) -'':4-v': ;v'- :r".:-- cK . . V; 1 'a i 1 Suggert'toa for a (FX" 'Benevolent Jnjntutwn . - . -w ft . I ' . .. She fellowin? communication from tU Nfavor of New-York, to the pttfrut ot i g ' ' Chanic Society in J 'So . refting afubjea;to thenends of vHurhi. :irty: ne not deternxined on the bje f Jut it fincerely; booed, .tMtither thro ;,Vtbcir agency, or by fome other means,, the vicHcne may oc carried law cStiX. tatA stlte liberty' of dffirig -Snci'tv on a very iRtcrefting (pA: in which it is thought then WnW. iv;be . ftiwefTarr t? produce oeftctt they nave ci.j Mx'r. s.f hcrt. I mean the employ- nt ef the poor, the drrimuucm of Miflref and conOquentlv of the rimes wh,ch it l"ads. TheAlms lioufe pf this city affords a cprnforta le afylum for feeblevold age, cafal debility, and tKe unprotefted ftatc Of orphan infancy : but -there is rioth?T clafs t6 whom it affords nr. relief, and who ; would feel a reluc. iance in applying for it if they -tvcr? certain of fuccefs. You vill Readily perceive that 1 allude to thofe -who, capable of fupporting them selves by'theklal?our,3reyet thrqwn Wpaiticujar circumftances but of molbVrhe6v and .are,th-'sfoiced 'Hher to fffer the evils of . want, or draw forijeljcf on fund apyro, "yriated aniyfpr the helpleU poor. ' hts clafsis com pofed, lit, of Granger!, during the firft months afler ther;arrydU. 2uv . -wh i from the"ffas of ftcKnefs or .Vw fuaitv. hive left th.r ifuai viWotovmehi Widows and Or pha v s difeh a red a nd pardoned convicts j : frdm he (late prifon . i ; v tfr by any means in our power. y:Kiciyf' .conftant employment .nd a comfortable iabfiftence'to this. defcription: of, our fellow citizens, We half net only be repaid, by the, Comfortable refJeions infeparable from every good atl ion, but the following important benefit'f will r xefuit to the'cornoiunityof which we ire members. : ; Firft. The total dedruftion of lnendiciy. Every apnlsCaatfor pri vate charity would, f capable of la fcdur,e at once direfted where to find it, if unable to provide Jor W!elr;be maintained in'the Alaas lioufe, or, if reduced by vice 'or dle,nefs, hive thofe habrts ri nn l (icd ' Y removed in 'the houfe of correc- tiori. " " - ' ' ' Second., .TheprcVentionpf. thofe erirnes which arife from idlenefs 2nd want, raoft of the hardened of- ?"-fenders' who terrify r. pxey upon vfocietV ,hfve commenced h'eircarefcjr r M crim ty fome petty often ce cOtn ?frd in diftrefs. or conceived in ...the; -vacant .hour,";Pil. itiefs. By Hr'kipg at the root of this evil,, we ; . ;fhall.';ceitainly ftvp thote rfl-' aj Wroachs to enminahtyj the ftep bf ' vhich, it is fo difficult to retread, and dim: rtiih the numbr of. thofe -who.nocreaf- the-rcrimes by th ""indirfrplriate ofr' t!ie JSnd-.weU or ex-piate ' them by la bour and fojttnde inHhv, f ebiteti tiaryi Thc'cr- 000 cpnftajht employ atid competent. Wages will fake away one great pretexice which idlenefs uf ir tevrigcontribu- tions on the chantaDie, : (; ; A third .vexy important confe ouence would be.the reftoratidniof ' - v. . ...... 1 j J.JtL' - many an untortunaic uuicu w;10 " liai beso funk py misfortune below v'hii.fotmer, ftandmgV in fbcitty.' : le rias been wdeiyorderedthat poverty is fo generally the coofequence of hi i rief s a nd v i ce, that we are ipt X to ceiicluiie them infcpa'rabfe frefm s " it ; and the wol(i; frructitfy refu fes iti liSpport to uumcnted djffrel, '.irhtA -an idei th.it it has v.been p rdti-' it cie.nyjn4plence of crimes. ?. .Bfut lf 4pnftct out pUni the ; line : tfin be clearly dravn, private trlfettri the. few cafes that wU oejert ror.ts exci cue wiu pc m'lio i1inislVb7l&aliib"nmnd the truly; : !3cWrn y iT litil timely-: arlc: rmon ; -ana aaa ., oy by con t wbiitiohs " either as 'Toend i- ' - ' Carits-Of -.Mori ' -.l l'ourth. j Atx ettett no ieu tiiu? . ary ndtriDeifTflff yi 11. proceed from the?emtjlcilrment:of mhe jcanni victs diitnxrecleilherrbv taMonioflw (immik!rineAd'itil the Vxpiration'of their time of fer itut&'r6m the JUe prifbo; This inflitution in its infancy, hid matiy and ftill fias fome prejtjdice$ , to contend-wit), objeeii to re fprms-weliasto purJiih thecrirnmalj to: prevent, not to avenge the enme. :-ft" is'a great," I ''''hadafrnbft'Ta Godlike experiment, worthy of the free country fin which it is made, honourable to the men who planned, and highly creditable to thofe who conduct it Its prog re fs is regarded withan iritfcreft running intoanxiety by the -friends of humanity in eveTy oart of the world ; and its failure from whatever caufe will .-check the fpirit of improvement that luggefleci it, and reflorc the ancient, bloody code with all its horrors- But it muft he evident that nothing will fend fo much to defeat its principal objeft of reformation (and 'at the fame time "endanger the ff curitv of the city in which it is, placed) as the fituatiOri m whch thofe who, have nndeigohe the fentence of the law 1 1 a nd s a t t h e t i m e o f t h e I f d i f c h x r g e . The. odium, ju Illy attached to the crime is continued to the cu'prit, af er he Has iuffered its penalty. He is refloted to l'ociety, but pre jndice repelf him' from its bolorh. He has acquired the kill, and has the inclination to provide honeflly for his fiipport, years f penitence Vnd labour have wiped away his carors, a hid given him habits of m duftiy, and fkdl to direct them. 3ut ho tnea:s aie provided for their I .xertion, he has no capital or nis own. ajfd that of others Will not be i'ntruiiid 10 him. He is not per ;r.iitcd tolabor, he dare not beg, and he is forced for fuhliflence to -lu nge a new 11 , the fame crimes, to fuffer the fame puhifhment he nas juft undergone, or perhaps with more caution" and add refs to tfeape it. .Thus the fi uatiori, inftead of diminifhmg, may increafe the num ber of offences; andT this partial de feat, fo eifily remedied, may ruin the" fyflem,?and put a flop to the faired experiment cycr made in fa vor of humanity. . 'Whereas, if thefe difpofitions to induftry and : temperance, acquired in the folitudp of impfllonment, are fo fie red by a ttent io n and re vv ar ded by a'decent fubuixence, every ihuig may be hoped ft cua the cffsft .of a plan, fo1' admirably calculated; to ilo the p'rdgiefs of criminality and vice.-" ' ' "' : '; . Thefe are fome of the prominant ejfects t,i a iyftem thaV will be cf, fidnt to give employment to; the different cia.V'-s I have"" dKcribcd. There are others no lefs obvious which will noi corns vyit)iin the limits ot th;s -communication to de- tail, but which cannot eicape your attention. 1 halter., therefore, tbt give you the outline of the plan it has been imagined might produce them;' . ' .. '.' . '' 1 ' It ts'fuppofed. 1 ft. That a "com mitteeof three perfons lhould:6e appointed by the Xocie'ty, out of ejehof thde branches of rnechahic I arts Avhch are carried, on in. vvor- fiio ps,' fu a s Gord iuamers, Smiths, &c. ' '. -. . ' , , . ..TUz 1 1 h i s corhm i 1 1 ee fh duld open a public fhop, at wfrlchhyfytarXS rmati. rn ttii piaucrt qur or employ might be lure ot hnaingwoik. a ne w,6 kihop4tq. be Under the direHioa of an fverfeei, whe? pifjutd receiye' a llipulate famf for his attention, and hold his appointment at the will of: tHekcbrdmie v - 'j ; . ? That t lie c al h p u rcha fes Of Jra'v"' mat i rials, a n d, fuperinteud the fale of the manli- fattu re'l and tbt a proper fu m filpold j ,be loaned for that purpoie,by the coFpoitidn- orthe city,ior the due ppUcatioijpfchicK cprnrni t tee fhould be refponfibleburfyt for inevitable lots. - !, v v k ; ' a "Tharah ofhee ftiould be opened, athiclcarppn t rad efrrie tv ot OtH e r d e I crip t ibns, w Ji o." woTkabtoadiVniight jleaye "their narifes When they wefe in .want pi htiieiTatQ,pggiver by wbrroen or labourersand to whi'c h eHflof ; hieiHifelc riptiba might h&edrfeuvt mpioy ; : ; 4 .deritlftlbva.Tft - iuaUy; given- m Jhat waereverfecfica houfe. under he ,difelioa of the corporation, in which, wjomen ,art4 children might be employer in la! hours fuited to' their ftferigtb-i .wJhere food might be providedfdr them at a cheap . rate, and where the children' mightl receive the ad Van tage of fome education in the fchool berlbnging to that eftafjlifhm'ent ; '- This is a fketch of the plan which prefented itfelf tijny mind as one that would prpbably effact the; ob jal$ detailed. Many parts : pf it may, perhaps, be changed, for the better, and other valuable ideas' fag gefled, in cafe it fhould bethought oroper to appoint a committee to confer with trie on the fubjecl. . . " "' A general eftablifliment,vunder the direction of the corporation, Would feem to prefent marty advan. tages iover the one nowoffered bur, befides the difH cult y of raifihg a fttndfufficient for its funport. it I! would have the diladvaiitage of aVitage of ere-1 ating an intereft: which might fome time be fuppoied to: be injurious to that of the mechanic, who works only on his own fmall capital ; whereas this being under tha fuper intendance of thejjechanic fociety, could never give rile to anyfuch prejudice. 1 Having mentioned the co-operation of the common council of the city, I muff not be understood as 1 peaking t h e i r fe n t i me n t s, . d r i n any, wife; pledging them to counte nauce the plan. It has not yet been mentioned at the board,nd will re. ceivc no further encouragement from them than, on difcuflion, its merits lb allbe deemed to warrant , j I am, with high regard, Your moflcsbedient fervant, KDW. LIVINGSTON. To the Prefix A ol the McQhajk Society. ADVERTlSEfNT: A LL Perfons indebted. to the late lirm of JAMES and MATTHEW CO MAN, by open Account, are, requeitcd to come forward arid make Settlement, byt Payment, or giving Bond. Thofe who are indebted by Uond, are defired lo make Pay ment to thc-Suoicribe r. , The Death of Matthew Coman renders this Meal'ure neccirary, aod i-t is hoped tha all Pertoas wiil avail themfclves of this Nou. fication. The.Subfcriber intends to carry on, in fu ture, tlie ttufmefs in his own Name.; and Batters himlclf wuh Costinuance of the Tavouii of his former Customers. ; JAMES COM AN. ; Raleigh, Jan. I . . Ye Men of Vake, awake 1 . A LL thofe indebted to the Firmj5; Hoc Ji. and Adam, are rcquefted tcail and makePayment. Such as ibil we oil open Account, ill.cJofe thjm by givinga Note or Bond, if immediate Payment is nox conyeai. eDt. Th?fe having open Accounts, wha do not pay, or grant Nate, with Security where 'it inay be required, at or betort the, cn filing Court pt Wake Couaty', jieed not be. at all fiuprized if .they find the Debt in Suitagainft them immediately afterfaid Court;" i ' v ; JOHN HOC G , Raleigh, Jan. 15. - ! lost, : A BOUTths BdtfT the 15th inftant, on the t Ros'd between NVfh Court-lfoufe and SmifieB, N. C. fmail impotted Hound B'cb, ,She ii r black ta,n, is with Whelp, ami hrW m thi Krime of Fsirmaid 1 She wa ; r;WimnKii-ia. 1 Viretniai "and IV ' r Hill nv-n w jy . : . v , : and I will probably ftiake tht way.. The folder, by leaving heat with Col Arringtan Nat .lywn y Court Jfotife. Mr. Connelly at 'Halifax; or ft the Subscriber niSmithfield, NCaioHha wther by nature or a.rt-v for mftanjceJue , givirg. Information where fte is,' ihall' Be; bandidtly rewarded:, r : fdOUNSTEVENS,;jun( Jarn a7i"h t i83. ; A LIST OF LETTERS ; Remaining; in the Poft-Offiee atTChapeLHill, Hotftt, S'. G-Hopkias W ThomaeSctt,.i Hacces, luch as, feeds roots, plahw; '&c AVm Guthrie,. SoL B Williams, muel A. trcmthe depredations ot inects,-; r4iiead Martin,: Wm Willie JoheS, , IohnwdsiJtheKnim. - v hi).; ' '; : . . ' ' r4Vil-K'tJ'sJNf- tl 4 An.eXDlarration of.4he eeneral erFeAs DVID NtiNNfc Qtftant Poftrrnafter. TAKEN rVr A.fw Miles ft of 'Raleigh, atout Unity f ago, and is now coRtlncd' in. tae voai or ihcherhieft;KHe iioh,i hii .at AUfuttiae troni woniw?ii . . a . .. -; v t- tM. i . - ' T .4.T. -:iiiiz it..itm-i-gven.r v,v,t... ' , .. ---fti viuiorc, aaa was iaa.iK u rrrTVIi WAiiWerfoii viBWankpouiheTai11 1 'A Lift Of Letters": Aliening, oftheia Remaining at,k Fet0$' in Raitfghfla S AmueL AUey, 4 Urcic, Alford,.TkaiV , A Iftoa, G eor ee" Bira sfielf. Sou t h y Bond. 2, Wilfiam Boylan; 'Jimes Kcnry Clofel'1 voLjunn laytQ'-rj.t Mary? tdwatri Gideoa hivra4s, 'A;Ui bh$ti VUam 0jVa ton, . John Hay woodV $1 John B' Uof, Zachauah Herndon1, ABraham Hcgac, Kltw-' btdosh J Ifc-.tori, 4,, 'Frederic Hlim Hnr, Hail Matthew Hol4i)?. araes HardcJ$l Thomas Henderfon, Nhis fU. Hdvwoodti Jones, Kl'q. Benjamm Lee'. Geolke itf&rn! a vpv iift5, tjmtt v matin V1 MCullers,t' James .M.'ConnetohniMiaoi; laa.John Peeples, John Pain. Thgrna'sParJ ker, behardlon; JoiuS ifgfe rngoic A ncco and practical . Wtirk.' ! A Propofal by WiU?am Y. Birch, and Akra ot Philadelphia, V llam SmaU ofthc Tor pablifluftg in Vjolumei by Sulrfcription , :r . Thai nf'fd I and popular JVorJt, ' ' THE DOMESTIC E.VCYCLOPEDIA or a OICTIOKAY OF FACTS AN(D USlii UL - KNOWLEDG E : containing a conciiC view of the la left DifcOveries, Inven tibns, and improJnents, , ch'tfly apjlicdle totural and -domestic economy. Together with dei'criptions of the mott intereftiri ob jc cls of Nature and An; t ie iliaory of Mei and Animals; in a ftate ot Health or i) feale and praclicU :hiaw" refpett; ng the -Arts and j ivianutaciures, Dorn umiiiar and commercial I l,Jiitrate4 with "numerous engravings and curt; By A. F. M. W'iUCH, M. D. Author of (he Lechire pn Bict and Regimen, &c &e Phji ftmtncah Edition with additions; applivble to the prefen; fitua- . tiou ot tne I'nitcd States. By jAMEii MEASE, M. D. reiiow of tbe. American , FhiJofoUtical Society, arid Corrrpondog Member of the Litary aad I'hilofo fhical SoCKtjr of Manch cftcr. . , ' TO THE PUBLIC. AS the pradicaltendency otthe work here announced, matt oe cvidect iron the prectdi ing conteiits ,;it5eculiar nature lcareeiy r; quires further expianatioi?, , ' " ; j. Wiien We'coifidcr the i.atural condition of maw, the object of his putfo its become mini Uitand defined.; To five with fat isfadioa to nimieit and othersv: to procure as many com torts of life s are c'onCtaui with his meutai and bodilyconft;i,ut'pn: and' to avert impend- ting .danger jipr in other words to preierre nimieit irom tne injurious -attacks or exter oaf agents, ..are nearly the.w hoi e of the pracr 'ttcal pirt of human life; ! The prefeiit work, beipg excluftveiy- devoted to tivc departments of.. health- and general economy, no fuhjjet could with propriety; be introduced,, which had a reference to ethics or morals,' .xoin&' ph lies or the abiiractor profcllio .al fcieiics. jln cnler to unite co.scil'enels with gene ral Ktiluy, Jh Jtheoreticai or ipeculative pait 0 every Invention, difcovery, or improve mtuii forms but a fmail portion of the Do rne'ttic Ejc'cloraeJia ;' be caufe the ratiePjr. or. elementary prrncipie, are only j'nlertea J in tnoie instances where , trie 4ujett cannot be lufficiently tiaderitood ' without them. An'd,aithe alphabetical form pplfcffs many advantages bvet -jihei; iy Hematic' divifiori or fubdvi,Uon of artici.es, t has in the preient cafe been preferred, asmrc eligible for'apof pular woik. -. , tt will be cafiiy cenceived, that the fubjecijr treated of in hrf c!le(.boit mi 05 numerous and important:' ins frauch as the economtcai fcienccs are ihtJrriaiely.connefteJ with Ttaturai and expenrrtentaWphiiolophy, including the knowledge ot ufelid aniroaisf, plants,, . and minerals 1 chenviftry, agrieultare.gardening. iiuu.ug, mc cuui vanon 01; trees; reanng or -cattle ;mig;trc::Tofeflable' howeveK rt capaa the 'following heads will fur nifh1 an' outline vf the ecor.omiical dictionary. if,,. A coucife hiftoricalaccpun.tof 'thf jfjiil-j - . - T.' - v7luf ",?UWUJ ,.wc Wf W which it k moft advanUstouny produedpeip candjs, hats, Jhoc, wine, yarn, &e. ,z, -1 at m?ix I juaiciour .and economtcai mod e of a pply ing r 'every fiibttatice Vte' ufet ul purpoies. ;.: . --J, AU. the-,wl40vered;irtelLhoda 'f dcending the bbie&s f the rural and doniefi j tic tcanomy from the effeits of air,- beata 1 cold 'the changes of climate; Jafdns, 4.' An.eiplarfatiofl of4he general: effects. wiiito every arycie ot tooa anu orinK, as vri as aUtexternil a contmgesejcacifcs , or o ace 'on thjer health -of the huah,ody ? togeiher v with the moil approvedifetes and diredtieiis. for us prelery;atifcni , J V,. . -"i ; "''''J'-.As tha nft 'ff human tHtclions eontaihs: ")4it!r-ah4o1ilateI ilffejtfel&fuch as sanairj vw iviNpiiy!, ; $ yi (epiy;. goui, .pauy, , wpiC; -f wefllngs.virci which;bay p,jtHn becmilor'. I the molt' hariconf Je r t&4$ in curahl ei a Jeoiw Vife- arrH'aitHiaf f eount i; he:laitft Jani vjauuotej jKcmcuici. r uieuious oi treat , t: :-. , 7- - . i Xtr4f.i a nlf iuri.- yf-vhr 'T?Z?rJ?Z'- rVteSFXtiXZ Td l Ja 3 anh a y e a p pe ixed i itae tom oafs' of lateoiqesNepaiis tae reader to jyrdge of the jmethod by ;which lubjfs apparently intricate arid a'ltrule, -are-reduced to the fevci of ordinary capac"ifi 2 1 ancement ofagriCttUure, gar- miliar arts audrmajauf-ttuies, isjweii ,as he imperfect ftae" of 'medic mat ' VcLenc; would elpeitively 'au"mit, ; la in?" VMij airaon very object more or ieis con w-Uh ruralf dooieijte, .and aqimal e.. bftony:. Heivce the-icaocr .wvil iind iiume-, ;j epenipents rented -many; hundrds or ifif itu uayc not ociore- tea-puoumwi m tne - iViih recad to the addition the editor will 1 'ibferve, thai no exertions (haU be Wanting oa ; Vpart,. U rtn'ae'r thtns'as tofefdl a poffibie." fa'ttie peoptevof'this'xowarv-4 Ai na othffr '-- Ufeafes out thoie euumrirted in ariicle. 6ve.: introduced. iptntf original work,; and as it. leu-iiariy ad'aptett to ' the'ituauo ot per2 " fdas ifl,he outitry gemote tram medical aid- " f-deen'cd Meifary in thi pfelciit : iTT"f ucuni tue muti appiuvea iactnoo i 6Udru,S agi-mt tae attacJcot aiicaie .pre -patent la the United States," ! curinr tbem . - ihen actually., prefent, -and of i eating the Vajctoua accidents to which agricultural people ari'iiabie. 'TheLe 'dial I Vlfo b men. "u lull v ah account of all the' poiiohou's' plants rowingj - t j me wniceu states, a c Be obtained, u " Cate iluli ye taitea io detail all the difco- - -veries which have been made in the United r btaies. 1 hele wul be iound more nvmeroue - tau is generatijr imagioiJ. 'Many machines tor dim:j3ilh,og latcur, and which, -re. pecu liar to this country, (hall bedei'enbed and aiuitraied by plater. " 4" tu,-" , The V l ft k i ma aYf Scie kci cXHRpre- . ".tciiiiin tfte d.piica.on et the principiea oZt ' jaudiciue, to ine preservation ot the Leaithi' Mt doaiellic ahimais, and the' cures ' of their H difcsfei, thali aifo c'uinvadAiexiegree of itteiK. ' doa Thatdettrucv aiidtitanfeifeafe thi tc iiiow wat m. ,cf horfes, ihall be de-' icxibeu, and a Tuccefstul method lot cure pointed out. ; - . J " ' , Laitiy," the objed of the. wtfrk beiag to ufPy Alaaiifs wua a Voapct gkide, :iri all economical affairs, evefyulelul; fatt'itt - -riivai ar.d domett'ic"eto omy,' ohVitted by Sir Wiliich; 4 Which nay be kriowA to the eoitor ' fhallbe iricrted and in order, toake ad vao- ' tJe ot progreifing improve menu;:, attang-' menu have teen nude to .nave all toe peri'or d icai works on tneVbv' fubje5ti, ioi wartfej as ion aspubltihd flvogfaadand France. ' ; lhe,eduor 'yUh thaatttuli receive' a py 1 ommunicitiont which' may tend to improve 1 he work, and he cg ieave reipeciiuilyito folicit them. - it' "i , " ' - - - ' iiiT t The pub) ifherr have, but liitle to add Sov themietves,; knowing, that proUflions ge.Je raily art , and perhaf i ought io be, in a great meal'ure unavailing, they refer the puoiicio the bpoks they hn: airea9y ,pufeiihed, They - , hve given to the world . two. edruons ot i)r kuflel's Modern Europe, uuhin thelaft thfce.: yeaisr the manner, therefore, in which they execute their imdertakigs, van be alcer taiaed.. In the preient. work., it thsydoiiot advance much, they pugc themfcyes not to atgenerate. Itfliali be printed nf the fint 3yie bt uniformity and, rrtaAev;: 'hc papers fbil be fuperfiac , and theengravings fat iCatb equal u thofe in the London cony. .'conditions: t. It fball be printed in five large hantf fome octavo voiutnes. One volu.ae Hiaxi 'be delivered e?very;three motiths;- I'rtceroj. icribcrs, two dollars .and tiyy cent per fo" iuroe, in boards, payable' On delivery. " "t. The 'iirit volume thai! appear on tire ftrft of April, iboj, uod a f voiwine rcgwiaiiy every three mo.iths aiterards. v . 3. It may be had rn one delivery wheri lt" njfhed, "ait twelve dollars arid hrt:erusper Sr'tifteeri do'ilais' well-t;ou4, payable on' ,ihc ; deiivery oi the boo as. It wih, JiowevcT, oc ouly ipStained at thefe pilves, by .thoie-who ' -gjve the 'puslilhers . their names during t'nc: pVocels or the wirk'to'take it when fin.flic v 4.4At any aon&derabk dsttaoce froi 'Phi-. Ifdeipbia, an can only bc-derivered in the iait aaentioned manner; the iorwarding of lingic1 volumes to many places beiHimpTactkabie. , ' ? N.B.The Puo ic 4U-p:esJe.t' uot'ce, -hat the amount in ftccof , t his i mproved ufid y x tended woik isot'higherthao the Londou ".-. . work in foirr'ytlumesr " 'M - ' ''' Among tehomsrdds dnerhat 4i deles : AhrerrjwiUpoat to the ht larne Afj;hi3 work, and, the, otlance o(whtch rs .yet pon. 'ained in a'ny' other Xcycfoia1fl Kiai tiiuiHimit yiii-. M'v ''v?l'5''!llC?nieU - AhortioiAhcei;Ar Ajf.anf er,-ARimauofiifiendcd,V Ano- -dynesVAiufdotesiipbKy Atf an4 'typlef Baking' ; ft iargsV pticot V Barleys .ert, " JiiitySitittcfttt and Jiee-Hiv ;-toeeWopiBla"cJtflg, (Frank ford BJeacKihg';; HiVediiilv JJooks) (popu, . iar; J Prca4 Breath djTetiltve; 41 re i ng, 4SncK9 ( rodeltruCtiWef luIdiogs lidriais. V.fV ck. , boti o'at' ol - tiiirat4a'oti)Btie''oi' his;Cheisk9. oner of -li-Krseei "fienS'f ji n. Aardt,;jtnd he. w lk lame. pthhrs-lKsare' cut eff about Karf Vay J The- JaYl ' 'Negro' 1 h'a heen 4 nee feaiinifiV PoffeTKofrof opii SmrOi'eirg )&&kt&-Jifai; expected h fafd Georgia prTennitTee. . t ,,r JA NKEGRO"MAN;:named Di about x-TtetZ eroInches:h!h.v a timi1 turA tolu in Cumbli4n J h Cponty ioru9jp5 Feat River, "about c MiU r r lfl aMeAnfYiMifrrjftf tHglf feifeife'a ie ' 1 " $' waf Twenty ifivtiart' hdiFiilrthe Ti liuibiMotiirJde'd: of staking him 'oil, JFifty" s I i 3ii 'H.; ' - r 5 3i 'i