f' ,,, .. :; vm m '1 r ( Mris the ta mrpclftcrp of enfits. rxtrza from a new Botanic Foem, . By Frances Arabella Roxvdrn. OLIVE. Se frora divine Olyropia's tow'nng height' I1 Wain o'er the earth blaze of gloriout light. ; Hark ! Dallas cries, Vtumwltuoutdilcord cfe, ! I U"ar With me the olive branch of peace. . v At htr Vdleok Eellona curbs the reint. her fuud courier's mettled rape reflraiftt; i k Nomcre Hsk flaming torch confumM the land. - "But fall ertintvtfbcd from her trending hand Tligb in the iHr fccrpion whip fte hurl'd, ? TVen funk unpi'd. to the nether world. AsfiM advancMivith Pleafure in Tier train, C av Jove was hearl tchaunt hi ch'erfnt ftrajfc FondHope her Uf.'ningear attentive hting, O'er the fweet melody her Vaby fung ; The wifcftrt fair Wbemournfd their abFent lo'ds. rrcm faithful ecto ought 'the raptrou TriumphanfVaiotiT fprung to beauty's breaft, And pining farrow funk to endlefa reft. "Two noble youths of bright Minerva's band, ' ConfignMter wreath to love's delighted hani; Cfi PJtafurr's wing the fauCyboy afofe, rd pUc'd fn ilmpti the hero's breiw -;'fiapt his light fimen o'er the happy pair, l ten loarM exultinf , thro the tracltiefs air. - - Tolitics of Kentucky, From the Kentucky Carette.' Nr.-Bradford, I fend von "-eh- ttprj; gi v t r,l I V I' tX tv Uwl - vi L v, t uT j J . rt tne New, T orK 'n era in ; out as ; it is rot probable that he will pub iifh it, T wifn vour per'To convev it to rie eaflern f!ate. If'ir fhould fair of inducing certain editors t arinere to the truth in their pubika , : tiwu refpeBing us. it mav pCrhap rwceffitate them to nav fome ref- pe6i to prohahility-in their lies. Wrn. LITTELL, i ... - ii "lean: Sttrhg, Aril iotb 1S03. . t. To XViMiam Colernaft, Tfa.-? ( 'Vi Sir.'yoiirinteTeffin.-.intelligrncf . .t the difafTefion of Kentucky to hf general government and the ar- Tr .tnajnent ot its citizens, one ot )vY.jHtii6 moft outrageous falfehoods e v ?e;r uttered bv man.- This inteili- poce, ino mannsr 111 wuilh yuu Obtained it, your circumftantial eri lences of ?tS truth, and Duane's comments on it, have all reached JCentuckv. I Cannot fay that roach indig nation has been excited, the ex traracance of the falfehood pro vokes rifihilitv rather than refent ment. But as I have no reafon to bMievffvbu to havebeen the author of it, or that you would f ippreff iCorre6 information, if offered, 1 ihall give vou fome account of the Witical fentiments ot the citizen pf Kentucky in general, and par ticularlv a5 hev m ani fell them felves on clofing the port of New -Or- In regard to federal ooitics there is an unanimity in Kentucky be yond what I ever knew in any o ther ftae. There is no fuch thing 1 as a federal party avowing itfelf ihre. Fderalifm, fin the popular , 'fenfe of the word) is ot all political itns deemed the mofl mortal, and' the charge of it once proved on the mofl popular man in the ftate, would as a&ually terminate his po litical refpeftability, as a convic tion of heep-ffealing would ruin Ins moral character. There are, however, individuals, (and fome of them refpe8able for i her talents and virtues) who are ; well known to be federali fiswho are lenown to have approved the fyftem adopted bv Adams, and to difap J' prove the adminiOration of JefTer- fon, but they form no parties, they excite no commotioss, and, (Yfo litry in fiance excepted) they at. tempt no intrigues. Io e fleet any thing bv themfelves would be im- praBthle, to make any confidera- ble number ot proielytes, would exceed an human power ; and they lenow that the reward for attempt in g either would be general con tempt and indignation : conlequent Jly they are pafli ve and fi lent. But although federalifm totally -lifqualifies for office, it is not con fider3 as a badge of moral turpi, tude. On the contrary, a rman piofefTing it is fuppofed to be capa ble of a many private virtues as a Tc publican, and is univerfally cre riittd and refpefled Tor as many as h' p ofTolTes. .. Such a man may live ir rerfe6f harmony and peace in th- fame neighborhood, and evert Pnce thiecJDoUars a Year, ;:nd enjoy tUt ir confidence anr ifTffiion. The reaion is odvious, republicans here are too flroug he attacked the teaerauns auu wpak to be dreaded. Hence, there are none ot thofe political feuds necefiariVy degenerating tnto pn vate anim'ofities, in which the citi zens of theEaflern tales sie per netuallv embroiled. But do all the citizens of Ken- turkv think alike on air political fubiects? No; there is aivendlefs variefvot ientiment ; as an me on ferent fels of Chriftians, however hoftile to eeah other, are unanimous in their confidence in the provi dence of Codw and their depreca tion of the.wiles of the Devil; io J all the political feas-hv Kentucky, unanimoufiy confide in thepn fen and deprecate the- late adfntniilra tion. Mr. Duane talks of federal ora tors mifleading the people! Be lieve roe,' fir, no fuch beings exift, no man is weak enough to undertake fuch a tafk, a man might as reafen ably expect to gain, profelytes by haranffuinp; a congregation againO the moral govern mentoi (od, and extolling the moraIfirtue of the 'Devil, as a federal orator might hope to perfuade the people ot Kentucky into a diftrufl of Jffer- fon, or a refpeft for Adams's po litics. But this inflexibility of fen timent is not. the refultoi athought lefs, idoktrous attachment to the oerfon of the one. or of an inhir- - jn v nrnnr i r f no unniini n riinii ol Mr. Adarns.they thought 'they foppery, putinammity, hyppcniy. treachery , avarice and ambition, eagerly blunderizjg on to defpatilm. i l4roma conviction ot tnis, aria not from ati ungoveriidMe fpirit an irchy, proceeded "their rv-prohation of "this Ivflem. In the adnnmtfr noil ot Mr, Jeffei fon 'they 'think hey fee f.mplicity, mHiraninnty, talentr, ir.te i'criny, cardor i and n'odcfiv : t:efe ave cn alities which invite confidence, and they have as much confidence, In the orefem adriiiniif ration as eva was repofed by nvin in maiv. 'Whether this conhr ence is rtnlplaced or not-, you arid " Cal lender, a,nd their felf deputed raeirenget ,are we. come to judge. But, Or, if the. citizens o Ken tucky (hall ever fin 1 themflvev deferted by the general government they will do more than you fay they have done ; they have been i 1 the hfibit of figf ting their own b.rtles wh.cn that government was unah'e to proteel; tnem; in co-operaiion with its meafures they are willing now to exert their titmoff power but if that govern nent should heie after leave them to fall a prey t; any foreign power, tiicy will no fall ' fingle or unrevenged." But no preparations have vet been imde to meet an event fo far beyond" the limits o! probability. Sir, I have given you an indif- in. 1 . . 1 . gu.iiea itatement ot tne ppi tjca: cn timents of the citizens of Kenmcky. It is altogether inimatcual to vou and to the world, whether I think them right or wrone. whether I approve of the pad or prefers adminiflration, as I am not divul ging opinions, but communicating tafts. And vou mav reft aflured. that an entire revolution ol fenti ment muff take place, before any reprefentation of ta&sincompatible with the above flatement, can be true. If, then; you ftsduld he -alter her of wars and rumours of wars in Kentucky, reported bv a meffenger whofe name you know not, or are afhamed to tell, " be lieve it not." II in future, you fhould dtTire a confirmation of any report which you may hear ref peeting Kentucky, inftead of ap plying to an honorable gentieman, afk fome of our members of Con grefs, or fome other gentleman of information and veracity from this country. This will be advanta geoujhoth toyourreaderk and joui -felf; they, I prefume, read to be informed, not to be deluded; and you I hope take nopleafiire in pro pagating other people's lies, it is a degrading bufinefs, which hurts the reputation ven when it no longer Wounds the confeience. j As no riots exifled among Mr Brown's conftituents, his prefence was not required as you conjecture, to keep good order here. The caufe ot his late arrival and prema ture return is well known, and is unconnected with any political ma noeuvre whatever. Primed Joseph Galjl,, ( rrinter to the State,; near the er ere foliar ana a Halt lor Malta . . Lin 5 f.T "I; St rali'lt, u. leto;lre,;ittfr ;Kno4 anlyt to youneu ; we.ftf,, ; thing ot it here, nor do , I jielk vt Mr. Aavis bitrifeH evcrifpeeq! it.. ."vVifhinE ihat youmaynlong continue. the exclufive proprttor ot this piece of lntormaUoiu I remain etc. WILLIAM LITTELL. iFrom the National Intelligencer. Aroufe yourftlves, fellow-citizens, and deftroy the'tnonfter engendered in that hot-bed ef democracy, Virginia : We cannot fail of fuccefs'et the prefent'eleflidn, andth triumph whtsh is within our grafp, will form he firft link of a chain that will encircle the Union, and compel the ftujillanlmtvt Jlatefman lo retire from the helm of government, the ureieht of which he is incompetent toluttam ! ! I mating held at the City bad Mr. Ski th, Always to fubmit with quietnels to impoOtion, betrays a deftuuiion net only ot ipint nut principle. A perfon who never feels indig nant at reproach muft be either more or lefs than man. For though a due regulation of our palhons mav elevate us aoove tne oroinat) (landard of mortals, yet not to (heto our indignation is fometime an evidence ot a weak underff 3nding. If any thing ought to excite our rebutment, it isttie icntiments con tairred in the 'text. A party has long xi fled "in this country, whofe opinions arehoftite tevthe rjnncipiesot our conflitution. But 'none of its adherents have till ate'y had the hardihood while ad dreflirg'the public, or haranguing the people-, to tell them; that u. ro- vtrv.rnent f ounded on their rights is a mockery,, and its a a vacates mon Ptrs ! It is in vain for fuch de c'.aitrer to fay, that they reprobate hurt democracy only ( it this were j the cafe, their invectives are abfurd; tor they know that nothing ot the kind exifts in this country. The people do not afjemble aud pafj law therr.felves, nor do they exe cute them in perfect ; the laws are sn-AfiA lw thir rrnefentatives. and adminillered by their judges1 aid executives. 1 his is the only democracy we have. Thele preach ers then againft democracy, unlefs they are 'combating their own ima ginations, mull dexl the fovereign ty dthe people, they mu.il think, that the doctrine ef equal rights isi menftrousi If fuch belhe demo cracy againfl which they contend, it fnchbe the mtinfler which to be hsted needs bat to be feen," the cit zens ol the United States will al- in. 1 a ways cpnunuc to cnernn ut tuey wdl always drfpife the man who mempts to render jt otiioUSi Virginia has long been an eye-i fore to th,oppofition. The firm, nefs, vith which (lie rei ffed the ului ra'ions cA tle late aduiiniffra iion, has exciicd the utmoft rancor of federalifm. But the is n t yet. " huribUd in dull and ojjics." How the enemies of government can re concile 'their eHorts to make her an obieft of iealuu.iv to the othei nates, with their pioieffions oi ve neranon for the character and fen timents of Walhington, is difiicult to conceive. In his legacy to tlu Am?riran people, he told them to avoid everv thing, which might ex cite di fArufl between one part of the Union and another. Thev oaint democracy as the worlt of human evils, and Virginia as its hot-bed; they hold her up as a contaminated member, which muM be cured by a cauitic or incifion knite, or be amputated to fave die remainder ot he body. But it feems the purfue his advice only when it luits their convenience. They declare his opinions infallible one day, and retufe to follow them the next. Not even Gen. Hamil ton, who is the public it not the private friend of the character of Wafhington, has been able, or wil ling, to avoid this mconfiuVency of conduct. We cannot doubt that the-hatred of the oppofition to the Pr.efident is cordial. It is very natural fqr men, who defpife the rights ot the people, to feel a fpirit of hoftility to thofe who aavocate them. 1 he enemies of government will never forgive his virtues and ftrmnefs. He is a rock which the terapeft of their paf fians can never move. They call him 'paftllanimous!; but have their calumnies ever affrighted him from his purpofe ? Have they prevented him irom acting with fteadinefs for the public good ? Was he pujil ianimous, when he retuled to co operate with the oppofition in their attempts to involve this country n Year, to be Daid in Advanr Qk(V.n,;nf X , . , . . ' n uui.puuiia icmvmuy me rnnter, and ly everv ro!tma::er in inlrrted the firilTune forbalt a Dollar, end (or a Qua.tef, every fceedbs Per. n , o t ir Orleans! h a 41)Wf ji;it-po it agamlt 1 Wwilhc&V3aith(.rit) Isjii&pifjtir 'jnimis'i--iecmi lie i t "unWilfirig '!p-!"acuti'ce the lives fbf his tytow citizens to ratity p tew oucon lented;' individuals, who delight in oloodfhed, and who,, love plunder ? is he pufiilahtmovsl when -be pre- I fcrs faving the revenue of the union to placing it in the hand.s of federal j coritrattors, to be waited :n an uie- lefs, aggrr-ftive, and exp.cn five war r Is he pujitlaimnous, when he rc fufes to infringe the law of nations and of juftice, by recommending holhlities, betore he attempts to re- j drefs ouf g ievances by negooa tion? Is he pufllanimous, becaufe he Wilhes to lighten the burthens of trie community i and to avoid every unneceflary act, that might j compel the government to rePore j the internal taxes f it this neuie 'ujitlammity, fo difagreeable to the ee'ings bt the oppofition, theday far di ft ant when; the citizens of this couiirry will not pronounce it i virtue, and believe the man, who lsunder its influence is competent ?o fujtatn the helm of government? The man who uttered our text i has Song been noted as a promineh-. figure above the political horizon of tfm country. The brilliancy of his talr nts has corhmanded the ref- pe6t of his enemies j his political fentini'ents defervie the cenfure ot every friend of the conflitution. Ariftccracy is his avowed political j creed ; taxation his favorite mode of fubduing the fpirit of the people. However favoured he may be by the approbation of a few howev.ei obfequious they nrvay be to his di reeiiorts. or fiihinVfTiVe to the iu penority of his genius, wherever he appears to poffefs the, agency, defeat and humiliation muff be the confequence. If he wifh to effect any thing, he muft manage the wires behind the curtain. He may maRe an excellent penormer m fecret, but in public, his acting only excites fufpiciou and diftruft. His party nnght derive much be nefit from his talents, could they fupprefs his wifh for popularity, His fagacity woul !. aid their in trigues, if they could cure hurt ol 1 11 i' ' his propensity to make ipeccbes. and his itch to rrxpofe the follies and foibles of his own partisans. Until he can fubmit to fpch a iegi- men, his. efforts muft be impotent in the cau.'e of federalifm, his ex erttons loaid the oppolition, mtift prevent its preponderancy aginft the wifdom of adminifiration. The iMueot the elections in the State ot New-York may, perhaps, in foTne . ' . -ii 1 mealure, he attriDuted to his Ul-ad-viled and injudicious interference. For the people will always fufpect a man, who does not regard heir rights, and who only vifhes to pa tronize the election of thofe, who? believe that republicBnifm is politi cal herefv. Whenever he obtrudes himlelf upon the notice of the pub lic, our minds are naturally led to retrace his paft conduit. From the convention, where we behold hirh idvocating an ariftocracy, to' the fuppreflion of the whifliey infur rett ion, '-from the eftablifhment of a funding fy item' which difgraces the eharacter 01 our country to t!ie fhamelefs propofal of a fyftem of efpionave, We difcover nothing that can attach on r confidence, or awaken any fentiment but fufpici n. Vears muft e ap'e t efore the citizens of the United States will enlift under the banners of fuch a i leader, and fubmifTivelv march to ! celebrate the tuneral obfequies ot their own liberties. As a meteor he has fhed his fund luOr-A-bu rallen -never more to aicend. The joy which produced this intempe rate effufion is tike a feverifh blulh which plays a moment upon the cheeK, out is toon tollowed oy the morbid palenefs of debility and dif eafe, The chain has become a rope of fand, and inftead of encir cling the union, will probably crumble in atoms never to be re united. Theoppofition feenvow to hav dafhed the cup of reconci!iiticlin j from their lips. Every day furnifhes the admmiitratiotj w?th additional evidence of the implacable tempei of its enemies. Every conceftion, every act of lenity feems but to in creafe the flame of their malignity. No attempts at reconciliation cen appeafe them. Every reconcilia- tpry effort is to them proof of the weaKneis ot government ot lts nu- rillanimity, nd cowardice. Though the admin iftraaion is willing tc CouTtlTc Ujc. n ' C oi. . K;t m ... .t t cede cft'rv t'urtp t "all p' .of ccoJiicfiiio 11 Kr-v. led wtUvindinuiiv', nnd as t ne ofisp ol tear 0. CURTIUS 'KFORMATIOM WAXr TF Ed war d M'CUNE. Brotl.er . I'yArt M'L.Uie, who leu iiti .f.J and ta . trt America about. Uxty Yciiif-o, rtna v" usJ in VVeit (Jain. 1 own. an, L.r ft o-tate or PeauiyiVduia, trom theUt moved vvrth an intention ul iiding in or South Carolina. If hc, or lus. ht, " wil apply to Wrri. ur j ames Net:--y ot Cain rtjwn'fiiprot she County al bjatt at,' faid, in three Years from tae 41(1 or i,,., Jait, ' or to the iuuicriaer in to,. ,.: ' ioWoLhip, County and suic aiorti.J i,..' March 31." Frstmtn of the Seventh D:ih ', Caoipieiisaioi the Counts.: Anfon, Kbiloa and Kic;;..nju. Eka,rst idea of thus publicly A drsliing-the lahaciu'ais ot khc x.1., . vhuh giVfc n.e liirdi, u;a not occur 10 . x unni 1 observed luvii a Mealuie had ot:.! adopted by ih-le wiu, in iuie KeiaLj. lo.iH r i ri'tttaaunp, anu Mr 1(11 10 inc? yjor Approbation. r pidHivt siteuce m r.i iniglit prooabiy cedemec 10 prccea, eun., trom a total i uUiliereiice to i'ioaiJuu, u: trom iiiuo:encc aiiu Wtgkct, not pju.6 t-iulic thai Compliment to whith tu;y ars liom Ctiltom jaiti entitled. lelawLiiifcens, at the cufuing liledlion, I ofier mlcif a Ciaaiaate lor ycruri OiviUv , iu reprel'eut jou lii the CorrgrU. ol inc Un.ui states. To a i'e ie who are eut.tki accuitoOlett to think a.d lpeak. ircel v , j- tulari) when iheir li.tciv.as icuue ,:,f whole Auentiou j whe arc lo repe'a.ejjy C4;.t . upviii to excrtile ' tiidr iights 1U1 lining, Choice of a Keprcir..at. V2, the irnp.n.r Eniiiry is, la what brand) ot , it fie vruvei.. menl, tut 6'npremacy ot i-'o.ver can, wjia,;.; grcatcil SaJeiy, be placet.? V ii$n thz a&eor Mew iive .11 .lUblcrVicncy 10 a ii;.i rm 01 uic VwUiuiuwiiiiy , who iiiiiagiiic lit Wotltt was made tor tncmlsivcj a:; a :c.v leading Chitacttrs, the Lioercie ci 1.1c a'cj pie mult unaoubtfivily be iuppicied, sna ,,1 In'ai'ngemtn'i tie maue on tridr . aiurai ; , '1 he eo.grolliiig ot imniente' "tfatroi.a, .v the riiuUipl)i.g ol CJliitej, j. iuii.g, .u 4 cXtritvagant Meal:ires as have -i3ti') buiut. icrvediy rererfed, itf 'cettaiuly a Viu.?.i.c ; 4 Csv.i Lioert) aii Hyh, the ObirtaeViCm; Kdts ot whiwh, you ruve a.J, an a a,. ielljwhiwii lixptri;iite may J;x've tr'tj.- vincc you, tfiey wtrc uot caUttUwd to your t'r.y ilcgesj; or ta 0; t..; l ruus of cm Labour. l o at .acii IniilibiUty TO ally feuxmn ojicg is dbluiu j ilicrctoie fretjttuun tauudt.be c:. peCteu in the AdmitiUlrauo'uroT'ii.ny Cia.v:ra ment ; but tltat AdainiftrafiOxVwhich-'.rii o;l tjertect, ought aiwa toilia'voihi i'iffei!te; and every t eilon VNiio rwttiltjitoia o.. pi. Adminiltrauoa, .when .itii k.n.0w tO 14 u.J senlocf Msjoriy o't tixii'tojic, ti:i ir.the coQiiccsftai xf 6xiol xWir vi I nave o.teh sfxti&& iny' Efit"aeprj;jtt,ii ot Party iritf9i!fiUk$'vHia ticUcJ i'rej jdice. ani'.eb:ca,Hfe4nw inch Dti-i Attnchrxeut to the ruoUc Vooii, My Conduit and, poiiiicai Ujpinions, yvha a Mem er ui the I. "flumf. ar m A kiiywn to niny ot jouj aim i .tuVc not s yet Uiicovcica 'av y juti. Cu1e taitcr mi aou.vi x 0 to iotuute as 10 , jtatxi a m-i ntf ui your Siih;rages, . re&iitidjX whatever intorciaiibti may aei. ffcutw i vour nterelts,. ikaU'be eguiaKy Kp.i&' i e cur ejfo vfcl' i4$. izcopti:$ t ae wr,6jha btpfii amlly IprcadUiCgt you to c,icc6i ae t h A 1 ;s ff S vie iu ViVtiCtur, tomttrce ani3 gr.cui.'-:! iiujiicUi the NaMooal Debtj by a- trj:n;i aivd leiu-jay prfyniei ; to vpv-t-e al! ui iut-.l i lryl4'craa(e of. Arm. es Navies, or y , Ck.ravagaut Epeijdim es which may be J vins yt yicrvjating your iriej; to alt' jctye ij, guars -tgatnit t'vreig.. iiitiusjicc, ao- V iou6 CoutiiiuawCe in Office of ay 1'cilon ;; 111 1 iRic might become loovri tui at to u j danger voir liberties ; to auv .cate ail i j lutes wirch acar ca.cu.altd to j the cufcjar Gooi at Home, aud icudci j Amtrjcan Nation r ipettbie abroad; aJ -f J my rtfuduity aiid Attention on evciy Ccc aaced to a deliberate, hi in and itcaty Lc uc,t, rvjnre that my Objett wj.l be to a ' r the Ccnlidcacc ana tiieemof a Ftf, li6-huacd and lNDLI'liNOtN' i't'i '1 Gentlemen, with thele ient.iriiiiS, m')" ing oa your tavojirs, and dpendt;'g oJ bupuw, with due Ktreit, 1 iara, ' DUNCAN 'iA.-L..-' Laurel Hi!!,, Mtry , 180. is i ' D'EShKTEl, from the;Rend2Vou$inFayeufv;i!'",': t ijift initaut, j I A Soldier hy the Name cf ' away, a Fair ot Linen Ueraiis, huf ' blue, ana a Pair of Caithers of the U. ' liUanciy Unilcrm. lie is 25 ears of be 9 li.chci high", bjue,. hyc, vv Ahcn iachuig is a:rnoit, ioled ; Hair a-m. dark Ccmpiecuon, .aa wj ioore County, in this State., Alio, jOHlN 1 ' R t V a f i I A NT 2sJ r' WliLSH. duly euiilhd .Soldier, "'J I Furfuit ot the laid M'Litoh. t'- Return being expired. jhn Ti ' ' oh a tuil buxt 61 itiianty Uiiir:n. 21 Years ot Age, 5 l ect id l::" light Eye:, dark IJajr, Uu Con -'i' was bora in the Cc-o.y o! JJ r"- ' , S. Caro.ina. C ixs VVe.fh haa c--i & 1 01 iniahtry urutoi n.. i i-- is 5 tOj l."ivhe higii, g"'.k Hair, - fate Cn.npieCt:on, b.A:. , Couuty, in this ztic. A i-'4 Dollars wiU be given eat-h iiCEJ' iivered to me ot any other Oipca u'' vica ot the Uuucu -Uo.ti. or ,J'''.',. , any Gol in -aie, io ih t t-'J . either of thein, l 1 "v ' ,' Comrcaadiag Kcc.:H iJ " t..C

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