-r - t-7-t--7T "VSV fcwv.- v-.., v: E.-v. r-Sk v m twv. j 1 a. -v. r:ir " 1 r 1 1 ... . 1 wp- nHHv whhmmmmb k mhbhmi , w , - , ... & i m 4 il 1 rilTU.$ae$ . Jkittdit44f 6f tie licit ers and divided In ihe sapie nianneV, . and unde r the 9imc regulations, ..tqawforfl . all web. other, acts in nation tohe faxd, lapds, . 3 1 1 provided -by , n retin jp the lands "jpf-the United Stajes, situ ate northwest of the river Ohio and above That the .-feok expense of surveying and 'marking lines shall not exceed thxct if!!a for- everv mile ihat..sSafl. .be':- tuaJly ron, surveyed and marked : JwTp-'4 mM abo Tliat such racts oi land a are jawfally daitxied by individoals ,wtfhin tlve; Raid boundarjes, aivu me uric wwu bh en X be recognized by , the United States shall be laid out and surveyed tiie xpefce of the parties rtspecfively, m cbii-. formity witl..the trw l!idies,:o puch , tracts. And it shaHilio the duty of the said sotreyqar geueral to cause to Te jcun, sr Veyed ahd marked, suh of the Indiaun jdarjtlinejslof std :jandsas hayenot jkb been surveed f - and with the. approbation of. the President of the Ihited -States, to as-! certain, by. astronomical oTsservations, the: positions: osucn, piaces noita tir tne nycr Ohio, 9d east of the liver IWisaisslppiHtiis ipay be deemed necessary for the correctness .pf the , survevs, ahAto be tb'e ;mo8t impor tant pr.ints of tfie geography of the country. Sec. 2. .Apd be it ftdtjfayax. for the disposal of jthe lands' 6? the T7nited States northfJth tjvef Q$, and ast of the river Missisu... Vfj three land omceS shiu 'be, esta:blislied hi the samei one. at .Oe'elaadijlying north dfjhe state of Ohioi tGhTch,t$In iian. Jytk has been extinguished. j. one ,a now ted States to jbichftc wcas tp;a .TSI Wiv iniroiaTicdrnorth of rmcaneslor the lands to y hCh i the lofeanaUiiathw StlN duties of aiCferkr to thejijoM title has been waifished, and which are ft includedr whiuii the boundaries fixed by the trravlalV fieId with ihclndiaa tribes o tht Wabash'; and oheat.Kaskas1cia, for so much of thelands ixicjuded within hebeunv daries fixeA by the treaty of- the thirtieth "of Augiist,he thousand ei;hf hufidreil and threei,With tbeJKaskaskio a"tribe. of jodiana, as is not claimed jby any other Indian iribe i and for -eaci of the said offices a" register and a receiver of pub monies, shall: b -ap-poimed -who shall give security in tfce .same manner, in thesaroe sums, and.whosejcom-pensations,"-: emoluments, and duties . and authority, seal!,, in every respeCti be the same in relatioti to.the;lands AvhiclihaH be disposed of at their office? as are or ariay be by law provided, in relat'chvto fjhug registers and the receivers .of puhlio monies in toee veral offices established &f the disposal. o'f the lands of the Unjjeabtates north df they riv er Ohio. and above ahe - mouth tltKfen tucky river; r ru ' Sec. 3. 4ad be it further, enacted, ' iTbal every person claimhng' landa within arty.of the three tracts cfjand described in thejre-1 ceaing sectmn,Dy:virtue ot anyjegal gtan maue oy tne rrencn government prior to sthe treaty of4aipT4fte.,lsn one thousand seven hundred and sixty three or of any legal grantmade by theBHtisH government, subsequent to-the saM treatyl United States: and Great-Britain; of.thi; third of September, .jone thousand. seve hundred-- and eighty : three, . or of.ahv resoi Mwn or act of Congress .subsequent to tbe- soul r . ' - J. st V1 peace jsnan, on or befbre thg Jm day of JanuarytTbrie thusaud eight hundred and five, deliyer, to the regJsWof the land office, within whosedife tKfe nd may iie, a notice n . writiuig,; stating and mar ala rt .v . i ?. . ' ! 1 LA ILL.LII ft.. I MLt I nil. ver to the said registei" tbesS bemi recorded, evtry SanWordef ofS aeci, conveyance or other 'written veyidncC ot his daim ; and the same shall be recede ) the said re?ister. hv Wtr fh lv 4. that purpose on receiving from theiwirtie at the rate of tweta knrf hiP 7 hundred words) tpntained in aucb ,en fVidence of tjieir claiTn.f andif such 1, shall . negjtept .tj deUve? aucb; nbticei "& i ma .uajm, ..otto cause to oe uu become void, and forever h Wrf ?! Sec. ' IK DC it l!r5e 4 receiver 4of Ddblic monies of for 7 re roentoned.landoffieesshaUi ?'Cts, be commissihnero fni't ko- in ,gUby vie cf ui preceding secfions! 7 6 M,c wwp ot .persons claim. Slushy virtue cf tH hWuu.; 1 . n A .owmg oath or affirrnation, before "Je person qualtned td administe?tne samel V B that I wmprapartialry 'exerSi Hioner foe examiaifu?. the claims aea such written vence of the same, his right, so . far isTthejsajne is derived mum iulv boataaflr in th eespeetive iineer aiijnatt respecang on . i also tj cftropel 'tJh? attendance or yfi!scsj nd -dlc3d theeo cording to jnstks and enkfv which 4c?ipfi sttau oe jaia oe ibrepongress in the the manner herein af- nr mrecicu, aii w ""j.-y- -rrr-- tbereons l Jie saitt uoaros, Bhaepwerto duty it $Ua1t b to toterift a .book to be ket for thai itirpwe t uu. ana porneic? rmnutc or their ;pi;o;eiinffs and dedsions, together wrth1 the jevidence on which such deions are made j ' which' books arnd papjers on tbe dissoluuon of the boards, shall be deposited i the "T?pwtiv;officesf thenegifera pf the land offijees t aiid the said clerk shallprepirre two tnnscrjpts of alr.the decisions made by th said commissioners in favour oftfte daii vmauts toand, both of hkh shall be sign ed by the.sajd comtnsidnef s, and one of which shall be transmitted to the -suryey or geneiraU and the other to tlie. secretary of the. rreasyry ; and the lancjs, the daims to which shall have been thus affirmed ty thfe commissioners, shall not be Otherwise dispoi sed of -unt il the decision of Congresshere-i iupooi shall have been made. It hall Kke- Lwis(Hbei(iho dutv of the said commissioners, jtojthake, loathe secretary ot me. treasury a full report of all the claims, fit6d with the fester tof the proper fandijdnice, as above; 'directed, which they may have rejected,, to-, crether with , substance of -the videncej Ladduoel in support tjierecf,andsvh rjemarks; tnereon as,tney may tninK.proper : wnic reports, together with the tntnstritttS Of fEej 4eciaions bt triectmisionefs mtfavourjotf Claimants, shall heJaidb'y the secretary Off the treasury ;before-.Congress t ; their nex4 Kn.umg session. ,xuach ot tne cxmissQnrs, and clerks: aforesaid, shall be aUowed. a( cpmriensation of five hundred dollars in full for his services as such ; arid each -of thej said clerks shK, previous tdhis entering on the : duties of his ofHc, takei and fUbscrHjei the; following oath or affirmation, to, wit i T ... - An solemnly awea for afiifmV that t wilf truly andT&ithfuliy; of mVfi!6netri ibyicairung ihe.dakr to Jand enloined by an aet of Congress; territory, iwl for other purposes, y Sec. 5. ' And be ttfir tbertnactedi That al( the lands aforesaid, not eaxepted- by virtue of theipreceding section; yshaW, with the ex- oeptjon of tbe section, number sixteen,'. wrucn snail oe resarvea an eacn. rownsmp iot the support of schools witbhjTthe samej with the -except-iort also of aW entire-town- j SIII i CdM.a W LUL Villus 7(MAB.-HWIW, tracts of country rd:stricts, tabeiocted by the secretary pt jthe treasury, for the use of a seixunary, of learning, and with, the ex ception also of the salt rings and jands re served fb the use of 't) me :s herein after directed, be offered fc . ie to- the highest bidder, under the .direct, .m of the surveyor general or gqyempr of the Indiana territory, ot .the register ot the land omce, and ot tne leceiyer of ptiblic monies, at the places res pectively, where the land offices are kept, and on such day or. days as shall, by a pub lic proclamation ot .the president or the1 V States for &aguce jbe designated The sales sball rernaun pperi ateich place forlhree weeks, and nd longer ja jthe" lafids shall not be sblpt for esshanr rwbblars a " acre, ahd shaUirterher resiejcte "soMflnf tracte Of thd sesjze and 09 the some terms and condu;ioiwlxifchve been or may be by, law provided for .the lands, sold north of the river wnioaua anuvc uic muuin 01 xs.cn tucky rhek All landsbther than the reser ved sections and those, excepted as above inentiQnedc re the closing of the. pybl.ic sales, ntay;J;disposed of at prYatp sale, by weiegistera or the respective iana omces m me same manner, under the same regulations, fo the-same pince, and on :the same termsand onditionsi las- ire ox. may be provided bf law for the i Sale of the Jaad b the .United States-.north 4 of tne'Tiver Ohio and above the mauth Kentucky riVr; And patents shall be' ob tatned for alllands granted or sold ro the In diana territory, aft the same manner, and On the same teems. a& is or may be provided by laworja pf Ohio, and irftbeMjssissii terotpiry . - . . .. Sefc B. And;be.:ii furtbqr. enacted,' Tnat Mt the navigable riyers, -creeksnd wafers, within the IndianattewitcujsiialFbe deerh ;ed to be and remai n puolic highways ; and tssejLaakriaa; In 'the jsaid territory, wgeiner.wun as many connguous sections td' each, as shall be deemed necessary bj -the Pcesineht of the United States, shall' be reserved for the jFurure, disposal of thetFnited MStte? s$ And any igrant. wh ich .majr hereaf- ,be,inade Jor a ; tract, of and, coniaining a altfsprjng which bad'beep discoyeVed pre vious to the purchase cij'irieclin. the UnitedlStates,' shall be considered; asr&a dnknt andnnll. j : - ' SecVT ij&feUfwfc enacted That-the severaL prpytsions -made. in. faybur of the persons jcho.have contracted for lands with jonn vcvcs oymraes ana ms associates, by an aet iiytite4'Mi to: oiteilid and continue : in force provisions of In act, enti&led :fAn,act.gg right of mg. Hi: coli-' d. ww jpfln. vuncesymmes or; hiaas-l l-spciates, ..tor Jand lying Bewihe Miami 1 am KsamefSVhereo contiWeo itf forcetJl'the jseer of jrc; Una pjnee andjrc&ive? of idhc moraesi v"-;jiiin snail perrcrm tne !utie.rcls'e.x)owfs: and Ken joy ;thesamfcmolr4nents, tohrcnV by the Jastreatea acrwere njoineacm r.vestedn uic. - reinpHuP v4sn5ca, ay .tne aia actj :jprv043d&i&t& .ceitificaj for'a Hg)tr k.U'-pm Except in favour f tnjduals.wbo hafl be fbretne $&fcdy.o eight titrtdjm nirts in writing wi JphttleveSyJBlles br with any of his assrjialnd wtspjiad madej, toX1 or ibek any-pynient or payinents of nioney for ihe'purchase pt auch lands; not tinless at least oriefiwentiSh part of the purxhase money of tne land iiraed, .shall have pre vieosly .been ie receivef of public inpnjes, pr. shpbJjiid.p9Qf 1 to the ,first day of Jtauary : 66xt. And evervpersqn Who shall obtain a certificate of pre-emption, 'slialtbe allowed tmtil the first ctay of January , one thouslnd (eight hundred and six, to Complete the payment of his first instalment : Troitded also t That4 where any person or p'fon. shall in virtue of a, contract entered intOrwith John Cleves Symraes, have en- lerw ana maue iriiproTemenis on any sec Hpiiif dr half section prior, to the first day of Apxi) last, iiayicpnfonned with all the foregoing prpionin tbis section) wbich improvements jaf .the runoljug of tie lines subsequently' thereto, shall hive fallen with in any sectiott or half section other than the one purchased as aforesaid, and other than section No. 16,. such section: or half section shall in, that. aa be granted to the person pr persons who jsall have iso. entered, im proved and cultivated the same, on payment bf the pitfchase money agreeably to the pro ?yfsibns niade by '4awx for lands sold at pri Tate side j birt nothing herein contained shall be?construed to give to any such person or persons a greater number of acres than he f or they had contracted for with John Cleves Syramcs, as aforesaid. . " Sec. 5. Jnd At if further That every person who may haveleretcfore: ob-i ainro iwtn the comwioners, a certi4 of rigbt bfnempti(pp for lands lying berwe'en the ,ttvb Idianu rivers on acfronnti of vontrafti ifctth oir purchase from John Cleves Symmis or his associates, and who has paid, hif first instalment j and every person who may obtain a similar, certificate oy virtue of the preceding section, and $hall ob ror.beibre first -day of Jamiarvi one first installment,! bepertCiitted to paythe. re sidue of the' purchase rnney in six annual eual payments ? ,-...! ' See. 9. And be it further enacted, That fractional sections of the public lands of the United States either north of the river Ohioj or south of the state of Tennessee, shall, under the directions of the secretary of the treasury, be either sold singly or by uniting two or more together, any act to the con- withstanding? Provided, That no fractional sections shall be sold. in that manner until after they shall have been offered for sale to xhe- highest bidder in the manner hereinaf ter airected. ; ' : Sec. 10. JrJ be it further enacted, That all the public lands of the United States, the sale yf. which is authorised by law, may. after they shall have been offered for sale to the highest bidder in quarter sections, as hereioaiter direstede purchased at tbe option of the puihaserV either in entire secticas, in ihlf sections', orin quarter sec tions ; in which iwouttteases the'sections shall . be divided into-half Sections by li nes running due narth and south, and the half sections shall be divided into quarter sections by. lines running due east aiid west,: ;; And in every instance m which a subdivision of the lands of the United States, as surveyed in contonruty with; law, shall rtefeessary rto ascertain the boundanea or true contents; of the.aa pnj;ha shall be done at the expence jof the purdiaser. Sec, II. And be is further ehacted, That no interest shall; be 'charged onany instalment, which may- hereafter . becorne due, in pay ment of any of the public lands, of the United States, whenever situaid. .and which have been , sold h ptntsuacef;of the act, intidedi an aet to amend theiit entitulecr an act providing -y for the sale.of the lands of the United. States, in . tl?.e tenitpry north West of the Ohio, and, afaoye. tine month of Ken 1 tncJky river, or' which;! jnay. hereafter be oiu oy virtue 01 tnat, or? 01 aTiyvtner act ot Gongress . Provided That such instalments shall be paid on the1 day on, which The same shall become due but the .interest shall be charged and demanded in 1 conformity with the prbvwons heretofore in. force, from the date of the ; purchase on i each instalment hich shall not be paid on the day on which the same shall becorne due Provided obv ver, That pn the intalrnents which are or may Jjecome die before the trsti day of Oc tober next, interest shall be charged, except from the time they become due until paid j but in failure t pay the said instalments on the said first day. of October, interest ahail he charged thereon in conformity with the provisions heretofore in force from the date ;of thepurchase. -'. ' !'' ;' Sec: 12. And he it further enacted, That the sections which hae been heretofore re served, and are' by thbiact directed to be oiu ttiayi us irauonai scuonj. classed as by the ninth section of this act ' an the other lands' of the fthitl -Sfar4 north of -the'Obioy ami ahoV 'the" mpith of KentucKjr nyer, shaU be ottered- for sale m quarter, sectioni to the highfest biddeti tin der Iherwipaa of iff-rgistejf of ?thlahd '.frn punjuc monies, ndlZrfher purposes" shall 'BeTtrd the 2-JrW'-W fnere tne land o nces iref keufi thaf Is to sir I thWlanHc disHuot ivuTe, onilM yTl-thiamfs ine-d.ct ttthe snoVWafcf "TOSlW-W theottJctffJriJV- ijattf,oii7S& JhrtrMphdaTif Sei&rnber. j ie Vales remain ooeh at each olace nb iokiger'Aaathiee weeks' ; the' lahds waicn may do tnus soia snail npc. oe soto topless than lwopVUars,per acre, ana shall tefiftyiai&iqt '.fftt'pc.Told pa .tbe sanfi. rerma .iaA' cbliditidi vas is provided lor .MeBiale of :toMi sbB at rjfivale safei AilS idbie? thirlpWcBatio of the hltedl iiucr norua, oj t AKvnio, ofwuik pt lirteTii ted to be sold at public sale shall he offered; (or sale : to', the highest biddeiin 'quarter sections i Prcnided Jawever'i Thit sectibri number ttrenty-sixj Of the third ' rownship of the second fractional ranges within the grant made by the United States to John C Symmes onfwhiclt..is erected a mill dam, is hereby granted to. Joseph , Vanborne the? proprietor of said dam j an ; also that sec rien number twenty-nine of second township of the fo.urth entire" range be granted to James Sutton, and also that section namber twenty-onc cf the ninth townahjp of the twentyrfirst range granted to Christian Van! Gundy, cin their payment of the purchase money, agreeably to the previsions made by law for lands sold at private sale, v - Sec. 13. And be it further, enacted, . That whenever any of the public land shall have ' been surveyed in the manner directed by law, they shall be divided by the ' secretary of the Treasury, Jnto convenwnt surveing districts, and a deputy surveyor shall, 'with, approbation of jheiaid secretary, he ap pointed by the sirrteydr-general fc each dia. trier, who shall take, an oath or affirmatibnr truly and faithfully to perform thsduties'of ' hrs office , and whose! duty it shall be to run and mark such lines as may be necessary Tor subdividing the lands surveyed, as aforesaid, into -sectioasr half sections- or quarter-sec-the. case may be, tp ascertainHhe itrtie contents of such subdivisions ; and to, re cord, in ' jfcbook to be kept for that pkrpose 1 tnesurvey& thus, made. 1 hesnreyor-geOTSr4 ral shall furaish each deputy svurveycith' a ccpy ox the plat .ot the tpwphpSr no fractional parts of towhships contained in his distficf, describing the sub-division s thereof, and the. marks of the corners. f Each deputy surveyor shall be entitled to- receive from the purchaser , of any tract ofjand, ol-rhich 4 line or lines shall have been run arm marked by him, at the rate 0$ three dollarsfor everf J mile to ua onrey ea- ana rrmrKea, berjre-ne shall ddiver to hima tdpy of the. plat of sdeh traa statmg its contents.' Theleei payable by virme; p former laws for ? surveying ex pences;shall after the first day of July next, be no .longer demandable from and paid by-. the prardtasers. ; And no final certificate shall w thereafter be given by the register of any land office, to the purchaser of any tract of land, allthe lines of which shall not have been run, and the contents, ascertained by the surveyor general or his assistanrsr un less such purchaser shall lodge with thft said register a plat of such tract, certified iJy the district surveyor. ' v. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted That from arid after the first flay of April next,, each of the registers hd receivers of public monies of 1 1 ie several land Offices established by law, either north of the river Ohio1, or south of the State of -Tennessee, shall; in' addition to -the commission heretofbreai lowedr receive one half per cent, on all the- morses, paidlfor public lands sold' in thdr rer specdve otneos, ana an annual salary 01 hve. hundf ed dollars the' register and receiver ot the land office at Mariettaxiep"teeV the an nual salary of whom shall be two hundred, dollars. And from and afteT the .same day the fees, payable by virtue of former laws, IP the registers of the several land offices, for .the entry of rands and for certificaties of monies paid, shall no longer be demandable from, nor: paid by the purcha sers of public lands: A nd it shall be the du ty of the secretary of the treasury to cause" at least once .every year, the books of thd officers of the land offices to be examined, and the balance of public monies in the. hands of the receivers of public moniesofthe said offices to be ascertained Sec. .15 And be 'H urtltnae.i.oi.. from and after the "first day of April nexti the fees heretofore payable for patents4 for lands, shall no longer be paid by the purcha sers. And It snail be theduty ot every regis? terof a Zand office, on. application of tlte party, to transmit, by mail, to the retristef of the treasury, the final certificate grahteidfj uy sucn regibver 10 ine trarcnaser 01 any waci- of land sow aV his office : and it shall be dHi duty-of the register of the treasury, onrliJ vc ring uiy - qwjtii.-- kcruiicRic .to ootam ' an transmit by maiV tcthe register o the. pro" per land office, the patent to which such purchaser is ''entitled i but, in every such in-' stance, the party shall previously pay to the proper deputy post-master, the postage ac cruing 0 the transmission of such certificate and patent. Sep. 16. And be it further mactedy Thai: tne resident of the- United States shall hav full power toappoint and commission !thg several registers and receivers of public rnonies.ipf the landofficea established by th .'.iX "cess pf Congress; and their commissions shall contimiVin-lorce nn'til' t' end of the session of Congress next enjstnng 1 Such appointment. v '- ' : v : y , ... .tSec,? X$ijb4;'btM-fwffiaetedi iTHat .tbevseyeI attperendants, of r e" public iales.directed. hy-thh ; jHtillimWe'isix douatii each; for each days attendance oh the saiasaies. ; . , . . v-;r '--..-.' -rvy. pectus'- AXdbe: ttywtbe exacted; Thati uui, ,ioi j.ntsoy roousand oou4rs rma Saieaikottpbseofca - 1x1 1 JEFFERSON; the. nefblofUTbpe4 iof ; the Jrbnwprk tad eewly ifcovefed SSlt-wellsv Thwtsad'ii jV the bae half f inj iiurv ervtcHgbi,:. One othir TmA of 640 Acres ljldgtt SmitKi Cuuatyi f aid in irgpodLaml, oa theWaterilV of Stone's Riter, Thefe .l-arnds. ' wdi:feil . for Calh, -Ne jroetV at. etcbange forrXanae Proper ty.in this State on gor ferio They ire free front the cmtnOa 'iBionTenleni l: y Lands belonging noa-xeiadletit of iocoBU L- bntces Hy fsli for Taxeii i;e. and lab uftr qucmooaDie a iu& wui,w kitcq to ific rur ROBERT HELL BlIRRAMPOQTEfl v f inj Scifon, at mf iJIoufe Ortlg County pn fhe' fouthifide'of Ha Rivfcr o .. ihe foliosrina iterms i Thtt ii$iy6ftf 0pilar;aaM.tthe W pt fey the Seaibiiool"&ei ayeai- of fio ; o!iar raore at the time tf etottie&tfon t . For fhe Sealan ten DolUr, ' 4odfr the Infu- Withheti before itcan befell aicertainedwhe ; ; thef fte lv with fwl, ihaltUaWc rf lutarafeevMoM ft M Ht ilu- auw niu .tuu VIM ' " y I t . . . Ik . ' . . . - lit therwife ihey will cotne dtie at the erpira tiaaof the'$ealoa.;i; t. Mjhrett. if reqoired, ftdtW. reafontbt .t priced I will not be acecunUble for : AecL dents, but grttt care. wiir be Ukeu of Mate left with the Horfe, lip ttW&$ i;r rxfing"v6 iiTeai Colta his SireT3are-DerU is aKfei'b Jfedigree wUl mew him to be as fine blooded Coir as aov 'in Americaf .v 7- Bva a a r Pot i'a VnaWlwt bt thfc imtbrted Horfe Da're.Dvil, hia daxt by: WiWaif. hia Rfandam by Fearnought, impotAsdrrhy Cel. li?ylor of. Virginia ; his frtaf grandam .ir Godolpbin, who Was gotliy Fearnoughi utwof ' tLIbtoode d Mare ; Ma great ?: ereat eat graodam by the imported Hcrfe Hob Nobvbis gfest great grandam ; By Xthe imfoned illorfe loiry vKoger, hi s great great e at great gran dam by the imported Horfe Valiant, out of a Tryal Mare of Col. Archer Carey's whlea( waa gqx bj the old imported I ryal. March 6, 1C04., - Fifty Dotiars JewSiMi , RUNAWAV.:: Frontdrdfa'MiUt :onvTyeer River; 3ou&g !A NFXJRo;M AN gained Dankl.- pia, a tUMumj. upwards; ot tyt.teen ttaoQa i H 1 S ? fctf4 higheleganflir4Jaftb Wl flw' ad fahtbret ftb: He is about 26 Years of Age, stout itfndl. ' 1 tall and? very black. - He- took? with him a bay Gelding aboat 14 12 hands high branded V r, oh the'near JtJuttock also a new Saddle, inewridlea Jair of-Pjstols, and HoisterV - a quantity of fine clothes, a . Pair of SsEdtllt Bags, and about two hundred Dollars in cash. He is ruling through the coureary. towaida hyirgim2amartly dressedi and calls h4msel a free-Man: . '....;. ',..,'... Whoever will apprehend the said Kesro. lodge him in Jaifi and secure his II orse and- Property, so thaitsnbseriber mayreoovef the- same, shall rectiVe a;lieward of Fffty Dollars, iipon giving notice at f ord's Mill Crger River, or to the subscribWhOw oji ' V his Road to Lexington iciuekyl - Mayt&h, 1804- -v . ' ' -y ; . ;:' : 7EA2T PASSPORTS 1. 4, . -5; TTICE . is hereby gi veht ! t ..11 ha been deemed exnedient tff &Ztnrm Jbrttt of tle Mediterranean Passpdr-is-: '; tr?. vf..jiw woyio utc uimwj oiaes j,yiat fVpmtthe t'ghth Day of July, net, those of the'Dew form will be issued at the Ciistoo'-' Houses' to every Vessel, far which apptfeav' , tion may be made on a compliance withhe : terms presf.ril;ed by law, and surrendering-; ? the former passjiort of which She may b 1 possessed, -if any, in - which' itvr' case n- v -y3tbe required for , the elvchknge: and that by aii arrangement "agieed upWbyha x ii "ffarbary Powers, wtt;t whdnv we ' are at peac 'aher the old ox the new fofm of ' passpctt will be sucieut protect tev, aels of the.United Starts fecw capture. Ytt. Ul the 1st Pf July 1805, af ter Vbio W fornt of passport wiuVbe. uaavaiiablrfind 4 jhe new one alone in uses- -7- -:'"A ;Jepartrieiitdf Staes 5- s. " iua; A -1 . n v. .f-fc, Sictet are recniesetd fn m h ,tvr-aL.'- . i, - ; 'II-V) l ' 1 irazeties twice xwi vn-,7.rsrf.ijjT".:v." jMA Ari s 1 3 i,v, ft -A Y J I e mm- s. - v. 1 rm iff ? 1 1 .- - Mi: ill m. 'IX t.t-t.. 4 H k v. j.:..; . " -y.-v r .

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