X iii. l "No. 190 v '. ' ' "Cwr.arethe Maru of fa! r Hg.htfol Petcej 'lntrtrpMby Party Rage tolivellkc Brrthtri.' -i 7 Monday, June 6, 1803. ; - ram the National Intelligent ELECTIONS. Attempts v making, in the face of all faft and truth, to irnprrfs the nation with the idea that the late e Ieft'ons exhibit an increafe of fe derahfm. whereas they really prove its great declenfioru ' Fa.Qs will place the truth of this aflertion be yond quefrion. I The eleaions fof fepitefentatives in Congrefs, it will be allowed, ar uCm ..rliJi-h its ffpnerali form th? heft criterion of public fentiment. Let us then compare the relative flrenoth of Republicans, and Feder aliftf defied for the laft and the en. faing Congrefs.' ' In the lait Congreis Khoae-ijiana had one, republican, and one -federal member; in the enfuing, he has tw republican rrerribersi . Ma-fachvfrtts had in the laft Con gvef6 fix republican, "and ei&ln fe deral members ; in the en filing Con gref? fhr will h'tve (even republican, ard ten frderil members New flaxpjhire had ; in the laft Coner-fs four federal members ; in the enfuing Congrefs (he Will r ;.ve feven federal membT;. Connecticut htd in the la ft Con grefs even federal members ; in the enfuinjr Confcrefs fhe will have fc- O yen federal rnernbers. . NetoYork.hd n t he lafTGongfefs feveti republican, and three federal members ; iii the enfuing Conrrefs (lie will have twelve republican and five federal members. Perinfylvania had in the la ft Con grefs ten republican, and' three fe deral membff ; in theenluing Con grefs (he will have eighteen republi can members. Vermont had in the laft Congreis one republican, and one- federal inernber ; in itbe enfuiri Congrrfs (h vv.ll kavp three, republican, and cne'fedeial members De'azcarehzd in the laft Congreis one federal member ; (he will have in the enfuing Congrefs one repub lican member: Vrrtrinra. had in the 1? ft Congrefs eighteen republican, ar d one f-deral member ; ftie will have in the next Congrefs eighteen republican, and four federil members South-Carolina had in the hft Congreis three republican, and three federal members ; lhe will have in he nriinCohgrefs fix republican, and two federal members 'Georgia had in the laft Congrrf. two republican members ; (bje w;li have in the enfuing Congrefs four repub ican members. Thefe are all the dates in which elections have been held. It thefe refults be exhibited in 3 table, and the whole will Hand thus : Lait Congrefs. Next Cengrefs. 6rrv rep. fed. rep. led. Rhode Unndt 1 o MaffacTiufiff, 6 8 7 io Kcw-H. .rtpt, irC, o 4 O e Cor.neftiCul, O 7 ' o 7 New-Yofk, 7 t " 5 Pennfyltaiya, iv 3 IS o Vermont; 1 X 1 VcUwatt o i i o Virgin", IS I 18 4 SouthC'irolina 3 3 ; 7 2 Georgia, z o . 4 o 48 J ?i 34 Such -is the aggregate result O! elcrions in thefe l.r.tes. tt vvill h recolle' ec that the number pr0 ,f ' ps under the New Cen fas isinciraled from 105 to 14c. For 4V'. which the republican had in the laft Congrefs, they ha v now 71. y'm, : Vhil for Vj1. which the Fedcra . lifts had in the laft Congrefs, they have now 34. ' It follows that while the Federa- ; lifts have gained members, lhe re yvill'cans hav? ?a'neo,24. The relative gain therefore of re publiranifm over federalifm ftands as 2q to 2. , To have preferved their relativ flrength in theruxt Congrefs, the republicans fhould have from the a bove ftates 63, jud the federalifts 42 members. Inftead of which the republicans liave 74, and the federalills 34 mem bers. The former, therefore, have gain ed at the rate of ,13 ( er cent ; and the latter loft at the rate of twenty per cent. ' ." - I After this plain fbtement of fafts, federalifm may Vaunt its triumphs 'S it pleafes. The more it hoafls the tnc jc will it be aii0iacd ; as en- q'uiry will be thereby execited and the truth be known, which while it fhews their rhifreprefentations, will alfo demoftthate the depreftion of their forces. It is true that in Virg:nia a few federal members have been eleaed. But bv what means have they fucCeeded ? Not by a fair and full expreflion of the public will, but by the fuperior io duftfy oftne federal candidate & his friends, and by the falfe fecurity of the republicans. By the republi cans of that ftate it was not deemed of great importance that all their re orefentatives thculd be republicans. It was already afcertained that a great majority in Congrefs was already fecured. iThis produced a. certain degree of indifference, of which fe. deralifrr availed itfelf. Eveiy man of common fenfe knows that this wijl often be, as it often has beer. the cafe with" the majority. . Conli !ing too fecurely in their ftrength, thev will fuftain occafional defeats from the fuperior "ftratagem and ac tivity of their opponents. But put this conrideration afide, grant the I federaliits full credit for the acqui- fition of unfair as well as fair means, what is their fituation ? More de parted thrr it ever was before. Th?y ha've lei's ftrength m our coun cils, and lefs confidence with the people, than at any antecedent pe riod of their exigence. Plain view of the politics of Con necticut. In 1802, Mr. Trumbull had 11,358 and Mr. Kirby 4,523 votes, This year 4 Mr. Trumbull has 14,300, and Mri Kirby 7,838 votes. fc ilcws that in 1802 of every 100 votes given the Federalifts had 71, and the republicans 29 ; and that this year of eveiy 100 votes the federalift have 65, and the republi cans 35 5 io that the latter have ad yanced from 39 to 35 ; and the for mer fnk from 71 to 65 in the hun orcd. This fimple view clearly proves thegrowth vf republicaniim in Con. necticut, and tint, although the number of republicans m the legil- : ture ot that ftate may have been lef. s fened, yet that tepublicanirfm has untjueftionally gmjf-d in the mafs Lot in. peon ' : and :nai oonnecci s : -a'nciAg iiowiy to a re-unu n of fentiment 'with her filter itates. The Thorouh-brcd lmportej Horfe V. f K J' i-" iftjr" ' . CHARIOT. Bre3 hy Tohn ('iifton, Fin. who kept and run hipa until Octcb-er, 1796, when he was purchfed by Sir Wrn. Gerard, Baronet. He was gut hy the celebrated Horie Highflyer, his Dam Potofi by !d Kclinfe, a Marc of a? great Fame as any iu England. - Chariot Is a' fine-bay, Hands nearly ffxteeh Han is high, and for Hone, Sinew, Symmetry and Adtion, i4 fcarcely to be equalled. His Running entitles him to be ranked artongrt the firl Horfes in this Country. His Ex cellence has been ditlinguiuSed in four-miie Htatr, and in no Inftjnce where the conteli was great, but he proved faccefstul, having requently run four Heats to decide the Race. C h -iot now exhibits the greateft Health and Vigour, and will ftand the enfuing Seaw loi, a fAMES LYNE's HOUSE, IV'th'm one MUeof tbi ttbfcrihers'' Store, on Nutbufb Granville ountj NortbCarulina, Jine Miles from. Hawkins's Ferry, fix Miles from VV ii Iram (borough, and fixteeu ixom WarreHton ; . And will be let to Mares at Ten Dollars he Leap, paid at the Stab' c Door : Twenty Dollars the Seafon, payable the firft Day of Otfober cex't ; and Forty Dollars toinlurea Foal : And in every Inltance, HaH a Dollat o tht Groom at the S able Door. The Seafon may be difcharged by the I'ay. nent of iWteen Dollars, it paid within the eaion, which commenced the tirlt Dajr o March, and wilj end . he tenth Day of Aa gud. In cafes of Infurarce, the Money wjU be returned if the Mares do tfot prove witK Foal, provided the Property is in no Iuftauce changed. Chariot is a fure Foal-gettei, as appear!1 from' certificates feat with him. The Gen tleman who imported him, purchaled hira o England himfeii, and had sn oppojtunity of feeing his Colts ; they being large, gay, ele: t;ant and fprightly, was hU Inducement to purchafe h:m. His Colts tl th'n country arf equal, if not luperior, to thofe o any Horft on the continent. Good, extenfive, and well in dole J Paftu rage, wiih 4 re hundred "Acres laid down is Wheat, P ye. ted and white Clover, gratis ; and'everv c?.re and attention paid to prcven Accidents or Lfcapes, but will not be Hab for any ihat may happen. Notes of Ha-. will be expetltd With the Mares jut to him, either by the eafaa lofuiaace i SVsi 1 . Chariot beiHg the fole. Property of the Snt fcribers, they have it in their Power to pledge themfelvesfor pointed attention being paid t fueh Mares as maybe fent to him. JAMES HENRY LYNE. fcT Thofe Gentlemen who with their Mares fed with Grain, may be furnilhed with Corn at two Doliarsand a half a UrchThofe bringing Mares boarded gratiS. . PEDIGREE. Chariot vvis got by Highflyer, fori of He rod, fon of Tartar, fon of Partner, out of Mehora by Fox, his dam Potofi bp Eclipfe grankam bp Blank, fon of Godolphin Ara bian; great great grind am by Gojdolffh Ara bian, great, great,' great, &rnJan. by Snap, tfon of Chilajt, , lire Snap, oit of. the W; herington miTe by Partner, 1Uer to SqUar tei's dam by Bldody Buttocks, . Greyhound Makelefs, Biimroers, Place's, White Turk Dodfworlh, Layton's barb mare ; having fixty.fix true Arabian crolfes, and fixiccn royal thares, by fire and darr WM. GERARD, Bit. For which referehce may be m de to tht General Stud Book, now in our poueuioi;. PERFORMANCES Richmond meeting, Sej. 1 792, C'nanot won at thrae heats, a plaie tor '-hrtc er uiu colts 8 ilore, fii'ies7 it me i albs two mile heats, bea'anscMr. Peve. i,V. bay filly Butter fly, Mr. R.W Ptra'' -hHu' filly by K' ' Fergus, M' Hudfnh's r.-.y hi:y by King Ft". gus, aiul Mr. 1 idi ey's coelnut nlly Hrrrf? Nantwich eetloi, ti.!i July, :7vi, he won, atiwohats, a plte for four yar olds, I lb. two mile heats, bearing Mr. Wardit?! Bacchus, and Mr. Vaje's Playfellow, . Newfon meeting, fulv 16, I7Q?, .e wona1 two he3ts, a plate, for tour year olds 7 it 6liv and five year olos 8.r. 81bs fur mile heat?, beating Mr. Jewifen VTartar 4 years old, an Mr. Yever's Minor Vearsold. ' Prctton meeting, July :t, t7oj he won, a four heats, a plate for ibret year, old zlb and four year olds 8ft ?lb. fillies alio'veJibsi fourmtle heats, beating Mr. Ciompt'v 's ba filly Drowfy,- Loid Darby's bay Coif Kidnev by Potoo's, out of Pajima, Lord H:mlton!. brown filly by Rockingham, Sir H. Vvi;liatn fon's bay filly Tree Creeper, and Mr. Hut chinfon'sbrown colt Conltitution. Nantwich meeting, Juty, 1794, he won, at four miles, a palate for three year olds, Carry ing a feather, five year olds 8ft 31b and aed yft 2lbs four mile heats; besting Mr. Barry's bay horfe Kurgainot, aged. Lord Donnegal'i chefnut Horfe Weafel, ani Mr. Crompton's chefnut filly Jircaffian. Catterick meeting, April, I 795, he wen at three heats', a plate for four years old, car. fyirvg 8ft. 71b. and five year olds 8ft izlb. four rhile hears, beating M. Armftrcfng's bay filly Murton, Mr. Farmer's chefnut niare Char mer, Mr. Field'; . grey horfe NcTrthumber land, Mr.Greyfow's Archer, and Sir C Tur ner's Confederacy. Cheiier meeting, Miy, i?qc, he won, at four heats, a plate lor five year olds, 8ft 41b. fix year olds 9ft. and aged 9ft 4!b. four mile heats, beating Mr. Robert fon's Tickle Toby, aged, and Lord Derby's Kidney. Dumfries meeting,' ()tokrr, 1706,-he won attwoheatshis Majefty'sone hundred guineas j tree for any horfe, carrying laft four mile heats, beating Mr. Baker's Screvaton. WM. "GERARD. BUiatAAieoorEii TX71LL be let to Mares the enfu v ing Seafon, at my Houtfb in Orange County, o the fouth Side of Haw River, on the following Terms t The fingle Leap five j Dollars, for the Setibn' ten Dollars, and for j the Inlurance of roal twenty Dollars. Any 1 Perfon putting a Mare by Iniurancc, and part- ) ing witn her before it can e well alccruiaed j whether me is with toal, lhall be liable tcr the Inlurance Money,'. The Seafon co - -menced on The fiTlt Day of March, iua .! ! end on the tenth of AUgutl. On Notes oru. given' before the Expiration of the seafon, credit will be allowed until the tenthof Olto ber, otherwife they will become due at th. Expiratidn of the Seafon,' I have about thirty Acre of Land welT ia lofed, of good Clover anil a great part of it fine Meadow Land." Pafturage gratis. Mares if required, fed at a real'onable f'tict.' I will not be accountable for Accidents;' but graat care will be taken of Mares left' rfitniSe Horfe, , " ' BURRAMPOOTER . Is rifing four Years old, a fine bay,' aloufiltr teen Hands high, elegantly formed,' lengthy ftrong. boned, and laid by the belt of judge? ta be as fine a Colt as his Sire Dare-Devil 'it a Horfe, being like him tD every Part, Shape and Size. His Pedigree will will thew him to be as fine a blooded Colt as any in America Burrampooter was gt by the importeu Horfe Dare-Devil, his dam by Wildair, his grandam by fearnought, imported by Col Baylor of Virginia ; his great grandam by G dolphin, w ho was got by. Fearnought out of a fulLblooded Mare ; his great grandam by the imported Horfe Hob Nob, his great, gieat. grat grandam y the imported Horfe Jollv Rogerhis great, great, great, great grandam, by the noted imported Horf e Valiant, out of r. I ryall Mare ot Col. Archer Carey's, which was got by the old imported,, Horfe Trvall. AUGUSTlkE WILMS , ' M AG I C, Imported by Grieie, Anderfin and o. fro London, . irr the 'Ship Ritfon, whuch arrive t Norfolk the tatter End, of December lalt rw in highleattfi :anl Vigour, will ftac -'-.ft enfunig Seaforji at rhy Sta6lcsin Warre ., .ind'wll be let to Maresat Five Guinei- :ie Seafon, which may be difcharged by ch: Payment of Four n or belore he fiift ot la r..:ry next, or fevehteen Dollars if pjn thin the Seafon Two Guineas the Lc-. . ..i when the Mares are covered': Ihfurant :e the Price ot the Stafon, fatte Terrr nd Limes of Ptymcat. Si-ould ibi Prop erty of any Mare be changeJ, the Inlurance will L oe demanied in every Inftance. Should a Mare isfured not prove witK Foal the Mo- ! "ney will be returned. - The Seafon wll commence on the 10th of March, land end the roth xf Aug ift rext. Good and extenftve Paurag, well mclofed, ; at my Plantation- within a Mile of Warren- ton; and Servants fent witH "Mire bo&rded gratis. No Liabilhy'for Accidentjoir Efcapes ; but the greateft Care fhall be tiken th prevent ; either. ; Mares fed welK if required, at 20 Cents per Day. Mar. ji8o-j. M. DU-S !6(lNSON Magic is nine yeaisoU, a horfe of elegant orm and great j-owcrs, full fifteen fli:d a Naif, hands high, and aswel! bred a horle as auy in England He was got hy Voluu'cet, one of the beft fons of Old Eclipfe, and fire of Spread Eagle, Eagle, Stirling, Triumvir, Kecruif, Commodore, Sec. &eon;of Mar. cella. Marcella was got by Mambtino, hpr 1am Medea by Sweetbriar, out of Aniielick. Angelica by Snap--Regului BnnleiChi: ;crs H ney wood's Arabian Dam of the Two True Blues. Magic rta c vered in E ig!a..3 the three laft years. His Produce are cofcfidersi largt ani promifing. PL R FORM ANCES. See the R.i-'g Ca-eiidar tor 1797. He received frorh Mr. Bowes colt Sadler, filty tiiness t I twrnarket. He. won a lweep ukes jgainft Whip, Mother Shipion& others Lewes; ana a match at Newmarket .with ou.fa ; and alto match" again Mr. Con- nnbn K nigh til. ed;; In 1 798, he' won the i'etworth Stakes at Brighton, beating VTiang !rr, johnny, brnr.ington, Puy or! f yi a. d -vooih?rs. A.t L-rwes he von a fweepuakes agj.nlt Whip and t-o mors. He walked iv.-r tor the Kn g's plate' it Cuter&ury; and .01 tft city piite. In i he u on one .udrv.i anj twenty guineas at Lichfield, ca:mg Ilo ::i Redbreaft, Conoa and fbui others ; aud a plate at Leicefter. M. D. IOHNSOK ' ' CCEUR DE LION. PEDIGREE. rl K wasgot by Highflyer, his dam, Di!o by Ccltpfe, Granujra by Spectator Gre-t Grahdatjj by blank, great, grcii gian-; lam-Lord Legge's Diana, oy Secoiid, great, Great Great Grandam by Sianyan's raiM;r; Great. Great Great Great Gra.idam by King Wili'iam' Black Barb; Gieat Great Great Great Great Grandam by Maielefs, out of at Royal Mare. JOHN HwOMES. Ecipfe is reputed to have been the beft Horle evsr railed in Engiand. Highflyer was the favourite Crofs ler bciiffe Mares; and when Dido, who was confidefed to be the beft Mare of her Day, was put to hint, nothing inferior to an es. client Coif could Jiave been eipeited. Ccur di Lion equals Expectation; and had it net been for the Accident which rained his Lgj?, he fduUl not probably have ever fcen America. He, however, left Colts behind him to fuyport his Credit See the Racing Calendar of 1800, luly, the- hand fome Performance of Mr. Verr.on's Filly, at three Mie Heats, ani beitemo.r. the pow erful Running of Mr. Sanders' Filly at four Mile Heats. If, in addition to the dilW.ce, t be confideredl that thelc Fiilves weie three Years oid, that the Colts of the fame .4ge were beaten and digratcd, and that. an aged Horle prevailed cjjly by Repetition, thefe periorman'es wi',1 retiect Honor 00 Cceur de Lion. His oideif Colts' in Virginia are alfo on the Turf. 1 have a letter Jroma refpeeta. ble Gentleman of Culpepper county, which mentions, tint cn the titli November latt, a I'uti'e, free lor all Ages, tour Mile Heats, was run for, and that Col. jewes's Colt Mar cello, though three Years old only, decided -the Race fy diitancirg fix others the fntt. Heat. The neit Day Mr. Ceoige Al'.en's Filly won a-Svveef.ftak.es for three Years oid, beating four others with ; reat Eafe. If his Colts be considered not as Dtjeds of Amulement ohlv but as Animals for Service, as Carriage of Saddle Hoiles," or as Horfes for the IFr op; they wLr be foiyid exceileutly fitted by thejr sue. Figure, ,C lour, and Spirit. ince i"he fir it tf January, Cceur de Lion has enjo)ed every Advantage arifing from a clean Stable, ''Variety of Grain, a excellent Wheat Lot, i?na moderate Exerc fe. "He is now ready to cover Mares at my Stable, two : no a haif Miles" Ealf trora Loriiibufg, for twenty Dollars the Seafon, difcbargeable with fixteen and a Half the 2oth I eorusry, i8e4i thi'rty ati Inlurance; ten, ready M. ney, a Lcaj , aKa a Quarter to the Gioom. Any Mare p it by the Leap, my have the R mainder of the Seafon for twelVe Dollars, which may be difcharged at the time bover mentioned, by Payment of ten Dollars. Corn at 'Market Price-Servants' Board gratis, oooa 1 aiturage wen iccurea, proper Attention to Marcs, but no Liability lor Ac- 1 it. r r .. I ciacnu or citaucs. D 1CR1PTIOK. Csur de Lion is a bc.uulul Bay, with black.; Mane, Tal, Legs, and Hoolv ana has a Star on his Forehead. i' is fully fixteen j Hands high, and proportionable long and iarge ; has an unufual Share of I'ower and Majtrty, a Ike Temper, aud a flowing Spirit, Elijha Williams Franklin, March i Xcj.' , The full-blooded Horic DEMAGORUS, 7 ILL ftand this enfuing Seafon ! on ugar Creek, Mecklenburg county, even Miles truth-weft of Charlotte, to cover vlares. as follows, rtz. Four Dollars the ficglt t.eap, paid when the Mare is entered ; Ten Oollars the Seafon, which may be difch rgei ?y tiie Payment of eight Dollais on or betoie : e hrft of November nexf, aad litteen Uol irs to infure a Mare with Foal. The Sea on commenced on the toth ipf March, a.-d vill end oa the rft of Auguitl The iliietJ tterUon w;ll be paid to Mares, but no Lif, uiiitj fox Accidcuts i- Efca'es. . Demagorus is a teaunful. forre!, Cxrean ; Hands and an' hlf h igb, ten ;Years oU Ahijt prin, w.?. t Vt iKe noted Toal-f etrev i 2irs, tvh;cS w ent y Claodiii?, which ' wn eM.Wt'-e old ifniwrte Horfe Jtnlgi' thoughta (,e tV.r Heft F?l jitter in Amett, out of G e.v MeadeN of e-1 !?rod Mare.whi( ) broueVr tf .r, fine ttH TTorfeOW'Q!ef A Starn, T.;Wr.T FW.. Parser; ":,7?is "4aC(ii .' w-s cot :? the oM 'mprTjei Tolly Rer, ent of a full-bred V h VoS Marc. - . ' , ? ' , : Dt-ri'agorus is fur Foal ani hfe CHzrc lrge an! !?VIV- He "s in rit Tttim jfion in Virr'n;i (wher wstrifjvjj pethar- ar.v, AmericahtsttfeJ. Hcrfe th i evrr ip6 initial. ?t?r,: -.T V r,n.S , certificates -nich I h.ae rcw n "T-'' fion.. ; ?AM?" DlVKfisf TAVF.V I A NO if f H ,)?.! of a r : a .-9 i ' v' 1 1 ' rrvv r.v ipe . apr r , - r-.v j cnpio-'rf the FeMow i thought uui ehrfTrr. , ; as he wa? -Srallv taker un an romtitVk " 10 Go?l as hav'rg Vtei Jet .free'-o'-aTf th Law; and w!on this d?y proved tht'Ccurt of the Countv, to be th e Prooertv rf ?(' fcf"jh W'mflow, livJntr o-? ronteptrea CretV 1rt.th.ei County of Fdpco'rnb, who i hrbv deflr ed ti coe for - sri, psy Charge,- ani taTce him awav ., Perejzi?)iorisCcuf:tjt'Mayl2,Kieii proposals: , Of PATRICK BY (Mlj For pnHipiinfi by Sutfcrittion9 , The extremely valuable and iftterefting Work, Itrtures on Btfiorg anB &mtval PcIKh Te which is prefixed, . An fcflVy on a Course of Liberal Educattoa for civil and aclive Life, ; With an aJdiftonai LeQure . .. On tht Confl itutlonf:the U. States, nd engraved C harts of Hrftory & Biography, THt WHOLE COJKKttlI?i AND XML A'R. CIDt By JOSEPH PRIESTLY, L. L. D. F.R. Ac. Imp. Pctrop. R. Paris- Holm. Taarin. Awrel. Med. Paris. Hatkin. Cantab. Amenc. ftti m . sqcif Juvat exhawflos iterare tabores,-' l Et fukata intis pcrcurrcre litora remit. IN TWO VOLUMES.' Firft American tditjbn, with Copy-Right fecured.1 ' TERMS. I. This Work hall be neatfy printed oa . fine wove Paper, in two handfome oftavtf 4 Volumes. r'ric-' II. Price to Sub fcribers nearly bound up f in blue Boards, three Dollars and fifty Cents, ri payable on Delivery. The Price to be aV vanced to Non-Subfcriber. . III. It will He ready tar Delivery in about, tw'o Months. - , (JJ Subjcriptions received By the Print Lereoj, To the Elettors of the Divifton cdfn prt.hendinr the Cour ties oj Bladert B run wick. J) u .! 1 ,. . A'jgw - Ban oyir9 Sumpjon ard nr?fow, rx.Li.ow .Citizens, A S an if"tor.. a ill tvlce Place ii Augnrf next, for a Perfon to reprefent you in the Congrefs ot the Unittd States,' I thus publicly offe r mylelf as aCdndidai;e fofe' that important TruiU r The Part I aAed during the Rcvqlutionary War, my Political Opinions during that in' por.ant rPeriod, aiid'l uce the Lftabhliuveu t ot our Independence, a;fon.y Sentirrenis for th fix Years I had the. Honor to reprefenf yoja in Congrefs. arc well km wn ; ? therefore leexpt , it uunecelV to amufc you wiih f 'pinions re'. . f peel ing the -n or Motives of.Paities, njf . Profeftions of exclufive Attachment to the Conitiiution or Intereln of the Nation. My Conducl ftiali continue uniform, and my Zeal unremitting for a genuine and'ratici tial Republican Government, a guaranteel by our National Compacts. the , Coniritutiopt HiaII be my Guide in all Peltiical t oncerria -the Peace, JvTty and Happinels of'thj? United States n.y fole Objscl. ' '-ii: Notwithftani g the Calumny of a few jrl. dividuals, I a a ully cocfidenfthat the pre fent Adminiftr on of the Government of itf-H, United States, anJ calculated, and true Inter Should I pure, economical and. ju ft cfecurethe Rights, Liberties of tlie People.. . hoHored with a Majority ibf niT Time and Talents fkall b your SniFra- invariably employed for. the Interelts of my Conibiuents, nd icr the Untofc generaUy, V:th the higheft Rtfpeci; ' f hive the Honour to be. Your mod obedient Servant, JAMES C ILL ES.PIE iriitnittgttn, April OO. TJ PHU FREEMEIC Fayctteviile Diflria, Friends and Frttcio. Citizens, : '. i 'X . , From the SoJ:citations! of Numb of the refpeclable Ctnia of thia rpi tricl, I have been iaduced to come forward at this late feriod, and offer yoa tny Services to reprefent ycu the enfuing two years mi t' Co ngrefa of the United States. Should it your Plesfure ro ccftfer that. appointment o.ii me, w hopofTefs the Politics bta tree and, well iihted Republican' Government, you nuf alTured that Nothing fliafl be om'-ied nn xt tt-to advance you and the rehVoif iellow cou-trymea as far as my Abiliuel.i Influence will extend. , ? 1 remain, vientleinen, very refpeclfwJfya Your obedient Jerranr, ?.t2f;'." , lSAACXANXEa.1 $bx cdlborougJK Dea, iZon , i I I IT