, ; -All the Mimtcri ptfcRepdbKc in foreign countries Ka ctiyctlj; with the description, onlets to !aim the arrest of erery conspirator, '-wiio may have escaped fromSFrance, and is supposed to reside in the respective states ' .where the? represent the -First consul. Last Wednesday the .American lhiisterjivlnijston, gave 4 a most spieuaia : oan 111 nouour ui mc uiavu very of the conspiracy against the First Consul. The whole' diploma-. tic corps, with the . exception of the Neapolitan Minister and the Russian ChaiW Affaires, were present. Some of our papers state that thej &ct of accusatton' against Moreau con Tains eighteen1 different charges, upon each of wmChv he is to belied se parately. S&' touch cerenlbny will not be used towards Pichegtu and Georeesi and his otner accemphces Thejr names , being upon the .list of emigrants, they 'red1iiired;orKy t'c be; known again tobe. sentenced to death Lucicn Buonaparte, after his re with Buonaparte and Talleyrand. Ainons: other services that .he has done France, he has discovered plan of the Kmg of Sardinia to throw himself catinjlv- into the arms of the English. This and. other ; circum- "stances will cause some, gmtt andun-J expected .changes in Italy, but the jwjoiv yjt cue 1 not Vjujui liuvin mancied from the Pope, that the King of Sardinia shoukl be given up to General St. Cyr, is hitherto with out foundation. ' 1 LONDON, MARCH 27. Iifessage from liis Majesty - The Chancellor of the Bxcheqiie r presente d a Message from his Ma. esty to thi following purport: GEORGE REX. " His Majesty things li proper to ac- tjuavutthehuse jicommcns, that the oihcers '-iot!-commiss: .'iae d Ificer' . ar.d privates, of ' .several vee rren: of the militia of Ireland, f.. j p-- - Ccs to any part of Great Britain ; His Ma jest) hasreceived with satisfaction this strik- rfFI JJ Wl ' i tilt flLliLV.liUi Ilk AiiM 4.V. V , 1 X 1 1 1 11". - 1 1 . jpiayeicrc n;s.,ioyai siiDjects, -icr tne general !efenoe af.d security of the UnitedKihgdom. Conceiving that this patriotic offer may be attended with the -most important advanta - ges at the present critical juncture of aftarrs. his'Majesty recommends it to his faithful commons, to enaDie nun to avail mmseir thereof, and-make provision ior such regi rrnts as may have occasion to come into tliis Country, for such a length of time, and to such an extent, as they shall think proper ami expedient." .TlVe Chancellor" of the Exchequer moved, that this message be taken inro consiuerauort on vveanesaay " ficxt, and said,' that on the same day Iris Right Hon. Friend, Mr. Secre tary York, intended to make a motion for irrfprovixsg the mUitia'force of the country. - MARCH 2S. - A fetter from -Berlin states,vhat Bonaparte has demanded some se vere measures with regard to Louis, the l&th who resides at Warsaw. AVhat the demand is we know not; but report says that Bonaparte has - i - " ' . ir r i - i demanded JLouis the 1 8th, as im plicated in the 'conspiracy, other re 36rts say thatrI;c has only required tiie inspecfion of v the papers of the exiled monarch,1' atid that he may he confined in some Prussian fortress, -iititil a peace with1 England. Yesterday Mr. 'York stated the ouUhks of his plan for recruiting the - army. Eight new 'regiments' of -In- - fantry are to be rais jd, ten battalions -added to :exislfW regiments, '2Q00 added to the guard, and 5000 added to 'the' Cavalry. -In all 25,000 men. The '-recruiting for' the Army of re- - "servers to -be1 suspended ; and the bounties for the' new levies not to exceed ten guineas, exclusive of levy money. He also proposed to -bring over to this country ' 10,000 of the Irish militia, and added at the same time a similar 'number to:that force. An additonal foreign force offOOo men is likewise proposed by rfiimsr ters, in addition to a levy now going on in our American and West In eia -possessions, which 'is estimated x at 4000 men. ; APRIL 2. . v ; An opinion still appears to prevails that the enemy 'meditates an attack upon us in a few days. The lapse of that short period v-fiU ascei'tsiSj the value of these speculations, ; From another paper we have gi ven s6rac particulars respecting an attempt said to have been made a few days since, to carry into effect the Portland-s'.-Dne expedition, and which totallv failed. All we fcnow from our - torrespondentson the coast is, that tile smns viiien were io oe ciiit'ioyeci ; in that business have returned to thv : Downs One report says, that the are again to sail as soon as the Wea z ther permits, f "Some dispatches wete received on Saturday ironv Admiral t.omv.-alhs ' which are said: to 'speak of the escape of: six frigate frdmfBtest ( The embargo on all vessels is con- tinued with great strictness along th J)utch and Mermsh coasts ; the fishilr'S iM !t ,!'ch wmen or Onl.-nd, Blank-nherg r 'T'f' the batteries. ' . , : w Thrbuffhodt the liclsric. prdvmcfes, the pdst-masteVs are forbidden to let post-hoises to any person without a Certificate from the nohce otriger, and in every town or village, and e- ven n the public roads.; -Gens d'Armes are placed to examine the passes of traveWers, -nd t arrest all . . 1 1 . -v 1 such as ma3rs nptinproviaear rucr have been sent' to Paus, to Italy, and different parts of Germanv, for the arrest ot persons jmpneatea- m uie late coiispira ArjULf 5. Yesterdav a message Wi", sent i down to the B.ank, ar4 by them .com municated : to the stock exchange, that the Chancellor of the Exchequer for Itelahd would 'be ready this day to have an interview with sucih Gen tlemen as might be deViijads contracting for an Irish Loan ; to state to them the amount of the sum wanted, and to settle the prelimina ries of a bidding for an early, day next week. This unexpected "nottce had the effect to lower the funds about five.eights per cent, as it was thought that the Loans 'for the United King doms wouici have been made in one contract. This piece-mcal budget gives aSi alarm that the total will greatly exceed what was apprehended. - We understand, that considerable distress has been felt in Ireland by the "utter contempt into rhilch the cotmterfeit silver has fallen.1 The tradesmen 'of Dublin have at length refused to accept of it in exchange for commodities, and as nothing but copper Coin is now current, great confusion, and even some Hotine:, lias taken place. The exigency demands the Serious attention of wiser men than the present Ministers. - Yesterday dispatches were; recei ved'atthe Admiralty from Lord Nel son. A 'report has been since very current m the best informed circles, that the French fleet have made their escape from Touldn, and that his Lordship's 'dispatches contained an account of this event. We d6 not think this report improbable, as wej know, from unquestionable authority, that the Toulon ileet was readv -for f sea sbjie time ago, and only waiting for a favorable moment to elude the vigilance of our gallant Commander in the Mediterranean. If thev have actually 'sailed, Sicily, no doiibt, is their destination, as the only thing which has hitherto prevented the French troops from entering xVaples, has been an apprehension, , that if they did so the British would imme diately take possession of that "island, if the French should be able to land a few thousand troops, they' would find themselves under no restraint, and would respect the neutrality of Naples as little as they have lateiy dune that of Germany. A great quantity of ammunition, camp equipage, &c. has been sent off to d ilfe rent parts of the sea coast, within these two dav's. oarticiilarlv I. . --f saddles, straps3 and other tilings i .that description, fit 'for the convey ance of the mj'itary-or any of the more helpless part of the inhabitants in tuf?c of invasion. Cof.sideraUle ' alarm was excited here, on Friday last. Signals were made for an enemy's fleet about ,2 o'clock-; 13 gun boats were so near Granville Bay, that their hulls could bevpercerved from the lowest part of the shore, without the help of glasses. They were in sight for some hours, and appeared -to be sailing in the di rection of Granville. At night the Mercury frigate, capt Boureria,'came 4 trom'Bantry Bay, aad made chace. On Saturday rright a very heavy can nonade was heard on the French1 coast, -supposed to be the frigate en gaging the gun vessels. On Sunday night a heavy ilring'wasaain heard: scarce a day passes but what signals are made for convoys or vessels a long the French coast. " There ap pears' to Be a great want of light ves sels on this station to lntercept them had there been a few gun brigs or cutters in Grtmville. Bay on Friday, they could easily have got tup with the French ships, as they we're in sight several horn's. It is true thai sometimes a gun-brig -or two oOmfs to Granville Bav from Guernsey, Hut in general thareis nothing here to in tercept the enemy 's ships. The ihorough bre c l o 'AS ra ported fr will ftand the f -tableia grange County it 4Millsb9rougn. to cove. the leap, to be paid w cd, twenty dollars li JoJlar tninfnr. . MsrtO i-ietor-d if f ich (boy - 1 A , ! -. d importecporfe fl WN v, , rmEng 1H fall, Mrafytfo- my t A miles rprfh j K-w ,tea iddUars J I fie vi rwm 1 r mr r 1 1 Reason ;- ano ony 6f wtin toai, 0 0c II d tootle me eaie, aoi 11 ia every i&lbnce06iftUTage tana ict- twelve and halftifttt fit day. The feafon. will cammence the firft day of M area, and end the firft day ffAugnftvnex. Any ijerl ton who put by the Leap, may turn imo me icafon by fkyinfc tep dellari more. The greateft care will be takea topreVenrefcapes or accidents ot any kind, but no waDimT ior CLOWN 'Wat got by Bourdeaux, br othertoFloriiej !hi ' Safti by Eclipfe, her dam Cryfisby Uarelcls, Kegulus, lioaoipntn vmoin; great grand dam Snappina by Snap, Mores fon of Partner outqf Dri vers, dam by Chil ders ; CtetwridanTw aaIfo the dam of Smart, Joan, Grape, Fire, Mother Black Cap, &c. Bourdeaux was got byi Hered, dam by Cyg net, 'Qodolphin Arabin, g'rand dam by Car touch, Ebony by CKiidfirs, pld libony by Balio. DESCRIPTION. Clewn ftands 15 hands 3 inches higTi, & rich bay with black legs, full of bone; per fed y found, has remarkab'e gocd a5tiou, an was bred by T." Douglas, Efq. PERFORMANCES. At New Market, Clown '-beat the Dnke 0 Bedfords Cardock, for aoo GuVnttf, he beat Mr. rox's Swallow for 300 Guineas ; the lame week, he woo a. fweepftake of Jo Gui neas each, eleven lubfcribers, beating. Sky U Ofptay, Gray Diouied, Wbeatlheaf, Mulberry, Crcymas and Hidalgo ; the l'ahie day he -received forfeit from Mr. Fox's swift, for 200 Guineas ; the fpring meeting following he feceiyed forfeit from Mr. Fox's Swift, Beicon courfe, for a 00 Guineas the day foUowtng he beat Mr. Butlotk's Preien-J der, allowing him 31I0. for 100 Guineas; the day following he was fecood to the duke of Beuibrds Ctadock for the Jocky t lub piate, beating Sir Thomas's D'ireftor, Minos and Ruby. fIn the fame year he walked -oyer he Ladies plate at York. Feb. 10, 1804. DAVID RAY. The celebrated English vStallion S C 1 T- I: Z E N, J ATELY from England, in the,ship Gosport, Captain CliamberJin. He. was. landed at Portsmouth, m Virginia, on the 2Gth of September-fctst, in hne health and condition. Citizen is a most 'Lcuutifut ani-; .11 al, stands five feet one inch high, hasgrfcaf grandeur and sihstance, is a rich brown bay. with black les, fall of ;b one, perfectly souni, nd has remarkable eoixi action; descend'd from the best stock oi?horsrsm Eiv-l:'.iid,ps w ill fully appear from h is-pedii'er: bf 1oa', dhd was well known en the ti:rl',, having yon nineteen different races, and thu rnbst of tteni f.uir "mile heats, boating the best borsii in E n g an d , t tn.7 , M c ndo a , B ustard , " H ert il us , Roseland, Cavendish, MayrJv, and nny ther capital racers. Msnd.n'za beat t'nDuke of Bedford's Ci-ey Diomed and V- he Racing-Calendar for tlicyear 17 page 18,and l39. The same year Busivl beat Lord Grosvenor's Cayenne, h:s i H- the Duke of York's Spankaway, d:Jl lf. H, "H. the Prince of Wales's Vhiskc;. . asKevejal other fine horses see pac 'J a'r J 'Rv'u lus was a most capital racer, havinr u hi se venteen races out of twer.ty-on; "-tl the .nost of them foivr mile keats he i as ot by Youn Morewlck, cat of Citizei's dam. ; PERFORMANCE? 'CITIZEN rirst made hV:-" adeVance on the furf in 1783, at Beverly, cf v ednesday June 3d, then "lour y-ears o!e he ' von the Ladies plate of 501. two'mile ats, carrying S stone,, beating NightwiaJei' four year old 7 stone 12 pound. ,' Chesterh'eld, on'Tllursda"Sep't'embcr 3, 501. fwr all ages, heas tfrrc roimd the oursr, Mr. Got wood's ea colt Citizen bv. Paculel, four year old, ffft thefrrst hear,' dead heat the second, anA first the third, beating Dorinda, Florix-l Visim, 'Shaver and Thistle. .'.'. Leicester, Veds:'ay.y6th &; tr.iter, jUI.; fcr all ages, two-mil? heats. Mr. Gor vvood's b. Cijizen by f acoiet, '4 year oldr 6 stone 6 pound, first each heat, beating Vision, 4 year old, 8 strtie, Scugg, aged, ifJ stone, and'Tendexlnig, yeir old, 6 'stone 12 pound. On Thursday,' 17th, 5fl. yetr -oTd. 7 st one, 5 year old, S stoiiej, 6 year old, 8 stoiie 8 pound, and aged, 9 stone, a winner of one piate, this year, carrfin 3 pound extra, of two, 5 pound, of tpetf 7 pound, 4 mile Heats, Mr. Gor'oods- b.c. Citizen by Paco let, iirst each, heat beating -Jorinda and Light Dragoon. ; Manchester, Mar 8tb ?790, 501. 4 mile heats. Citizen by I'acolet, 5 year old, fourth 1st heat, first 2d and 3d, beating Abbe Thule, 4 year old. Spangle, '5 year old, and Attraction, -aged. ; Newcastle, -Jane 50th, 501. 4 mile h&rts Citizen by Pacet, first each heat, beating Am.adrs, 5 yer old- Brornsgrovei July. 22d, ovl. '4 mile heats, Citizbi by tficolet, dead heat first, 1st se cond snd'tlird, beating Benedick, 4 year old,- and Sunflower,, -who. -iva distanced the first heat. - Litciv'fcld, September 16th, 501. 4 mile thfldTndafe lorizei 6 yar old, .nd Merry Andrew, agefJL bewsuwry, beptem&er 2i st, 501. 4 mik 1 neas, Citizenry Pacolet, third 1st heat, first i tn-iuana og, ceatingivergreen, 5 year old, lifcourer, 4 year old. Dottbtful. 6 vf5f rAA I ia, 4 year old, and Charlotte, 4 year old' f L-udlow, Sept. 29th, 501. 4 mile heats', Citizen bv Pacr Jet (X i-nac a c.,, i ' - - ri,vw 1 u atunc, v pouna, oeating Mr. Ladd's b. c. bv Highflyer, 4 vear ld (2 plates) 7 stone 5 pound. liis performances in Sept. 1790, are asto- msnrag,- tne -14th he ran 2 heats of 3 miles! ; he 16th 3 heats of 4 miles-; the 21st 3 heais of 4 miles; the 29th 2 "heats of 4 miles; m?.ing m the, whole 38 mtes in 15 dayi indthat at three different race fields,- which is.w-qualled in the annals of the tnrf. C?n: thk 23(1 of August, 1791, his I. J xi me t-nnce ot VV ales's-plate of 100 es 4 yn old, 7st. Sib. 5 yr, old, tot. 71b. 6 yr old, 9st. and agedr-fct. 44b. the winner of oxi p ate this year, carrying extra, of tferS, Jib. ot this plate.any former yeir, 81b'. 4 mile' ieatvCtizen by Pacolet, 6 yr. old, ikst Manchester, June 1792. 0t oi 3 &7yS 4F-old,Tst21b;i.: . o. 8st. Ah. 6 "yr. 8st. nib. 'ind aged; 9st ri''.1'1 in p -ar tarry:n.s ib. extra, cf for all agestt mile heats, Citizen bv Pacolet, aged, 9st. lb. first each heat, beating Gill Flower, "5 ; . old, 8st. lib. , ' Knutsfoi August 2d, 50lb. for4yr. bid, 7st. 71b. 5 r. Old,; 8$t. 21b. 6 yr. old, 8st. lOlbaged, Jst. a winner of one plate this year, carry lglb. eJrtra, of two, 51b. 4 mile heats, Citijen by Pacolet, aged, fourth the 1st heat. aT first the 2d and 3d, beating Bergimot, yy. old, TeHescope, 6 yr. old, Lizard, 5 yrlold, Mouse-Trap, 5 yr. old.' ChesterfjeilAugust the 30th, 501. for all ages, head twice round the course, Citizen 9st. 31b. fiWeach heat, beating Lord Bel ast's Magndia, 8st. 111b. Doncaste), Sept. 15th, Citizen by Pacolet, 9st. 31b. bek Lord Belfast's Magnolia, 8st. 111b. 4 milefor 500 gs. Manchester! May 20th, 1793, a sweep stakes 01 0 gv each, with 50 gs. given fey therenters of tie race -ground, 3 yr. old, a feather. 4 yr. 1st. 2lb. 5 yr. 8st. 2lb, b,yr. ,8st. II lb. and aged horses 9st. mares and geldings allowed, 21b. 4 mile heats, thirteen subscribers, Citizn by Pacolet, aged, third the 1st heat, first jthe 2d and 3d, beating Roseland 5 vr. oli, Mendoza 5 yr. Micro scope 6 yr. old, bustard 4 yr. Cavendish, aired, and MayfF 4 yr. oJcl. Oxford, Auz22, 501 given by his Grace the Duke of Marlborough, for 4 yr. old 7st, 71b. 5 )T. oldest. 71b 4 yT. 9st. and aged 9st. 41b. 3 me heats, Citizen by Pacolet, ared, first ech heat, beating Accus.b yr. old. and W- Aneslev's Master of Arts, who was d,ttanced the first heat. Maneuver, June. the 9th, 1794, a'sweep stakes of, t0 gs. each, to which was added 52 s. bythf rentevr of the race-ground, for all aiW"-4 mile heas, subscribers, Citizen bv -Pallet, aged, firrt each heat, beating Lord Smford's b. c Weasel, 4 yr. old. : In trier to give the public every informa tion my power of Cibzens superiority as a foaletter, as well as a racer, 1 have thought prqer to insert a paragraph from William Ba7ksda!e's letter' (the gentleman who ptir , Citizen for me) and also another fiAm Cvn. fan Bowen to Col. Hamilton dated London, 1st July, -1797, which plainly .ior rhit CitWen was a favourittf, and ranked with Hambletonian, the most favom it horse that ever appeared on the British turf. ' Paragrchb ft am' Wi!!iam"B(rksda!e let her. -London, Aapust 5th, 1803: " After : long trial 1 have succeeded to get you one of f the horses on vonr list, called Citien, 18 years 'W he is a most beautiful animal, his stock is running with very great success; an there are four of his coirs that have won at different places this spring. He has-covered 150 mares this season in Derbyshire, and h esteemed one of the -surest foal-getters. There is no horse m England getting better U stock, Sir Peterexr.cptea. ; . WILLIAM BARKSDALE " Fsragi-ucih 'of a letter from Evan Bowen, of London, to Col. Hamilton, of Norfolk, respecting the price of full bred liuies in England, got by Trampeter, Dungannotf, Skysrraper, Woodpecker, Anvil, Rocking-. ham, Diomcd and Liule Devil; .which were the horses on the" !isi scm out t h;ru to -select' a hliy from. A tier 'making a statement of the diil'ercnt prices, agreeably to their ages and 4ualincatioas, he observes, X. B.Ham bieronian atid Citizen are at this day the faf vourire horses in:E.ng!and, ar.d the pices for their fillies, supposed to he t'ne same as those above' mentioned 'Turf Coffee-House, Tat tersail's, i I ydz Park" Corner, London, '1st J u! 1 797. , EVAN BO WEN." Halifax, October 26th, 1803. I do hereby certify that the above signature of Evan Bowen,, is in his own 'hand-writing. Given under my hand, the dav and year above AiTitten. jOHS 'HAMILTON. P F. T) I G H E E. " The bay horse Citizen was bred by Mr. Cr.r.vood, and get by Pacolet, a well bred son of Blaiik his dam called Princess, by Turk, -grand -.lam Fairy Qiieen, by Young Cade, great grand dam, Rouih's Black Eyes, by Crab, on. of the Worbclc Galloway, by Snake, Bald Galloway. Cunvin's Bay Barb, and va.s purcla&ed bf Vvr. Barksdale.'' ; J ti'ue extract from the Stud Book, JAMES WEATHliRBY, Proprietor of the Racing Calendar, London, 2 1 August, 1803 I'acolet, the sire of Citizen, was bred by Lord Groivvnor, and wastgot by Blank; his dam "Whiteneck by Crab, Godolphin Ara bian, Conyer's Ara-hian, Curwin's Bay-Barb,: . arsKai's Spot, Whitelegged Chesnut, Lo ther Barb, Old.Ventner mar? Blank the ire cf 'Pacolet, and grand sire of Citizen, : was brtd by Lord Gvdolphin, and got by the Godolphin Arabian; his dam the Little Hartleymare, got by Barrlet's Childers, 6ut of Flying W4iig, by Wi; dms's Woodstock Arabian; his great grandam by die Saint Victor Barb, out of a daughter of Whynct, son of the Fenwick Barb. These are sufficient to piwe to the satis faction of every person conversant -with the turf, 'that Citizen as a racer was inferior to no horse in England, Hambletonian except ed; and a foal-getter he has fully estate Jished himself, having stood at C. Smith's, Esq. at .Rochdale, near Manchester, at ten guineiu a mare, and .ne g-uinea to the groom; and being the sire of Dai)ple, Nautilus, Hot spur, Tummos, Little Citizen, and nianxo thers, who have contended wth soccess agaidsi tuc oest horses in England. CITIZEN will stand, the ensuing season atmy stable in the county of Halifax, twelve miles below the town, 6n the old ioad lead ing from Petersburgh tb Tarborough, and will be let to mares at three guineas the sin gle leap, paid at the. time of covering ; six guineas the season, which may be discharged by the payment of five guineas, if paid by the 20th of February, 1805 ; and ten guineas to ensure a mare to be with foal ; half a dol lar to the groom for each mare, to be paid at the stable door. If the property of any mare put by the insur ance, be changed before the Mme of foaling, the person who pw heriH be charged with the full amount of the insu rance. Is ahy mare put to Citizen by the season, should die within the same, I will charge nothing; if she" should live till the exoiration.ot the season, and fail to be with .foal, she may theiiext'.year have the benefit of a eason to him for half price, or a single leap gratis, at the discretion of her owner. I have' extensive pasturage foVraares. sera- pte apartments for those with or without ;coits, and my bersonal attention Will h? naid jto them ; and when ordered, wffl befed with' w" 411 "e neighbourhood price , but I wiil not be responsible forescanes arririMf- f any kind whatever. Servants s6it with mares will be borrded free from charge. The above letters, and several others from seen CW ,;i f newaji ch vear w ii" of EnV ' general stud b jT? thet? tree for the insn S Citizen has came m XrT1? comrriended as a yaTa Untr' s v.- n fJtt... 5 a blod stalls' .u-8cer, as any horse ever 7a n ' myself that mUrmerI 'SZli - " Clb' will led then, "' av ? av,ng lt in the- , -1 ,u'" y valuable a stalln v,'rtoi !Ti?Uirr..T Haltfax count;. May 10, I8O4 RE. Valuable l.nn,h I ' U1 asn, or Credit or exchange for vol a sr 00 Acres of Land ld)olZ Lexington in Rowan County , JUn 0" as good a quality as any m'the r dis warerea, with an excellent MV. -''li 10 Acres and mure maybe It , and as eligible a situation fo? zr Tan-Yard, as any in the State ,'Stu'tr' crr.n.i or" rr- . . . - iract or 10 Acres adi of good 'Laud and weii Watcved r.inin. - elegant House under Hoof &. W' 'Oil' stands on the Sireet in said To-n" who wish to purchase wiil rf,, ,.,' lrst -early apphcation, as the subsci 'e-i ! some length of time been in a loV heakh and being advised by hh p-.,'.' c is determined to bet out for a'long ln; soon as his situation will admit a jf '5 to make sale of the shove described V for the purpose of paying up his en?y before he leaves the Country l 4 apply tc the subscriber or to John K r' of this place. ' THOMAS CAIKrt H Lexington, Rowan County, K. C. April -ZUtb lb(J4. NB I have about 35 thousand Ac--unimproved latids in the Cour v ofv inery, in the fork between the YadVi, !'f i Rocky Rivers, adjoining the line of ca?: rus County in the neighbourhood 0' -j e 1 1 ....II . 1 ' l-''"! "-u,,,lItt": v"u m jfurtiiase rne vlioie or iuigc 41.irf.m1iY, ur cpnange tor Jar.d s tuatedinthe Western Country. 1HUMAS CARSOS, PROPOSALS For' carrying the Mails f the Unitec - o7i tiefcdi(fiiiig Poit-Aoads, 7Zi at the General pMt-Ojfice in W;:d, '.l witiltlelStb day of June next, imLn'' fN NORTH-CAROLINA. '49. From Invi'lle, Va. to Lencx-C tie N. C. once a week. Leave DaiiviKe very M,r,dav at Ccn. and arrive at Lenox-Castle by 6 pm. Leaved.enox -Castle on Tuesday fey 6 j m. and arrive at 'Danville by 6 p?n' 50. From Scotland Neck by Greensb rough X Roads to Windsor once a ve?k, Leave Scociand Neck every Thursday 9 a vi. and arrive at -Windsor !y 7pv..' Leave Wirdsor oery Friday at S:z. and arrive at Scotland Neck by 6 pva- 51. From Newbern to Beaufort out, to weeks. Ieave Newbern everv otlier Friday it 5 m . ar.d arrive Beaufort by t p. Leave Beaufort every other Saturday a: S am. and arrive at Newbern by dp m. 52. From Halifax to En. n eld once a wra Leave Halifax every Thursday a: 6 a and arrive at Enfkld by 11 a in. Iave Ej4rield -(-very Friday ui Q a w.aci arrive at Halifax by '3 p The contracts for the rcutes n;.ir.eri .from 27 to 43 inclusive and f r tr 55 tot" nichisive, are to be in operation r.n rl.s H; day of October next, and continue i f ree for one year. The contracts lr the rout numbered 'fromt to 54 inclusive are to be in operation on the 1st of October nextr.J are to continue imtil the olst diy of March, lSr.5. NOTES. 1. The Postmaster-General mav exjeo'ite the mails and alter the time; of an-. viu. and . ... uepanurc ar any time aurir.gtnc ccr.nn'.ur. of the contracts, he stipuJatin" r adec ' compensation tor etny extra orpTw t'1' may be occasioned 'tlvrsby. 2. Fifteen mimttes shall ie aHow- tt opening and clasing.the mails ar ah c.:. where no partic:ar time is speeded. 3. For every thirty minutes delay ("":--voidable accidents excepted) m irr'v'r.? ter the time prescribed in any. contract, tne contractor shall forfeit one doHar ; ni i the 'delay continues until the departure ft "any depending mail, whereby the mails clcv ticed tbr such depending mail loseatr;p. an additional forfeiture of five dollars be incurred. ; 4, ' Newspapers as wfll as letters are f k sent in the mail") and if any jjerson' makii'? proposals, desires to carry newspapers, otUt than tho6t conved in the mail, fcrliisowi emolument, he must state in Lis pro;Ksai! for what sum he will curry with the emolu ment, and for what sum without that t&j lument. 5. Should any person making propscis desire an alteration of the tulks of arr."J and departure above specified, he must s'a"" in his proposals the alteration desired, arid the difference they will maWhin the tenrs of the contract. 6. Persons making proposals are desired to sate their prices by tiie year. Those vh contract wiil receive their pay quarterly, tthe months of August, Novtmrnrr, Febnii" ry andiMay, in one month afcer the exy -on of each quarter. a' ;!. 7. No other than a free white peison shall be employed to convey the mail. 8. Where .the proposer intends to convey the mail in the body of a stage tarrbge, h is desired to state it in his proposals, i 9. The Posimaster-General reserves r himself the right of declaring ay contract at an end whenever three failures hajn which amount to the loss of a trip each. :- lO-The contracts for the above r. utes are to be in operation on the first d?y ctc' tober next1, aad are to continue, iiv tcrcc fvr two yezn. OIDEON GH a N , Pst-ias:or-tiJ-i- General 'Jbst-OJbe, : Washington Ct, C' February J, tbi. 5 I

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