NORTH CAROLINA STATE GAZETTE Out.areift Plain ot fair delightful Ptace, VawarfM H?1? & UUeUk b tbers. Vol; IV; TuauAY, Feb r vary 15, No-174., Acts ofjaji SfJJion of Ajfembly . j An Aft cranting further time for . proving and regiftering bills of fale and deedJ of gift, . Be 'it entitled by the General Ajfembly of the State of North Carolina9 and it is hereby en ffytted ,by;th& "authot-Hy -of the &r That all bills of fale taken, and deeds of-gifts inade and not already recorded in manner required : by law, flialt have a further time of twelve months allowed for probate and for regHtratiori, and fliallvhen thus authenticated arid perpetuated, be held and deemed a valid to all intents and purpofes, as if they had' been proved and re- giftered within the' time required ! by an a paffed at Fayetteville in the year one thoufand feven hundrecl and eighty : nine ; any law, ufageor cuftom to the con irary notwithltanding. Jsji At to' repeal an aft paffed at the laft fesfiou of the General Af fembly,i entitled ' An aft to re peal a part of the Infpe&ion laws now in Force inthis State.' BE it enacted by the G eneral A ffernbly of theStdte of North Carolina and it uhercby enac ted by the authority of the f am e That from and after the firft day of May next, the above ret 1 ted act be, and trie lame is An Aft making further provifion for the Redemption of the Certi ficate Debt of this State. FORASMUCH as juftice and found policy require that the certificate, debt of this State ., 11 1 ! ' 1 J I . ' " ihouia oe reaeemea wnenever the finances of the State are ade quate thereto, and it appearing that there is now -in the public chefl, monies unappropriated cemmenfurate to its redemption therefore, Be it enacted by the General Ajfembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enac. ted by the authority cf the famey That it (hall and may be law ful for the Public Treafurer for the time being, and . he is hereby author! fed and direfted, to purchafe in for the ufe and benefit of the people of this State,! after the firft day of January 'next, the principal and inter eft of all the certificates heretofore iffued, " agreeably to the afts and under Jthe autho rity of the' Legiflature of this State, which fhall be prefented to him before the firft day of . , 'December next; thofe iffued at Warrenton in the year one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-fix ; thofe iffued by Pa rick Travis, Commiffioner of Cumberland county; thofe if fued for fervices in the Wef- iem country, commonly called u Chickamauga Certificates," and all thofe not at prefect receivable at the Treafury Of fice, excepted, paying and giv ing; for each pound of' the prin , cipal and ihtercft which (hall 1 a t;: be pre lented to him and purcra c'Ted as a forefaid, the fum x)f t lowing in'terefborvany; of faicl certificates bearing jhterc ft, to the day of .puicha tyT,That'n bea inttreft ;; after ;the firft day j j lyrebyepealed and made voicL It: And further enacted , w, V n 1t That the 'FreafUter .lhall CaUlC this aft tO be publiflled at leaft . three Weeks in one or more Oi': t r ui J the newfpapers publlihed 111 this U State. Laws of the United 93? 3tttf)aritp SEVENTH CONGRESS of the " '. - ' UNITED. STATES. At the veC33 Sejfisn, Begun and held at the Ci?y of Waftiingte-n, in the 7 titorr of Columbia oa Monday, the fixth of December, one thoufand eight l.uar died atd two. jj . i." AN ACT . .1 Making partial approbrtatun Jut tie Naval ,) o . j 1 - . v v.; 1. - Service duuvir iie year one tbtuaud eight , hundred and 1 hr-e. ' j f BE z7 emitted by the Senate and ? ; ! Uoujtoj ' Rtprefextatives efth' United j States of : America inG on grefs dfetnbled That the fum of one hundred thcu- fand dollars be, and the fame hereby -f is appropriated towards defraying the expences of the Navy of the ti nned States, during' the year. one thoufand eight hundred and three.. Fett. 2. And he it further enacted, i That the aforefaid Turn, (ball be paid, firft, out of any balance remaining unexpended of former appropria .iens for the fame tibjetl i and fc condly, out of any moniss in the Tieafury not other wife appropri ated. . " KATH. MACON, Speaker of the.Houfe of Reprtfentative, STEPHEN R. BRADLEY. FreOJcat of the Scnatr pro tempore Approved, Jan. 141'. Soj. . TH : JEFFERSON, I'rciiicfct itfce United Stalts. AN ACT For the relief of CharUs Hyde. BE it enatitd by the Senate' and Hp ufe of Reprefentatives of the Uni. ted States of America, in Congrefs ajfembltd, That the proper . ccoun ting officers liquidate and lettle the account of Charles Hyde, for his fervices as judge advocate t the atmy, from the fecond day of De cember, Anno Domini, one thou fand feven hundredfand ninety-two to the fifteenth day of July, Anno Domini, one thoufand feven hun drtd and ninety-four, both inxlu five ; and that I us be allowed fuch pay and emoluments for faid (er viccs, in addition his pay in the Unc, as wer, at that time allowed by law to officers acting in that ca pacity.. NATH: MACON, Speaker of the Huuie of Kepref ntatives. STEPHEN R. BRADLEY, Prefuint of the Senatt pro tempore. Approved, Jan. 14th, 1803.' TH : J EFFERSON, Prelidettt of tte United iitates. INDIAN AFFAIRS. Mejfigi, jrofo the Prefident of the United States tranfmitting a Re port made to' him by the Secretary if War, anAjtther in formation re- . iativt to the. iff airs of tht Uni.ed States, with' certain tribes of Jn- &dians. ' Gentlemen of the Senate, and of the Houle of Reprefentativcs, , Ienclofe a report of the Secretary of War, ftating the trading houles eftablifhed in the Indian territories' the progrefs which has been made in the courfe of the laft year, in fettling ;and mirking boundaries j with the different tribes the pur-j chafes of lands recently made from jj them, and the prolpect or tutther pjogrefs in markin bouodaries, and in new extmguiftiments of titles in the year to come ; for which fome appropriations of money will be wanted. . , , 1 To this I have to. add, that when the Indians ceded to us the fah rprings oh the Waba'fh, they ex pre fid a hope that we 1 wovild fo. employ 'them as" to enable them to grocure their neceff-irv fupplies of nlt. " Indeecr if wotild be the mbfi I proper and acceptablcrform in which Jhe,annuity 4ouia be paid wtwcq We pro6fe to give thenl fvc the cef lton.5 .ineiejipringsj mignt at tne iiaie ainsebe ' rendered ,erainejiUy ierviccable to nour Vefteri?, inHabj tints, bv' uUne them as the means 'if couiueractiothe monopolies of Sates appropriation, would be neceffarylo &tt tne fi rft-ex pences, after which they (hould fupport themfelves; nd repay thofe advances. Thef, springs are iata jo pollers the &d- vantage of being accompanied with fatd a tect ot rcou. v January i 8, 1S02. JEFFERSON. A Letter from the Secretary of Wat, dated 17th January, 1803, accompanying a Mef. fage.firom the Prefidcntof the United States received the : bVh' 3nu:,ry 103, li'ur Dfrtmcni 174 "January, 180J, The Prefident of tke nited States.' StR 1 Bv treaties held vith the Creek and Cho&aw nation of -Indians in the courfe of the bflyear,. confide- o r 1 n j , , rabie tracts ot land tiave been 00. . .. r "6 tamed, an.a there is refbn to beheve that additional retRcif s may. be ob- tained onrreafonable terns from the iforenientioned and other Indian ; nanoi.s in tne coune cr me prelent 'year. The boundary line between the flate of North-Carolina and the Cherokees, has .been completed, and the line between ths Natchfs territory and the Choftavs, is pro bably by this time eftab)ifhed and marked, in a manner ; which it is pre fumed vw ill be fatisfaftory to the U nited States, and to the Choftaw natiod. A boundary line has alfo been a 2reed on, to the traS of land on the Wakfh rivr including Vin cennes, winch wdl foon be run and mitkrd ; and hkewifc the lines a roud the two tra&s on the portage bet wcfii the head waters of the Wa bafli, and the Miami of the lake, in cluding Fort Wayne. Seme mda. furrs have been taken for afcertain. ing the boundaries between the In. diqs and the white people on the M? Mi flip pi,' commonly called Kaf. kaffia fcttlements, below the mouth of the Illirvois river ; but for want of authentic documents, it will pro bably be necef(ary to refort to a new convention with the Indian nation for cftaol.niiug faid boundaries, and for procuring fome additional cef. lions for the purpofe of affording means forencrraftng and ftrengthen ing that diflant and expofed fron. tier, - In addition to the two factories, or Ir4?an trading houfes, hereto fore 'eftablifhed, it has been confi dered as advifeable to eftibhfli four others, viz. one at Detroit, ore 't Fort Way ne,onc a-Chickafaw bluff, and one with the Chocbws. The furplus of one hundred and fifty thoufand dollars, appropriated by an aft of Congrefs, of the 16th of April, 1795? arjd which had not been applied tn (he the two faiorie& heretofore eftablifhed on the fron tier of Georgia and Tei.nelfec, has bern applied to the four other efta bhfhroents recently made. ; From an inveftigation of the ac counts made and reported to cor grefs at its laft feffion, it was fatisfac tory evident, that the flrfds em ployed prior to that period had no beea diminithed, and it is conti dehtly believed th't the fum appro, priated to that objeel, may be em-' ployed not only without diminu tion, but with very great advantage I to the public, not in point of cotn- j mercial profits but by attaching and fecuring the friendihip and confi dence of the natives, which cannot belufficiently relied on j while their towns and hunting camps are con- ftanfly the refort of unprmcipled j foreign traders, who make every ex - ertion in their power, to wittidia-v the confidence of the natives from the United States, and to infpire. them with jealoufies and unfriendly dilpefitions towaids our frontier fettlers, oux public agents, and the government. .. . ; The greateft caution has been ob feyed in "Telefting1 the agents ,for. managing the feveral factories, and 111V the courfe of another-year, itfis prefritned,: that a fat isfaftoryrftate ment ynay be made of the ftateof the funds, and of the effects of their ap plication. - . ; ri ,: ;, iV t ; ' , v- nappropTiatipn, of ten.tKotjt fand tidllars to enable the.exe cutty e to embrace jany :iawbu.rabe topbbr- mnitv for obtaintna ,anv furtherceU fioti of Ian(i frorn the natives ; and j" with the Indians," with a renewal qf 1 h e a p prop r iation for that ohjcci, fubmitted to the con fi deration c .Conp,ref5. v , ' j Vihrefpeafulcbnfidera'tion, I am, Sir, v . Yout humb'e feraat, H. DEARBORN THE TRUSTEES . 1 fthc NORflLCAROLINAi PRESSED on the one Kand by the Scanttnefsof their Funds, od urged on the other by a Wifh faithfully aad fatis. faaorily to acquit thetnfcives of the inte- I refting and important Public Duties with wnich ibey.vare charged, have, from Time to Time endeavoured to, reduce the an nual f- xpenditureof that Inftitution' withio the Compafs f its Means : inthis Endeavour l they have at length in a degree fucceeded, b lai.nnuing t-oyecience to hconomy, and by adopting fun dry temporary Meafures, which fuch a ftte of things alone canjuftify; while thofe of a more permanent Nature, and fuch as wbald far better comport with the jurpofr ar,d intention of this Inftuution, as ,weil a with the honor and dfgnity of the State, av j at prefent neceffartiy given up, or pollponed. 1 To effeck this unpieafant arrangement, the Truftees have found themf1ves reduced the neceflityof fi.'ently beholding the exp'feri and roofles W"all3 of the princ;pal Buildinr, and the almoft nalceJ Shelves of the I-ibr rv as wiihout Meney, they can neither efF flu aHy provide r the protection ot the forme fram the Weather, nor for replenifliiDg the litter with the.neceflary Book. Thus difagreeab'y fituated, tlir Board at their laft Heetig appointed one of their Body for each Diftrift, vix. Robert Moniggmer.v forthe Dilinftof tdentoi Ca'.Yin j ones for the DiftricTof Newbero, Jofiraa C Wright for the DittrftVbf Wilmington, Char'es VV Harris for the Diftrit of Halifat, Duncan Cameron for the DiftriA of HillfborciigK Nathaniel Aleaander forth Dftrictef Salis bury William, Barry Grove for the Diftnd of Fayetteville, and Wallace iilexaryder for the Dittnft of Morgan and diieclei thai, through thefe, Applicatisu (hall be made to the Cuirens of the State at Urge, r, the hope and expectation, that the fupplycf Books a', prefent indifpenfibly neceflary.mijtht thereby, and through voluntary Con'ribuii n, be had. To the liberal and enlightened Mindo perfunfiod." or-argument can be Beccffary. to enlure fuccefs to this application ; to the Pa triot, none can be needed, as he will not fait ts remember, that no country cae longiemain free, unlefs its religieus, civil, and politicly rights are duly understood and appreciated be the mafs cf.its Citizens a knowledge n At to be acquired, but through ftudy and the aids of inftrHclion. I will therefore decline remarking on the felf-approbation and innate fatisfadiion which cannot tail to refu'It in a Government like ours, from the fatherly and patriotic deed of con tributing evrrt one finale volume 'wards tne formation and improvement of the Minds of thefe Youths wh. are fhortiy to fucceed us on the ftaec of Life as Men, and on whom te character and fate sof our country mt conlVquenly d!o've Th religious, the fci eiitihc, and the patriotic muA ail feel a 1 anxi. oiis folicitude on this head ; and I will onlv add, that notwithitanding its many dinScui ties, the UniyeHily of North Carolina has not, at any period ftnee its eital-lifbment, fur- nilhed fuch abundant & flaueyng proofs, that It ill r-fe fupenor to its embarratlment?. and ultimate : -:ully meet the wifhes and high expec tat-or.s f our country, as at prefent Jt we judge e.ther fiom the regularity of it Difcipine, its growing Character, or the increafed and in creafir.g number of the Students placed at it, not to mention their orderly and induftrious Habits and rapid Progrefs in their Stud es WILLIAM POLK, , Prefident of the Board of I ruftees. Raleigh, Feb. 7, iBoj. E'ditors of Newfpapers within the State, who may feel difpoled to promote the views of the Truftees, as contemplated in the foregoing: publicafion," will be pleafed (ogive it a place ui t,heir papers, as often as they may nd it convenient. ? ' - ADVER'l'iSEMENT: T.T. Pfrfrirji-indehted to the late Frm of JAJ4C S an4 . MATTHE Ifj COMAN, by open Account, ate requeued to come forward an4 make Settlemeni by Payment, or gi'vipg Bond. Thofe who ire indebted by Bond, are defired tc( make Pay, meiit to ihe Subfcribe?"., ; -. ' v The Death of Matthew Coman renders this Mtafure neceflary, and it ts'hoped that all Petfons wilt avaii themf.eW$ot:thifotiii ficatton. , ' -a ("'VV The Subfcriber intend to carry on, iafj turei the Bufmefs in his : wn ame and k'rr(ir urtrh. a, Coarinuanr'-nf thr r Lim uv I 9 M - " - , - . . - 1 Favours of his former Cult oror ; JAMES COMAN. Raleigh, Jan.l. " J 1 '.J Ye Men oi (Vate, aw akc.!'. A' :LL thofe Indebteito the TirnvoTJoeA ( mrt Ait! arc f niiMrii . ra c 11 1 -ane ! makePaymen1 Such a''1! 0t Bpndr iflimsaediaifc Payment it! hoi cphvenl xit. . TKafe having, ontn' Accounts. . whAd tiot paf. bT grant Note,' wun Security .ybere"; it irv be required, atfor before the enfu'uig Court or VVakeCwmtynteooT beat-alH A BQUTthe i5fh inflant, o'thV" .T. Kod between Nafh CourWiouf a4f -m!thfiela,, N. .C. a fu.ali, imposed Hoand h,h. She is a Mack un,1 iavvlth .Whe'.o, na anfwers u ihc Kara? clferw;df th as Uujy Usooi mbieid VirilBVanl vriH. probably make jfcaway. The finder, by leaving her .wi th Cot.' ArVingpft at" U'$tk tourt.Houfe, Mr. Connelly, at Haliiait r he Sobfccriiier ai iSsBtthfieMy WCarffiAr : living latoimAtion wheie flit ja, ftjafl be; handfoaiely rewarded. . f OHN SJEVENS. jua., Jai: 27th, itc3. r . ' - A LIST OF Wrt ERS Remaining in the Poii.Cffi.e ac ChapeLHill, January ifx 103. RICHARD Sta nfma 2, Alfemon . Stanford, William M. Ballard, Clement Worfey, . S. G. Hopkins a, Thoma Sctt, VVin. Guthrie, Sol. B. Vfc lil'ums. Samuel A. Martin, Wo, Willie Jonca, John f.d wards. , , - DAViD NUNN, . fliXtant Poil-mafter. , TAKEN UP. ;' few Miles We fl.-0,f Raleigh, about ten daya ago, and is now coahimd in the i GoaJ ef Wake County, ' V ' A NEGRO MAX - , D ETWIXT fmy and ftxty . Years; of Age, named Charie, abojutcC Feet S. s; inches igh- He is branded with J. H. in ' tfte ForheaJ tfcd Breaft, ar.d 'fis'Ve belong TJohT Hil'.o'' Auguftine, from wom he Tan a way rear i Ytar'jg.j l w raife in Bal timore, and was makjg hii way thither when taker ; p. " - s 1 "v " " " ; -' ' Any Perfon having a Claim tjpott the faid Negro, are defiied toapply to the Subcriher, w h o the Property, beiiig proved, an H Expences incurireti pait, wlf de ivcr pYail Negro. ; JpHNikyii,1- bhrT Wake Co RUN AWAY, Frm the Sulfcriien 27fM. , -- --At . '- , n - "7 ': A NEGRO MAl'aiti about $ Feet & or 9 Inches high, abrjt ' 3 o Years old has a car on oh of hs Cheek Si -oe of his Krets bends inward, ar.4 he Walks arae. Both h;s little haif way The fa d Negro has - been fiiic -Jeen in the Poffefibn of I hosnas Smith, going towards Peedee, and if is expefted : he fail C muh will fell him either in the fate of Georgia or Tenneffer- It any Perforf wiii fecure the faid Negro irt any Goal, lo th at -he Subfcriber miy recver :? him, or bring him to h m in Cumberland County, en Cap Fear River, abot c MUes above Atkins's Trrry, he (hall receivr a Re ward ot Twenry-five Dollars ; and if both the tegro ana tne laid Smith, are fecured, ms5 Smith is conied ot taking- him eff, Fllty Dollars Re ward will be paid, SA M V L NURTH WG TvfT. Stat of N-, J Wakt County. ' , Nuvember Teim 1802.- Roger Hancock .', , . vi. , j Petiti-jnjfor! , Wm. Fowler and Clai. oiiliibuive ' bourne A Fowler, Exrs f (hire, &c. of Wm . A. Fow ler, dec J : w 7 T T is ordered by the Courfi Uhaf unlefs William Fowter one of the De-r-ndants, anlwer. the Petitio of the 6bni-.t plainant within the twiy fifft days of next Court, that the PetiVcn as tah:m, lrken pro coni'tfio a?fo!urelv i tht adwrfftfefrVsi Xr rheteijt be mdc iutne rt a eljh l; eilr r fcrt two Weeks SlMON?TIIilMP blMON-TUU.tR, Feb. 1. 803. " Ctrk of the Ccc i Juft Received fiom t?ohdon,' : .rj Afiffor Safe by the Pr trite Wiof, ' ' A ParcH of SPlLSBUR-AC TISCORRWTIC hROPS.' firfi- Kif covered by the ' late .Franc is ptlbufyt..Chy-',v mift, No. t, 5oho Square, Loudon-hhKy-now prepared by1 hfs Vidovv,' who is J'eft hv hjs Will fole Patentee arid' PropieiCrf t'a'A ' mod. ioyaluabie.Mediciiie;f byiwhom.tfce D ifpenfary, for ihe lpor is conriHved";as ufual by which upwards M l 7 T96 iPaiienphavti . been relieved, ' many. of whom were deemed incurable and fuch ' difmifle from - the - dUFerentX11''''5 - -'V v- . . Thefe Dropare extraded from theVege table, M ncrat v a ud A ni trial K"xngd'om ' "d : have been fuond fiipcrior rn Totntof Effkacy --i iny;thfr Medicine yet 'pubhflied; ihra" ' di faring the. mod is vetfrito Scorbutic DiU otders; fuch as tii LeprefyBwHi hfephan ff, 'iajis Struma's, 1 J'-itvlas,;; Pje ... It firm tion in the Efs, CanctrK.Rheumaiifmrt Gout, Ukers, Blrtchts,ChUdrep's Erup tions, pimpled VF-aces, loWj . Fevers &.C ;They oVcn pbftrudtions, purify the. ; fijeod. hd lave thia- peculiar Property, tbat" they Are hAtli eafv and nfeifant fo tike they aflift - uifenion, nrengtnen rne!crve, regime n 1 Confinement zn4z their4yirtu ,wilt hpli A good marytYears-,JTh.ey bavelikewife been found KeT moft, efficacious ;Rtmedy. taher - tr,, Mcaues,' c va kjbyvob idVantage "with'the Spa WaVrr.fAW i?xx Surfeits, litlious-? and. CcfuroptVve- Coin- plaints, atui hfe;W6m are .fuf retted W krWTSiiiiaramira Half psr.BetrKi.i ? with DirtcliOTw'tor the .Ufti tad iiV t Si r t, 11 -Kit V k 3 v- rl TLr- -4 -si m - ' it tna lupunes pi iaii anu or reuuen ':an4- other Vmicilcs'oV the eftabliJhmcatf tratimfchQofcs

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