NOROT-GREINA1:. STATE GAZETTE v - .fl , x" ' 11 4 .TUEjfA"Yt Fitbrwary it 1803. . .. rm .,, W6-. " '. ' ". . . . j r -" 1 in -i" " i - ' ' " - ' ACTS OF LAST SESSION OF ASSEMBLY. . ; . . - Ad Aamakinffiprthet provifioa for the Redempnoo ol theCeiuacateueot ot jn?, w. FOIASfaUCH : ijuftice and found poBcrequirc tbat.the certificate debt ;6f tWs StaW-fliould be redeemed whenever the, finances of -the $ut are adequat iterttoand it appearing that thereji nqw in the public .cheit, inonies' tthapp toriated comment , . ' i .- the PUcTrealuTetfor tlii V d. -ft 'Uhnarv fiext.lhe anncipaV-and intereA'.F U the:ceTttlficateS here Hled with the furveyor oil military land .warrants appointed by tni State, for faid : icre- i.- 'V tary of thisState ; whereuDori the Secretarvfhail iffue a warrant or -warrants ta F 5 .-1.' . - n . . .... I . k J ' ! , w " T- :-- T'. .T- - j - ill - Ylrtft. fifitp. whfch fliatkbePTerentcd tb,him, before the firlt tday;of: peccmberj jiext;'' thofeUfliied at Warrcntbn jn ,theycar.bne thoufand fevcttuiidts: and cJihtv-fii;, thofc affuedJEy : Patrick . Travi ' CommiflTioner fjCufi&tefJahrf : ChicWmatis&Cen prefent "receivable the Treaiury Office excepted, paying. ana; giving iqr cat-u pounu i ?i ujc piuitipai nd intercft which i lhall befjrerented to him and purchafedas aforefaidt .Hhe.;fuin. 'df,fifteen ffiiU inteyeit ori , any oFJ'aid certtfitates, bearing iatcfeft, ; totheday of pUTchifc : Provided dtways, That nojcerjifkate ihall bear;interea aften,ihe.firft;day if December net Ilina Wlh(&nactcy rL hai Uie Tlurer ihalwaup this . ajbigto be pulifliedat this States -d'A6tJo'amfe'da4 tuntuijiatinet m wincti -0niiic4ted Landf UiU future ; he difpof 1 i i 'invfeltelald 'tfP&t8: other moidty, for them&ftlthat tnayiBelgSuelrt -famev: firft giving two rriontlilTioti by eTiiferSihe dilirlci whert .thean liethy and' by adverti(ement to be feat.the court-houie of faid diftriB, and at each of the other coiirtrhoule within the fame ; and if aiy perfoalnouid lay claimao,(aid knds, previous to the Tale tfeerepf, he (IjallnotiJy the fame to the Commiflioner, who (hall at the next facceeding court of the dif- tric, tufe jflue be, made up between the JState-ahd the perfon (b claiming I the land aforefaid, anda jury fliall be impannelkd to try the lame,-iubjeCt to ihVfameiySes .trial of other fuits at law v II. df r ?f Wr n yAr2Adri( r ca ? t T ba t a t ill all be the duty olthk&romi tjie-confifcated lands within his diftrift at oubHc'fale at the court-houfe in the county where the land lieth firft rtivma fnrfv davs.nofir.ft hv adverfifempntL to he fdt lin at the COUrt-houfe and II ts-"'o 7 . . r t four Pthe'r pHcjplaces injaid county where' faid lands may lie and for ail tales 'me'ttncferXhis actv he .fliall give ihe,credrraforeai ..and take from the pur thafeVs:bond;an for the purchafe-money, payable to himfelf forahe ufe of the State ; and immediately after the expiration of the time for which credjt wasglyen, he fhali proceed to coileS the fame ; and thc fame being clIefterffialLtrahmiirthe- amount thereof to the Treaf uiy of this State, Jfirft dcduSing tetfp T ' ' llk-Mnd-bt'ilfurthfr-tnaftii M&lit. authority afore faidt That it fhall be the duty ofeac to His felling any of the .confifcated lands notiis a the furveyor of thq county where the. landi lieth, direfting him to proceed to run out the lines of fold land;-' and make two j uft and fair plans tnereor, and return the fame to him vvithtii forty days after the receipt of fuch order ; lprwhich eryiee togetlier with thehire ' of ehaincarriers, the, faid furveyor fhall be allowed forty fhillings fpr each traft of : land by him f6 furveyed and returned, to be paid by the faid Cbmmiflionerv Narof; thcLfirftf mbney wHich may come whfcfe fHall be ; allowcci hinHn-the fettlement of his account With the PublieTreafurciv '-'V' : ": "' - I V m fot&sii iijiriher enabled by the authority AftTdid That when an y tracV or iana lnau Dioia, oy ana anaer jtne airection 01 tms, act, tne uommnnoners fhall endorfe oh elehiOf the pjatl bf luryey- of faid land, the fblloUiri certificate I l A.B? Cdmmjffioner of coiifi property, for; the diftnEi bf do hereby certify- that ' v f?rfr-lv;t;didc'oh tKef day o inthe year at ;the court-houfe" in" thVcounty of &d off thedand mentioned in the within plat ifor the Turn vof - 1- it and rjath ,g!yen.bpnd!J being 'thus certified andprefend to theiSeCreta he:ftiall file thc;farne af. oite,, ana tnereupon ma&e out a grant 'to tne puxenaier,:iwitn one or tne -pjat annexed thereto; which -grariV fhill be executed b)Ktie Governor fok the! aime being; and ftatt convey' to tKe.ftid purchafer, is:hcii ana affigns, ail the Oate.'right and title which'tbls Stately - have'faicinaadl 5i ; . perron ,wn nayp oowmea grant ior lanas w n i c ii arcco vereet nry - 1 whiplc or in prt by, grant of older date, ' ' r grarwee or grantee U tor io manv acres dLland as mav be deficient or loft as lX reflii'd-! lln'rin wVltr-h Ton Nirk.ojftr1Jr;r TWtift ; , rWV. f f '-s.-.: f X gtnal warrants; and" in cafe the parties ffrantees cahiiot asree, then claims for deff- I 1 ' r.-.., 4cm uv ujjuwcu uijuii inc pany claiming unucr uiu ictonu or- vonnaer w'" arP4 vuucmg io,aAnimg witn tiieectctary or &me, arcopy-oi the record, r tiwipg,L thatih a jrialai law bcfpi jco ;that he. hathlofflhc -; whole or part of the land contained inhis erant ' " V : ' 11. nd bcfc That no berfon fhall 'u!' y'y U1WI unusr jis acij -lorry; iRa oi jana ne may nave obtained a grant for, neim other lands ihariifantedi on warranty iflued from the office, of JcnvATinftrpng or military jwarriiits, An AH to afceruin in what manner difpiitcd t aims to lnd warrants fbJandTntefed in the office of John Arni nroBg, and for military lands, (hall be tried arwj 4ctcmiined.:' Be Jt cnaUc&ity , the dMafAemih- of. 'the. St at t of D or thr Carolina, and it is hercby,wtud:.tyjh& 'aut'fiorityef the.Jamer -f hat whenever the Secretary of State fhall advertife a xJaim' fora,vwarrant "forlahds enterid-in -tKe::orHce .of. Toha Arniftrong, or for a' military' land warrant, and an adverfc' claim fhall be fet up py any,penpn. or;ejripiis, ;iti tnau . oe-fle.jdu otvthC; Secretary pt 5tate tocertr--fy fuch claim and adverle claim to tneiupertor court of law for the dill ricV in nicn inc nm claimant reiiaes; or it tne tint claimant renaes out or tne state, n then to the fuperior cort of the diftricl in which the fecond claimant, re fides ; xi and if both refide out of the State, then to the fuperior court of law for 'Hillf-AfJ an iffue mall be rrrade up to try the right of the contending parties, Which IhaM be tried under the feme rules and regulationas fuits at common law are. tried ; M; and UDOn the findincr of the inrv nnrf the An Aament of the rourf he.forfr whom .'Mj( fuch iffue fliall be tried, it fhall be the duty of the clerk of laid court,, to.certU fy under his hand and the feal of his office, fuch verdict, and judgment, and the Secretary fhall then iffue) a grant to the party prevailing. ' ' ' " : v Ifi And be it further IcnaHcd by the authority aforefaid That this a& fliall ex tend to all cafes whcre'claims have been already made for land warrants, tand ad verfe--claims fetap;'theretp, an4 whkh';'are.,'npt decided, and fhall be in force, from and after the paffing thejeofl -. ' --i. " li 1 fx r An Aft-giving tunheHcd jurors attending ' the Superior t VUUIU W11U111 tll3 WlOkVl - . j 5r enacted by the General A ffembly of the' State of North-Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority ' of 'iKe iamvThat from and after-the paffins this a.c,- each arid every witnefs attending the fuperidr counspf this; Stated fhall recfeive for each and:eery day's attendance as a witnefs as aforefaid the fum of ten fhillings, and ten hillings for every thirty miles travelling to anfl from -the! mix tuuiis,,: ... v :.- - - ,. II Akd be it further inatled by the authority afore faidThzi- the jurors at tending the feveral fuperior courts of lw within this. Stajefwhereja greater i j' . not already fnade) '.(hall be .'alldwed'tach the fum of ten fhillings for- j attena men court, ana tne mm ot ten minings ipr every ininy ; miles in going to ana returning trom tuch court, any law, Cuitom pr ;uiage to the contrary notwith Handing. f . - ;VS : 1 An AfcV to empower. the feveral Countv Courts within ihii btate topoohu tote$; ; l 5r it enacted bydhe lGene if hereby enacted by dhe autity-ihefaTtu T -from andsafter ;;fhe paffing ofjm ji this aft, the feveral county courts within this Statek fhall ;havq JmU powerani v $i lawrui aurnonty, to qirect m lucn manner ana : jnfiucn iitmiDers,: ana-upper-f w fuch rules, regulations ami reftriBiphst fefpedive countie fhall be appointed and gqvemed, arcfad pairples1 whjn appointed, ihahtre - i fpbjccVtp fuelv their xefpQive county 1 , court mall ordain and eflablim,anvi,u faidtVjf cburt- fhall4 fiK apddireiat -.;,cv:, j; : ' , Mli s-rl X ,11. . ,4?? if itfarlher 'fytt8edfEh& the patrolej fippoiritejn pt:fuance"of- this" i i 1 1 i J"f"4fiKxt" uie powers ana autnoriues wHeG.iatne pauoie$,-as oyan a.f ,i- ucu;fi(in rqarpe itpuismp ieyejv njparet anainjne ty-toun; : s; JHv ' i II. 4n ty- 4heatfh 1 cpuhcurtsithm if they?fhall defAeceffar lefuli:- i ij power and authrity,fr onfiiSBitgt 'til pnerf J & yheprol MomhWipV That there ;fha Ji idj.aafo'refaid; , v. , .... f h' I-Cn : TVi -ATi&beip further enacted iTJiat-fo much 'of thc: fever ac;aWalLconc; ;wmu :hw vv;w ,1V1 "iiicaiiiimoi mis act mail oe ycuaicu;uiutiucn uu..,(11;. 5 : 3 vr ' - Afi A-Tnr-'tftiiifft'tvbutatiAiicif the SherifisV-fees .r. . ... . t lil - - s 11 ls Pfentcd tarhifc.General; AiTcmbly, . that' mlmany ' in- ftfnceijgrants have been ilTuei ubon wkrrahts-locatedpbnlanisvpreviouu cnacte'd-iv .the .Central' AffimbU 'of.tht'Sikte'of' reDTOaryJpqxu.the.bftentts ot ,tn&.ainerent- countieiiujn..wiJ.ow?ruiAv& j r eptitledfor thelfpllo wing 4SVxccs,o trie fees,Tefpecuyeljta?nej;ed;theretp : rcverv arreit tne lumsotieven iniiunesna nxpence.-ior every mh-uuuu, uio .wr ,f Tu WtW millings and fixpeni-fcu-evetx W ta ncnV-ii.i.frtr.tatinff rrnlevvitmnd imon filch attachmefiti!'.ne"Jurn'OI 1WQ. JnilhruJ ilsfe'l- 't ;r -.T, T iomhc 01 ,uiui-wroHiia, . uy wnicn Jinp;.'pcnons aria nxpence:; torrimtunc in ltocKs-ux-.iniuiHgsjj iprrvciy ruuuiimuu, s.ViVlj ; ;l-'?ngurfer1thefecondgranuare.deprrvfd rf.theetaw&Wwtfe jQiillingfcitver.relea1e ihflmMngsilcingi?ei ' ;.fKr?medywherepf, , .' 'P.h- ficttefumQSttfeftMti t is htrtfy tndaiiby-tht authority 0 the fame, .-That where rap'or radrentr foreJbfeprnWttrefrTce- aoovernertUQnecr,iali;!aw?a bave:iiruedf6rth"fae.lahd'btpaiitheireor,lor1ari QElawi'comnrwitnininW