1 U '' ABB . ! r. G Ql V $R PL? R AND : H OuTi art the PUnf ef Fair dttglitfI Peac, Unwarp'd by Party Rage, to live like Brtthri." Monday, September 2 1803; No, c6. - - 4 North-Carolina REBELLION IN IRELAND. ! LlVERPOOL, JULY 28. f.biof' htter fr(m Dublin to a ckint in this town Sunday eleven Scloek, 24th current. . " Dear Sir, . . . icyou will be hocked to hear that arc at this m-ment in a more a- j Wmirtf fixation than at any period inline the unfortunate rebellion : At an rly hoar yefterday evening, fvanctyof ir.fiimmatory proclama tions wertdiftrihuted. inevery part If the town, calling on people t unite as before, in oppofiuon to EneUih oppreffion, and at fo early X height o'clock a lar?e 'artvfcrccdinto the Lord Mayor's, W A aI1 th rms ind ammUQI Vhat ver in thc houfr and a Lout ten o'clock a genet ai engage. nt took place in iho vic.n.ty rf jamcs-ftreet, ThonM-ftreet and in every part of the liberty. Lord Kilw.r5en (the chief Jufoce of the K-ng's bench) coming into town about 3 o'clock, was forced out of his carnage in james-ftreet with his nephew and were ptn hjueu y pikes " Col. Brown 0 the silt, and a few more officers, and feveral of the yeomen have, unfortunately been killed, together with a greit num. bcr whoappearedof the vry loweft order. But what is the moll alarm ing is,that their plot's have been car tied on with fuc.h .fecrecy that th-y sre not yet dilcovered, notwithltan ding feveral prifoners . were taken. Mr. Clark, of Pajmefton cotton manufacturer, was .(hot. ..on. Arran Qtsy, at qciock in the evening ; and it appears mere were teyerai par ties colleaing',.. in d)K"crent prts of thc town at an early hour. . - .The Privy Council has been fitting at the. eA'e thefe two hours paft, aad is . expefted martial lav will be pro- elumtd immeaiajeiy.. , 1 here are fe veral gallons erected in . .different parts of the town, and the execu tions it is fuppofed xvsll be innume rable, as theie are abaut 100 prifon .1 rri 1 r ers iaKen. 1 ncy no not leetn to have any leaders; of cohfecjuence ; the only one tak?n is a man by the - f m.L-- t - - ramr oi ivi uioc, a puciican, at whofe houfc there hav- been got a bout feoo pikes a:d 600 rounds of ball 'cartridge.. Wc have not yet he?rd of any difiurban'ce in the country, and all the coaches have arrived this mrning. i " The fituation of the city is m'oft awful. The drqros beat to arms at 10 o'clock at night,1 and continued till 12, vvhsn almoft; every citizen was untfer arms. Tbe engagement continued until four o'clock, and within the fe two hours two of the 62d regiment have been killed in the neighbourhood of the Royal Hof di- Anothtr account', dated, July 25V On Satutday evening la(t, govern ment having had information that a depot of pikes and other enpines nf deftruftion, had been made by a new- lyorganiiea horde of infurgCnts in the vicinity of Bridgefoot-ftreetj a detachment of cavalry had been or eereabyOen. Dunn from the bar. racks, which were ioined bv a mm pany of yeomen infantry, part of the1 Liberty Rangers, now under the command of Earl of Meath, ha ving arrived at the fpbt where their inftruftibns deeded; them, afrr ikirmifh'ofa few minutes with the populace, in which a few lives Were l0,a great number of pikej were und, alfo fome combuftibles,- par ce's oi nails, fragments of iron, gtafs compoa, clay, oakum and other ma ter'als. ... With thefe were difcovered a number of deal balk, in plcCes of va- Thl a.C,rculuar cavi'V in each of filhS T lnChes diameter, fi ledwuh gun powder . to each a ruurc wasappufda wooden nl vent hole, or a ,aPPredon the tk; ijju V nocr aoout vr , ?t timber P0(cd to .Hav. Ki3"""V a51UP - uUUic:. lnis mach f n . . r -c : " aea to Ws oi ta -aCK$. Several J, Powder were difcovered ti:!n.eac 'ndatm.wJ tvvcr venicle was A fuit of ereen uniform. With i 9 gold epaulets and a fplendid embroi dery, was alfo-'ound, and feveral pa., pers, by which the; train of opera 1 10ns fixed by tlaofe deluded peoole, was difcovered and will doubt lefs be prevented. Among the melancholy difafters of rKe night may be rec koned the nxurdar of Lord Kil war-. ien, Chief Juftice of the Court of Kirig' Bench, and the Rev; Arthur Wolfe his nephew, who' aconipa iWd h m with the ladies of his Lord (hip's family, in a carr age to town. The wound ha received was a large lacerated one in the fide, having the appearance ofbe-ng inflicted by a fhot from a blunderbufs. "A Privy Council have been fitting veflerd3V at the Caftle, 4 .d did no bre-k up until a late h ur laft night : a proclamation offering a reward of 1000I. for -he difcovery of the mui derers of Lord K Vwarden, and the R :v. Arthur W -lfe, has been iffued. Upwards of 100 , prisoners weie lodged yefterday ii he new lrevot, ui the barracks. A printed Qor.ce fidm the Lord Mayor and b(ard of macriltrates was ycftrrday handed about, apprifing the citizens of Oub iin, that from tha recent diiturt-an ces, they feel it incumbent on them to reinforce the l:iiurrection Att, purluant to which it became pena!, during thc lalt rebellion, for any citizen not on military ctuty, to be out laser than eight o'clock in the evening. AM ACCOUNT Or TUX Blague of .londqn, In 1 e2 c . . About thebeginnmg of Nf ay 1665, one of th mod err ble plague thu ever infefted any oity or kingdom, broke out jnXh city of lyi don, by whole dreadful ravages 68.596 per, fons were fwept away. . This con tagionhappening j jfl forty years af ter the horrid pftilence of 1625, ocafioned fome to. impute , a fatalrty o that number, as if the land ws to have- refl only forty years. ;,Buc n jruth the city h.-d not been cj'iitr free from the plague for twenty five years .before, and :t ha'4 , been free from contagion only three years in about feventy : and it is, no wonder, when weconfider thc narrow, crook ed and incomraoijl us ftreets (fitter for a wheelbarrow than fir laige car riages) thc dark irregular and ill con- trivea woven r.oules, vitn their feveral ftori'es jutting out or han2- ing over each other, whereby tbe circulation of the air wasobftructed, noilome vapours were harboured. and venomous neMiIential rnm- nourifhed. Jn the week Wherein the hideous diftemper vvas fir it difcovered, it earned oft nine perfons, by whith the Citizens wc(e fo much alarmed, that a univcrial panic diff.ii'ed ltfeif a mo n g ft the peop le j,a 1 1 ran k s,! but the week afer tharriumber,. accor ding to the bill of mortality, being reduced to three, their fears were greatly alleviated. The next week, however, the number increafed to fourteen, ' ancl fo progrejili vely to forty-three tnc people were (truck with conftcrnal,n, and it made many- think of leaving the city. But in the month of June, the num-' ber having gradually increafed to four hundred and feventyper week, it put the nobility, gentry and pnn. cipal citizens ujpon the Wihg, all being inflantly in a hurry the city emptying itfelf in the country, the ftreets and roads thronged' wi'h pat-' fengers. In the month of j:uly,'the bill increafing to strio, all hules were fhut up, the ftreets deferted, L and fsarce any thing to be feen"7there, but grafs growing in the ftreets, in numerable fires for purifying the infected air, coffins, peft carts, red crolles upon the doors, with the infcription of Lord kavt mercy jtpon us, and poor women in tears with diimaT afpefls and with woeful la mentations carrying, their infants to lhe grave. Scarce any other lounds were to be heard than, thofe of irav for us, inceftantly cmited from the windows, and the dreadful calling In 1625, (the acceffioa ot Charles the Ht) ihe plague carried S 3 5,5 17, 1 kefides thofe whadiedof iKrliA.nin.r. .k . .4. : the whole amounted to 54,265, which by a genuine account appears to have hetn thm f5'teft yar of mortality that bad happened jm that e;ty, till that time, above'onV third or of bring out your dead, together with the pi teaus groans of depart ing fouls, and the melaneholy knells for bodies reay for the grave ) Under thefer dyjalorable cucum- ftances,the citizeis vho in the great want of fpmtvial suidesj were for- fakeh by their panfhian mimfters, but the people crowding into eterni ty, and bewailing the want of fpiri' tual Itiftance,' the non-con formi ft rnmiiters were induced, tho' contra ry to law, to repair to the deferted church puloits.-i-Hither, the peo- -ile without diftincliorl of church ind diffenterjoy fully relorted. The concourfeon thofe occafton was fo exceeding great, that .the mrniftero were frequently -obliged to clamber over the pewstp get to thepulpi s. If ever preiching had a better effect than ordinary, it was. atjhis time, lor the people catcheel at every word, as eagerly as a drowning min would it a twig, and with as much gieech- nefs, as if then eternal happincs.di- jended upOn it. Is the month oi September death rode tr'Urriphanf. having borrovyed time's fatal ley h ret t i 1 -1 t 1 may do aitowca tne ex pre in v f he mowed down the people I ke rafs, for the burials then amohntcc to 6 58S, the week afret the b ll fal ing to 6,544, gave glimmering hope- 'hit the di Itempet was pa ft itscnfis. But the increale thc week following to 7.165, plunged the people agair mto an abyfs of horror and defyair. Fhey were now Itruck with the dreadful apprehenfions that in a few da)s the living would not fuffice to bury the dead. They were however happily miftaken, for after this the contagion gradually decreafed, till at length it plealedthe Almighty to reftare that miferable and defolate cty to its pnftiiic ftate of health. As o the natural caufes of th s plague, Phyficians,wcte of different opinions, fome afcribed the origin of tt to an inveterate and mod en- venomed.pox, others to infefteo goods imported from Holland, wuch he plague had commiued great ra vages the preceding year . During the dreadful kavoc thz. vas made by this peftilcnce, ,it obferved by Ir.; Bayard, an 'inc nio.u? and learned phyficjan wf true timer, that there was iuch a calm and lercnity of :wcathsr it fjemcds ri ioth wind and. rain had been expel led the kingdom, and that he coula not dilcover the lcaft breath of vv.od, not even fo much a to move a vane, for levei al weeks together, it was vvith thegrea'?ft difficulty that the lites in the ftreets were m .de tn -. ourn, as they imagined, thio. the great fearcity of nitre, in .the an . The birds pantecf for, breath,thiough the extreme rarefattion of it4 elpc ciaily luch as were. of the larger fort, who were lijtewife obieived to fly mot? heavily than ufual. . ; The means that .were made ufe of, at this time, to put a ftop to it, were furcly the worft that could be devi fedj for by fhcitting up, the- hpufes. wherein ;the contagion happened, the. healthy were ohVred a iacrihcf to the ur.raercifui deVouier. Had the difleinpered peilon, or thole in health, been removed out of each houfe, ns foon as infected, the former to a 'L'Ziietto apd the latter to a place for the performance of Quar antine, it may reafcoably be iuppo fed that, one tenh of the above men tioned number would not ha'yedied. And as heat is a great promoter of punefadon, 'twas highly improper to make fires, ia every Itieet," with a view to purify the air and to del. troy the plague. E N T R T A I N M ENT, ... HE Subfcriber being warmly fS. rafteri and her Friends in particular, informs the Public, that (hi hjs opened a lioulc pi Entertaintment for GenUemeu and Lady fravellers, in the Town mi Lumber ton, Ro befon County. She flatters herlclf ihjl her Exertions to give general Safufaclivin',' will not fail to merit her the Patronage of the Publie in general She avails herfelf of this Opportunity, to return her moll fincere Thanks to thofe who have already honoured her wuh theu tof tom, and allures tkeai that the Continuance of their Favours wiii always; operate as a Stimulus to her future Eieni'onsV Tht Pa pers from' fame of the moft VeTpeAable Cities in the Union irili bejtguiarly tilt en. Good Sta bles, Coraff Oats 'aod? Fodder, , -t Witn - a Heady Oftleff; ?may always ie relied nit. arid the Wrl of ;tftfio'jia'-'a&dtviitaV'-that tke voontry agaras; For sa x ' 0n very low Terms -L-OUR Hundred Acres of Land - lying? on Sho Heel CreekV Richmond County, iabont tv?o. Miles from Drowning Creek, near LUtle Peedefc Riter. Thereon i a complete Mill St, the Stream beiv lfficienc to turn tvr6-Saw- Mills in thje dfieit Time; aod by a fmall Improvement, there mfy be : an extenfive Trade of Lumber to Geirjetown. - ' ' jTrierejis ali Ninefy Acre it' the Fair Grotfod. Itea.r Mountain Creek, which is an j excellent Place for Trade. There is a tolera ble good Log-bodied Houfe thereon, a Store-. Rom,DWeiling ilooms and Kitchen. ' tor Part mfft Payment, a very generous Credit will be given., Apptj to the Subfcriber in Montgomery CoujtT, North-Carolina. I ' MATT DDCKERY Aug. a, i92, - - Scheme of a Lottery, A Uthorifed by a6l of the Gene ral . AfTembly," to raife a Sum f Mo;.ey-to ACADEMY, i.i Robclon County, Norths! J CaroJina. 1 Prize of 50 dolls Jod dolls. 300 loo 500 500 500 250 I CO - 5QCO I do. I do. 1 odd. ao do. ' 50 do. too do. 9 309 I Oci CO 10 5 Lafl. drawn Tickc) 584 Prizes, Biauks. 172 Tickets, at 30s. or 3 dolls, each.; . 'Tws liar. Itsta I'nzc. . Tr-e Prizes will be paid by the Treaiurer f chs Truiieci ot the tddeny, at any 1 ime after ti e Drawing, with Punctuality, fubjedt 10 a Deiuticn tit uueen- yer cent for the Benefit of the Acade nv.J Tlv fortunate umHers wiii be pu 1 ihtd tor the luigrma tio of Tjcet-hoivlers. The Drawing of the Lottery wiil begin on the fuurth'of January ne'l. , JOSEPH WOOD, 1 J 'SLPtf B ELTON, f ' VVNi. NOR M ANT, Manage f THO. BARNES, t item-: rt hai 1 ls, j . i W aD tSUt ROUGH - V ACADEMY LOTTERY, A Uthof '.l-d by an Ati of the Ge- neral AflVmbly of the State of North. 'Carolina,.- for the Purpofe of raifing the Sum ) One rb'ou!.ml" Dohars,-- to' enable the I rulUes otiiii Academy toftnifh their build-! ngv ' d for dther Purpoles to the Ufe and licrcht or fa id lurmution.- 'bCHtMK; ' f Pric'e of iooo Dollars, u.-- IOOD t do. i ; 250 doiij. (tobe the .' lalt uraw3 Hcltetj XjO- 2 do. '4 do. 10 do'. 40 do; 142 ao. of iqo dollars, 209' 2-X 250 '400 1210 50 do. i da. 1 q do; 5 da. of of cf 3ooPri2e3 351 570 i-lankt ' i . S73 Pickets, t 5 iolls. ".S . 45: The orawing of this Lottery will cummtne in tne 1 own 01 Wadelboroueh. on ihe leeched hnday ol Uttobci next, ana will be doled as loon tn eaticr -is prcttcaoie. . 1 ,. j The Prizes fhall be paid by either of the Commi)iit ers, i any 1-ima alter the Draw- ; i ing is ninihei with Piioduality, lubject to a Dcdtidtiuu of ten per cent. rhe lumbers the 1 rtunatS Tickets will oe paDtiuica in tne Kaicin rveguxer, ana in the Minerva ; and all Prue which lhall not j te demanded within ninety- Days after the Drawing ls.cloled, wib he conlidered as reJ :i!icjuunc, ana neia as a Donatio to tne ui of the la'Mtuuon. , i iCKCts (o be had, at five Dollars each,, of the Comrniihoners, and.oi leveral Ceuutmen in d tfcreat iarts of this State, and ot the Mate j ot South -Carolina. . ' I The Prutlees are fenfiil. jn offering this P jin of a Lottery . to the Public, they mutt j depend more lor buccelV on tlie Coiilideration or the UBjects to wn:cn tnc rrccesus ot it are to be applied, than to any Merit thc Scheme itfelf, or the Mode ot railing Money by Lot j tery, is er. titled to. , Ihey teci.a Dflire, tn common vjtli many ot their f-euoW Citiiens, to promote beratnanes ot Learning throagh- out the Counwy ; they are irapretfed wwti a IJenet of 4hc Importance of thele luffitutionsf. as tney rcgara ir politic!,, n.orai and reh-.i gious Ca.T.er,, and they lament that greater, ! Patr..... ii mt estendea te them tron the rvv..ee t which they have a Right to look up tof Support but we are injected ioiie to tudiviauki Eitertioa aud Protitioii, thatthefe valuable and neceffdry luttuutions have au hxtljteuce aihb'hgft us. It if under thele fmprefSbns, and with thefe Motived, tat trie . ruitecs ot the Wadelbo rouh Academy a young, bujt promiiing la ItltutionJ take the Lioeuy ot offering the abod Sclteiiie to the Public, and loliciung tae Af utlaace ot viht Pruds el Learning to lor wafe thfetr Views. " , 'inter MarfkedL Ohn JlttnWjLSs I poiattrib Robert-Troy. )rf' v " ' ". : lune to;4 - - ' - - - ' - -'-' ". V.-. . "; Mm, Gales bat Uuiy fecrivefyr Jmie '7 Hop kinVs farnous Hazdr Sti ans. i tlAN AWAY, pROM the Subfcnb-r, onTifsfday Nightr the th inft. fiuicir MedoT .h hit Apprtntice, a ftout oung FxUdw, akoutJff eighfeeqjor nineteen ears of Age, hrj'. Stoppages jn his Spetfch; had when heenk:l ' away, 4 Patcei oi vtr . nd C:'1haiK - I frV i- 'rJ . ; - tuppoic n,s i.aentix)D is to iry Id get tO) Peierffurg. I do herebv fo.ewarn all Peri tuns TBuiii luioourmg n employing the laid BurgeJ Moody, as lie is rtiil my Apprentice; Any Perron apprehending or f goring- te faid Burges Mocdy, fj that I get him. again, fluil bchaiidfomely rewarded, and I cb furthtY forwarn all btafce privers from takii g thcfai4 Burge in as a Paffiigcr. JACOB WILFONG. I a ; Sadd.e & Haraefs Maker RaUIg6, Sept, 1803. . RAN AWAY, pR6M th Sublcriber, near New A bern, on ihe 5th Oftoiser laft, a likely Negro '.Man named Poll adore he is thirty fix Yem of Agfrthe 3 itVof this Month of al yeilow Complexion, about five Feet five -of. lit Inches high, hout made and weil iet ; he his a large bear on ae of his Hands, I be iev th lett, between his Thumb and Fore Piny, ger, occafioned by-h-5)troks ot an Axe j h has bears xr the ii&e Kind 6s one or both of his Feet aud Aneits. Ue ha a Lump on hit right Aim. a ilue above h Wrtu, whicbi was niirt iu'Fighting. AllyMailers of Vef leir ai)4 otbers ate toiewarned from htrrour ing, employing or c. rrying away laid Negid The above deicroed Ncro is out awed, a. he do not lurrecoer himieii & reruru Homo immediately, any Pc;1op hi; kill and at fti oy the laid SUe, by Uich Means as he lojft they mayihink hi, -without Acculauou or Im peacUment of ay Crime or i ffcflce for fo doing, and without incurring any Pen why or Forieuurc thereoy. I will give fifty Dollar Reward Cor the laid Negro, m whatever Si luatioo t e may- be brought to me, or iecured fo that 1 ihidl get Him. EDWARDS Klff ITii. Craven County '. Aug. a , 1 8o3. K ' ijZf He has, in all Probabifity, obtained' a Pals, and may change his "Name; whateJt ver 5tory he, may icii.- 1 Jip, t will make ao Diffcrcnte if fie anlwbr ihe above Del . riptibu. ,1 , , NORTH -CAROLINA. f Trafrv. OgiCft Augs 5, l?e. rPHE prompt nd puuctual Man net in wh.ui the Sheriffs aad other ReV veuueOrhceis oi . the . Stale iiorelaid, have htteriy letiied their. Accounts an paid into' the i tcalury the 1 axes aud other public Dues woulo;leem 10 au.houie a lieiief, that .t is not I necvifary to ca 1 the AtUutjoa ot thofe Gen i ntnn to this indilpediaoit Dnty tor Ui current Year It is hoped, that eacn antf every))! them who have here; ere taitBtuity accounted, will luitain the Keputatica they i have eiUbiilhed. and aiain ficailv'lettle aud i cloie their. Accounts rcipe&ively by iht fixft . j Day iot October ;axt, accwrdi ng " tti Law. j Thofe whiVre at prelent unfortunately in Ar I rear, and l'uh as malt place themieives in the fike Situation, for the.Curreat Year (ifany iach therr ftl unhappily b) will remeSnMr. t,h u the Ly kakes it the Duty of the Trea , . fuu-r to enter A Judgments againfleach aad cveiy ibf them,wnhout Delay ; Should it. eontisjue or becVme neceffaiy, all whom it , may concern wiii kke Nonce that -Ais Doty,. fauwever ur.pledlAtJie iafk it tptoins. will ! i ilncly pciurmdi at' the Supenor Court ror tne uairct ot itbroughtf omfaencin . a tnc om Dayot Odobei-nexu .1.. 1 t . .m.V---' -1- J you, JT. 'trisju -er. - .... Wg&on 'ht-hiri ' NY Peilon vvantuig io employ i j vv to talu a Lad ifom any Pait cf .this ute to Geo gia may be fup ; pl ied by applying 1 the WbUiiber, eight M lies noun oi itiiiiooruugh, yrange Lounty, a . j Likeznije Jor Sty?. s A Tradtoi Lai.d wuh two Improvements, iboundi.g With excellent Meadow, 'good Spriugs, good improve jremj and, ofchar ' and good. Stand lor Country iitre. Tbx Terms wi;l be made known by applying to thjafT Subfcriber on tne Plantation. '. -. -xA -.ROBERT A. CARSOK Public Notice is h&rcty tvi,. 'JHAT William Mebarie; ;$erii; fat .of .Orange County , departed 'ihii;$ Liic, having ;n4de and pubuihcd hi Utt viP)., and lxita.eut ia W n tiog, . wkeitof pcioted tne uusieriigned Lr ecu tors; aodthaji . v ii aia ourlli,:i- or ifte laid Ccuutyol OrangeA' V !ai lh turia Mu"day ot Augtt. 1803 tfic V ! ! "ia la,t Wlii nd ' cll4U1 ws ul7 Proo'' ; u vu uuuwuut i w' ie lc6aU to execute the Tt 1 a. tncrKIO -fe U Persons wno0av any Utminus aga.uit ih Lit ate of the laid William ieoauej'to oilagi fiicml'toiward du ly auihinticaiea, wltnVu ike 1 ime ptci tribcd) by a.i Act oi thc GeWal A&mbi .'i-ilftd its i?6y euiuieAi " An ua woij vera pi ov ing oi Vviits andgrantiug icuers or vWmniura, tioiI".ftiierwile iticy witi be barren by laid , Ac'. All tcriona wno at e indebted ttt i4 ': ' Lftate, are'roWcd to aicc nunle'uic Pay. r -Warth'CarelnfhaiUam Coun ot Sepumber n , ggay . f EXPECT to leave dm : Stt aoout the iall of NoVtmber n4at. Afi ttt loos thai haveiaiins agaiutt mcof What" toever ature. ire defircdt nakr ttm knowa belore ih ; jiaa Uay bf Moaber jieitL mat rfov.uon may jbe mad lor their Pa ( ll that arc ieWtjlltiajyUj, 9 '11 i

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