-v s 4. y - ; -. J r 4 4Mb .XI Mi" irTwre the P1?h of fair delightful feace, , UnWAtf y Party Re to Hv Uke Httier. ,1. ym TUESBAYr January, ai, "103. ! f I' COTTON MACHINE. carry tnto eifcV-aC6mrafl between the State of, Nortb-Carolina, 51 : ' . ; Millar and EU Whitney, r ' , . WHEREAS Eli Whitney the inventor and patcntee of a machine For clean iriff cotton ftpm the feeds; commonly called a Saw-Gm, ha$ propoied and ottered, ;inhcKalf,of bne "moiety oi the patent- r righto faidT0athirm to fell to tfec State , of North-Carblina, the fole andexclu T hvel right of rnakirrg, Ulinf and Vending the laid machine within the limits of this : States And whereas the cultivation of cotton is increafing in this State, and from the invrationTiiriX lety to become a valuabiii ftaple article tIic.fychVtiQp pf iiriachifje for cleaning cotton from its feeds, commonly called -a Saw GjnV'ron the terms atid conditions hereinafter mentioned ; that is to fay, ,tht there" mallbe laid and coHecled by the State of North-Carolina,' on each d.eyery'faw-gihwhich fliairbe'ufcd in this State, Between the pafiing this at fiindafie fittday ;9f April next, a tax of two (hillings and lixpencc upon every srtTf orVanriular.row, of teeth, which fuch gin may contain; and a tax of two ';ihillWtid txperices for- each and every fkw or. annular row of teeth, which ihall be ufed m the term' of five years t&reaitcr iJ3 before they fhall j. reiveorbeeinitlet any "off the mbriey collected "by virtue of this i iS 'jr produce their1patehtnght afbrfaid, land iatisfy the Treafurer that they i ..1 tl I ;3the or thir order firll deducing the 'Sheriff's ufualj (1 1 " ; otalfilbOCPfi for the term afore- iai?li& in the year 4 tof i&r eght!hundre4;ah(l three, and the tft payment on the ; i Cf VfVday oi vemb thoufand eight hunared andrj Bnafted pythc 'rentf and it z; Vi$knaUtfibyfil&&uM faith of; this State Be,.1 dtthc Jarne fe for the due collection of trie fail: tafer tKe-teir payment thereof,' frora year : to ; VearSihe dy and 4ys before mentioned 5 and for the paflihg of fuch laws: as.; VL. Tii aWAfr cnatlrd. That it fhall be the duty of all perions ipr the year one ihoufand fight hundied and three, and for every yer thereafteV tphc. " year one tnot returns 01 the of the peace lar rows of teeth, cpntained in each and every gm tor, clfnuig- cottpivWjP.iclx mall, at the time of giving in, be in his, hqr or their poffeffi6n;for.tJip' urfofe ; of being ufed in the tefpective vcars for which the fame is retujrneu atid on &h lure thereof,, fhall be liable -to ih fame penalties he, he or they fhall bejliable to for failing to malle return of other taxable; property. And the Sheriffs of the feveral counties of this. State, are hereby authorifed and- empowered to .collect for each and every year, for the term aforefaid, at the time of col)ecli6g;o tl taxes, the faid tax of tVo fhillings andfixperice on each and every faw, oraaL nularrow of teeth, jcoritained in any -gin. or gins, in their reffie&ive counti. within each and every year, every perfon is or are liable to jpay a tai, under and;- in purfuance of thijf aa, in the fame manner and under the tame rules-, and VcgiiT! Vu lations as, are preferred for the colle&ion of other taxes ; and he fliall accost : for and pay the fame at the proper office, under the 'fame regulati6na;.f penalties as are prescribed for his accounting for and paying the ppi0geyb;; this State, deducHrjg and refervihg to himfelf a commiflion of fix perTceiitVvb lowed for the collehou of other taxes ; - ' ::"'.! VII. 4ndbe it further enatifid. That the Sheriffs of this State fhall be boumJ; to collea the taxes herein laid, for the y ears herein mentioned, froin all perron who fliall ufe any faw-gin within their refpa&ive counties, notwithftaiidingT;thq fame fhall not be returned in anv lilt. - . ... , . ,x-v f f III. And it,. itfurthtr enaftedy That; the Tfeafurer for the State. " (WJJL Jay; : v the faid Miller and Whitney, their agent or attorney, legally autbp'rifed;feyIej' k I - ter of attorney, under their and, each . of their hands'and feals, of theirexecUtprsr or adminiflrators; the amount 'of th(e tax herein laid for the yeaxPtShoufa;n'8tf t eignt nunarea ana lwo, wnicu liidM uc pdiu uuu ma vniv,w-i tii- tv.yv.iiibiuwUAi2r4- Oi LIllS OiatC as retlMirCU Uy. lCt, WJUJUUi any uvuiviv-iivAii wi aiciivijiwn., Tv.jAvriy n 'if v s 0 I:-'; ;lAaiy.1)e: decefTar-y for the due and faithful collection and pay ment of fa id-' tax, and lor trie rrpoiepr caTryingiscontracx mio eneci, according, to its true intent lli4nd bt ifkrer enSe, That all perfons ; who fhall ufe, from and after thfc pafgrig' plHliiis aft, any iaw-gin, fliall make return thereof to the firft; cotrrity co whiclaU Be held in each and every, county of, this State after the ftrft daypnEebruafy jiexts; which return fhalhbe made nh o&th, to hi adminillcred fey fomr (l of me Peace, a the number of (aws contained in anyj inhichthe fmce the palling of this j; ?Uci, add J3eff)rc the time; of making affidavit as aforefaid ; and the retu 1 ns (Iiallbe ! filedpyjthe Clerk of -the refpective county courts, and a tranfenpt or lift of the attefl to the Comptroller, within ninety days Sfrer henfing of their reftScftiye courts; hereby appointed for giving in and another ; trantcript or lift within fiyfc days after the rifmg of eacliand every court as afore- i aam mail oe, Qeuvereo-to tnenenns ot tneir reipective counties, winch ihall "ftate particiularly the names, of the perfons who have made returns, and the num .teirspf fevbfeacfe perfon.refpeQively 'returned., :IJ. 4p$ fo Jifthcr ena'Eltdy That a tax bt two fhillings and fixpence fhall ?!andis hereby laid!on each and every faw. or annular row of teeth, in each luad-vey State, to b6 paid by the owner j fevfirftjLiaybf April next: And the Sheriffs of the feveral counties of this S arereby authorifed and empowered and direBed, tp'ievy and colletl the regulations as are prefcribed by kw for the col- ,' ,4eaipn of fjjdtilic; taxesf ariil fhall relpe&ivety account for the tame, under: the farhe regulations and penalties as they are fubjeft and liable to in their refpeQive Tehlements With tht Comptroller and Treafurer. And any perfon or perfons I failirg to" make return as aforefaid, fhall be liable and fubjeel to the payment of ?L. double .tax, to.be collcfted by.the Sheriffs of the refpeciive counties, in the lame manner as other double taxes are levied and colleHed in this State ; and the laid Sheriffs fhalfaccount for the fame as for the public taxes, 'and fhall pay to vihe Publig Treasurer the one halLof the double tax which he mail be bound to - levy and colleft. Provided never thdefi, that if by fickuefs, or other unavoida ble accident, any perfon or perfons ihall be prevented .from makirigurns of , their.gihfas required by this aft, the county courts of their refpeftive counties' fhall have power; to relieve them from f the payment of the double tax, if the , feme fhall bc made appear, at any time' before the time of collection. ' And whereas returns 'will" in '.many cafe&be made before the firft-day 'of April, nd many perfons may letup and ufe gins after the time prefcribed by this aft for t snaking returns, and before the faid , firft day of April next : IV.-B it therefore cnaled9 That it (hall be the duty of the Sheriffs of the Cpuutksof this State, "to cplleff'frpm all perfons the tax aforefaid, -WHo'fhaHJuivej tifed the faid 21ns before the faid firft d'avofAnril next; Provide dtewrtkelrk. iftlV'1 iaidfgins fhall have been fcV up land ufed between the time required by this aft tpj breturned,; and the faid firtttday: of April,- the fame fliall be only liable to the. iuyuiciii ui jungle tax 1 m 1 f - 'Li 1 ' " . Ivi J r ft - m w 'iirii ui iiir. 1 rrrririrti , i n:ir -i iiv nr -riirn inimniri' nets . i x i aad'g.atoSrhereby..Iaidi:':a;nd fliall b'colieaed'-annuaUv iri eaph and' every V aWfH -90n' e&fcni fcw.ft, orJdnKutir.Tbw1 ever, oi the hrit day or December, onetnouianaeigni nunarea anu mrecvana. fhall alfo pay on every firft day of November thereafter, for the tenrir heremj; lf fore mentioned, the fum which fhall be annually paid into his office for theptjpfj i on cotton-eins laid bv this aft and directed td becollefted, to faid Miller-'-an&A.l ems lam dv Whitney, or their attorney legally authorifed ;as aforefaid, or their fcxeCuTpfs'WiKt admintftrators. And the laifl Treafurer hereby authonlcd, emjpowcred directed to take and ufe the fame ; measures for enforcing the payment of t.he .', I 'jll axe herein laid, ahddircfted to be, collefted.by the feveral Sheriffs ofthis:Statei Kl: is he isauthorifed and empowered to take for enforcing the rpaymeminJpV ublic Treafory of other public taxes : Provided ntverlheUpy that :tHe fatdElf: itney and Phincas Miller, their executors or adminiltrators, Dy-themielve&i VT their attorney authorifed, and empowered under hand andfeal for thnt.ptlfp6(j;wYv or Detorc tne twjentietn. aay 01 junc next, maic anu execute a uccu oramgrj. ;bc as P Wh or on ment, bargain and fal State of -Nprth-Carblina ale and releafe, to the Comptroller, for and oh behalf of tfiei. fy ilina, of their patent right to the exclu'five" makins,- ufinii? Vj.' and vending thefiiid machine and new invention of the faw-gin,; within thcjiit&s-fer of this "Sane, and ff all other improvements and amendments witnih'the;;limiT j of the ferae, which Ithey pr either of 'them" fliall make or difcover ih . the conftm X tion of the faid machine," or the principles of the invention of the jEwgin: "AhU YTv provided alio thatl the iaia Miner ana vymtney, tneir aammiitrators or-execuiv 4 L tors, by their laid deed, agree to retundaU iuchiums or moneys nptesothand t or obligations,; wnicn tney cr c may have received for licence zen or other uerfon within this perfohsw or their reprefentatives, from whom the-fame was received; andfliiljf alto engage tt laid machines tion 'fit for Provided ncverlkieUfs That nothing herein contained, fliall be; extendedfori meant to sive to anv cituen, or otner penon or perions wunin,ine .limits 01 this. A State, a right of making or felling for exportation or expbrtintT'beybnS difl j dehycr at the town ot Wilmington, tree or expertccy one- ortm for the ufe of this State, of the moft approved iize' "and7 'conruv 7 -- mits ot the United Mates, any ot tue macumes aioreuna, or or any ot tne.parts thereof. And provided alfo, that if at any time hereafter, it fhalt;appear,tha any perfon or perfons, other than tRe faid Whitney and Miller,-are rightfuJTyV" . 'V ana legauy enuiieu 10 uic paiciu-irui ui. mdiuug, ..uun - dim vcuujug. iatu ;ma.; .'H t ch of incs or faw-gins, now claimed by faid Whitney and Miller, and the: citizen- :, , J this State, pr.any of them, fliall thereby become liable to pay any otherjfum . . V or fums than thofe exprcflcd in th aft, that then and in thacafej, the contract entered. into by this State for the purchafe of laid 'Whitney and Mdlex's patent right aforefaid, flrall be void ; and the laid Whitney and vMIUpr fHall moreover ; be held accountable for afcand -every fum or fums recovered againlr any of . th -citizens of this State as aforefaid; and that thefe-conditions be expreffed in the deed of afligiuncnt, bargain and iale and rcleaieto -tae Comrolier, beiPr- . g mentioned" :& l ' :r ''Sfc -iii 4" 41 I ' .. .. - S ,-ij.'-!'ji.,..'i ;!.- . : - . ..!. ... .i,"- .... - i lo amend the feveral Land Laws in tht;b!ate;Io1.ar; returned into the SecreUi.Oju WHEREAS b)r an aft of thew'fGeii feflion, all lahds entered previous, to? the Grftt&by $t & have been paid for as bv Jaw directed, and.not Surveyed returned in Secretar)' s Office by the-rft day 6f jDccember, ; i$p& jire'declukd JapTelufs to "the State, .wMch in many mitances wilVlVnd to' the great ihjury,Flegoc atilcns'pfthis State: For remedy. whcicofV "A- rfMB made in . this State, vpre vtoas? ,to. .the,, tHr day. a IManuar i ir nich 1 v- ; . I t&y ; -3