Vf V - J. i W 5 : :nAj. AtvAY Frctri'the S-uhsifiiiert' living near. iFsut fht jCteuset mm uuuiirj, on turn m .. a. tfesro FelfowYname James 1 . Via? 11U l,Uy , ' 1 ' ' ' le large Jhan the Qtbr$k.wiiyJ5ft iron Negro Clothing and anew DatchBlaa? L-f:t . ' 1 tmrchased him last Atsrustof a Mr Aaroa -Moor of Cumberland coWywhere lie may ar 5h' time be.Jurkiry.fefc f I will ewe ten Dollars far said Fellow ile livredo meK or lodged m Wake jau, and a larger, sara in proportion t farther dis tance v . AMULL'Hllitl. W$c, Match 20 - , j SrATE NORTH-CAROLINA, . ., ; SAI.IIBCHY DlSTHtCT. 5- Court of Equity, March Termj 1805. Michael Fry Executor, IwL "tN this f Cause it gested to the Court tto'at . the Defendant is an Inhabitant of the Stac of Virginia, and the sime appearing to the Court by the Affi- Ktrcpuca router. j tJcin? sug the Courtthat Publication be nude in the taicii;h. Register of this Suit. o$ the Space of three Weeks j and.it is further ordered t iTi-l fh"ri1 fii.-Vii f Vmt1 that iinl!i th T). fettdant Stephen ' Codier' appear nd answer tt the next Term that the iiill Jbe taken pr cocjesso, and a Decree made acctimlmg to us 1 raver. MAX i CH AMBERS, C, if. fifty Dollars RctvatyjL T AN A WAY from the Subscriber in the hep-inn in tr of October' last-: a Ne- M ii vt nii 1 c i 6 Feet bjghtjknid out 21 Years old v and has. a Gap in his r.'der- Fcfre Teeth -he' had five: Firiiwi bfi each Hand;' the little Fitrners were cut off; and where they were is a s;nall Kiiob about the Size oFa frge Wart- He has bce:i hJaroTof in Kash County,' and basses for a free Man. - Hs has with him a khort Great coat of grey Scar Skin, his under Cloathing of Homespun j he had also With him a con siderabte Quantity of "Money. I have sold him sitiee he ranaway to "Mr. Joseph Freh. Any Pers-m de iveringh'rri i'to said Joseph Fish, in Johnston County, 1& MiltS from Raleigh -and 16 from Smithridd, will rc ce.ve the above Reward. " 1 ' Stakling Johkson. -April 19th. 180S. VALUABLE LAND. ThHL'SabscriVr offers for sale that , valuable Flantxfiou containing about on theusand Acre of River and Back Land Iving on the north-east s;de of .thenorth- 'wcst branch'bf Cape Fear :River, a&or.t 25 iliks below Fayettev.llt, forroerly occupied by reter Kobc5oh, oec , dhierr are abou one huoar?d.crd of the faid Xnd cleared on the fiver, vwhlch has a con-rejaient D.wei ling House -andouuhouses, and orixthe hack Lands are two Mill-Seats on diBereni reams,, en oitt of which has been a Mill The Land is welt limbered with Pine ant Cak. For Terrrs apply to i Payetteville, April 19. Ib05. Raleigh . MoKDAt, Apeil 29, 1805. - The following i are the fortumiff .iinmbers in the Lumbenon Acatiem;. Xottery, jitibfished by order of tht -Board of Trustees of ai'Acaderfl for the .information of Ti cke boldrri (vis.) five dollar prizes, Nbi , 12, 14 20, 23, 26, 29, 3031, 33. 40, 46, 48; 53, 54, 58, 60, 61, -67, 68 84, 85, 97, 100, 102, 104, 106; 112, 1 7, 118,1 19, 4 29, 1 30, 131 , , 1 37, 158, . 1 59, . J 6.4 -167, 170, 171v 173, 174, 176, 1,82. 18 1, 186,- 157, -18, 94, 196, 197, 200, '20320- "-205, 20221,' 211, 213, 214, 215, 218, 221, 223, 225, 233, 234, 235, 239, 256, 257, 265, 268, 2Sl, 294, 296, S'02, 319523, 3a329, 543, 544,- 346. 348, '355, 362; 370, 37G, 87, 389-, 390 391, 242, 244, 251, 270 271, .277. 3p3, 5C6, - 5 17, r ts a t !M a . 1 ; ill. O 3Vm Oil, 352, 354, 381, 383, 395,' 299, 378, 33, 400,' 403, 404, 405, 407, 412, 417, 424, 428, -432, 436; 443, 445, 44r, 44.8, 452 4 58, ."461, 464, 46, 46?, 473, 473yT4,j475, 478, 479, 481, 490, 492C&46,497i499, 500,'506, 4 i&skiS&j 23526, 528, 532 J-i, 3J.P, '3, p?, oo, 547, 549, 55,4;$5,55 7,; 56,6, 568, 569; .573,' 576,81595, 6P2, j6pt6 P 17,:62'iv;622f 23(; 525t 629, 3C,j 32 633.. 634, 637, 646,' 618,) 619, vsyt ;oou,o? , oqy, Dfi, v.oi, 7lkt 72,: 72 1,4357$6; J;3 : ;733,-735v6f v75l;59i 762,,764y v76,?798,80206; 808816, .S73;-B77$78r.880j 88lj 883,fe883fj QJ;- R0T AO vvfi 9f)i .4. 907:1 S08.4 892, 8937V8W9tH 512 9 It?, ;i 942, 943 .,." it'ii'i.ii i a - I r,r . Woi mmk Vi.ti iiaL3rT!rt flip's? 1 1 95,T 196 l$fK ISe 1234, iUiSKidi tt5j 2&5 .1261, 1261275, 12792901293 1 303, Jl04 13061 3(1 i 1 $ 1 3 13 1 10101016,1020071 1029f 1037 IS20,',. J S2 fi;33Tf4$S5,- 1338V154S, .J352,ij54ytl355r;iai sy 1 $6$& 1S7d, 13SOM138iTi39S94, 1297.. 1398, 1402, !4tf?H40-l, 1408, 1407, 1496, 1505, 1508, 1510.1513, 1515 1516, 152U I524i 1535, 1530,.H34; 1541, 1546i 1547.1548. 1560, 1561, ;U64, 156 : 1570, ; 1573, 1577 1578, 1583, 1591, 1598, 1603, 13U7, 1608, 1611, 16Hr.Ul6, 1922, 1627, 1628, 1634 16(35, 1.637, 1639, 1640, 1 64-, 1 645, 1 646, 1 648, 1 652, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1667, 160. 1671, 1632 1683, 1685, 1687, 1688, i690, 1692, 1694, 1698, 1702, 1709, 1711, 1718, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1726,-1731, 1733, 1734,1738, 1741, 1744, 1749, 765, 770, 7.72 Ten dollar prizes, No. 73, 78, 83, 166, 178 27, 293t 397, 437 463, 502, 577, 607, 644, 663, 995, 705, 707, 711, 714, 810, 811, 818, 862, 906, 918, 1018, 1058, 10S5, 1090, 1094, 1104, 1147, 1230, 1264, 127li 12S4, 1286, 1326', 135$, 1365, 1438, 1450, 1453, 1471, 1491, 1530y 1677, 1686..1751. . Twenty-five dollar prizes, No. 451, 588, 608, 666, 787, 795, 828, 829, 894, 976, 1001, 1082, 1167, 1296, 130j? 1336, 1375, 1488, 1700, 1729. . Fifty dollar prizes, No. 365, 426, 495, 597 626, 628, 970, 139i, 1586 1735. One hundred dollar prize, No. 419. Three hundred do. No. .468, Five hundred do. Nt. 1653. l-.tat dra vn 1 lcket io. 674 a prize of 105 dollars. Joseph H'ood, j William dormant, J JT Thomas Barnes, Kobtrt Hailsy ? jo:cph iUUon. J ' V Every thing (says a late humo rous writer) ha two handles, snd every man can chuse which he wnl take. Ave menticrned in our last that Governor M'Kean had onlv 7 votes as a Candidate for Governor when ballotted for in the Legislature. This it appears was the truth but not all the truth. The. Lancaster Intelligencer of April 9th sets it in a new light, and as it is out duty to give as far as iWe are able correct views ol pas sing circumstances we copy the pa ragraph? After placing Gen Steele in the Chair, it was mov ed and carried, -o select tht: Candidate by Ballot, This mode displeased some of the, present Governor's Friends ; and .they withdrew. The remaining Members proceeded to Balloting ; ind, on counting. the Votes, they were, for Simon SnyJer, Speaker of the House of Representatives, 42 thepresnt Governor, 7 and Sum uel Maciaij l.''. The Members who absented themselves published a recommen dation, friendly to the re-elwCtion f Governor MKean, signed by 34, several having left Town prior to the resolution being entered into. Extract of a letter from Cadiz, dated February 28. " We appri zed you in oir last of the blockade of our port by the British com mander oh this station u He, how, ever, afterwards announced,, that vessels laden with provisions would not be prevented from coming-in, and accordingly a number ot wheat! and flour from different-quarters have since arrived, "here. Such, however, .has been the urgent de- mand for both these articles th it he last' carra of 3000" barrels, "q! flour in ouYbay, haVbeen disposed of at the noble pricelofl dot-- lars pcrarrcl on boari fdf th; use t'.. i 4.. , ol our navy, p a ne aoove nnce wiu jearivnowu hdw great our watit4'n,ust be'v and to tirh)h'e,u$:td,4ttt pre- sent tliere -.is not a single ;Amega of wheatoraibarreV of "flour for sale hrei 5 Trferecrre the 4 first Tmpcrv- taCion of eitfieharticle will tinlou?it-l euiy commanavery ' nign, prices. litfiprjea iuntilVthe cc4lectiono I rwtftltsi-tHi,ltiroducer of whla&nd ffi$9$n&s$k 'ustonary duty iof lEasCiliidwmntJkfi?' Mm&t&Mi aer conv 141 1, 1414, 14151 Ul?r V426, its fescape from Kechetprt) s, They 1427, 1429,' litfi 14S.4, 1435, 1436, had bjjeh' toff the island two days ? 1442, 1444. 1445; J448, 1452, li56, an(j iHciiihalji'taiifs atarcnea f 1460, 1465, 1468; 1472, 1477, 1478, their dwnsafcV, dsemblpd tb 14S0j 1484, 148V, L4yu, 1,J ' r ? must' lurmcri ami, wiai we uo ojur eosmhg crop rakes p!ace;,T wwehj' Qttihe diya(he.iiauedi sjrlEnehsh ? before M adeirav fci X . ngrish btpS brief- sii boosed ( td,Iie , i n pursuit oh th French flecChFch fiddWade the nurhberoC 40,000 fnett in arms, and were making 'Vigorous prepa rations for defence. The foUoving lit an extract ofa lette r: dated Guaddloupc,-; Match ,16, ' I have to Inform ybbjf thiit the two French squadrons ftave united-one fifm Toulon, and the other'frbm Rochefort. t The latter lias rdade errible havoc amorigst the enemy ; from seven, to eight, hundred vessels, large and small have been taken, sunk, or burnt ; besides, which, the squadron has raised contributions In ail the Eng lish windward islands. SHanish Trinidad alone, taken by tht Tou lon squadron, Has escaped contri bution, as the French have placed a garrison in it, ad mean to keep it in their possession. The squa dron consisted of 23 sail of the, line, and 21 frigates, besides SO other vessels, such as corvettes, trans ports, &c. m iking in alL.74 sail; The precise object of the expedi tion is a profound secret, all their officers have their orders sealed. It is said there are 18.000 men on board this fleet. You may, if you think proper, communicate the above information to your friends." Capt. Paddock, from the city of St. Domingo and Porto Rico, in forms us, that the Haytian army appeared off St. Carlo the 5th March, and on the same morning shot a French general who was walking on the ramparts. On the 8th they crossed the river and pitched their tents. On the 11th the French General Dtbarque, at the head of 400 troops, made a sortie from Fort Carlos, and rout ed the beseigers fwho lost their commander and 100 troops) after a smart skirmish of four hours with the lo3s of only 3 men killed, and 5 wounded, including General De barque, slightly. Or. the succeed ing day General Ferrand ordered all the shipping to put in port, on account of the iniury thev would sustain from the firing of the ne groes ; and compe led them to take on board all the women and chil dren in the place and convey them to Porto Rico, Capu Paddock re ceived sixty of those unfortunate persons on board his vessel. The garrison of St. Domingo consisted 0! about 4000 troops, Weil supplied with arms, ammunition and provi sious, and provisions ; and the commander in chief apprehended no danger from the -threatened at tack. The following is the translation of the speech of General Ferrand, to the soldiers and inhabitants, on the walls of St. Domingo, in pre sence of the brigands : French Soldiers and inhabitants of St. Damhiga It is here you must remain : it is here you must "either, fight or perish- it is hereihat the all-power ful God lias marked out the place for vengeance-it is here you ough to reVenge the manes of yotir fathers, mothers sisters, wtves, children and friends who all perished by blood thirsty hands by 4he monsters who surround usl.lt 'is- here' that vou fought to shew what the valof of a chosen few are able to perform a- gainst a number of assassihs-sit is here where the field is chalked out . victor) 1 iPp.nbe alarmed at those cannW biUthey .appear: only here strong ' herouS vra.rder.Vgafiut those able defemi lvt But what can their numerous co- hOrts do gainst biave soidfels and a .a r'....c .,i i.... s oort you will sec then dispersed aiid fall at the foot of these rarofc&rts. ney win pevnaps reu you mat they bate conquered,' every toifcrn in St. Domiiioro thouorh they were Tor- ti6td Vnd defended . by. very brave rxSop v pure illusions TheV to be galled cdnqtierbrs 1 They cly coQ 'quered tltose towns fKiCh eresur- reuue4xu io inem oy iccuvjicry . riki irason. Konei sure was' itaken; hy true fitef except Sti jJaV 'Wbieh, hiouffh iU fortified aJid defended by a h'ihdiul 'of 'inhaDitatttsi' has1; SheWn wtftuur.i;.iw aiuu v ?enme; ghtee .hidreH of those ibarbarian dwiVe" bit jflie dust. and re Shall soOi gwe 66d aount of the lmahimf'Wtelirr i riot inowC i4iWfoJrtnes?eai3i bear ;a-opas6JTOeairciur; nei. inil3pieTmgtfVessel; jo. ive; fiSeri but - victory alone, t r r eat liagditf it is here you must pe 'risti or conquer 1 Have courage now. et us fight, and Victory will be ourlot.v - An English pnyateef sciiooner has been cruisingHff fiandyiHok, NnY. for four r$pbe boards lj Vessels going Out or fcomihg in toYork j' and on Satuinday last she fired six: shots at tne schooner Industry, from Savannah, one of whith' went through her mainsail. We have not learned her name ; but understand- she is from New Providence, whence she sailed two months ago. She is a .very small vessel with, a crew of 3& men only; ilcr. Advt The Spanish Consol, to the ttnU ted States, residing in Philadelphia informs the Merchants iftjthe tlni ted States, that the port of St Au gustine, in Florida, is open,-for the importation of provisions ; but in order to be adnlittedv they must procure a passport from the respec tive Spanish Consuls residing jri the United States, The returns of the Massachusetb election, (up to the 9th inst.) ton tain the amount of votes from 290, towns and are as follow : - For his Excellency Caleb Strong 29,014 Hon. James Sullivan 85,790 Present Federal majority, 3,219 Od the 17th inst. the President of the United States returned to Washington city from Monticello', in god health. . , Colonel Burr, it is reported, ifc to b'i appointed Gov. of Xousiana, in the room of Wm. C. C. Clai borne. : , z . thilad. Gaz. We are tcld, that the President of the United States has apppomted John B. C. Lucas, Esq. chief jus tice of the couns of Upper Lousi- ana. Capt. John Shawl we under stand, is to take the command of the frigate John Adams, and will sail for the Mediterranean about the 1st of next month. The General Assembly of iiew- York have directed the Attorney- General to prosecute James Cheet ham, the Editor Of the American ci2en for n libel on that body in asserting that the law for incorpo rating the merchant's bank was ob- tained through bribery. v On the 8ih inst. the country seat belonging to the late General Ha milton, called the Grange, situate at Haerlem, was sold at Public Auction at the "Tontine coffee house, N. Y. and purchased by Archibal Gracie; Esq. for the sum of 30,500 dollars. The Ohio and its Waters nave, this spring been uncommonly high. In particular, the Great Miami in many parts overstepping its banks laid towns and farms under water,; swept away mills, houses and stock, and has otherwise done great damage. Report says, that some human lives have been lost We are notyet in posession of suf ficient information to enter n a de tail of facts. - Heartidell ami Peter Leathy wVjo were guilty of riot -and assault in Petersburg, in February'last; bave been tried at the present .term of the District Court, and sentenced,! the ffmed to 13, and the latter to tyear' jmprU6ten.in;the penitentiary. : A. --M , Atordmg toj the proclamation of the Governor of South-Carolina dated the ; IgthulLa Daniel Daugh ty, of Pend on district, has been murdered by his wite; vhis step-ia- ther, Laban Oaklearid a certain John Andrews, .if appears, that the atrovious'cnminala effected the murder; by infusing porsotf irit9 the food, medicines anddrinkof lr. Doughty, who at length died? in excruciating tortures.1,- - The' -wrfe, to iad ; Tut Oakleys (who i consi dered ta hav been the first mover bfhtr wicked 5 cpnspiryliiassr caped y nq.i ?ciiencnaa is sued,a proclamation offering Jsoiir On Saturday, . thelast day xf the Superior Couttirtltr itf'arld fot the' Centinel AVjlUiirA Willwra wno iate rendered himself notorious .by the manyfarldtts deeGs tierpetra Carolina' waa sentenced to die Wednewiaythc73d instT'Bu ttn and avder -We; eyes oi : a svigiianr. fiyho were sarroufided the place of file conlinement. His aunt wite,' ana 5iTiv- ,iv - oftne Sheriff tt o into the jail, t? takd the ir last artiu ; while there Williams exchanged varments with istcr; and in that habiimade hU escape; Thus it appears, tit jhis has again byjus artlul inthguerc cued himsel0rDm the demands pt justice; ts itwo brdthers,' wile sister and auriti we are ifrformed are keotin imprisdnmeriand char-1 geclwith having aided and abetted in procuring his release? " 7. ' .. We are mformed ihat on the . 1 4th, Ihsteht, amanfparHed rvTaihr. rnliiH at thi hriiiR Ota Mri' rard county, Jv and disked tor some fire to light hisr)lpr-Ir. Camden harided him sbm.e .Ere, after which. ' Major directed him io hold h'm when his pitol Was charged and he liad mounted his hors. he offered if Camden yiid: On Camden!s miinHe to do ir!o lptle at last cdrnwrt6!VTO5 CamdcntijlUgvH declared he would 4o Jt and .accordingly snot turn, tnrouga the headi which .causedllU imme- diate death. T.Major instantly rode of full speed, but was followed hy . two men, who soon tQok him and and had him committed to jtil in Lancasten - . A Fire broke our last Thursday evening, at Kingston, IHster edein. ty, New-York, in a barn belonging to Abraham B. Banker Esa. Td consequence of the high windy'iLhe house and barn of Mr. William?de Waal, the barft abd two Barracks -of Mr. Abraham Hoffman and. A shop of judgey Banker's, Occupied by Mr. Gilltt a shoemaker, were also coh'suinedi The bumingfragi ments communicated to about 20 separate l.uildings, among which were the church, academy, and court house, as also a barn above half a mile distanL By Very active exertions the village Was sayed. tunO ?ark, the Celebrated tras. veller, started from Portsmouth ia Engiand-, lately, in an armed ves sel, for Africa, to pursue his re searches in the interior of that con tinent. -; - ire landi according t6 a recent, enumeration, .is is said t6 contain 11,000,000 Irish acres, 687,118 houses, and. 5,496,944 inhabitants , A subscription fot the erection of a monument to Luther at Ham burg, amounts already to 5O00 rifL dollars. Their highness the Duke of Brunswick Wolsenbuttel, and the Princess. Dowager of Anhalt- Zerbest, as well as the manufactu rers Messrsi J'Eis'iep, are amongst the subscribers. " ' : . A .correspondent of a French A griculturalr Society (Poitiers) re commends the use of Italian poplars as iioormg,. as a preventative, a gainst the destruction of corn, in granaries, &c W.eevils, insects,.kc A series of experiments rnade by him on - thi subjectvat . fit acA dentally disverffd)ihave been afr tended with comple success, k t At lewbtfrvr ca the lSth ihst!: Mr.. fAas At Pbdadelphu, bn tbeT Uth inst. Mn nnhe52d year )fhj age, ' -f Marctts and, Cajolinlerisis are received and WiH appear in njur next. $ x a e Chasex ft isjthe. lntehtionf? oTth Editor or th4 KatiotM. intHSgenc) W publish in f Volume the leediBgs 6i"thrs 1nteetui j friasTat loll Length,' vith asiittie Delay aik Circirmatances rvrdl' jalAntk", ts -J , The Extent of lhe Work, cannot at.we-" St I senc b tiafced wnfe anypiioii,. .gjfc will, LOrever, probably xced 500 7a&e octavo. -." : '-!7 : Trjce not exceeding 50 Cants for hndre4 Copies are requested ta leave thei Name wuhtiie. Editor --imd'tbe iPrma: of JVew paper isul idnfir Tatou? in inigJi And for Sale: oi die Printer hereof; JfrW iuKjtK ley; . By tbe-Authcrc of LsdySEmma Md ' combe and htr family.