4 i if I. JiV m m -4 : GERMANY. IIAMRURC, AUGUST 12. Accounts from Uerlin, of the 9th nil. i!aic, that the King ol Pruifia gave a r pi ivate audience ot near our. hours, on the fame ctay, to his Envoy to Bonapane,at Bruffels 1 the Privy Councellcr Lombard, who had retired to Berlin on the8ih. "M .' Lombard's million i elated not Mtv to the terms on which P iilfia t w'iftied to prevail on B jnaparte 10 remove fill obuacies to the tree na vigation ot the Elbe and Wder, but alfoto other more momentous propofals. As to the latter, which chit-fly relate to the Future fate of the Ele&orate-'of Hanover, the Confui is faidto have rrje&edthewi, while to the evacuation of Lower . Saxony by hisTroops, he gave his his alfenVtn condition of Malta's .being firft given up by the EngUfh, and a general atrni Price by land and fea. Pruflia has promifeci to make an overtufe on tlvis fubje6t to the Brrtilh Couit, but very flight hopes are entertained ol its ; being atten ded with fuccef. The Pctei (burgh letters oT tire i6ih ult. Uillive hopes cf the ul timate fuccefs of the Ruffian medi ation ; meanwhile the naval ar maments in th&portsof that tap-tre arc xratried on' vith redoubled acti vity. Vhat thf 6hjecVcan be,"re mains a profound fee ret ; but "the Trench government aie certainly ' very bufy in making repreferfta tions to the IWtTian' Cabinet, tn induce it to occupy the Sound with a confiderable fleet, to .prevent a blockade on the part of Great Brit? in. Should fuch'a'blocicade really take place,' fays a -letter from Riga, of -a very recent date, it is certain th&.jltiflia would be compelled, with the other powers of the North, to make the French! refpeft neutralitv ot tha Northern Continent, particularly that of Gerninr: this the mpre io, as R u flia could not bear the confe qnences of fuch a blockade longer than three months, ou ing to its be ing fo ovei flocked with i;s own produce, and money in ihai coun try being extremely tcarce at pre-fent. FRANCE. U W.irr.crs m Ireland, wijiv l trmt, Wt the tflva of prevent ng -any 5 fur. her interruption of its internal tranquillity, and of convincing my loyal fujeets, m that part ot the United Kingdom, .that tney may coir fidevytly rely on that protctlion to which they are to juilly entitled :. In the midft f the deliberations, which were occaftoned by iVe im mediate exigency of the times, you have not been unmindful of other obp&s, to whveh I had di reeled your attention j and I have great fa- tistaction in obicrvmg, that you have completed a lyitem for confo lidating the duties; and regulating the collection and management of the fcvcral branches of the revenue ; and that you have adopted raeafures Which are calculated to afFcrd mate rial accommodation to the ;mercan. tile part of the community, and ex tend the navigation and commerce of my dominions. Gentlemen of the Houfe of Common. I return you my particular thanks for the liberality and readinefc with which you have granted the fup plies for the public fervice. It is psinful to me to reflcft, that the means of necrffary exertion can not bi provided without a hevy prefTure upen my faithful people ; But I cannot lufhciently applaud that wifdom tnd fortitude which have led you to overlook confidera- ttions of temporary convenience, for the purpoie of preventing a large accumulation of debt during the continuaticMt of the war. You may be ftTured that there fhll be as ftrifi. an attention ro economy oti nv part as miy be' connftrnt with XhoU oreparatiotis and1 exertions tvhrch wtfi be beft cakralated to fru (Irate th'e defigns and Weaken the power of the cnerriy, by whofe arrogant pretenTions and rifllefs amhition a lone'thcie (acrrficcs hive' been ren dered unavoidable. 'My LordS) 'end Gentlemen. lI ani fully perfuaded that, chirinp he ceHation of yo'ur' Parliamentary Daties, you wiM -continue to be ac tuated by the fame fpirit which has been uniformly dilpUyed in your emincds, ' It wi'l be your dury to fH ft in Carrying into erTeQ: thofe inealures which your witdorr. has raattired for the defence ano fecurity of ihe realm ; and parricu larly to give the mod beneficial d.;-'-cdiori to that ardour and enthu fulm in thecaufe of the-r country vhich animatcall claffesof my peo ple. Juftly fenfihle of the Rate of pre eminence, !n which it has pltalVd he Ahn-ghty to fuppcrt us for I . fe3rd a revolution at Pans, and the rellofatioa of Mona rchy ; and on 4 he other, that h. s lby the re as gif veh out, vas only a feint to deceive this country, whilit the preparati ot .Signal pos.'Prittk well's Church fleeple,this week has been c oriverted into a figual tower, pi I pnierConfequence---it is under the lnltruetion or a naval lieutenant, ons for mvaaon were going on w.th an(jcnablcs the gcner j on the EiTex incresfed alacrity. A fhrrt per od J . h ..,:.i . i PARIS, AUG. 5, The Egl fh who made grejst pur chafes of wool in 6axony, heing now unable to (hip it, in conlr qnence of the lofs of Hnover,'have been ebliged to abandon it, together with the advances they had made upon it. In confequence of orders fvom Government the Enalith who bad the town of Rouen aflignod'to them as a prilon, have been ja conduc ted to Dourlens'fix leagues from A. miens. ' Letters from the Hague of the 2d Theimidor, announce the very portmt intelligence that the Bata vian Government ht5 juil fet apait funds, for immediately conflrufting I and fitting but gUn boats, each to" carry three great guns : 2jofl3fbnt j temed bo3ts are likewife to be im mediately got rady in-the 'ditferenf ports of the Bitty ian Republic,' where aftivity is now become the order of the day. J The Givernment has rodered all law-fuits to b fu-fpended through out the republic, xrre otyrct which is t enforce ; pa'ymeri-t cf debts contracted by French witt EngllOi merchants This fufpen' fiorr is to continue in foice until peace. r ENGLAND. " will" decide to which of thele fpc culations, mod probability ia to be attached. Letters from the Britifl fquadron oCf?Foulon,-thc 8(h inft. poiitiyelyj alTnrt that 80.000 additional French troops wer marching int Italy, and that the obiefcV of the French was afcertained to be to get polTef fion of the ifland of SasdiAu. and from thence to lend a force to E- gypt. A Liverpool paper fays, " The inierefting queftion will now fCatceiy admit of a doubt, whethei the Emperor of Ruma takes the part of Fiance or Great'Briti.'n, (incc wr, are aiTured, from undoubted autho rity, that letters have been received by our merchants her, Rating, tha; the Trinity Houfe have given or ders for pilots to proceed to" thr I Sound to navigate the Ruffian fleet into x tSntnh harbour. Ma'quis Cornwallis is to fet ou: immediately for Ireland. He is to be inverted with a (upreme and fcpa rate military command, independent of the lord lieutenant's and rhe ci. yil power. " The fenfenccsof courts martial, and every thing Connected with the military department, will be exclufively under his lordlhipi. authority and control. iSy a letter from Dover, it appears hat an attack has been made by tome four vtflr-ls on the enemy's artnr mental Boh ugne, and it s generally bc-heved that a large-proportion ot their boats have been unfitted tor fea. DtUnouncr isarrivedtn thicoun 'trv. Vre (uppofi G overnment havi fufKrt d him to find an aiylum Inere, i .Hamburg and AUona Lot being very iecurc pia'ctts of reuderice. For h tn a: p'refent. It has been reported ihdt he and Gen. Pichegru are to have cefinfninds in an expedition to be tirrlnrtken sgainft fo'me part of the enernv's coatL t he laft account from' Irelanc re of a lefr confolatory riniuic th-n they have been for fomc ,time pafl. Rumours of jntfrnded rifins are cir cuUted, and attempts cont iniai to bt made to all-una -e the veomaniy centinels. Scarcely 'a '"Uight pauses wmiout iome or hem Beinghreoat. I r eparatiorrs'ior ah e"Xpedtion to he Nonh Sea, are -row making in levt-ral of our pom. Gun-boats aie quipwing at Sheer nefs whi h are to dllemble in the Downs; and it is Fort- PARLY Dollars n uiv 1 -A ... tharftt was tebe fold, ft, iiir Li . away by 01 LON-D?, AU-CTJST 12. His M jefty this day addrtfTed the following Speech rb the Lords and Commons auembled . My Lords, d?id Genilemefi I am a length enabled, by the (late of public bufinefs, to relraf you from your long and la'bo'ridus attendance in Parliament. In clofing the Seffion, 1 have lYe ixt mo ft fatistaction in exprefling the itrong fen la which I entertai! of thatzealous andnin wea-ned tegard for the welfare and honqr of your country, wtifcii has d:;tinguiihed all your proceedings. During thecont nuince of . Peace. your conchaft manifefted the iuft 1 v , viwwnicn you nad tken pf our t aSualJmmiori, andol thedanaer agvttviv wnun you were peculiarly 1 canca upon ...tODroyide? and Ttncc tne occurrence -hiaiJ t eS. vn UMhaved fphyed an energy ana prornp. V-titud which have nevr been fur- (? ,1 . .1 ; , . . -, vjt '"u J". luc means whrcn your; ill Wc Juppjjcu lor nc defence of th many ages,-mong the nations of Eu rope, I rely with confidence, that. .inder the continuance of his lOivinr Proteftion, " the exertions of rnv brave and loyal fubjefts will prove io the enemy and to the world, that an attempt to fubvert the indeer - dence, or impair the power or llu United Kingdom, will terrnina e ir. the diTgrace and ruin of thole by vjham it may be made, ah i that rr.y people wi;l find an ample rewaid for all their fa entices, in an undil r.urbcd enjoyment of that freedon. arid feturuy, which by ihcir pati io iiim and valour, thev will have pieicrvedand eniured to themfelves and pdftcnty. Tfifn the Lord Chancellor, bv his Majefty's command, faid, My Lords, and Gentlemen, It is his Majefty's Royal will and llealure, that this Parliament br prorogued to lhurld-y the 6th dav of Oct(ber next, to be then hr- hoi den r-; and this Parliament is ar cordihgly prorogued to the 6th dav or vjctoDer next. It is rcDorted that Mr. Voike is ?'o fucceed Lord Pclham as Scretary f State for the Home Department, io that the iMr. oragge is to be secretary at War.- crntry4 and for the vigorous pro. ,--.miw v;i vu war. 'LC'N DON, AUGUST 2fe. Dublin is to be divided into Vjo diftiics, in each ol which ten ot more of the pfincipal inhabitants ire to form a committee Ipeciallv charged with the maintenance ot peace and good order. Thev are i ao ktcp accura e reriilers of every noui wnntn tnen teveral divricts, and cf Jthe iKiml)er, quality, occu pation, and vifible mears" of live lihood ot the inhabitant, or occu liers of the facie, and of ihetr re pecTive feivants, inrfiaresvfc;jour. nefr, -9rtd lodgers, and of ail re rfiovahj of -inhabitants' and all changes of habitation that rrhay take: place from time , to time witli in4heir feveral diftria$, fpecially notifying if at any time an untifual nuJbei of . flranger Oiall appear to ainye, giving immediate notice iherwlltoivermnent, and de mtn;in tlefinean Jtime- all fucb arriving as fhail no- srve aiausuctory account of them leives.- . . : v '. 4 (t - Thefetufrtl of Buiiaparte to atit fo mutlVidoner than as ;cxteclcil laid they will be Commanded by Sir Hope Poplianrii New writs Were y iicrday order ed tor the county of Cambridge and the citv of ttfiftu The R.cht lion. Charles Yc ikear d the rtuht Han. Ch a i les 8 rap we ha'" 1 rfg accep tra ine cnatren riundreds, pre vious to thcrr new abndintmehts. i'L - f 5 r 1 r t IT . i iic i oi m c-r iv rs ia:a, as iu cenor u Lord Pe!hami the latier is'S creia- at War. General Maitlanu is (o be member of the Iioard of 'Cdn'-rbul, preliminary to hrs being (cht out as Cyovcrnor of Bombay. ihe ha (I .-India Company viave nade a patriotic otter, whrch -has been accepted by Govern merit. I ney are to tumilh fix luips, Com p eteiy manned, lor the lei vice ol the it ate. Private letters'from Paris, com municate fomeparticulais, which it true, are important, viz that it Is the defi jn el Bonaparte not only to invade Cxreat. Britain andireland but t6 attack Malta, and feibral er at the fame time- and that a force. ot (2OX50O men isnowafTero bled in'Lansuedoc, Provence and Italy, for carrying thefe fchemes into enett. A late Cork paper, flates that the following arethe-principal per fons in cuftody in 'the nretropolis, in confequence of the difturbances of the sd July: In iublin caf- ie, ivi oane or rraiicis ureet : in Newtrate, John HufTel, builder; J. Troy clerk to the Dublin Evening Pofl- Hart, hatter, Cork Hill, Bryan Rouike, High ilreet; Mtrley, Taylor ; - Mur phy, a leather merchant mTiiomas ftreet who during the forraerrebcl- j lion had concealed Lord Ld ward Fitzgerald in rirs houfe. -InfCilT; mainham, "Palmer, Patrick iireet John Stockdle printer ; Conelly Ai'nr ilinchy of Redmond's Hill. Councillor Holmes, and Mr. ; Hay, have fi nee been releafed, In the pro vofl goal upwards of one hundred prifoners are confined : amongft theraire two fervajm of the Lrd Mayor ; Ryan, a CLrai factor; Cog Un, sin mbl juakefe f 1001 the; Quaand ;a yplinff nianof the name of Maguire, (on of an'bpuJ teni pciiuu iu iue .:ny. Lord Keith h eflabltfhea a communication befween Sheernefs his iordihip's head quarter, andthe icoaft to communicate with Lord Keith's flag at the Nore, or even at Sheernefs. ; Major-general Mooneyhas pub lifhed an addrefs to the deputy lieu tenants and magiftrates, and alfo to the farmers &c. of the county ot Norfolk. His great obje ct is to ttn prefs them with a fenie of our per ilous nidation, and of the nece flit y of immediately aflbciatihg, fubferib ihg and arming tor the defence of this county, which he is of opin ion is in more danger of being in vaded th?n any other part of Eng land. He has not theleaft doubt of the intentions of th French, who f he obferves, knows all the coal's S well as we do. To his knowledge, a plan ot Yaimouih and all the environs, was fent to France by Semonville, who was feven or eight years there. His recommen dations to the farmers. &c. are to put their fowiing-pieces in order, to ran balls, to ay in a flock of ponder, practice daily firing at ma ks, and to hold theralelves in rezdinefs to meet the foe. L Utter1 from Hamburg, dated July 19, fays, 44 A relpeQable merchant who arrived here this mi rning from Copenhagen, pofi ii ;ly flutes, at his departure. aRuf fi Jn fleet of 12 fail cf the line, and eight f 1 igates and frnaller veiTels wav then in light, fleering for Copen hagen Roads. This fleet it fuppo- fed, is for the protection of the otid, which the French wilh to fhui againlt theEngliih, by occupy ing all the pons fituateon its mores. Some Hanoverian boats and baiges, which fl d to this fide of the Elbe, areifaidto have been claimed by theiFrench. The Danifli army in Hoiltin, who have their head quarters at Ahrcnbenr, have recei ved confidence reinforcements, and the Prince Royal ot Denmark has given orders to eftabliih field hofpitals." F KlrriFl of a Letter frem thf. M af ter of his Maitfty's jkit lh:inder. dated Augujl q, EAR Si R , " I am happy to intorm you, that one ot our prizes hs turned butlof immenle talue, having 2.0 of "'the firft paintings in Europe on board. Tiiey were colleled for Honapaite, in Italy, &c. and in tenjled tor the MuTeum at Paiis.--Odir agent is to fsnd them toLon- 1 1 " 1 1 . r t- don, tor exninuion and tale. 1 wasprefent at the opening ot the cafes, and, perhaps fuch a collec tion never was in this country be pre." STRAW HATS. 'T'HE Sublcriber carries c'n a Mu- . ioufaftory cf Straw flats, 'et all Ki:.ds. at l'prtfmouth, in Virginia ; 'wricre Meri chants and others may be Tup plied on the moil rtafauabl Ttrms. R. Mather. j 3'ortfmouth, une it. iatel .ii Rttr U . fctl fed, r was ftduced Perfn ; the as there, are fftirv turn a uwt.i . j r i ir, Faft, it is.prdbablt that fee earned fome Djllknce and fold . l. .S went oft voluntaril cither CDiieavourcd to make her Way tin County, where; I am i.iforir.eJ I formerly owned ky i Mr, R0i's ot , Uedef Neifhbourhood of Ceoton where 1 lland (he has fome Chili! " . . iTil t the heavy Baggage (he carried awa'T i icdaced ro believe thai Ihe fc ,! ifoirie Peifon. probably fome k,.. r. a f ... ; . v, ' r u- re , Her true Name Is Chloe.ihe has the a ' of being about ferty-five Year 7 very black, cf a J'auat Shapr, w-n.5!"1 Mirki tf much whinnin on k.. n .. -rr vs ," "i uacu white Eyes, thick Lips, wide very tew Teeth in her Head Any rerton wh will de1i-Jait k. & me'.R the City of Rateigh, free irofte farther Charge; fliall receive th. ,v. ,nJ .0 , xm 40ftv my a ih.t icgaiu iuc i uukiiun 6f frer 1 reward the Fcrfou ?Crding fuch lafan according ta the Circumltances. Ttaleij-.h, Sept 2, 1X0 H. POTTER Notice is hereby yivtn "T1 HAT at Wayne County Cou JL May Term, 1 803, the SubfcrAr..... tied as Executors to the laft Will A Tul of Joftah Wife, El, late of faid IW? cealef, whtch was duly provei and admin.! to Record. Therefore all Perfonj rccditj are tu WESTERN LANDS. FOR SALE, COME Thousands of A errs in the Y State of TenneiTee, lying within tlr Mi litary Refervation of this State .; the Locations-having been early made, render them, no Doubt, valuable the Taxes dm which hav been regularly accounted for. The whole, or Parts, as belt may fuit the Pur chafer, wWI be fold for Cafh, r on fuch Credit as may be agreeable, the Pure hater giving fuch'Security as will prove fatisla&oiy on the Transfer f the Property I (hall alio have for fale this Fall, at my 'Plantation in Orange, whereon Mr. J. Willis now ; lives, a number of HriVs, Marcs and Colts, which will be fold in like Manner, for.Cafk or Credk. 1 lhall attend mylelf for that 'Purpofe, of which due Kidtice mail be giveb of the Time in this Paper. Should any Peifon ifh to-purchafe in the Interimi 1 will fell, by. Application .being made (if by Letter the Portage muft br. paid if expeclcd to be attended to). J,-G. BREHON, Wtrcntnt ynne lt 1803 'I fhall attend at my Plaiitation in Orange, oa Monday the 17th of Odooer next for'the Purpl'e f feUing the Hrfes, Mares, and Colts, abave advertifed. within this State, h Hill 3Hv 1 me Kuaic, arcneuneato bring thera forward within two Years: and tfcofc .i may have Demands againil faid Eftate, h relide without this State, are alfo notified J hnng them forward within three Yens therwife they will be barred by Virtue, yvv.i ui --vucii-ojy, pauta la etic Ytir thoufand leven hundied and eikty.Dine, All Pcrfor.siudtbted to faid tftate, are tjuelteu to nuke immediate Payment. I AMKS SASStR,' J. C. PliNOtR, JOHN L VERI'IT,) 1 FALL GOODS. THE Subfcribers have received, ana arc now opnirg, their FALL outiL:, t very esteniive and coirsltn AiVortment ; whichhey effer, by Whsleii and Retail, at a moderate Advance. T e Waollens, Hardware and Cutlery, wiu Number of the other effe-ntial Articles, a4 imported inimeiiately trm the Manuf.ft rers tn the North of Lngland. They Alio on Hand, and will continue to receive Urge Supplies of EATaad WLST.lNl'iv Praduee of-every Kind will be received in Payment. DonalJfon Matmilan & Co. Fayefreville, p j5, jgij, , (Pj Coking Cloths of fuperitr QiiIitf No. 4, 7, S and 9. A PRECAUTION TO thole who may have the Offer f the Transfer of a Note purporting' have been giyen by myfclf and G. Etlwirj to -William Daviy, for One HunJrcdiD,i thirty-two or three Dollars, whicuSottl have fully paid . But the Obligee luviufwt- parel to retnove from this .State, rtfa'esti cancel faid Note, with (I am authonltdi:. &eiiev.ig; the deliberate Intent o.ioi atai lag ftimtelf of a ltcond Payment by 3 Tid ier on ihe fNote. Let thefe, thrrrfort, whom it may concern, Ve thrcujh this Me dium informed, that I flnll not, ner eitkt: ot us "Obligors, make Payment into cthc: Hands thaa the original Cbligees ; in h"li Hands 1 am at all Times prepared to mee;i'. , DANliiL C..LOiVARi)i. v Off. 1 , 1 803 SHERIFFS SALES. rriit e in tr toe 1 iurctimit m luk. y;, Rtbefor: Quniy on fkt Day tfCflth next, THE fnllowin? Lands, for (hi Taxes due thereon fer the YeariSoi: 200 Acres near Lumbeiton, on ihe Heal of the Mill Branch, the Property oi Willun Mrga. 23 Acres near Lumbrten, on the Fayette- vilte Rad, the PrepTty of John R. Morn, 9.06 Acres near KocKnu, joining ttie Laacs of General jHerringtow. too Acres on the louth : Side f akw'-, Joining Hodge's Lands, the Prop.ny f Peier Joe. too Acres between tne ureal aaa i'u. Marfh, Owner unknown. co Acres near the Lumber CriJje, Owner unknown. , co Acres on the fouth SiJe of Amp near Willis Taylor's, the Property of Hil'' Manmnr. the north ime o; ti e ic lit. Pr.nfu nf ihp 1 1 tl f W 1 EKTERTAINMEMT, TH E Subfcribcr being warmly fo. lfcitedby aNumberof refpeftable Cha racters and her Friends in particular, informs the Public, .that (he has opened Houfe ol tntertaintment for Oentlemen and Lady Travellers, a the Town of Lumberton, Ro. rtflonCunty. She flatters heclelf that her txrtitns to give general Satijfacllon, will not fail to merit her the Patriaage of the Public in general. , ' She avails hrfelf of this Opportunity, to return her molt fincerjkThanks to thole who have already honoured her. with their Cuf- torn, and arTures litem that the Coudnuaacc w latcii tiiruurviwiii atways, operate as a Stimulus to her future -Exertions. The Pa pers from fome of the mod re fpe Stable Cities jo the Union will ac' regularly taken. Good Stables, Corn, Oats, and Fodder, with fteair Oilier, may Always be relied ou, and' the bed of ' Liquors and irovifions that ike Country aBords . n 150 on wamo. tne rropeny oi tuc t M'Larham. joAcies near Rockfifli, formerly the f; perty of William Barlow , 300 Acres on the fouth Side of Ahp ole, f en in by John Manning, io. Acres ner the Great .Marfh, fMM by William Powell. 4 Acre Lot in the Town of Lur.berB', fuppiei the Property of Chila A, the fdhiving U Jt for 1 8ci. jco Acres given in by Jouaihaa W3t"' 50 Acres near Rockfiih, given in ij liana lar!ow. ..re cif c THOMAS B A RNES,w, Liimbfrtor-. A'K 2?. Lit . WILL HE SOLD, At the Cuurt'lltne in More ,biri Monlay N' V'! 1 THE following Irattsoi X r k t Trjft. as 1 rlcient to ftifv the 'i axes due the m- he other lawiul txpe::ct, I$o Acres on Ptchefs Creek. fu?p be the Property f John M'Ni-lI. f. too Acres on Lad' Creek, fujf - therop. rty of Malcolm M'Lciun 290 on the Witer. of .eep K:ver. ..?f to be the Property of JePj?1Wr,fJ 71 AcreW Little Burfaloe, te the Property of Andrew Acre. 00 ihe Water, ot Crane fuppofU to be i7L'SfcNS0.V, Stpt, g. 1" 3 Blanks Of all 'Kin k. JS OIANA NO YES

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