4. 1. EL- : La Oorarethe Plaiu of FaU dstighrful ?ekce Unwarp'd bjr Party Rage to 13vs Ifkc ther " Monday i';AY'2, 103. Vol. IV. A . : '.V'.. .. i Carolina State (Szette.' m ; ' 1 NOR V M 351? auftotttg. SEVENTH CONGRESS. ' . -; . of the UNITED STATES. 4t the Second Sejion, w, A L,U at the City of WajhineUn Itt the Territory of Columbia, on Manday tht Jxtb of December, one tbutfind eight hun dred and iivo. J' AN ACT orthe relief of In! o! vent Debtors within the Diftridl of Columbia. BE it-enabled by tht Senate,, and ry ..r if ffpy,tnti7,ti nf th.?.VrXlt'"i States of America in Congrefs tm. Med, Thatany debtor whonvis, or mav hereafter be, in adaal cm Snement in jail, in the diftr.a of Columbia, at the U ef any credi tor, may apply by petition ;n wri ting, to any one of the judgrs obtbA circuit court of the JiftriH of Co lumbh, and offer to deil vcr up, for the ufe of his creditors, all his pro perty, real, perfonal and mixed, to which he is any manner entitled, a Ichedule whereof, on oath or affir mation,, together with a lift of h. creditors as far as he can afcertain them, fhaU be annexed to and exhi bited with his petition y and there uoon the fa id judgs ftiaH dirfift no tice of fuch ap; I -cation to be pub lifned in fome of the public newi- paper?, fpr fuch time as he miy think oropr.-, which notice fhnll like vLe lequue the attendance of the creditors at the court-houfe of the county, in which the vetitioa. in a- debtor is confined, and at fuch time as the fai l j uibcr. rny apponj' ; and it Hull be tn duly of the f.ua -lodge, -md of the clerk of the cou-,-t)V to .rrnd at - lie time and place 2"o:P-!.c-(l Tut on' the appearance of'thc c:i;-rs, fith-r in perfon or by-at: t.y, . ;.;ibl to the ndiiii ' cuion, ' 'r o'i their Ku-ecT: to;appear the laid j idvitlli 1 id ni-id.'r to the debtor the follow i $ o-h : k I A B. do fwear or ! .mnly, fiuccreiv and truely declare and afiirm) thi' I will deliver up, convey and iravf fer, for the ufe of Tiy credit jis3 al! mv prooerty that 1 have any title f. or cia'm any uncicii, 'u, wu.i. in poffeiTion, reihaindercr rrverfion, and "all; claims, rights and credits that I ha.vejOr am m any manner in titled to ;. 2nd "that I have not at any time given, told, conveyed, U Heft ed or difpoled of for the ufe or be nefit of myulf, or auy other perfuo or perlons, any part of my money or other property, claims, rights or credits, thereby to defraud my ere ri ifms. nr anv of them, or to lecur the facne with a view c texpeattion to -eceive anyprofit, benefit r ad vantage; thereby." And the faid judge (hair thereupon appoint fu,th perfon as a majority of the creditors in value, their agents or attornies then prefent, hail recommend to the t rupees for the benefit of the creditors of the petitioning debtor ; or in cafe of non. attendance of the creditors, or of iheir not making a recommendation, the faid jufbee fhall name fuch perfon as he fhal! tliink orooer. to be a truftet as a forefaid. Sec. 2. And beit further end Bed, That before the faid truitee fhaU proceed to act, he (hall give bond to the United States in fuch penalty and with fuch fecurity as the faid judge fhdl approve, conditioned for the faithful performance pi his trufl:, which (hall be recorded m the clerk's office of the county in which the proceedings are hd i ar.d a Cer tified copy thereof "hall be received as evidence m any court of law in the U. States; and the laid bond may be Cued in the name of the 0. St4 es, for tnc ufeof itny-perfon or perpus who may conceive him or themfelves aggrieved by lhe negligence or mif condutt of the truftee. And in cafe of the death or refufal to aft of any truitee, the faid judge may ap point another in his place," who fhall give bond iti manner as afore' aid. 'v Sec. 3. And be it further enabled. That upon the petitioning debtor's executing a deed or deeds to the faid truttee, conveying all his property, real, perfonal and mixed, and all his Claims, rights' and credits, agreeable to the oafeh or affirmation of the faid "t debtor and on delivering all his faid property which he fhall have in his pohellio'n ; together with his bocks papers and evidences of debts of e- Very kind, to the fai4': truftee, and t ua Uidtruftcesf certifying the fame 'o the faid judge in writing, it fhaU 'ie 'lawful for the faid judge to mafce an order to the marih-1, jailor, or keeper of; therifon, in, which the faid debtor is then confined, com manding that the faid debtor (hall be henceforth difcharged from -is im- ifonmeht ; artd he fhall be imme. dately difcharged, and the faid or der fhall be a fufficient warrant therefor : Provided, That no perfon who has been gu-Uvf breach of rhel3ws,&who as beea imprifoned for or o account of the fame, (hall e d:fcb rfd frc?m imprilonment . And provided likeunfi, That any pro perty winch the debtor, may after wards acquire, (except the neceffaVy wear-.T. aup'l and bedding for hs family,' and his tools if a mecha nic or manufacturer) fhall be liable to the payment of his debts, any thing herein to the contrary not wrhftandmg Sec. 4. And b it further enabled, Thr fUf. Gid iudtfemav allow fuch 3 titioning debtor and his family, o retain their neceftary wearing ap- j ,rel and bedding, a ufl it tne iaia vlebior be a mechanic or manufactu rer, he may likewife retain the tools of h's trade. Sec. i. And bt it further enabled; That the faid judge may direct the truftee to fell and convey the proper ty of the petitioning debtor, at fuch time, and on fuch terms and condi tions as he fhal' deem moft to the ad .antap of th' ere liters, a.d tlfe prr- iuft thereof, alter fausfymg ilun. cutnbrances and liens, fliull be divi- ! ded among theciedttora in propor :ion to their refpeftive claims ; and no procefs again ft the real or perfonal f.ropetty of the debtor fhall have rtv effeft or operation, except pro cefs of, execution, and attachments ! the nature of executions which (hall have been put in the hands of the marfhall antecedent to the appli cation. . Sec. 6. And be it further ena&ed, That every truftee may fue for, in hts own name, any property of thofe in aftion afnzned to him by virtue nf this aft. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That if any creditor, at any time within two years after the applica Hon cf fuch debtor, fhall alledg-? m writing rv the circuit court rf the diftrift of Columbia, or at any oWier court of the United States, within whofe jurifdiftion fuch d. btor may be found, that fuch Jebtor han at the time of his appli cation as aforefaid, directly or mdi ractiy conveyed, lefTened or dilpo fed of arty part of his" property, rights or credits, with intent to de fraud his creditors, or had at any one time within twelve month next proceeding faid aolicatidn. loll bv rj.iminiT more iKrrP Kiindrpd l doILrs, or had affigned or conveyed any part of his property, rights or credits, with intent to give a orefe- rence to any creditor or creditors, " ar any furcty, the faid court fhll thermnnn nrHpr nntirp nf fiirrt sl fl. cation to be given in writing to the r debtor, and upon his appearance he forethem,or n his neglect to appear after proof that notice has been fer 1 1 .rt si t vea, irr. laid court man, within a reafonable time, examine the debtor or any other perfon, upon intcrro- gatories on oath, touching the fub ftance of the faid allegation, or may diieft an ifTue or iftues to be tried irt a fummary way, without the form of an action, to determine the truth of the fame ; and if upon the answer to the faid interrogatories, or upon the trial of tne ifTaeqr ilTues, fuch debtor fhall be found cuilty of any fraud or deceit towards his creditors, or of having loft by gaming as afore faid, or of having given any preference as aforetatd, he fhall be precluded from any benefit Under this aft ; and in cafe fuch debtor or any other tedifying i ther for or againtt him, lhall at any time thereafter be convifted of falfe' ly, wilfully and, corruptly fwear ing or affirming to any matter or thing in virtue ot this act. ne lhall iutrer as in the cafe of wilful perjury, an upon fuch conviction of the debtor, or any otheti perfon teftifying for him, he fhall be forever precluded from any benefit under thts actrf Sec, 8. And be it further ena&ed. That eveiy judge- charged with the execution of this aft, may, in the rr.frssive cafes. which ..mav be . r . . . -.T ' ' . , .i . ' ; - - 1 . br . Uijht before him, allow the truf tee t corrimiffion not exceeding eight per centum for his trouble, on the amount of debts paid by him . and if any complaint fhall be ma; to the faid judge of the mifconduc.. of any truftee by any creditor, or by the debtor, the ftid judge may call fuch truftee before thew, anr inquire into the Caufe of complairv md miy make fuch rules "'nd .order as he may think, proper for the ac complifliment of the object of th truft, ansl may, in bis difcretiop re moe fuch truftee and appoint mo ther in his place. Sec. 9. And he it further enaftcd, That the aciing judge may, by order, limit and appoint a time for credi tors, to bring in and .exhibit the:: claims to the truftee ; and if th faid truftee fhould thmk proper t conteft any claim exhibited agauift the debtor it fhull be hss duty to re port the lame to the judge having cognisance of the cafe, who may examine the creditor and debtor upon oath rcfpe&ing the fame, and may fubmit to a jurv, fuch iffues as fhallb proper to fetue the points cOTteft, or may appoint tv inuifTe rnt pefons to ?cl: as arbitrators U -I tween the oarties, with a power, t tbey differ, to chuie, umpire, and j decificn thus made (hail be fi nal between tht parties ; and thr faid jnftice rriay order any part of th debtor's eftate to be fct apart, nd retained for the eventual iatisfac tion of any contefted claim, or to be brought again into diflnbotion ; and if any creaitor to whom a drbt is due, fkall collude with a debtor to gam an undue preference, or for the concealment of anv part of the debtor'seftate r effe&s or fhall coji trive or concert any acknowledge! ment of the debtor by parol, or in writing, to give tane coior to q claim, men craauor man iuic whole of his debt. Sec. 10. And be it further, tnaUed, That if anv debtor who lhali nave been relieved under this aft, fhall be arrefted or imprifoned on any Drocefs fued out onay mdgmentor decree obtained aaainft hi for any deb av-nages and cofli contnfted, owineor growing due bctore his c iU 1 harpe as forefaid. the court b-ue whom fuch procels ihall bereturnea or returnable, or any judge tnereor, fh3ll difcharge fuch debtor ; o.itan.y fiich debtor fhall be arrefted or ia- orifoned on anv procefs tor the re coyery of anv debt, damtges or cotts 1 - . r ' r contracted,, owirig or growing auc before h:s difcharye as aforefaid, the court before whom fuch procefs fliall be returned, or returnable, or any judge thereof, fhall discharge iuch debtor out of cuftody. on :his cor nonappearance beingenterea, wim- riit fnp'rial hail : Provided, and it IS the true intent ana meaning or um aft, tliat no difcharge whatever un- der this aft fhall be conitruea or ia. 11 .... . .i ken as a diicharje or any otner per fon from any debt, contract or en txaoiment OI anv KinCl Or nature . . j--, e faerer. Sec. ii. And be it further enacted, That when the acting judge fhall, s above defcribed, give to the marfhall an order for the difcharge of a deb toa, it fhallbe the duty of faid judge to lodge with the clerk of thecoun- ty in which the diicharg? ihall taRe place," a cer'ificate in the following words, viz. " I do hereby ccrti. fy, that I have thUday ordered the marfhal of the diftrift of Columbia,, to difcharge from imoriforiment A.j B. an infolvent debtor, agreeably to the aft of the CongrefsoftheUnited States, entitled " An aft for the re lief of the infolvent debtors of the United States, entitled ' An aft for the relief of infolvent debtors within the diftrift of Columbia," which faid certificate fhall be- re. corded by the faid clerk, and a copy thereof, under feal, fhall be received in evidence in any court of law in the United States. Sec "12. And be it further entitled, That if any judge before whom the operation of this aft in any particu tar cafe fhall have beencbmericed, fhall die, Tefign his office or become difqual fied, the prot e , ngS may be completed by any other judge or the faid court,, in1 the fame manner as if they liad been' originally commen ced beforc'him. V ; v. Src. X 'Andhpiifurtherrinntltd, That thi application of t5.e debtor, j the appointment of . a tmdee the 1;.u iforn the 'debtor to thetrukee, if feveral claims exhibited to the i-aftee, and the moun'.rf fals of he debtor's DroDertv.fhi'I be tranf- nitted to and recorded by the clerk r the county m which th? debtor 3S confined at the time of his ap :licarion ; copies of which, under fral, fhall be received as evidence in : tv court of l.w in the United ates. and the cle k lhll receive ie fame fees as are fixed by law for ir. hke fervics m othet cafes, tp e pa?d by the truftee out of the firft ceeds of the debtors eftate that 1 j ' nnav come -into n snands. Sec. 14.. And be it further enabled That no difcharge of an infolvent lebtor und.-r this aft fhall have a greater effeft in anv particul ar ftae, han if fuch debtor had been dii harged under the infolvent debtor's law of any ot er ftate. Sec. i5. And be.it further enabled , That the circuit court of the diftrift of Columbia lhall, by a general otder to be entered on the records of the fud court, fix the daily allowance for the fupport and maintenance of riforters in execution for debt or damages 19 civ.l fuits, which allow ance the aid couit may. by a like general older, increale or duninifh from time to time, as circumfUnccb a ;y require. And no perfon taken f - ex cutioti for debt ordamages in a ivd luit, fhall be detained 111 prifon therefor, junlefsthe creditor, his a gent or attorhey, fhall, alter demand tiieieof the mat fhal, nay or give fuch fecutity as he may equ rryopay luch dailytlb. wince, a dthe pnfen fe'es : Provided, iht releafe from prifon for wsnt of fuch. payment or lecurity, f fhal- not diicharge the debt ; but the body of the debtor fhall never be again taken in exe cution there f r. Sec. 16. And be lt further enabled, That the faid couit may caufe to be marked and laid out reafonable bounds lA the prifohsin the laid dif trift, 10 I be recorded in the laid court ; and from time to tim, may tenewi (enlarge, or diminifh the lame. Arid every pifoner not committed for treafon or felony, giving ftich fecurity to keep within the faid bounds, as any judgeof the faid court fhall approve, fhall have liberty to walk therein, ut of the prifon, fot the prelervation of his health ; and keeping continually w thin the faid bounds, fhall be ad judged in law a true priloner. bee. 17. And be it further enacted, That the! provsfions of mis att fhall no.t be con itrued to extend to any debtor who is or fhall be jmpriloned at the fuit of the United -tates, nor to alter, leffen, or impair the right of the United States, to re firft iaa tisfied out of . the eflates ot perlons indebted to them , nor to anv debt or who has not refided in the dif :nft jf Columbia one year next pre ceding his faid application. NATHl. MACON", . Speaker of the Houfe UeprefentatireSj STEPHEN k. BRADLEY, . PreAdent of the Senate pre tempore. Approved March 3.1 1S03, RAN AWAY, A BOUT the 20th of la ft 'Janua r from the subfcriber, living in Wk County, 7 Miles eaft of the talis of Neulet a M ulattp Man named lfham, 19 ears old very well grown, whole Parents live with Philip AHtoh, ot Warren, where it is liJCely he is lurking. .A generous Feward will be given fonlaid Mulatto;Man, if delivered to rne, or icqurca 10 jau, u tnai j gc mm s;iu. 1MLHVIA3 AL-lUil. Wake County, April i, 1803. f - I WiLLBE SOLD, A T tlJe OpJurt -houfe in Fayette wlM a a KiYv n tf Vi a riin . A', v uik vaa ivivuwo 1 j a -wm j .tt, therfollowiii Lands, or fo much theref t, as wifl fatisfy the Taxes doe thereon for lie Year 1801 : 325 Acres given in by Danie'l M'Craneyj 100 Acres lying on the Rocky Branch, the property of lea Atkins. , One Acre Lot on the North Side of the town of Fayetteville, the pjpfrty of Nancy IVig, to fatisfy her tax for laid year. ? ; One flbufe and Lot in F ay arte vi lie, given tn by John Campbell for -Margaret Giltafpie One do. given in by John Griffin V ' j, One 60. given in by Catharine Henry, ? ' 6t Acres of Land, given tlr by John jarretl lO do. given m by John MDonald. One Houfe and Lot in Fayette villegiven is by faid MMonad. - r: . One Houfe and Lot given in hy Cahratlcr f Jofeph peoptr. , . ' Une do. given in by, Edward Uarret. One do. given in byH'tnes Stewart. flMaKhV.iSoiY'- r - ' - ' v NOTICE. " XyHereas I adminiftred. on th Eftate of N a t h a n 1 e l ri s i ' ceafeJ, at Cdgecornb County Cjourt, Febru--ary elfion, 1S01, fr.ice which time Jhar received a confiderabie froperty belesgiog t thedeceafed, 6y Suit ; an4 as itismj Inten tion to feu e the Eftate, aud deliver each Le gatee his er,her proportionable Partof the Ef tate the fiMl of January next;! all Perfonl: havipj Ciaims againft the decealed, are re. ! cjucfted to bring them forward,! legally- au dieotijcated, Withiu tfee-Timef irmited .by Law or therwiTi not be paid : ,Thofe indebtei t the Eftate, ate reuqUeif to miU immediate Payment, as thole who do not: avait them elves of thia Notice; wilt be i vifited by ao cer. LlAS BQWbE, Adml Franklin Ctxitty, A frit -.. ff FOR $AZ, I . 'pWO valuable Trafts of Land la j of Endr con lain ing five Huadred and Sixty I Acres of tbe belt tuahcy oi Upland, and for isvvuj9i vranee. iviaeia the FnrV , 1 imoer ana Springs equ. l to ttf Lanli in the Stale There isaguua ruanmg Stream thro' Trad, and the Kiver ttiv, ij$ the -Liie 611 ihe Weit side of the other Txiit. As the two Tr4Ctjoui eacn other, the jrtprty may anfwer lor one or two Purchers. The l,4His lit Mtbin feven r eight Mile of Hiliftarough. lurth'r prticiars may be known by applying to the Uwneiso-. la.i Lands. W1L1JAM GUY. f3T Youi Kefroaswili be taken in Payment, QNE Thouland A of Land, lying and beingon the noith eaft SiJe oP the Great Maria in Robcfou County, With a grift ad baw Miil, ana a gooa two-Hoc Houle neariy iinlfacd, wuh other Buildings. There are two ollur Mill beat oa the Land. A liberal Lreoit will be given to the Purr chaiei j ana Particulars may be had by ip. Paying tos Arvni&ald M'Neill, living enthV Land. Books and Medicines HTHE Printer hereof has j aft re ceived irom Philadelphia, a frefe Parcel ot Medicines aud Drues of ih mr.ti fi", Kinds, which are on Sale at his Stare. He has af received,- ' A confiderable upp.y 0f Boot. wT,l ftnders his Affortment very cernplet He is alfo iaviicdr nis Siiriurimpdrsato- trom EngJnd, of Books, Maps, Prints, &e being jiift arrived at Chariefton, When they come to iiane1, J. Gales willf a$ ufuI pub un a -"guc iu uac ivcgmcr. April f WARRENTON SPRING RACES Will ctmmence en te Jecond Tbutjd$y tie May next. rrilE firft Day w ill b Mile Heats tot th.ee Year old Co.ts aiijd billies, car rying 26 lbs. cacn Eni.ai.ce ten Guineas. Second Day, a ruiie ot two hun&r.cd and. fifty Loi,ars, tree tor, anv Nag., Weigrft for Age, Entrance twn.j-nve Uo.iars, ihrce Mile Heais. ' ' j Third day,aPurfe f two ha'ndrea Ditar9 free tor any Nag, ti.traucc twecty iJot.ars, two Mile Heats. , I he Money tor the fecond and third Days will be coIlecKd u thulc Dysat tne Gnes'as ulual. Nags to be entered w.tjh Sugan Juhn- fou, tore fun.fet the Day prece.nug in;.t oa which they are to run. S.abhftg and Littec f urn lined to Race. Hoi Irs Gratis. On the Evenings oi the Das of Racing, BALLS will be prov.ded ior, by M. DUK:E jotiNSON, Proprietor of the Courfe. IPmrrenntn, March f, . ,. ' . . . i.. jr fke-Cajajtil Spring. Races I, TA ILL c mmehce on Tuefday the V V 19th Day of Aprilat Kimpfon'i f rafl, and will continue three Da'yi rtfnningri' day three'iMile, lecond by two Mile, ani- third Lay one Mile Heats. 1 free for an Horie, Mare or Gelding, such Per fans a defign 'ftart a Horfe-either flay, muft take care to enter him with the Subfcriber, ths day before he is 10 rua, before . the fetrinj of the Sun, othcrwife hewililBot be permiti ted to ftartat all. j "kichard Isimpson; . t ' " Manager for the Club. ' March-ieth, 1893. TO 1T1E FREEMAN . ': Of ' ...e '- Fayetteville Diflricl. ; Ftietdi and Ftfloxu. Ciiiztvt, ; Y7 rm the' Solicitations jof a Number A ' of the refpeaable Citiiehs of this Uifm titdt i have Been ; induced' o I come fotwari athis late period, and 'offer vj iy Service? toVeprefent you the enfurig to years i 1 the Congfefkof the United Statesl . Shoul-i r he your pieafure to confer that appointment on me, whopoiftfs the Politics o a Iree and well ' p f j b 1 alTtirtd jhat Nothing fhall c-nHted on'xy P-xt to advance ;u and the rett cf tny 'irvf.countrjrae !'js tar as my Abilities sad l?fluence will extend. ; . w-- I remain, l ' -ue i, very itp-clfahy YvUi jDt:tn ervaint, IS.-v LANIfcR; i r-rT ' 1 ' " A - - -I i . -. , .,. . I 1 . . . f ..-9 : Poffflirtiwh eh, tn' iimej' lauu, ';.; H Razor need a iger b orv90V-' : ' H '1 li -.rf if j I, ' --41 -A IS i if I .1 -4 n 4 At il 1