7 ::,fii:i'EI G H-' MEfif'-,1 V - : : ;-NOflTH-(RQLiNA STATE G2iTTE V01.IV; ACTS OF LAST SESSION OF ASSEMBLY. pp fifteen fhillingi, reckoning ahd'allowhVg intereftr 6h ahy offaid certificates m.iwn uic-.uay ui purcrmic : rroviata ativays. xnat no certihcate next. - AnAa to prevent confp.race, aBd .nlurrett.an.j.mog u Mavc.. J;(ha,j ar' intcreft after thfirR k, ijt H CTKiw v -;r"-y-v r m c , f ' . - : vc it runner enactca. l nat me lTealurcr lnall cauie this - aft m h ..Lu.. . ovoii vt mp hereauer confii t. advife or conlbirc tO TCbelor k,. puunmcu i niateinfurrectioii, or fhalr plot or conipp the murtier or any penon or penons - - - ' - - . - m . w a. m a w a. n w- t m arm a - -. - a. a m . & r r x. w tw 'cju dn pauca m tnc vcar iGoo, aucttiug tue manner 01 proceeding gain ft the fcveral ofBecra tberciii mcnuoned. ; Be it enacted by the General AJftmbly of the Stale of Norths arolma and it is &ake irifurrection, or inairpiot or compare inc muiucr ui any pcuuu vji pv...w. vhatfoever, eVerv fuch confulting, plotting or confpiring, (hall be adjudged and , deemed felony, and the Have or (laves convitted thereof m the manner pre len-; bed by law, hall fuffer death, or be tranfported. s hereinafter pi ovided. TT fte it further enabled That if any negro or other flave fhall be found i Jlate qt reDemon or iniui reft ion. or fhall nroc ure or fhall knowingly and wilfully lion, or engaged in a incr. or oromifing to gaily Convicted, fhall be adjudged guilty or telony ana mail tuiter death, or be ji wun cons, ana to awara execution therecHij lubjett neverthelels to the right ot Clerk or Conflible fhall expire, or they be removed from office before fuch warrant iffucs, the fame remedy arid proceeding may be had agaiitft them as if hey actually were in office, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. tranfported, :as hereinafter provided. III. Ai fpiracy, re or cnlifl for that purpofe, or fhall knowingly and wilfully aid or affift any flave j or Haves in a flate of rebellion, or engaged in a con fpiracy to make infurrec-! onciiaing, ana Deuig meicui iniy tvaviMwu .uu lorn, A rtuill fnffer death without benefit of clerev. fhall hcreaf- cales wViri tU tpftimnrtv ofnne neuro or nerfon of colour mall' be admitted, the It'll V- ft lliV ,wa.fc.---r f3 1. A. s ' lame fhalr not be deemed conciuuve ana lumcieni co convict me penon cnargea, unlefs the fame fhall be fupported by fuch pregnant circumftance as to the jury on faid trial fhall appear convincing proof, when taken together with the tefli mio7in5ffuch negro or perfon of colour; . AVhereaslit may not be neceffary for the purpofe of falutairy example that all the flaves concerned in an ihfurre6lion, fhall furTer death, whilq it might be im politic and improper that they fhould remain in the State: t V. Be it enacted by the authority aforeaid That in all cafes of cdri fpiraCy, rebellion or. irifurreBion by the flaves, when a fufficient example has been made; by the convicliort and execution of any riamber concerned in fuch . rebellion ot infurreftion, the court before whom the flave or flaves fhall be conyiQed, fhall have full power to commute the punifhment of death for tranfpdrtation out of the State, and beyond tKe limits of the United States, un der fuh reftriftions and upon fuch condition as good policy and the public fafety at the time fhall require; VI. Be it further enacte.dy That whenever a flave fhall be tranfported in con fecjuence of the provifions of this a61: either by the owner or the State, and fuch Have fhaltevef thereafter, voluntarily return to, and be found in the State, fuch flave fhall mffer death in putfuarice of the original fentence oafled adainft him, on t proof. of his identity in the ufual form of law- and if fuch flave fhall be brought into any county in tnis tate py ms or ner master Or miltreli, or by any other - perfon, fueh flave fhall be forfeited (on proof thereof) to the county into which the fame may be broughtf which flave fhall be again tranfported by order of the county court, and fold for the ufe of the county - ' And whereas the civil authority rilay be found infufficient for the lUppreffiorf and deteclibn of a tonfpiracy or infurreHiah among the flaves in this State il ':;. VIIV Be it -there fore endcted by the authority a fore f aids That it fhall be the .duty of any commiffione officer of the militia of this State, dri application or ;oraer oi any two or more j unices or his county, to order out the militia Under his command, or fuch part thereof as may be nece ffary to deted arid fupprfcfs fuch conipiracy,jebellion or irifurre&ion of the negroes Or other (laves; and the militia lo ratiea, man perrorm lucn duty and lervices as they fhall be required to do br s tneir commanding omcer,; and fhall appear iurnifhed with arms, ammurtiubn and J accoutrements, and fliall receive the fame pay and rations as is directed .by the VIII-. And be it further enacted That the Governor tie, arid he is hereby authorifed-and required, in all cafes of corifoiracv or infurrcaion, to take fuch rocafures for the detection or fuppreffion of the fame as the public fafety at the ume may require An Aft to authorifc an additional allowance to the perfon or pexfons wbo ihuU utr' - t be neceffarily employed as Colleftor of arrears, and u repeal fo much of the fo wth clan fe of -the fecond chapter of th aft of 179$, as requires that ail falcs on execBtions iffuing iii behalf of the State, fhall be made at the Court-Houfes of the refpeclive countifSj and in term time; - WHjpfeEAS the beneficial operation of the acl of 1793, chapter the 7 providing among other things for the appointment of collectors of arrears, has fo far exhaufted the outftanding debts of this State, as to render the commit fions allowed by the faid act to the Collectors of arrears ho longer worth the at tention arid time of any perfon capable of peribrmihg the du ties of that appoin t ment and worthy of truft ; and whereas for the iirant of the care and attention of fuch oificers, the public executions are : riw again neglecled arid rarely returned fatisficd while the debtors move Off, and the revenue of the State is thereby diminifhed : Re it thtrefore enacted by the General Affemby of the State of North-Carolina, ahd it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, That for the year one thbiifand eight hundred and three, and thencefor ward, the Public Treafurfer, jointly with the Comptroller, be, arid they are hereby authorifed and empowered to make to the perfori or peribris who fliall be rieceflarily employed to take charge of the pub lie executions; fuch additional allowance bVer arid above the commiiliphs a? pre fent allowed them bv law. as in their iudffment thev mav be iuftlv entitled to. ue regard being had to the labour, expehces, induflry and fuccefs of the per ion or perions lo employed as arorelaid: , . k II; And. be. it further enacted by the authority aforcfaid That from andv after thepaffiog of this act, fo much of the fourth claufe of the fecond chapter of the act of one thoufand feven hundred and riinetv-two as reaiiires Khat all fales to fbe made on executions iffuing in behalf, an I for the life of the State, fhall be jhad at th court-houfes of the refpeQive cdijnties towhich fuch executions iffue, arid in term tiiiie, be arid the lame is hereby repealed arid ihade vdid, and that Jin AtX jiaking further pro vifion for the ReJeninion of the Certificate Debt of this Slate. FORASMUCH at ftlftir anrl fnimrl nnl Of thlS State fhould be reidrmrr? whertVr th finanpfs rrf the fstt of lAmy-st thereto; and it appearing that there is now in the public cheft, monies unappro pnated commenfurate to iu redemption, therefore, k trk&M h ' Genetd Aj'emHy of the StaU of NorthXarStirtd, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame. That it fhall ami mau itp lawfitl fV ?PWic Treamrer for the time being, and hereby authorifed. nd di- ' r"v-vw, ivi ic uic anu Dcncnior tnc pcopic 01 mis state alter the Jry:ncxt, . the-principal , and3ntercilv"of all Uhe ccrtifkatci hrc Wtlhly to the ads. and under xht authority of the iJrgillature Hf this State, which fhall be prefented to him before the firff day ofAfhirJcr "T.,aiuJ.urvvu,c Uon ia incye.ar one tnouiana leveri hundred and v ;".' ira.vis, ommunoner ot v Laimotrland county; thofc c4(Bp ; foyic country, mdidy called for the fiiturr. hilp fliall K.- fhoufts df the cotirities to which thev rriav iffue : but ir fhali He tnimatprial whe ther they be made iri'or out of term tihie, the direflion of the' above recited claufe to the contrary notwithflanding: "i 1 1 1 " ' in.' . ." .. 1 1 . An A6t giving jiirthcr time for regiflering grants, proving deeds, niefne-conveyances and powers of attorney, which have not been proven and rejillered within the time hereto fore limited by linV; 4 - RE' it enacted by the General AffemUy of the State of North-Carolina and it is hereby enaBcd by the authority of the fame That alt grants for lands which have not been regiftcred within the time heretofore appointed by law, fhall and may. within two years after the paffing of this alcl, be admitted to regiftration, and fhall be as good and valid as if they hacL been regiflcrtd within the time heretofore allowed by law; V ll. And be it further made Iff the authority aforefaid that all deeds, mefns conveyances of lands, tenements, and hereditaments, and all powers of attorney not 'already proved, acknowledged arid regiftcred, fhall arid may .within two years after thepaflirig of this a&, be acknowledged by the grantor or grantors, his or their agents or attornies, or be provett agreeable to law; and all deeds, mefiie conveyances and powers of attorney, which fhall be acknowledged W pro ven, and regittered according to the dire8 ions and provifions of this aQ, fhall good and valid, and take cffccl as fullv to the ulc and benefit of the their heirs dr affigns refp'eQively, as rflf rich deeds, mefne ednveatices.'and powers of attorney, had been acknowleged, proved and rcgiftere'd agreeable to the di-, rectiows of any law heretofore made and in force Ah Acl to jprefcribc ihe:mode in whicri. wills ot cfeeVis regiftcred. in other States, ft all be . . aifiniited as evidence ih this State.: , . . 0E it enacted by. the Gertcral Ajfcmhly of the State tf North-Cdrolina,-niiiU hereby enafted by ' the author ity of the That in cafes where inhabitants of nther States, by will or deed, devife or convey property fnUaied in thisT State, and the original will or deed canrfot be obtained to regiiler lit the county where theland lies, or whej:ehe prdpcrlyiaii be thefaicl . will or deed after the faixie has been mover nrl irA nr AttttZVi-Z s ' bly to the laws;of the State where the pcrfons died o iriade the fame) bcin?iro ' pcfl)1 certified, eitheta MaV onb i thou djevenbtindrcd arid iimetivcfrr the furtfier teftimoniatof tlie GQvepor orCqtnmtndriri Chief bf laiU: Stares :thV :;f -51 ' 4-5:. A- 'J 1 A H f tft. rill nptt. prdcritreceivablci at thel and in fucbHfe,.the;faid;copvV ts of thU state and tell be ac!mi!f?rn

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