ii - -I "' 1 nmt ... '-'.uV- 'A' ;i I . - Tuesday. August io, i8o2. n " j - . 1. AGklCLTURfe& manufaauircs of his . ..; . or .THp' -r pr4ri& in the; ufcful am. Ti fuv-f"'i'i..,irr, r- tn i he , attributed H61 'W ly the ditTcrepce in xhjph TacrlaiidjWR maiincrs: o)F ajibr, u.. iW;'r rrnfnerirvJ lren7thi-:ahd "UinJiefsi-X On this accouttt, rpoh- dividual, infbceotnjngt,iti;raembcr f 3 narticuiir focictv. fhc a)dadopt .hif riiiiiive.-iRtStiTifo- fucifefbiitt ' Mcnl'woaJd ;tieveir.KVefjr togcther,r3ir.thcy Ha4fet ;?x)fic that,! in c'onfcqucnce of fu alToci ducSofibc advantage arid, happi. n?j opacK tUlieV.VThis s-theeal paraoje, the ghujne urdaiiCfJl M civjf fiicicty ahti ts Hr as this up ' pofeWi anf'red, Jfar' dbesV lociity anfwer the crid of its infti- T 1 : ' "' .: j : ' - . !'v" '-sf, H- tUtlOlli ; , ; F. Updn the emancipation of our coufilry from the' political yu9' bf Gre; t-Britain, we deemedand cal led cui felvesa free and independent Common wealth : ' But there are means of inferior and indirect fub jugaiticn, from which' our country js not Vet emancipated, W - The citizens of PennfylvanJ;are yet bclibldcn tojtjie Britith fbrithe deterrtinationsof her courtly fbher inaxinis of commercial pblicyt 'hd and for many political prejuaifces'. We arV?dciendant on Qrcat-Bri- tainj pr ?almoli evWry artitldf of of the furniture of our houfesj for the mitrumenU of,our amufements, andjfur ihtneans of our defenccj NbTHUbhlV for articles dtflirii. inedulmport froth; that country, tairM) JITiie dajfgernis prbfjnce witBbunity on the ocean i 1 thai anccITantiy threatens thdjaice of theUlth;; that carries Irielevlfta liqu et war, upon every pretended iifuli from thelrtofesof that ifland tfts rembteatiris;of the glf&e; tKaf irrirultfbrccs very.marif '- fr jbv; h(etuarre1s j anb prbhlbitSw at: tteaur j'litet couTie of the world i Frdm thp dan-perbuaVpre-eminence of i this navVi allrt are nemettiallv i!4hl fn h intrpijaed frb'ftiofbar "cf fli wHa' ve ' induced ;ib feew't'fojp roto oiiiercbuntries t Arid Vet our cioairiing imported from AireatU Bri tain is made tributary tbfuppbrt this very navy, which is daily Cotmtting the mofl Wanton debrtdations on out Commerce. " Nor is it in evil of alnio jl forced upon our lklerchants, fey the cupidity of the Britifh tra. dersj has overwhelmed our country vrMh BritinS mereharidiae; far be yond the real wantsof the conrumer. li ha excited our farmers to iieed Mi exDence. -iflnd involved theni H i mi ul ties, for art teles of! mere iaxury ; it has rendered the plamj H como rtab le m a n u fa clu res wh i ch v.upinyca tne ieuurc nours ot ineir esabd;: daughters difepuiiable o?cfufe unfafliionableiF Ihasniade cIVCfi !, ne itore-Keeper to the men :h4nt of Philadelphia Itthe i .,iner :hant ..bf Phitadelpliidfhc : zxcr font -oj GreatLBnUin;.!;! ; ne fcothusiCor triamanlae abmepbtdc mantled i and r the lort:4f a; numerous body of Amcri tb4ensa;j Ah J mercy the -,Br t3h;Me nlr, and.of IthbfBrlt fhcbtlfn ipnni itemi fei-BVfPUUiic :-'Demd!tmi.evejV memberlof rKVv--; iP'itrt vIIBSC: r -r: -i-H-t-V -r-T 4 'a- .. i 4aAa-l.l-. -J:-r i 'r, ;,, ,,J, , , ,- ia-,,1,1,111,11,. i " J i iW' I , II T " "" ri ,; ,. -, ,y , -, -, . j , , i.? A- , 1"TV 1 temptations to:irnproviaeni cxr ytnet iWi:pipptfc A general eiicou;- r3ryemebttoaricultureiimanu turesindhutfblja;rtsi tA;n.-cnK coiiragfemenlhat llwU ma:bihe ule of ourWnprodu&i'ons and ImanU- fafturi$he rauSionabla ajrtfctea of cluiTiption ; at leaft in -tvety Cir- bib bf tmertcan Republicais. , ' Not that it is our defire ib make thiSj in th common acceptation ot the Word a Manufacturing'' j(:oun. try j nor ao we contemplate any mandfiftured article for a'j export tradejljior any manufaaurei imbng fburceof our country may, hot make profitable ! i : i Still efs are we defirous of intro- ducins lirt this haDDV country, that baneful r ...... T fi.ft. . f E.LI t V'hich-dooms the Human .- . . - - i .. , i l - 11 na sremen fa c ul t ies to be fmothered, and man to be converted intoa machine. We want not that unfeeling plan of ma nutacturing policy, litatedfithe. bodies and; deWed. the minds of fo laree a clafs bf! people as the manufjfturers'of Europe T ;Nbr;are we ambitious to fee a na mWufaanrinji capital(l, as! in the ereac manufacturing towns or .u-itf! 1 i - : rr u rtTc fl luxuries, ni- nnr cofFcrSi oy paring down the hard earned wages of the laboiious artilt ' 1 - .'iil ' r th hard- II tic employs -;- ' ! ! ! ti - But the objeft of our aftociation . H . . - i .. ,11 IS to procure trOtn the tcrtlle lOll Ot is capaoic er airoraine : apu; irom pendent citizens, every article ofjIpOR the laft Tme, iht the S'b- neceffary to render our country knM.al nMrv.arri.. ..,?.. i happyi profperOUSi and truly m- dependent , 1 1 a f ARTic tE ti I'.l ; 1 1 ' TJy Trki-Jpttf (lull hr rillprf th . Thefociety Ihat led the L motine agriculture, manufaaures, I and the ufeful arts. 11. : I . IT 4: focietv (hail Hbltl mohihiy I :-1 Ipygs bn theiitft Wedncidajr Pf every month: v 3ik.4.J. -.-.V.j ; . . M II , iMii (ir 7 i iL-- I .tThe fiflt Wednefday. jh .Septem- nu YTIIIVU lliwvwut a. w v vw 117. 4 .coinmu.c hi irlflVH'hv k'allnf i " J h- "i 1 1 : II H II all II , i c rrcnaent man preuae at ' L-1-.: . r ' it. f --; i i the meetings of the Soeietv. reeu- r..- jr 4 . , ? jj u - II . . Pf order; and m Cafe of an equality hae dl raOinir wnfef vttTJ 1illfitK I icribdialt as i of the Sbciety. and ' Jin e-:-t -.a-a " iktmj vat i;vi(4iiivwviugi s V 'r thfc Vic.rVcfidjhta in I a of the Prefidentfhaii have all the powers and authorities of the Pre- (ident. . it the rrelident and Vice Prefident be abfent at anv meetibs .ill ' . J j - : C of the Society, a Chairman may be eletjtect proi ntiby a majority of the Memoers preient. IT r. :-J vr 'b. . 1 -Thb Secretary ffian!teb fair sitid I wularentriefftgpfec the Society t0i mtW i -n ' -'ilii s i II int?-. repiiter the Names.of the MemWrll .. "i u f ' 6' ? f f"?' ' r "IT "V "" MfliUU UlWUl.:lU6" IH(iU Ul W Tl WIC- r rCmilCS DCIOre rf, do of lafcnh I aav; im K,VJ ....l' M . er'T T4 - v i 1 inaii fcpniitpr twelve memoers, i tt " " iSTRAYED.i i Krin f iU. -t ,'" - ."Wpe Waters orLocVg Crecle AaW4. i t f hb&loeentib ,11 fdWoho oi' .j;;Y rhpie b'uty.it fhall heVjotnt orlfeU mWfJ : HenVlre-Bs a tolera t&Lli!? i .niKU ralltegcbfp 7a Wlibll riagel thVyioth between .niloars 41 .ii iV! 4rbeV ,cate-ich!:infjrm4UottrMl their W ioftitiStueif . JMf,4.lwV JWlOB.t jJ." t:-,Sl j ip . ,r ' ; k, r.i - r - j ,r . ) i . v . i isnrPk j rar-MrniMt - it tar iaa iic -aa or- as. aaS -r r--. . - . -.-...i as.- - -. .- , ij a c ... v ' . . t r. r"-f k'v am .u vr ' w i vap n- - ., v:-.- . . j1-.'- . k i - ' ' r 1 -' - , ( - - hi f fc '' ilT' i.ifcto...'li,lV' ..a.ni.iaiTi.a'-- r.rii.i i n ..mam , i r vxj Wi ' ties hall he regarded s an honorary Tnetiiber of this Society; I i. '. Str" . ,: X. jn . rThe Society (hall ehj?agfe- J kfeber to rebcive and lfU b jfijnn, avChread, woMlenrl'n any other , dpoyeftTi: man ufu re brought to htrbi, -by wli-ch means verV me'nber of" this Society mav nave a lare, afoont tr trie .produce offhi induftry and his inenufty ; anu pcnuus wnmng wj ac m'PP! with Amecan' Manufifclures, iy krioW where to apply; f Every member of the Society fhall fubfrribc $i;on.ftitutioiiij';'at 'hijcK t,me he (hdl pav to to the Treafuier W ls than ot edollar ; .and he fhall oneetghtho fa D !lr, towards flip- . . . l f i. i . c . et - . . porting tnc runos oi ine oociciy The funds of. the Society nail be iMtnouted to tne citrsens of Lan- c"r counly in premiums, 'in ,lch manner, and on fuclj occfioos a a majority of the Society may direct. ! i 1 he i realurer lhall be reloonlibleH , , r.i' ij'or all monies he may rec?iv; on ac- fclnf ftf .u C,':. AU U,. n,, i ; T v : rjl pay no money, belongipg to the Society, except by an order ot the rrctiuent, limned by the! becietary. ! Will IS OCIOrC I IIC OdT A Dill i before the Lejifl aturc f r inwrporatinr all Socties wlk.vh th all lie f9tmi thoie Indited to him iy bonder opn Account, tot come in immediately, and til- charae the.r Bond5 : tnithoU uho h.ve rpen Accbunit. t difcharee their Acrnuris. oir .ve an Obligation with approved jSecunty: No lnautjcRcc acca ot txectca irom : r JOHNPORlER. J il i Healihv r,nd Fertile TiAnfi THESubtcr.ber wili liell at Ru- . . HUH. Al.h. t; thefforltoii,-palter the 30th of Jibe, a lliixipravcd Land, mfiaes to luit vrwoj anii nunil'll "i ui'iui anu ICIIliC : uui Ul MM P" Ptrtbm,. inUhe health) Couniy f Kuthertora, N. C. on and'near the Waters of " r WKA 'ij-; .1 j . t - i s SHopt near.'tpen Komis ind ttie Ngviga tfan f fliA.i and Pacolaie 1.1 kL.I ion oy ine oaiuee iai)4i. ineic Lauds rc ou tad 'iirt ril ik inf U,A Ik. f....r.L ly ha Much Iron Ore in n, and above ip,oo HuInhb"tri" The termi are . will produce Lotton, all kl.ia bt Gram and Cral. TobaceoV&c. Direaio..s may be had W. W Erwin. at W Avrni tfn ti Ml- :.. fntoii;ior V r i - P t 'I E R FI III R. The SablvriOer ! HUNDRED ACKES OF IANE, : I i 'SXTtJ ATID t. ! -.1. --'! Maii t?ri ta .k. Li .M.i.i I -W I X H1 W a I: If a' a f -aakTra.rfvt.- On i t. j j; Confiltingof eood andcontenient Buildines i larxe andnettraiiinc Add e and Pcath .!;r chard, a good Meadow w II vateid. and Wod Repair. O - vt. f niiaiu WBUIIUi V11 III Win w the Main Road JSh1 ' W,c,6?t rpraoniMaw-Kiver, uotieonthe moitehft. ttzt ci. : ? .. 8 '''"'f it W t'urcnairr. who, Kit luppo er of. firriiiar Socie- , fait ,i arvNiiiiuviu iic I uwii., UH tlivv who have obHg cJ him jriih their Cuttpto, in- rorm tnemtiniitL ne ft at mcJ niiMjoj fi reftly at ifae Foocot Hocohontas 0rile hre he carries on ue BlACRaMiin'y Bvsz Nta in ill its af iouV tlraa--.iuc 5i Mul lron(Cjrift,;SaMr, if ;t rind J i ta any neat Manner? Iron tor ail Kindo! Machine upon vht Contlrtiion!foer 1 . J 4 He alio makes Cai CJrtes etVanV Ufi fcripuon,, withjBrats prj Plain hf tikewif cleans aVd're.patrsi'aIi;KrnJiof'' FJre aod Side Arms, fie alfp has; a (jjlntity of Houfe Sell'i and JVjaieiiakon Had, which' he will hang tr.Uf.FTtiy in' Town, or a fmkll Pittance iii.ary--,a!l onral.iab le Terma ' llgrderfrri-the Coiintry for any of tHe ataj6i- vrill be aly attep'tfed to by i DANIEL PECK tices, Whites or flacks) to the above Bu fi nd', i If WhiUijNhey inufl coota ducateif -4 PARCEL tiPtitfoiis krn rjf i 4-:Xikn c-flCi'nlion; Pleafanby iituate( either' for Store; TavetH i or private Fami ly . for. Terms a ppl U V A. JNli KinJl9X Jkne 26; i8oi: v-.- ; "... SHERIFF'S S ALES lHAi the ifollowing Trads of "1 lhc. .YU ontf . hou!nd 'sht hundred, at W. V . 'L ...J" . -J ii ...... . Ain UOurt. HOttle, Olt! tn lth and jfittV !j 5 ";'' jwemjsr iici. nii incv are . oaiii t A before the Oay of bale : . jo Acres, ihe property of Ifaiah Cafei on ruic swain, Waters ot 2outh tork. New oiaKcs i.tgtJtniogiKodt.ianrf lets them onh hft Cdmtr.aion; taU own by tnat great PhiiofopHer Berrjami - trankiin." ' , I The Suhfcnbet alfo unrh wt. rrir.iir rivcr. belonging to Taitles Flockeni af:.a. I wave v.reen. s joo do. 6t io on do. i a o jo of do. on do. joo.do. ot ditto on Nathin's Creek: euu ao. of do. on do. 1 1: j.00 do of do. on Dog Creek. toespf Da.dvWag5onerf od too Acres of Meniuiin.Htmt; bn South Fori: 300 do of do. cn Big Uutoii Creek. a5odo ot do. ori Looghoal Creek. 3 do.oQi.ol me Sainp, , 30000.01 do. oia Jfeaver Crce.' 1 4.. .f JL' !l ... f tl i .4.. a. inj tPiiii' i-:o;-'" vr u t-j 1 . Alto ineilonowtrig L ins wiirch Were eivea. too o. ot vv ilium Ortrin. on NotihF6rk 1 j -i'l 1 1- r 1 v -NrwHiWr n, and no vtlibie perlonat Property to fatufy 1 bo do. of do. 4 ,v .W"T' "W, lus,on wrees;. s j - ill Tlrtcoo Creek, j , 1 J I7o III - - rs zoo loo do. of Abrahaia Kenutr:. on BulTaloe j ' Waters. t oo do. of John Hern. boo do 3d do 2 bo aoo Swauip 300 Acres of Thomas Trahawk on iou tn rork. Iiapa Acres 61 Wiimafai Lvo-s' on juk I 'ewir irr jtrj . 1 . ' --h J XKiY L'ffii kvi J; THB wiow,Hiiii,.ofoifc-e& , : --si' An ' S Vtur- . .' II , , , . -a . liana . ot idle Kobitiei. Jiio. QrCi.i ? ...rT:L vaprf-rear, KI- ' ...i .ot Arthur! C-Wubei.:M r" Cut!ar: ; - Ml Jof Nathanyi k;" , I ?r ' UNgen cka . do.of.C. nwt . cm do. of Jonathan 'roiopWs. Al, Ai!tR.??wWhtltty , fcl i "111 on soutft tofk J u Itorf-i.'" r;;l,?l","W JT i-r .- v. " -..i , cxi.- wuj--ra,iowara. ' ' ; .1 ffwS 0,fvbey'icreek., ooo V on iiftl RnAfirtTI 7ua the alft Day of, Auft neaVjthrfonowifit f ; 1 JcafetlfaB .ff MH thereof;, at wilt. VOtl jpay the Talxes arid Chart thtrm, ior, th -; - vai rir"-i thev not beta aitCti in aataaata .' .-' r .-J' l ittle Mit'til and the Ca.btirev- 'tfxe Pro- t perry ot Alexander CSrrie; ' 1 ' j ; 1 1 , ; f ' 50 Aores between tle Great a64 Little "Kfarfli, k'-. i the Ptoperty of faUiAietan'd'er Cut ne. r. I . 'SWijnW.' keir- or4 jo'i nn 1 jolhri f Rael ,'the ' . V io Acres; on' the South S.ide j Aflipoltf, od f' theGrafaBayJ the. Property oHohn Man., ' !, too Acrefdri the KbHhSUe oNthereat x ' - Marth, near or joining AIiiiierPaUcilc)n, t ik. litWMf M alcrtrH M'ai ' - , ' ' aa Acres, near . or joining vnm. i dtv r .1 nc above tbree Traits wefc patented by johd 6i AcKion taeeaft Sfde.of Sdd!etree Swamps joimag Jacob Rhodei'i Lanii,' the Prcpcrty of George Wiljiamf yh ,t oo Asrei on a tftanth of HacHEfh Cteck, fii' . teatea ay. MarmaouKf Riwi'ii.-.',, , ;. .s- : leo Acres on tKe outh fioe ot Rockfifc, tpe 1 Owuer unknown to rie. r t ' Acr Lot! in tbe town ot f fjumberton p.' fto4, fuptoled to belong to the) Hein ol f , Stokes' ' f - V, .Y e . 8oo Acres on both Sides of Shoe Hrel. 1 . too Acres on both Sides of 3 We; Keei,' about, . halt ab.:Je below the mouth of the Back' ; l ' . , j. . . Vv!, Sao Acres on both Sides of Shop Hee, joining ' the old Count Line. , wi Hfr narn Sniitiaf tliP or inirnar the Hholel - TL& A- ove Tour Surveys patented' bjl G"ecie.KUtU5 oui ot ooje or tncie aureja naa -occa Jioi 300 Acres, ai the.T aies piud wjiich wilt" ( be referred Vt of tlifvSale. c w. Alfo the ifollowirig L nas which erV elreitv i CtCrlf.' ltvu r Kir tVttft ntMX 'ia- ri. r:itt j k -lir- r kciu iwr Lruooia ana mccKcri'v --v.1 i' 23,783 Acres on thVweft aitfe o7 the RdtM a " " . rk- i 1 - . . . 1 : .-t . leadiDgtrdm Lumberton to lFaytitctille ta i4,tto Acres bii ife loWf Stie bf kfltlia , SS '"TSTn. ? "t,1? V?rnlfc5 '? p 5" vou. p c . I THOMAS BARN ES-Sft tmjiertiA Jii 1uti: iaoaik 1 - .. T . L -i . . - J il - - t , -i n , Tl -T-waaaaaiaaaaaa -V i HVmrthuJexU - A' avel I tit I at. ttt tV tttnr(2v th t M-y jcjo Hsl mar ofMarthiCotl Itt.Uol RanHrtlavk.' t I; I m Ihir waft CJ4i kf . ' -.;-. . -..'vS i - I , rr . 11 mcnAiacoi iie Fear Kittf'. ' , , a? Deeo Ford the Prooen v o th' H.:.a ir 3 Z fIf ' ' 'I ' a. Vi I ' t! J ; CM a 1 laaa ia a I m c- T i j- . J a A ft , atOeeoFord the Prooenv rKU rt.: " Tr L:"V? H tJl th 1 1 Si IP, tif.V it ) u 1 r t H r -1 , 3 M I J.

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