it ... Latest for dp n iniciu?civec n V'. . . AU fi Mill f ' W . O ! i '. Tr It The rUaior of invasion, n now revived, and h? ajpreHcnsiona of Hhe public-are supposed to have ihe - sanction otVtheM'iAiscer and the Government. ?ttwasindeed the origipal croakervand theory rwhich wound -up the nation to such a pitch of anxiety and energy 'when he was out will certainly be renew ed as ohe of the tneans of keeping him in.v 1 ' . The - minor -'craft which Mr. Pitt foTWetlcommended to the Ad miralty is now t6 be brought into ' use; and to sail to these vera! depots to attack the enem$y upon whom, vj5Cfire assured vt a vigorous assault isl shortly to Be made. They are tbengge the French gun-boats un jder the protection ot the greater ships, and it is thought that they will doubtless provoke them toa ge neral engagement. We have only to observe upon thisthat if they ven ture too near the coast they will be exposed to the land batteries, and it "cannot be supposed that the French will hazard themselves' out oi their protection. , Tt is impossible to say whether the chance of invasion, diminishes briricreasesi as we have no source $f information but the occasional report of a ' sloop who has peeped into the harbours, and can, at best give but an imperfect account ; for, surely, we cannot trust to thein. Jteiligence of the deserters of Bou logne, or to the exaggerations, and delusions of the French papers. It is generally thought that the Brest fleet is prepared for sea, and will venture on an attempt against Ireland. Our blockading fleet is not so strong but that the enemy .'will hrard a meeting with it. r "' JULY 14. Frankfort Journals of the 3d inst. have reached us. Another instance of the all controuling influence of France in the affairs of the Empire! has occurred in the last sitting of the Germantic-Di et. So far was .: that meeting from taking into con sideration the Emperor Alexan derVNote with respect to the vio lation of the territory of Baden, that although the members were expres ly summoned for that purpose, the protocol was not opened, nor any allusion whatever was made to the subject. Unless, therefore, the Emperor of Russia should think proper , to revive the question, it xnay be considered as definitely set at rest. The French force now at Havre consists of 140 gun vessek and boats of vhich 70 lately came down the Seine. Letters from the British squadron employed in the blockade of that port, state, that expectations are entertained by our officers of an attempt being shortly made by the enemy to force a passage along shore. 1 A report prevails at Dover, that nearly one hundred sail of the ene my's gun-boats under coavoy of a sloop, have with in these few days back, effected their escape from Boulogne to Cherbourg. They proceeded sq near in shore, that it was impossible for our ships either to intercept them, or in any mate rial degree to interrupt their pro gress. We trust that the small craft now fitting out to annoy the enemy in shoal water, will be fitted out with all possible expedition. The moment appears to approach when it will be impossible, any lon-j ger to avoid a.erious rujrture with the Court of Madrid, and we ap prehend that one with Portugal will take place at no great length of time from the former. Can it be denied that British subjects in both these countries have been harrassed and insulted, while the subjects of France are treated with extraordi nary indulgence, and even the laws strained and violated for their ac commodation and interest ? Pri vate letters also state, ' in positive terms, that commercial treaties, highly injurious coour trade have been concluded betwen Spain and ?Prtugal and his Imperial Majesty Bonaparte. The best informed politicians have lone doubted the wisdom of our inactivity with res pect to these countries, in whose Councils the flat of the Usurper is every thing t but we believe that a very short time will n t elapse be fore the reason and grounds of this inactivity must become the subject of public discussion." To the Protest oiXouis XVIII, ,nBonapartes turning the titleof Emperorof the French, may ...ih.5 inc reumiot Kussia to recognize bun with that tide. 1 1 tThe Moniteur..Na184. having aertefrtnat lf r. irhe.Eng-, lisfr minister ratSladrld, in a coiw versatioakh, the prince of peace, h'adsaidjf that asssassination and, murder are -'lawful In the, present state of things, to save England from the i extraorfltnary situation in which it is placed the English minister demands ot the J prince ot-.. peace that he should contradict the calumny :(. IJut the bpanisii minis ter waved the subject, by attribute ing the assertion to an unofficial Gazeteer, of which no notice ought to be taken : Frere persisted in his demand, and drove the vassel of Bonapartelhto a small corner. , The correspondence (says the Sun) between the British, minister at the coin of Madrid, and the prince of peace, relative to the in famous aspersions in the -Moniteur imputing sentiments and expres sions to the former, tending to sanction assassination, forms so ve ry extraordinary a state paper, thai it would almost, be reasonable to doubt its authenticity; if the mean Submission whiohwhas been shewn towards France by most countries except Great-Britain, did; not igive it a character of probability and truth. On one side .we see a man of honor anxious of his own repu tation and that of the government ofwhichhe is the representative, requiring a justification from the person who, a3 the British Minister properly observes, is at oncetheonly " judge and witness." On the other side, we see stu died cautiony artful reserve, and an abject avoidance, of alLexplana tion upon the subject in question. The other, however, maintains the same artful silence, and endea vours to turn the correspondence into matter that have no relution to the subject. But the design of the Spanish minister is frustrated by his very attempt to disguise it ; for it is evident that if he could have confirmed the infamous state ment imhe official journalof France, his submissive policy towards that country, would have induced him to do so without hesitation. After such conduct, it cannot be wonder ful that the Spanish minister should retain the name of the prince of peace, so far as relates to his mea sures respecting France, and there can be little doubt that, whatever may Ifc the conduct of France to wards Spain, the Spanish minister will always endeavour to preserve his pacific appellation. A private letter from the Hague of the 1st ins t. says, " We are un certain how soon the expedition against England will be undertaken, although every thing is read)" and several regiments have been erru b&rked for more than a fortnight, on board the fleet in the Texel; on the other hand nearly one hun dred merchantmen, put in requisi tion or hired last autumn, have i been restored to trade gradually : so that the whole number of trans ports, actually , employed and at anchor in the Texel, do not amount to more than eighty. The armed vessels, as frigates, gun-boats, and cutters, &c. have been augmented, every where on the coast, on ac count of the repeated attempts ot the English cruizers. In the Meuse alone, one frigate, five gun boats, and three cutters, are stationed, in addition to the num ber employed last May. " Of the fourteen thousand men at the Helder and in North Hol land, eight thousand are embarked, the remainder are yet emcamped, but in such a state that they may be taken on board in a few hours. The camp near Utrecht, under Ge neral Mormont, contains only 18,000 men mostly French : of whom 1,500 are at Amsterdam, 1,300 at Rotterdam, 800 at the Hague. Several corps of French re cruitsor conscripts, to the amount of 14,000 men, have passed through Holland for Hanover, within these last 4 weeks. " The business of the indem nity to the Prince of Orange, for his family property in Holland, is now settled, and the Prince's rati fication is only rwanted to make it public Besides three millions of florins in ready money, his Serene Hfghnes is to receive two millions and a half .a a private indemnifica tion, partlyin yearly instalments and partly for an annuity, which has to run for one hundred years. It is reported that the French go vernment does'not approve ql this arrangement, wishing to have it I unsetded until a necrciation with - - it$ share v either in .money, oc by, restoring:e jjukh setdements lafely'conquVrelL'J.-1 . : Large reinforcements are ,said to havjebeen detachedtoJthe French artny jn t Hanoyertianol also . that a considerable encampment is form ing near' Lunenburgh. ; ; p. FOR CSALE 6E. RENT, ' t 'r " tht City of Raleigh, A LARGE two vitory House, with . r one Acre Lot ; conveniently situated near the State House? being: a part of the Square adjoining Mr. Casso's, on Morgan Street. or Terrhs apply to " ' - WILLIAM PtACE. RaleiSbt June 9th, l&tt -NOTICE, THAT at May Terra, 1804, of Wake County, the Subscriber Theo- j phuus Hunter, qualified as Executor to the last Will and Testameiit of Gee Bradley, dec and at the following August Term John Mv Goodloe, the other Subscriber, qualified likewise. All Persons having any Demand against said Estate, are .hereby required to bring them forward Vitiiin theTime limited by Law, properly attested, otherwisethey will be barred, and those indebted to said Estate to make jrmrnediate Payment. THEO HUHTER, . JOHNM.GOODLOE.Ex'rs. Aug. 24. 1304. ' NORTH-CAROLINA. treasury Office, August I, t804: TTHE handsome and punctual man iter in which the Sheriffs in particular, and the Revenue Officer of this State gene rally, have latterly settled and accounted for the Taxes and other public Dues, authorises a belief that it no longer remaii'necessary they should be reminded of the propriety of a strict and continued attention to this im portant and indispensably duty. It is fully hoped and expected, that-the conduct of those (Gentlemen for the current year, will further prove their determination to sustain a reputation hitherto so weU deserved. This, therefore, is rather addressed ' to the Jew who have failed and are in anrear, than to the manv who have done their duty, and are in the habit of paying in full ; and is meant to call their attention to the List of Names J and Balances, nublished by order of the last Assembly, and bound, up with me Acts ot that session. At the Court for Hillsborough district, which will commence on the 6ih day of Ocr tober next, Judgmentx, pvith Interest and Costs, will be had in -every instance of ar rear. . It is not necess'ary that more should be said on a subject in itself so little agreea ble, the duty of the Public Treasurer being defined and known to all : It remainsonly therefore for him to hope, that those con cerned will perceive in thiscirfy and timely Warning, a renewed proof of his friendship and disposition ta serve and to oblige ; aud that, losing sight of all further indulgence, they will forthwith seriov.jly set about doing away the very disagreeable" necessity of his proceeding against them. JOHN HAYWOOD, Pub. 7r. Valuable Lands for Sale. npHE Subscriber offers for Sale, a very valuable Tract of Land, lying in Orange and Granville Counties, bounded by Flat River oh the West, by the River Neuse on the South, by Knap of Heeds Creek on the East, and by a straight line from the first to the last mentioned water-courses on the North containing 1200 Acre, and forming almost a perfect square. Better than one-half of the Tract consists of rich Law Grounds, the wnole being extremelv well adapted to the culture of Wheat, Corn, &c. and much of it Tobacco. No Planta tion in the District of Hillsborough is. better calculated for raising Stock of all kinds, and particularly Hogs, as the ' uncleared Low Grounds a fiord a most excellent Range for them. On it, there is a good Brick Dwelling-House, conraining rive Rooms, Kitch en, Smoak-house, Sic. all of which, at a very trirling expence, may be put into a con dition suitable to tho accommodation of a genteel Family! There is also on it, a large well-built Granary, lately erected, and capa ble of holding several thousand bushels of grain. If the whole Tract should be thought too large for one Purchaser, it may be divided into two compact Plantations. Possession rray be had this Fall, as soon as the growing Crop is taken oiF, and Wheat may b sown earlier, if desired by the Pur chaser. Such persons as may be disposed to view this Tract of Land, will make-application to Mr. Richard Bennehan, who lives near to it, and who formerly lived on it ; and for Terms, application rrftvbe made either to him, or to DUN. CAMERON. Hillsborough, Julv 16. Estate of William Bibb. A LL Persons indebted to the Estate Xi of Wm. Bibb, dec. of Wake County, are hereby requested to pay their respective debts to the undersigned Administrator of said Estate who qualified at the last Wake Court ; and all those to whom the said Wm. Bibb stood indebted at the Time of his De cease, are hereby required to produce their accounts 'duly attested within the time li mited by Law. otherwise they will be de barred from recovery, agreeablv to statute JOHNNOR'RIS, Adm. Aug. 28, 1804. WILLIAM SHAW Has just received a fresh Supply of Goods, V amongst which ae Brown Sugar, superior Quality , Loaf Sugar and Coffee , . Molasses and Whiskey, Malaga and Sherry Wine y K French Brandy, Unseed Oil, Paints of all Kinds, Window Glasi and Patty Bar LeadShoi and Powder, Children's $ne colowe&HaU and : Jockey Caps, ' ' v ' 03 Also a fresh supply of eletrant STRAW BONNETS. ' Raleigh, Sept. 10. o j"j.- .Apprentice Soy named ;Johri Hendricfe, about 19 years old, five-'feet Jten or eleven Inches high ; tiauon wheo he went away, a mixed We spun Coat, atnped Waistcoat and Overalls. He was bound bythe.Wardens of the Poor of Lancaster; Disicf . vwLLIAM FL1NN Mecklenburg, N. C. Jug. 17, 1804. : THE CO-PARTNERSHIP ROBERT FLEMING & Co. U, Having been this day dissolved- The Stock of Goods on Hand Will be sold at Cost, for Cash only BY JOSEPH ROSS, To whom' all those indebted to the late Firm-of Robert Fleming Co. are requested to make Payment. - ale;gh, Aug. 1, 1804. JOHNSON sP FLEMING, . Have just received, Best West-India Rum, Molasses, Holland Gin, Loaf &Brovn Sugar, Cogniac Brandy, Cofiee, Imperial and Young Hyson Tea, Sherry Wine, j With an additional Supply of r DRY GOODS, Which completes their Assortment. They hope, by keeping up a general stock of Ar ticles calculated to suit rhe market, and dis posing of them 01 the m ost moderate terms, to deserve the encouragement of their friends Varrenton, Aug. 2. NOTICE. HT HOSE indebted to the Concern of Nuttall and Hamilton, and that of William Hamilton Si Co. by open Accounts or Notes now due, are hereby notified, that dieir jTSspective Accounts and Notes are placed ill the Hands of Mark Cooke, who is authorised to settle the same and grant discharges ; and unless they avail them selves of this Notice by coming forward and making Payment in a few Weeks, they will find th eir Notes and Accounts in the Hands of an Officer, without Discrimination. W. HAMILTON. Raleigh, Aug. 31. 1804. ! FOL SALE, i tbef Town of Tarborough, gtlio WELL-IMPROVED LOTS, j On the Main Street. On one is a complete Set of Stores and Warehouses. The other has a neat Dwel ling. House and other Accommodations for a small Family. The Buildings are all new and of the best of Yellow Pine. The Stores are at present occupied by Mr. Marsh. His Year expires on the rirst of November, at whichjlTime Possession will be given ; the Other on the 1st of-January. Terms will be made known by Mr. James Southerland, of that place, or the Subscriber in this City. JOHN INGLES. Raleigh, Sept. 1, 1804. Strayed FRONT THE SUBSCRIBER, A; DARK BAY MARE About ten Years old, four feet nine inches high, black Main and TJ1, branded on the near Thigh B. P. and has a white Spot on her right bide, about the Size of a Shilling, and shews three Scars oa her Withers, thai were cajised by cutting a Fistula ; and has nad a small Bell. Also went off with her a Horse Colt, one year ohl. light Bay. The Mare was raised iiy John Whitaker, on Eno"" in Orange County, ( about eight Miles below Hillsbo rough, hear M'Cabe's Mill, where it is ex pected she will try to 'get. She passed Greeneviile, in Pitt County, about twelve Days ago, and took the Road from thence to Stantpn's Bridge onTosniot; which is the last Account I can get of her Any Person who shall fiud her and the Colt, and wiil deliver them to Geo. -Green, in Greuneville, in Pitt County, shall receive a Reward of Ten Dollars ; if found at so great a Distance as to make it inconvenient to send Iter, I wiilthank any Person tqfstop her, and; write me to Washington, Beau fort County, by Post, sq that 1 may come or send for her, and pay for such Trouble- as they may be at in so doing. Cornelius Patrick, Washington, Beaufort County, ' May 17. UN OVERSEER Td take chargeof Ten Hands yyHO is an honest, industrious Maii, and understands the culture of Corn and Tobacco, would meet with good encouragement the ensuing year from a per son ie Wake County. A man from either of the Counties of Halifax, Northampton, W arren, Franklin, Granville or Edgecomb, would be preferred. Noie need apply with out the recommendations at least of two re putable Fafmers. Apply to the Printer. MEDITERRANEAN PASSPORTS. , xtOTIGE is hereby giveli, that H has been deemed expedient to change on form of the Mediterranean, Passport is sued to vessels of the United' States; that from the eighth Day of July next, those oi the new form will be issued it the Custom Houses to every Vessel, for which applica tion may be made on a compliance with the terms prescribed by law, and surrendering the former passport of which she may be possessed, if any, in which latter case no fees will beire.-juired for the exchange: and that by an arrangement agreed upon by the BarbaYy Powers, with whom we, are at peace, either the old or the ne& , form bl passpojt will be sufficient to protect the ves sels of the United States from capture, un til the 1st of July 1805, after which the old form of passport will be unavailable anp he new oue alone m use. Department of Sratey JMay 23d, 1804. 1 ,;!iiff ,; stills. , -v rpPJE.' Subscriber ba just .received fromPhUadelpbia, from the best maker there, EIGHTY STILLS, from 35, to 8u Gallons, ami FIVE from 115 to 130 Gallons Also, a quantity of SHEET BRASA. which will be sold jow for prompt Paymem only. PETER PERRY. i . "iJ.rkt, With r, Feltow can Work i 0 has a Scar on hs rigUt knee,. Hi , the Cut of a Axe, and aniht ?6 Buttk occasioned by a tr? Child J expect he will attach1 some Villam and endeavour to n- Mac. If .he should leave thisC ! yUl change his Name a,,."" Master, iftaktn at a distance ! Since he leii n,e, he hath been a- "'' -s andtrol Custody. I wouldtth ' commend that if he should be an .'" he should be secured in such a M J " " prevent his any Opporttr.? ; -capmg, as this wiH be his tirst Scu " I wUt give the above Rewavd to , -son who delivers him to me in - County, N. Carolina, or one half ed in Goilso that 1 get him, and a' able Charges paid. ALEX. MUR ", " : August 25th, 1804. ' "'--i Fifteen Dollars Reward, R AN away from the Subsciiber livinp- near York f!nnrtUrv. . . cri O -4JUiC V f. Carolina, on the 4th July last, a KpZf? MAN named JIM, about 25 Yearsot7 5Feet 8 or 9 inches high", speaks goodT glish, had good Cloathing which het u with him, ties his Hair, and plays Dn Fiddle ' Any Person taking up said N and bringing him to me, or securing v,;!?0' . any Goal so mat I may get him atrii receive the above Reward, with allTeaio able expences. JOHN WATSOV Tori District, S. C dug. 8 I8O4. ' SHERIFFS' SAIsES. NOTICE. On tlx "2th day of Scptenibcrt Ty'ILJ, be sold for Cash at the Court-house in Onslow county, agrW. ably to Law, . the following Landssitu in the said County of Onslow, or a ' much thereof as will .satisfy the Taxes due therepn for the Years as hereafter stateH with all such extraordinary Charges as Lard I is rendered liable to in such Cases made and proviaea oy Act ot.msseiriDiy : 42600 Acres of Land, situate in said County, on the branches and head waters of New and Whiteaak rivers, Queens aid Bear Creeks, which is said to belong to John Jones, Esq. and the Heirs of Isaac Guion, Esq. dec. and the Taxis Are due thereon fa the year 1803. 300 Acres situate said County on eac Side of the Main iv3ad leading from Mrg. King's to Wilmington, between said Mrs. King's and. Mrs. Sage's, which is said to belong to the Heirs of Samuel Glig, ar.d the Taxes -re due thereon for the Years 1796, 97, 93, 99, 1800, 1801, 1802, and 1803. . , 200 Acres situate on "White Oak river, joining or near the lands of Wm Jones.Esq. and the Taxes are due therein for the Years 1802 and 1803. 640 do. situate in said County, joining cr thereon for the Years 7 1796, Sr, 98, 99, 1800, 1S01, 1802 and 1803. LEMUEL DOTY, ShE." lst August, 1804. WILL BE SOLD, At the Court- House in Raleigh, on the last Saturday in September next, TTHE following Lands .situate ia Wake County, or so much thereof as will pay the Taxes due .thereon for the year 1802, with the expences o f sale, &c. 290 Acres, given in by John Rogers, dec. 100 do. given in. by Needham Gower. 100 do. -given in by Joseph Gardner, ly ing on the Waters of Black Creek, a4 join ittg the Land of Edmund Stevens. JOHN DAVIS, Shi Aug.U. T WILL BE SOLD, At the Gnrt-hoiue in Lumbzrton, in RJotM County, on Saturday the 29th of Sjptsmbn next, TriE following Tracts of Land, or as much thereof as will pay the Taxes and Charges thereoff; for the year 1802 aid 1803, ;- 1687 Acres, in severaT Tracts, on the soudi side of Rocktish Creek, enlisted by by W. H. Herrington, of Richmond Couary, for the years 1S02 and 1803. 300 Acres, on the south side of Creek, enlisted by the Justice who receive the lisrs as the property of Goodwin, for 1802 and 1803- . , 450 Acres, enlisted as the property of Trvon Smith, for 18u2 and VM3. 100 Acres on the soutli side of the Great Marsh, enlisted by George Iknor for Phihp Hill. 460 Acres near Wilkinson Swam?, eo listed bv John M'Neill. . 163 Acres between Ashpole and Shoe-heel, enlisted bv L,uaiies?eai. 100 Acres on the south side of Rockhs the property of Hugh M'Hay, .sq. 100 acres on the north side of Drowiun Creek, joining Charles Qxendine's Lir' the property of Wm. Thompson. . lSo Acres oc he.south ,ide of Ten-mile Swamp, 1 n listed ; i -uel Lane, for W ,200 Acres near the Great Swranip. e listed bv Elizabeth Lee' for 1S02. ' , . ; THOMAS BAKEShf. August'18, "18 )4- "5 CARTERET COUNTY. . F t W' ILL be sold at the Coujrt-housc .... T . t.... nvt rnc IU"V" LVndi and Town Property, nOt banj P ihforthe Taxes-for 1803. or as muc ill satisfy the Taxes andWui g0AcsinHarIowfsSP Core Banks, ihe . Property of Smu son and Heirs of Arthur Mobson, ana Lot: ra. Baufort. . pjoper- 40 io. in Harlow's Swamp, the ty of Joseph and John Jtef- f ft,x, 176 do the .Property of Thomw lying on North Hiver. fl 9t 13 Acres, the Property oi Peter Pnysick, being Bm lr o Jolts .20 do. the propert) oi Mf? Sharne. "anas which, when hew IT5 down by his Sldes; he shoulderedi he i, l a fe Vvr Favcttevii'le, Aug. 2. ; ! : ! . 4 Aug. 19, 1304. - -f t 4

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