmation A---The Unit- j pd States frigate Conftellatibn, ! captain? Murray, and the lEnter prie fdhoonfer, lieutenant Sterrett, Jiatl proceeded for Tripoli The ' .u 'J., u JA .1 cruizing in tne neignDournopa tlex, captain natnbridge, riemain V a nu mber of :. Ai serine cruizers 'vere at fea, and i Was generally f-ppofed thev were hoftile to Spain; having plundred fcveral Spanifh veifels in ti; Mediterranean. i His Britannic Majefty s fbip fhcenix, captain Halllead, had been Cadiz Bay, about; a fortnight Vvhcn the Amelia (ailed, and .the Governor woulrt fufFer none of her Crew to land, except the captain.; vich he refufed unlefs permitted 7j be accompanied by her omeers. On Tuefday nigiit, betwixt eleven nd twelve o'clock, this "city was alarmed! by trie lifcbvery of a File ,ina liable belonging tceffrs'. Pa1 -Ji, at the 'back of favetteville- teet. Fortunately, "the night being -?ui, and an adiomtnc: liable being .mediately taketi down, the fire Jpreadb-'no fhnher than the loo Idibrt in iYbtch', Originated. -"M there'' leenthe leail wind. that fundertI(?td4faoufi f'm.;,'ll-donotJpcw-.Wltht hiliei, I- ,Trr '.7'"V. ' 'kSVvWoveed-i .i'i. ' .iv-: page of this paper for a particular tebrrea ISeifit - or ftfei lite iiunfbir.mdrtfe the Negcbesf in vein or ornerm H.H . ic" com- rrinTiiiation to the:Leg1fl.atw16! the :th6iccirler nociilatib n w.-rjlot been .ffeaHv;intro3uicei lh& thatcdijn:tryy .f: We find, by a Nat chez pa"ef of the 3d tilt.-' tha the yabciijie Fox is now current tierc ; and tljiat r to : convince ; the : pub lic that it is a certain fecnHty again ft ihe Srr alKppx,; two youn liirgroei? AAfho 'Biivs had the 'CpFjjcfXi have been inoculated for the frtiaiKpbx, and placed at; the fmalKpox ca'nj at 1 he JSIatchez. When this account was pujbliuSedf they: had ben there ten. da)s,arid remained tree ironi and fymptbrn of the SmaM-pox. ' .The lhjp Mack, bcuhdifrorn Sa vannal , to.Londen, put into Tew Yoik in. diftrefji ajtld is' now at quarantire.. -Alter nein at 1233 tday&;s ttie'-. captain was taken! Tick; the mate was feized with- the like flifor.der the day following ; and in a few liays alter,... three of the fca rnen The captain and the mite being deranged, .the fecond mate took upon himfclt the temporary Command of the vefiel but not underuandingr navigation fufhcient l.v, and njoft of the handj being fick he procured the a ft ftance of a PHilalelpha pilot, who brought her j'nto andy Hock, , The captain it cxpcHefl, will not recover. Accounts from Canada, by way of are firengthening their 'military pofts in thai quarter, from the ap prehen aon they entertain of the fst llement of the French in Louifiana. j The LegiHature -of , MalTachii fetts have voted feventy tlioufand dollars' for the erection of a Pcni tentiary Houfe, or State Pnfon. The edifice is to be erecled in Charleftpwh. ' On Monday the 20th in ft. Gen. Dearborn j fee retary at war of the United States, and Col. Berhich, j arrived t Norfolk, from the reae ral 'City,'in the (loop George, capt. Butler. , j . i We are; concerned to ft ate that f the Yellow Fever has again made its appearance in Philadelphia. - It is fuppofed to have originated from a velTel latelv from St. Domingo, calledjthe St. Domingo Packet y ing at Vine; Street Wharf, though it had tine. undergone ihe ulual quaran- The veifel has been ordered down ing is Heal 1 the river again: The follow- the Report of the Board of 1 on this fubject. Hi a ith-O tr 1 c s. - .w j j Pbilairhhia, Juy t 5, lSs2. T!ie public rnind has been fcr lame day paft much agitated by the various rtports and pubticaiionsj in circulation, relative to jtlie pre valence of a nuliguant fevT in the vfcinify of Vine ttreet wharf The Board of Health, anxious to perform their duty with ridjejity to (he community,-hve made all the er.quiries in their power to-afccrt?.'m; a true Aatement of, the djteife and. its tfefts, 3nd have fpred nojp.iin? jn yi firing the fick for the pur pole of furnifhiijig uch aid and comfort as was deemed jneceuary . beinj ; alike careful to avoid thfi; exciting of any needlefs aUrip, no' not delirpuito fupjrefs the publication of the truth, they offer to the cort.muftny the foljowingj ftatementf fafis, viz.. -: . i. That on the fourth inft. lohn Flijwards, a thiD cartnenter. at world on board a veiiet in the neighbourhood of Vine ftreet, was takes lick an died on Ihetfcventh inft. with a tni- lignant feyer ; and ftnee hi death the fotlotv big perf jns havealfi died tf fevers T-i:h Si milar fynptom? of malignancy: J! 2. ohn Crofsly, bilcuubaer, intae err ploymenti(j)f Wm. Brown, ' near Viri Urect wharf, fickened on the 4thnd died the 7ta inftant.j S . :: ' - t u 3. Sarnuet Thompfon, in the fimc ricigh bourhood, fkkeriei on the ilxth, aod died on the,t4tlu If . ' i 4. Henry Miller, boy, in Vine ftreet, 1 fitkebed 6n the 6th, and died on the otb. , !ohn frint. i bov. in Front, iaboi above Vine, licltencd on ilie 9th, and died on the 14th Front, ficllcaed on the ioth. aud died on 'the ' J4ih. 1 1 1 ; ; - - . 7. John Whiftler, a boy in Front above Vine, Gcliened on the ioth and died on the 3th. - 8. James Crofsly, in. the employnlent of William & rown. (ickened on the. 11th, and died on the 13th. i 9. Jams hlfick?, a nulatto boy from Southward, who-was in the practice of bring ing provifions to his father; in the employ ment of Wm. BVowri, taken on the 10th, aad died .on the 1 jth. ' : A number of other perfons, in :the farhe neighbourhood, were i.iken' (ick-t welve 01 Jisrhoin-continue rndifpofed, bf wh'th number "four ate deemed to be dangcrouflV ill.' Vu' ."' In al the csles above dated no inflancellf contagTOrrsha$ been afcertsin'ed. '! By order f the Boards v ; f ! CO Jl U K L J U S-iC OMIfi Y 8, Z. AtteftJ s ! Preiident. ,;L-bni Hi A MX N CARRICUKS, 1;, A fcwMiys ago a barn in 3runf w i c k co q q t y ; V i rgi n ia , on' t h a I an - tation ot ! Mr. llioma lnzrain. wasi U rue kbylliirhtningaJid burnt dwn together rwuh a Jarge crop of finalf Wc refer our readers tbfibe Hrfl l -1:: ! , r . uMClforir!fK:V;. 1 Si Alm'j'.Thn'niai atiiart or 1 fnne u . . . i. '. - - : . .. Jfee, "aftrinftvfof hdiflnci 1 l t vv m.-1 rjumrrjerf iLtq. or jiNewj 'HarhpuStrie,os eleHed-as Senator itil :..' A difference 'of Opinion ir)jtbe con. ftrucliioh of the law tfor the repeal ;bf the internal taies, ban occur red between ,the Attorney Gene ral arid the fcg'ar refiners : the ; for mer ; contending, that, by jibe .law, all fug-ars, either partly of wholly refined previous to the 36th :j of la ft month, tho' not fenr out of he fn-. gar-houf, are fubjerr to duty: the latter, fnpported j bv the be ft legal advice, declaring that alhfugars re fined previotis to the above date, mny nnwj'be fent out of tie houfe -&c. ivifhout;fqbfef?ring the refiner to the forrner dnti-s. I - Gj?o W. Cuftrv proprietor of a vaft ; extent of lands, on the Tea coft-of the ft ate of Virginia,' has pubifletf propoiaU for its fettle mcni , for the purpofp ofj fprmm cottor mentations thereon.;- The foil iWdef,rihe"d as verv 'productive, and the climate fo mild as to vege tate at alt feafons. . Perfons difpo fed to enter into the -fpje cijlation, are 3to apply to him in Alexjindria. John Wood, author o f the Hi f. tory of John ; Adam's adminiftra Unn':' has' puldinie an apology. to Meffrs. Geo 'Thatcher and Dwight FolVr, lor he illiberal chafacrers given; them in that work, which, he tai :. were oopi rd from Calle.n- der'f iProfpef.. He . promifes to 1 correft many r.n.repreientations in a- niphb-t now; prepirjng con-T. tainirj a Ratemnt of the varfons ; fourres from whifh heobtried his inforrnatHn. andl the circumftan cc attendln cr the fuppreflioni Pfooofils have been publifhed at ! Alhafiv Tor a new; work, 'entitled;. " Univerfal Biography, or ' hys IJ ahd cb.iraHers of illuftrious peY- fons bf everv 'country and sjge, ay a focietv affoeiated for conducing the wnrk." Kijrht volumes tp. be pubhfhed annsiallv. , : I A per Ton of the nnme; ot Tohn i Micbae.l, has brought torth a howl a gain ft the PreOdent of thetinited States, hecaufe by the reduQio'n of the ftanding.anri.y, he govout of military- fervic? ; .ind calls Mr.. Teffcrfbn'. infatinou S- b e cm u : e h e. Tlifi Vpfefide'riif- :bfeit!Se United lj Statei! has 'appqinted JLyttlcton;W. pbngfeifnfiead;b lEfq refignedilby i majbriityof ten hns fent him v.t6 rivtl' foeTty,. .forTOrifhrnen ; that even the 4th of" July whic!), Jnaeen, he does;. not leem cab ilared, if we tr.;tv judge frorn hi letter. Me hkewjf: fays that he is left in difirefs ---everyfhan who has Tad the repealing av.novs this Ke a fh-aeful Tilfh.ood; as there is a clatife in jhe Maw provi diil ff)r. the' return oT 'Hiofe who. m in r may be diTtnifted fervji'ce,'b their homes and families. . ' . . A Telefcope f ig, cop fieri I . of t'ri v'ahjre of as been lately ihip-J pelin the river for the roy--otl obfervatorU'at Madrid. ' t was made in JJ&hiJon undectlie direc tion i. of Dr. Heffc.beh and fills f o m a n y p a c k' ? g f s as to freight great part of a fmall Ship. Another Tel efcope is alfoabout to be completed, uner the fame direction, for tbir academy of fclences at St.- Peterf- burq. This la ft inftrmnent wili colt about Qpo. " ' RRfED, ; On the 6th. inft a.t the fet fMrf: Long, near Halifax, yill!"am. pregory, Efq. of Camden county, jtblMils Martha Long,.youn.. gert daughter of ihcilateV ol -Nicholas a youji iady no .lei'saJrairedlbalJiftee'raed. ' . : iTFicQA y At-hiYerin Viini-a, on the rndrning cf the 6th imt after a loiig arid I'evere illnefs-, Gen Dar ei. Morgan, Wi ihe Cotf- yt-r .of ag?. Eminent for the t'ervce? herendere4 during our ft'r'ujtgle vCnhXivcat-Bfttiih. For his vittory at ihe Ciwpni, over. -a fuperior frce, corigrefs prefc ued him with a goicf medal, and ihe Jefiflatyre f Virginia an ele gaVit fword and pair of piftoli, at ieflimonikls of the exalted opiaion they entertained of hi? great mi i'ftry genius. ' " At Philadelphia, on Thurf4ay the 15th inft. in the fcgth year of hi $"?.,' Mr. Roten Aitken. fenr. Prioter and Booklet cr ; -ne3r 40 years a relpeable inhabitant of that ciry. At" Frederickfbslir, in Virginia,, on Mon day the 20th inft-in -the 40th year of his age, Gpneral J.eris Lift epage. He was ap-J pointed fcrft icontiiiennal lecretary jn the ca binet of Stan'fiaus Augullus, late king of Po land, in March xjSb, and remained in that office until the fubverlioa of that unhappy; fcanpirr. t ;' 1 V For ihe '5. ' MR.. CALF. 8, t V .1 i booking ipyefrvthe Minerva of the 10th 111 it . J obfe pv-ed a' p tece to whitn was afHx'eu?the figoture of Qaliea. thcourbortf which was tr WrfiFwCrlieVfiifSwiA crtieris t I" 1 ' .J 1 1 r nil 1 - ! in Hi "iii-TTiri ir t 1 1 TT 1 T I furpriledthatilh produaion of Caf-1 tigator fhould have made its aDoear- paCRiretithat MimMn& mleifeftiffik Home mcaiure-armiiniM. tnr.. u. as .." -.!" s! -' rrfW i w-u? but trie political. ffipilittoF f ore i p re v en ted mj tn i ttg an-r'ref' marls thereohl., Aln. ttterript, being; how made: tojuftify the prafticejih-' terhrded 'with t ;mlcrvv('fc6rriiUy again u wiijc, wipiCj pi.ipcr dumiC1 ix was to note uch'-iprotict-ftjat-' uccsicn c j to- my ; c -pu n t r y, a re a rq f"p r t h e fc rvices of tho f e ho FufFe rtd in t.Kgtorious'eai rite fr ronlr pronerjSi t ies "It ov eerVife the privilege; of j! frecmanarm to, In rr.y.ofervatfons, I wifh to be under fioryi as aqtn ting the remark' in the Rtziiltr to- have come from the Genep'l, thc?ih( whether they did or not I .c.mnot determine; ;' Caftigrator thus;,begi'ns his attack on the General : r f I heard that icn- timepts of the fame kind had been " uttered by the mbfl noble General " of thi&diftric), nhd conceiving no " other man in this place to be; quite " fo mean or trail cjous, it was cph " eluded by others as v.-el! as myfelf ' that he mu ft haye;beeb'the author.' Not thinking yith Mr. Cafttga tor, nor bebevih that the!Getreral (lands in this lignf, even in his cjfti mation, I muft regard thefe ejepref fions as x flirhfy fubftiHitc . fori, filid reafoning, and as ahl werinj? the wri te r t h e iXtn p u r p o e that rcfkcL rotitewA wh- g. do the orators of BiHingigate. fu. : ,. -;; : ' ? - Here permit rne" to bhferve: thi I do not cohceiitiiy lf cdmpet s'nt to hf weP thbfe brilliant effays' at wi?5 on" whlikey, &c. with which; the piece aboiindsill :irH -yielcl khe palm to fuperior genius, and putfue vaitigacor mrougrr nis various marks. - -' r : ' ' . -. His rlext efkrtl? to prove tha the appointment of Brigadier to diftnO, the Qenferal. is rnpre debjed ro partv-fpirit-rhan mer re- r in his to- riaus conducl. I ardmit the .prlta Ijenxe of P3rtv-fpifit ; bur.Tetliilra 1;v.idL?ic-xiisj'rjijy oj . tne tjegiua, ture were ihveterftes and foughjt to humble the pride of the' Fayetteyiile diftritt, 6r had arteye to the -General's merit, I cannot tell ; but. of this 1 am well BtTnfed, j that the General was fairly and legally abpointecl by a refeQable1 majority, In th next place, we? re infr rrr'd that tbeM?ys of St. George and St. Pa t r i c A a r e cej e b r a ted in ma n.y ccu n - tries, and by others1 than .-EngSiftfa. rid has bren. celebrated in Britain .bv Ameiicahs.,lWith. refpeft, to St, GeorgeTartd .St. Patrick, t,Key vVere. pretty clever ftltpws,-.who, never did trfuch injury to any body ajnd I fuppcfe' nb. :nan would TC'fj to fpend a conyiviai hour to" fhsjirj ;rhe rnories.' it.wasalfo very proper for Amenc2ns Vq cefebritC; the 14th of July, even in Brjtain. -JBirtl bray ! Mr. Caii-Tatqry were theCe Arneri- cahsx patriated ?, Had thyUyith-draw-n" their allegiauce.from he.TJ States ? . .If fo, it was iinp.rdptfilJ and 1 ' -i L - i. :n! ii- -r'.il-ki.- 1 i;uyui uui wouia uc icvcreiy rC- fen ted in England,. ti I come nowrtb: t netn'oft (in rtti- nSte bf Caftigatof's fSs, 'IbciHeve the jK.mgcf Fence's S Kt 1", A ?xr uric Fr rJVin i I if j in this country by the beft Rebub 'Mican'i-in it and vry. defe rSyedf as his" a ili flan ire proyeM. fqlnefcef; u faty in rendering uiindepejcieht,, Granted. 1 And nbw permij m to trgue in the autborown wyi The birthday of the hero George Wjua ington is celebrated (n, America and very defervedly.&ciu'fe.he rehd'ejed fuch emit' it fery ices to. hii co'un- trv ; bVt, certainly, the birthday ofj oeneaict aidoiq pucnr not. to De ce- lebrated in Afnefiica, arid for ;a verv 2od rearbnecaujfepf his treacKery. I ' Whether the cpteteris met on the f jth of June,e goc4 iabjecisiri their own country, f renegadbesf pr juil t y of txea fona.bjle praixiiceSjj$ nqj j for TTie to d.e terra me, Di ftance ren,- der&cnqujryiTnrjjraflicable ;but it 1 -ray judge frpm t.rt4tn .ciiijrirUW ces, I.twjll .adjnit the. fufpicins of - '-Jilt L i " . Government wPfe. not exctterTon cheir account, itiderd, I could not re a d i.l v b el j e v"e i n1 t'hei f u b i b 0 a t i on the U." States bvilie'CirfZffii Ixibcl . i ner' ienerairs apporntmeftt is con tra fted'-w i t Apt of;' obr mil iti a omeers, arid ftid p be'lefs honpura ble. : This Bppears'tq me a pirafdsl; That it (hould "apiseartrnofe honour able to receive tHe .ahient of! a few ndividuals to befcome ? militia cap rain , t n,an -to naj-yc tne ijp ttrages pr a rcmectaoje raajoiritv or ourUte;lje ciilaturefothe1 bMce of Rrhridier GeneralJ'nnioJt '1P jrecfpri&dfBV 1 A WWn of-Brigar; opfbfed'by men ioiArerpctHv Ga ftjgadr ft bl?fe any attarmftenl terftebediy. tee mji ;i ry mrim bcipppoteti w Frcb chtniMriari their country. Fren cHmenS h q. at .KafJ.imc. wre. fcburginjGrea! Britiib : W Whom -fb pbwefuln ; auxiliary as Amrit;a ! would ! havctli beei tnbrjft? ccept!ib1( thari,myriid ! 115 10 auui jiac wc nave irpin oaths;of jalffcgjance, &ct, no ' doubt ! theie things have weight., Liwg may conftraifr? men f rom the com- i rriifTiOn ofcrimes.howrvef greattheir propenfn ies may be to violate them. I hate cobftrained patriotifmj and mrewdly fufpeel a man of difhonef ty, when I apprehend him pilfering even Iittic tilings, i U '-'In ..a'tiwer.-Jq; one of Caftigator'i queries, j wltat had the calf to db in. the celebratiortB I reply; that b fuch.,qccicaftons j have k,nowri;oicea - roa fbed ?a nd Calva ' A cdJijdrejrur tit fajhjcn";' but neyjet did I lee a q calf rmake ?)ore. grafJeiul ertry thari - -A the Genera Ps.; In plain Eng'lifh, I " j am one: of. pfc.1t;:f iconytflced-' by CaftigatWj:; that the paragraph by Caftigatorj:; that the paragraph al lu'd eidHo in tli e rRegifter; t is a6 fur Li i 'irtbrodfirllffi the corsfcrkry and tbexibleryatipbi btfttiifcnnf;jAb" tipnaryiOjffi cer,'- " pd;' t hepolsiff ble garbtn4 vvhjch' and bled," ocViifutUa;tot.4xfdu: pole or covering, a rnani Whobyyat certain-overt acq inritiiiJS, tceiingJf; and hij epurltryj Thatf it ' wa&Sfotk duty:, . As ;tr;cbrrtmant4'nSfBj cr the diftnct, it was tferyrbpef2 to jioitce luqiv cpnaucr, ..ana -Ttu mode of doing fo I liighly apprbvie aigatrj to pex lure; tpOmmerid a.cpyrtmaftialtbbeftSep This I fiaall not iJb ultras ::arrtnbtj' j in t ti.miiiteLTv, lure -c ,buti kl . a n'r r ; cf the otter; aieinopeaci add. cQiliaorylJt.b' VpM, Jaft piragrap1i'.MIt fithVeMKalk! nuu iii auwui LUL uuituti) ( IJ1 an aKrJjTr.;. butfat urc 01 -one,' wno pcriapsr;nig never return.- Tb p 01 n t men 1 wasilajgreeabie to 'e$$tf: map in thfcj3iftricl that VadcgfVdefi by.,hiecip1i;:i degraded b h? No r Avnerjca rikrri tii re; n d lb iplc bur Trtnitrfe tic; patfjotsic ;I ujifl now declare toltfc inDiicA l am pcetudicedaeainft notation Z a'nti v hftrr T believe firmlv, attached to Kei fefl habeinelArn&aiS in ute- in iwiiicris lAWifMithirri cpnrrtKp of a p-oplei'We;ptrfyUyabatV and tamed 4or lprpus, ft tbggle enthufiafm tl?e rneafutei. coup- tr,cSi jnhapit3flts,4kve been their -tyrinUr ttneir fifoiirte lament; my ears. X in O U Id e x e t ra f ra i Vernmerit aAt. hrld mvoii hti in oonaa nrmy bTOcWTl?' ble fhores had, kln-'ily.rVcf anawnere, emancipated Xi 1 Mr.annttitf'niMj TTJt- iT. tcAian of bfTerin y for tBe boft fMvirrt4ty j Jutgulr 1 v. s ; Tjairi or 1 ltn i i , 1. muit 'j: r rou o 1 e . it was to mbrtbpplizeurcbmnierce topurif the iV&e0m0c$r& Even ibwr IVolb n - 'm ...13, - . -v,a . - i,-. 1. i'ijf, ; uic p rooi r 11 it; was aqmrqiToroPeo 1 i i and idolize a dalR inrPreference'to I $heGcd of Nature.f rpM whom theyv I fece;v:d all thirjgs i feq a ty :;Sb.fu rdvli ?4' muil;it be in the 'preientr4ayfor: men 4cleb".r' tHcmttf 1?. j left, anti:irom whom tEef hlkhl is isiJbmethinp:ebrious?JHbvv A-ry&J bandied;alpngd; i'Kftf iai&B'iS. h a d likWia igbt feS&Sitf r!af'triXv4 .!ftV'i'jL.tJ,t-5i'r W.erej a;ledopM,th f riSffiSl . Kugsof -'4 Vhbtemffeb- ? terfbSeSpf yphVV Bnttfli pari ana lervicey Ihpuid be ferings to Cbtumhia; Svrioft ! .iV ' , A-: .5 ' -1 .' V'J I..-. 1 " r "I m : . -II ' ism.