RALE1G H AND North- Oars uc the plans of fair delicti tfulpeace, UawarpU bfpftxtf raft, tolifce Hkebrothcrt. MonuaT, December 3, i804 No.27d i Vol. VI. J? M & 1 8 TMrJt Carolina State Gazette, VA;.UABL ESTATE. For iNe undivided third of that mos 0 valu&Me Estate, hetd in common b Messrs. Collins, Nathaniel Allen, and the Heirs of Samuel Dickinson, deceased, com jionly called the Lake Company. The laid estate consist! of 53,000 acres of Land in Washington County, N. C. lying be tweeo the Canal and Long Acre, bandin en Lake Phelps, PimgoLake and theHea of Pungo river. Also 5000 Acres of Laa in -Gum Neck, near LittU Allrgator Riv jn Tyrrei County. The above Lands qnal, if not strperiorfor fertility of soil, to any Land in the State ; no part of them are subject to freshes ox overflowings from said Lakes orRivers ; but a very considerable part nay nder water, or kept perfectly dry at pleasure, by meansof said Canal. This Canal formerly cut by said Company to" win the waters of Lake Phelps to Scupper song River, is 20 feet wide, 6 feet deep, zxa affords an excellent Navigation thedis nceof six miles, on one side of the first tract. On it and on the Lake is the Plan tation containing about 250 Acres of cleared Land in a high state of cultivation. The produce-in general is for one Acre, in Wheat about 30 bushels, in Rice from 50 to 60 do. and in Indian Corn, in good Seasons, about 63 1-2 do. taking the whole Crop together. In drr seasons Hemp has been very produc On the Plantation is a Rice Machine in complete order, in a Building 73 feet long, 42feetwvde, and four stones high. Also a Grist Mill, with a pair of Stones for Corn, and a pair of Stones for Wheat, with two Bolting Cloths, fecfScc. Also, a Threshing Machine in excellent order. " There is a Saw-Mill which is repairing to carry one Saw, and is intended to be in the same Frame with a Merchant Mill to carry thre or foor pair of Stones for manu facturing Flour, &c There is a goodDwelling-kotis, two Sto ses high, and all sorts of oat-houses, be ides two Bams and Stables. There are 63 negroes above 12 year of age ; amongst them are Tradesmen of dif ferent Kinds- Also, 33 Negroes under 12 years age. There are Carpenters' Coopers' & Black smiths Tools, besides every Kind of Plan ' Vition Utensils in good order." Horns, Hogs, Sheep, and about 100 Head of Cattle ; three larg-e Flats for theuse of the Canal, &c The medium Crops, when making Rice and Corn, are from 220 to 28o casks of Rice, 600 wt. gross, each ; and from 3 to 600 barrels of Corn. Do. when making Wheat, from 160 to 190 casks of Rice, from 3 to 4Q0 barrels of Corn, 1300 bushels of Wheat Lumber from the Saw-mill, when employed! with two saws, has sold from 2, 500 to 3,000 dollars yearly, employing 12 Hands. Flax, Ctton and Hemp are not included. 'The Rice has sold for from 5.to 6 dollars per hun dred these several years past. Were there 40 Hands more on the Plan tation, the Profits might be reckoned at last one-third, if not one Half more, for each Hand, and for as many more as could be pat on it. Certifed by THOMAS TROTTER, Superintendant. Mr. Nathaniel Allen, of the town of Edenton, and one of the Company, being desirous to sell his Interest in said property, has authorised the Subscriber to dispose of the same in his Behalf, and has put in his possession -all the necessary documents for the information of the per sons disposed or inclined to purchase . The Terms of payment are, one-fourth down out the execution of 'he Deed or Deeds of Con veyance ; the Remainder at two annual and qual Payments, to be secured in the mot unexceptionable way. The manner in which said Property has teeamanaged.since the year 1787, when the company was formed, makes it a mostdesir able acquisition to gentlemen of capital, and ty far out weighs the inconvenience attending property held in common ; as a Superin feud ist, having the management and direion f the whole, with one or two Overseers u erhim, renders it unnecessary for the Pro prietors to be at any further Trouble concern ing said Estate, than an annual Settlement h will further appear by the abeve state ment furnished from the Company's Books pihat the yearly produce of 250 acres now ucr unage, amounts to between 8 and 10,000 dollars annually ; and that were 40 50 more working Hands put on the said t State, the profits weald early be doubled, hardly any additional Expence, as a n-iyarger quantity ot L.and might be laid Mder Cultivation,' with nearly the charges i the present Farm. Any Application by wav ioiae auoscriber, wno resides near Plymouth, Washington County, N.C. or o Mr. Allen himself, or Mr. Stephen Ca "rrus, of Edenton, will be duly attended l and ariy further Information, if requir will be ahearfully imparted. - JOHN ROULHAC, to . Attorney at Law. fyrnoutb, N. C Oct. 16, 180 See Gutbrie's Geography improved, 2d Page 514, Pbifadtlpkim Edition Valuable Lands fir Sale. THE S"bsP,riler offTr fori very valuable Tract of Land, lying m Orange and Granville Counties, bounded by Flat River on the West, by the RiveNeuse on the South, by Knap of Reeds Creek on the East, and by a straight line from n e first to the last mentioned water-coarsestdh the North containing 1200 Acres, abn forming almost a perfect square. Better than one-half of the Tract consists of rich Low Grounds, the wnole being extremely well adapted to the culture of Wheat, Corn, &c. and jnuchofit Tobacco. No Planta tion in the District of HiHsborough. is better calculafedf "raising Stock of all kindr, and particularly Hogs, as the uncleared Low Grounds afford a most excellent Range for them. On it, there is m rood Brick D wel ling-House, containing five Rooms, Kitch en, Smoak-house, &c. all of which, at a very trifling expence, may be put into a con dition suitable to the accommodation of a genteel FaVnily. There is also on it, a large well-built Granary, lately erected, and capa ble of holding several thousand bushels of grain. If the whole Tract should be thought too large for one Purchaser, it may be divided into two compact Plantations. Possession rray be had this Fall, as soon as the growing Crop is taken off, and Wheat may be sown earlier, if desired by the Pur chaser. Such persons as may be disposed to view this Tract of Land, will make application to Mr. Richard Bennehan,1 who lives near to it, and who formerly lived on it ; and for Termsj application may be made either to him, or to DUN. CAMERON. HilUborougb, Julv 16. MEDITERRANEAN PASSPOXIS. XTOTICE is hereby given, that it A has been deemed expedient to chang on form of the Mediterranean Passport is sued to vessels of the United States ; that jromthe eighth Day of July next, those of the new form will be isssed at the Custom houses to every Vessel, for which applica tion may be made on a compliance with the terms prescribed by law, and surrendering the former passport of which she may be possessed, if ariy, in which latter case no fees will be required'Fo the exchange : and that by an arrangement agreed upon by the Barbary Powers, with whom we are at peace, either the old or the new form of passport will be sufficient to protect the ves sels of the United States from capture, un. til the 1st of July 1805, after which the old form of passport will be unavailable anp he new one alone in Use. Department of State, . May 23d, 1804. J JOHNSONS FLEMING Are now receiving A large and general Assortment of GOODS Suitable for j be Si. so, WHICH, together with the mictes recent ly arrived, rendjM their st6 compleativ fitted toupply jCr friends, aod whicj.1 they are determined- mined.--A -on the. mact rot' sonable terms..- rea- Johwson 8cf leminc bfg leave to rv turn their gratehil acknowledgements to their friends, for the encouragement they, have received since their commencement in business, and hope by a studied attention to support an assortment calculated to suit the market, and by disposing of tbm on the most moderate terms, pa merit a continuation of the public favour. A dedaction of ten per cent, will be al lowed for Cash on sums not less than 25 dollars, groceries excepted. HILLSBOROUGH MILLS With the Lots thor eto attached, Will be sold at Public Vendue, At Hillsborough on the 10th January next, On a credit of rive annual equal Payment with interest from the day of sale. A greeable to a decree of the court of Equity for the district of Hillsboroogh Good per sonal Security will be required Hilhborougb, Nov. 1, 1804. TO BE RENTED. On Saturday tbe 22d of December next, for one lear, rpHE Plantation of the Subscriber, on the wet,t Side of Tar Riven six Miles from Tarborough, with a good Seine Place. dlso, vrill be told on tbe tame Day . and Place, A new Seiae, fif y Fathoms in length, one Inch and a quarter Mash, four Feet in depth a quantity of Com and Hogs, six or eight Head of good Horses, a fine Apple Nursery of a thousand Trees now fit to set out and choice Fruit, with manjc other Things too tedious to mention. A few likely Male Slaves will be hired out jor one year, Terms of the Sale will be, twelve Months Credit, with Bond and approved Surety, but if nor punctually paid, Interest wiir be re quired from the Dav of Sale. GEO: BKOWNRIGG' Ncn embet 20ih, 1804. HUGH M'GUIRE, T Espcctfully informs the Public - V . ' . otiened, ;n tke Stom lutt us i formerly occupied by the late Mr, M'Kethen A VARIETY or DRYQOODS. He has also on hand, Best Sherry Wine Spanish and French Brandy, Holland Gin, Coffee and Sugar, Gentlemen s Boots & Shoes Ladies Slippers assorted. Country & Spanish Scgars. He hopes the reduced price at which he is disposcd Q Ku wip meet the approbation of such as are pleased to grant him their custom. Raleigb, Nov. 28, R. CANNON. tt AS just received from New-York, a large and General Assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, Also, Loaf and Brown Sugar;, Coffee and Tea, Jamaica Rum, Apple and Peach Brandy, Sherry Wine, Corsica ditto. French Brandy andfiin. All of which he will sell on the most rea sonale Terms for Cash. - November 22. Wm. SHAW. ttAS just received a fresh Supply of . Holland Gin, French Brandy, Jamaica Rum, Malaga and Sherry Wines, Loaf Sugar, Porter and Cheese, A Trunk o f remarkable neat Cot ton Umbrellas, c.cu cw vj Straw Sonnets, And a fru) Boxes first quality Spanish Segars. November 24. S. BOND, TLtAS just received from New-York, a large and Geneiol Assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, Also, Loaf and Brown Sugar. Coffee and Chocolate, loung Hyson Tea, jfatnaica Rum, Apple and Peach Brandy, and Sherry Wine. ble AH of which he sell on the most reasona- Teats for Cash. November 24. Just received from Newbern,0 Mr. Martin's Revisal of the Public Art. .f ib ar,nlAobh. r - 4 y Statc? frm theVr i7 t0 1803, price Four Dollars : tj:. d...;; r..j tjji J Jge rcuc Work, containing the Acts from 1715 to 1790. ADVERTISEMENT. QNthe ist Day f January, 1805, will be sold at public Auction, to the highest Bidder before the Court-House in E denton, between thirty and forty likely Ne groes belonging to the Estate of Dr. Smuel Dickinson, deceased, if nt previously dis posed of at private Sale. They consist of Man, Women ,and Children Families, and some young Men and stout Boys. For Terms apply to Mr. Joseph Gales, at Raleigh, and Elis Norneet and Dr, Beas- at Edenton. Nov.20th, 1804. NEW BOOKS. J. GALES respectfully informs the Pub- lie, that he has at presfnt a very complete Assortment of Books in all the various B ranches of Learning, via. Religion and Morality, Law, Medicine, History, the Arts and Sciences, Philosophy, Natural History, Biography, Politics, Voyages and l?:Tt?: IIlAllt. aiiu "tin, auu iigwuaiibuiu 11 Novels and Romances, School Books, books heo tf .instruction and entertainment of Youth, 8tc. Catalogues to be had gratis at his Store Subscribers to the Life or Washington Currans speeches, and the Domestic Ency- clopjediai may have their Books on applica- ion. November 3. NORTH-CAROLINA House of Commons, Thiirsdayj Nor. 29. The yeas and nays were taker! on the second reading of the bill to divorce Samuel Easton, of Carte ret county, from his wife Zilphia which were for it 62, against 57V The bill to enable the commis sioners of the town of Fayettevllle to erect , a, warehouse in the town for the inspection of tobacco, was rejected On itssecond reading 81 to 28. A message was sent to the Se nate, proposing an alteration in the resolution for equalizing the land tax, giving the committee power to report by bill or otherwise. ; as the resolution stood, they were di rected to report by bill only. The following message was re ceived from the Senate : " It having been made appear to thi9 house, that it is not the desire of the Hon. Jesse Franklin to have his name in nomination for the ap pointment of Senator from this State in the Senate of the United States : We therefore propose to withdraw his name from such nomination ; and herewith send you an extract of a letter from the Hon. Mr. Franklin to a member of this house.' The extract was as follows : " Wksbington, Nov. 14, 1804. "Sir, ' The time is approaching when a Senator to represent the State of North-Carolina in tht C the United States must be appointed to succeed me after the 4th of March next. Doubts may exist in the minds of Gentlemen respecting a further tender. of my services for the appointment. You are authorised to say for me, that I am not a candi date. Claiming nothing in the course of past services, but the merit of ha ving done my duty, it will be with pleasure I shall retire. When I make this declaration, to ' say that I would withhold my services in any event from the State and people amongst whom Hive, and who have hereto fore given me so many repeated . proofs of their attention and confi dence, would be more than I could justifyLto my own feelings ; and if any contingency should arise in filling the vacancy that will take place, in the opinion of Gentlemen, which "Jfkf K neccssary for good ofthe btate toluse V e, thejsa- crifice must be made but I flatter myself none will occur." No order wks uken on thif m sage ; and Mr-:R. Cochran, who had nom;nated Maior Franklin. A fce would not withdraw his riame. Messrs. J. Moore and W. Hawkins, of the Commohs, and Messrs. Little and Wellborn ; of the Senate, were appointed a committee to wait on his Excellency the Governor, to con duct him into the presence of both houses in the Commons' Hall, for the purpose of qualification. The Governor attended accordingly and the oaths of office were administered to him by N. Jones, Esq. the mem ber from this county Mr. Jones from the balloting committee for : a Senator -fort the U. States, reported that the votes were for Franklin 59, Stokes 52, Smith 31, Blount 23 Cabarrus 17 ; that no person havihg a maiority of votes another balloting was necessary, which was fixed for to-morrow-morn- . , , . Mr. CabarTUS S name which had not been mentioned before, was in the Senateaddedto the norainition -ri ni , . .' auu a . ajwujqx witnarawn. Mr. H. If . Cddke presented the petition of Sterling Brewer, pray ing that the Secretary be directed to issue a duplicate land warrant. Referred. The resignation of Charles x?a rish, as a Justice of the Peace for Waie County, was received and accepted The Senate informed the hdu$e they had appointed Messrs. Martin and Alexander to join the Com mons committee to examine Mar tin's Re visal of the Laws. The following bills were presen ted and passed their first reading . By Mr. Knight, a bill to eman- cipate and alter the names of cer tain persons therein mendoned ; By Mr. J Cochran, a bll to continue in force for a longer time an act for the relief of non-commfs sioned officers and soldiers of the continental line and militia of this State, who have been disabled in the service of the U. States, or of this State, during the late war, and who are not placed on the pension, list of the U. States, and are bar red by the act of limitation passed in 1781; By Mr. Mobley & bill to esta blish the mode of elections in fu ture in the county of Sampson ; By. Mr. Loyc, a biU ..to repeal alt acts and clauses of acts heretofore passed declaring certain entries lapsed, notwithstanding the pur chase-money may have beeii paid in case they are not surveyed and returned into the Secretary's office within the limited time ; By Mr. Nash, a bill to repeal so much of the 10th section . qif an act passed in 1795, to amend the laws heretofore passed concerning court houses and prisons, and to provide for the safekeeping and humane treatment of persons incoitfiucment, as directs the manner of paying guards, and to direct how in future compensation shall be made them ; By Mr. Davidson, a biU to ex empt millers of public mill frorn working on roads, or being over seers of roads or being compelled to serve as jurors ; : 3y Mr. J. Smith a biJUo repeal an act passed in 1803 to divide tiie militia on the north 'f the Yad kin river, in Rowan county, into two separate regiments, attel for other purposes ; By Mr. 3rownrigg a bill, to, a mend an act passed in 1803, to raise the jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace out of court; and - By Mr. Nelson, a bill to repeal the seconpV sectign of the militia law passed in 80p, as far as. it re spects general reviews. Received from the Senate, a bill directing the duty of the Sheriff of Tyrrei county in hold'mg separate elections ; 4 ' A bill to establish a second se parate election in the county of ?itt and A hill to amed an act making further compensation, ta like jurori of Halifax and Edenton superipr courts, as far as respects Jlajifiix, passed in 1803. Received also from the Senate a resolution, 'directing our Sena tors, and requesting our Re pre sentatires in Congress to use their endeavours to obtain an amendment to the Constitution of the U State to prevent the importation of SJaves into the U. States irom the West Indies, thecoat 5jf Africa or else where.--R4tcerred to thecpjttec on the Governor's message, Friday Nov. 30. The committee cprnnoscdlof the, memberafVom the counties in tht. district of Newhern, to whom was committed the petition, of sundry inhabitants of Hyde county, pray ing that the seat -of the courthouse and other public buildings be remo -X f i 'Mix-' " J 1 - i c, -. -1 - v '. . - K ' - -ft , ' 1 "