: -' .1" "Vr," I G R A v AND " Ouri are the Plant of fair dcliiUful Peace, 'Unwarp'd by Party g to live like Brtbcrt.M Monday, October 3 , 1803. Vol .IV. E R T Nortk'Carolina State Gazette No. 207, fortification of London. w lift wa infertep a paragraph fpeajiog - ! .Viatourreader. wouldwi& for all the ? ? LSiM we poff-ffid ef en An fub- Vit. the Marof Tichfieldjuly XsolVby Lielna.C Geaeral Lord Cithcirt. It is in the contemplation of his thi moft effcauaimeans for iecurmg k Metropolis from the incurfions ordinary fonuno of war, might notnd have eluded the- difpofitions deby land torefift inVafion, but Sine Unded in fuperior force, fhould through the fame fortune, be able to penetrate into the country near e-nc-jsh to the capital at lead to occa lion apprehenfion for its fecunty, if there were no precautions taken, and no plan made for its prdteaion; Such a plan muft not only be tho roughly digefted, but muft aaually be put in a fttte of preparation fuf ficieat to enfure the prafticabihty f its being carried into effett the mo ment .appearances of danger way tuftify the expence, and inconve nience, fmali as thefe cbjeas may be. t Although the completion of the operations may for the prefent be poftponed, it is neverthelefs indiC penfibly neceffary to proceed with out the delay of an hour, to make certain preparatory arrangements through the aid of the Lords Lieu, tenants of the adjacent counties, and even to mark out forae ground relied upon in cafe of necefTity, for the eonftru&ion of field woiks1 and bat teriei. ' ! I His Royal Highneis tne commia. 1 1 ' r t : .L. T f U - GCT in Ciuci lias, iu msuui ic vm uio the late -war, direfted his thoughts to the consideration of this fubjeft, and an accurate military funrey has been made under the inpfe&ion of an officer of the greatefl eminanCe, and profeflienal kill, and expe rienceThe firtuation of every ne ceffary work, battery arid line has been afcertamed, the neceffary guns and troops to" defe"id thefe works, have been calculated, as well as the number of handr neceffary to com plete them within a given period. The whole arrangements has'under gone confideration arid revifal for years, and is ripe for executiom It may afford th greatefl fatisfac. tioti to every well wither to his country to know, that in the opini on of all profeffional men, who have been cenfultcd, the means which nature has error ded to the cities of London and Weftminfter of provi ding for their fecufity, are beyond what have been toured in the cafe of any city in the univcrfe; that with due attention to iRe advanta gss to be made by (uch pofitions as encircle thern, and with the armed force whieh may be cojiefted for " ctr aetence, and that amply fup plied withproVifions, this capital ay bid defiance to any : invading lorce, at leaft until ample time is gi ven for the arrival of fuch a power from the country as,' when combi ned iwith the force withira the lines, uftbemuch more than fufficient exterminate anv army that could betranfported to England. 1 ji1 f of the line of defence al luded to in Kac C'.A -1 W vvll ! 1U a I U11J niough the county of Middlefex, ln a femi-circular form, begin. ,IJg at the Thames, near the Jouth of the river Lea, and en lH t the Thames above and near 10 Bf"erfea Bridge ; it paffts in its northern and north'-weftern direc lon through Stffaor I Row anH rCJaPlonalongthehigh grounds nich bound the marfhes on the on tight or weftecn banks of the ver Kea. a Fa, of stamfo.j.i,;ir.ivf::&r.5' - am Lnr fipionnnnr. K- t- . wncniiquus ana takes a wefVarn ro .ru pa lung from near t :i -i JUII, Hornfey wood, 10 the nd?e Mn. u. 0 uy tviount eur; u . oreen 1 . c,t cnanirpfi it r4;..a- - ' lonfk .... 1.7 Mucuiun to me uweitand OiMfU -i Xo tK 7' "nngaow.n Sk. " vInai n the; Red.hcmfP hen..1 ine! Ked-houfe, rr.vmngiiha.t:anaUr,ear Knfa )ulP T ,a 7; . .rj5"c accp- - 'twin Lncnmhn tk. ei paffing near little Chelfea, and reach mg the Thames above Bttterfea. Bridge, The Lord Lieutenant; haying ap pointed a general meeting of the Lieutenaacy of the county of Mid dlefex, to be held on th 18th inft. forthe pirpofe of carrying into ef. feet certain provifionsof an aft paf fed this feflion of Parliament enti tled " An aft to enable his Majeftv more erfeftiially to provide foi the defence and feburity of the realm, during theprefent wai;" it becomes the duty of Lieutenant General Lord CatHcart, in confequence of orders given to him by his Royal Highneis the commander in chief, as commanding the diftrii in which that part of the county of Middle. fex, through which the intended lines of defence pafs, is fituated, to communicate with the Lord Lieu tenant "on this ftabjeft, and to re. cjucft, that in framing the arrange ments for the country divifions of the county of Muidlefex, under th. powers of the above recited aft, ac cording to the plan "f eftdbhftimg a lvltem or commtimratmn. and a j - . . - - - 7 - . w plan of rendering the body of peo ple inftrurhental to the general de fence propofed by hisMi-flys prin cipal Secretary of State frr the w.?r deoartment : the LorH Lien'tnant will be pleafed to hold in view th- peculiir cireum dances ofthe intend ed conflruftion of the line of . fences Thus a fyflem of mofl expeditious corrfmunication will be efljblifhed between the commanding General and the Lieutenancy and the pa- rifhioners ofthe parifhes in theadja cent hindreds; opportunities will be given to make thofe who art ex. petted to comply yith rccjuifirions clearly underftand the nature of the reqifition likely to be propofed to them, and to know the places where naividuals may be defired to aflem ble, or where materials' may be col ini it ..- lecteq ana depeuted. v mi iucii connaentiai perions. implements neceffary for works of tnis lort, but not otherwife to b tound, Will be depolued ; through tneir means in a tw hnnr thf- whole power of the parilh may be coUeftcW; or in the firhV induce a few handsrio rriaik out ground 2 and, laftly. through their means, proper not;itj or edmmunicatiorr rn-y be made to the ovvneri rA rtrr, ,; ;.rt of any lands, tenements, or heredita ments,' intendrS to-be meafured, fur veyed, or marked for the lines of flefence, or any of the puroofes of the: above recited act. The fame ar rangements will lfo facilitate th payment of fuch labor or mat'ernls "J "9 iurnrinecr. In the next place, and as loon as the fyltem of communication is: completed, it will ue nccenarv with th ,,vn j.i iu Uliuwil Ull. patch, to prepare" the regifters of th parifhes near the above mentioned line, whichjnuft be made with refe rence to the obifil of- the line ftf defence, as well as to the other nh t . -j - jctts let forth in the- Secretary of - - -r State's letter. Thefe reffifters mufi fpecify reGdent gentleman willing to attend, to annimate and encou rage the work on given parts ofthe line ;. gardeners and others expert in, or habituated to. bvinr oft and meafuring ground, vith remarks, dlttiniZUlihintr funrinp aKi1iri fcAiths, and mafters and other jour neymen carpenters, and faw"yers, timber-merchants, willing to fup ply the timber for platforms, and fit perions to overlook iheir conftruc tioaand ereftion. Irijli Rebellion. Ve have been favoured (fays a London paper) .vwjry oiine maniteito, ot tne Kebels, under the hand of, the Provincial Go vernment f the people of Ireland," and aa Addrefs to the citizens ef Dublin, cal hag opan them to unite again Englifli op preffia. : They are both wretched com" pofitioos, ; more calculated to expofe th" icily aad madnefs of thofe who aded unde their influence, than to csnvbee a fincle MrAM. T ITt fiwiPBfuinj out a nig jt portion fio telleft and reafon. As a fpeemen of the whale inir,, frt- :..r' - -...,..vii, wc mien a rew para- 6afo vi me cBameacement, " (I Youjare not called on to fhW tlhe wond that vou are cannnin take your! place among nations 'that you have a right to claim their re- tory proof you Can furnifh of your capability of maintaining your in- dependence, jfour Wiflmg it from England witn your own hands. " In the d-elopement of this rvftem, which nas been rganized within the laft eight months at the clofe of internal defeat, without the hope of foreign afliftanee; wh h !ias been conducted with a tranquil ity, miftaken for obcdpnce,to which neither faildre of a fimilar attempt n England hat retarded, nor the renewal of hoftilitieshas accelerated; n the developement of this fyflem vou will flic w o the people of Eng land there is a fpirit of perfe vera nee ?n this country beyorid their pow r to calculate or rtpreis ; you wilt fhcr to them that as long as thev fhink to hold unjuft dominion over Ireland, under no change of circum itances can they eount on this obe dience , under no afpeft of affairs "an they judge of iti intention; you willfhew to them that the quel lion which now behoves them to ?ake into ferious and inftant confi . deration, is not whether, they wil! efil a fsparation ; which it is our fixed determination to effect, whe rher or not they will driv beyond feparjtioh : whether they wll by 9 irvt;lc fanguinarv refiftance, create 1 deadly national antipathy b"twcer) he two countries, or whether they viil take the only means ftill Jeft of .invinf Inch a ientiment irom our I minds, bya prompt, manly and fasa ciisus sca'ii cencc m our lult iik. 1 . . unalterable determination' In another pait of the manifefto the rebels pledged thenttfelves ' to put no man to death in cold blond. Let the affaflins reconcile this pledg 'vith the horrible all;! ili nation o Lord K Iwarden his nephew ! The following is thsir addrefs to tht: inhabitants ot the capital : Citizens of Dublin. A band of Patriots, mindful o thcr oaths, and faithful to their en garments as United Irifhmen, havr determined to give freedom to the country, and a penod t tne lon career of njlifli oopiciTion. " Tn this endeavour they are now fuc cc. fsf ul 1 y en gged,a o d o 1 i 1 s r r r t & ir? leconded by comlfte and uni CUUulIillUU I 1 Will - 4' w v. i . . t j , , , rvery part of wlucri,' fiom ths.cri-j trcmity of the north to thai cT the fouth, pours forth its warriors in i Uipport of our hailowcd caufe. Ci t'zens of Dublin, we require y -ur id, nstccffarv Itcrecy h;s previjntcd ia:iy of youfrom notice ofour plan, jut the erection of our national flan l?rd, the facred, tho' long degra ded Green, will be fufScient to call to- arms, and rally rounc it every man in whofe brcail ex ftsa fjjatk of pitriotifm. or f&nfcof duty ; wail youi felves of local advanttgej na cp, each (Irset becomes 2 de. file, and each houie a battery; im pede the mirch of your oppreffors, charge thern with tHie arms of the brave, and, and from your widows and roofs, hurl ftonea, bricXs, and bottles, and all other convenient implements, on' the heads of iitel 'ites of your tyrant, the mercenary, the fanguiriary faldiers of England.' Orangemen, add not to tne catalogue of your follies arid crimes; already have you been duped to the ruin of your country, in tne L,eguia tive Union with its; attempt not an opporition which will carry with it your inevitable dtitruction ; return from the paths of delufion, return to the army of your countrymen, who will receive ana nail your re pentance. " Cousitryrhenofall defcriptions; let i?s aft with union and concert all lefts, Cittiolic, Proteftant. Pre! byterian, are equally and indifcrimi- nately' embra cd in the benevolence of our fubieft', repress, prevent, and diicoarage exceiies, pillage and in- toxtction; let each man do rus duty, and remember,' that durin publi: agitation inaftion becomes; a crime, be no other competition known than 'that of doing good ; rememljer gainfti whom y-oor oght, your op irffori!'.'for(tx Hundrdffears f re member their mafacres, ffcHrftartiiref, li vour bitrnei haufet. v out violated ft males : keea m mind vour Country; 1 to horn we are now giving her I higHvtanmpnnattpns, and ia all exclaim, that as in the hourbf trial we lerve this country, fo may God ferve ua in that which will be laft of all!" : FOR SALE, On very low Terms TTOUR Hundred Acres of Ind lying on bhos Heel Creek, Richmond ' County,; about two. Miles from Drowning! Creek pear Li'tle PeeJee River Tbereon ! is a complete Mill Scat, the Stream bei'g i fuffictent to turn tvro Saw. Mills in the dried i Time; and by fma l 1 Improvement, there i rade of Lumber to 1 1 may b? an extend ve T George tow a There is alf Ninety Acres at the Fair! Ground, near Mountain Creek, which is an j excellent Place for Trade. There is a tojera- j ble good Log-bedicd Houfe thereon, a Store 1 Room, Dwelling !looir.i and Kitchen. For ! Part f he Payment, a very generous Credit ! win be given. Apply to the Subfcribtr in Moutgo'mery County, North-Carolina. MATT- DOCKERY- aug. v 1803, Scheme of a Lottery, A U horifed by afcl of the General j Affembly, to raife a um of Money to; complete the building of the LUMBERTON f ACADEMY, in Kobefoa County, North- Carolina, , I Prile of coo tolls'. 500 dolls. loo ioo 500 500 500 IOO 5000 I do. 1 do. 30O 100 1 o do. 50 -A 20 do. 2jf 50 do. 10 500 do. 5. Laft drawn Ticket', 584 Prizes, ii 68 Blanks.' 1752 Tickets, at 30s. or j dolls, each T Blanks ro-a Ptizek The Prizes will be paid by the Trealurer o the Truftees ol the cadeny, at any Time, fierthe D. awing, with Pur dtuality, fubjefl o a Deulion of fiiteen per cent for tne Uenefit ot the Acade :v. The fortunate iuin eis will be pu 1 fhed for that In forma rio n f ricket-hoUets. The Drawing of the Lottery wiil begin on the luurlh of Ja:"iary next (v".SL.P BEL roisr, f W vl . N ;) R M N T, J. Manager. Til'). HAUNES, I Llilli K l HAU LS, J WADtsWROUGH ACADEMY LOTTERY, -: X U. hoi lc 1 by n Aft. of he Ge neral Ali'Mnblv ol tne 'Mate of North- f irolina, for xt Puruofe of iaifing the Sum oi 1 iie ThoulinJ Dollars, to enaofe the 1 'rail-res rl fiid Academy to fimfh their Huild mg, ird for other Furpofes to tht lle anrf beneHi oi i'aid lnftiiutioh. I Prize of 1000 Do.lars. is . ICCO 1 do. of 250 dois. (lobe the lail drawn ticket) of 100 dollars, 50 Z d). 4 do. 10 do. 40 do. 241 do. 2u of of of of o do; ZOO do. do. do. 250 400 I z to 10 5 300 Pnrea $S 10 570 lilantis 8.70 Tickets, at 5 dolls, is 4156 The drawing of th.s Lottery will commence inthe lownot WaUelboroaga, on the lecood Friday of OCtbSer next', and will be clofed as loon thereafier as practicable. The Prizes ihall be iaid by either of the Commiilio.ers, i any lime after the Draw ing is tijiiihed, with Puniluality, fubjcCTto a Deduction of ten per cent. The Numbers the lortunate Tickets will be publifhed in the Raleigh Regiffer, and in th M inerva ; and all Prizes which fhall not be demanded within ninety Days afier the Drawing is doled, will be ,confidered as re iiiiquiihe.:,'ind held as a DonatioH to the Die of the Institution: Tickets to be had, at five Dollars each, of -"'"--t " it in tl.tTL-renr Parts of this State, and of the Mate l of South-Carolina. . The Trultees are fehfible, in offering ihis Plan of a Lottery to the Public, they miitl depend more for Succefs on the ConlTderation of the Objettstowhich therroceeds ot it are to be apIiedj than to any.Ment the'beheme itfelf, or the Mode of failing Money'by Lot tery, is entitled to. They feel a Defire, in common with many of their Fellow-Citizens, to promote Seminaries ol Learning through out the Country ; they are imprelfed with a Belief ol the Importance of thefe Inftitutions, as they regard 'ir political, moral and reli gious Ceiv.erutf, and they lament that greater Patronage is .not extended te them from the Sou.ce tO which they have a Right to look up tor Support but we are indebted alone to individual Exertion and Prota&ion, that thefe valuable and neceffary' Inftitutions have, an Exiftence armongft us. .rr' ' r It is under thefe I mprlfSonr, ahd with thefe Motives, that the JTruftees of the Wadelbo- rough Academy fVyouug, butpromiling In ft i tut ion) take he Liberty of offering the abod Scheme to die Public," and foliciting Ch'e Af- fiftance ot -the Friend of Learning to forware theicViewi. . fV . 7amts MarlhalL m mUS John Jinnings, aotnted t Jofeph rickete, . rI 4dRohinfbn the Board ofTtufiee. to niaaagfi RAN AWAY, tTROM the Subfcnber, onTtiefday Night the (th init. Bvists MOJOT, his Apprentice, a flovt young Fellow, about eighreea or nme'een lears of Age, has ' -Stoppage in his Spech; hadwhen he went c.'; away, a Parcel ot tery good Cloaths. t do oppofe his I Jtenuon is to try. t6; get to PeteiAurg. I do hereby forewarn all Pejr fons rrocn haibounn or employing the faid Durge- Moody as he is ftill my Apprentice. Any Perlon ipprehendisg cr fectiring the faid Burges Mo.-dy, fo that I get him again, fliall be handfomely rewaroed, and I do further ftdrara ail. Stage Driwrs irtmakii the faid Purges in as a Pngr r . ,. ( , . Saddler & Haraefs Maker, Rahiz&x Sept j, 1803. . , - - . . a RAN AWAY, tpROM the Subicnber, near New hern, on the 5 th tclober laft, a likely Negro Man named Poll adore $ ha is thirty fix Years of Age the 31ft ot this Month of yellow Complexion j about fiv. Feet fire or fix Indies high, itcut made and well fet; he has a large car oa one of his Hands, 1 believe . the left, between his Thumb and Fore Fin ger, occasioned bjr the Stroke of an Axe; he ' has Scars oi tne like Kind on one or both of his Feet and Aneics. He has a Lump on hi right Arci, a little above his VVrift, which was nurt in Fighting. All Mafters of Vef leis aud others art forewarned from harbour ing, employing or carrying away faid Negr The above defended Negro is out a wed, &if he does net luireader himfelt tc return Home- immediately, any Perfou snay kill and dtftroy the laid biave, by fuch Means as he. or. they , ma think fit, without Accufation or Im peachment of any Crime or Offence for fe doing, and without incurring any PenUty or Frleuure thereby. 1 will give fifty Oollara kewara (or the faid Negro, in whaterer Si tuation 1 e may be brought to me, or fxcured lo that I mall get him. DVARD GRIFFITH. Crave n County. Aug. so, ilpj. He has, in ail Probability, obtained a Pafs, and may change his Name ; whatc ver Story he my tell,-1 hope it will make no Difference if he aniwcr ih'c above. Def riptioa. 1 NORTH-CAROLINA: Trcafiry Opfe, Aug. $r iZoi. THE prompt nd puuduil ;Manl veiiue OffLers of the State forefaid hav '. latterly fettled their Accounts and paid into j the I realury the Txes and other public Ducr j woula feem to authorife a Belief, that .t is not 1 neceffary o call the Attention of thefe Gett . tiemen to this indilpenfabie Dnty tor the ! current Year ; It is hoped that each and every ot them who h-ve herctoiore faithfully accounted, will luttain thi Reputatioa they ' have eilablifhed, and again frnaily fetUe and 1 . 1 ciefe iheir Aceounts4 refpeAively by t)te firfl; ; Uay ot Uctober next, according to Lair, j Thefe who are at p relent unfortunately ia Ar . rear, and fucli as mall place themfeives in the like Situation for the current Year (;f any . fuch' there fhall unhappily be) will remember, j that the Law makes it the Duty of the Trea' j farer t enter up judgments againll each, and i evety of them,' without Delay : Should: it i continue err became neceffary, all wham it j may concern will take Notice, that this Duty 1 however uopleafint the Lafk it enjoins, will j be ftridtiy pertarme at ihe. Su'perioIr Coart ; for the Dutri.cVbf Hinflrough, commeQcinj on tne 6th Day Qt qiUber next Y J tHN HAYWOOD, P. Trtmju -et. .A, NY Perloni w a.ri tin g t o empl oy a v vj vj u fo xmt a xoaa 110m any , ' v ''gi't nuy ot iup l!p!'4 7 appiyjr'; Ae 'ubtttibcrv. eight ! M'les norm 01 iiiiJiaoroiugtl, ura,ige K-WUHfr Likezotji for Sale. A Tratlof Laud with two Improvements ; abounding w.th excellent MeaOow, good Springs, god rmfiovemcnts and orchards, and good Stahd for a Country Store. The J Terms wi SI be made kriowa b applying to the auoicri ocr on xne r laumion , Public Notice is fojfy$$mcri npHA'f William Menectiipr, iat of Orange County departed this Lite, having :nade and publiflied his laft Will and Tettaruent in Writing, whereof he ap pointed the underfigned Lxecutors ij and that at a Court held for the faid County of Urange on the fourth Monday of AuguSl so the laid laft Will and Teftament was duly proven and admitted ef Record, and the underfigned were legally qualified to execute, the, fame. . , fhey thcretore require all Perions who nave any Demands againlt the Llkate ofthe (aid Williara Meoanc, to bring tnem Mrwara do- ly auihsnt'scated, within Ue Time etetchbeg by an Act ot the ueneial Aiienuipased fax 178 entitled " An acoueeratV4 ot Wills and granti0g;.Lcuets of Adiuiiftv lion, otiicrwue uict wm pc orc oj Jjjj Act. All Perfons who are indebted to cx North - Carolina, -'Chatham. County;- are rcou 1 rea to ra.a,KCjjnracaiaic ti mat jftwta mn a.is-jcji. -2xJ I .Septetfl4erAf,3a,, expect to Atimmfm about the Uft of "NoTemloif.ftei'LA i I font that hare Claima againft.ine of tt ioever : Nature, ; are - dch ?'taa; je known before the tfaft l9kctj':iiip. thai Prorhlon maybe'mat,f0Mhe All that are wdthtedHWMw 1 a

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