V . y - i .V . -. i Ojriarth? Plant of fair deHtfal Peace, wtfnwMp'd by Party Rage tollvcllltt Bn.ther . . : Trt.jV'V;:- 7,; - 1 ' ' jf .v .W-V ' .... - - " V' - x "i 7 .'". - , . - ' KblCTH-CAROLII ' . '. -r ' . ;N-- . -. V v - Vol. IV. Englijh Lazo Intelligence. Wt- prefent to wr readfru fht following ac untf a trialinthe Eoglt courts for Ic f a ination, which is well worthy cf their at trition, and of the eloquence of an F.rfkine. I fit produces its proper fiW,itwiH mkt rSs cuiUr tTembiei atd amss; the guilty it reckon, the, coodtiftors of thofe prints who are in the dailr nabit of man?rmg.pri vate charair,f diftorbinffJmeftic pease, ?d of wojnd.iij the deareft ties that unite Jjmuies, unner rfie uiu" r."" puMicpood. As well mighthe whocom. Tfiitted mTdr,invoVe Deity to fanaio1he crime. Thefr prefles are lavish of encOTii-u-n cn Enslifh jurifpru'JeTice. I et thf m then, while they feel themfelves fuhjed to the fame punVfhzrient, .ncknowlcdge the agnaniaity of, thofe they defame.. . DEFAMATION. At trie Norfolk afliers -an aftio for defamation in which SirJacoS A ft'ey was plaintiff, againfl Colonel Ilarwo'oH, wasfrierf. : Mr. Macintoth opened the caufe for the profeeufiotj, and ftated that the aSion was for words fpoken at a ball,, a fr.ort tine previous to the lite election.1. Col. Harwood had laid, tat Sir Jacob Aftleyrwas alinr an aflTaRifl, a coward, a fcound i'rlt md a murderer, and that he had murdered fm own father The daa Tuagrs were laid af toQooJ.' Mr. Er Heine followed on hs fame f de, in a raoft eloquent fpeerh. e Cent'ewenorthc iuTV faMh?. notwithantJtrijrt'he. hot debates i which havetaken ptaceai various pe- . riods in t his '4a nd on thr fuheft of liberty of-tri&titn? andfpeaktnc with rcferenceA 'to .public charaers,' and fubjects of a public nature, yet, as regarding 'TitfatB' flanker, tit htng has ever bctn brought into queffion. Lawyers, rnoralifts,. and all jvClafTes of mankind j have omforrril y been a greed. The feafon is plain ; there is an invincibjoftnftbility in the tnind of every human bein, for the good opinion! of his fellow crea. tur-rs ; it is a prjncipTeimolantrd in 4he breaft of every individual for the tnoft beneficial pur poles ; it fits him for focial life ; it To ftrongly per vades evefy department of life, that there is no period, whatever may be his rankjbirthVfitiiation, taienrs, or j qualifiriations who i's! not awa'ed il by it. It is the principal -wcn, h plaintiff was foliciting the fuffrage operating on the human breaft, js the j0f. the freeholders, the defendant, parent of every focial duty, and a. Vho was at a ball at Noiwich, ele wakehs every ientiment that, is, great ijvated hjmieif, as on a ro?r7?r,called and good. If I were to afk you j j aloud .for ;' fdence ; and having ob what, at the late awful and cr tical j tained it, applied thefe, epithets to per?Od' cf the country, has .(lunula-. !.thr Gentlemen I rcprefent. Speak ted our brave -countrymen to -deeds ijnf, 0f g r 'facob Affiey, Who was of fplendtd and glorious atchieve- not t-. e rooro ' he ufed the rrci: ? What is it, when the fhnll worris , tr- J a i;ar , rnW3rJ. an trumptet iouncs to baUlet, urges man r t i J.i . 1 . .&tiuikiuu, uhv v i ravy aain't navy ? What ha's made t Btitirh valour' triumphant in every ; 1J 1 t'L.i 1. S". . ..' prrt or tne wpriu r v nat i iumi ?hat principle, he effects of which.I have fta ed ? i Z)o you think a nun fits down to mo ahfe upon the duty he fhall perform to his country-' by a Tilling, in a well foUght battle ? No : he confiders only how, when he returns toj his native home, he fliall be received by his-friends and ho h:3 name will be .refounded f.om mouth to tnouth ; and the ( faye he fhall have acquired, and the pjory hefhall have atchieved, bel celebrated among thofe of whefe j efte'em and good opinion he is mod it arxious If Ve look back to for. mer tirres, wetnay nna w:a: . u u yemav hnd tt:a- u n or , what I am dating exemplified, in the ronduft of the Chrifban martyrs. When they felt the flames that were on the point bf confuming them, it vas net enly the reward of ao he venlv crown thev anticipated, but they looked forward to the applaule admiration of after ages. In fhort, the love of reputation, and te derire of a good name, is the fouridation of all public and private vorth and it h therefore that the -law of this country, ever attentive to thebeflitjiereftsof fociety, give an aftiin to man who receives a ve Droacth fromlanother, f that which, if tun, may fubjea him to p;;nilh rent. It does this that focietv may 1 vein peace.jmd tranquility ; for r In vain a man is in the enjoyment of riches and t be luxuries of life, if. in confqu-rtce of hii charafler be inw deftrqyr he cannot look hii r-ighhour inthe face.1 Thele art orincip!es.wh:ch mufl govcri. T 1 is canf.1, T he fact's I ought rathei to refer .to, thanftate; they ate fa Miliar to every obc of oil, Wu! 1 thefe preliminary obferyations I will however, now proceed to lUte the fads : The 'plaintiff and -the defen dant had been r c6priions.& frierid; for. 25 years, they lived together du ring the remoter part of that period in the habits of fnendfJhip, which are, or ought to be ' habits of: confi dence. There is no confan&uiruty half fo endeared, as the fpontaneous confanguinity offriendftiip ! lAmia feely'hirrvfelf not m one of the com mon Ti tuitions of life when ha is with his friend, he feels he is with his brother. 1 do not fpeak of any obligations which trie defendant re ceived from the plaintiff. He w? not, 1 admit, in a fituation to equire them J but he received his hofpita. Iitv, and every favour urged . by friendfhip, which ought to have made an imprefiion on hisj mind. You know that Sir Jacob ACUev reprefentcd the county in former Paili-sments, upon the advancement to the houfe of Peers of the worthy hon. gentleman whom he fuccecded. You know too,' that Sir" Edward AfHev. the father of the prefent plaintiff, rccmtly died, and that pre vious to his death, he had, in con. fecjuence of expenceshe was'lrd in. to, frequently been under difficuh ties, but at no time had thofe diffu ties produced anv thin? difhonoura- ble on his prt When the eUclion 1 wag proclaimed, and the plaintiff Was lee king the fffrage of his coun trymen, liow meto aik this que fli- tion.- What is the fituation of -any man at fuch a period, in iuch a country as Great Hrtian ? You do not meet like the people of Switzer land, to chufe a Landamman, who demands ,your fuffrages with the fword in his hand ; you chufe the man, whom yon conceive compe tent to legiflate for you, to prote vou ; you chufe him, n&t oefaufe he js. forced upon yon, buj, becaufe you 4pprove of him. lam adddrsi fi.rtjt'.vou as men vho, js freeholders, 'occupy Tituations fuch zs are filled ! 5) by no rare of men under the ca. ! nopy nf. H raven, rxcept the inhabi tants of the United States of Amc- f eJ. : it vh was at ihji psrticular rcqment, ?n .3S:I have ftated to you thr i - . - aff, mn,a fcoundre!, and a murderer ; an ne Trf'traercd his own tatner I a He you what a man mutl have ftlt under thefe cirCim lances .? From whom ofid this flarider nroceed ? Had it came from fome man who was a moaotchank , or in. fome low ntuation in If fuch a One had faid Sir Jaccb Aflley was a liar, be would have ben kicked out of the room ; he would have been confi dered asiman who could have had no acquaintance with him or his fi rmly ; but oh the contrary, every one who law Colonel fiat wood in that fituation. in which (I am forry to fay) he ever was placed, a man who was-bred in the family and ac jlquainted wi.h all that confidence .couia communicate ; v.ho had lu VP,i ,,rt4.r th r.f ?ir FHwarH Aftliy until' the hour of his death ; who was acquainted with all the tranfa&ions of that Hon. Houfe , e very one, 1 fay, who law and heard him, mufl have concluded, that there was fome foundation for lach an affcrtion. What mu ft have been the feelings of my Hen. 5 Client, when thefe things were reported to hi n ; I think he mud have felt that entiment, fo beautifully .;exprefTed in the Divine Poetry of the facred Plalmifl : ".. It is not an open enemy that has done me thisdifhonor, for then I, could have borne it : 'Neither wa$ it mine adverfsry chat did magriify bimTelf agarhfl me ; for then perad venture, I .would ave hid myfelf frsm htm. 4 B,ut it ;was even thou, my dotr janion, my guide, my own famjiiai rjeod.'' - Tf e r it queftion J would afi 'ind humbly implore the attntjoi fthe Hanoitrible and lcarned judg- it) is, are thefe. words fuch e -aifc1 hive bci uotjcid iicss Vav Monday,, June. ot: 1803. T 1 Kk T : 1 - 1 r. vi anoincr r l repeat innc worw- with as much emphafts as I am able, mufl; have been .noticed 'in one-way or another ? , Will mv1 learned friend's prudence permit him to fay thit the words Ujfed by the defen dant, inffeafj of hing tried in a Court of Juffice, fhould iave had a trial in -anntheT Court, -a Court of Honor ? - This is a tribunal the law will not hear or. 'Vhat 1'lf a mm afictifes me pf murder, am I to be come his murderer or he mine ? I thank , God there, has been on this fubjecc a cnfider able alteration in the public opinion , it is owing to the Noble Lord who fo long admi niftered the juftice of the country, I mean the late Lord Kenvon, that we are to attribute a difufe of a practice, characteriflic of the only of the mott barbarous rjeople. Since hat. Noble Lord's time. Officers whoml could mention, Officers who have been carrying the fame of the Britilh army to th utmoft comers of the earth, Officers who had pla ced in the fhade the atchievements of former periods, have come to the Court of Kings Bench, appealed for prote&ion to the law, and refer ved their courage for that caufe in which the execution of) courage be. comes a moral and religious duty. The law has (aid, that the firfl pe'r fon who fhall meet and deffio-y his- anyerfary in the -fi-ldj' of honor,; raneiy 10 caned, man expiate nisor fence with his'ljfe. But what' is it induces a man to rufh. into. the "field 3nd Aain his foul with his bro thers blood r It is reputation, fame, a fenfe of publrc opinion ! "There is nodangcraman would, not brave, rather than that the hand of fcorn fhould point its flow ind moving finger at him .there is no man knows what the dread xf public opinion may drive him to ; and a man will be jtiffified jn taking the law, into his own hand when it will not afford him its protection. This obf'.rvation is as old as the Re volution ; for whoever will look into the reports of Lord Ray. mond, who ltved about that time wil! firH that it was faid by Lord Chief Tuftice Holt, when an at tempt Was made to explain, away words, and give fmall damages; " I am, laid he, " auvnvs ror tuppori- ing actions for words ; for I re member., a faying of Mr. Juftice Twjfden, who was pefent whei iudement was arr ftd for H'ords, and the plaintiff exolained, if I had thought this I would have had his hlpo!' Such, was the opinion produced on tHe mind of that able fudge' by -the circurn fiance -I have mentioned, and therefore . it does appear to me that this is a cafe of a ftmilar defcription." The words were proved to have been fpoken. Mr. Gwrey fr the defendant, contended that the words could not be the foundation of an aftiori. as nobody ceuld underftand Col. Ha r wood to mean tha-. the plaintiff had murdered his own father. .There fore, the wofds did not impute a 'charge, -rhiah, if true, Would ftib jecl a man to puihmfcnt, and were not aaionabje. He ftated too,-that a reconciliation . had taken place by the intervention, of friends Kvidencev was called in fupport of the deferice. Mr Tuft res Grofe ftated' to the Jury, that in order to their return ing ther verdict in favour pf the olaintiff, they ought tohe, ,fatisfi- ed, that the words were fpoken, and that they convrj'ed" the mea ning ftated in the declaration. His Lordihip recapitulated the c- vidence, commenting upon it as he proceeded. If there were any circumfta'neesthat could induce the Tury to give a different interpreta tion fo the words j they were bound to do fo. Tne converfation which had paffed between the mutual friends of the parties he confidered 3S, ftriclly fpeaking, not. fuff.cient ly authorized by the plaintiff, Sir J. AftTey. If the Jury (hould be of opinion th words were ufed in the fenfe attributed to therhj they vould then tori fid e r wha t damage - he plairtt i ff vas intitled to recover. Je obferved tht ihno caftf ought v J u r y to jg i y e r i n 4 1& i V e tn a ges , . iU they were'ju ftfied' in doing was :o give fudh rcafonable 'damages as he plaintiff was entitled to for' the njuxy.. he had received t 7 - ;j- rThe jury, consulted ttgt?therr- bouchalf an hour, and leturned a verdiit m favour of the plaintiff,--Damages 2QqqL v f mporter! by fracie, Anierfon artf Td, frdi London, in, the Ship Hitfon, -which arrive at Norfolk the laucr Ead of December la$ now in high Health acd Vigour, will ftanc the enfuing: Seafon at. my Su6lesio Warrec on, and will be let to Mares at Five Guinea- J the Seafon, which msy be discharged. by tn j Payment of Four on or before the firft of ji t - f n.if : ouary next, or leremeeo uonars 11 pau within the Seafon ; Two Guineas the Leap, paid when the Mares are covered : Iufuran double the Price of the Seafon, fame Tenni and Times cf Payment. Should the Property of any Mare be changed, the lufurxnxe wiU te demanied in every Inllance. Shcu 1 z Mare infured not prove with Foal, the Mo ney will be returned. The Seafon will commence on the 10th o' March, and end the 10th of Aug'ilt 'next J Good andextenfive Pafturage, well inclofeci. at my Plantation within a Mile ot Warren ton j and . Servants lent with Mares boardcu gratis. No Liability lor Accidents or Eicapes; but the gratett Care thall be taken to prcven euher. Mares fed well, if required, at 'ao Cents pzr Day, - Mar. n. iZojl M. DUKE. JOHNSON Magic is nine yeats old, a horfe 0' elegant form and great powers, fall fifteen and a hall hands high, and ascll bred a horie zs any in England. He was got ky Volunteer, en of the belt Tons of Old Eclipfe, and fue of Spread Eagle,' Eagle, Stirling, Triumvir, Ketruit, Commodore, 4rc. &c.ontof Mar eella. Marcella was got by Mambrjn'o, hei dam Medea by Swettbriar, out of A igelica Angelica by Snap Regulu -Bartlet's Chil. ders Honeywood's Arabian Dam of the Two True lilues. Magic has covered in England the three lad. years. His Product are confideied large and promifingvi . PERFORMANCES. See the Racing Calendar for 1797. He received from Mr. Bowes' colt Sadler, fjity guineas at- Newmarket. He won a Iwecp ltak.es agalnft Whip, Mother Shiplon& others al.Lewes; and a -xsat-ch at NewotarJtet with Lou 1 fa : znd alio a match a a in Jr..Coni cannon's Knightlberf. .. I 1 71 w0 tht Pctworth Stakes at Brighton, beating VVi ang ler, Johnny, Bsnington, Play or Pay, and two others. At Lewes, he wow a fweepltakes againlt Whip and twa mors. He walktfd over for the King's plate at Canterbury, xvl$ won- the city c.tate - In -1799. hei.won ue hundred and twenty g'utneas at :1 ichricVdj beatiog Robtn Redbreaft, Conori and. lea? others ; acd z plte at Leicerter. M. D J K1MSOV The Thurbugh-(:cl lm purled iirie j CHARIOT. : ; LBrc2 hy John Cli'lton . Ll'q.-w&o' ket afid ! run him until October, 1796 .when htr was purchdfed by Sir Wm, Gerard, Baro'net. He' was got by the celebrated Hore Hiiih-lyer, ' his Dam Poufi by Cli Eclipfe, a Mare o as great frame as any in fcngiaud. Chariot rs a Mae bay, ttands pearly fixteen j Hands high, and for JJone, Sinew, Syiametiy ' and Actionals fcarsLy to be equalled. His Kunning entitles him to be tanked. a mengil the firft Horles in this Country. His ux fctllence has been diiticguilhed in four-mile Htats, and in no inllance where the con tell wai great, hat he proved faceeuful, havtn,; reueutiy run lout Heats to decide the Race. Chariot nuw exhibits the' greatelt Health and Vigour, and Will ftand the enfuicj sea. icn a ' ; " ;' ' JAMES LYNE's HOUSE, tVithin tne Mile cf the 5u&jcibrf Stoft, on , &utlJii Granville 6untj, NottbCurulir'ni Nine Miles from Hawkins' Ferry, fix Miles from Wittiamlaos'ough-i and uxtee'a from Warreaun ; And will be let to Mar?s at Ten Dollars he Leap, pud i at the Susie Door : Twenty Dollars the teafan, payabie the Si (t Day of October, oexc ; ;and Forty Dollars to tnl'ure a Foal ; And in every Inllance, Half a Dollar o th Groom at the Stable Doer. Thi Seafon may be difcharged by the Pay. nent of lixtecnf Dollars, if paid withiii tfi i seafon," wliieh'c'ommented the' firft Day of March,, and wii'l . end-lhetnh Day 'of-Aii- j guft. It cafes of Itjfuraritc'ii the Money vriti oe returned it the Marts aa not. prove wu; Foal, provided7 &t Property- is m no Cuftanct changci. ."'" ' Chariot is a 12re Foal-gettei,- assrepears from ceruficates t'tnl with fcim.: .-The Gcij.5 tieman who imported hin..'f vrc&afed him-in England himjei,'. and had an 'Opportunity ol ieeing iiis Colts ; they teing large, gay, ele, ant and fprightly?, was his luducemeat t purchafe turn Wis Colt inr this couhtxy ar f equal, if not fujjerior, to- thofe of any Horl' on the CDtttinentt'..-'-; .V -.rs- "'-- ' Guod5 extenfive, arid well inclo!edj Paftu- rage"iwrth one feundrei A ere si aid down it Wheat, Rye; red'-and-wttite Clover,' gratU 3 ad every care and aitsnticD paid lOr'preve v Accidents or Efcapes but will not be liabt bt any that" may happen. Notes "of Hau!. ' till be expected with the Mares put i tolxtnt; ;ither Vy the SeaifB or lot or ahcYr - Chariot belHg the fair Property of the Sw. irnbers, they have it in their Power o pledv p;icmicicsior pot ate wicutiuu p?r r-jeti Marts as may e tect to n itn'-rf.-; -t "- 1 . - --i;v. yW.y ?JrT 1 hole- pentiemep who wii" hrir MaTes Fed with: Gjm, $fye ftkredxWrtlig.'' Corn at two Dollars ana.' ha ita liaireThofe bringing Majrea boarded gratis. "V f" ' S ." ': :----T; ; -' ; ";: - PEDIGREE. -J-J ' Chariotiftrftgot by Hi$hOyerr fon of H d, ion: ;of-Tartar-,lo6f'',PartneI;;r Mehora by f-oa, his datrt PotolT$pipJv feranltam hp Blank j fon of iUfapl?rl bianj great great randihi bf Crodolph Ara-T banr great.-treaty great, gmdanri by Srrav -ion -orChil alt, fir' Snap, out ,f rhe WjWi : -erington mare by, Partner,; t &fgf i res dam - by Bloody liiuock, Urey hounA ? .;; Makelefs,. Brimmer's, Piace'si White TurkT ; Oodfworih, Laytons barb mare V having fixty fix - rue Arabian crbi?et and fixeta-' loyal dares, hf fire and darn. ' v - W M . C E R A R Di B tt; : For which reference maybe made to the General Stud Uook, nj ip our pdiretBon. ' FEB t'O h M 4NCES; v ' - ' ;S. ; : Richrliond meeting,-Sep, 1 792, thariotV won at ihre heats, plate-ror, three .yen'r old' coUs .8 Hone, rli'ies 7 ttooe t2ibs twu mile ' atf, beating Mr PeveraPs bar filly Butter- V .fly,- Mr. R..W P erne's chefnut filly, by Kig rergus, Mt. HudfonS by filly by King F:r- . ?us, and Mr. Ria ley's chefnut filly Heitefs. Nantwrch nticetmg, nth July; 1793, ht von, at two ht ats, a plate for touir year, olds -Mb. twr mile -heats, beating-- Mr Ward'a aacchus, and Mrj Vade's iPIayfellow. ; ; Newton meeting, I uly 16, 1793, nt wonat ao heats, a piate, for four tear olds 7ft 6lV. ni rir year olds Urt. gibs fur mile heats . etine Mr.Jewifou's Partar,4 years CM ana! " Mr. Yt-ver's Minor 5 years old. . .. ; Pre-Jton mretin?, - Jttlv 14, 179, he n, ai ; our hrits, a plate tor three years old 7it.'4lb and fo-jrear olds 8:1 Ubfillies albwed inj". four mile heats, beating Mr. Ctomoton's say hily Drowfy, Lord Darb,s pay ct' Ktdn by PotSo's, out of Paulina, Lord Hirmil to.Vs brown; filly.hy Rjockirighair;;Sir ih iilin, far.i;ba filly Tree CreepcfV and .rtut ehinfon's brown colt Connitution. !' ' ' - Wantwich meeting, fu;y, 1794, i Woni zt four miles, a plac tor three year, otiil-tixry; ing a feather, five year olds A 3 lb arid ageAc yft z!bs four miie heats, beating Mr; Harryjss bay horfe Burgamot, aged, Lord Donnegaf'ai chelr.ut horfe Weafel, and Mr. CromptDa chefnut filly JirciUiau - ;'' . Catterick meeting, April, X 795, he WOO at three heats, a: piate for four years,, old, carjf rying 8tt 71b and five year olds Sit t alb. tottft mile hes, beating Mr. Arrmtrqng's bay filly! vfulton, Mr. Farmer's chef nut marc Char mer, Mr, 'Field';' grey horfV NorthumHer land, Mr. Grey foe's ArchertahdrSu.G-frxir" uec!4Cjnfederacy. " ..I r rj'' Cheitef raf?rir( ay, ,h Vof, 'a four heats, a-oa'te tor five year oldW M'i fix year old 9ft. and aejt gii 4 b. fouV Wlto' ne-ats, beat ne: Mr. RoWtfo j's Tickfe Tobv- lagpa, anil Let Derby's Kidneyi . ;t s; . uumiries toeeting, uaoher. 17,9b, he woi attwoheai? his ivlajefty'sooe luftdrrd gu ,'ie4SS fre fur any horfe, "ca'ry'Qg , tilt four .jiile heats', beating Mr. Bak e.r Tcle'tir. To wn of K'"r-n ; ' crt'ifi $ i 'p. r .Qriffczf iie oe ov, the oh-r bloc nc f'otttfi' a f. -rcrv. tt href '-sr 9. i VncVA M r bv rw each, two.' K-'c'f . a-tVifclMv'yy- 1 r ' f . r . 'r"? ?'laT Wyrfhoufe on the Ptvr Vj.ufp . ' fi- "6 L't rl,VnVnr to' the fvH T . f. & ! hiJr- ' fix uninrvproved J sti.ff he fjnd "l 0.tx alj, of which he.W'P feij I.O'v.far Cfhr if reqtiired, fech a Credit vill Se ven.as 0tYsl make -the navment eafv to the -PuVcsfer:.'". Protscrty of almoft any KintJ, will He 'c' ivsd in t'avtnent. ; -W MOROSE I OM FSi'y; Start 'if Ntrtb.C arntU) Court of Em," Morjfdn Xhir March TeVr:; Complainant?," . lprtn ijOvcacff 01 orncrs. itkuu4hi;..v; TT apoarins to th C'ur.f . the following Defendants fefrje O'atf.f thi. Se, ro-wit : fo' n Majors Jofepb Vv'iH;-(-am, Wiftfarft Srnhh, )ffletft!)tr; AVilf lia-n Petv.' fen. Alexander Holtne ftiic;-fv RttfTeli Thorni Hotman, fci$$.&$tf' And ohn RobiaVt 4 therelore, OrieeHy ,jfe Court, that they file jheir Afwejfwfefte firft three Das of next Term; towt. aep-temr-er, t8oj, or hat tHe Rill Ve tslcen pf o Confeilb, and heard et parte r and' thK(S'S Order be jh!iird three-Weeka" t&it&t&i. in (lie" Ralei ph Reg' ffe r. . ' " , f c. .L- n.i:,- ritnefs, fSENCft?M 3 -4 J A Farm ntJLt Raleigh nrWfj 'ttariaecT at:d fixtV-n' fit!-: LV.K J". 'AcrXPOOd KLattd. fituate! about fli-f. MileVfoaiW br thi Citf of ,R1erg; eiyv I ot which Te m iutivatiwo.; . i?re ario "hBJPreitifea,.a; tolerably jCM'oSi t HeuIc."'-,xceUcat 3tabies,I,anaflirier onve 1 eni .tutoutiatngs, r nne rrairr, auu a :-v t Garden, thi Property of ; efle M':feteri .dutely" OT after the eafuing Crop 1 ijjreaped. v-j. j i Negroes or good ,Hrfcjt wilt be fiiea -Jrt f Fr farther Parflculafs apply to jei. Mitr, v chell, U iog on" te ;Lafi4; April til ; , MEDIC, L pOCiUY. A N -QjurAef;'Me'emgk the Medical Societ ypf North -C aroItnV, ilk t Se hoUeo at Chapet-Hilt the?eat' i the Uttjerfity,?is -tKe, atcjL Day of uiy ext. Jvf edicai Cdmmufli.cattoos romVcrnhn ai4 1heri iriflihea t;rtceied, api the ufual - viSuaatis or tne oc. ciy rraoiacica. r , -i i ! I. 1! . 1 l 1 1 1 m i Osier, . '. . - . CAlViN JCE5t Ssc. 11 v.. - C - : 1

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