t i V "V y Ah, 1 il to E . jifdnfc; R Ucigh Rifler. YOU-have been cetefti MTfly im- pofsd upon by a duty fellow f this county, David ?, Rzbinfon, who has appeared fevefal tirats in yout paper in a confuicuocts'rnanm r. I think it my duty to give yo- infor mation of th:s tatfc, aVihofe (publica tions have given greiltL. offence to a humber of your fubferibers who are acquainted with this fellow's cha racier. He. has intruded himfelf 0" the notice of the public, arfd has pafTed ( no doubt, . with you, s hr has with others unacquainted with him) as a man of worth and reputa tion. That the leaders of your pajer may no longer be deceived by a worthlefs character, I have drawn up a. buef account' of this man fince lie came to the county of Orange, and beg you to give its confuicuous. place in your Regitlcr of the- next Week. 1 truft, Sir, that in juflice to yourfclf and your readers,you will feel no reluctance in giving a place to this account. I feel truly hurt to fee fuch an intignifica it fel low impoting upon the public. To Tee a man, vvitri whoa is alloc ia ted every !ow vice, who has pruliuutcd every honeft principle, and who has languifhed in the filth f Ja jiil lor R:& crimes, inventing himfcl with the important characicr of teaching our citizens thtir moral and politi cal duties-, i enough to route the in dignant fee1iu;$ of every honefl heart. Surely the virtuous part I - fbciety ought to difcouiuenarica an rifijtdlyluppreis every aitempt which Uafcnefs and ir.famy mike to public, confluence. We doubt, irny men of the fameclafs with this Robinion, through the medium of the papers, pafs current with the world as -inch of wrvrth and refptciability. lr :S impoffible for Editors of ewfpa- prs to k:iow the character of all thofe m?n who Vnte pieces Pu licatiotf V but. w$TCver it is poiTi- ble, let fuch impudence be pun:flaed1 with the fcvcre laflb of lruth. li is sny wllh,. and I believe it t be yours, to have the pages of the " Re gifter,V eonfecratcd to th purpoies of Truth and Virtue : I fincerttl) ; hope- that none of its columns will , ever again be polluted either with the name or writings of fuch men as David R. Robinion. This an, who has endeavoured t0 raaki the "World believe he was ... honoured -with an Add re fs from the citizen of Harrifonkurg, in the county of Rockingham. Virginia, publilhed in your paper lately ; who returned an Anf wer to faid Addrefs, and whole name appeai s to a publi cation'of fotae length in your paper of :theKqth inftant, came into the countyjt Orange, about 18 months . ofilrpeaTjrieo. He palled on to triellelghbourhpod of the Dutch fe tlement on Haw-Riverain which he noirefides. He came there. with out a hat to his had,? or, I believe, a Coat to his back ; with his eyes much bruifed and f welled from fome The Editor af the Rcgtftsr knowt no. triagethe charafttr of David R. Robinfon. frnrhii writings (maay of the fenti meats oi vhleh woUld do honour to any nan) he had canccived him to lie a very different character frora whit he is here reprefented tf be ; hut .as thiajaforrnatioa cornea from a gentleman on 'holc coMtnuaications ii fcaf Mrted reli acce, iM corfeftnefs cannot he iloubtid. And aa he wuid ht fair Itint ou4tenaiacing Vice and Immorahtr of aitr kind, be is etuallv toua w imraarai ana viciaai ptrioa'i jip Morality and Yirtue. t fi'trfr bca'nhs4 every naik. oF ,hav ioc come 4 rem - and warm from tne men oi iemc orouici or i ip niinhAtifft In Vt i heaftlv nlirht. he oaffed alone- the public rod, (omc times to the affright,' and Jotnc times to the-axufement of the fpec ta tors;' Being an excellent mecba aic, Ke quickly fouridemplcymeni ; but, being a drunken impudent, quarrel fornc fellow, he was dilmiffed from aim oft every lioufe where he engaged to .work. He wandered about the neighbourhood in this manner for foine time, tvhenhefud denly ditappeared. Some whim or fefigrt led him into the county of Randolph, ' where he was appre hended as a vagrant and for a breach of ihe peace, and lodged in jail. f Hera he piefended to become deliris ous, and acted the fiypocritcfo well, that the court, which lat a few Weeks alter he was committed, be lieving Kim to D deranged in hi roisd, tcrc'k compaflion on him, and after trial and ccnv-ftion, agreed to difcharge him the officers of the Court gave up their cofts, $nd hu manely ntreited that, he might be d:lchatged. This was accordirrgly done. In a few days he returned to friths neighbourhood of Haw-Rjver, where being taken violently ill, and expecting to die, he made a full dif 4lo!We of the hiftory of his hie to two men w no waited on him. Thif narrative being very different from -the one which he had previoufly given 6f himfelf, confirmed the fui vicious Which the neighbourhood, from rhe firft, entertained of his br i'ng. a dangerous vaVahf'nd ; fo,r hs came there an entire ftranger, v,j:h qut z (ingle voucher to r-commem' him, leaving, according to his own iccount, a wife and ieveral ImalJ hildren in a remote part of Vir: - if ua. As loon as'nc recoverea iiom h lickes, he fell again into hi:. old vices, and was ieveral j times Upon the pomt of being apprehend ed, and lent tojail under the vagTani tt. iji th:s he had intimation, ana probably th? fear of a jul operated io poueti'illy oh hts mind, that he 1eterminci to fave himTelf by ic. claiming his conduft. This he has one in iomr mrafure ; but he lull reraiul Ins former grovelling pro penfitics and unpardonable pre- iumption. lit kas always endea voured to take an actrx part in the politics of the country ; his exer tions wcie a hrlt oonhned to me neighbourhoid, but lately he has addicilsd hinrfeif to the public at large. 1 believe, Sir, that it could afily be proved, that he. with a cer tain coadjutor of his wha has taken Robmfnn in tow to anfwer certain purpofes, fabricated the Addrefs, laid to be fent from the town of HirnTonbur,. in Virginia. This coadjutor of his alfo, it s Well known,.-from the ttile, &c, waj the aulhor onjthe oiee'e infeited in your paper" of' the 19th inflant. Upon the whol Sir, you may be afTured that this fame David R. Robinfor., t$ s trifling a fellow as ever infected ny heighbourhood ; and if fuch men arc lulfered to pafs unnoticed if.thejr prelum ptuous impudtr.vO ii not'checked, ve may quickly bid adieu to decency ; the worhv part . of th: community wll be trampled upon by the w thlefs. ' A Friend to Truths Decency. branjc, Sep. 28. REPUBLICAN ADDRESS. TheioUowing interefting proJuftioo has be en occasioned by the impehdirtg election in Connecticut, icptefentca bold lkttchof Federal, contrafted wih Republican Prin ciples and Meafnres. By reminding the ctize of pad danger, it is admirably cat culared to Wken him to prefent vigilance; The feuti meets, the, facts, the re'afoninf though fecially addreficd to thepeopte. -of Connecticut, will, we doubt not, be -read, whh plcafure by the emeens of No'rt Carolina. FtlUw CtiiittT, tt THE general cOramiUcot. the republicans of Connecticut folicit your candid attention to the'pblitU cat uiuentions wnicn at preient agi tate this State, a fubjecr highly inV tcretling to every man of yoUjwho loves peace and-liberty :V : On this fubjeft yon vhave;: been addreffed by a numbei of federalils;, con yen ed , at Hartior d on the - .3 1 ft of4May laft. : : .7:Y": . We would" deem ; ft ,'amiappl( cation of time arid a, departure from the true, dignity of fcrioU? difculliori,' to notice what is-ex epuohahlc" in theiraddreft; for our obietl: is not to Jifove that the iddrtfi is deficient tn candpr-and truth bul to proVe tnattne.mais ot ciuzens, oim i.par ties,' iiave jin ineftirriableommpn intereft. in the protection of which it behoves tnem' to Ufiite p?atitl to prove ; auoj-' that: fedefalifro i ; dereliQion of that 'common inter eft, a baleDet laying 6f it into the s ot its enemies. We lpeal; hcrc'ofthe lejderirlifm of It'-aders; lor we know full well 4hat ihe te deralifm; pl tbofe who leaS is one thirig,and pftofevwho f6Uow is another and a Very different thing; The federalift, in their addrefs, oblerve, that tbe origin xjthti dif4 fentions which difttirb the tranquil lity of this ilate, is fo well known that it cannot be neceiTary at this time to examine Cr explain it." We think otherwife. We1)elieve that the great laaczy of citizens ol both political parties, have the lame in tfrefts, the fame principles, and the fame genera! views, with regard to the iiieans cf promoting their profpeiity, and protecting their li oerty. We believe therefore, that fo far as Aiilpn lions do prevail, they muftbe'ihe ofTspring of mifinfor- mafidri, of miilake and that, to put ah end to thole dilfentions a- mong tnat mais oi xnuzens wno have no private views, no partic'u- 1 r rr . . 1 1 lar interefls hoftiletothe common wealth, frothing more is necelfary than a true, a full uriflerllantfinsc ; ot the origin ot thele aillentions. ? Arciheretl intereltsof that cl.tfs of onr fellow-cimens who a:e lti- led federal, hot'tile to, or different j pofhble, that vaffilage to which, from the intereils of republicans ? ji they fay, God has, by an ireverfa Has nature, or has accident adap- ble decree, deflined thejh'aman ted one kind of happipefs to one race. Falle! Footifh! impious poiticanet, and a different kind -j theory ! They feektodeprjvetheir of happinefs to a different feci? An fellow itien ot their. dearclli rights, opinion like this is as abfurd as ! of all that gives 16 life, 6 all that dangerous ; for however the arts of gives to man a val uable pre-emi-;)lauUble ambition, or fkilrul wick- j nehce above the brutes, and jufliiV ednefs, by exciting and mifuidingi themfelves by the moll cruel, the hc zraf of uninformed and tinfui- !j moll degrading of calumnies; by peeling integrity, may hav'e been able to airy citizen agjinft citi zen, neighbour again ft ncig!ib(ur, md to pbnt diltruft and hatred where cotihdeAce and fVietidihip ought to grow, ilill it will remain an unchangeable truth, that lepub Ucansand federalift muff be free men oi Ihves, happy or wretthed, ! togetlier. ; Far then from us b.r rancour zmd every pafhon, whipe we make to our fellow-citizens a candid expo-; fition of our vicy ot the Origin of the dilfenficns that how exHi in this (tale, of thofe eflenti.l piiiici ples of government, in which the theories ot leading tederalifls differ f rorn thofe of the republica-ns and of the oppofing fy ncms of public mea lures advQcated and purfucdby the parties refpeciivelV. If in the courfe of this expofition we fhall find ourfelves under the necefiity of animadverting with feverity on the conduct and views of men 6p pofed to us, let it not be faid thai we have violated the rule we haVe prercribed to ourfelvcs, that we permit paflion to make us unjtiit ! No, we vilf endeavour to be ftncttv j a ft, and as we will fet dowri nought in malice, fo We will extenuate i 1 nothing. We will fpeak to our fellow-citizens with the puirinefs which belongs to truth In an ho nell and ardent purfuil?of thofe in eftimable cbjcfcls, public peace and liberty, we will not'paule to calcu late the importance -to ourlelves individually of the love or the ha- fj tied of the enennet of public peace and Jioerty. hxSP''. - Hiftory teaches.us thefe intere fl ing f atsbalrqnoi hc rernoUit agv&- a fw? meji inbvery nation have haa the addrefs to nuke the multitude the;r' property; that the only intelligible, dillincti ns that hav q been know u. a mo ng rt en have bcenthoTe of rn after and fUve that ihe datJannals of dcfpotifm'have: beenl'nrru pled and en I i ghteaed by fome jileamS of liberty, by fblie ribole ftrugglcs of bpprefifcd man W break his chains and to a Turn e thaV dinifiedftatiQh from Vhich he had beeq;lQngiegraded i that the fuc csf of thelc druggies base vet been cf;mort;duration ; that though man has ; been foiund1 invincible when flrugglingfof his liberty, yet that he has;nevir been found competent to its proteioVt but that ambition and canning have always fucceeded, fcher,or later, in perfuidng the firnpli unfufpefling funs of ree dorjt to afftft in riveting their chains anew r hat tholeIriort periods of libfrty have indeed exhibited llff. tpus famplcs of genjus, of energy ahd of viitue, to whch degraded ind enflaved man can Vever aitaiai Jut thatin the long, dak night of aeipouim, tneie,iiketne ntight con rufcat ions of a meteor, hye only Terved to give a more torcOJe per ception of the deeploom tLt was Ipread over the .world i Krrirti tttV ...ULL ' "uWmW&?? incoriei conioir.rJUd wthei various wilhes The lot oh liberty , the true3riehds of meri, j have in every cafe, feen Ireedoro 1 u u ve neu ny c ireu m u anccjic v u 1 1 d r to eacb refpeclive experitnent. Ttihave feeh n0thing.?to difcon rage new experiments. They per ceive in the projrrefs that fociety flys made.and is flill makirigin know ledge, in every intelletlual improve ment, a! Aire, a eyt aiii prefage of the future univerfal tri amp h of truth afid of liberty. On the-contrary, the enemies of liberty, men of un controlable ambition and cupidity, fay, that the experience of paft a ges demonftVatcs that the raafs of mankind iti every nation are, and, from the very nature 6f rnan 'muil forever remain, in competent jo pro tel and perpetuate their liberties when acquired; that their ignorance and their vices incapacitate them tor teit-govenment, tnat tni igno- m rant muitituce are aeitiaea lorever j; to be governed by the difjerning 1 ' 1 in- 1 tew, whatever may be the Ibrm ol that government, and thati there fore all that is to'be fouirht, or ho ped, from the inflittitions OilfOciety is, that they may be fo cont jived as ; to mitiffate. and render as aaild as aiferting-, in fhoit, that the Divinity has given to man no valuable pre eminence above the brutes. Happy would it have been tor us if this nionftrous theory had been confined to that country which eave-'it birth. In liurooe. as the O multitude have been compelled to; I psrfdrm the part of beads of hur i den, there it feenlsalnWlt innocent I to fpeak of them as fuch. Here, 1 in Anlerica.one would have thbiight I that difcrctiohi if not a fshle of juflice, might have protected us from ihe inful't. But inordinate ambition isitie growth df all coun tries; itjuif ihes its depredations by fimiUr pretexts. N o fooher was that war ifinifhed which feVered the Amelricih ftates frorn the Britifh Kinpiie, ihariam bitldn marked 1 he tn tor her own, and commenced her fecret machi nations. We will pafs in iilence the few years that preceded the birth 61 our prefent federal confti tution, becaufe during that period the operations ot faction were un organized and defultory; but no fooner was a convention of ftates propofed in order torevife the fe deral compact, than they became both lyftematic and alive. You need not be told, fellow-citizens, that .t this period, arid tor the a vowed purpofe ot influencing the deliberations of the propofed con vention, Mri Adams, our late Pre Cdent, wrote three volumes on the fuojeclot government, the whole fcopeand objetl ot which writings was to prove that a government conftituted precifely on the princi ples of that of Great Britain, and no other, is perfectly adapted to the happinefs and protection of men in all countries, and 'in all ftagesof foeiety and that as fat as thoie.who were to form a govern ment for us- fhould deviate from the true principles of the Britilh Government, fo far would they deviate from wildom and from na ture. -The convention when affembled was found to confift of difcordant Imaterials, fome ardent friends of Vie elective principle tnrougnout th legillative and executive de partments of the government, fome opc fome covert friends of the hereditary principle in the execu tive and in one branch of the legis lative departments Here it was that Alexander Hanlton flrenuouf ly advocated anannihilation of the laie goVeramehts, an Executive and Senate clefted for lite. How eafy! how very naturarV would be the tranfition from Hamilton's Governor and Senate, orto u'fe European names, Kings and Nobles for life, to Adams s here ditary king and nobles ! The cNn- Ititution, when tormeu,wasdecIartd by theconvention that formed ifyj ' to be tbe refult of afpiritof mutual concefhon.' Probably no tingle member of tbe convention believed it to be free from def efcf s. In one point all partiesagreed. towit, that ? jlronget.bond of union than had hithtrto bound the ; itates together was abfolufcly.ne jj. their exiften-e TK ' pCrha?Uh were in enl welf XV?U theconftifmi,b XvP cd the good fcnf ofAefi theybelievedlhatlrwh1 to them imdfkP penment be fOind to bercallv f they Would in rhe manned Zl byiheinftrumVnt;rr.iFl.Provd ed. ' .hwii u; Some indeed correft. not lefs zealousfor a union l?tl' ftates, but moTe zealous than v brethren, thought they faw inftrument unne:efljry tacilm. that account iilti.Ai.. , 1 adoption. ThisiioCuredfniu arid for the republican party J! which' they in thefubfequetu T gles co-operated, tod to whicbtht in truth belonged, ihdnarue oJ iederalifts. . It mu ft have been manifeft (0f , very rile8ing raind, that Who like Mr. Adonis, bdpivjl?' - ainc Bntifh to be the ftandard of KOoj gbveriiment.muft have regarded oar federal conftitution as if came W the hands of the convention wi difapprobation and contempt. n nihilatjon of the ftate governments and a combination of the ftaies un! der one government, niua hav been a necellary part of the plan ot the monarehifts,nd accordingly as has already been ohferved the meafure Was brought forward in the conveniion byMj. HdmiUon, Not with ftanding tlis attempt was defeated, and although the confti. tution was deftitufot almoit every thing which the monarches conQ. d'ered as valuable in fubllance, yet they unanimoufly fubfciibed u becaafe it was all that at that tjmo could be obtained, becaufe though deficient in fubftance, in form it was cdrrel ; ahd bccaule they ho ped that, as it had the form, by a licit f ul management of its powers by an artful direction ahd manage merit -of private iiterefts already within its reach, ;hd of fuch as from time to time i: would be poflii ble under various pretexts to create, to give it the fuHlance ot their great model, the iritilh Govwa' ment. : 7 it Ctninud. ADVERTISEMENT. ,11 E bubfenber iiforms his friendi T audthe Public ingicraV that he han jsneral Affortment of DGpodj.Bookj, Cro. ctr.Salt, &c. LikewirepQ Commifiion, Stilli troia 30 to 130 .Gallop Urge giitaniWa. hgaay Fraifee Lookiog-ClaTss. Fusucjw Cafh Ukeu in Payment 0 i Peter Perry. Fayetteville, Sept. i i.3. Froft's Smithicid Lottery, VArious Circunrflances render it Heceflar to poftibnc ine Diawioj f Froft'i Sni.hcid Loiipry, which wa: in ttndeJ ta have beeo Jrawn on th: lecoci Monday in Junt next. N early halt ihe Tic kets reman unfold, ani a DtAwnz bafdo j then t&kt Plrcc withod great Injury to the rrop r 1 e tor . Th e D r avj( tig i s t h e r e t oi e putt' ponei until the lecond Monday in lebruarr next, at whith Time ' will pofuiveiy take Place, and cbntirftre frn Day to Day, until finilhe-i, whatever mdy be the iSumtersl Tickets then reaiauiipjon Haud. From Ei perience of the hales, latere is no Louhi tut they will all be lold by tjt Time. Lilts of Prizes will be jubliflicd inrheNewf' papers, od Payment me on Demand. !em Perfon io ' Raleigh (oij which public Notice will ie given) will be ippoinied to pay futh Prizes as may moft coie mentiy be iffittj for there. Thole not ifemanded iuthe courfe ol TweWemdriiksaucj the Drawing, will Confide red as reliiKjuiiled uibe rropriewt the Lottery. , . 1 ti k MA N At L R V Miv 1 8. tR '" " - 05" Ticket ttfiveDoilaneach.toixhiJ nf the Mjii.ifr. f Mr. louas trt, t ohnfton; Mr. Charles Parilh, in itst Mr. S. Turientine, .n HiMbjiou8h ; Mt.r Henderfon, Chapel.Uill; Mr. S$ Lamer, i Rockingham CouiHy; Mr. Johu Hunt, Fraaklin Mr. G. Ropier, iu Stoke i Mf. G. Banks, Averalboiough Mr. ami, near Fayettevllle, aod feveral Geutlemeo in different Parts of the Ste. Higheft Prite woth 3,voo Doiln many other valuable Prizes. Mr. Froft is willinf that Perfoni hJl his Tickets for Sale, hottld difpole ol J Part of what remains oa rland, to fafe 1 n J taking at leaittiVe, on Notes payable at Can rnas next.' FOR SALE OR RENT, i I'M T II S CITY OF KALElCH, Two Store-He uJ'J . , . J fnf rsl,-A ; ,n rc ent aianu - Biifiaefs. Bothar yj' haeeach a commodius Cwi!n" V4reh0ufe. Thrfc U auached to bo:h hotifes Sufficiency of GrouaJ tor " witk Kitchearaud Stable to each, iJt der them very tutuble for a iauU r for youjai Men wU m g"1 Wlia w thcmfelvei. . , . liefci Poffeffioa mf one may oe 7 J y Day of November next, and the J1-. icth of the lame Moarh ; btn 'ui nods are before the MecliM of lfj. ff5f AUckbly. -For further r-r to rtrjohi. H Mr. V. j Merchant, Fayetieville, or h w .ti, Rxleiah. Ut.,W either 0a the will beyatttiided to actcflded to. 'fW0XiW to the State J near the ee Dollars