ivW,. . &&!t fiS;fs$ tffeJ; vai-Vi9vv ;:? : S - - v x t , ... -a , . ' " - -- - ' ' - - - . . JMbi j i1 1 V-i ' .i : UNITED STATES- a fVl , 1 . M ..a - 1 For tbeirHnryMeuonmer,. Bouff of Rtprtjtnfativts or in v, . tedtain.of America, t Conjjrfjj f efcmbUdi That there, be ' paid to j 4 : Henry Memnier, from iov money in 'the Treafury-not h-rtoforr ap. j , ' pi-orated lv the fuij of fix ,:,Wilr:inr. fiftv.five dollars ant , , Binety cents, beintbr amount of atiesid bv him on.?"" I ;AccaTOT.;. . terdatthe)6rt!of Bsltimore, on the ctghtcenthday of FebruXry, one h.o.U- wrrich funia;diliVef!n 'jiatd on the taiScwrtwrio Kv Chambaisn and Dey me. Speaker cf the Hftufe of Reprefcnutivcs. -. - av buh, v' r: Vi'ct.Prtfident of the United Stat, and pr-. , Prefident ofxhe Senate. ;: JtPToeL Feb 'toth,';f8(3. ' 't.- -TH : JEFFERSOM, r . t , Ptefident of the United States. ' AH ACT AtHotfing tharaiece of -theiNavY-Tard belonging to the United , -tMoi Mac r Jachttfctttf .&". irdptetbo'f , thf sai.en .TikeaiQh WVAVt - .rr -J-v-y ' r-'lLt-J 'Sr;JZr 3 Zr-' f: xff.... and he; hereby is authonfed - and ajicLiale ir cnvrnon form, to con. 'injefipjpjc,. to the proprie- A. A.'.'. t.irnniVo n rl t" Kr.l- lr 4ieM at the C V. .r!;iS. V.. t' afetvd eight hua. E XOI5 VtJ(,.liTais.iii. Yin-" " atjacorration, by their pro? Apiece otianci tying pnrie vyciicra tricr'andLbeing parcel of the vKav.yyard belonging. to the United V . StateSj in Charleftbwn,- in the. Mate Ma&acliiT fifteen "qua rLperche3 or ttreabouts, or frnuchnriereor enable: ftie 'fat4':vpropyiVos Uy but and make a tur rpilce road from tOGharlefinid oftpnVacrnrt. 5 ;j, jbited 16 Congrcfs by the fa la pro- t rSec,. fifflyrflj rrtl ; 'ltlr.hf;?the dlltV Ot the laid aASU - . .uv' 1 k, ft.rtarv. onor to the. making the 'T'n.re to eatile theT'f5id';liaQenlor Otnerwue cnange, IO aSf . Ceid irdpnetorV;; -themotthV f- i4it;traiiatirtn. neintr naia to the ufeofthe United States; it ihall then ana hot before, be lawful ftHe(aVd Secretary tp, make the afdre faid conveyance. ' - fV. KATH:. MACON, ; : . . Speakr of 'the Jltiufe of.lieprcfcntativeV. , ' A A. BURR', : , V - Vice Prefident of the United States, and ' - - -1' j. PrefiJent of th Senate. . Af ptaved; fb. ictli, tts ' - - ' TH : JEFFERSOI, .s r V preQett of theUnited States t 4 AN ACT To" provide - for 'the granting of. Clearances United StateVly '"S n tf..rer..MifliQ5ippi'i louthof the fouthfe;n boundary of he United States-iand thVreid to amend an at, intitled t Anacllo'Tegulare he Golleaion frt-JQtri tiesonlmports and Tonnae, "and iorQther . yurpofes. - Be tr e-ndEtri iy ihe Senate and Houfe Rtprcfentatives vf &c-'United States of America fa JC onftrfifs afr "Jembledi That, whenever' anitlek of the: growth produce,, or; manu fad ; ture of the United States; ihall be id .tended i to be. exported from any v of i the ports of the United States within 1 Mnt xviiminppi, joy tncway pi iNew .TOrlelns.Ttb'ativ. foreign DQrt,'tne idehtitptiC fueh -articles thall be aU eVtainedi;ind certified in. . the . farriei manner by thelproptr officers-as.has uatticlesk to any., of 4he por o? thct - t5nite;Stafe,?vithou : jyppt:VvV,-,iV' j: . t - ib-vi,A r..fy,- 'r.nJ eengoEeteafter may be pr6vjded i &z . t hc4trarpo"ruTion; of ;th fame. of Miffiffippi, tQraoU6.any ihip or velt4- owned by" citizens of the UhitdtT Statiesf Ja'derf -witli articles of thfe 'ro v tKprftdtt ce,lvt6f "nta no fat: ciaryof the United States,; a dear. ante ce in thevfame mariner as ? lch hip or veilrjas Jyjng ithm i the faid diftri.WhipV clearance mal be of the.fKrra follewirtg;, to, .wit ; fc Diftie of Mittiilipi, to ; Port ot Adams, v v, ' Thefe are to-jcertify-to all whom it dothconcern, That matter or commander of the burthen tons or thereabouts, mounted with guns (if anv) navigated with men Dtnlt, now lying in the river Miffimppi, out of the li ior havincc on .board (here Ipecify the articles if requi I redV beinc f the growth, proHuced, Wot manufajElure , of , the United States,.' orv(ir no fpeifi cation be reqinreu i peing laaen wun arucies of the growth, pioouce, or man u failure of the United States, hath here cleared "his faid veflel accor ding to law : Given under my band and feal, at the euftotn houle,of Port Adams, i this day .of . one thoufand eight hundred . and in the vear of the independence States of America' jf T, r . r I r tm r 1 t t- Provided ntvertMefs, That fuch i ciea ra ne l ti a 1 1 not oe graptea tirir til the identity of the articles laden , a BTt! 'ttP- ms? , ' '. maniitaMurA of th I I nitpfl Staff rH Of the United btatC. ' n,all RxMUhoA to thr f:,tV,f: U tion of the fa id col!eor, either by the exhibition of a certificate to that etTeet, from the con ful, vice ctv ful, or other authorifed agent of the United States, redding at or near New-Orleans on the faid river. nr nthfrwife- AnA Provided aICo orotnerwiie. And ft oviaea aijo ihat betore the departure OtUCh-- fhin or VclIVl for any foreign port Or place without the faid river, it ay l ' u ) Af ,hi m,0 a, fhall be me duty oF the .maftcr.or-- commanaer tnereoi, locxtuouiuca clearance to the faid COrtfill, vice- Kconfuli.or other authorized agent i r , JT . , r, ,,& II fortne uniiea otaies, wuo man cer- tify! thtreon, Under his confularlf feal if he he fatisfied that the OafeH .t.U. .u- ,ff,.A Viuic.ci di uicumr iuiu f,ich isthecafe; or if the whole Or 'it . -'c. ., -.v . n any part tneretn inair nave Deenun 1 ' , lr .r , , j -Scc. o, ityfurtkeWen t i cicfea. l nai ine r.oniur: vicernn. tol.forxthcr .authonfed ae-ent pt the ,ui lurmtea otates, reiirtmat-wcw-.urr i leans, or -t fuch ofher place of, de f puui on incuaiusoi ine ivinuitippi intlrh rr hi ioiithrn hrvii rrlarf ri th- United States, as mav he af , r f i " f i J tlprnea. by Virtue Ot the treaty of 1 San LlenZO fhall be entitled to re- r-i: . r - . ' ,r i t 7, Ot American vele!s, two dollars lor. ; each certificate. . he fhall fisri. certi fyinfftrra't the articles contained . r " i ti i III lilCh Certificate; are Ot the growth produce or manufatuse ot the fUqitedStates; and he fhall alio be auiiiuincu iu ciuuiuv d,uiuuc uci-n ,i r j i .'Ju - fon to attenatOtheJandinandioad- ing4 Ot '-itifCh- articles, Whole vduty therein, an n -compenfation, matt be the fame, as thote ot ap infpeclo'r be thefameas thofe ot ap mfpext p I . c u ft d m s i n x n e 6 f th por t s -q f the United States.r whtch cp rppen fation'thall beconudered as a, charge againft nhe re vemie and defrayed by rjtfie tollector'.f ofC thVdf Afict of rMifitili'Ppx, outot: thq .monfe?r -ceivHtby hiniori!acc,ountJoft(,th duties on tonnaeeapamescrianaize, l' gpeSVlVtKelrKiSif ReircnfaViTes.lI A'UtTO ' 'ii''? ; :,r c VrV A J r iy n v ' vT iff v icerteuQcnrcr me u nireo- Ts raxes, am V V?T r. 4 v ;l Prefident'of Senate p ri;:Vre4yVi P4fei1tatel: iThelubilii are refpeafailyiiiformlahft s L E &' Co. tiid the "Agent nt thelr;Ap4 i-r. poiatment, wxil n future itep a fconftant j si are u.higheftem, andgtTerattife through out the Uaited btaicsr many of them.beiBg' lola cheaper than the Drugs of which they are compoundeJ, could be purchafedat A Ketail Store. h - ..- 5- HAMILTON'S Genuine Etncc and ExtraSt of.-': MUSTARD.1 A fafe'and effectual Remedy for acute and chronic Rhcumaufm. Gout. Rheumatic Gout, Pally, -"Lumbago, .Numbneis, white swellings. Chilblains, Sprains, Bruiies, rains in the tace and Neck, &c. This valuable remedy is prepared both in a numitate and in puis, and thus excelleutly adapted both tor externa! and internal uie. The rills oterate mildly by urine, and by inienhoJe peilpiration, txpelliig the luper fluous and jnorbid humours; thby are highly cordial to the ltomach, create aepetite and di- geftiori, remove flying pains,! aud cold or windy complaints in thettomaia and bowels. The Ir lTcnce is a woi'.dertul illiltant to the Pill in Rheumatifm, Gout, LUrabago and Palfy; and by its pecliar pehetrating and dilperiing quality, removes the, molt violeni Tprains. bruifet, numnel's itjffnefs Of the heck, joints, &c. Iwelled'facls, headache, nJurated breaih, white fweltQgs, frozen limbs, &c. and will infalliblj prevent the ill ettects ot wet or damp in th fett. Sonie may be furprifed thar.his medicine mould be prefcribed w th equaViiccels in fuch a variety m caiee, nut ttiis lurinie will ceaie when it isrecolieed that alt tfofe complavnts retult from the fume caufe atlowneis in the circulation ot the lymph, or to ebilruilion in the lymphatic veucls. From Dr. Weatheritfrn. Wjtbt Ceunht Virginis. . Gentlemen, ! I purchafea at yemr fhep he preparation 'J you catl tlamutttn'xjiJfHCdor tLxiratt sf j MuftAtds which I believe his perfectly re moved a Chronic Rheumatifa I of that kind iia'md Sciatica, or of the Aid ioint) under which I haM laboured for i long time, and which had Waffled every article in the Marina ceived Mo pradlctor the cure of thls I natedifeafe. If vou think this letter ufetui. l fsu are at Hbey to mkke it publjc. - ours' $ VeatHERBURN. I i . I John Hoover, ripe maker. South' Second- ftteel between May und Chriit.au-itreets, PhiWel hiaf.woIril makelh Mlhfol. f0WS, namelythl his wife, Mary Hoover, was fofeverely afflftv-d with violent "Rheii- ifm, very danroufly fuuated, the con. fequence of a fevet cold after lying in, as to VeVinfine jo her fed for feveral weeks, and ' I was at length red uied to 'the melancholy ap I prehenfion of remaning ; cripple for 'life, .not- w'tnrtlIldlDf hoft reipetbie med.cai advice was followedi ai)d every probable re- medy attempted. hen feeine feveral cales of cures performed" by Hamilton elTence and "iraa of Murdf they were procured irom Mr. .Mrch,: No. 17, South econd ftreet. The finl ippliciiion enabled her t Motte reftared herto her ufual ftate of health I and ftrenrth: ! " e 7- - 'mum n'vr JOHN HOVER. Smra and Subfcribed' before Eienexer reace tor rhiladelpbia county. " An Ounce of Prcvtuion is worth a Pound of Care." - a23 "rr v '" H i ;aacVaVii;r .'y - H A U N's '- '. t Anti-Bitious, Pillsi The operation of liefe: Pills is perfeaiy f1' Vtd. 6c uith fafety by perfons in 5VST tt,anonj an o every age. 1 rey fare eacellently adapted to carry off fupefflu I ous bile, and prevent i morbid fecretions to reftore and amend th appetite-to produce a tree perlpiratioo, and thereby prever4 colds, which are often of fatal confluences. A dole nevet fails to remove a cold if taken on its fir,ft PP?f.ancf ratettt removing habitual cotbvenefs i ficknefs at the ftomach and fevefe head.ach indoht to be taken bv,. alt, perfons on a change of r,ime- - ; j . t II ucj occn iouiiu remarKaoiy emca a;a,:a - ; z-Jj.2it-! izi:.'n litiii-- . It endant on long" voyages, and, fhould bepVbJ -cured, and caretully prelerved ior; ue;by I . ' .j " :V;HtT N,t Trur'ariF(ZulHt a,? r.n True' and Genuini German Cdtn . An infalhblyed'fprCorpa, fpeedily removing fthenv. root ; and"-branch ,v without giving faino; .vVirJt l" , The jGfnuine Ptfjtdti. ' it i"-- So celebrated awntficfifliWMVlethr fcrUyi99C9t f f f f ra rofrXe and repellent. JmMCffJ& Jttfcfo&fif :pfothr Joths-VadonF!tr9;ediaeyilor "jr exan ST1 i n ' Die pi luics so inc. lace .Vrawdtng that,natarai infenfible :'pertpirad64i winuv.f s ncQtiai.t-y neaita , yet jeneas e - iThePrfia'ortItiin1ner1itel,mUilviw.k dance Jbautttut.aftd aniandfome one more f ' TheR6ioratite:;pQzoder fyfW'V ! teeth and;gums::; ftrengthent the um'si itfeirctfi'enimel frOnv decay, andi'cleanfesBd whitens the. teeth," hy, abforbiag all tlhat'acrlmonious Qtmq od 'fc;ulnefs, which iofitred to aclumlt, Oevef tails to injure and finally rtnorihn. Which is .warranted an rnTamWiede' at one application, and aiy ''belated ty'itk fh : moft perfect fafcty by pregnant women,l;dr on infants a week, old, not containing a. particle of mercury &r any' dangerous idgredleuts'what everil and i rmtccompanied with' thit o meeting fmard which attends the exhibition other temedJes, , . Fori the Cure of every iimd of Head-Ache r , , . , , .v. thk Damask lip 5ai.ve ' . Is recommended (particularly tothe Ladies as an elegant" and plektant 'preparation for chopped and fore Upland every blemHh and inconvenience occaftoned by. colds, fevers &cITpeediIy reftofihjga beautiful rofy colour, and delicate foftnefs to the Lips'. . I.N FALLIBLE , i AGUE AND FtVJiR DROPS, For the Cure of Agues, remittent W? inter? miiteni Fevers, Gfc '"'' -Thoufandscin teitity their being-cured by theje drods, alter the- ark,, and every othe medicine has pfoved inefleftual ; and not one in a hundred has had occafioa to take mbxe than one. 1 ' ' K .i . - VEMlEREAL DISEASE: ' Thofe whoni this unfortunately may con? cern, are informed that a fieih lupply has now been recefved of . The PatentilndldirVegttable Specific, y" Prepjfsd bv Dr.-LAftoo x. . The:experince of ftveial thoulands-ho have been cured bv this meuieine grea proportion of them, aftei tlietkill ot emmem phyficiahs had proved inertectual) demon Urate : its efficacy in expelling the .Venereal roilon. however deeply rooted in the contti utiion, and ir counterading thefe dreadtu tffecls which soften reluit from the improper ufe of mercury. The mildnefs of the Vegetable Specific is equal t its ItirprUmg emcacy, its operation l is to gentle that it is givert to Venereal pa tients in a ltate of pregnancy, with the utmolt ilfafety, and performs a cure without duh.rbing ithc fyllem, producing any of thole dA. greeabie e&eds ihfeparable frosithecommoB remedies. I f With the 4diciRe is given, a defcription of the fymptGjris.which obtain in every ttae of the difcafe, with copious directions tor their treat'nieht, lb as to accomplilh a perfect 'cute in the bortelt time and with the leatt j "uiConvcHientk poflible. i . ' ANDERSON' PILLS. ' The Thuroug Bred Imported Hqtfe 7 AW in ri iih.r FIR&-TAIL , XA7"TLLtftand the erilum Sifon V at my Stable, in 'lrange Ceuty, eight MilesEaff ffomJliUfborough to cover Mares at Ten Dot3ts the Leap, t. be paid when the Mare is covered j Twenty Dollars the Se ilon, whuh may irc difch-argei by tke pament of Sixteen, onr before the atri Day ol Uecenv. ber and Hriy Dollars to infurea Maretobe Virtth Foal, t If the Property be changed, in any Mare that is put by the,. Inl'uranceri.ie- fore jt can jbe afcertained whether fhe is wit Foat or'hoti the Peifoir who put hU' fhale? liable.' Gentlemen who fend Mares may Lhave them fed vtithj rain at Ten Cents a'dayvt the Board of Servants, and extenfigooA Clover PaJrures,? well-inclofed, gratis.' , The greateffc Car will be taken Wprevent Efcapas of A'Hitlets of any kind, but n Habliiryjrar either,. :.J;' . .'v " ' t - " : j V Ft RETAIL js-a beautiful Bayt full. Sit, teen Hands 'remarkably lengiiyyfuli! Bene, in very, hVgh'lForin,nd exhibits? "the higheft. Health and Vigouc he n now;rlfin tight Years Old. .."'The. Seafon. wilUcomi mence theioth Day' of MarchV .'and, end the roth of,Auguft-V; - -x ""Vjf Februry 14,803. ,t WILLIAM CAlf? -,I.dQ, hereby-Certiiy-Uiat t-uay ricuc Fl RETAIL purxbafed of me ihisda- b meaonvout. of ColirabineJ rhiVAVt by vPhenomcnon Wa,got!erooV J)m 1y c lln? ' fc -,CTR K.T A t i own -brother to f Cdmet,AtlwasIoiaeTireV.Vea rs Od; to rdarringto,f,iorTyfelHuni:ed.O ,rreafVd-he pfferdve; Hundred fcr UlRt rAlL7whklvwas:rfufed, :at;Tw Yir6 HirtratVrr tlngih lrge" CoHUih in. .&lparftker, 1er. niy UawamilanK Crandam 4y 'Sterling,' pteatQahda&f,. Condfjah: ArabinV Great bitiGtk' e ypf AfahjirV, rC-re-aCC tea rStcati 1 1 1 Priae to,c6ofift of 6?o Acres of rood Lan'ac-" 1 r, ' 1 . ia fohnion'CountvWn which is a rieJZ, i ' ' Vt ' XJedoUioffl)reCfTirrtj. airdpnei r -t4 ,U i ' 4 Katrof hc el'ebrattd;Marlbootth Itok'r ' i Works. Well fcpIicwttkWeuehett; v" . .':- vM? ; v Stream of-VV ater ali;th& Tol and J - V K -1 Plemeotaaefliryor4,arrying-oa' h - 1 J'j . . Bufinefsi andthcialf bt aiBUckfmilh'a" - shop an To0rf:i6hf--oo'i 'jS0oi ;- t Pxiae 640 Acres tjfiaidvXtV'7" ' - J 1 in lohnfton Couatv. on v,(V f4 S ' the main "Ro i.idinr'f l , f ' - f . ' ? t Prize a valuable eo ' V J ' 1 'Man Slave 'oot"!? . J ; i Pnifa Horfe; V1 t'i't " - t Ii Do, a Sihrer Watcr'-U-iy Vjfr :'-Cafli.Pri!cs; 'ilJsoMV-; 1J ? ia6a Tickets at tf'dolli eacftU 4 4 j i ' . I . This JUotteryt wiIOcmmeiice Drawier at '' Smrthfieid by. ihe, ManafronU'e Tetond - i4 iioMy; m juiic utrxr, ajias toounue untiiv tt dhed. AtUtt'ctheldiiafcaw Number wilt be f ubUfbed ia the ewfpapcrsC ; "'TS ' li-sieoy lome PerUn m KaleigWi' wh&& ' pushc Vorice thaU baeiverf.'iTliofejftorYeV " manded rn ti4e coafe ot tue.Yr'.fSoQ., fif " iff J be cdefidered as jrvefi to the -Prbonetori o: ! 1he"L6ttery - t JtHiJ- ' Ui I This Lwtterv is foi the Benefit of Mr! To " - A nas rroit;.to enable bifn 'to id fpoo rol -Viif ' f' rroperty. i ncrrcpejty euimattd .atajaif Valuation, and Mr Frott-r has Centered -Iht m . -.. . - - rr -7- . 't K tutficient sureties; that afrthe PtUeifhafj be 4V N duty paid, and good and ft and fufHccnt Titles jiV "-"n to the Lands, Iron Works-ic igjt " r Bonds are in Poflefljon of the Manager. , (effes ov antfaajr have t lately been-jrb - Bofed'tothePubfios that there isho rrawl - .-"fti back'upoa the Prijei.t" The Prizes- amouh'rte; the lull Sum that s paid lor ; the . . Tickets? witheut : ber the The, Managers pUdge themfeivestdfeethat ; i the Drawing is duly 'ahdVfairly. toadxted a ! ndkhe ykjft ol the Lottery is toalA. i ' gooJ Citizen to tKe Ssaie ot hfs Propertyjrand ! s it offers greaf Advantages la, Adven(urV they truit the I lcucts win meet with a ready . bale. ' -'f '.V W 1 ' Tickets at fiveiDollars'each". to be had of 4 I Mr. roil, ot the Managers and of Gently men in a.nereni t arts oi ids siai. i' v ... 1 . - iM. HA VDlf,, v , ' 4, ' - T. irM'sOV? ; -VManagers CAJLflN'JpNES; ' -HARDY B K.T AS?.. J t ' J obnf on C aunty Fek.&$. - - r By Virtue efa Deed of 'Truft executed Utkt , Sufyctiicr, by ff'atiam titcttdjeeure-jhtr 'Pymenttfafy-Sffat rjfafi iit- ' 'vtxer: S feats" ftrhajtPvtrjgi, tf bej(latt1ieMfreBufiin&r' ' . 0 HUjboriugb'mtbeJtxtb Piy if ffrU , next u , v , C 4 f'Fitchf1 :.Thex.arc fome lmprtvenaeBonjthe Land; whijLisw.ell'caUu!taud46r tbeCul -tueol' CaVaWVvtifJit oVnMoiths fV.U he given Jto JhVchaferc'nJI giving ; Jatulaaory Security for the, t'aymcnt;ot ihe , AA vTratjf Land rlylng-ia Orange : ' r .'County, on Littte ::.ivradjj4ihin&4et-.:-. -,--atirf JLand-ot l)af nTkay'-atttt others", containing; " ' "i M Thee- Hundred Acresr on 10 ally granted to ; "Itihn Thbmpfon; aind."by hini comr?-f ed fVfa4( - - A M -ut Aiy Pet (on wifhtRt-tew the Land,i' - f -frehe Dayf S5aie4jri apptf to UtitiL - ' Vl rtfidel oh ihrtPremilealU, "ff - fV ,TpAm-the;KrfHrts $&Vhpher'i X'.f tlirefrecViile tint of, As,ifV :i vJLl av'teeb;;i a 3uc-(l t 'come forwar f . th1iate;period ar.r'yonr Servjce -T -ronsrels" otsthe United States "Shooid-th '.Vi rdur Teafdre xtnxssttr tbaapomtmenttt , -v ff.at ne? wf;ooHeistbt P'iUVcla Kea'and.-wldUr;, T ufeijCtUTn Geme.tyoiyi: - ViyVitto-adveLycu aod.thevjtft bf; kf Veno'wCoujtirYiBVa as far my AbUuietf&iV j "'fl in?uience;Tr, extend. - zFs.v -.f f i? J -;;-lreinaiaVGcVAto1po?- very mpjtlf , - (J ;Vx., rW6intevant.:- " v w i 3?' j 1 . -i.- -i rMi ' li .15 4 it 4 ,'.5 : - BigoeimrCllirRCHI LL nt-? tt!5t 'rt5aU: rvf rtKf trtKft 'col - 'j4' StM' T.t"-'- J"jr X I v