'.-y:iv --V jYw ;;f) . Vi !Y"''''YYYYYY"Y' ' V'W 'C"'""'-?-.- " ' ' 'V- ': .1 -Y Y Air NORTH - ; , OuT tlVf IMjin f ftr delightful Peace, l4 ;.r; Vo CIV. Monday, J iiici.i," 1803, BkYl&-;iLi ' ;-Y4A '-: ; - -: ,r'-- .:f;;4 U M IT ED ESTATES. Begun and heid at he City of VValhfngtni ilk the Trritery f te1ulaa on Manday, th fi xih'bf Dfo?mber, lone thifand eight huu drcd and two., . . ' . ' ' AN ACT- JW rslief ft iJ.e It fferersby fir-, in th , Town of I'orttoutl. . , . c , . faid 0nct, a perlon lrnf4 in th . BE; i M?S. ?, u d aci'aj HaMr-h,y .fot thfc U ted States of America, in criyr, 'itJembUd Tt ali pcfons who, b-j lii.g indebted to the Utiitfd Stales,:-; for duties onmercharid:ie,ha vegiea j 4mna VKprfforY with one r more i ur.et.es, pay a ble in i he Cwllcftor for-: thediilnctof Pohsnvuth, arid who tuckv Dffiift is entitled fotfimriar j lec vices, s Y. . ,4 . 5 Sec. 2. And btit further enaatdJ That there .hall be allowed-to t He Judge of the fa id Diftria Court, the annual compenfation.of one thou, farid dollars, to commence from the date of his appointinefttj to be paid quarter yearly at the Treafury of the United States. ; v Y Sec. 4 . Be it further tn&Bcd, That t he re iliail . be a ppointed.in t he. me nitfi States, who halL in ddrtirtr to his lived fees, be paid by the'Uili tecS, iies, t wo hundred dblldVs 4nf nuilly as a. full compcnfaJ-Wn lot ah extra fervices. - : Sec. 5; And be it further en ad ed That a Marftvill fliYli 'by appointed tor thefard Dftutt whq thall.ptj f',ffcrelli?": rLP"'?:'f form .h. ,.me dUl,, be Mica to f h 1ite conflagration at : that place, hall be, and they hereby 4 re allow eH ; to take up, or .ha ve . cancelled, all j bond$ heretoftrfc givenfof-duties asY Trtrflaii. unon ffivjng to the fafd the- iame reuU ions anct penalties. and be entitled to the Tame fseVa's ar prefcribed to. Marflialls in other Dii tricts, and fhali moreover be enti tled to the fum of two hundred doi- collect new ..-i ), annually as a ctmpcr.ratioa lor ore . furet.es, to ;thc fact.i n ,xtra r, ' lces. Qt lam collector, mc 1 theirfoimer bvnrfs teipectivcfy, j NATH. MACON, Speaker f the.Houfe.pf Reprxlcntativcs. A. BURR", - Frefidenc of ihe ieoate TH: JEFFERSON, Prefident of the United 5tats rTaKU m twelve month Irotn and f er the day of payment luecifi d in the bonds to be taken up or ca nt Vice-Prefident of the United States, asd celled as vtorria id ; andthf UiU col., lecor ishetel.y author if ed and; di rected, tV give up or cancel, all fuch bonds upon the receipt of o- thetsas defenbed in this ye- : vhich la ft men noncd bonds fhall oe pro- J ceeded with in all refpecti hke other j fcons which ara taken by collectois ' for du,0S due to the United States r Provided however that nrthin& in j this, act contained; fhall extend to; bonds Which hid fallen due before- the iwcntyfiiatth day oh December ' N A i 11 . iVJ v-v in , v . - Speaker M the Houfe of Reprei'eoiiijire. A. BrJRR, . . Viccjjfrtfident of the j hco States, dJ - i'reiident ot the cuate. Jifptitrid. feK 10th, 103. TH : Er FERSON, .., I'leliuern e.t the Uuited States. LOST, A BOUT.the 15th inflant, on. lfy'Road bttwetn Ktadi.,Cort.f)oufe the aid fti'hfield. N. C a fmall imDoVrvd Hnuni Bhcii. She is a Hack. Uft, is with W heifi and anlwersto the Name i FmrmmM Sh was lately froor 6itheid, Yirginia, arid will probably make that way; The hnder, k paying ber.wuh Col. arfingtoft at tfalh' CouruHoule, Mr., Cafmelly at Halifax, t theSublcciiber atSmiifiela, N. Carolina or giying InidrmMioo vncr, fie is ihU be hartdloaneiy rewarded. Y .,Y 7i jQHN STEVENS, jua I an; 7ih, tSof, . ;Y ; Scheme of a Lottery j 1 Prite to 1 tQufi of 6jo Acrei of goed .Land i jotulon Coui.y,on whtc-h is rich ; lieu of Iron Ore. & Grift Mill, ad utie half ot the ce ehistrl Marlboroutf Iron" Works, w-eii fupplwd with art cxvciicut Stream ol Water, a the TorJs ai o 1 01. j picmewts aeoeffary Ur carrying oh trie j fiuhntl, and the h ait of a Ui jkfiiii h's ' , Shop and Tools, Uoim. 3,000 is j,ooo t rnzc 640 Acres of Laud iu Jt-h.j.U'ii County, on the mailt ioad. fediig frcm Sx i tii he id co lit. leih, 1 Prize a valuable Negro Man Slaie 1 Prize a Horie, I Do. do. , I l)o. a Silver Hatch 1 Do. do. , a Caah Pi acs, 2 D . '1 :co Do. . AN ACT 1 rrovide for ibe tu: ex'suvon of the laws 01 ihc United bu:c, wumn the state ot WHERFAS, the people of the Eattern divilioii of the Teilitv-ty North Weft of the River Oh;o. did on the twenty-ninth .-ay of N-.-vem-'be'r,one thouiand eight hundu,u ar.d twej, form for ihemfrrlves acoufli tutioh'aud (late zoin liem, and the;- State of Ohio" in -pt'irfu'ar i c of an aflof Cungtefs, entitlea An acl to enable tl;e people of th Eaft rrtn divifion of the Territory North Weft of th" River Oh'O, o form a rorJtjMKion and ftate "government, ind' for Je admtffian of luch Mate into the union cn hh equal footing .with, the original dates ana fur other j.-11pofes,'' wh'erebv. the faid (fue ha (kcoihc one of the United States of Arterica, in order therefore tb provide for the due execution of the lawsrof the U r-ited' States wnhm the faici It ate of Ono: .c It -enaCied bv the. Senate and Ho ufe Repreuntativcs of tkr UmitU atatt SOU'IUEZ N MAIL-STAGES WILt, leave '.'eterfburg, in Virginia, and Kaieigh, in Nnh'CarolInia, on Mondays, Weauetiays a-?d 1' rid ays, beginning on the ailt mitant, and arrive at CbarUfloi , in ' Sputh, Carolina, in tlx days Irom Pc- teifbuie ' i he 'are ot p(ltnrs . ill be. pathe lanitTrv-ryallcufeef , auu 4"V . be allowed each paffener, re oi ex teticv, J B.igxajc d'evey "defctitioh going a .i khc 1 ftage, cither with or without the ow.ier, 10 j be conn kie i at their own rik ; but the greatelt attention will be paia to it. rPHE eftabluhmcui tf a Line r f Staget thtongh a country but thinly inha bited, and where commeice is earned on bu upon a fmall lcale, nadaneeio-s and very haxardous undertaking ; and may eventua.iy Jeriouscosfeueuccs t the uiiiertak.rs ; M-e thertlare beg leave 10 loltcit the aucntiorl, a vvel as the patronage ot -he public Ipiiuej, a J otaP perfons who ifb to Ice tlie t-e.-pc ' h United ixaies conftecled as much as j , podrm , by a lew'ar intercoufe between the j : lou'rn rrnddie an eaftern States, which ! this. niftuutioiV't generally patr niteu, wiii i uni vfiy ii.u'.n to promo. e anu tatilitate. j - -i.lishtene; minds it need noi be orlervcd 606 . 6oo I 1 M 4.0 400 : 7i b?4 l& '5 , 50 100 i ao i 40 I 10 jooo 1469 Tiikets at 5 ddb. each, it 7,345 Thi Ldttery wili conmence Drawing at Smtthhelii ryi the Mngcs, on the lecood MonJ.y in jut e next, and continue until ii iifhed. A Lilt of ihi tortunatc Nuaiutrj i ii be pubiilhcd iuihe ibewtpapers. Ali Piites Vi!i i?e rati on DemanJ. And thole not dt-manJea until the neat Scffion ol tht Gcuera. 4bly, will be paid, at that I ime by lonie ferlwn i Raleigh, 01 hici public Notice lUall be grfcrt. Thofc not i. hat eu. mi;p; tante it is to or uni u, ! that thv jjeof ie in the iula.id and batK pans oi ' . . i 1 . 1 1 i d:4 give tothefa.d flateti.e n.meof !l"c c,.an"! a ,R"co 1,1 S"'"1' yo . . . Newllampinire to (Teoteia, r.jav - nave an opp rtunity ot a mutual .ntcr ourfc, and of nj.xmz as much as roluble . wh:ch m ho oi; r way can be effected ic r-.ad ly as by a j Lit e ot M.ges pailing through th. d.ffcrenti States, to fupf ort which ihe greater! exertions t will be niaMfej anj wc hope to merit, aswehi as to receive, the iavor and the countenance j ot the public nothing fhort of which can krep , the innitutton a.ir. JOHN UOIMFS, & Co. 7 HE SUBSCKLBElv TJAS for Cfcal his Store in Fay ettevlile, the following Articles, by wholesale and retail, tor Cath or Produce : be 'Is es . at K America, in .on ; rr f a Jentled9 That all the laws of trlt United States whichVi re ii ot local y inapplicable, fhalilSly the laiiel force and eff -fl vvithin the f .id flate of Ofiio, as elle where, w.ihin the United Staffs. bee t And k&it further cnadedt That,theYd ;-.tc ih 1 He ,r.e Dt'i- ; trtct, and i.e c-lieJ 'he Onm DU titl ; -apdj a D- it t id court fhall be held therein, to couftlt of one jjdge who fhall it fide . th faid D jtrict, arid be c'ailed a Diftri t Judge. Y Het fhall hold at the teat of Govern-" jneot of'the fad flate, three tfliuns' annual'y, the firfl to orrimence n the firft lVfdnday m June next, and I the two other le liion prpgre Hi ve y on te-Uke, Monday of ever , fourtV CaleAdf .month iifirr wards ar rl .-Y""n : He fafiljaioii and poeit Sz J, xuy . j-va inc ifiitudKy.Uinrict tte thai! PpoiBtilerlc for the laicf'Djilna; Giu(iSp9tid keep the'rfcorcT . re toan, a le ice oi rjoiaiig I1 famfapaU reefve for; the Supeifine and Coarfe Cloths, CaiTi.nere and Swanf Role and Duffls Blan kets, Calicoes fad printea . Motifs, Lawn? and Cambrics, Snawis d.nu .PoTuat s Iia 'aki:ichis.'k, i t t. . .. ttamnunianul rtccics, Cotion Uagg:ng anu j M na bin, gs, Bolting C.oihs, froin No 4 to i o. VVoji'.ed and Cotton lUte, : Giio Lai Rings, Knobs and DfOps, Giii do.' do. Cut GUIs & Peat I do Necklaces and l?ugk ' Beaus, Silver and TinfeJ E paulei,' .... " ' Ai " rv f T rkets .Jewclerj &cYv T ' -ligar by the barrel, viol ifles y ib I 'hd. Pepper, Spices, Gin- ger and iVutrncs, Common ana lafgt liibles, Plalms,- Hymns arid Tettaments, .: Spelling "Cooks ant. Grammars, cots ; and lntick' LkglilhDidlionarit? Younv' Latin uo. Nove.s, T'ir-v-;is anu Schoo' bv'ks, X. variety oi Matiutiary " Arnclts, Pfy;n Cirdv by ih- uuteu or iingle pck, Hirtoty ot tht, Aimi- niffraaon of .Jolvvi ' . A dair.t; . L fq . l ,e Pre tide nr of the C nitcd States. Narrative bf. the fup - prf flioo . bv Aap): - Burr, Vke-Prefi "dent, ' View of 'the Apolitical ondj.t of AaroTr Burr, 4 correftfta e stti .with a account ihe Clin toniarr ' -iliuminat Pb5, fe.' ; Several v other YPatfr- a. Ahyih and Vices, Powdcr.Led U, f-hof, A general-AffoiVAenl i A Cutlery'w ',n'$' iilifler'd,lGtrjnanna A...iartvley3lcej t -bTXS ltjin; J?hil adelphia from manded in the cout f e the Y e a r 8o9.V-wut ihe confide f e. asYgiveu to the .Pro ictors of i jJHtr"y" Y. . -U ---- - .1. . ... f This Later y is fct Ihe lfencnf of Mr. o-j nas Krort, to enable him to d'ipolc. of h;i i j Fioperty I hePiopeitj is clhniatcd at a tair ' Vauatiorj-a d Mi Froft has entered lino tjaid in the Sum ifcoo Do-'uis, wilh i :ufTKienureties, ih.it a . the Priies iha;l be i duiy p u .j a.i; goouand iiifncna 1 .tics in tJ the l auds, lion ' Works, i ki .nJs ire in PoiivUion ol il.e Managers. re -t Advantage which this Lottery poi tefTes ivcr any tijt iye lately cetn pro poted tn ihe Public' tlat these is n Dtaw back, upou the P:;zts. The PntesauiOunt U the lull Sunt that is paid tor tne rck?is. without any Dcdutir -n whatever l'he unai- j ber of 1 ickets is .'.,l In.jli, vshivh inci tales i the Chance 'ot obtaining lh- haiih Pure 1 J The i!.iuag.;rs pieogo then, ieivesto itc that the l-'.a'.vii) is duiy idn, tairiy coadactvd and as the v uj:fl of the Lottery is toatlm a gjui citizen t the Sa e or his Property, and s u urf.i s girat Ad vantages to. Ad ventu t ei s, they uuii the l'ukets Will meet with a ready Laic Tickets at five Dollars each, to be had of Mi. roit ol the Mauageis, and of Gcatit men iu d'.ttVtcnt Paris q; ihi Stae. m. HAVbr, ROB C.ULLhrjun., r.fr mOM, Managers. CALr IN JONES, I HA KUT BRYAN, iiy VitiHt '.J a Ditd ef Iruji executed to the SuOjCrilfir 6y WuAum t'itct toj'teurt tue"1 P ayment f a Diii dve iaijan d Ebe ntx.tr Strati Mtrrh'tnTs, 9 Ptterjhuig, i joii ' at tbcMa tt i Houfeimht lTiux nf Hiliju tr6Ugb n ibt jixih Day of Aprii next, ' " A Tral of Lrd iyjng in Orange County, on Little River, atjoining the Lands of David Kay Fua'otners, 'containing Three MtinureJ Acres, originally granted to John Thorhpfofj, a d lyhiin conveyed to (aid ! itch I here are f-.me impveir.ents onthe Land, which is weil cakuiattd.for he Cul-. twreol Grain. A C t!iio- nine Months v It be given to the Purchaler, on his giving MfWailory Security for the Payment ot the lurehale ,Mot ey. - Any Perton iflriirtjto view the Land be fore ; he Day of ak, w 11 pply to Mr. Filch, who refije on the 1 rcmil:s. ; DUNf CAMERON. iDs-yf-triugl, A 4 3, 13. " I'D 1 lit 1-KfcLMfc.Ni . , ' r ' Favettevilk DiftH8. " Frifndguvd kcitiAv Ciifrctri ' . " FrnnuheSancitat orit f a Number f th t relpedable C tiiens ef this Uif . f have been iauctd to coroe fotwarif ,his iaie period, and offer you my Service C eprefent you the enfuing two years in the yOugrefs othe United States. . Should it be1 our Pleafure to confer that appointment on me, whopofl'efsthe Politics of a lreeandvetl reguiated Republican Government, you' May; relt affurtd tbut Nothing (hall be om ld on siy Pait to advance ycu and the relt ot my Ftl.ow Countrymen as faras my Abilities and infiuence will ekiend 1 remain, Gentlemen, very refpeclfully, Your pbedient Servant, . ISAAC LAZIER. fer. t$. V.So2; OrtEHi FLi-'I; Co. Have p if received a He in upyly of Hott m d (lin. Mad'im end $h rrv Wines, Port IVine in Bottles. Alfo, Sugars and Cofftc, . Imperial. A 1 Y'ung Hyfon arid I TEAS. Saufchottg1 Molajes. &e. &c With aigeneral AfTottment of Spiies Dry Goods, Hardzvaret (litem's and Glafsware. W hich they continue to fell low for Cafli pronuce OHtber 1. - ' - . i Ye Meuuf VVi.ke, avva-w I "4 t rwfi ry DOLiARciviHp, & AN AWit JmWiiU i: Dart mjtort Ccntyv SofithYCarllria, V L )dVCttki in the Month of April la. a e?o Mfr, by the nave of Jim ra middlm rU Fellow, black an k&ck-Vnee'f, Witl car on one Arta aod ftof doe Ug, l am Bot certatn whiok) He was brought fmna vuginia by i.pt. John CUc, who bought him of a Mr. Hancock, jailer of SmUhkiia, Yirg inia, who, I beliefs, fold ih)tft;ui or the Prifon charges, baid Cole; and a Mr. BUckmh, wcre.n Cepr-nf rihip ia he purehafe of Negios, an 1 li.ackin fold theN laid-Negro to Jame; Lee ; laid Nfro wa ac kfhe Houfc of Caleb Pevee,o Levgeek, k -venty Miles above Vv i.mintori- from Of1 btr lait until th jd oi this't r. ' f !t trtl him that Cole was raking hiaakroffi i5. CaraJma, ana heihi detdtu f h: YYa w'j8 obliged to mke h i ic a. d Wtf hi a to "'a' cou-d, and in foch Ut&jrcitxip f, allied jnmoledea, h talk at Ptive'",' was abuut ;QiPg -o Vrtio- y above Reward w.W He (iven t a-v f.er; h t will feCar j him il an; J,! lb that I may hear fiWug jC1AH kLACKVfAN, for James Le. ! vamtfoT Couaty, Feb. zjdiSoj,-1 Y Y 1 A LI. thofe indebted o the Firm t Hooo ai I a n J and A u a M. rt- r? (ueiiej to H.ake Pavmcnt., Such as tlnl a ' e on open Aci-'-ant, will clclts th-rn y giving a Note or P'-niit M'Hiediave i'ltment s ol conveni ent. Thois. hiving open Account's, who do not pay, "r gra N te with Security where j it my be required', at or befor. ihe enluiug j Cour of Wake County, need ' not beat all I fitipriied 'if - trW find the Debt in Syitagaiaft them immeoiaUiy after laid Court. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD.. Y rO YEN out ofmy SMMeJnGef Stokes CNmty , North-CardfiW, Y on Saturday night the 5th inft, a Nrge- hlacfc Mare, heavy with Foal, about 5 Fcfet 3 loche high, about 7 or $ Years old, the right hind Foot a littit hurt with the Sfjot on the con trary Foot, fivd ail round, and is a tittle did) faced. The Man that ftole htr, i large portly Man, who paffes femetirnes by the name of Edmund Lamer and, fometimet by the name bt James Murreli, ?ho broke the. Jail in Germantoii 09 the afore Paid night. The above Reward will be paid for the Thief and Mare, or 3 Dollars forjhe Mare alooe John Hall V 3 There is a fma" Sf t on the thia part of 1 Nofe, on the left Side." J ' Febtuary 17, 1803,. 1 : NorrcE. 4m; OFrlCE'S TANDMEMBER5 - ' tfthe KURl H CAROLINA. i IT;: teccmi-'f d-d h-t thy?n in k. Mourning, by wat rjz black Crape Or R-'iban i on ihe llr Atn fbr i the Space of i tK... Iijt . rttnM r n with the Date here- of, p cv-ncf f Vi -1 ue. p P egret thev mwll feel to t-'-.r l.rf8 thc-.i '-..ci'-iv -no the Cmiruny at iatiflias lb itemed in 'hr 1 ols oi lvr 1 ho. m t'", t ... U, . Senior V -cf.PictT.l.. nt of the M'fdical Vocietv. liv Ofiie- .t nv Prefiden , "CALVIN JON Lb, AVf r, vry. Match 1, ik3 INFORMATION WANTED. A or Smttr a Lad hetween t4 an' 1 c Years of .ABre a Naifive f tiri Months fiivpo and-was ngWiti Si Ssktheoh1p P.nterfon. As it is likdij h, ha brained Pi ffar ih fowi i VefTel 1 bouud to the U. Mates this Advcnife- met is pusiiihej that he my know w e t n-id his Sifter Mary SmitV, which he may an by applying to Mr Duke, No Old Sup, New York If Squired, his Siftfr witt paf his r?Ta,e to America. . uarter A T a Con i t of Pl eas and Q x iStffio?s held for lja.ngO-Coanty, on the M Monday bf February iaftV the Sqbfcribors as Exe cut atxilhe lift . 'Will and ettainent ol i AhfViSifebi4 deceoitt'd . 1 hey have u!y fcnm?iUd:Kith Xhc rtqaifitea.J .otttvacti)ttnc jrneratJMiefnoiy; pauea in the year 1789, ihtitle'd4 vf itt conceVniog prcv;ngo W ills and gritting-Letei of Ad, miqiilratiott, h 1 miil&Mi tUemUivca there -of agairrt all 1i ra$;.whTc,li magnet, be ex-, hihned with) a -"hcjTfam ibcit " by fa'.d ihofeYwrn aVMdUaiauitithetEf. Wt wUthe,teire te nh JJieliuy pt bjiWg. hi themQtward-wtlhout pelay; allPerfons indexed tar U)Ctfcecate4MrimaKe Jpeedy O' VI F. POSTP N D J rn ale, ' Five. 1 7 a( is1 oj Ldttd -Ljhg in the County of VV'ake and brHti nionii t . Y V .1 . r a D:"'--.dof 'lj-uh g' ven by DVid H or ton to. the Sul.fcriber, orthe Purpt-fe of Ucur ug a Debt due to Sa muel Tutirciinne, i he lo d o turday the ?.6th Day 01 March lnft. at the Diimg Hc:Ue of faid David Horton, ihe laid hve Lraflsof Lajid, containing ielf,6cTvcly the live loLuWiBg Numbers of Acres, via. oo ioo, 15 130, and too; aifo a Negro Mao Earned Jsck, about forty.-three Years of Age,; a frrel Horfe, a tii( nine Htad of Caitie, and one Bed ard furniture. So n-uch ol the abeve-roeationed Property will certain'y be fold u the Lud Day, as will fufecient to iati'sfv the fa.d 'riebt and all Colts. JOHN M'Ki RROLL, Hil'floroj?h, Mar. 10, 180J 1 fu.tee. ju t Received from L t lrn, And for Sdlf by the Printn hereof A 'pa 1 eel cf SPI LSBUR Y V AN-. TisCtiRBUTlCTiROFS fifik Dif cove red bv the late Francis Spilfbury, K Chy hn ic. Soho Saaare.f; London, and 1 :iow pteparcu ly his Widow, who "is left by his Wilt loie fatenteeand Proprietor of tins molt in'vaiuab-.e Medicine; Dy. whom the DiipeuUry lor the Poor is continueds uCual by which upwards of 17,796 Patients have been relieved, nutty of whom: were deemed ir.CJialie, and. as 1uch difmilidd from the JiUrei.t Holpiiais., r . Thefe Drops ait extraditei froB,the Yfft' tablcY Mineral and Animal Kingdomi, and hr krn found fui)efio iftTomt oV Efficacy to any other Medicine yet pujijiflied, iivera-4 dicating the jnoit inretcraic torpuuK. vm otder i ucf as ihe. Lepibly, -liif,' t!fephaftv "iafis. Strumas, Fiftulas, Piiesif tVHam'i 1 tioa iri the t" JVnimHUifOTfttit4nn Gout,, Ufctrs, lilotchet, ChjldreaVrup; t iaih. - tvi in t ed Faces., flow Feveri . c They ie ObltrYaionsI pbri fy '4h 'Blctod; andT.avef- thh r-eciifiar Property, that 'ihef are votir eaty anopisajaruw' --" Diceftioiii 5 ftrerigthenlhe Ntrves, .require fc Csataw: a.4 theif Virtues witi Jioi.;; good cicaY Yea'rs. Jhey hive Ufcewife beer fouid lhc tooftf itlScaCwus 9&ri&ffi& Ubr iCrbr ia eap"ng- tho iJi. I HumbuH 'whWcoa bftea. follow tire Snial LATELY PUBLIoIILD," r e Printer luere, andtn fute at bit Store In one Volume octavo, mica roua soluki, a manual of the laws &t NOR I H-CAROLINA, arranged undei dittinel Heads, in alphabetical Order, . '"' BY JODN HtV V Ot)D, iSC Lu : j the ittdgfs J r rl Supreme dj Sirtb Carolina. ': " The ThorouA Bred 1 mportcd Horfe 1' I FIRE- VVlLL ftand the eniuitig Seafofc t. , at my Stable, in Orange Coua y eigbl . MresCaft from Hitlt1torougkrt'oy'tM?r'; ' J 1 en Dollars the Leaprqihe paid w$ea0 f1" 14 cevereJ j Twoaty Dollars thiiSeilob hth may be difcharged hy the paieai of ' Sl tee, on or before the ajth Day bf Def em, ber 1 and Vw r Dbitart to tafutea Maretble with FoaL If Jhe;Ketty oe ihanged, iflk any Mare'thr is puty the Iafornc,t ke- t fore it can be afcertained whethes fhe'ls w'ith: Foal or Dbt, JthV r(4i 'fV'ref''aU liable YGenUttnetiYwh fend ; Marts "inajf have the rated Uh drain at Ten Ctsbday ( tJie libar3 of Servanwi vbni .extenfivcbei C d ?b r Paftii res, wftlfl le , ' gratisTl?, greateft .Care wiil I e taken to prefect Efcapea, or Acctdffltsjof any k;ad uf nb IiaaiJiry fob erthet. - -' Y" ''f.,,''; " '-f'"'; , FI RETAIL isaketutifuL BafttiSi-. teen Hands remarkaWy,; Unghy -fall :f. Bone, in Very high Formind exhibits -the high eft Health and Vigour he tf ow'ifii ag Eight Year Old. -The 4eafob wwill;com' mence the'ioth Day of M arch 4ind bob!. the , lothof Anguft ' . " - x '''Y " Y'Yt' Jebrury Wl LLlAM CA12T;. -1 ;1 ,i! 1 tDfsm; 4- -J. -- jt-.-'; 'Y taken Jthm fie Gemtnl Stmi-Eiailttw I do hereyCertify that,, tb Bay. Horft; FlRETAlU- bbrcbafed ef xt& Hag dayTr William BatkfdaieEfyi.was. got y l'hefi , metkohr- oufjif:.Cpiainevy wh.-brab got kjr' uaeraBam. uianic,;' Elf atfikes, ber, Pam UaBrabsm Ulanic,; y rtpdamVhterh?V Great CraadaJ? ly. ..orat'ial'a Arabian. "CrtatCitat'Grardaov ' Ky the Cypri'ArbiaiB-t Greats Creatt.Creat Urandacl was cra yatn. - v-Vx . c Ecftpfe.?' FIREi'ML7 iywn Jirther 'Y , . ComeL who wis fold at Tttec Y ftaVs Old, to . " Lord Darligt forTwebbiHu abati aad h offefedfFirb Hundred fori"! kk d Y .fi -r..r:a i. fL- 4.i . one et ki Leis as may be letni Y Cv". r' I- r 1 ,teesi0 hich t(h oXlerk of i V iiea- i oo taallonSt.-ctnVigaedi aut pend fr Sau j Wwy.Uweiras4",5hee rttajg'-dtf-'- rOX4tVlauesf?i:;MAiwrv mmo ... "AdvajUgUalhcPVbtrf-Y.;T

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