ft LAWS OV XORTH-CAROLINA. Pafed at thr latt Sejfion of the General Affcmbly. liOT 3zx for the payment of.the Civil la (I and contiugent charges ef Go v Verhmcnt tor the year one ttjoufand eight hundred and thre. tirmtaii by ifc General AffembkofiHe, State of North,CdrolinU and it cfghViifidiclrid three; tax ofeight-peiifce on every1 hundred acres of laud l&VfirVt and a taxof two (hillings on every -poll , fliall be icdr-'coiied tmd aceouhted for in the fame manner-as direftedby the feve ral SMXifleinblv ilich cafc rnadr and provided; )sM'.Ait 'd "be farther, tna&ed, Tfcat i Hxx'vvi. '.all (hid horfes and jack-aflcs ilHiiSmt orthe whole lum which the owner or keeper of uich ftud rbtfrlbvr feafon of one mare, (hull- be levied 'fbrefefief accounted, for. -'. j ffi hetitfartKer tnaHed, That-, all free males between the ages oftwenty orf arid pfty years, andall (laves between the ' ages j of 'twelve and fifty years, lflheUiDiecVto a poll-tax. v . vW 'i hf it farther entfteA. That the fourth and fifth feftions of an aft of tKc Central A flembly, pafTcd at Raleigh in the year one thoufand eio;ht hun I ctV-M iirif 1 nhr-. rntirhrl An aA tn ra iff-a re vlen ue for the Davmcnt of the civil I fift and cbntingent' charges of government for the year one thoufand eight hun I difC(ctitf.tVo be revived, and continued in full -force. y-Mia ac it runner cnauea, l uai uu liiiKiugnuiua vav uitiu u. vvj--.v. twi the year one thouland eight hundred and three. An Aftriiaking further prfcyifion for the Redemption of the Certificate Debt of this Stat FORASMUCH as juftice and found policy require that the certificate debt j otj this tate mould be redeemed whenever the finances ot the State are adequate thereto, arid it appearing that there is now in the public cheft,r monies unappro priated commenfurate to its redemption, therefore, f$i it enacted by the General AJftmbly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by jke authority iffi he feme, That it fhall and may he lawful for thEublic Treajureii for;;thei: tiroe':beitigsl and he is hereby anthorifcd and di re&edj to jiridike infer tKe iifejaiid bcnclvtcihc people of this State, after the firiLttooE Jauary'tnext4 the principal and intereft of all the certificate, here -tbfbrelUec agreeablyto the afts and under the authority of the Legfflature of this State, which halt be prefentcd to him before the firft day of December next; thofc iflued at Warrenton in the year one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-fix thofe iflued by Iatrick Travis, Commiflioner of Cumberland County ; thofe iffued for fervices in the Weftern country, commonly called u Chickamauga Certificates," and all thofe not at prefent receivable at the Treafury Office, excepted, paying and giving for each pound vof the principal and intereft which fhall be prefented to him and purchafedas aforefaid, the futn of fifteen fhillingi, reckoning and allowing intereft on any of faid certificates bearing intereft, tb the day of purchafe : Provided always, That no certificate ftall bear intereft after the firft day of December nexjf. 11. And be it further enacted. That the Treafurer (hall caufe this act to be pubufhed at lcaft three weeks irt one or more of the newfpapers publifhcd within this State. An Aa to amend the fixth feftion of nn Aa, pafTed at Rale'h in the Year 1801, entitled ' An Ek Ao nacnd the fcveral Land Laws of this State." WHEREAS it may fo happen, that Tome Perfons who have made entries of land in the ye;ars ottb thoufand eight hundred, and one thoufand eight hundred and one, may not Have had it in their power to pay the purchafe-money into the Treafury. of the State by the fiffl December, one thoii fanoyelgfet hundred and two, and thereby be injured by their entries lapfing: For remedy whereof, Be-it enatjfd by the General Ajfembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it Jj herehytnaBtd by the authority of the fame, That all claimants of entries of lands made in I 'the years one thoufand eight hundred, and oue thoufand eight hundred and one, who fhall not have paid for the fame before the firft day of December, one tnouiand eight hundred and twTo, (hall have until the twentieth day of De cember, one thou fiind eight hundred and three, to pay the purchafe monev into the Treafury for the fame; and all entries fo paid for are declared to be as good ouu u hi iaw, as u tne lame naq ocen paiaior accorumg to tnc iutn lection oi act pa(fed in he year one thoufand eight hundred and one, entitled u An act to a.mn;A'fcveral land-laws in this State:" and the faid entries (hall, within two years after the faid twentieth day of December, ohe thoufand eight hundred and ? v Pcrte their entries by grant; and allcntries not perfected by grant within dte time aforefaid,' (hall be deemed lapfed, and (hall rcv.crt to the State, any hng to the contrary notwithftandrng. . J d bc.it further this aft (hall not extend be coiiftrued to extctid to give relief or further indulgence to any perfon or prions, who have, by any entry or entries, entered land to a greater amount ?n;feiundred and fort acres. An Aft for dividing the' State Into I)iftritls,for the purpofc of clefting Reprefentativei to Congrefs. E ti:ehac!cby iht General Ajfevrly of the State of North-Curolina, and K&tbftndBjrmM That this- State jhall be divided r 1 'W TO tOTe 4ilt, ar Idllow:; vi the courttics of Perquimons-i diftrift; the counties of New-Hanover, Brunfwick, Onflow, Duplin, Samp Ion and Bla&n, ; fhall form the fifth diftrift ; thebounties of Franklin, :VVarren ; Granville and Na(h, (hall form the fixth diftrift; the counties of Richmond Montgomery, Anion, MKre, Cumberland and Robefon, (hall form the (& Venth diftricl; the counue ofWate, Ofange and Chatham, fhall1 form the Randolph, fhalj form the ninth diftrift ; the counties of Cabarrus, Rowan and .il.l . i n' tt ' t .i . .1 ' J'.fi'CL il .1. .Tn 1 tv 1 . mecKienDtirg, iriaii cotppoie tnc tcnin uuinci; iuc couniies oi uurKe, L,mcoin5 Buncomte. and Rutherford, ihall form the eleventh diftrift j the counties of Stir- fyr. Stokes, vlredell Wilkei 4nd A(he, (hall form the twelfth diftrift each of wmcn amnas lnair pe cnuueato eia na tena one iepreientauve to tne on grels of the United States ; and theperfon eleSe m each diftrift, fhall be a re(L dent or inhabitant of that diftrift fof which he is elefted, during , the (pace or term of one year, before and at the time of his eleftion.. il. And be it further enabled by the authority aforefaid. That the eleftion (hall be held on the fame days, and at the fame places as are now prefcribed .by laws for holding eleftions for members to feprefent the feveral counties in the General Aflembly of this State, in Augiift, in the year one thoufand eight hundred and three, arid at the fame imes and places in the year one thoufand eight hundred arid four, and at the fame times and places every two years thereafter; and the fame are to be condufted by the Sheriffs of the feveral counties within this State5 ah; the deputies of faid Sheriffs, in like manner as the annual eleftions of mem beife cif the General Aflembly are, except that the Infpeftors of the eleftions and Clerks of the polls i(hall be fwoin toaft with juftice and impartiality, which oath (hall be adminiftered by any Juftice of the Peace then prefent; and each and every freeman entitled to vote for a member of the Houfe of Commons in the General A(fembly of this State, fliall and may vote for a Reprefentative to Congrefs. Provided neverthelefs ' That no perfon fhall be entitled to vote at any eleftion except in the county where he refides : An provided 1 further That if any perfon whatfoever fhall vote more than once in any eleftifin for members of the General Affembly, or for a Reprefentative to Congre(s, for his county or diftrift, orr conviftion thereof, (hall forfeit and pay the fum of ten pounds, to be recovered the fame, the other half to he applied to the ufe of the county. And in counties where feparate places of eleftions have been, or fhall be cftabliftiedby law, the eleftions direfted by this aft, fhall be condufted by the returning officer, in the lame manner as eleftions for members of the General Aflembly heretofore 1) ad, each officer making return of the poll agreeably to this aft. JJI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That immediately after the eleftion. fo clofedin each county, the Sricriff or other ref timing officer fliall, in prefenccof the Infpeftors of the eleftion," caft up the fcrolls, and make out two correft ftatemenu of the number of fuffrages given in his county to each candidate, one of which ftatements fhall be by the Infpeftors filed in the Clerk's office f their refpeftive counties, after the fame is duly certified by the faid re tuniing officer ; and a majority of the Infpeftors, and the Sheriff or other re turning officer, by himfelf or deputy, fliall attend with the otheiy on the puu lor iiic uinerem counties niaiu uy uc iuiu oncriusor uicir ucpuues, oi uincr -returniig oicers (as the ca(c Aay be) in prefence of three Juftices of the Peace, who are to he furnmoned by the Sheriff of other returning officer of the county ;! therein they fhall meet for that purpofc, be examined and compared, anca:hv tincate under the nana atia (eal ot tne laia returning timcers, lnaii oe given ujitne candidate in each diftrift, for whom the greatel number of votes fliall have been given 5 but if two or more candidates fliallhaye aneiqual number of votes, the faid returning officers (hall determine which of them (hall be the Repreferitativej and if no decifionis.by them made, then they fliall decide the fame Jby drawftgy in like'manner as the Grand Jury is drawn for in the Superior Courts. v IV. And fie) it further ena tied by the authority aforefaid, That each and . every perfon vvhofhall be duly elefted Rcprefcfntatire under this aft, fhall, rip on obtaining a certificate of his cleft lohccprding tefthe direction abpve-meh-tiohed, ohtainrOm his Excellency the Governor, a commiflidn c'erttfylrig 'his is hereby empowered and.rcquircd, on iucli certificate being produced to nims tr i fin" -. v V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the Sheriffs orv, other returning officers, (hall meet on the ThurfrJay next after each eleftion at 4 the court-houfcof the county firft mentioned in their relpcctive diftricts: vided always, That if any accident fliall happen o either of the returning offi cers, which may prevent any or either of them frotntneeting on the day a brefaid int. i.ctuiu ui cdtiicmucYCiy yiuvci mail uc ictqivcaun uitua luuwnuiiiiiu iuw. nentr or otner returning omcer tauing to attena at mc time ana piacj apoyericn- ( tioned, hall forfeit and pay the fum of fifty poundir to be recover for the tife of the State, upon due proof thereof, in any court of law within this State, by anafririn of lehf. Uv thr TrrnfiirprnF rhr Staff frir th time heinr. V- h-?& " VI. And be it further tnaded, That the Sheriff or other holding eleftions m purfiiarice of this aft , fhall be allowed the '(uml3ldne fliilltng for every thirty miles travelling to arid retuniing troin.tiecg paring ?the poHs,T';and the (ame fiim for every dy they cdrnplying as aforefaid, which fliall be paid by die Treafurer on affix t of their Sheriff or returping officer for their fervices as aforefaid including ferriage J 4 x NlhAndic iL further enacted hi ths authority-afore faid, That if in any event it (hall become netelTary that this State fhall be reprefented m Congrefs at an 5 earlier period than'the time of the eleftion before provided for t?v lu5 aft, the .MMyemorjor tne timet neinc, man De, ana ne is ncjquy iujuwuw sv : m-Coniffs froiri ihis'ftatei itfuchrheir.turreas IhaUbe dccrneartcecuary ana . tM -I.-. V.tllllll 11 Y 111 I IdlllH A I V I 11 I llill IIIII 111. I II I I 111 atllt I 1 ll 11 I Mi I IJ i- -7 . ;. V- 7 1 l . V. ; 4-V . ' ' .x , ' .,T (. ? " i ' " a ' J. 'V. i- - . w t - fvrrelrtrfffctV 'Aemeanlriflt find Diite.rihadu;be flint thMamp

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