:i,ri?il-Pt-?'fi mmm B I ' H I 1 I TJW- K I lii ill .t-?'.P;' ; - -j ' ' Oart are the PUm of sflr detlghifal PeC, ' i ' , "... L' :t'.r '''-';"' ''h? ''- - ' " -, 4 ' j ' " "Unwarp'd b7 Party Rigt jto tW Uke tthen.''; " , k ''r'"'r. " ' . . . Monday, Jan tiARY 9, 1804. ' '.' " - 3f ciVr.esi hf :Paflcd-at-th;"kte i An ft dircaing the manrler of appointing. Eic&Qs, of the tJuJtcA States. to tote for a irefident and Vice.Prefident nrPFREAS bv the late CenTiis taken of the People of tKe United States, thi w PH:tn pH nnrtppn K et (msi to vo e or arreuaeni anu v iec ricuuuis . 1C Villi 9 - '.f - 7 - . "? ' f the United States, arid, whereas the laws how in force, only provide for the ekaibn 0f twelve cciors : t .4f tmBed the'izuthority of the Jamt, That this State fliall be divided into f 'win DiftriaW for the purpof of choofing Electors, to vote 'for, a Preiident and the Counties .-r.Aj' fA'C tnihA' .taff." in the follnwiner rnariher. to wit : 1T. Wt!, lUCllt 111 UK. um vi wivivv, " -5- 1 ' - 7 f RufhfpToV Burke and Buncombe fhalicompofe one Diftria ; the Counties of Verkienburg, Iredell,! and Lincoln fliall compofe one biftrift;' the Counties of 1 ' r.. . t. xxr:iT,. lorl A (U fkolLf-nrvmnff rn TiiftriA tff" PmtntiPS of Rowan. Randolph, and Cabarrus fhall compofe one DiftriB; the Counties of, Rockingham, Guilford, Cafw'ell, awd; PeHbn (Hall compofe one Diftria ; ahe Counties of Wake, Granville and Johnftori fhall compofe one DiftriB; the Counties of Chatham.' nranffP and Moore fliall compofe one DiftriB ; the Counties of Richmond Cum- hprlahd vMont2omerv, lAnfon, and Robelbn fliall compofe one DiftriB; the Coun- ties of Perquimons, Paiquotank, Lamaen, UurntucK, cnowan ana Lates man com- r. niftv . thpirnnntips n Rprfip Hprtftirfl. N ormamnton. ana Iviarun . FjtT UUC, LJ IlL iy""""'-" y 7 - j . , hal comnoie one umnci ; uvc wjuhuo ui ucduiuji, iyhui, amf'un) J Str Sherifls of the feveral Counties of this State, to hold cleBions within their refpi counties, lor ine appomtmeni 01 Electors 01 rrenaent anu y-iuc-r icuciii pi; ; 111c ifc United States, on the davs ot the year in which iuch vacancy may nappen as are illMIJMM herein prefcribed for holding the regular and ftated eleaions. P wil he the Jpace or two months between Wedhefday in December next folio win flipffv :-fhrii1rJ nrt T- the (norp nf twn month and the laid firft Wednefday in. December, then the Governor malt. fpecify iri his t Mmw proclamation, that the EleBors fliall be appointed or chofen4n the jeaf next enfirjng j miWM the date Ot men not rti cat tors and tnqiaidmnt rr hf Ate rk th tat1 hntthrafmn v hnf ? V i2F':i;Fl :f htu?rh tho Hntp of fh (aid nhtifiation- jJh ?fikrf B nr. the date of iuch notihcation on the dVs herein belore Itated ; arid it 1$ alto hereby iM BI'f; at tne nieciors appoinrea in me mannqr aireueu uy ujimlxuoii,. man t ' If wlf sign ! on inc nr.ii vv.cunciuay .iii ucccmucr anci iuci ctppuiiiuiiciii 'iiiLt-j4 r'5Vaii ;.! declared, th meet at Ralei give their votes for a Preiident and VicePrcfiderit of the United States. V. And be it fmthir enacted, That each EleBor, chokn purfuaint to this aB nis ovn confent previoufly hgnihed, failing to attend and vote, for a Preiident and gHiil Vice-Prefident-of the United States, at the time and place herein dire'fled,-' '(iall 011: (except in cafe of ficknels, or other unavoidable accident ) forfeit and paytVo'-'hiin- Pll?:!! dred pounds to be recovered bv th& Attorney er Solicitor General, to the ufe of Afrl Pitt, and Edgcomb fhall compofe one Diliria ; the Counties of Lenoir, Carteret, fraven Tones, Wayne, and Greene fhall compofe. one DiftriB; the Counties of New-Hanover, Onflow, Duplin, Brunfwick, Bladen, and Sampfbn (hall compofe j 0112 U lit riCt me LUUIIucs J ncuuaA, x- lcjiiMiu, txiiK. t uuh man Lvymjviv one iDiflnBr: That the perfons qualified to vote for Members of the Houfe of Commons 'of the General Affembly of this State, in the laid Counties refpeBivery, fhall meetonhe fecondcFriday in November next, and' in Counties wherein lepa rate eleBions are direcled to be held, on fuchdays preceding the fa id fecorid Friday in November next, as are by law prefcribed, for holding feparate eleBions in faid Counties refpeBively, except m the County of Wilkes, in which County the elec tion, as by law direBed, may be clofed, on the Saturday following the faid fecdnd Frdav. at the place or places bylaw eftabtifhed in their feveral Counties for. the,' f tk nnrii? A uVmhR'i nri rhprp civp thfir Votes for forneli ClCU!f- -S' Uv. I O J 1 iuiv ' - - . , ...... . . . . . j l ikreet perfon being a freeholder, and aBually refident within the DiftriB, in which f kid votes are given, as an ElcBor tri vote for a Prefidcnt and Vice-Prefident of the; (foited States. That tlie poll fhall be held in the fame manner as for the election of Members of the General Aflembly, and the Sheriffs of the Counties within the frvcral DiftriBs herein eabliflied, fhalU' on the Tuefday after the fecond Friday in November next; and on the Tuefday following the laid fecond Friday in No vein ber in every four years thereafter, meet at the Court-Houfe of the County, full nau.ed m iuch Diitnct, 4md then and there compere the polls, taken at the elections in their feveral Counties,! and having afcertained, by faithful addition and companion of die number of votes, the perfon having the greated number of votes, g ving their ovn votes in caje the 'twb foiemoft on the poil have an equal number of votes ; but in cafe no onefjiali then have a majority, it hall be determined by drawing lots, ltali proceed s certify ilich ele6tion. underjtheir hands in manner and form follow ing, to wit We A. B., Sheriff of County (or Deputy- Sheriff, as the cafe maybe) C. D, Sheriff of County (and lb on, reciting the names of the Sheriffs oi returning Ofrjcers of the feveral Counties .within the DiftriB, compofing one entire DiftriB entitled by law .to appoint an El Bor to vote for a Prefident and Vice Prefident of the: United States) do hereby certify, that atan eleBiotl held on the 4aysandat the places apppihtqd by Jaw within ourrcfpe6tive Counties, the Voters qua- litied to vote for this purpole, have choien .' as an EleBor, to vote Un a Pre fident and Vice Prefident of the United States. Given under our. hands this day of in the year And two fair duplicates of fuch certificate, and return fhall be made by the faid Sheriffs, or their Deputies (as the cafe may be) under their hands, one fir Which fhall be delivered to the perfon eleBed to rep re fern fuch D ftriB, and the other thai! be tranlmifted to tne Governor within twelve days, under tlie penalty of fiftv pounds upon each and every Sheriff holding fuch eleBion, in cafe of his or 'their failure in fo doing, to be recovered bv the Attorney or Solkitor General, to the uie of the State, by a6h'ort of debt in any Court of R euro wunin the btate, m the name of the Coverrtor : and the Governor flialU uron receipt ot lucn certificates, proceed to make out and certify three lifts of the nimius of the perfbns fb chofen, which lifts he fhall xaufe to be delivered to the faid Elcci tors on or before the firft Wedhefday of December then next ertfuing, as direBed j " me act ot Congrets.-i , .": - II. And be -it further enatfedy -That faryearjj. after 'the eeBipri'liereirt. above de'i fcribed, (and every four years thereafter) there fhll be, in. the feveral Diflrids herein rnade and prefcribtfd, another eleBioh of EleBors, to vote for a Prefident 2nd Vice Prpfifni rr tK iint-aA Qtntn; uiz-v diti Aut r.A niuaj, rein oerore prefcribed : And all iuch aBs, matters, and things, as are herein eBors appointe'd in purfuance pf:this J'jff 'Hf m: ity of Raleigh arid their attehdance, embers of the General Affemblv, and W:W!r':- the States by aBion of debt in any Court of Rccoi d ; and any Sheriff, or returning Ff k' V wmccrj reiuurg to raKe inepon, wnen ne man De requiren, oy a perion quanned to vote, or making or figning a falfe certificate, or return of ah eleBionV hcreinydi- .(''fljifl reBed or making any era fu re or alteration in the poll books. bFirefufihfe to fdffer h Wii& any candidate or perion quahhed to vote, at his own expence, to ta Re a' copy ot the ,yiH pun uuuhj), ma.ii luucit anu ptiy unc iiunurcu pounus, w111t.11 iuo.y uc icv.uvcicu wilii ' cofts inanv Court of Record, bv anv nerfdn who will file for t lie fame, inancaBion . ui ucuu u c nan ro nis own uie. anu ine orner na r rn ine 1 c tir.inc runic t h VI. And be it further enaHed That die El aB, fliall be allowed for their travelling to the C thedame compenfatjon as bv law is allowed M fhall oe entitled to the fame, privileges as Members of the General Affernbiy ; : and the fame allowances fhall be made to the Sheriffs for their travelling e'xpenccs and attendance, to compare the polls, with an additional allowance for the expences iey may incur for conveying the duplicate of their certificate to the Governor. V; I- VII. And be it f wither enacted, That, in. cafe ahy of the EleBors chofen, as by this a6l direBed, to vote for a Prefide nt and Vice-Prefident of the United States, fliould, by reafon of ficknefs, or any other caufe4 be unable toattenri and give their votes, as herein prefcribed, the General AlTcmbly fhall and may Appoint, ; by joint ballot of both Houfes, fome other perfori or perfbns belonging to the DiftriB, K for which the perfon or perfons, fo failing to attend, fhall have beeii chofen, to fupply w the place or places of the perfon or per foils not attending 3s aforefaid and the per- '? ton or perfons fo appointed by the General Affembly fliall be deemed and confi- (f t; dered, to all intents and purpofes, as the EleBor or EleBors of the DiftriB out of i which he Ihall be chofen as aiorelaid, and as fuch fhall give his vote in the fame man. ner as the other EleBors chofei for the feveral Diftriclsliereiii eftablifhed. . VIII. And he it further enaHed by the author ity a for cf a id, That ah aB, entitled, An AB relative to the appointment of a Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United St tes,": and all other aBs, r.nd parts of aBs, cominet within the purview of this act be, and the fame are hereby declared to be repealed and made void. - "An .Aft trt ratify an Amendment of the Conftitu'tiph of the Tjn:ffcd Stat$. n WHEREAS the Senate and Houfe of Reprcferitatives of the UhedStatcV; of America, in Congrefs affeinbled, l aving, at-the Seffidn whieh comrnencedrai the City ot Wafhiniiton, m the h Mm LTie k , ue piopoicu ro me iegniaturcs or tne leverai Mates as an Amendment to the Conftitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fburths of the W Union : Which amendment is in the following words, to wit ; "The EleBors fliall 1 ) m the territory of Columbia, on the fev:ehteenth,D oXit)Bo-- Jtmt her, one thoufand eight hundred ar?d three - beinff the -firft- Seflion of the eiehth i'fiiUi Congrefs, Refolved twio thirds" of both houfes conciifring that the? fdHrj.Wyigra- f M graph, as a fubfiituteand jn lieu of the third paragraph of the firft feBi i "Ml i.t'l wi t i t HI one of whom at leaft fliall not be an inhabitant of he fame State wltemfeles. 1 fl They fhall name in their ballots the perfon voted for as Prefidenti ffy'M r r, ballots, the.perfon voted foras Vke-Prefident, and they fhall make MiftinBlifts of all J I $ perfons voted for as Prefident and of all perfon? Voted for as Vice-Kefident, and ( fl If of the number of votes for each ; which lift they fliall fign snd certify, and trarifmit ;Vf II a5 are he Jrected to be done and pbferved at and after the eleBion herein direBed by the governor of .the State, and by the Sheriffs of the Counties, compofing the aforefaid S, fliall he done add obfervpd at evrrv fuhfertnenf elefKon. hv.fhe' Govfmn lOr flip f i vi i r K,vl J t V .i t rr f 'r r- - - ' . ' ...n. ucmg, anu-ny tne tnenjnerirts ot tne leverai LOunttesin ltnB- aforefaid, under the rules, regulations, and penalties herein i 'iircQed. - ' 1 . fbi.U'bi.c.ii' inai tui. x.ici,ivjia iriivici liiis Hct Minn ;fii at the City of R aleigh v ;on - the ' firft vWednefdav-. of December, ' ' in ' theWeaf the refpeBive prefcribed arid j 1 And be it farther enacdr That whenever the offices of Prefident and Vi fealed to the Seat of Government of the United States, directed' m the" Rrfldetit of me Senate. The Prchcleht of the Senate fhall, in the prefeiice of the Senat&and :'Jj Houfe of'Reprefeiratives, open all the certificates, and jlje votes ; mall then be lj luuiiic?u. .lnepenonnavinguicgreaiettntimDerot votes tor jPrehdent, Ihaif be the- Mml Prefident, if fuch mlmbeV be a maioritv of the whol numfe nf ndif ho perfon have Rich majofuy, then from the perfons having the higheft num hers, not exceeding three, on the lift of thofe voted for as Prefident; Trie Houfe of Reprefentatives fhaU choofe, irnmediatelv, bv ballot, ythe Prefident; but in -thoof i 1.1 m a.iri.B.i mg the Prefident, the votes fhad be taken by States the reprcfentation frorn' each M p State having one votef a quorum for this purpoie ylnlil bers from two-two thirds of the States, and a majority of all the fetes malt' feriecef. M fary to a choice and if the Houfe of ReprefehtatiVefis;ifiall not choofe MfidenU IhM III whenever the right of choice fhall devolve upon them, before the fouftfiay oP j! March next following then the V lCe-Prefident fhaU aB as Piefidentlri the afe of , W;Wf the death or other conftitutional dttabilitf df the Prefident. Trie peffori fevlfBithe iillliM greatef! number of votes as Vicc-Prefidert fhallbe th6 ,Vice-frcfidehtjfu ber be a majority of the whole number of EleBors" appointed ; and if np perfori liave a majority, then from the two higheft numbers on the lift, the Senate fhall choolc the; Vice-Prefident. A quorum for the purpbfe, fhall confi ft of "two thirds of the number oi Serfetors, and a rriajority of ; the ;.wholc-ufhber flialt' heflaryv'. to a choice ; but np perfon conftitutionally ineligible to the office of Prefident, fliall be eligible to that of Vice -Prefident of the United States." amendnient pfthe CpnfBtution of thelJnited Stafcsof America, "A Iwll lijc. tt .tnererpre enacted oytne ntncrzi a jJmotroMteState.ofw IS' hereto imlted by the autlionii of the ame.. T hat the faid amendment aeAab e to f ivMti - . j . . w - - - - . ' - w-.. . ;r - - -- -- - m m vi. m MM I I I 1 ' incnii article ,oi uiepnginai. cpnvciiiujonioe neiO-andraUiied-ont in lieu of the4eMd thi - '-:.;-.