L 6 . V V ; 9-. AND X" North Carolina '4i Ours are the plamoffair delightfuljjeace, Unvrarp'd by pwty rage, tolive like brothert. Monday, February 'llAtVS of NORTH-GAROLINA, spiffed 'at the Sejion of the General Ajfcmbly just clofed. UtiSbtef't,'' - . . i. r ...... ' i.w.M r.na1 from Roanoak 4 5 1 t nmrwn inr the tllirDOSC OI CUlllll a aTiKa" . V - -Bivertd MbheTttnwr.'.aod another Nav! gable Canal from Bennet amemonxl Rlr, ;in the.State of .Virginia, apairqm , communication between the said rivet r OiaVoak andsemona, U aaect of great importance to ccr rseWlbnto State and of Virginia, and mariy Fer8? f ! ? - iihscribeiarftesus ol money ior the purpose 01 eenng mucu- "7" ' - - ' AP.vf. l fi Aw - Ail - ' irr - 1 y. 1 r' 1 -inViiHiftitt ! m i'"n 'ir1'" '' ' tj,-MssatcasBaa ' ' al ; : :t rxiyt - :j -r v . 4 I ,uy uicname-oi me Koanoak Company, and may sue and basucais suchV'and suth oHhe 4 ' V , said subscribers as shall be pre.ent at the said meeting,Vot a mhjoritv.bf theraT are herebr ' -I empowered and required tm elect a President and Directors "for conducting the iaid'' -: .undertaking, and managing alt .the said companyVbimness and cohVcrnsfor and duf be v V V such time,, not exceeding three years. 4s the said aacrifft-ral &&ZtfKri J ' Creek, in thbtate,to- tmnfc nt ; and in oouuting the vote of aU generalmVetiog'itthfc'Mid mpanyi ech'lncni . ber shall be allows! nn? rr,f- f- cK, yr--i-iiriil-jj.'i-j-ilJ :: ? v w : , . oihhc as 4,11 sua ,anu one voir ior every tive . Vc'l'l er to Mehernn Kiver, -UUTC lcu "y "n or tier neia at titc time in saidicompany4;-aad'any proprietor,' br - beror proprietor to vote or actas proxy, for him or her in any general meeting. Y . IV. a enacted, That the said President andlDirector so elected, .aSdi tnfir a0o ; cesors. or a maioritv nf fhttt:-MifetiUrr-' WKiii ir r.i '. ' .v ' . ,i 7 j -wm;mp.v. iwati navy uMwci uu.auvuuiiiY .vw'tti'tcc vyiui Mr'i1 wra; i J aia nrbpertfiat they thtir heirs andassigiis, should be ernpowerea to receive t . m : rn tU mnnpv advanced bv them incarrvinK the said works into ex Icutlort' W the risk thev run : And whereas, by a resolution ot the General Awembly of Vvt&SU passed on the tourthday of January, obe. thousand eight hundred dQUhyc f L -1 a n, , ..intwl nnv three of whemi were empowered to wait on this General person or persona on behalf of thesaid company, to.utthe said'eana an'dto:lereauch, locks, and to perform such other works as they shalliuHge necessary ftthe.iiaraat&n of thfi oiiia ana carrvino' nn thi cam. imm nU.a a tn j . - such terms ahd in such manner as thev Rhnll tViint fit i r,Amtt tU ,0;.V , "-VI- tne subscriptions and tolls, to 'nav frtrIi n'nrt.M t-vno 4nt niiwkii r nai, Jocks and ptherworks necessarv thereto, and to defravall incidental charrfM. iftiH .1 u 1 . . .u .1 ' . . " . v- ,-' -. 1 ,v. w. u ;0 growth, nrocluce or manutacture' brbaghc ihroJga hesaid caaals, or either of mav be soM o. exported without re-inspection. Secondly, the State of Virgtniaagrees, that th. 'wateiib' Roa-6al- river, and all its branches, andalt the Other watera c.mmuniciuingwith . AliinaiV S.uad;as far as the same are in Virginia, shall be freyer considered as a coumion ' hicaav frse tor the use and navigation of vessels belonging to the State of North-Carolina, V-op aat' of its citizens, and that they shall not be therein subject to the payment ot any toll charge whatever, imposed for the purpose of-raising revenue ' Thirdly, the State of " n Korth-Carolina agrees, .that the water? of Roanoak river, and all its branches, and atUhe ; otfc Waters communicating with Albemarle Sound, as far as the same are in North-Caro- iinsi :5huU lie forever considered as a commcrn.highfray'free for the use.and navigation of ycs'Vfe.eiongmg tdthe State of .Virginia, or aty of it citizens, and that they shall not - bethemnubject td.hepavment of am, tolt or charge whatever, irdposed for the purpose of raisii.' revenue. - Fourthly,, tbe btate ot lMortn-arouna agrees, iuat no restriction, auty of-imoost shall be laid on any coaunoaity wnicn tne growin, prowiuc or manuiacture 01 iHVSute of Virginia,, passing through the atoresard waters, or any ot tnemy to the said ca--'aeis pr.through die said canals, or either of them for sale or exportation, and that the same -my'beold'br exorte4 without re-inpectioa. , In those articles where it is expressed that "ad duty orJ.mppaVistoe laid for, the purpose of raising revenue, it is not to understood - tha; theiirxobsitiJn of tolls for the purpose of improving the navigation of the.said waters is -prevented. Lastly, the citizens of each of the said two States may have the use of th h4ye' passed durugh the said canals, or eitherof them; on paying the price of the labour of 0-re4hstloo,-and rio more. c " ' ' - . . , ' " And whertfasihis. General Assembly are of opinion, that the said stipulations are raada -nju5taOQ mutual principles of the true interest o,f both States: -"VV '''BtJtti&rfirtJttt&U&'Ttolthk said stipulations are hereby approved, confirmed and ra Ktified W the GeWral Assembly of the.State of JSorth-Carolina, and that every part thereof shall bfe bbljga'torv on this State and the citizens thereof, arid hall ! be forever? faithfully and ' :WioIablv preserved and kept by this Government and all its ciuiens according to the true Xti&cm ami meaning wcicw V -II, Aiid be ft further enacted by the General AwrMy of, the State tfMrtftfCarol:nat mid "4 rit 'farfbuewcudhytfie authority qfthrsatbe, That it shall and may Ipe lawjfil to open books n"tnccoonties of Stokes, Rockingham, Caswell, Person, Granvjlle WarrenvHalifax and I VKTnrtnammn: iitnder ie management of William Barnett in Stbkes, Robert Galloav in lowance to be made to hin t;.. r,v.un. .a u - Jvl : -it..: j . .... I 1--- w iv.vo iv.mt nut vavci mi ot. viuiiai o u viiq.uunurco.ior the disbursemems by him made. And that no bfEcsr in the said company shall have a vete ttl the settlement or naacuiP.hU own ni-mmnf ' v, , J V. And be it enacted. That the. said Presid 'tx,;.Ju JU' - QirtWV.Vriv in'f!a!welL fames Cochran in Person, fame Vaurvkan m '.GranvjUe -liriaaduke johnkon in VVarren, John baton m Halifax, and Lawrence Smith ' in Nonbamntbn ; -aitd under the management ol such persons, and at such places m Virgi- irst above thitthei Wone H:maredtWusand dollars,: for :the purpose of accomplishing the.canal -'WntionadiSvhlcii suWcrintion shall be made personally or by power ol attorney ; 'a:q books hau be opened tor receiving suoenpuons o msi iytonuay m may next; and :il contapue op?n until thirst Monday mMay in the year one thousand eight handred ;md ;v'-'ii;'ai5d oa the sauVlast mentioned day there shall be a general meeting of the subsribjsrs at ? ; 1 -ViHiarfwroygh, in' the State of North-Carolina ; of which meeting notice shall be J ven1 : 5vUes:iid:man io'the Gazettes of both the aforesaid States, at ;le;iit one jnontlvncXt before the- said meeting, and such meeting shall and may be continued ' 'Nfrom iay to dar tmuUhe' bmmesVis finished. ' And the acting managers shall, at thejime I '.iblice'afortsaldi lay -bctore &ucf ol the subscriber as sniui meet according to thp said 'notice; the. books by themespectiyely kept,' containing the state of the said subscription, and ontialfof the capitarsuin foresaU shoWjon examination appear not to have bten sub r rrihp1 -thVi the. siid manacref.3 "are ! empowered to take and receive subscriptions to make ?nt and Directors, and their successors, d a1 vl majont ot them, .shall have full power and authority, from time to time as money shall be - fr'f wanting, to m,ke and sign orders for that purpose, anddirect at whattitne andiii whatpro- -SJ portion the proprietors shall advance and pay off the sums subscribed, whicli "orders shall be O aavertised ai hast one month rathe Virginia and North-Carolina Gazettes. " And'they are hereby .authorise! and cmsxvwered to demand and receive of, the several proprietors frora4, ' ffl time to time, the sums ot money sordered to be advanced for the carrying on andexecut- .t f fng or repairing and keeping in order the said woiksr until the sums Subscribed shall be ' jfi1 Juiiy paid ; and to order the said sums to be deposited in the hands of the'trzas'urcr. to be bv 1 ,f him disbursed and laid out as the said President and Directors, or a majority of tbem, shall . I order and direct. And if any of the said proprietors shall reiuse or neglect to pay their said V. V fhh proportions within one month after the same ii $o ordered and advertised as aforesaithe. ' '; fl fc said Presidentnd Directors, or a majority of them, may se!l at auction, and cWvey to trie- , purchaser, the share orf shares of such proprietor so refusing or neglecting payment, givingt M And a iuit and true list of all the subscribers, with the sums subscribed . ' . ' ' i . .... ...... r I ' b'j tJiVdeficiencv , ; : :4jy each, , shall be maqe out and returned hy the said managers, or any lour or more oi them, r .upder heif;haqds;- ;thV soperiocourt.of the.dUtrict of, Hillsborough, and into such f ' enure is theSCate of Virgini a sHtll direct, to be there recordbd.; Ar,d .in case more than the uin'rlri'd thousimd dollars shall be subscribed, then the' same shall be reduced I - - 'frthat'-wim bv the safdXBanagers! or a rbaibrrty of them, by beginning" at, and striking li' -r- fmm Vh inrTrUrishbscrintioa" of subscnptiohs,";and continuing tostr I : Wih-Wnrio'fttfmiier thd laTffest-andiibove bheshare: until the sumis 1 afrtresi?lbf Jotse' htinUrwt thousand dollar, bfcitmtila share js taken Wirrt,4vhl;haT arltl 'lots Vhail be drawnOjetweeh ihbscribers of t r V'ltheVuWoersinrwhichsn lst to be mad Uv""iW.anrl Sf tb 'nm' Rubscribed'stUt exceeds the capital aforesaid, -tf 4uu aiter retaining the sum due and charges of sale, out of the - money produced thereby, vicy yxmi reiund anU pay the overplus, anv, to the former owners ;;and if such sale should potproduce the full sum ordered and directed to be advanced as aforesaid, with the'inciden ta)charges,Hhe said President and Directors, or a m rjority of them; may, Jn the name of the company, sue and recover the balance, by motion, on (en days previous notice And thesaid purchaser or purchasers shallbe subject to the same rules and regulations as "if the said sale and conveyance had been made by theViginal proprietor. And to continue the succession of the said President, and Directors, and to keep up:the same number, ,.y f.';'That7mtime; to time, on the expiration of the term for which the said Presidtand Directors tere appointed, the proprietors df . the said company, at the next general meeting, shaU either coutinue the said President and Diirectora or .any ot. them, or shall chuse others in their stead ; and in case of the death, 'removal, resignation, ormcapacity of the President or any of the.Di rectors, mav and shall, In mannet5 aforesaid, elect any other person or persons to be President and Directors, in the.rooni of hmi'or them so dying, removing, tegigninj, oroecome incapable of. acting ;artd may," at any of their geDeraimeetings, remove the President or anvof the,Directors, and Appoint' others For1 and uunng me renuunderot trc term -Icf which feuch person or persons- were, atjBrstto hve acted, VU. Jjidbe it enai;tedy That every President aud Director, before he acts as such, shall . take art oth or "afHrnuU'toi for the due execution of his office. , :' ; - yill. jbidbc it cnaaed That''' the presence of proprietorsN(aving six hundred shares: at leasts shall be ntcessarj to comtitiite a general meeting; and that there; ha a.-generalmeeu " ingof the proprietors on :he first Monday In May in ever yean tstichonvibient places as skull, from time to timebe, appointed hy the said general meeting f but IF a Sufficient meetirig from day to, dayt eberal' meeting of prbprietbrs shall-be hatU which, may be tpcivRieet-... accounts of continued from day tp dayuf the business of the compauy is finished Tol; ip'gthe President and Dirtctbrs shall make report, and render, distinct and nii ai uc itatiua vj ujc uc.mmci suui ium as tne prppnetors, or aiajority-oitnem, Sfiaijjuqge w ,,5 neiessary for repairs and onungent charges, an equal dividend of a!l;the rWttprofitsarWng v - T'lj from the tolls hereby granted, shall be ordered aad made to, the prbprietor7;of;?the said' . r- OS ik& pff a share from all - reduced to the capital from all subscription qtial sums to determins 5 for, striking off as afore- len thev shall strike off hvthe sajp? rtle until. the sum.sub is 1 reduced b thecapharaforesaid, cr until all t . uuurmuv 11 p.vijiutwuii iwuicir sarcriii snares. Anu on.apy einergancy, m the. interval ne-' f,f y tween the said yearly meetings,, the President, or a m ;jority of th-Directorsrriay .appoint i J '.i a general meeting of the proprietors of ythe jupmpaoy, at 1 any convenienCpUce, "giving at least one month's previous notice an the Virginia and Korth-Carolma' Gazettes, which . j? meeting may b adjourned and continued as aforesaid, v ' ' :'K- ' . J IX. ilJ ii trtner enacted That it shailand mav be lawful to ooeh'books at,lViii-frpp- tf 1 ' VAUunbersar "reduced ttr.rue share; and if there still-beAn excess, then lots shall be drawa ' t4"jetenximd the rsubscribers who are.tO be exicluded to reduce the subscription'to the capi?' ' t'aTpVesaidVvhTcj list aforesaid.-: And the sad capital ''$uk shallbe "rWkbne'd and divlcfedanto one thousand shares at'pne hundred dollars each, f Vrdchivery person gubstribmgmay take .or suhscribe for one or more whoU'shares, ahd ) 1 brotheWs6 'Sf twined, that brf.essTDncaUoY the capital shall he subscribed, all suhkrip iops'-made' in trohVeflucnce HthiacMhlVbe'oid ; ;and in case one Jhalf and-less than the wholeof thVsa"id;capital shall bef subscribed as aforesaid, theft the President and Directors '. ."varohcrcbi emooweredSndirectttl to take'Wndreiveesubscriptmnswhl be first . '.''Loflere'd in whoW'shares aaforesaiduntd the.deficiencyshill be.tottde up ;, a certificate of t : ' hfch addtiionai sutiscrlpMoni shaU be made' under the hands of the President and Directors V.br ft mritt'tf diemortlw LtTrrie 'beingi, and returned to1, and recorded .innhe , courts riU-' fThat ibcase 'one hatfofthe saidaattalxor,agreater.sum be wTt , and their heirs and assigns, from the time of iKcir fenriteetmgv sh'ali bearfd are fcerbby dedaicd tt he 1 incorporaud into a company borough, in Hertford county,, at Windsor, ih Bertie countv,w at ' IMeiUon,hri 'ais in the county of Gates, under the management of Hardvt Murfreeat Murireesbbrou" Vt Chern at Windsor, of Nathaniel , Alton at Edeuton, and Weil's Cob J.,J..l ' '. " . r 1 I rl ami uuvici me, uiauHc- mciu sucn persows ana at sucn places in v irj pointed by that States, for receiving and "entering sAibscripdbns tb.the U amount , of seventy thousand dollars,' lor the purpose of acepmpiishmw: a Navigable Canaffrbm Bennct's creek. in thisftate; to Nansemond'riyer, at Suffolk t in the S&xs of Virgima ;:whichsubicriptions 11 shall be made personally or by power of attorney that the said hooka shall be opened for 'a uic ivv.ivuij ui auyjunjuuiia uu uic inai inuiiu)' ui iTiay ocxt,anu'Conimue open uutne. first Monday in J overnber fbilowing, dn which'day there .'shall b& a general meeuhg of all'1 U , urc suuauucuk.ouiui&, w wuicii roeevmg nouce snau oe ciyen oy tne saia mapaaess, or .lv y1 u ""-'ff . i-uc, vciic ui. y irgmui anu iNormvaroima, aneast one montn next before the. said meeting j and such meeting shall and may be .continued frbru'day today until uuwvjs uuigiik,u. imii iu tuuj: uidiidgct ni uic btiu raecungutn iu ui rcscncis ,.,wt k. ,iirio4 k..'u-. ..i.i .t : 1 il7 '.l . y14-' u (,mv uiu jcguiauuuar iciiuvc iu uw arrangement ui wic suarcsy and making a list of the subscribers, and other directions contained in the"secod seetion of uusav.v uiu,ciiu8 wtc iiuaiiiMs, vuiuDany , except inai tne list pi tne .suoscriocrs, anu oi xnc .fi sum subscribed byeachv- . shall N reurnedto the superior court of the district of Edentpny . . C aad to, such court as the , State of Virginia shaU direct, to bethere recorded."- ';o'n? "hiitfi' X'. Andbeii moeXThat incase erne haU of thesaid capital of seventy oiQa.Vd4iM f I ' : ' U ; ' ora greater sumt shall be subscribed .as aforesaid; the said subscribersiandtheitejrfahd asivr-; Fl r .sumi shall be signsi from the time dfthisaid rst -Wttoii shall be and are hereby declared to'Wiucorpbru m the tiuie of rteaib acbmpany, hy th a ntoacompany. y -ftiT ;:&amri wttoUst Pae.V"- ;' '-. ' ' - : ; i -, .. ,,' iK,,,,. ; . ; ?. ,.-' y 1 7;-l ? ' .''

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