. . . , - - . ..... - 'r'f- r- i - . - . . - . . : .- ... : .- ' - ' . . - ... . . .L- , j ,. - ; - V'.; -j .. . . -; ' '". . : V:V:!i-, . .-; , '""f it ' ' - V , 3 Oar are tkt rt el ftr delictfl peace "Oawnrp'i by Putf Rtfti to live like BiU&i Monday, SfcTEM 3 er 19 1B03. Vol. IV. - ' 0 Hanover, PARIS, jDtV M. In twenty-four hours after the irrival of the courier vrho was the bearer of the convention of Suhlin pen, Telatlve to the army of the King of. England in Hanover, the firft Conful cauied that aa to be fent to the Englifh Government,- in order to know whether his Britan nic Majefty was willin-; to ratify it. Citizen Talleyra- d, Mmifter for Foreign: Relations, confe.quentlv wrotftihe following letter to Lord Hawkefbury : Leittr 'fnvt the Wtnifttr of Foreign Affaht ' re Lrrd Hawk'jbury, fais, May JO, . " My Lod, . " After flight engagement with the troops of his Britannic M jefty, the French army occupies tnc terri tory of Hanover. " The firft Conful having only in view to obtain fome pledge for the evacuation of Mdta and to endeavour to accompli ih tbeexecu tin of the Treaty of Amiens, has not been difpoled to make his Bri tannic Majefty's Cubjeitsexrterienc allthe rigours of war. ,Nevrthcle!s, .1 r- n ri i.C. . U tne nrit. voniui cannoi innjr Convention concluded between the Freftch army and that of his Mi jefly, of Which I have the honor to fufcjoin a copyj but in as Car i' fhall be in like manner ratified by his Britannic Majefty j and in ths cafe, I hive it cxpreifly in charge from the Frfi Confu), to 4cclar. that it is his intention that the army of the King of Enehnd, in Hnx-' ver, fhould, in the fift inftance, be exchanged again fl all the failors O!' lOiaiers wnicn n;s majciiy imps may or (hall have nnde pnfoners. 44 The Firft ConfuJ would fer with pain, thit his Britannid Ma jfty-,' in refuftng to ratify the faid Convention, fhould oblige ttj- French Government to treat the country of Hanover with all the rigours of 'War, and as a country which left to itfelf, ajnd abandoned by its Sovereign, would find it elf conquered, without a?apitulation, and left to the difcretion of the occupying power. -4 1 fhall anxioufly exped, my Iord, your communication of the intentions of his Britannic Ma- jfty. - " Receive, my Lord, ths, a(Tu- rancd of my hi'gheft confidcration. (Signed) "Ch. Mau.Taihyrand." Hcre follows a Copy of the Convention General Mortier at the famej:ime received orders to accu-int the Ge neral of the King of England's army in Hanover, that the F ift Conful w.puld mke no difficulty of latifying the , Convention of Suhhngefc, as foon as his Britannic Kajefty'himfelf fhould have rati fied it. There is not a fingle fer.fi ble man in Europe who coufd for a moment have doub'ed the ratifica tion of the King of Enohnd. The receipt of the f din wing an fwer from Lord Hawkefbury, there fore, excited the grcateft ailonifn. tnent. Anfwer of Lord Hawkefbury the Mmifler for Foreign Affairs. " Sir, Donirg. Street, June i to " I have I a id: your Jetter of the 1 10 h mlt, before the King. " I have hi Mjeffy's orders to inform you that as he always confi d the charafter of Eledor of Hanover a$ diftinft from his cha. raaerof King; of the United King doms of Great Britain jand Ireland, he cannot confent to icquiefce Jn nyact which mi-jht fanHfon the jaea that he is juaiy fu fee p table of being attacked in ons capacity for the canduahemay fchmfc it his duty to adopt in the other. It -is not t 'GW that thi5 principle has, for the nu lunc, accn advanced. It has een recognised by fe vera I powers of"Europe, arid more particularly by the French Government, which, 1.n.1795 in confequencecf his Ma. r n' ccerion-to,the Treaty of tt'fle, reccgnizM his ntiitrality m capacity of eaor of Hanover, "the., moment when 11 wasatwar 'Jth him in Kit Tri r Vtv BJUa,n. This principlexhas. ihfl . " wni"ai oy con- arrangements which have lately ta ken place relative. to the Germanic indemnities, whofebbje& my ft have been, to provide for the indepen-. d e n ce o f 4 h e; E pe r or , ; a n (1; w h i c h have been fblernnly guaranteed by the principal Porers of Europe, but in which his Majelfly took ho pirt as Kng!of Great Britain. " Thefe circumftances his Ma jfty, "in his character of Eleftor of Hanover, is ; fefojved ' to appca I to the Empire, "and the Powets of Eu rope, who have guaranteed the Ger manic Conftitution. and conf qucntiy nis rignisana poiiruipns :n qmhtyof Piinne of that Empire. '.Inthe meantime, untilhisMajffty fhall be informed or their fentiments he rias recommended me trv" ft ate, that in his charaftcr of EJftor of Hanovr,he w ill fcrupuoulflyab Gain from every aft which can be confi dered as contravening the (lipulj; tions contained the Convention which was concluded on the 3i of June, between the deputies appointed by the Regency of Han-iVf-r, and the French government. 44 1, beg your acceptance of the aflurancesof the high cohfideration with which 1 have the honor to be, Sir, your mod humble and obedient lervt. (Signed) 44 Hawkesbuji y." Gcneril Mortier was then infor--n d that in consequence of the re fnlal of.the ratjficition on the pan if the Ki'g of England, the Con vention of5uhiing!n was coafidereJ is null. Copy of a letter Vmt en by Lieut. General Mortier to Marihal ' Count. Waimoden, dated Lunenburg, June 30. I have the honour to inform your Excellency that the Firlx Con sul would have approved in its en cire contents, the Convention of Suhlingpn, had the King of1 E?g iand himfelf confented to ratify it. It is therefore with pa?n I have to ac quaint you that Lord Hawkefbury has informed Cit'zen Talleyrand that his Britannic Majsfty formerly rcfufed that ratification. 4,4 Ycur Excellency well recol lefts, that in 1757, a fimilar Con, vention was concluded atiGIoucefl' r Seven, between M. de Richelieu and the Duke of Cumberland, and tli4t the Kuig of England not be ing difpofed to adhere to it, gav.- orders to his army to recommence hoftditier. 4 It is to avoid a renewal of the Icenr.s which then took place .thai my Government charges roe to in form your Excellency, that th'e,rr ruial ot his Biitanmc Mijrlty a.nh'uls the Convention of Suhlingen. 44 It isevident, M, Marfhal, that England unworthily faenfices your 'rooos, whole bravery is known n- ali Europe ; but it is no lefs known thatliny plan of defence on your part Would be lllufory, 2nd could only draw down new calamities -jpori your count iy.'. 4c I have empowered General Ber" thier, chief of the general ftaff, to communicate to you irsy propofals. I mufl infift f that your Excellency will have the goodnefs to give me a. categoric il anfwer in the fpace of twentyfour hours , The army whichlnave the'nonour to command 13 ready, and waivs only for the fig.. II ai to action., I inireat yoiir Ex cellency to believe me to be, with the moft diftincuifhed confidera- t:m. (bigr.en) f " Eo, Mortier." Letter from General Mortier to the Firjt Conful. Head-quarters at Lutite-urg, July 6 14 Citixen 8'irfi Cunful, 41 On the 30th ujt. 1 wrote to Maifhiil dc Walmoden a letter, of whith a copy is hereto fuhjoiaed. Bron de Bock, colonel in thercgi rnent of guards, waited on me, on his part, the following morning he told me that the propolal of making His army lay down their arms, for the purpofe of tiejng conduced pri foners i n t o ' Fra n ce, w as of 'nature fo humiliating, that1 all of them would rather psrifti with arras in: their haads ; that they hati made a fufiicientTacnficfr for their country by thexcapitulauon of Sufilingea ; that it was novito do foraething for iheir own honour ; that taieir of&t cers and their army were reduced to defpYtr. M; de Bock then preieited toms the'sexifemcviideliiyr kh tch. lie ;Ha no fre r af nVKii - f cr u pah ilJN.tll.. .o.oittkrl .II I V m .' .1 m f . - the convention of Suhlingen, which concerned them? that their conduct ln regard to us ws exempt from all reproach, and ought by no means to draw upod them thetn$fortunefi with.Whichl'menacedthem. I on my fide, re'erirriioate on the perfi dy of the -King o f VE n gfmfy w h o had retufed to ratify the Cqien tion of the 3d of June ; that iTwa' the Machiavellian policy of EnhiriH alone that they fiad to accufe, ano that it was nan feft that Govern ment would facnSce them, 4s it al ways had facrificed its friends on tke continent. ' 4t M, de Bock is a man fulf of honour and generrfity. He fsdt chat if I cotild make ad;n?fTible pboafitichs, fuch aa" that of 1-nd-ing home a part of thearr.y for fix months in rotation and keeping ay. 3 body of 5 of 6000 mere on- the Launenburg, thar he conceived Marfhal migh: entr into an arrange ment with me. "fyiy anfwer w:s-in the negative, and we parted. I had already rftde every drfooution for Dafiing the rivr. A number of boats collected in ttie Elbe and tht ?.lmenau furniflifrd. me With ahuni lant means. The enemy cicrugied 3 potition asDetween oteRnuz ano Bile. 44 Th genr.ral atsck wjis to rnve nken pi ce in night .of 4th. The enemy had got '(nine arrdlery of a large calibre at Ruz' burg-, and vifh h:s tney monmea an tnc oarr?ers on the Elbe- I had On my f?dt er &td c unter-hatteries ; my troop? were well difpofed, and tvery ihiPgt announced a fortunate lffue, when M. de Wal moden cpmrnunicated to fbe following propofitions: 44 Cit'zen Firft Conful, thY Ha noverian army were reduced to def pair, they implaredyfur clemency. I thought that, abandoned by their Kin, you would treat them with kindnefs. In he middle of the Elbe I concluded the annexed capi tulation with Gepeial Valmodcn.. He fignadit with b?ttern.r(s of hear t : you will there fee tint hlSry layf down iheir arms.; that h s cavalry re to be d -fmounted,. and to pu; into our hani s nearly 4000 excellent V-orfes. Thd f ;Hiers rcii ning to their homes will devote t.hsmlejves to the labours of agriculture, and nee(i give us no kind of urie?fineis. They villbe no Uxncr under the otderv of Englrtid. i Ileal: b and p'ofwvd rrfprti " E. MeaTttR " , P. S. It would he difiiciiTt to dev fcribe to youJthf" fituation of the fine regiment of rhc fine regiment of the King of England's guards, at he moment of their aifmounting." 44 The Fiing 'of England having refafed to ratify the Convention f Suhlingen, the Firft Conful has 'eeri obliged to confider that Con vention as nu'l. In . conf euence thereof Lieutenant General Mort.er,.! commander in chief of the Ftench armv, and his Excellency Count dc Watrnodcn, commander in chief of the Hanoverian army, have agreed to the following capitulation, which (hall be inimediately executed, with out being of a nature to be Tubmrt tcd to the ratification of the tvyb Governments. Article I. The Hanoverian army ! fhall hy down 'it's arms; the fhall. j be given up, with all its artillery to the French arirry. -4 II II. AU the Itories or tne tano- - 1 verian cavalry and artillery thai! be-if given uo to tnc i'renca .irmv, oy m one of the members of the States.!; , . - . 1 . 1 .v j A Coamxffibncr appointed by inch commander m chief to that ettett , fh ll Kff in(1ntlv fell t to take ari .'II account of their ftate and number, Itl. The Harrotfcnan arrpy thall be difbarided; t he troops fh s 1 1 re - oafs the i be, 4 and w j t lictfaw to their refpeiti vc- homes,' They Paall oreviou fly gi ve I heir parole rot to carry arms agaihtt France' und bet aliieji until ratter ; nav irlgN teeeo ex v changed for thbfe of equal rank by asmany French military as may be taken by the Enghth ia he courle of the prefent war. i . IV. The Hanoverian Generals nd Officers hall retire upoq their parclejo the place's which they may chufdfor their a.bcfde, oxovided ihey do not depirtrfftTr" the'.cr6nttneht;4 Vh ej ? V a I - V&nft h r fuir srA - n rt 1 akaway ;with them their heH, tffcilV aai had ga c.-.' r -:f"A .V. There fliall be etven to the 11 commancier ,n -chief cf. the Flench j army, w.th the leaft.poOible delay, sj a nominal-lift of all the -indivtduaTs of whom the Hanoverian a-my if comDofed. : VI. ThtHatioven,niQjdiets(tn. l" frei pecrive nomcs xouui ; he ollrtwcd to wear their unjforms. v iii. ine lon ano naiucicu the Convention vf Suhhern (h .11 be appl.cabie to the Hanoveri- lA. 1 e rrench troops ihall im- I mediately oc.cubv that Dart of the Vi Eleaorate l Hanover fil'mied in p! she r.mnivi....l.,K. s, . Signed, hi duplicate, on the Elbe," th.s.SthXofVjuly:,.!'- ' vear of the fV-rh Repiibt ,4 r FOR SAtyE, On very low ri7is, -TTOUR Hundred AcWs of lying on 'hoe Heel Crtlc Richmond f'o-niv, about two Viies frn Drowning ; Creek, nar L; tie PeeJee RiAr Ihereoij ; is crup cte Ms)! Seat, he, f earn, being fofHcient o turn tvra Saw MiIb.'iiV the drieft i i:ne; dia ojr, i itnau i niproi: "nt, Lucre nay be an estennve CeoriTetown. . Trade of uimuer td ..Part of the ruyment, a very generous Ctrjiit wii be gsv-ctv. Apjrly to the ubferiber ia Montgomery j Couity, txoah-Carohna ' 1 j it . -! . M.iTl'. DOCKERY JSug. 1, iSoj. EN r T A I T M ENT, "HPHE S'.ibfcnber oemg warmly fi 1 ciud -by aNumberoi relpea.ib!e Cha- raes and-Iter Fneodi in particular, iiorms 1 1' 1 . ' T , , i Travellers m the Town or Lumerton, Ro. brlun Cou.it.; ihc filters hedelt h4t her ; i. ;,; ,v- s .n..qi.Mi. w.ll not i'.ul to ratr.i her the Patronage of the i . . .v.,- . t,1 -. w. , Public in Hcral j She vs;s r.crisJf of this pppr:antv, to' return htr melt lincere Thai.k"! to thole who .have al'r&ad honoured her wish their CJof. torn , and arTurts them that ihe Contiiuaate othir Favours w;ll aiways operate' at a S timu'.us ;o hct futu.ee Iit;rii:. The Pa- ptrs tram fo.nr o; th mo't rcfpeilabie C-ti-3 in iht Union vilt be regularly n!cen. Good. St b.cs, Corn, Oats, and Fodder, with afi fteady Oftlcr, may always be re'tieJ oa, and he be.t of L fjujis and. t'roviho is that tote Country aiffjrds. DIANA NOYES. Lumberton, Sept. 7, lSJoj. , RAN AWAY, T7ROM tl-c SubfcribT, on 'uefdnv Night ahe 6th inlt. Bur ess Moony, his Apprentice, a (rout young Feiiow, about -?j etehteeh or nin?tern Years 01 .-ge, nas a Stoppage in his Speech; had ?hen he wen j away, a Parcel oi vefy god Cloaihs. Idol fuppofe his luention is to try to ger to. Peterfttirg f do hereby foTe,varn a'n Peri ; fons from, harbouring or employing the faid Burges Moody, a'. he is ftill my Apprentice ! Any Perfon apprehe;idin or fecunog the laid rjurges Moody, fo that I get him. again, fhall be handfomely rewarded, and I do further forwarn al! Stdi?e Driven from taka. the faid Burge in as a PrTenger. JACOB W1LFONG, Saddier & Haruefg Maker' Rafeigk, Sept. tft iSJ. RAN AWAY, ; . -TR'O'M the Sublcriher, nearNev 1 j Kr ii- m r t ( ,tw 1 -a iV a Nero m Iiamttf Poiladores he ir thirtr fix Years of Age the 3 lit of this Monih of a )k"uw r n w I'hes high, fioutmade ajid weiifet he nas a large car or one or n:s nanus, x eciicj 1.fi;belvveca his Thlimb and Fore Fia- occafioned by the Stroke ot an Axe; he has Sears of the like Kind an on or oota of j! his Feet and Andes. He has a Lump on his' r,Sm i""e aw c - ' 7 .Va was nurx in rigaiip. ah careers t l'els aci others are forewarned from harbour ing, employing or carrying away laid Negro -The above described "Negro is out a Wed", & it he des not lurrender himfcit retufii Home immedtately , any Perfor may kill and deltrov the laid Slave, by fuch Meant as he or may' think fit, : withont Accuratiou ,or peachment of any Crime or Off; tU or Forlaure thereby. I will giv? fifyV?'!r? Reward frr the faid Negro, rr-X tuattoa r e may be brought yu!"curei fo ihat i ifcaii jethirn. i,Lf - - Crkv in County Au?0 ?r v , no"0'uT?rea Titioa; raw . .wu r 4 v A - vu. I hev UjaII be pjtovided tej:tWt3 in6ti, are, requeei ' 1. M withfuhfiftence until th-ir return f QTd 94m ?rpW ' tetf tofhe hor(es of tWe oiHcrs. orefcribed 6.mW wirfoi fcmM. , , 1 v, Lhutexant Genirul, mmuade'UZjrhif: ff: i - AflemMy, to raife. hum of Moft; Vf, tv.A V E M,iXcr d t! complete the baildipgot the i, y M B RTU 1 ; ii ;r f : m:.. .... 1 - j. r.i.lli 1 , nrc - .y .T - The Priz will be paid bV-the rreafurer.'-'p Cr,uud, near oujuam Cretk, h an. I tbff Truftees of XeJy; at Time- lie ood l.x.g bed.ed .Houfe tureen, a ore. v a Deduaion if fifteen percent for W . Room, Dwelling Rooms a .i Kuchcn. ror : o.fi. .W fww , Notice is hzrcbv fftieSl if 2 'T'HAT the Subjbribrt bVvp quC' A lifia rEeVe Mh't !afttva7i" V-t.'J. tTcimVatf - IJuTIU - ' - Mite : et rrnftnft.CoBty ecea(Vd; an4 'at jhtfjU '-t ff, are determine to ietrte up the liftate ithi 1 ITi,l"SS5'V; pcftjy c4. thLt indebted tUhe Bftate t malecf ptyv9A'tifkUj. ' ;Thofet"t,v, 'n 1 nri4i ttie jm JLay ttprtmbtf ?r a trie JftrDyelhrtg.Hofe of tht Dw l!eJ rb V4 on?" Ul " 'W ad Shop t&enitts. ' -C & . - lOHtfHfjNT, , C ' K ; r jpH FOStBR;; Franltlin GettrityAuc. il. 180 : '" . , ' ' . "' ,-.r- ''V . 1 ', T1 'm V ScM'S A Urhorifed by aL ofthe Generate 50 do. 500 do Laft drawn Ticket, 584 Prites HO? Blanks'. Mi 5 i75i 'TicketSj at jo, or j doltv each. JB auks to a Pi ue. Numbers willbe pu l hcd far the Informal tion of Tickeunolders. ;." : ; MC vt luw. iiVii. j, will WbgiM " the fourth.of aouary next. . . tnccpu.wnnft' . JLii- i J" J61 U UI.U1 I ,.WM. NORM ANT, V Munaget. ROBERT HAH LS, J WaDLSHUROUGH - j H F iV t tlTrF f?V 1 A-UihnnJpd hv jn Att or he (.! ral Affembly of the .Mate of NorthO , Carh for the Purpofe of raifing the Sura , r ne Thouland Dollars, t& enable th r... , v ?J ruitfesljt faid Academy to fi&ilh their Build ing, and Tor other Pirrpoies to the. Ui and iicuetit oitd Inftitution. .' : r . , . " . SCHfcMIi. . ..." r-r J Prizeof iooo Doilars,- is iooo - t do. f 150 Uoiis. to oe the - lalt drawn ticket) Z. do. 4' do. 10 do. 40 do. z do. of , joo dollars ; aK 400 12 IO of 50 do., do. to do. ot xc of o S 300 Pritet v ttO 570 ftlankg " V -S70 Picket; sty dolts, is 450 T he drawing of this Wttery will commenett Tniun t M i.U(k.....l. '" . U t-i. 1 'J j j Fr;day ot October next, XndvViil be tJefeo k ' lf toon Iherearier as practicable ' - : ; !" Hv, The Pnies-fhali be pad by either 6fth ? Commiflio ers, t any flic ner Vtoe'TtiW n m; is rmilhed. with PuncOiainv. iubieUta a uaucxionoi ten per cent. v . 1, l'W 7 The Numbers at the fortuntte Tickets will. be publithed in the Raleigh iiller, rod-ii the Minerva ; and all frize v&ch ihall not, be demanded within ninety? Ds - after tho , Drawing is cibledV will be cuntied t$ re linquitho i, and hcid asa Donatio At o the -Uf of the In'.iitution. ' " Tickets to be hd, at five Dollar the ComminTonersaod of leyerai G in d.tftrent Parts of thiiStatc. andot t of South-Carolina.. -"LHi-v -' -' i The Truttees are fenftble in otterKV Pian of a Lottery to the uiiictJ Ait I deDendraore for t'u'ccefs on the C of the 4)bwLts to which the Proel to be '"asuiied. than to aar Mejrt lhe Seo itfeff, cr the Mbdfc of ra.finMoney by rel- ii entitled t. ThevAel Defir to do. eo "f to$ V'v,:.':'v .v-', J ioo'-a-v ;' f .'. common with maiiy of th ""v,tf 5 IS f ioprGnoteeminafics . . ViWi Sttt the Coifnfr. v tlwf iTOMluti.w v -IT lie.'ief of the ImporWfele InftittUonty f s they regard rviTHricaiciorai'and ,rtli-X Pirvv; j6t ettende4 te thexa jfratnrthtv;Yl tar 'SHuooi but weare, - indebted ateftfeUriK ; i ndi y.d J J lertiojj. a ot Protclioa, thatthetr; ;x,JKce amongft us. " . K'''''M uuitf thele: Imprefiions, and oties, that ihe Truilcs ihe Vyadtfbeu ugh Academy (a . young, but pbmtfineTn " .A i'- Scheme to, the ' Piiblic.vanifolJcitin i6e Af- 'fod&olinf&n,- t .'Hubert Xroji s l0B.IO tiltance of ihe ineudsof Learning to lor war ei 524 Jt tbeir.Viewf. " -'U JPameh Mathall PoflsiSag trhkh ihs; Tevtasnt f ttU RaiJ ? tOJ Heed jio topgeKirf aCiJ Sj? 5 . ii n. mm ,11 4i Ml If V. I

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