'if i'... . . ' ' . y-r It, ' AND MOariwe the PU.. of flr deif ihtful ac ' Unwarp'd bT Party Rage, to live Ilka drcthtrt.' MONDAY, tCTOBER lO , l8oci. "- mwmmrn Vol. IV. No 2c8. 1 ; E Gazette Wiff REBELLION. .-1. - . trom wilt" e cial ov laft, wctt the following de- J From the ditc and prbmulg. hereof Tvthcsare for eve- -the church Unds are bow pofliffia, on pying h.t rent unnl the national government A uifW the national will decla courts of juft.ee org,- "fvrorn the fame date, all trn fer of honds, debenture, and all public fecurit es, are in I imner and form forb.ddcn, and d-clared void, for the fame time, ana lor the ftrae reafons. , 4 The Irih Generals command, in? diftrifts fhall ez- luch of the partizansof England as may (erve for hoftages, and (hall app.:fethe Englifh commander oppolcd to hAm, , rwift rftaliafon (hall take place, if an outages contrary to the laws of war fhall be committed J by the troops otjct h s command, r k thr mi t-.z?ns of E lai;d in j J 1 W f v- f the diftn'ft which he uccuutcs. 5. That the Inlh Geur-iis ate to treat (except where rculiatioa makes it necefTiry) the Enghfti trooDs who may fll into their hands, orfuch ir(1i as ferve in the regular forces of England, and who Hull have afted confdrmibly to the laws of war, as prjloners of war ; but ail Irifh militia yeornen, or volunteer corps, or bodies of Infii, ar.ind.vi duals, who, fourteen days from the promulgation and date hereof; lhalt befound in arma fhili be cbrihdered as rebels, committed for trial; ind thsir properties confilcated: . 6. The Generals are U alTemble tourt-martials, who are to be Iworu to adminilUr juftice ; who are not to condemn without fufEcietit evi dencc, and before whura ll militai y offenders are to be lent iniUuily tor trial. . No man is to fnfFcr dedith by their fentence, except for toutmy ; thelentenci s of filch otheu as aic judged worthy of deth, fhali ivol be put in execution un.ri the piovi lioi:al rcvcinitfut u -ciares us win 1 nor are court martials ou any pie . text to fentence nor s any ufBcci to iuffr th punifhment ot fl -ggt.iej taany lpecies cf tor'.ure to 'De ui- 1 The Generals are to enfotcc the ftnfteft. dilciplme,' an to fena ofTenders i:nmdtery before court mart:ais ; and are enpjned to chafe awiy from the tufh" armies all iuch S fhall difgrace tUemfei ves being drunk in pretence of the cnerny. 9. The Generals are Lopr zc thir refpeftive aroies, tha.tM mai Ury (lores, arms, or ammunition, belonging o the EngLfh Govern raeat, be the proper. y of the cap tors, and the value is to be divided equally, without refpect of fank, hetweeu them, except that the wi dows, orphans ; parents or other heirs of fuch as iloriouly fall in the attack, Jhill be entitled to a double lhare. As the Enelifh nation has tnade war on Ireland, all Englifh Property in (h ps or otherwile, i& uj iUC um6 iuic, dim ma 'tansfer of them is lot bidden, ana declared void, in the like mauner as aexpreflrd in No 2. and 3. u. The Generals of the different are hereby empoweied to -nfcr rark up to Colonels, inclu ve, on fuch as they conceive to tnent it trom the nation but arc yot to rmke moie cqjoneis than one for every 1500 men, normoie than ne for every tooo men. i 1 12. The Generals fhall f:ze on all Turns of public money, in the w... wutva tncir autricis, or an Khe bands of the different collec tors, county treifu re rs, or etherrel venue officer?, whom tkey fhall render refponlible ; for the fum& m their hands. TheGeneral Oiall p- "ceirnforlheamouQtind account the provifional government for tne expenditures. kC 13. Whea the pe.ple eleft their efr? lihC $Qlol the Jierai ts bound m.c - ffir can be hrnV. k... 1 . j - uiiv ,uy jen- 14, The Generals ; fhall corref pond with the provifional goycrn menii to whom they (hall give de. tails of their 'operations.;,, they ae to correfpond with the neighboring Generals, to whom they aretotianf mit !al! neceffary inrelligeace, and to co-operte , with them. .. 15. The Generals commanding in each county, fhall as foon as it is cleared of the enemy altemble the county committee, ,wfao fhall be e lefted conf'orrnablv to the conftitu tion of United Irfhmra., All the rrquifitions nectftiry for the army (hll be rntde in writirij by the Generals to the comrrlittce, who 2re hereby empowered and enjoined to oafs their receipts for each at'dr to the ownerjs, to the end that they may receive their full vzlue from the i nation. ....... 16. The county committee is charged with the civil direction of the .county, the care of the national property, and the pfefcivaMdn ol order and juftiee m the county ; for which purpofe the coiitv crn naittec are to appoint a hii'h rh r, ft, and one '.r rrt ie lub'.Djfrsfls to ex ecute the'rordeis ; a li fficient num ber of jufVces of 'he peace for trur courUyj a high and lufEcit niim. ber of r?etty confl bhs n each Oi ron'y, wh.i are relpeclively charga with the duties new performed bv thef magistrates. 17. Th county of Coik, on ac count of i rs extent, is to be diVidt-c conformably to the boundaries for railing the imlitia, into the coun ties of North and Sputh Coik, foi each of which, a county coiiitabie, high fher'it, and all magiltrates v bove difdled are to be appointed. 15 1 no county commute are hreby empowered and enjoined to flue . wai rants to apprehend luch perfons as is it flull appear, on lut- ficient evidence, peipetrted tnur der, tor ure, or other breaches ot fhe acknowledged laws of war and morality on the people, ro, the end that they might ic tried for thi -frente. litoon as 'he competen' courts of juflice ate efUbl.ihed by the cat.or.. ig. The county committee ihil aufe the nisf.ff or his - ffieis is zq on all the perianal and rea prot-eriy it l'cii pe lu'-s, to pu 'ca)s-.n their effects, o appoint pr. otx ce: ,ns to otclerve all luc 1 i , '.op rty u : ii) the ra onal courts f jufiicc fhall h.ive def :dcd on ihe t i'.b ol the proprietors. 20. 1 he county committee fhali 'il 111' like rnao.nef, with U ltaie ind chui cb lands, parochial ftaic, iiid ail pubhc iands and edifices. 21. The county cbrmiU-e h: :niiae jr.terim receive ail the ten.i md debts of fuch berfoi;s and el ates, and fhall -give receipts for tne laaae ; In all traulmit to the provin cial government an exact account ol .heir value, extent and amount, aua receive the directions of the pf ovin- r dial government thereon. j22. They fhall appoint lomehoufe in tbs counties where the fhe fFa permanently to refide ; they fh'aii caule all the records and papers of the county to be there trarisierred, rranged, and kept, and the orueis of government are there; to be tranl rnutcd and received. 23. The county committee is here uy empowered to pay out ot tJacl- ftccts or by alignment, realonabi aiaries" for themielves, the fheriff, juftices and other mag titrates" wnotn hey mall appoint. S4. They fhall keep a writteu journal of all their uroceedtngs. hgned each dayi by the members of ihe committee, or a utHsient num ber of themj lor tfle uiipection oi fvernmciit. 25. The county cpmrrrittee fhali correfpond with government on ah ihe iubjects With which they an charged, and tranfmit to the Gene ral ot the diftnet luch infoinaation as they may conceive etfeful to the public; y - mm, m t 1 :2b. ihe county committee fhall take care that the ftate pnfoners, however great their offences, fhaii oe treatea with humanity, and al- law ihftm a fufficieat lupport, tc neenattiat au the world may know. hit the Irifh nation is not actuated y the Ipim of revenge, but of iuf. : j 27. Tht provifionai covermem Avifhing to commit, as (con as foon to the people,, cflreft that each coun ty and cty fhall eleft, agyeeablc h the qonftitutton of the United V rifhmen, reprefentatives to meet ip Dublin, to whom, the rpoment they ""ITembl.e the provincial government vi'.l reftn its functions ; and with out prefuming to djfta'e to the peo ilr, they beg to fuggeft, that for the important purpofe to which thele eleftors are-calHH, iniegri' v of cha.. ractv-r ihuld be tle;fi,ft bjecl. - 28. The ivumbsr of reprefer ta tives being arbitrary, the provincial government have adopted t'hat. o( the late rHoufe of Commons, thrc hundred,' and according to the belt rerurn of .the population of the ci ties and counties, the following numbers are to be irturnrd fro ach : Antrim 13, Armagh 9, Bel faft town i, Carlow c?. Cavan Clare 8, Cork County North. 14, Cork County South 14 Cork City 5, Donegall 10, Down 16," Dioghe da i, Dublin County 4, ; Dubliri City 14, Fermanagh 10, Galw.iy io: K?rry 9. Kddarr 4, Kilkenny 7. K ng's Coiiiiiy fj: Le,rrim 5? L-me-1 ck .County 10, Limerick City 3. Lndondeny,o,, Longford 4, LoutJ 4vM:y.-i2, M-!' g.Monaghan p. CJien County 6. Rofcomraon 8, 5;g-',. 6, Tioperai v 13, Tyrone 14. Water fo-d County 5, Waterford C - 'V ?t wlineatn 5, Wexford 9. W;ck.Iow 5,' ... - 29. In Xh cities th. fime fort o egulatior-s as in the. county fnal Headopied ; thec'ty committee fh '! ppoint one(o-m- rr as thry think proar, and. fhall tkr poueffion o alljhe public and corporation pro- erties in th-?r junldictipn, in t k manner as'is I directed for counties 3. The prcvii nl govern nr : itnitly export and et-.join all m gi' trates, officers, civil and. M-)ilira'-v nd the while of the na'fnv to caui he laws of morality to be eriforc -nd refpedted, a d to. execute," ar as in 1 he:n.l;es, juft'ce wnh mej cy, by which alone liberty can b. ftjblifhrd, and the blefn-gs of d vne vr'vinncc f-cured, Li.nd, Negroes, ,3cc. in Orange. IT ill Le tXf;f.d to pubic Sml f th btgbej Hi Jtr, o' toe ijtj, of Qfiobfr etjuing, and cin'inufd from Aiy f i av until the Qbjea ijtbe SaL- is cumpLui 1 e. . V r.act ol LAND, b- nginf to iX ihe liltate of Colpnel C'Nea and on which he formerly lived, ly ng in Orange 'ounty, ou Little Allegiance, containing e ween twelve, ami fifteen Hundred Acres j h a convenient Dwelitng-Houfe, andther ice fTary. UuiUingg; and fuch Uienfrs i are .iiwifiar f r F4rnin Wilt bid t tbt fame Timt Sixteea ieerocs. oCyuab1 Pefcriptions. Houf-.h6ii Furniture fuiird to Tafte and tance, a j:c"fi(lerable Stoc of Horfes, Cattu .nd H.gs, ih.' pre feat Crop of Corn, Wnea and Tobaccot bj me TH. H. PJi RKINS, Lx'r. , .9. fT The.Sale, nU be diddled by Aft. c" au rvbiy, witA luch inaulerncies as the Ex ccutor may,thinlc p'opr.to ive. , WILL Sfe SOLD. . T At ibt C uruHtuJ.t in kfjtett, oh Smturdmy tbt iatt 4y tt Ucftct :t 'T'HE following Lots, or fo much thereof,; as wil! ftttsfy the Taxes due thereon, for the Year 102. viz. Nos. 5. fL. ii, if. i"i, 14, ir, 16, ti. nd 35, the Property of Benjamin Sheppard, uecoaiea. Nos 40. 41, 4:4. 454..47 7. 68, 75, 7S 89, 90, 97, 98, 99, loo, 125, 126, 427, i2$, 130, 1? t. 122, i?a, 114, u6. and 129. WILLIAM CRtlOM, CARTERtf COUN i Y. IViU be fnld, at thr Cturt, Houfe $ Hejufort, : ntbe tbird trednejdaj irt rave;ii!itrnextt THE following Lands and Town Pr...rr. rrrvf rlrah tm f,r liinr for Prooerfv. rfot iWen la for taiine for. ,r as much as will latisfy the Taxes and contingent Charges, viz. i Pamks, the Property of Samuel Mablon and Heirs of Arthur Mablon, and two Lts ia Beaufort. - ' . , 180 Acres, the Property of Dallom Ctf well, lying o the welt Side of North River. 34 Aercs,;ia Harlow's Swanfp, ihe Pro perty of fph and fohh Blanks 4157 Acres. he Property of Jofeph Letch, lying in Harlow's Swa.np. Stfi 1$. JOHN HILL, Shff. HtdirMttik$fj It 0 Price a garter of tlDoiiv, Vindication of the igoMn fants to the ordinance of BaCaHf: . By DaVid BostICK, A Ml- Late Mitiaer of the prefoytertan ClXurch ia v New-York: - : ffitiftm Reftaitns hj ftbtr Hand, ' An4 a Preface 0 Methodic . in " j) . " 4 NORTH-CAROLI A' ; r AGreeabiv to. Act of- AHr.nvhlv, Kotice ii given, -That the following Ke urns of Sueveya on M i!itaryiWrrant', have been made to this U'ttice, o.n which (I wnts will ke perfected, unlefs adverlc Claims ate . fetup, to'wit: N. 1 ill. Wairnt in the amt of. ,Dtnel White for a8 Acres . of Land, transle-1 ed by faid Whit to john, and lames Bonner, and.b)' Hear Boane.' Lxt cutor .of Jame. Boaner, decealcd, who was Survivor nd levifee 0 lohn If ner;to I'd-; ar Haru, ad.by faid tlams o Ceorad Cooiji. lor whom the land is fui vejeJ. . ;; -No Warrant in the Mtu c of Cle ment GoUirey, tor 174 Acreiol Latui, wh'th j is transferred oy William Opdircy toiharls Sr? ali.wooo, .and by faid .Srtraii word to Lo;r waid Harris, for .whom the Land is furuejed. No. jJij, Watraot it the hiuA of Th mas Moore, tor. Hi Acres of L.apd,. transferred by faid . Moore to Williaai Biacki.tdge, ty faid Blacitled( to Fjdvaid jHairu, an ly laid Harris to Gabriel Rawis, for wkoi it is Jurveye-1.. 14 " No, 3046, Warrant in the, Name of Daniel l'oter, for i t Acres ot Land, transferred 7 fa id Potter. William Green, for vhom he Land is furveyed. , WI!. piTF, Sec. Ifmc hundred Doilati Hcivard Y7lI.Lbe paid for apprehending X my yownf , tall ftint N.egio'Mau Tom, tboo't twenty Yesirsof A.e, with two L.li G L BRIGHT iORKLL HORSLS, aid the Villain r Villains ho have ltoien trenis with lroot la brina thci to Conviction.. I he Horfes arc of the following DcTcrip j tiou : wne 01 tncra it an ancammomy iaiee Hoife being about Feet high, and very itrougmde, with aho'Uw .qi oa the upper i'r vl nib Miouietr iiiaj on tae mouune ilet about the of a Man's Hand, and Kiiiwn in the upper Country, to be the Ll- zt of iWe Dil-rdtr tliii is there generally calleJ the Awaiyr his Mai- hangs on both i le, he carries light lwhch i an that as tormcriy duelled .od has been nickfd, aa no natural wh.u aiksthat jt r ecollect- -1, is a very S'K L)t a Hjaile, aout 1 ven Vtar ini, miii .wdiki, trou and. can'.ers re. .jrkdbly we.ii under the. Saddle ir a liorf 1 his great Weight. Thcwther Hot Is rs about five Feet and an .ica.hifch, and lengthy invde, haAe.neially n m ou his off Lye, ol hich he is b.1114, 1 tuh the eje a aoi lunk, ar.d tis a baad. . c 1 i; , . - - . . k i.1 I. lullic 0141 UU UIIUW unit, OiiC UJ 1119 odcr fleet a little vs. hue, ana one t his tore -ees appears to have betn cut by a hebbic ( its.. Withers arc ihiii and high. On which he H44 the mark of ola Galls, and is i.of Irclh Slie4 by the Tree 01 the Sadd.e bei g Urc?- ten undcr.lhe 1'ummcl. oa which the Uid ervaat rides, with a coloured Korfe iiug i . t . - j ii. . 1. - 11 ...r. ....it... .....i. '. U.lUCr IUC S4aiC , IIC "1N3 VTIIU A M I nouiuaL Swing belt uvd, ar.d very tait aad j jicafaut to the K.der, iris loole and uneaii. j iy, cauttrs loleraly well, his a w;i hang- ; Mane, and lone Switch l a.l. which mav : peiha-rS be newly uocked, and is t ; Years old,, and is altogether a haoafaic aleilorle, and draws alio well. , , . 'I he aforelaid Servant Jftlt f -iW outh-Caroliua, ou the' 14th Septembtr, drcfltd in a white .Ncgro Cloth rou ,d jacket derails, but took with hnn a bmwa co.oure J ; i-uilian riii Jacket and Overalls wiih red- j ted the atorelaie Bright borril lioi.s ta nvT'lace, .j q Miles irom Charleiioij, in Gjfe Cree.k Panfh, and near ihe L-ndge ; and being a' tlal Stranteno all. ether Parts, 1 the sure, the relu nj); on is that he mufj hav been toced on by Viliam.ajr V inii.ij, mwh ch cafe,, on C ouvifition.of them, the , above Reward will be pii i( taken out of the State, and if within the State, and it r :,c"T k A v iilf DRED D LLARSoo their beine delivered . ..u .u r. - i ..l.fTWIl H W to mW in,Chiietton, Ho j4, Church Street, r otherwile, Fifty Dallars lor each' Horfe, m ai 1 rs '1 1 1 1 it. .;a v m. - ana une nunarea.svouars ior wb tapt, who has the Little, loeof.one of his Feal off, aiid is of a heavy Countenance, ud anfwers dull and flow. JOHN D'J PON r. Sept , 22. TO xSE SOLD, At tht Court Houfe in Wilmington On the 1 t'th Day f November next. Agrecabiy to the DirceUaiu contained ia ti c lift W .. of John Burgwm, Efq. 'that clcdn: andbigbi, imp raved filla, THE HERMITAGE, Sit U AX Il&HT M I L S f ROM TOW, Containing about Sob Acres of Land, on vrhTchisa Ratg f cbmmo- dious and hauifomely n-ijwied Buiiuings up. j wards of one hundred Fu in Lcagth, it n ..J.r ffrt.-- nd a Number Ot ft w ih Gardens. Oiuces. and a Number ot caiiveiH : ent Ou.-buildiegyi in good Repair. The Gardens and, Flealurc oroands, i abo -t ten are diToofed with much Tait e, and m. m -mm J " . in Point of Beauty and improtement,f tual to any ia the United Sutes. There is alio on the Land , good at for a MU tronveni entto Navigation. A Credit of one and two Yearswifll bt given the Purchafer entctins into fiorrd wiik approve peri&dal Security and if repaired by the Exe cutora, ai inort gage on the Premiie. At flic fame Time will be fold, Nam ber ot valuable Town, fituate coovc&feaUjrfot Trade, feveral oi them improved with oridb 1 and wooden Boildiogt.-, . " Alio, fevcratParciltot Land yig ,ntn Counties cf Bladeto and DoptiOiaart tC4far ntxriatin of whiferUwiU ee'uie knowa Hrithe Tiraslfef r thei-oft and J-aods Jail meationed, CfcdU ol rvrtlve Montns will be civeru fhe Puixfcafett itinr Bead and SccundcH s before meutioaed. JOSHUA G. -WRIGHT, ' r FOR fAI E, On very low. Terms KQVR HundrH Acres of Lnd tying cn hot lleel Creek, Richnn4 '.'ounty, . about tw Mites frvm Drowning; Creek, near Li lie lVeee l iter Tb?reo4 is 1 c vipUte MrU Seat, he Stream ut:.g luffiiient to turn two . aw Miilsin the ii .cft Time -irtd by. -s .i'mair.; Improvement, there -y be an extenfiv trade ef Lumtei tm Georgetown Jhtrc is. alf Ninety Acres at ihe Fnir Ground, near Mountain Cre-.k, . which is an excellent -Piace for i?de.- 'I here is a tolca ule tpod L'g bdied Houfe iherecn, a "Store Ojrn. Dwe'nug Kooms ana K'tcheu. for Han f ihe lrtym:iit, a very generous Credit will br given . ,- y -.. ' .A.ppl to ;the biibfcnbtr in Moatgomerj Coujiy, Norih-Cir)lit;a. .... . .. . ; Matt dockery . Scheine of a Lottery, wVtJ-orifed by ftof. the General. AlVcmb.'y, to raife a Num. of Money to complete the built ng of be,LUMJSElTiJN. ACADEMY, in Robei'on v.unty, North" Caroltua. - ...... K j Prize of coo dolls. 500 dolls, 300 100 5o .500 ?5 09. 1500 100 1 do, . 1 do. 10 do. 20 do. 50 do. 30O 100 500 do.. 5 Laft drawn Ticket, 584 Priaes. 110S Biauks. 17JZ Tickets, at jot. or 3 dolls, each. Tw B anks to a -Pi :ze. . The Prizes wiil be. paid by, ihe .Trcafurer of the utees of the Academy, at any Time after the Drawing, with lu.cuality, fubj& to a Dfuctloii 'of fifteen per cent for ttl Benefit of the Acade ny.. .Tfve fortunate Numbers will be pul fhed fr the Inlorma. tiou of Tickft-holders, ,. t-v 1 he I.rawipg of the. Lottery wiil begin oa the fauriK of January next. JOSEPH WOOD, "1 J -Si Pt ;BiLTON, , , . WM. NORMNTj Mwgerkr THO. aRNLi I ROBLRTHAl! LS, j ENTERTAJNEN T. Charles Parijh T Encctfully rcturrs Thanks to his Fnentli and tke Public in general, fot the t acouragemeat he has met with in hie 1 Line ot Bufinefs as an lnnkcper, and toliciu ; a Continuance of their Cuftom. ? ' He wifhes to inform Members of tWe enfu. : '8 General Anemblyr . and bihers, ih ing General Aflemblyr and" blhers, that ' 'a'y conUderaWc Addition to , iuiiings and that. his . Koomv are in good ; Coadit on iof the Accomodation ot Boarders. . pt IBO. ; ,. , ; S;ate of Nort h-Cafolina. j Cafwll C'tnn-'t jfulj Court. 1803. ? - -t , of lMmcs Paul. Judic. attuchmt. Robert Paul and Thomas learn. Rciurnei " levied on the undivided rieh and uitcreft of Robert Paul in a Trait cf Laud, of which amuei P?uf die leiei & pqUfefT'nl, and m wluchLand ) as. Paul nowiiveon Moon's creek. IT Appearing to the Ccurr, tht Tf &onl nin whdlh I ha InJtMsl , I iu-( j - ij Attachment iffued, is an (.habitant of the ' St4e of Gergh : Wherefore it is ordered, . .. a T " L. t r . r.Z that all Proceedings tnercoo be 1 upended fit montKs; and tht the Clerk advertffe m Gal-s's' Raie'h Reeifter, that, th Suit is , .. A j; '....u. ;..;.,j,i th., i , , Ztii te .Ultrftd a.. , . - fc fourh Mou . i of Januar ' pcxf, uulels .he appeals and re. ;?vies, ac. , left, A. M U KtrML X , t-.fj tate of (North-Carol na.. Cdjvftll Cunty July.titrtt lSo3.f Jas.Brockman, Aflig S ' netMagorfogn Attachment. Adam. St.ffirdv J '. .,. . Returned Levied on1 ATraft of Land i CriRtai-'iinj one huBdred .iad thirty! V Acres,' adjoining Roborr Long and o- . M theii,'. o occupied by Bartholomew 4 Damerop," , . I Ii a pi earing t tne urt, tnt Inhabitant rT this State : therefore it is or dered tkat all Piocedings on faid Attach ment be itfi'pended fix mouths, and that ihe Clerk iivertile in Giles's Raleigh Regiitcr, that tle Isuit iscow pending upon the Records of this Cert, and that hr.ai judgment w;!l be en ertd againft the Defendant on the fourth Meaday of January xiextj unlels ke appears aad replevies, &c. Tea. ' A. MURPHEY, C.C ' 3- ' .? JtJ J. GtUl Printer hereof i'rice doe Shiliin 9c Six pet?ce, f A b-icctio yf n x ivi tvo ana ari nit. v m nw, uvtav act tar vct j fi 'vj imni t W :'4.-i 111"' J'-.-l iA3?. bratcd Authors - jm Wi .Roberts, V.D. MMC.M'L w c i trZJ i M i The thirds Edition; with cr&teritdj emtieas andimprovesfa.' ' feJS Hookins s tamaus Razu- H?H J r V aw. 'imi. leRUISE. 1 . V r,