"J . . r tl-J j. .1.:' Tn fa av. F b t a r y a l. .Ti e bill in addition Co and modi ficaUon of certain .propoduo.ns con? tairrd in an ' a(Wor admitting tlie ftem divifiun of the MV VV Icintory as , imv v Union ; ,and the bill mAingippro priationsfor the fupport of govern inert for, the year 1803, were read the third time and pafTYd. i ' A letter was received From, thr. cUimaMs, and their agents," of lands f eded by Georgia to the- U. S alts, ..bar of the hbu fe, an d offer n g1 ce ; t a m n www i u pv4' . v h v r " i Mr. Bayard offered a tefolution, which was agreed to, and r felted to a Meft; committee, altering the period of the fit-ling of the iupreme . .court;iirotSA?lfiitMtnda. in Fei bruarytorinti 1 s"' .On motiornbf Mr; Huetri;,leaye w a sg ivebi.S!defcriptia. a j m - antsf oirirj'ibathbie who hV4 pre- iouflfjjpliito be heard in pe nun il. at thehar of the houle this day ; when Mr. Moultrie appeared as countei. After fpeak. ingn hour and a quarter, he retired. - Mr, Moultrie's petition wasie fencd. f . The houfe took up the bill re- fpedingf -military land warrants ; --when. Mr. Daw ion's amendment to allow ben. x.a.rayeiica tjuaiu.iy 01 land coriejpondent to his rank, was agreed id without a div.iion. The galleries were cleared to tak up two bills of a confidential naiu.e received from the Senate. , VTdncfday, Feb. iy The bill lu revive an act in addi tion to an ad regulating the grants of land appropt rated lor nulitiiy irrv:ccs; &c. was lead time and palieu. " r . ' . Mr. Randoiph reported a bill ! thor ding the trailer ot .iheduiici jj of theiaperydor toanyotherohice,,; -n't . . I- - .' - 1 , .-. . I , , , , ,. 1 rn-. mi rt.ir t ni. whi s -n tn nil. 1 Mr. R. explained the object of the! bill, by, flat in g that it had oeeip in-J troduceU in contequence of n oA . plication from the Tiealury De partment. .It was conhdeteiJ, that ui:thofe:dillncts where the col2et tion of ihe internal taxes was nearly completed, 2nd where the fupeivi .fnr mav.' from the imailnefs of his com million, be unwilling to dtl : charge the duties of the office, they mixht bt5 transferred to fume Other officer of the U. States, who nvght fee witting to ddcharge them. In cafes where theVcamperifation wdf be veiy'frriall, ifalary not exceeding U50 dolls, is to be allowed. The biil was fcomj:lited, and or- j . j . L' . ... rr 1 , -aerea, iu uc cngrouca. Thebjll resulatins the grants oF land Touch ' oi TeniielTee, vas alfo completed, . ' :'... "- . I ThurfJayi Feb. 24. ' . A letter was receivea from-trie v Secretary of the Tteafury, lnclofiti J a report Of the emoluments of "the . officers employed m the culton.s; a;lfo an accouni- of the' rcC: jjts and expenditures of the U. S -ies fci ' l8dl. ; ;1 ' ' At :M ii ft res y re onr te d a bill in ad", 'vision ip aiiatv rcguianug . -jiaui-a ." f,. t X.T C -.tfti Jirr- -V Thef.bill authonfing the transfer of the duties of Supervitor to any other, officer, was read a third time ' and -paUed. , Otfar bufinefs progrefled. j NOTICE. A Ta Court of Pleas and Quarter XSefions held for Orange County, oa the I 4th Moaday of February laft, the iubferibera qualified as Executors ot. the Ijlt Will- and , Teftaraent f - Abfalom Tatin, deceai'sd, They have duly complied with the requifites an act gf the General Amenably, palici in e y eaf entitle An ad cMiceririnj; prTt? 0f Wills and granting Letttis of Ad iiniirition, and willavailthemfclves there of again aI1 fentl which may not bee fcibited mtldn the Time Drefcrlbcd by fid Aa j thoie ho Claims agatnft the El -tate wilt the r.feXechlhe Neceflity rtBg. inS them forward. w;diout D Uy; all Perfont indebted to the ecate w make fFecd- Pavmcnf. SAMUEL GOODWIN,4 CATJ.ETT CAMPBELL, DUNCAS CAMERON, miforrugh, March 4, t .. P-4 " ' ;,Im 6 1 DAY, MA R C H 7, 1 803, ": ' "VV '" - ; ; '' " . . " '"'',.' W i W. - "- V ' . .' gT from the late arrangement f the 'Madsv the Eitprof the-: Kegilter; haVdeter-. jkU$$ far date : hVpa jerrfn future on Mndyi titLiWCCtkffas'. 'HM induced t thif 1rcm"VtwioI4'WnW"tipfirftt":f . irthe'laftN6'them:andy Sctb Mailt. ! hichhe ai avail himftlf, arrive, here n rridy cvcfiif g, he wjUies to jii.im; ne in. tt Hlgt 'cW're&i v ed of tkenk a$ ear iy as petiiolc, sinu s the ostern outneriij nanerH w Before 8 otcuton vvjijuyu'iiiis racticn, the houfe adjeuraed.- ';a;in of t'ity SuMcr bert, the f-'dnor pronQic$ .By thepfliii Delawar arrived atJew York, aftera pafTage of pnly :rutvfix;, days frortf Greenock indon papers to tejzdahd GJsf- jrow "papers to the- 5th 'of v) anuarV nare been teceived. , . - V.' ' Tfie late earthquake appear? to nave cxtenaen over tne greateit part of the ru;ki9i empire, . r At Algiers,-'on t lies 7th Novem ber, the fiiock ol an earthquake: was fo violent that the people for moie than 40 fecond, expelled every moment to be burie 1 under I th'e ruins utflheir houfts. Several houfes. iave been damaged, and mod ;oUthe. houfes, re jh. A vil lage, fix leagues fiom Algiers, Containinj' r2oo houfes W"s clef hoVed, and all the inhabitants per iihed. Two. Enliin fhips ot the line felt the fhock.in a. -violent de gree, at the di fiance of thirty miles from land. , . At Gqnftantmople, only a few houfes in the juburbs ol Pra have been injured." It had been a cuftom, for all fhips nalfinif nn , the Elbe, to falute the r is - r " , . naparre had fuddienly iffued h s rhaudtetoihis French miniller, to finify to his Danh Mjefti, "That upon confuiting all luhfiit ing treaties and precedents o e erv delcriptioii.it appeared th.it the Elbe is a free river, and that th- D inih flaigr couhf iot, in corilequeuce, ex a6t iiom any nation, thofe marks of homage or falme; to which it 'fu'ppofed if. elf to ,b; entitled ; that 4he French wo, .Id, in confequence of thofeconfideraiions, pafs uoandl th innu'iddwn the EHre as before without f falutinff and tltjf Demark would of . it -'; . . - , courfe not demand faluution even f fmitled ft.ues ot Europe in anlity WJh she FrC;lch pe0i,le." amity ' with sne r re ten peoji 1 ne exueu-ce .ot enUrgit.ff an 1 . fot tif y ing the lortrefj of Giuciladr, has coll the Dune's two millions of cn)wnsv ' An article from Berne of the 2:d fec. mentions, tiitt the fenate had received important int.el ience from Parts, relative .to the audience which the Helvetic deputies had with the fir (I conful. At that au dic nee Bona'pjrtc ex'pIaiue4to them the fyfem which Ihould ferve as the bads of the iutuie organization of Switzerland. Among ither things he mentioned the following : tl. Switzerland Ihoind enjoy pettect independenee, as to her demejtic dffdirs, it is v. -x exactly the fame as to her re! nfnnlf rr. with the French rid has ' not, and ougnt. iuk, t i'lave any relatioti with Switzerland ; her dangerous 'muianes cannot ui toierat a vn that country." Again t ' Sw.t- i zerlaiid has one .mode of afpirm at certain greaineh : this wc?uld be by her incorpordtion with France; ol which the would form hut two lepart merits ; b,tn ihe has been Se parated f 10m that 'count ry by nature who tias herfelf fixed its limits. She.may enjoy perfect fecurity it ihe remains tranquil, if (he pre let ves her manners, her ufatjes, her law, in fhort, her neutrality. She would have, befides, nobody jcap ble, by his authority and by. his' confideration, or by 'great fervices to his country, ol being placed at the hea I t affairs. Nothing but a federal government, adapted to the ancient conltitution, but without inequality, without, fubjects, with, out privileges, or patricians, can fuit Switzerland." -. We ha ve pleafure in announcing to the public, that the Bridge over Ta r River at Lewifburg, wh ic h for fume time pall 1 has been in a ruinous Hate, is now in good .order, having been effectually repaired. ? l ' , A warehpufeis opened atFayette ville for trie pur pole of 'infpecting Cotton. - Cotton pJaced there will b? claffed 'into -fir ft and fecond qualities; the nrfiVwill be perfectly clean and free from any tinge of elfow ; the fecond muff be equally clei'trjcd, but'wii! paU if tinged in a fmatl ft4egiee with yellow. Notes will be given for Cotton lodged at this Wafeboufe, 'Which will be. transferable like Tobacco Notes.', 'Confitlerabletntfphief hasr been done oh the; fta.xoaftpy the' la)e gale and foul ' weather,, ,A, fchooner arrived at -Norfolk .reports! that a brig, two fchooners rand a fUop were caff aWv on the infide of O-; OTCOckBarcrewV (vedJmu that a fchooner loundere;d at anchor near the S wii, ? d, aH the hiuids- ion ; ine wap ia m i.o .x .w . i?uj h'T . (;;rr V'n 1 ' "tKH' .'!) k uva ntv" v n . -... iiaueipniaiorv.naHeuonj'.ana tlwt ures, luch ds would cori:!uceTo I lit II nfiii 6e-1 if?-if,'--ti-o . ..V;. J I dops pleonlheVitVtthat he. laft Ffcpfincdcwith?yalfir; irf .whicli IZST irPv .Mb.- T. ilVfljlllfllieU. 41111' inudoiucjwuHiiucu 00 flours-1)11 1 ihcTea m4HfiiJ cbnftdM brech, ipver her. lit thr time the Wf"el npfet,,he Idit JiiJnephev a pro". nufini onth, his mate n a fei-' man, the lonnerbem drowned in f he cabi n , at tlw.tiihe the ve !lel up- jet ; and the-lattet were wdfhed off jhe waid, the. morning after thr vellel Upfet. Fortunately for the furvivors, .the fchooner Youni Lion, C jpt. Seaman, fell in with the wreck;,, look tem )iT, and bronii'itthem to Norfolk. . Several other vefTeis loll 'either a handdr two or paitofftheit caxio J On the. 23d u!t. the Sejiae loL I up the following 1 efblutu is, tered by Mr. RoU : m Rfs,lved That the Uiiited States hive iiliIpuf4H,e riht to the he niviitiM of t ' river M'liiily)pi, a:j to 3 co ivc iitiu piacc otuepoiit for their prodace auvi mc.crui.iu ia ihf illa.'Kl or New.Orieans. That thenars ji:lrii"tiyii of fuch the.r ui.- I ta ; r honour 4 hi UHCtlt. 1 hi l i is r. .t o.iffit wth the i'unity i fafcty ol his union, to It old a right fu impor tant by a icnurt lo uncer'ajn. That it materially coacerus fuch of'the - mencart citiesns a dwell upon the Weltern waters ; and it is ellVntui to the Uaio.i, i!rc:i7ih, anJ profjCrity of their States, ti.41 they btain complete l'ecurity lor the full adi peaceable eijoyaciit of luch their aaiVluU right. 1 hat the PrefUent be authorifed to tace immediate pofTvliion of fuch pljce 01 places iu the iaid illand r fhe adjacent tci ritorie', ai hs may deem fit an.l connveaient, for the rneaturrs for braining that complete fecuntj , j asihini, ia hi wifdom lhall letin meet. l! That he be 4uthrited to call into actual I lervice, any camber, of the militti of the ; ltil;3 of S. Caiohca, Ceorgi tyi, 1 er.nefite, or of the try, whi he may th.- k- proper, noi ex- pi edCh on the L'OH DS DaV moin fiv tLoufan.l, anJ 10 employ them, : r , , x . l i , t' nh the nnliury a.d naval farce, ol lM -v and IU the even ccelingfifi .1 "vttntr jvhh the imii(,rv the Uniwn, fv tlTttlmg ihe objects above ! me..fjti.id. J That the lum nf five millions of dollars be appropriated to the carryicg inco elTeit the toregoing refolutions ; and that the whole, or any part of that fura bs p a or appMei, on warrants drawu in pur tuanceof fuch directions rfs the PrefiJerit may, htm tir?e to time, thi"k proper tvi give to the Secretary of the k" re alary-.. A motion was made by Mr. S.rec kenridge, to amend them, by il. ik ing out from the word KefolveJ,' and infertile the following: That the Prefidentof the U; States be, and he is hereby audorded, whenever he TL!! judge it expedient, to requite of the txecuy tivps of he ler'eral States, to take efitUuai iTicaiures to Argaiuze aid equip, accor Jiug to iawi and hotd ia rdincf9 to march at a mo ment's warning, to'.cea eliectife miluia, orficers ii)C,iudtd. -1 Kef Ived, tnat tfce Prefidert may, if he judges it eipcti ie.it, 4Uthur.fe tiie 1-xecut.vr ol the A'Vcral Siatc-i to accept, aipan ot lire detachmfnt a fore fa id, any ccrpsol the Tcli-.n U :eej, who thai! cuntiaue In lei vice im luch lime, hot .etedinl niomys, i d perlorru fuch fervices &s lh. be f rtlcrilei bj law. Rcfolved, that do.lais be aLpiouri tc! tor pacing and Fubfi!r:g fuch part of rhc troops -ataretai',1, whuff actual l"iv ite araay be vanted, a d dcliaying luch other exje.iice js, Mitring -trie rrce's of Congrefs, the Presi dent may deem .tfttflary for ..t tie iettrity oi the territory of the U, State Kclolvcd, that dollars be apprfpr.ateJ for ere cling, at fuch 'place or places on the vettrrn waters as the IVthdeiit may juaf moil wrapcr, one or more Ar leiial or Arltu,!. On thefe laft refolutions a debate enfued which continued to a late hoiir, in which "MeiTrs. Breckcn idge, t lintont Cbcfee and Jck fon TuJ)ported j andsNJefrrs. White, Mabn and DaytqrJ5fpfpoied them ; On the 24? h the debate was con tinued by MetTVs," Wells, Rob and Morris again ft ihe refolutioii ol Mr. Breckenridge, and by Mr. Wright in their favour until y d'clpcferwhenthecniite idjoui ned. , ' y - " . - , " Gaptaia Haley twelve days from Cape Francois, arrived at New Yoft,. informs thai. the blacks were completely fobdutri, and all was tranquil that a week before he tailed two Frencfi .74 gun. Hiipf having on board 150a troops ani ved from Toulon. That a fleet oi 15 fail was'hbufly expected. That i?,.was already at the Cape. That four fhips ot wan failed- the day of the Sophia's departure'; one of guns, with admiral La-Toucheajiri Gen Hochambeau on board for Gape Nichola-Molp one v foi France, and the other for Port au Prince--And that American pip, duce. would . barely1 pay freight But a Jrife was expected on "ie ar rival of thfc tr'oopsl ' ; . t vTwe elefcliqn of JohnjQvAdams, Snatdrrha'been confimied m the Senate of Mdffacb'ufetts' byv 10 out Ar-ftri''"1" ' 1 '--" .'! r. ui asy-.- 4 ,. " . Out Mimfler ff at Paris ba Jre, ceived.aiTdrances frorrtr the Ytfenci. Hjovef nnieiit that thefrfiad the ereat of the intereH and the rights bt.th territory and r3erRris of the peoph A ui me umteuiorates. iur&ra f 'j The following is.an exlraci of ; lftfpr fr-Li.T:. f.Bn0i-.l : KlriJitJ.: (o jits ft ind' near , Natchez, dte d pntbe Yazoo, JRiver Deer 14 1802 'Ms have; ;afrer furtourrtiag.,tK , flacles -aad opjcc.trorr unexpefted,' ' npravided .'..f o r , and.almqfl i n 1 uperP i b 1 e, p rev I i Ud 'on. my red, a ffq c m&''F$ t jree.t.0 the extend 1 i ne,' and eflaIiiTi st bou ndary on the eaft rjan k -of . this river ; about eleven rrftles ibove lhaf '' .Ciiled-ISS- iy Mr Pevtcell, io his field notes 'yt y. this mpdificitionfT in whtclthe Chocta w commi ffionerS' Tduly n-' toriled) .'cheerfully can cur,, we. fe- u r e a rVn 3 r. e n c b t n n i n f o.r-pHf. 'XMin iarv near the high - in i, rid he l adiarii farl'r no injury. - Tbr fhctawvngaficd with :n'. ,ui th), ".uiirtelV difei vn. 'rtuc-h. ciitj fthe . re je-tlau., hut no: 1 fri'pfdpef I vp;'; ' i"' nt b it iicn obft,:nate ; rrtihgcnr tsfn-jrits ; "with d :tfVr? nt-dii--o(it torts Jia' r-ipturr vould have hee ri i j jypidah-l. I hall" this .day co mptecefthe lit,. op demarcation to 'he rive rj and si fon as the wea ther will permit m to aiceuam the Utitu le df t'heYpor, 3nd tHe varia tion uf the magnetic nec . Ir, I fh IV re tiirn.Tojith ward, miie-marking the r ut in my ptorefj.". The flev. William Parkinfoh, Chaplain to Congrefs, in a LeMer to his friend in Mi iil i county, a ter mentioning the puMCttiadty and at tention of the Mimbeis toDiv ne VVorlhip.'iavs; $Rhue murcovef e lausijdciion ui n u, iiJu inc. Prefident. rlttWlthlUndm0 all thi: cidfDour about his -.infidelity., has , . gi ohi, Ken-1 1 never-milieu but one ol my mect-Miiiiifippi'Trri-: trii? s at theCapitv'd, whtfein the City. in at'tiiC Ttea'ui v. isi t- tlj-'.ul ihd hve hundred d.l liri have been.' collected tor the iufierers.bv the hue me at PdiU-. t mouth, from-th mh'Pdn5 oi rift. i Jadclphiaantio' the dill act t)i Sj :th. I walk. The amount collected in the j N ithein Libeities has not been aU; ceitained. Drawing of the Univcrfity Lottery , AV; 2. Prize of 10:0 Dollars. No, t Ptizebf ooDoliais, tioB Piizesbl 256 Dollars, ' X484 8c i532 ' - - ' ' P.ize of 200 Dollars, 179 Prizes of 100 Dollars, 200 282 702 796 826.86 aod list 1316 1624 1649 i7'M 1724 inV- 2Q56 2IIO 22 IO 5 0aO "fit) 27 54, .'Piizes of 50 Dollars. 13 1 3?. .03 4Sl 736 '-'939. 3?' 'S0 ipg 1747 ib4 2182 2579 203. 2783 Prizes of 10 Dollars, 5 j 13 ir It? 19 20 21 22 24 2,5 26 17 ; l 3 34 i6 41 43 47 4 5 6. 54 ,56 ,59 60 66 68 70 73 74 77 78 6 91 97 tot 403108 110 ti2 j 13 114 116 no 14 1 124 12 129 m Ua !44 M-5 Mr 3 162 i6h 170 171 178 180 ita t3 184 18b 189 190 196 197 j 10 21 r 2i2 fi 224 25 23a 335 240 241 23 29 C7'5". 277 it7'4 7;9- 198 202 206 2i6 2ir 22a 236 33 239 6' 269.274 234 2 a8G 287.. 292 j293.oo. 301 309 311 35 3 3 1 9-3?i. ;23 34 327 33 .337 339 !3.4: 34 1 344 347 35 3 354 550 35 8 3' 38.1 9lJ ;39 397 43 44 4"5 42P 42 4 427- 429 43 435 .437 ;44;.4A.445;. 447. 449 445? 44. 474-477 479 489 55 '5n 532 , 734 MH 543 '549; 59 . . 557 558 o;, 5H4 T9; 68 71 577 5,590 :M 593! ,595 ,59b. 603.607 ,6ia;rji5r 6 1 5 6 1 7; 6 j 9 6 2 1 6 $ 6 67 62 629 631 632 634 636a9;64Q 4f2 651 653, 6,55 6,57 663 6 669 676 678 6t8oT 6Xt;682 6?3 6g56-87'6g8 6896969 703 707 7o8 714-78 7'H73.4 734 735 74744748p?54'755'V 763 764 7 J7J&- ?747j 7?2 754 7 - '790 79 ' ;792 707 01 006 807 Btq Si7 8io 822 828 832, S35; 83$ 837. 2 843 846 89 8r57.5d66 7 7079 000 9xc.y4'y9H 99 93 .99 9ib&2t9 Q2.s 9.o 04 94i:,844r94. 947 957--99i 67 '96997. 09! 9. ?995-iK? .-. i . "ft4'-ft "- AiMiiA e ..:t.. B'S tfe6t6 i69.t37Q 1 . ti "---r -ri; ;v". i joa tiSb4 -SS . Vrfu - laaaV. I 1527329 15 i3k 1334V 4ft'fV. ,1400 1 IV17. 1422 - J: 1 A Ot-r S;i433 ;i43 442. 1443 i44 i47i72fi477 M53-II 145 4488 ?i452 f 149 1 1500 . 2a 1524.1525, 1523 1530 .c5 1 :-l&64h06?;?bm .544-'.-iSi 547 l55i 5 55':: i 560" 1562 1583 154 1 586 1587; 1589 4593: 594 i97 igf i6j6l6 1632 i634 1635 i? X64: l645 1 646 1647 1 651 '1,657 658 ' 1 667 i 668 1 669 1 68oi 'i 682 1684 1 680 1690 1691 1694. 1 69 5 1 696 1 700 ; 1 702 i 7 63 f 7O9 I71O 1714 1 716 I72O ;V J723 737 1739 x745' i?4B i 1 749 .1752 i75 5757' J7 M769 177 "i77i; 1774' '1775 1 77 8 1782 1788 i ,89 1791. ! !793 '9 -79$ l99:9 1 1810 1811 1813 1 85 1 11825 1826 21834 1838 1839 1840 1.844 1848 851 i 852 i.860 T864 :is46B&yop 1 873 1875V876 iil88fei 8S7 t : T93 197 J9-9 ffljC1 4 193 99, 1934 936 v J9 ;9 943 94 94946 j 1948 .1949 .1950 1953.: 954 , ll957 95':' 1964967:970, 'IJ751979 I91985 98 T987 199 1 i992 J993 994 cc 1' 2 005 2021 2O27 2.043 253 2P72 2014 2015 21 9 ' 2023.. 202:5, 2026 : '" 2030 2035. 239 I 022 2044 255 2075 2049 '50, 2052 2.001 2002-2071 2082 208 ' "2087 2062 2 090 2093 2094 2095 .2096: OQQ 2100 : 1 Of, 2 10Q .11 l8 ii23 2125 213-2 - 2-lgl ' 2.I42 '. Hp 143 214a 2145150 2152 57 2174 2 94 2213 2 39 2162 2163 16 5 216 8 21752186-2189 2198 2 200 2 25 22 11 2215 2230 2240 2241 2I34 v2234 2245 2255 2201 2262 2256 2259 2260 2264 2276 2279 '22 83 2285 2287 .2288 2291 2294:2296 2299 2500 2302 234 2306 " 2309 2314 .2318. 2319 2321 2322 2324 2325 -226 2330 233 2333 2a35 i33 ,234b : ' 236 r 2362,-23,237,2373 j; 2S?4 8;i 238a ;28 3M 395- L t ft )r? , fifit ajO'J ilo6 ffjf't . 2zil C &' 24x7 24 1 -22427: .2Mli44 1 hi M4744 24,54. H9' H t245 : H -e46f,8444' - fil' 24g2T24a:'i.4949?f4'9 5 ' 1' 49 25QQ,5op;t3C7H1fi5ob' 29 2512 255 2$ tS 2520,255 2isr02A?tQ 2,:ii 42-. 2S4-42-6 2 :Q riCKS-2oco 261 20 Jarj'i ei$ 1 26 5)2 c 9; 2 02 o" 2 6i 2 fja.fja 92934 265 ijtSo 642 264 $65 2646 2649652 2657 265$ 2663 266c -56572669276 e678U6Si 1 2683263,5 - 2680 25 - 2696 69 7 2704 .7 7092710 213 -715 2721 272.2 42724726 732737 739 a74 746;751 'J?754 277 27.' 2700-25:04270,5 270 277077 l : 78 $4 7?72795 ; '. 2257 25745?75i Tn Orahic'couiny; ftWJay ;-ag4l)ir:rov. ftl j!aiaeiif?;,AttraeT af r;.tHi If- J,P I V" 'its -V , f. 41. 'fti f v lv. r

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