I ULflH it ' f "Uaw n j is a u - & - , . f . i V 1 1 VOL. V. . ' ... . - .- - - - from an Irifi paper. DWYER, . ,. The srxsh rebel c h i e r This Yry extraordinary man, vho ever fince the i ate; rebellion has m:inuinej himfeU" and his gang nt'ieiecefiof the Wicklow moun ls conflantly routing all offer Umiieflv and pardon, and mock- lag arii biiiiirig ail attempts u ic deitroy him in conlequence oi n verunnt, nw uueumea iwic th -n ever an objeft oi public at teniion and curiofity in the United Chcf bumble and obrcvire hi (lory of the eaWy life of this dfperado prefents nothing worth' of notice. 13orn in the wilds of Wicklow, his iirfl Situation in lite was that ot a cow-buy, and afterwards employed in tanners yards, until the.breaking out oi the late rebellion, at which 'time, being about fix or-leven and twenty years of age, he ranged himfeU, with enihuudfm, underthe banners ol inTurrettion ; and tho' always foremolt in danger, had the jrood fortune , to , rctiie unhurt trough all the battles ol that deplo rable come 11. When the rebellion was put down, and mo ft ol the leaders, withilujr partitas ha.Iiea ed-to avail themfeivs ql the al of ;,nmett Dwyei rejaedhe mer citisl otitis ot tiu government,. and N.iihdre.v, accompanied by a cho icn bind, into the laftnefles of his xjauve mountains, where he . has fuae kept his ground, bidding de har.ee to ali the 'parties fent out a gainit hiai. There is nothing more i-vtr-iordiuarV in what relates to - . . it A rk. A. J V tins man, than his furpriung nieans ot obiainin . iccret into, nation. i On a certain night three men. who r.id before, we believe, been pri--att.s in the Meith militia, and one ti whom was ths h;ll that adn.inif t;:rtd to his then chief, the oath ol a a U sited irifhni.n, fuddeniy de igned Iro'ii h.is g-ing. Dwyer in ftani.lv coiichiiitd th .t hewastempt c l tii? levird to bjtrajsinrn, ot) w hiclTliot on y.feMihcYre-c.-ivei a c o i i!tmut;o t j' IrowiSicVn ih's ris, but .alto inteiiigcncr of tiie nuht on which thev v.re to f.-tout'tor t:;c purpofcot fecuring hint. Bein, iv?. they thought, wcli ecquijtd itii all his1 haunts and lctircments, they made little d inbt oi their fuccels, 'out were way laved b;,' DwyiT, who pat them to death ni. liis own haau, not lufFering his companions to inlLrlere in what he cdnhdered, 01 atiail ifprefent e i to be, his j 1 ft and perfonal re venge. Alter tiris, h.Jvvcver, he became moie' wiy-and fufpicious of fome of his aliociates, snd there fore jnvitintr th;,le on w7hom he could lead rely, t;; a dinner in a dif taiit quarter, he .after the featt was over, told them that as there was no longer any c nance of French adiHance, and the'people in gene ral feeined di'pofjd to iubmiiTion, Jic tound it in vain to hold out any longer; he muR, of courfe diiinifs t'.iern, and advile them to difperl"?, and return to their families, but nc vei again to appeal in the vicinity of thole mountains. The whifky punch was then circulated until his companions became inlenfihly drunk, and when they awoke from -.heir debauch, could tind no traces d their Lmr leader, who foon recruited his lofs by the acceilion 'f others, on Whole fidelity he ou!d kave more dependence", h niu(t be a matter ot aftoniOi 3 citt f ut a n a i i ve , powdr f u 1 and vi gilant governmentcould ever fuc- eed in exterminating this banditti om thefe mountains, however -cult or inaccelhble they may " h appear. The rebel, viio iiiitimately acquainted with 1 1 ; e t o pojj a p hy 6 i tij e p 1 a c e , h as his regular viets and Icouts upon the 'P''Ve,. iairthe mod advanta oy ru-Kl0 on the aopear- luanicrVL or the approach of r tuotris: t - - K ;i e- nera mutleF to thofe hardy defpe radoesi; They are generally fuper in tended by the chief hiinfcll, oi his brothcr-inslaw of the name ol Byrne, a;. determined fellow, in whom alone he placeman unlimited confidence,. They iire both gieat adectsat difguifing their faces and perfons, and are thought to pay treuent vifits to the metropolis, though they never have, been de tected. Dwyer is an active vigo rous re'low, about five feet eight tnchesihigh, with fomething' of a itoop about the (boulders. He ha i ruddy complexion, with lively prnetrating eyes ; and is kid to be vvoriderfully patient of fatigue, and tearlels of every kind of danger. IriJJi InfarrcBion. fe The following accouct of the late infurrec tion is contained in a private letter fiom- Dublis, which wc ctpy iiom a l-tc JLoa- dcu paper. DUBMN, ACCU1T IC c Various conj.ctuics prevail hsrc as to tbc'fyftem thi c:c:ttin confpiracy, trom which lo much Hill apprehended. Among theheft informed political circles it is laid t have com nenced . fjon after the prifor.crs had expofid llvlins oi the United Infhmen, in 179S. Ten of the mall ' tiled and ititclir gsnt' uf the ddilVe&rd farmed a fo ciety, each ot which afterwards formed a lociety of ten ;'atid caci": of .thefe ten fcinied a iocict of r fim.ilar number, each man choohu h.s accomplices fiom among thole chajaciers with which he was veil icuaiatcd kkftmg of courle, foi his t)wu iecunty, thofa who haa proved their fidelity to. the ciuk durxrg'tlie late mlurrelio:v. Tb, iui-cciii c a rpo;titm?t of locictci in this way went on progreflively. until it was fo expanded to em urace z t.ke vctian jnfurgen s. Fh-n every polhble aClivity wai mploycd to make profelytes am. nig Orangemen, In ih;s piuiuit they nrz unfOi i ifnatcly .too -Ivicce's-.ul, i n c o I q u : n c e of th d ; fg u t c 1 1 f d tle "rrianner -bf sccur; pi ming union, and by the cirvuaitan iii.dcr v.'b;ch it v.ts- propohd. u .ho CC3 disnts rei'iUd toon thai occntKMi had notoriwudy the eft e:ct of dti rus'i iiiJ the inint and dim;r.ifh- the i. umber ot ihe ii:yahlts; Willi it U encouragcp nit .ims-diin cut! mud 'he relolutLon of the d.iai' fected.1 It was conhdered by the one ai ?. vo jf of in latitude on the 1 l 'I ' 1 t. y U. . . . r. . 1 vr p .it of thi iSritifia cab.net, uhh it J was felt by the other as an addition- j al irntatidii. Duricg the difcuilion of th s rn alure, thcrriorc, the pro- j a .u ion of the pK-itCt w js atccie rUed,iijd very maoy ot the Orane iien aie i.id tahav coiielg u vn.i the crdevdiit UniUd Irilhmen ; a .iiong whom :t 13 even fuppoled tha tome ot them hav taken a decid ed lead ., . Th s coq'.'p tracy is thei fore undciltood io comprehend a HelcrTption of petlons and be tounicd on luch utmciplcs as to ef cape the odium (nc waver. their ob jects may be conhi,red m other re ipectV; which attached to the for mer' rebellion, narieiv, that of bc icg ,thc "Contri vane; cf a mere reli gioUs icki. Th .unexpected .and extraordm iry ohicnof the conten ding parties, who by th? ir cojue5 ; j naa io long mangled ano dutractea j Ireland, will icrve to ihsw you j tlut the evils wh4:.-Hj ; prrvious to i'th? union, opprclled perhaps, by one -party, are r.ov feverely 'felt by all. TUele evils it is unnecefTary tor me to cieicrjbr they are already known to th woild and to the mi nillers, .and tkey are luch as a fct.of men ddpoleu :o gmeroh'.y cr juf- t:ce womd be anxious to , remove, Sverely however, a&' they might have operated, particularly fmce the union, I afl'ure you the lorcneh 0 the public feeling was ccrtfidVr ably aggravated bv thc dilappoinl meat ot our expectation, that L'ird aMoira would have beenappoiatcito the lord lieutenancy of this country. Had this our old, active and able advocate been lent to govern us, his preface wou! i have afforded an ample and latit;a'lory guarantee that no ir.j a (lice would hive been tolerated lhat ro feverity would nave been even m-ditated. The ex peflation of rslief and improvement j which his appearance among us t HOuId lufficifent' lent delpc the idea of' Anguine det! that- if he cv impoffible to p portion of the j fchemcs. 1 w prelent povcrntnen fed theml'elve? to th elty but merely tilaly again ft the pcopl ducc content thni viimrs 01 a minuter ca uut to r-tuni to tne tion with whi- h I f"t out a:d chat the cngiral fcciety of Ccaltitutes the directory oi the i lureentf th air f.-r.T tl'.rin all urr!i'!.s . hu., ana ate cotr.n.unicated toihn I ajcomphecs through the lame -ndi- vicsuiji by wheja me ong nation was promoted. 1 ou wnl mceive rom a confiueraiuiri p it) 1 1 that that it d;ff-jrs rtuter;ali,y !!ffl of the U. lrifhmrn, as tiffined by O'Couner said Kni:net bfhie th. committee of tl;e JviHi i'ai ! amcti t. Under the former lyltern thcie wa. i mfl indjfci iminate mixture of all the members of tire conlpirscy, nn'd it is frequently in the lands; under the preterit, it is impoiTU'lf iov one to five iriform!i; ugj.'iift any ce:: fiaeruble number of individual-, lii ne has no o p p o r t u n i t y of k n'c. w ; 1 nure t'laa the lociety from h:th ue fiiunatcd,- and in winch l-.e 1. fldtiontdi : Under theic cacum iiunceSj 1: is diiHcult to procure lu formation to any great er.tent. it is even fulpctUd that yet govern fnent knows nothing very prccik on ttia luUjetl. 1 " 'i'h s of cout fe incresfef. th n larm, ar.d renders ufpicioo n:.or. r x e...five lo extcnfive ludeed, a i ccrnpUiely to interrupt the fr.uk miei courle whicn prevjor.hy t t)i -ajv4 ul;. fXifted between ra n ar.d riuii. h jiinidibte as th:s confpira- , , . . . r .' m.iy appear, u thuic vc y.; u : t:.e n.O L fin cere nldf.irp. t,. f.e ir.- i that it h ids out no cr.cou . hi "to us views of ra.nrrit to th- 1 lOdpdite onihisc-n itry,to whom us membets proofs the m 11 cr.ei nmitd h .-fti i j r y ,h v:s thir hope to accom.d Hi a' feperation fro:. gl;a wiihout any t:hor forergu I i u-- in this, th r r - 1 c 1 n i 01 rsitoi s vv h .! 4 i'-ave been air-it:'.;, who ventu-e t 1, wom plain of trie ludr 11 of their cv-'utji rvu7'n. a-d to i iH fv then owaconducl, 11 ill fpr..k terms .f horror o: tne iora or iiir.-r.iii: to ii iniidjous proftfh ns of the French rover ament." . "win. hTTij). " A. the C-urt-nuft it? CV hinau un the 1 1th I't.iy .' A:xt " ' frxtt ytlli foll-vvin T-. ..-cU of Lnd. or fo r:uch thcijt as will i r'isfr the Taxcs due thereon Tt the Vers iJJoi'and v ith tUe contingent Charges : 1 85 Acres, givn in by William Cordon, lying m the Waters of Muddy Creek. "lo Acre-, given inby Jacwb Hiiies, cn the Waters of Muddy Creek. iji do. given ia by John Liueback, in Cap. Woodfork's Diftr.tt- 1 15 do. givci in Robert Bailey, on Kl-.ies Creek. . 227 do. given in by Denjmin Fuel, on Hugher.'s Crcrk. 100 Jo. given y.i by Jo!.n Capp, on Blu.es or Lick t ieek.- 250 Jo giver inV.y vVilliam Siepl'tns, in Caj.iaio Maf;;r'. Da.rift. yb do. given in by Richii rrai?, on Mud iy Crv.ek. "190 Jj. givrn in Ly job.n ViUion.. - 3 2sd3- given in by 1 horn ? s nans in Maker's PiUrUt." 1 5 o do. given in ty Lni'ii'cp-tier 'layic, IN Vi irk hind's Oi.hia. 100 do", given in by lohn Shou-, in Veil's j Diltnt. . I :oo dj. by John M'lrrv, on Lick Creek i M do. by Danscl iviiar, iu MarkUiid's Dull id. ' 150 do. not given i; tn th? Valcrs ol the j Ltttie Y-dkin, faid to be the Property ot j hriltian tar'o v. ' I ' "'o Acrr nt civin in, an the Waters cf leaver 111. i.d,' faii to be the i loj-triy -i i'homas lirya.-i'.. ; - ' . 68 Acres, belonging to th?-Hch- cf ti.fha Dobfsn, "oh the Waters of i" 1VCI 2 do. given in by John Bient, i: lard's Diftrift. , ' , ' ' 300 Acre, givea in by liTwra Ealt, on t.jc Little Yadkin. - . : I co Acres. Rives in by Henry Aaren, in ! Dillard's Dulria. . j .00 Acres, givetr in tf Robert Ncwccm, ; -n lat Shoal. , , ... .100 Acrc. given m by jeue ivanRf Little Yadkin. . 200 Acres, given in by George Buns, on Acres, given in bv IfrielGnffi'. Ptier's Creek'. lAC. NELSON. of this AoX ! . - " 'NW MITCHELL'S TAVLAIM. Jl'SK MITCHELL, ' '' ' iy Efr?eclfuhy informs the Public, t anl particarMrl) the Friends. 6f his late I f ather, diat h iirteods to continue the Ta-p.-t;i in'tly uccufied by hiffi, as ufuai ; and .io?;s, t t ufiii? ercrv Cscrrioikin his f'owcr j . 1 1 tr. nit-rit a Ca:ti nuance ef public Favour, he ! Vn ttceire it. " RaUigh OSI. ig. LNTERTAiNMENT: Ch titles Pari Pi Y r.'pctlullv returns 'i hanks to his 1 nends aad tV.c Tublic in general, for the I men race me r.t he has met with iu his Line o: a Cnth Bj!:nel3 ?.i :n Ijsrkeeper, and loiicit s ja.ict of their Cuftom. lie v.f,;c. lo i:.i4.rc Members cf the eafu ng Cencrai Aficrrihiv. und others, that he ha latf !y m Jc coni: at 1 t! Adiitions ta U is J5uilJms and that his Roms are in good JoiiJit oa Ijj the Accoiaoditica oi"Barcers. .vcpt. 2j, 1X0;. , . ' BOARDING, &c. nfir; .Subfcriber, i:v.:n; at WaVe t)id Ccurt-hcufc, a!ut a fcuarter of a Mile t r w m the Srate-h-Uife, reipeAtu'tly in- j iorav: the MtrAbcis of the ; ppro-iemng (e. r.erai viicmbly, that hc-'i:,uj cotivehieuliy 4Compiide ten or tw!re Geiuiemej with 'J5.;ard::;jj dnrwig" the jerli.n ; and thai h is ai!o willing to take a lew HoHes to ftJ, n iwt. fiiiliinj and lixpincc a Daj. 1 JI . y'. CivA tV.r 22. I. N I K R T A I X1 M E N T , TUF. Siihrrr.bpr heme warmlv Co- Vredablc'ch Iicuett by a h'um'oerof re 0 ntl-:rs and her Frentis in particular, informs ; the Pubiic, that fhe h :s rpened a Houfc of: fintcrtaiotment for ' Ccr.tlcmta' and Lady! Travellers, in the Town of LurnSerton, R6- . i eio-i Cqunty. She rl -tters herlelf hat her ; Lzertions to give g-erieral Sutrvt'acliov, will not fail to merit h:r the Tztrcnagc otthc Tubiic in" genera! ! She avails herfeif ef f 'tis Opp-rtiinily, to ' return her molt ficere rhanits to thole who have already honoured her w.th their Cf. torn, and affurii tke that the Continuance ofAeir Favours wili alr,ays oceraie as a . Stimulus to her future Cxirtion-s. I'hr Pa- pers from fome of th? moft rcfpeftable Cities Stibe, Corn, .Oats, and Fodder, with a j n.-j 1 'i- j- 1 j - j j - - be run for, on Raleigh R?cs- JL Paths, o the third Friday in Nsvem- er -ViXt, a Sa-tidle, Valufl twenty -fivciDoi - , ty 1 1 , c, his great Wcidr. Country afjrds. ft : b . - . . " DIAN NO YES otner liaixj 12 juojU five Feet and an Lumoertoo.Sept-.-7, 180 ' ' lV:. d tenthy made, k gtueraHy F ' . 1 a h m. o kis oft Lye, ot which he is biinJ, .. . n jrF " th-)gh the eje-it cit.furfc, and hs a hand iJ .-"f" I ' 1 i - our a-ia tuirow daz?, w:lb one el hi lar?, plated Bridle twe-vb dollars,' Martin- ' i " '.s th rr.ar o. elu Gdlls, and is niw freiH gale and- Collar live dollars, plated Stirrups ji 5Jd by UjfTTr&e of the Saddle being bro hs doilarr, asd a Saddle Cloth five dollars k MuJer iie 1 um;cel, on which the faid free for any Hsrfe, M're orCeldinp, cr- i Bryant i :des, with a; coloured Harfe Rug fying cstch weight The Emriice.Hnry : U1der thr S 4dlc ; he Hoifo walks with aa to 3' paid faccbrding to te Number of Nags j'HUua! Swing bckitidj, and very fait aad that-eater. There re three. alr&ady eered; ' I t''el-t to the Rider, trsts looie and uneafi. ar the Suhfcrso'tim wili ke oataed fcr si or 1 h c':tirs tolerkly well, has a well han until the IJay Vcfure running after which 'li?-nr, no htrfewijl be ?rmittei to ruu j w'ukout pvig double Entrase - : " WILLIAM I LACK. ; LKTTKR3 1 1' Rcnuh'iw in tb,- Prf-Oftr at Rjltib'ixr. If tf ending -premier Ju, ;8qj. ' "A7ilit3rn Brown, JonaUin Rr it 'll VV k-ell,' William noylafT," Ihrc Bledfoe, ,DakeIiri;cdr-, Peter Lr vn, Rev. Z.;dock "ell, Willi Ba.rroM', CJijillopher f-abb, James "CurtisJ D,ea ContUns, Hardy fean, Sarah Fenl, Matthev Fulghaaii Willie Feafjel, Itfinjiram Gh ifon, Jijei; Gregory, Thomas Gardner, AmS Morton, Kisibrotigh llinton 2, Pbert H, Hide, .jun. Tignal jones, Jchvj x Jordan, . Willie-Joues, Read ing Jones, Oliver Houeycut, David Honey -cut, j-amesi-1, Lewis, Jaco'j Lovell, Archi- ; ba-ld M'lntyre, Jok.i Moor 2, - John N'orris (ijiar the r alls -of tveule) Richard Sj?iith, Jolh-di iag, Lharri StepcBJ. Kinchia I ur- j ner, Solomon Tyrrel, Viliiam, Wra";te, AV'm " White, Jane A'ood, Andre v Peddy, I Myr.ck iiarnes-, Cullen Campbell, Natha niel j'JUwSf V i;it; Piams, Jethro Laffiter. . VILLI AM SHAW, ! c YrlVrii,.. .tiirh will be uiade KSW1 I at th Time of Sale. To; the Lots and Lands 1 lafl meutidred, a Credit of twelve Kloi.tht j will bt given, th Fu.rcltafers giving 13oa4 ! and Sccuruics, as before inentionedj T:)iUUA G. WRli-'MT, ? A.J. De 2.0SSET, Sept. 2-, 13 , 3 KORTH-CAlipLIWA. A Grf rabiy to jof " AiTembly, Notice is Riven, f hat the following Re turns of Surveys on Military Warrants, have been maae to this Oft'ce. on which Grant3 will fee perfedeo, uniiTs iidverle Claims are ; letup, to'wit: Ndi 'ifT, Warrant ill the Name of Dame! yyjMe, tor iaS Acres ot Land, (ranslerred byfiidE White to Joha ani James Bonner, audi by Henry Boaner, . Lie cutor of james Hc'nc?r, ' decealed, who was Survivorand pevifecffi John Benner, to L7d ward Harris,' and'W-y i"z":d Harris to Cenrad ; Coon, for whom the land is furveyed. No. 3598, -VTarraiiin the Xame of Cle ment Godfrey, fat' 27.: Acres of Land, which j is transferred by V" iiU-.fi Godfrey to Charle I Small wood, and 5jy' ftid Srriallwotd to Ed ! ward Harris, for WKiri ihe Land is furveyed. j N. 185, VVarrnr-m the Name of Thoma j Moore, lur 22 Acre- of La;d,- tranifcrrci by laid ignore' to Vv" ilium Rlack'.cdge, by j . fjid biack;edg to:Kdx-'ard Harris, and by laid Harris t lurveyt-J. 1 .awls, for whjm itu No. ifl.i r VV.-rf' t i v the Name of Daniel Potior, Icr 2:8 Acies oi Land, transferred by laid i',yfrws.tc Vv'iiliam Green, far whom the Laud is iurveye: I :T.L. HITE, ec. 'Thru Hundred Vtclla,i s Rezodrd I rILL be P-' apprehending I ' , m' J,!.n tJ,i n,m Negro Mai To-m, noon. tei;( ' car r Age, wa two LAKUt B;U.;rU -.KRLL HORSLS, and the Villain cr ViiJ.uns.ho i.av ftoleh them, with Prov)i'to brine -ni to .Convi&in HorRsare of the fallowing Defcrip One ef ihcm is an. tiacsmmonry Urge be: -.5 a j-it A Fest hi?h. ariI Mori; Ir0.i5m.vdc, Wit i a jitiuw Spot oa the upper fan ol hii ihfc'dlier BlaJe oijlluc mouxting Side, about ihe-Siz-j of a Man"s"HanJ. ann ! r'"w" l'c. KVfT euntry, to ke the Ef- 1 tt-.rt nt tfc !1ir.'. , u- ' . " e""y ! i , .-W"'f:' h'3 'Mlsi' ngs on both he j he 1 ' - - v. . iL vi lipiii I'Aiirn 1 ir ! , 'J Tfc , sua, na Deen kicked. 1 Y, . ,4 eu, is 'a very foe rait Koife, abut leven .- vim, hi u wain.;), irois aiiti raatrr Ye v . . 1 ,1 1 1 1 . r -rt- .hi re '''der Feet iittie white, and oi.e of his fore ) Lg appears. to hve le-,i cot b; a hoLbic ; ( ! 'ri,s WuherSare thin ,& high, on which he j! "$ 20, and long Switch Tail, which may . v:tjj; ; oc ne.iy oocK-cu, asd is abcul teni tin, via,. aaJ is artoccrhera ha.4(,r. ;a,n iilc Hui li. ,tA' era ' aif well. ; i h- ?.lore:at I 6ervant left Charjeftoa J "jo Ujt :.. C3ro;i-:;i 0:1 the 14th Stpteiabrr rcil?d ;n a wnitt Ncjir.) Cloth rsuud Jacke j vith biack Hfvm i'ut.ons aad Oznaburg (1- vera! Is, luttook with him a:brewnrco!ourei h Fulun .round Jackrad (veralis;iitii red ricil the 'itlortfaitf Bright Sorrel fjorfes t . t j . . 1 - IV H9I( my r.ace, " 1 g Miles from Charleston, ia Lroy,i trcfK. Par.lh, ar.d near ihe Lridge ind being a t ,ul .crau;er in ali other Parj' of the State, the Prefui;to. is that he mn'2i havs been fo.ced by V i.aia or Viiiau: in wh ch cie, on C onviition of them, the akove Reward will be paiA if taken out of the Stite, and if vithia tht State, and If .vUr.ir. th-State, a Regard l TWO MU til DE.5.D COLLARS on their bcingeliveredl to tne, in Cfwititoh, H. j CLurch Street rotherwifc, Fftt)oHa lor eih Hcrfe i:id Or.e Hunlrei U3Harsfor the 'iaUtr-) .iHt, w!ic has the Little To; ol one t&t veet off, and is ot a heavy CouaUnaCiceaif nfwr dullaod iljw. ' ; ......... j I, i"ms( me oaiiz iox a liar 1 vr 1 1 .... J il.i'Ilt r A 1

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