ft t a ofti e r , ;w ifhbuld hear from M, a$ aaiieynno . s m trie courfer'flerday morning, PrefentcdJy His Marjlsorriatti indttaU meet. J-Wld bappym tobotHonfes of Pa ',t' the ted. in orl t fcute the term of i8 Ma i8o3. i v;;tv , years for which" the irftConful (Concluied;from our jait.;. T! " Vn - rm ' ' IS letter ffolnaUora iiCe Whitworth to Lord' Hawlcefbury, informing hiLord(hip that the con ;iKfV:' Rhienha rd t ref pectin 2 the publicatibf newfpaper, wajconnncrcq French government as highly repre henfible, and that every fatisfadion was promifed on that point. '?: i; r;No. 58. ; " My Lord, j Pur Ut April iSoj. I have the honor to acknow ledge the receipt of yur Lordftiip's iifp3tches of the 13th in ft. ' Tfaw Jpfcph Bonaparte imme diatelVon the receipt, of yourord- Clip's difpatches and endeavoured to convince' him of the importance of preventing the ultima under which would inevitably follow , the rejection of .jvhat he had to propofe. I Will briefly (late, that on the find- ing.it perfectly 'im practicable to el. tablilh the principle or" our keeping poiletlion of Malta in perpetuity, I delivered to ht-n in writing tht fecond propofal I had to make. He did not fjfail.obferve, that by this modification the d tncuity which he confidered as innrmountable was riot removed; that althoughiheortfer was reftored, it could no be can fine, red as independent, and in faft," Malta would' belong to that power which had; poffeflUn of the forts. I enforced the adoption of this plan by every reafon which could ferve to recommend it; but the poflefiion jri perpetuity was conftantly urged as a dithculty whu:n notning soma Our convetfation lafted remove; near tVp hours. " 1 confefs that I gained no io. lid ground of hope that this preject, which he affdred me he would take to tne rmi voniui ai viuuu, without hope that he m.ght be au thoiized to; ropole to ms the oc cupation of the fort reffes for a term of years: It was iriy wifll',' that fuch a propofal (houtd come from, him rather than from me. I , told him that i did not ivell feehow ijch a tenure would fuit us,1 but that I wimedtoo fincefely to avoid the fatal extremities to whieh I fa w nie difcufliori W3S tendmg, riot t'.; ve any rearonable propolal which iit be made, on their part every afiitanc in my power. This , ' X X-J W .- w a , - f was theiefpre received by me meic- v, as a matter wh eh I would rtfer tp your ' Lordfh?p. If however I can-bring thc.matter to an imraedk ate cenrlufion and without further reference to your Lo'dfhip'on the principle',! of cut 'retaining poflel lion, of ; he fortrrffes of Malta for a term of years, not lefs than that pointed oui by your Lordlhip, and with the affurance ihjm this Govern rAeht will hot opprsfe the celTion '.'of the' I (land of Lampedofa Ivfriall have great plealure in announcing to your Lordlhii luch a conclufion the fame morning with M. de T 1 leyrarrd' difFen'd in no wife from what I have above mentioned. 1 He fuggefted alfothe poilibility of com ing to an arrangement on the ground of a temporary occupation,1-and I made him the fame anfwer,- (TranflatioH of enclofure referred to ia ' !-!': No. 51.) u His Majfty will confent! for Jake of prefervjng peace, that the governmentio : the JUand of Malta to the Order of St. altere enjoying-thofe Ihall be given lohn ; the M priviledges. w !hich have been-gran ted on f owner occaftons. The foit tificatioaof rhe Ifland (hall be oc cupied in perpetuity by the troops of His Majefty." No. 59. My Lord, rit, April iq, ifot. " I had hoped that thf fir ft extra- ' r;iinary meffeger I (h uld have Acafion' to fend, would have been . announce to your JLordfeip. that V ic ainerenees -oefween the two tHjvcrnmehts were adjufted on one i f the modifications pointed out to ine by my laft inftruftions from your Lordihip. In thisexpeclatio A am deceived. X faw lofeph Bo parte the night before la ftbefor? 1 hadlealed up my dilpatches oHhat --ung toyour Lordihip ; -ur. might be iniueearto conieni to ine llion of Malta " 1 .?XX'm" ferry to fay, that no fu$h ftimmonl has been received by inc. tcither haranV further notice) -been reufioefa. tSo that ; I feel, triat I fhould betfiy the confi dence your iiordfhip may place in me, were 1 to delay any longer re queuing, that I may be immediately furnifhed with the: terms on which liis Majefty's Mipifteri would be willihe to conclude, in order that 1 may propofe thera m tHefttm of an ultimatum ; and that at he epira- turn of, the period allowed for dell berationj I my be authorized not only to declare that I.'-xn to leave Pans, but ictually io to do unlels in rhe intermediate time, the French .government fhould accede to our demands."' ; 'f . (. : V: I have the hdnoiir to be,; Stcl (Signed) WHITWORTH. , "Right Hon, Lord Hawktfiutjc' No. do. April 23,) HawkelBury to Whitvprth? inllrufting him to lay before the-French Government the laft of the proportions before ftated, as an ultimatum and in cafe the. ,negociation failed, he fhotild leave.Pris in feven days. - No. 61. (Aprif 24, WhitWorth to Hawkefbury, Hating a converf fon with the French Mimfter, in which he fays the FirM Conful's anfwerwas,that no confideration on earth would, induce him to conlent tota ceflio&of Malta in perpetuity, in any Chape whatever ; that the re llcttablifhment of the order was not io much the point of difcuflion, as that of fuffering Britain to acquire a' oifehion'in the Mediterranean. HStoeerms of the nroiea were then dilculied Lord Whitworth endea vouring to'imprefs on the mind of the Secretarv, that as Britain was in pofloffion of theobjeft, any modifi cation mult be a iarrihce to peace, of that right .which (he had obtained to compentation and xounterpoile, Talleyrand did not difpute his pofi tions,- but: left an impreffion ,ort the mmdof Whitworth that a negoc:ati on on that bans wouldcommence. Jie iwas, however,' informed next moi ui-ng that the objeCt of the Conful was the fulfilment of the treaty ot n.micn3. ana ratner man lUDmic lo uc1, a propofition as was laft made, ie would conlent to the keeDine 'he fcbjett, in dilpute for ever ; as oe there would be the appear -nee of gen erofity, in the other, ;hat of weakriefs and coercion, but he offered! Lampedofa. This Whit. worth would not accept. His or der$ were to have Malta Talley rand laid the Chief Conlul would not yield to'a menace. No. 62. (Apri 25,) Whitworth gives an account or another mter view to as little purpofe as the pre. cediA. No. 63. (April Whitwdrtri ftates another interview with TaL leyrarid, in which the latttfr a Iked if toe pofle Alton of Malta was ftill in filled ont:and the former' repeated -he proppfitions of the; ultimatum, i'alleyrand then ' faidf it Would be un neceffary to delay te ofBcial 'com munication, as the Firlt; Conful would not confent tQ the pbffeflion of Maltaj ;cver for a tefrnv :iie re quefted' that the propofition might be made ih writing, but was refuied,' 1 oaugn t ne tjr 111 in JYi ;rri iter laid that as the 'propcai: was verbal, 1 he wpuld be contehted-wilh a verbal anfwer ; which Talleyrand confen i ted. to give. , - v .; ;;.' . ; ... ,.c: No. 64. (May 4,) Vhit worth ftates his dcfign to leave Paris ... , , inclofure a'Nb.. J Lord Whitworth haying pprilcd the Fren ch Gover n men t f ha t unlefs the ultimatum was accepted in eight days, hefith u ftV depart ; 'now 2d May) demands paffports for himfelf and iuite. ;;'- .v'r. . . " .y-, ': r ' ;.- '. vNjti 6The Chtef CcmiuTrilries t6 refer the" difpute to Spain; and Holland as patties to the treaty of Amiens ;,' and alfo to.cbnft Rudia, Piufiia. and Auftria as the guaran tees, beforeany change can be njade. In anfwer to this. Lord WhiiwortK (ays jthepropbCiiph is jhoplfSjn wi&toitive Malta to.Ruflia. LoW Whitwof th' Has many, obieftions to tnis plan, Dut agrees to wan an an- Iwer.from London 0 it. j . . , " Nov 68. (May 7,) rjawkelbury to Whitworth, fays thtt the proppfi tions of the French Government were fo Joofe, indefinite and nnfatif. faclorv. as to fall far fhort of the juft 'pretenfeons of England. That ihe had From the beginning, a right to confider herfelf as the injured party, and France had appeared de termined to wave all explanation. That fhe made no diftinft propofi- tion, until the moment, appointed for the departure of the AmbalTador, and then, fuch only as were whollv inadmiffible. That if Er.landxould be induced to wave the defnandfor thr temporary -Doffeffion of Malta, a Ruffian parrifun is that onlv to which fhe would refign it, and that certain anrl authenfc mtormation was poftVfled that Ruflia would on no account confent togarrifon it. H? then refers to the od project, and fays that the K:ng adhrres to it as ms ultimatum but that the pol- feffion of the Tfland miht be made rh the public treaty to depend wholly on the ituationof Lampedofi, while 1 a fecret article fhould provide fof its ! uuucuiun ten years. n incn icci 11- rrz ; a. ... . 11. 1 1 - the attention of Whitworth to the 3 j conauctot the t rench Mintwer at j Hamburg: and direcls him to abftaio from any arrangement, unlHs he fhould have received an alTurance that that condu'd would be public-!i ly dl fa vowed. No. 60. (Mav q,) Whitworth to Hawkefbury. informing him that! his communication was delayed on ! account of the accident (T falling! from his carriage which had hap-j pened, to the Firft Conful. But! that he would take the firft oooortu , : - j t, i his limitation of time from that mo ment. No. -70. (May Whitworth,: to Hawkefbury 'fays he experienced confiderahle diffirulrv in finding the ' Mmiller, that his uacKet was left at the office for fnreian affairs, but i f?eturned to him With a meflWe that the Secretary was hi the country, i and it was. not known when, he would return tha,t it would there- j fore be neceflary to fend it to h'm there. Mr, Talbot was thin fent, j at 9 o'clock, 'With the packet and a private letter, toTXlf rand. Who j was at St, Cloud. He therefore v left his name and the private letter,' and returned w'th the packet. At one o'clock in the morning, a note was received from Talleyrand, ac counting for, his not jbeing able to give an anfwef .fooner, .and aopbin ting 12 o'clock for ari interview. He accordingly attended, and com municated fo much of the contents' of No. 66. as related to the ffarrifori- iz Malta by either oowers. and the ultimatum on which he was tp ftaod or quit. Paris in 36 hours. Talley rand aiked whether the Ambailador felt himfelf authorifed to conclude with him a convention founded. on and extending the hafi's otb pro je6t,' as the firft article would be theJ perpetual poflellion of Malta by Way of exena h ge;' Whi t wor h fa id he was certainly - riot authorifed to enter into any engagement which would fender the negociation one of exchangCj inftead of a demand for fatisfatfon and fecurity. . TaL ley rand faid their objeft waitaltaj and' this they procured ; that Bona parte could. not. accede to what he confidered, arid what would be con fidered fiy all Europe as the effeft of coercion., out 11 w ws protMoic to iBkejthedraug would hi conficleliimTelf uftiHed inirei ruung to ao.io r w nuworui iKi that acting m ilnct compliance with Jlis jnftruftions, he needed n o j ufti- ncatiqn ana mat ne came witn tne 'determination ti abide l(them galley rand inuftedTthat by commu. n i eat ing "Vp rpjeaj : he wa s V me rely J ftatihje ort what erounds the Britiftil Gbyern ment ; w.oul d be villing: to conclude, and that a counter p rojeci formed or! the bafj s of giving, w hat Was defired, could not be refuied a fair difcuflion. Whitworth faid it was-. the intention of the i5ritifh Minxft ry;td aVoid all delay, and be ibould mate a Clahd on. the uftima tuttrHe favshe could riot oo tain otaneyra3dlhl uemarvuxu jrtjf cx cna n ge? i rv- ivi ai ta , prie To, Whitvorth demanded his paflports which were received at! a o'ejock. . ; . d Firjiinchfure, A note from-Whit-worth to Talleyrand, covering the project, which was intended as an ultimatum. i Second inctofuret The ultimatum as follows : . s;.... PROJECT.. r 1 -.1 . i I. The French Government (hall , engage to make nobppofition to the ceffion of the iftaod of Lampedofar to h'S Mjefty, by the , King of the two Sicihes. II. In confequence . of the prer fent, ftate of the I land of Lampedofa. his Majrftv, mail remain in poffefR on of the Iflrid of Malta, Until fuch arrangements ; hall be raacic by him as may enable his Majefty to occupy Lampedofa as a naval -ftation, .after Vhjch period the IQmd of Malta hall be given: up to the inhabitants, arid acknowledged as ah indepen dent ht -j III. The territories of the Bata viap. Rcpubrc (hall be evacuated by thr French forces within one month after the eonclufion of a conventi on founded on the principles of this project. IV. The Kane of Etruria. and kiiowIedg"d -byH?is Mfty. thr a ran I plfciiMlirc hai ir- V, Switzerland (hall be evacuated by, the French forces. - V1 A fuitable territorial proviG ion fliall he afTiatied to-" the Km,- of iriinJ3 in talv SECRET ARTICLE. His Majefty fhall not be require by the French Government, 10 eva cuate the lflnd of Malta until after the expiration of ten years. Articles I V. and VI. muft be entirely omitted, or mud all beinfer ted. . 1 ' ' j . , . Third indofure. Private letter from "Whitworth to Talleyrand, accbm- panymg the-' project and expreuing a hope that the refult would be 5 tranquility tb.both Countries. Fourth iriclofur:. Pnv; ate Ic'ter from WhitWorth to Talleyrand, ac companying? the packet When fent by Talbot, ' recapitulating themea' fures t-ken to communicate to him the prejeel: and inftruftlons cf his government! and urg'ng the limita j t'n oi his fty in Paris, if a favoura. bic aniw er Was hot civen. - j . o . .. ("Thefe documents were all writ- on 'hp 2c?h JMay. ,. r.. ' tifthuicUfufe. (May 12, j Whita worth ddnatids his paffporLS. No. 71. Extract, 'from Sir George Rumbold to! Lord Hawkfburv. da- - 1 IS ted Hamburg, March 29:, . i8oj, gi ving an-accduntortthe proceedings respecting the publication made 111 the Hamburg piper. . . . '. No. 72. Extract, fz-om Mr. Hill to Hawkefbury j dated Copenhagen, April 2j 1003, ftates that the French Minitter ati Altona haa dehred trie infertion of the Hamburg publica tion, in that gazette, but was refuied by the Magiftrates. : Froft's Smithfield Lattery . tAnbus Circumftances render it v ucceuary t poftponc the Drawing of Froft8 Smithfield Lottery which was ia- ttn'ded te ha ire been drawn on the fecond Mnday in June next, ftearlv halt the Tic ets.remn'&old and a Drawing could not now take Place without great Injury to the Proprietor. -The Drawing it therefore port.' poned until the hScond Monday in February neat' at which Time it wilt pofitiVely tafec Place and continue from Day to Day, 11 ntil finifheJ, whatever nay be the Number of x icKecs tnen rejnaiong on nin rrora.c,x pedence of the bales, t Kere is no Doubt out they will all fee iold by thiX Time. ' Lift? of Pr)e wf 11 bepublifKed inthNwiV papers, ind Payment made on Demand. Some Petfon in 1 Raleigh (of which public Notice will be given) jrtll te appointed to pay lucbr Prixe as may molt cdflvenientty be applied for there;' . Thole not demanded irUnec-oarfe o Twelvemonths after the Drawing, will be confidered af relinut&ed to the Proprietor of the Lottery. In MANAGERS. ' May 1 8, r83. -V ".7 r y . gdr'Tickeu at five Dollar each, to be hat! ofthe Managers, and of Mr Jonas Fror in johnftcriV Mr. Charles PafiOi in Raleigh j Mc S. Tttrrentine n Hillftorough ; M r. P. Henderfon, Cftapej.Hill; Mr. St Lanier, in Rocklngnas. County ; Ma J oh d Hunt, in Praitlin ; Mr. G; Hoofer, iu Stokes ; Mr v G. Bankk, Averaibardugb: f -Mr. H. Willi ams, near Fayetrille,t and Jeteral other Gentlemen in'iuTerenfPans of -the -State;fi 7 JHignettiJr;iie wrtnUioa JUoiiarstand f many other: ValoaWe Prixesi ; r- y ... C$4 -Mr; Froft KwUlbg; that sPetfonalioIding Ticik 'iifpofe of in Part of what ramainsn ifni, to iafe Perf 3 A-T a meeting.; of the -Deepjand '- Haw River Navif ation, Com'oarrr.5;at ;- Haywood on the 51I1 inlHnt, it i orsered, ; that ihe Company .'convene at Haywodbtt v tan cf iqay i cprmpr nt, to (poflttQCC whether the Comanv- foatl undertike the wrf- cutting a Caoal at SrTllie's or cot,'agreeablev v to the Keport ot the 4Jirfctt6rs. t JONATHAN LINDLEY. .Aug. NO KTH-C AR.OX.lN A. .v Treafury'Ojficet Au'v. 11,'lSof; 'T'HE prompt-and puntlual Man-4. - ner in which the Sheriffs and other &e- venue Officers of the. State aforefaid have - 1aftrlv fettled thir AccounK and Bali! into be l reafury the Taxes and other public Dues. - would feefn 10 authorife 3 belief, that It is not n-tetfary to ca 1 the Attention of thofe. Gen- " tierce' to tHi$ Ljjdifpenfable" Dnty forihe curiTt e-ir : Ir is hopd,1 that each and every ot hem who have, heretofore faithiuUy acco'jni,cd ill fuftam the Reputaticij ,the"y hv fitabhfhrd, ard again finally fettle and clofe thetr; Accodnts tcfpeSfcively y the -firft -Day .-of Wctcbet nexti actprdva; to Law. : J hofeAvhvare atprefent.vnforttiaately iqri i rar, and fuch asfhaM place themfelves vjrhe , like Situation for the current-year ifL.any fuch there fhall unhapp.ly be) will renjeinberi that the Law makes, it the Duty of the Tfpa furrr to enter up Judgment? againfteach and. every of them,v. wuhoot Delay : ShuldL it continue or become necefiViiy, all whom it -may concern will take Notice, that this Duty, ? however uapleafanf the Taf!; u eajoins, will be ftnetly performed at the Superior Court tor the Djitrft of Hil'fborough, commeoemgr on the k& Da rot Oclo&ee r.ext.. fV - JOHN HAYWOOD, P. Vrtaju-e. : VVARRENTOM RACES Will commence on Tuefday the faurth daT of Odouer next. - . - F;rft diy, a Purine of ajp Dollars, three? fBtle Heats, VVcight tor Age, free for'!' any r -Nag. 1 straoce 25 dollars. Second dav, a -Purfe of loo Dolfar?,: two Mile He?ts, Weight for Age, free, for any Nagi Entrance 29 dollars. ; , , . The Money for the above Purfes, will be colleed as ufualat the Gates. - . .r .y Nags to be entered with Suan Johnfon tfyt Day previous to that on which rhfy are to run, before , fun fetV! arul the Eritrapcle Mo ney paid it the famr Time. ' M DUK j- I0HKSOK. ; Manager for the Jicfoy Cluii After each day's Racing) . Mr. SULLY Will exhibit Ground and Lofty Tumbling - ' -, ' . ...and -.,' , .' " Equeflrian Performances ; And in the Evenings, .V BALLS will be: f utniflied " At M Dukf. jfohnfon's Long Room ' ' - A. ugu'l f. ' . -'.- V.y.;, '..l , :,,- ' S.cheaie: q! a Lottery, AXJthorifed by a& of the General - Aflembly, to rnfc a v:u?n. , of Money ta cornplcte the buildtag of the LUMBHRTQM" ACADEMY, in Robe Ion County, Nortk CaToiina. 1 Prize of 00 dolls. 1 do. 30O 1 do. . jeo 10 do. o ' 2o do, . 1 . if' 50 ao. . 10 ..ft iA'eoo-- 1 500 do. - ..' ; ' Misoo-. ' Laa dfawa.Ticket;-VlicpJ;; 54 Prices. . .'5'oo'..';;;' 1 7 ja Tickets, it j 6s. or i doU. fa'chi : ,Two Blanks to a Prize. ' . The Fi1ln';w.U.be adrbjr'(9ie 'Treafnrct of.the Truftees of the AcaJty, at any Tt'rhd : after the Drawing, Wkh Pona'ualky, fubjeA 'o a . ' Deduction 'vnTte'en.v?it ' fok the; BeneRt -of the Afadepny. The fortu.oate Numbers will be pubiifhed for the lofotmaa tioa of Ticket-holders; ; ' ' : The Drawing of the Lottery will beg&t' me lourin ot J anuaty next. - . JOSEPH WOODr I JOSEPH B ELTON, v WM. NORM ANT, Manxgtrts :s' IHO. BARNES, , ; ROBERT HAfLLS j j ff One Hundred -Dollar B$fa T AN AW AY from meatTVent egro Fellow named PaiNCE,', aged zt) in rones k.ouq iv. ai a lanuarv. .r Years : he is upwards of Sve; Feet riigh, dar& Complexion, tolerably weir.fet, has a large Lump, on the Pit of his Stomach; and a bald frace on the Crown of his Head f has a Stop page in his Speech, ' which was broken ng. utn, ana wore ma nairucuco. a capeevne will attempt to afs for i free Man.r 1 nave been informed that he has fome Family Con nexions among the Negroes of General Beo- jamin. amun, 01 wruniwicis. wouaij, ao- n.rlt'iil 1. latrtrtnlT limit th . ' I will 'give the above Reward to airy Perfon ' who will lodge ninrin amy vfoat ia, ttte ynitea . States, r deliver him to me 1 Mdel above Kinitoa ; in cafe of his being ta Col,-f3hall expecVthe $eTtbn wba aypreheoisrtm, to , g'vejrre Notiteby Poft direcled toKiAoajj, . I .willaifo gi ve a Reward of Fifty; DollarfJ to aey V4;oe who "wril give Information of Tita being aided or ; anltled by anyhirej;Trini fo that thev my be profecutedto Convictions . l? s'2 - .JOHN XarCRYAK; j Lenoir County, July j 3ti JI03; fJTV r. Charleilon tit rf uefted ttt fivethe kbove a ; r u m t r in iulu & .ucii .urn lniEE '.. cui. " g to them; xno. Ot?.: May, a.) L alieyrano tnongnineiagrqjoiuo

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